CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 May 1902, p. 5

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-I ~rha uasty oelhrs Ihat war. fiooded Economize. Wltat 'sthtIi Catiwe Il ',11)yolîî11. tliat iue' WelI, I glt, yes yotl (>it. it iii the' léalt ' I ,t0i r11fi In Groceries-,...& Wu hîave tu'he bet of v%,trytlîilig at In Meats......... wVt' h-'d tlîeîî afl. XV.-'boy the, t'st té) he fl d i l it ia H'marg-ili. TRIGUS & TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. el1F Oc lAc oct SMITH & DAVIS, DEALERSIN (ieneraI iferchandise. Libertyville,Ilîlinois. GIENTS AND BOYS. LADIES ANO GIRLS. SIlMMUEIl GUD.THE LATEST TH 'NG IN ÔUIUIfl )RFS UJIJU. Summer Shirts. Madras Cloth Mercerized Gin.-hamns Percales Criterion Cloth Black Lace and Plain Black Lawns Victoria Lawns. Allover LEwbroidery and Lace Dotted Nll. FEmbroidered Swis- Waist Patterns. Prince ihenry cap$. Latest Styles in Mats. New line of Benkc brand sumnmer trous- ers, invisible buttons. Look like made-to- order goods. Prices on everything enumerated are 5tway down." We can please you. ,SMITII & DAVIS9 DEALERS I111 (ientra1i MercbniIse, Libertyymile, Illinois. PIKDUp HERE AND TIIERE. 4Local Items of I nterest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Sunday, May si, 1902, nt 12:01 M. m. TO CHICAGO. vrra iDATE. Depsrt Fram New DOt. -134 ... . 1 1 .. . ..... ... i25)I - 11 .. ..... 20IL - ,..o... . 1. - 146 . .. c M1, Mt. ti........ .. .. ....i sU tA T . Na. m .. ..... . ..i....,1 L. 14 a. I... . ........... . . I15iI. III. TO CHICAGO. lievart Fram Old D:ePat. lia'- I,r llihî- Arit., Cli otiS. No. lot. 15a. II..............735 a. lM. 114 7 3. , m1... ........lK:45 W . No. 1:1...ý.. f. 5Zta.u ............ ta. M.: Frank Sisydana lias cahterI tise eni îiay of Il. 1f.i.Eger. 'lsectatfliry at thii place Witi *loso lov' oBert veek. O;eo. tratîlonbas gottata l'ekln. 11 visere lie litasa poiion Ilu thte otlce ai tise Sauta Fa ralilrua. WO cao endure a -'jet ui)at0lte excess@ive and relîeateil raltis viic previtiletiail o aid tweak. 'liseLadies Aid 'boltty ai thea lites fjyletriisîthrcb meeAHth ie aiteti>îiOIs ai .iuno .tLsWists y. EL. il. Weiffs hiegular meeting oai Lapied (e. etery Agsooclttoiri ilslits. A. C. Frencis, Frlday alternoon, lune Cuit lit. John Mata k4 1s arranlgilng ta erect a tiweiing on Lake treet, anti expeets ta bave Il coiînpleled Ibis lai. L.ariy tisoto wero sorp)ris o isee a liglit fttîîton utsheLgrounti Inelsay mouriisg Ni. iamagei reorlet tram saine. Miss ('ara verili played ti 8 scon- cert given loy fle Na1,rvlle Congre- gatioînal cisîrcb a taI st ae ast Fr1- ay svonîng. (lats anti grassi are iroîrit&ising as nover blote. ltarriiîgtisatavarable ITtIae conditions tiiere viii lia au ii- mnensefiîay ctîop. next veek lotr tetîniinit., witl. iser cilirii, tî,r a tisr,-e nîoîittfîs5 tit vithlietrmîot. pa>ol voci amnd -c-sati! )tpattOd ùite n issaval ta Wauiegan. Holie ii FROM CHICAGO. Arrive et Naw Letit. rt ..>o 2<Iii ,u. . Ar :1:46O >li. M 131 ti..... . 5 0s. M . . li, lu. ô:15.. Iîp.DtM. 6 Mi1, . OU NDAT I. Nol. 1-.... 5&M. ... .... a W. t:M a. nM. FROM CHICAGO. VExE DALT8 Arrive at Old Deizit, N.11.1 .. . 535q . Mt........ .... 5p.-lu. 14 i~.... -,40 p. M. ... .7:" p.11M. N",13. I . ... O)H.W ...- , .-PAS R, M-O Rari Dymanti Is tkiisg a coures la s Ciiicago butane«acoIIegoý, I Lave t1iree nicolyi iimei d oals la let ta toamera. 31-2 Ji WII. WAEEEN, L.itertyvillo. Mrm. Farubam 18 15iilrtainlIt s f yaîîng lady trienti, M i..o ' ise, oat (hi cago. 'lite gardens abt li.t(Wn nevsr1 loakati bitter titan Do.w. t-egetatlau ai ail kintsin laboomng, 1 Mr. and Mtrs. Wnt. W..o.of ii itLtet,1 lowa, isl1ent a iew dtym wîltittM. andi tirs, W. J. Fullert tItisweeli. Walter cisen biait renteof Lii. Appfeys bie-, carnet lilîvank'eanti Nevberry AVèUUtt5, âaitoÏVyul oct Piipy5immedi- ateliy. Dr. Nîctitls l D't cooiduet is dental perlar bore duritig .1une. Thes dctoor exptct5 ta lavet- 1111<wet-lfor a nithin laCalîlornia. lits. Nettie Smfih, wvis,, Las loov visiiing fis lova and Chicaga otrsomoe tieoLas retorneti te Libertyvîlle, andi ongageti roansaof lits. Farnisam. Wmn. tevonsan colls attention ta iei Theing any ele'a fleaviraina, ooe- buised luhte numebonaidlnltles tiieaiways arhe noveroudrai alte tal ted taring trdin prblta a rais,î a i ten ise tacgt h Sovle tiat reaiter airkteatal ndeeandot Liberty villeMs te, n I isaputtte ng Lietyillre etlarmî ofarthe ipoemtba ~a tise trilewtradegj da i.20eusois t the5 tile r, athyf et, ani Aman W. Abis an ere iaat ranleAm orneW. Adstonkwasindt et hir hoesdaino tise grk and jury HtedMcHer aty che rn yar eivl iteMuret inAma W. Andrean. Eflte mardae ofAleonuW. viversan.i vitieas ail a14sheotu isur-s lit isians itneofoa anting whivld Issnrdeer. Tie evince an sspeci lamostly rcumatavidniaaîbisbe lamde yettemnt th althriinaed miaadestaesesaytha tise tatie hmtivea tis rime fate tctmetit ariet r te cie i flntO aI yi)Uis arisewfoit, a buinesit islaterfwa llstrthd, luntitristaihaelire illarth mortgande erropbae rly l Erlsot onsItretantibe Ite rtusin under tise atiice ol Andersan. 'l'ise Wankegan daily iu:eile puib lisheti a hait colunin article 'lnesday under beati ai "A Big Land Deal Ezcitiiig 1armers af Vernoa. -It veut an teo R! 8ame individual or syndicale la Hler a large tract oai Vernat's eelient landi, many owose s avîng been unte- sorvedly ailered $1440 pet acre ior titoir holding». Aiteady nute sale bas boee matie aIttis lgure, andi as ane fanmer caret tily asserts ta is neighs bot that lie han beeu ottereti $100 per acre te neightisr assures hlm tisa liso bas rocýeived a like oliot. Tis condition la general aver a cansider- able portion ai tise Iownsisip la lis icinity ai Hall Day. Inhîiry at Hait Day, Wbeeltng and Prarie View proves the @tory to bcLe tairy tale. On0e Individlal vaOai)- oraacbed and asieti il ho would tai $10011an acte fot bis farci, antibc prornptly sajiti yon bet.- DBut nb nzever beard of bis interrTogatOrt tuere, ,lotiser FolIos s Childti 1 Tondh Mns. Emuly Scitwatzenberg, af Lte Angeles, Calitatula, came vlhblu tour chiloiren ta vieitliber parents Mr an.d Ms. F. Rten lat JîîlY. IleD, large varloya teltett lns ier Jourlteen- year-ai d daugitter vIS, tlna n.Ci nt amneIe. iadi consumption was unable la vilsi- men wur. &U nd xamne hei. stand tis everet clinate of tiltissections Having elarged Our iflng room V n otcniin tcresocsts are prepared ta give b)eltte service adbrcniinW m le h tisan oser belote. We carry a f'Ai ino molLet posîponot ieLo retuto. i 510 ,,f iakery goods, canules, Iruits, cigars weeks aga Helen succumiboi. muif toitaccas. Everyttbîug tresis and Tison Mlits ciwattenisorg tioawut anti (Aeau. Jootî GR. f iIIlin tise sansadisease anti May '23d Restauraut andi dioti. ttiieraî service4 were Lelt A ntombletr otaOUlu Lakesido corne- tise loti, a Uiermian Lutisetatspastot tory Lave beon taimeti anti satitid tise ram Warikegan o!Illatfug, and paiti past veek or tva, John Oit dalnig te tlhtiute it t doc,3aaad. lits. A.Il. Krsuîier. anti dangitet, [liecertainly18s nuexýelloti as a land-ijsurvi>ve,,lisoy are l rabîîy trigist M ien Lotte, ai Wel>slet, S. D., (came scalse gardener. antd ...Croc anti iu thiafflition lant Frt.lay ta apenti tise nonmern ithi lise Latilas Aid SSoley oatie M. E. bave tise sympatisy oi ail. 'Itbey are lirs. hramer's stliter, lireCI. ~Citurch is vigîve a tancet tesataitiseliving vîituiseir grand-paroîîts. Aveili honte aofire. J. . llanson Frliay Fh-tmi'uiottROONI 01TI RENT-iItaâve afletuoon, May 2O&b. HeWlng Wlll bc îecoration Day Exercidmes. là large front rout aon btist Ioar, nicely pruvideda. A Coîrd iai Invitation 1a ex- tostistati, visîis I vili rent te deaita - At a so caliei meeting ai cttizen@ Iie Par'ty. Mdisa. M. 'W. NEm roN,tisird toued< a&. calet for lihe purpase ai arranglng baor nozrtis if postoico, LlbertySlile. JlItue Trelîtaw vie bal been vonk. appriopriala exoeiwoo for Dceration 34 2-p> ing at Escauata, Michgan turthtie Day, to-day, bita in tise M. E. cisurcis Joisa .1. itroîva, iOak tarkiblSMt. Paul hailroati î-iapany, 0on a large Monday ulgitt, litote vere elgist G. A. n-nIt tia the oltal Place sîîutitOftoire dock, bas rcoturiis e IA ýtyiIl . mon presHOOl Nol a ingle citizen l,îwîîanti18u aow locatei lîtoon. tMr, andi le nom jtpiîîyo'd by E. Nlcl)onaltl. wt-s Ou baud. Brova erpact hbecOme a permanent &il editotilAiigttisla i netest la In- tesient ii Lbertvil111luth isavcînîîy if trainerd (Court, ail dififereuce on part ai1te I bue, tise Drsant Mrs RObinîîîîare alt1obl iits is tsud bani oatie i,ive Lissies are od soîdiers tIcidetl t.. coufiue tise tiise eek, wliertheIL. itolO leilset) nndo-t cantruclioîî.&Hainitaoegroup.exrcisas lnLttîertyvIlieto lidecoratibng tis itcottion Oay Hitits) O ust actoats tise wva Chas. Avenulis ud ptaclng tiago 0an graves ai veterans favatet isleaudience Sunday nlslgtt y 0W bouseme ogaîag up and Mli. 1ittyaute Luriail iete, witil assistance af tise deiivî-rtng Lis aidrese boire, and l >1bas .js en iho hlrn u eatn h te usûlîe g -iooslieed.scioaicitltiol, ati aoateami is itis mef o.Dr.0.F.îiitsted oui asahfiea aoxorotmee aI salue alLer place. Grays- u s as e s rl io o rî. D r. t a t h e il P o it on a m itte r t o el i, sa o li t e, a i t e , I v a i s o , w a u e g a n a n d l W a r r e n Iibilo ost artais visse îssany tisek"inias tock Varîtu stables foot Yers. î. n viigo lrgaadianis vartols truéits deotiaon recordl, re- bas resigueti alinlanov uI CastieOu àA-I.entilgtonefte sent, al ttseretsote îînsîîe tu. îroîîerîy Rock, Coloradio, wuhoe ote a iiilocale flacco. îîî.,tloînlii 'l'bey viii tiecorate amnmm he wnedi herof.Many Permanantiy ilflotosPcîs varrail. thlse-graves if lueur comratemintt asosee tie onett îseroi.1l,ty vii o, co'mo'lory Friay mi rils ig. thtisossato sot ioiaru Ibis, ecoipe the 'lisre yl be -general class aIu ammeoseor. tIse M. E. Cittrc it a9:130 Sunnoay moto-. Sc-ta<l Notesq.j okoleCeielury tiso licen 'siiie 1l1ng. Dr. iRobinsonu viiipreacis at loii'i1 lso' irie1l l,",pîauîoa s vle i o are 111 11 t!ati"clpatoolisof I)ocotatiaoîl) ay, a Vbt<lt L, lS n ie vn oîîsgssclthese uetis ospociuty. andtilo-sat fille H1o10araafe. Lot lag ail leagîse i wo,-r iiilie lilalil 115.To rwilii ioîa oeciorallooîs tay pro- onesro have sîv,rietiy talion pua lIoittolreport) wii I o'resit by crt srlloggrainti1tsoaîero4aî ti ts'b isdo, sari'frtoit iltlotis suot Iliegenetai oliers os.t'iouiaeiossot o1dýlmo Vfo î'y tIai n g, wvilie aisios0I W elest istaîo.1l dti o it V tii ot a ht e.le ti ug I r is,,,f iso Oi f050o thic'iiittery asetciation lias., tati fillne depol t*1 o -i-o-t îoî îouso1 o u1,I! 10arne im .cuiiveof olilîig. s Isen-lit Moan ail sft g teot],ifyiog lise Movasuio- ts'î.o-by fitolejoti 1 .1,0r t tio' O lime, lot cIitY o(Ils t- il' iiit losIR3i itly 'eel roati alopaîsy t- t $ l$ . A oib ..1iî -oorotiout5Didy It ls.1-1:iotyl ici1 -f . irtio ii trtid pavort stliaisilobillel foir Liberu-tvyttOt' tise guiivii lie,. L.amt ti it ioog ootîtluusi,'t ihuooug coin- ville,bit wvo i ooot inuw pt wh l S Nu day, th ise Orislku sud t.loottS- 1) lt,] iS il Ii ail si i 0 îgls isem. locatioi.n i coito.z. itind. slo I amuba i l t-amis met t aO(r1 shako. 1 ivLuto te7 iiao, atoot57 owoers Lave t.1G. Aehtn j. very sOttooilOy Ill, ilho gamo eWHOivury ltresting takeon a ia ot i..'. t lie saktI led lie id genleicî ilt5 ailmeoit blle s tt ritOs7.0tgIiitsteelto' ltI g a ',istiiiut tiseir fig-o. IThe remaiising t tonwli iei "as oI .conditiaos te con- strnggioo ti, break tise lie, wili'.swits cillir Isu to îaytt It.Oisi h tsathecailot eserbuolos .A porton ai the matei thie thitrolinsunug anti lasteti tiîgs vii La kild. NSiofa avillage tîme bis la001 toffilus ieati." î'eriape untlthlie laI ilnbg, tise score beiîîg boardi lan carîsoil sucit resentmit a generâl reakii.g davis owing la btt 13 to 13. 1litebLame teanirelusodt l aîssong ont cltizeu'i au ltemakiug sud adivanced âgo 00>litdescttioo sm Lis plasy 1le tunings, ea veto tieclareti euforciag oft liaItiog j rdinatice. tronuble. butatoîs by tise vîsîtore. 'lise Grays- ) ersapa sotil the presient boardti ss Laiyan grar iiglaies twill briug ise salie tbaIn Loto diagune tise ordinanc{e andi elîmnaae Msr.UnyatiEe r lgfoot anotiter gante Juno 71i. Everyouo socle ot thesmure aoJecionttleiofiea-tae public or lise publics@ lest. TLe in fivîtoti la attend. turcs i wolili va tella'w ek "" u tampIsti bard tuy poules lise irht af tIs evec i Vllage ras aaugiotstores, andt iis l'tesliest Clleîy sud Atorney I. '1 1îjs at vial itegeni n lu testionl Millet endeavoted ta socure evideiscoesi.r. 1TisoîlieO onid hoacting tisat local sailn isopere wOte propsrly te preseut a bil lfot services. vioiatiug lise village artiluasce relative Fo h ra muto Ie la saling liquar an Snnday, but vote asts ra mato ie unalîle lteestablsit a case. oua Miki. postîs and tilier usalerlal tsceivectianti o'Mailey vas jaîled Bfsuday as àsolti iy Orlu Luri-t lla evident fuiers 'irunul. 'i Ly foerogateti btina anti have came te apîîtociate tise mon Is ai lie 10h1 tisen le Obtailuet is iequor tisatishe Page vaven wlte feuces. Mr. Luce day t Lnteloriî'sSaloon 0ou cpragilo bua agang Oai hi-a employel pottlug Street. l:ndcrlitn mpisaîioaiiy d iiselup tonne enitioi'V cannot keeli usp vitti tisaciarge ant i vonîftonitad bY tisa onets. tY,aloy thie latto-r vasntmsute 'I'te enlitot-otis vety dollar rit visolier Endenta v isoltlîo' mua ssfuiattoarstges on soîtcrlpllon. Wa vant eaid ia tise lilIltatoit not, lentStsil o apay lortheîLe (w ihome vo are tuili- inaintainoi il vas isi-.ideliu'a saloon lng, anti ta accîoipliah tiat oud viii te, wtttacompauloit uanuel Ji Isostinoeosslate forcnîg collections.felt procttret il, evun w(ooompayiug tIse drap un satdt oooliite up yaur accoiil" PresidetlantiAttorney ta Enoielitsà v itisin tise îioxt tew tys anti vo l place anti describitg jusIsoîw lhoehait gteally Hiileite iti. We kîîow Il fa gons ta tise bauti doîr asud vas admit- genoralli aA inattut ai noglîgonie, iout ted P ettli bînyleiut - stu'80 nty are iegligent tisaI sovetal proeetitile andti l as oli'dtîoi lte butdretidollaroii ont rmaney repose drtop ltecatit'bectiisutof af c l oit lsepaot.- fotur ubscribirs, and ovitience, vs zsed ItL Notice To Conîractorki. lis u îli bc reoeveti bine otaI î s>g ocloci 1). m. ythyeLabrtige etam- uIse, anti cantact ot lort tlliing lise approacis ) ta Conway bidtgeata Btondant. Cotraclorsta a uilsla dit. ltis roceivecti aItihebridge. 14-1-di BRsIDo.E CavaIlT-Tu Notice of VOtai Nettleumteutt. ST-ATE 0F ILLINOIS , s ln iitie Counity Cort of Lo C.'('oooi lo t10., tîsittor of tise etatîl ol H iîliy Mo -.' t ,o."d.s l'o Sidney iF lolo,'.lii ,' A, Aîdrs ansd MartluiiA, Clark, iîolr anitdli- ofloiti idit etat-- Yoosuts itaotit uotifinduot 0toni W'.ioos- .ioy. ho. sorIoiiday i of ui.,. A i. nt th'u l,' ioonii f lti 001.,k fn t ls ocoua of -îo tuei. tt îiuotior8iucuoit. Eao(icii f th, i'rt suIS ant totUonttof Ho-îryMoro.l-eooot wlll pnl--t 1 to h CîîosroOe Couort of Lat.' Cool ntyr ut io- o-rIoidr, poirt o! s-t sO io>r ssîoîEs.-ýutrix. ao,i uk tt h, Court teou, idisýhoi gttodfo uy unît ail iurtlu.r tito.i andc-..ololloto .'o wvtoi vtls siti ltat- alo os liio, Iris!looiitlîereoi. t whlcli hOu, i ootol %,,ionî iîîat 1), totssuntsuso-l-t Kuoi.aOii t ilot. MAJITHA A. CIAIIE. Eso..'ittlxt. Daleti Mat M, 1U. h h h h h h sommer y ie - 3r r. os somnmer 4Inderwear,..... re-îu%î Siîiîiuie-i 1'iderwe'ar iii ail kiîids-iand Iniceci. ~1~ îiifor Iiîsi ilîsi. p~~-ww 'w-w. -w- -w- ~---------- - - - AT 40 pjai r tof loys' aiiîdYotitlîi"l'an q S h, i-us atoe frttt i inett Russiaq tlauioLi Soe, ivavy eyle kiEx- titei lîi 'oles. l oeîtwear aîîy Siiot at alnio4t dtltîbe tntr rice'. Boyc l so tl t il'( i esi osizt-i 10i .........-$1.00 Bo iieandYobthsit 'loitu Wu mze'Ji xe t --r.$12 THE FAI Li be rtyvî île. , IR, Ilin is susu.... eLARGEST CIRCULATION F AM POLITICÀL PIPER IlI THE EST Lt lb rdicaiiy R epublican, advocating .ýl.>iBut it cari always be reiied cm the citdinal ilcrs sof tist party 1 or fait ant honest repors of &U o. 0 with abilsly à aentira sIJ.5.1Jlitical atovnintsge ..O. . Il la Morally Cleau aud as a Fainily Paper Is Wilhout a Peer. * __________The Literature afitIs coiumns Is _____ ~~ ~ equai 10 thi of the besi maga. __ - zincs. Il is lierestlng ta the chUl- *dren as Wetil as thc Pasrents .... T INTER OCEAN à. WESTRN NEWSPAPER, Hanti while it brings 10to te farnîiy THE NEWS 0F * THE WORLD and Cives its reideo thtbe et andi ableda discumi. n alquestions of heday, i i ul > atYpi M~ with the idea' and mapirations of Western people andi * disuacoes literature andi palitica f rom the Western standpoint.41.0 1iM $I.O0-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAI $100 r T Dl A?<L&itD sui<DAT EI>IOÇs orTuZ 5... Iî.u s *a0 00per y-H 0 bIspu 'I,î.ii1fi5t StfOpt se C. N. t>Hr..dAtto-ny. 1f ressat lt s 'Ini., ta >atdi <Iuit ftr àas t ICATIOlN NOTICE-lF01l11, noîL,.. lat g 1 v e t t t t ýi l i u i le C . F a s s e W a t . . sT . A , d m l l . t t e 1 nd i. stor Ath s tate Oh.1 ry sriA.r oi ai f M riotrw. te.ei î,e i,, at, ted thse UIti,1 aclort i fwâUkOgî,5 iii..MaTI.lts * Lui. ho sO, tatrithro . at al. À%or ou . ls W aistlt. I s Couhît., ~ ~ ~ ~ th outh OalModa u li natIé. ____________ .50 .00 .50 j, to few li ne ,nts. îe't of Dry ?Sc Ida. ushel' Pickles. mi plakion tatîlCo ' itS shel. con- - tae 0u11Y à Lit vuh, anti LTERS .Colby & C. klaack or"a. là. ICO M 5Ipv con Dress Goods... \V, j lt re'deived a la t-w '. stock tof Sitînner I r-.. ( oods ii >a.wîîs, pliîitiio., ii <M' rized a te- te-I Ii igi, t x ery I<ïw A I.. a IIew l îîe'of I>l-iOalelt, K roîigove tatoi thin îWhite- ,.oods4< - mP.eýeA - 1 1 'l'lie host values we luive ever idfored. See thein' -1

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