CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Jun 1902, p. 5

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1E~~1ir1iiZe. 4 Local Items oflInterest to Libertyvllle Readers. le N Ie oa(>ee h * d ç> A e hbe d 1I .1, lIi y t fa r ci 01M i w au il e Wlia'r tlîat liaiti we li Y Llvber.tylle aîîd,,juat southof tihubai- thiat 1iîîel Well, 1 g C M. &ST. P.TIMElABLE.uasconter hmaImmuen acqulrcd by Fred y(itil<olit it ini the Ieast vall ar<ilhl C .&S .P.TM A L .H. hueiker, of <rayalake. Amsociated ail S ii OlViUI yOui n Effect Sunday, MBY il, 1902, oft112-01 a. n". wtbblmrr arec everal (irayslake men. ilot weatlier seasoîîi ir here and we will vollviitee Yo11. ~~jhelr purpose le tu eub-dilde tire ii yiar OIe.ig o CHICACO. property uto acre lots, and no joletlyaliyiar.wudr gho TO CHICAGO. FROM CHCGOhave tisuy gont, about t, tirat tireryoii aukeep cool. Let liq Oeflfrt FR o AM NW Joo.Arrive at NNw[spot. plafla are uow al but conspleted and îk afwsgeio. i Gr e s~1~~lIl.rtyvilifr Arlî. hlruý ,a C h I' lio.O A .:.0'I.lttie or notbiig of tue dR a eon 1:1 ... m: l) . l . .... . .. .. 12 51 .II 0 u. Attorney Paul Mac(iu:'in receîîtly W e ha1elu ......t.<0,evlmyILuMA...t .. Il).115 il. [M -13f.. . M. ........4[ . We av th bst Of veytiii a 14 .... ebe V. ........... ........ ..oc6:00. M. 6541' [p. M.olldte tract for B. M. ewy, of o ths îmît ras<ialle ,ries u'1HUNJ2TN suul5AT Iowa, to Frank Biarry, o! Chicago. M r. tho. lIN earon...p 2es nd. ...........1 2 . 2.S.. I0 m ... N10 l arry wasn turn wiling tuoeai and -14,..... IN li. 1........p15u..I . [ . 16 . 2 blu P . . IAs4î1. M r. M,.l aciufiAnB concelved the iAdea of a Snewnisub-divieilon. Hie nterebted Mr. Tor Shirt Waists and Dresses Iv ea s~aI.. .Kuebier Radnd omse 01fis rsik In M a s , . ,TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. friends wtts the resnît znoeud. White lawîî,o, olu,<il lawurr, Depart Fro'o 01 Depot. Arrive at 010l epot. A plat of the sub-divAion show8 it to iiiiis aitFec n W/e le t I tlîeinaIl W/e bi y the best 1,'av'1, yNI Arrlr' iî91 ; 15gî .. h.uo '. ,ýlyi>Il0. bu laid out eiltirely lu acre lots. Two dniirbtse rtciat 4o. 132 .... 6:25a. M. ........ 7,51.1M. N, 1I : Ma. M... 10 s ortirand soutb treets extend îîîercerizi<l gitAgliallsa, lisit t.' leliiil nd t a iose fllrgill. - 7 ....7 M. ..n2 .. M45 a ..« 141 2 0.M-I il M [. -144_ .111SOI, ........ .....I1:4)1, M. 14.... ,-.1 M5V7:" 1, M. througls tbe propurty arnd three oust lh êtt'î 4vt îîl NUNOÂTN anmi West. I. J. Hoyt by mailing a lt cto u er an NO 2. N ..ý.62 I. M. ............7:15 a, m i,.1:ri - 9::w 96. m ,10 45 a . - portion of fils Park Avenue f rontage ý-inte andil' e>creil diilk. maires t possible for Mr. I6uebker taenoca loige toeetnd Stewart Avenue southward. L.Il. lBryant nsoved Atobis new to fîrnIllia ou, for teloa ld e u Ilonbachantes rove lBond te D eidee thiss oeek. titis year.etnddojttirlgW.HHoisO T R IG U S & T A Y L O R 9r or, A . Cry adwi b aoy leguilar meeting of the Board or property. baby, Suinday, -lune let. SuI>CrVlNore nezi week. Tire iote are deal, good drainage Libertyville,Ilios Mat Pester mold bis lrofu driviug A riur delvry wagouni the late8t belng afrded, and are certain te buc~'oler boôrne toiWin. Walrond thi! weuk. addition to Waroud'a establshment. ln goud deusand. Mr. MacOiu , or folaS Earl ('orlett brougLi bouse witbhlm Mrs John BarboOS? attelsded theedafims tirere are nsany calls for acreMeî fhi WlAll he ___________________________________________ rous Minnesota a youug fox be wuddiisg of bar noice, MAcs Florence Iota n and about Llburtyvilue, parti- ad wlil' il capturi!. Meouire, ln Wankegau Wednaday clarly by Cty people, and tibt the Vici kid lild lpatenlIeitlier 1. - .Mrs. 1T. B. Alan8ou and Mine Eliza P Iotatou bug@ are very moch n new sub-division will attraci nsany oxfordsM. MiAses HîijF kid D A R B Y B R 0 T H E R S Ward, of Onedia Cî,ùnty, New %Ork, eviderace tthia yaes an'!t[he Parls green Who are looklng for desirable ceîîntry are guetéof J. fi. Allanso!5 and ife, i4arket vl bave a trome. staadaraoai iue.~îî5WtAIaeA îî ii WaceClocks and tluslcal Instruments. îîow about the Fouti, vil! Liberty- b . Whb ufrs wîîb a brasait Ou Milwankee Avenue are tvulve anAd boys' uaîvass slîoer'. Watcesflue acre lots ud thoe are particular- ville celebrate t bomne or at the um- fooetcn jalbecaube a lheavy biors y delrable. They are 100 felet by 436 earons Other places planning proper steppud ou il, while bliîg sbod ut lis fet. WAIAe "AnsAde" loti are of AE7 FO eoebratious NiÏ.Ïp.* dlferent, abapu al contaiu aur acre.O ...E LOI N VATO H E S ...Cbaa Ritaer lm a delogatu to the Invitations are ont for the veddAng Struets are tu bu laid out iiammdiate- beial neeting of tire Supreme lodge of Mr. liJay L. Hubbard and Misa Clara ly and work of geittAuz Aie proîîerty Au of Mytir Woriero frous Aie local lodge, Aolesm, at the brdes home Thursday, stbape-eilslfleCd at once. Çr>1eeeeeee COMPLFTE LIE OF - tir ntsson atRockford Cbis veek. J une l'tAi. Trii r*e Lais odan oIFledW ths r. and Mino. Waguer, of Wauconda, Earl Corlett la borne frons an exten Went Farinero to Grow Toîmîtoes1 a inck t roquuit e, Ladies' old and old FiIed inace. nvdAto Mra. i'elton 's bouse un doid vîsît Au Minnesota and &gain J. A. lieury, Ruprluteudeut of the lirciard treet thieeuk.tMr. Wagner occupAe is position in lu rggaNi-WestrnCanning Company, of Chicago, rItraw lats andulIeiiioiîs. las mployed lu tire Eaion fouindry. 'l ayîlor'a store. vas ln totll Weduenday wlth a vew tu W£ AVE ri£LAES IN....Jushu itls iI ekpurcbasied of l'lie Lke Cûiifly 1lelepisone COm- Con tracting v thfar mars te raiestu tm- WE HA2JIL TuE LATESr AN ....C. F. Wright tbe old Iiîgluy place ou, pany ' aigbht ag viitous for ther factory. Ladies' Lorgnette Chains. <rcnard truet, aiso a lot adjolniug board for thir iOtrayalaire icentral', Ihefir proposition la tbAs: They Vuîîîîs for Bîiies. sante on thueut, of Bra. hemn and a amaller ous for Round Lake. furnlcb plants to net out t $2 110 a ( ~ ~~~~~~~Te W. C.I T. . vAl met vîtA itMre. Lirryll ode l ut Aonnand, or aboust $4 00 ipur acre. and sec ar Wbeu th harlastbeginaetby furnit Cati adse u Ceniury Clack, We wiah capecially Io cali yoor McDouald Tuusdasy, June Dush. Mein-ttendi the plculO ai t oikford Wednes We h av8 eiâte unm Run-400 daya with ont wiflJiDR. atetint a.rai ibuae nhre are reluested to bring articlei to, day, givun hy th&ai ,rder. For snme cratus ansd pay $6 00 per tont for tise Itthefa ver achota be igamnpcchav e ad A] nltd ebcprmutimuatous deiivered lu Lbrtyvillei h t a eryaccral i~e peceaa ead AI iulte Dibu rusnt. reaéson tisefit. Pan! iîmpany refusaid wela hn fbat.a Second-hand Piano. Baturday, June î tîat .Janesville, sumynotl lldru a n cey to bu pald by somte local agent wcll asnit in CnldrofibnDautandthey vAl! appoint, upon djelivery of Wi., odeurs tise fourtb annual plilc le t 1)3o2 thora vAl! bu a cbldreu's pro- eacb bu. Frons neveu totl, tonse of thre Myile o Workers. Alroaid grams ai tie X. S. Cbîiruh. At 7 :11 ). an bu rasied te au acre». Finîe Watch Repairirig a specialty. accoumodations frour0 i.bertyville vilus. the pastor speaka to eciAdrels. *Al1 'i'bu Western Canning Comspany leaa bc ütlorded. propirlate decOfttieil, v"lIbe metde. prfectly rellablu couceru, beviug a Daiy Oprater Jaynesl, of tue nev Sans Kohner,aenuiiiuIf Mai hohuer, capital stock of $(<,(I OUR LINE OF - - dellot, in vorking at Western Ave. for lm living vus h. latter, baving sc- Ur. Henry says tAey desîre to cou. BI YC ES AND SU D I Sa tinse. baifg ucceadeclfileaby Bh J.cepted a position alti, tise Chicago traqt for 2001.'&cren of tousatous. %nu BICY LES AND SUND IESSimne. LIOlà"beeuaetng nlgbit Banner ShIrt Waisi ionsparry. le otber year they hiole te coutract for - S COMPLETE. olrator. gous ute reCity ati day. othler v6getables aud fruits for Canning ___ 'l he village of Aarrîugtu lha. Levi "bayer and vife, ef New lIer- Pnrploe aud iu a0t eay that ilf ty granted to Edward litea, of Chîceago, a lin, N. i . are glueat. of Ur. and tIrs S. ean Inturesaifriner.ehereaboîîts n fran ch îce [o ' y trac" s t rou g i Is h eliey, M r.r'l'bayer co us e vesi very ra ang prod lst for ti ir ca uery Sirey D A R B Y 13 0 T H E R S y saiu streeta "bu grant Usa entirtily Iyear juit te shoiw Onr local reperia a vîlI agre[o isaîule ail thire they eau Mn s N g t Gws Lbryil.Illinois. feuî, adrusbl [bA cIm is ruel hng or two about calcul ng llh, aud get ansa i a -good rouînd protit lier acre LîberiyîlleLa feliong. <sploieCm-te old gentlemlans geuerallylesn totafamr grisueofake Uountyiearphuruveronsltr.-Heury vîlI 'aln lu iiertyvîli le eîî sNiglît Gowîîm, llade from best New ____________________________________________________________ uuîyle repintingttiselolois liî tbeir e nt.iayw O i lre î. ail in a few days to close ni) 6ah pil an athiden.boa "nc .0 . 1 liceuo tr ctea1b8e u ciu e.0fk M ills M is iîî, iii very fu ll sies, .ilk Ai bot is te lecrl Igh cnsbouse aud blimuare repienIIeLl i I ev Sbol ois.îbrofflere<l fronAt andtcollars, fi fiest leuîri Party did likevilie. In faei [beir fulne int. Saintiel I rigg s nPanting bh îM ili av, noever bent panled as provAuled bouse, sud lr ia l, aya oiml.u verytblug Am promîsîing for a good buttons, a garieît tlAat is weII wortlî si.25: SM IT H D A V IS9:~ by urdlnauee, and iu conîparislou vîtb barn are îîîder trreatusent. grime neat Saturday ae the tean mvu, se hn a butteprcO thse telepouie coMiianys look nbabby. Nri aylellouf fArig.. rder nette oanagement and expecta te ou aîbytîe taoltte 1j'- f DEALERS IN Au eloctrAu ligbt plant in te be biAii gt oMr.May l2ebleud f . EAr H., lisent i rayalake bboone wtb boved the îtîuslîîî' Ah Chi(cago tbat vAîl comt six million CtiarAesaud Lydia Siîdîul aidt iser euatlnlo le 4g Sb (le er l 1Ircde I$ . OIarakleuOf st blIilul,OCctlîJy homne AuArliu)gto)U tieight8 tbis WCekIluse jualîteauJon aye theanghs c nie lotrten wremof roiid geerae i;,au d tbey wtb Ilîir father atteuîAedbalhllturpyea emomnCE T 7 E C N S 0110 hosre-lower and De tire largeht l u aAna tthtpaei ùdlýfrontî aroiîud tovu and bout tbeus iy a tire vorlu l'ieburapAîl and ouornsous 1tIseoTu@ MIat [at placeI e meY ure cf 21 to U. 'I lbubatteries a veuepe rdts Libertyville, Illinois. groistis of Cbicago lban ruade itis aDceasne fi er od oles and Butterfleld and tialloway sud <hairgalsa neces arr NO ork At Av aîîîoiuccd, wyul <wAng toa vaiuhout on the tourreîl Wle. le î,înecdat îune. Bluffs division tu L . Paul Comupaniy A Decoratioti Day prograus vacfiseld 50C and 6oc. Librtyill l wdalore ittir do mn trains roni that vay over tise l h il collit1lu8 jiluertvîlle is ul alaueeis tIsedoguen ie HAgb kbooandasLiberty- buîinuelus. Chlet of Police lîScilI cf Jeville oa ineIme ay audLbt e rty -afternooO. t . conesteil of revitations, AT LADIES AND GIRLS. GENTS AND BOYS. Chiceg.2 lias lssilld iuringeuit orders te tious cf a thrlvllsg raloattd . rafg u aroi og.lh cunsiel ti ls.' t of the local tCmtr tieIiCi ago itendanice uas abolit 125 A priugraus, dîî î'lsfilm îue, Af ollecteul, Tiretaee tie A CîCsovs Ir,,,do uluuw tairs iy lise luuver THE LATES THING INausountâts o l52,uil per auuum, the vhlrcb tasmakilig @o much trol]e for graudes. TE F A R nîmbQJer cf dulga being lîsted at [vo retail useat deaivra in ne vsy etecta S~M[ ~FS ~Summer Shirts. h;inldred1tlsouman.I2lle mne fnoisiiOur local dealeilisa horoceAve tiroir Haviisg enlarged ouîr dilinîîtrcsl Libertyville.--- Illinois. Madas lot Coloriidobeevoriu toth,)olceaupply of meut luy express, and tise ve are prepared tu gAve btter service Madas lot pesIo fud.drivers for tire express couspanîe are tuean ever Aefre. NOe carry a full fine Mercerize Ginghesio baveîsre.-ey nîro eta all .ed vltb ho uiAking drivers. of buksry goods, candies, fruits, cigare tolet t,)roounera. tiermaîls tephliî, Who lves onEbh". and tobau'u'uue huil4attobakery goods Pec ls11 2 p NW,,-NA1nwE, LAlueryvAIU' Woolridge,'sfTrn vetfotowu, loiforlsaler bore. Everytbiluzfreeb and ~. ~ ~ m PeclsPrince Ihenry Caps. I lie folA.îinAg Incourporation vas cotrol 0cf b"niis co Weuneilay am tbley clea,.,JOHIN Oiiiui.... PURE LFKI.J U Criterion Cloth loîîîicsel it itpriîîgfleld iiauurday, turned rous Mlwaukee Ave. uto Lake Aaioietit ud Iakory. A vî' rgSoe wbiis amiw4 tiriat aiotbctr ruilvay ntreet andl tbey raiu away, uuerturnllsg A vl' gSoe Black Lace and sccic newîtlîte ilie bte hune fA htiîfis wagon aud tbfowing beilsd is PEOPLES' COLUMN. Pli BAc a nsvellty as the olîjective point. a bu- feur-year-old bo'y ont. Tiey were not _______________ PlainStls n as. Black Lawns oie ndWetrns ingyhutand no pirticîllar Ftor Ssi.0 Fur[nNti lLku' Cullty uîIso TOILET ARTICLES rala omay ts principal damsage duunc, uluer toabeku l orIIýo ,o,,t nPAINTS Victoria Lawnsuoffce Iucted u Joliet. 'lise capital barrioseaIlu maniy places. AND PERFUME Mouck As $30o2,lluui and the cbject As to Monday nlgbî [bue village board met FmoAL.Iuirwuui iuîl ulle 01ILE;IDII E contrîsct a raillvy rous Joliet lu a n regular assin" Routine business iii,, .Atsl,.Llrî-P T N voteriy uir uortbicetrly direction o:7cupied the attention cf tise city ~SI rse rla.llî ru lr Allover lRLubF'oidery and New li me of Benko [thoebtaWsu'oru litato fine. Ili-lufatseys.rhlamtter of preper grade F 0 ,LrAElig atAl ing,,22î ouD Mico Laceoratuer r aI1-ouf tii-for Hauhy and lIgera idevalk vas tip îu" An, r,,ri Fallî,[r J( Lace Doted tlulI brand srrirner rous- ce tor rieoiurge H. tiunroe atidlbht nu action tuilen. il. W. Miller aud iiviîVhIItny ,fC2l50guslliil5(lB Pr, invisible buttons. ('barîe.4.S Scaer, of Joliet;. J. K1 A. W. Wsîuio amed thse board te co- 3 06urti. MI-e . uor lîîî Lîbertyville- - Ilios Stevrul I.W Facu,(i.Il.Stewrd purte Aîb Iieu A buldin asvor olait, 'riraSuIe. hort Hi. lit. ars. aape. ug uuud a& good P'ortand îitters. nable. ~iDENT Eu Rii1e I L.îrue fro Viv. o do Brick. Sîonwork. le Vew.

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