CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Jun 1902, p. 6

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-- ----- 16 ft Vilimtagm etflot bins ., aad" fIluabaud! Fiddtestlcks! Aftrtba 'Tay 'y. behaved te Beryt,tat visa 1nu'r doesn 't serve mue for lunch. She jusl takst ne with those calta, grand .yez, 6C A R R IE D Ian thoagh btagay. 'Wlittos!these three years?' sud-sud n cl, 'pounslaithinr, Cout, I can t lp feeling aimait and N rmess M M A T E D i tr;Ttas a plîr: yon shootd have con- vedt t0 nate hercilsites lu the ________rcng. A man s ecihliy, cas ndulge inanyattle escapade siotr!of actual de-' "Y erton , nnd even tis e ar 0nebealiful I ng it law stepn in, I believe. Titere's - - - -- - - -- - Bore clause,'. cnt thc're, ahout six years li -and tre Iiinared and stxty-four days ,1 eteven hours? l'run p befsre te tsselfth ln. CHAPTER XV I -îCoaîîc,îed Ji 1lrît it,,'re lire li,!t aius asands, take heuîr, and >tilire ail raglit. I hase a ,., .May 1sasti h,' ltiiprlt r :0f t11" 1t,-la ;t in iltt,ishîl Ilsas atich. A grent adiration for yssr Engliaitaw. u fflkeal John Mar',I- ic ult til, att;, il;! tel eîntiy plisseS whes the Its a granîl ,tsttton." at *'Thc prisor!," caîtlSiol ta cta ai,,,anu taios su cciita loveand obey "Imih nglisls aw mîld knitti is ai,, bis voice te det'i' -aria sa' tt aa îhsi at, acle~t ar i entitmental îomfooiery eut of Berrli.of t wAint YOs ta 5e taer, c,tci' lîr Iiitaititn scitt anther mas. Shes lier itead" mîttered Johnit Marsdej)sublki .g, St, ofa!,tacs',iff tiattt isbanîi's lroleri;, and site', bousdte 0 And ta geti] nsw, cf ail imees. 1's th. moie# martyr',.il dr ual 1 reitispecît is n ihe." ensaîgitatetrya ant." tla, 4in taI aTerecl, t .';,, itî taar persotiai 'Acd yîsl ftit Ica'rt'ied son a flirta "',You sec yotîr cturnn-an rallier a pro V utaht. lnSs,rf r Ie b Ni'!1ait 'atifa-or tiansutrprise," saiS the Cour it il a sseer, or a th loaýtarof - Il, RIy1t Yo ' tf Id o isCoe, Yeu ca'! de 'aend ber sudden accession toateCourt ta;, .sure titeir falitîr . iîî, l,,tiaaah bie daîs't cl; t sstîrsilf." assume aid sentiments. I suppose site i love 701, yel !hat ,'a a;i Ies tisrases! sitetsccî'd cotiS anS bittter, and con- thanits it sacrilege tea acept witba!ler ea -e auy yen cot'iiila!ot tistr e'u mais!t'ttptiionn once again, lover has lest?" lai' t tàforward oar aas. ir hîq br. 5h,' 'mec r ecgt sgv ety "Don'! eaâlittm titat," 1l1 tereîî Johna <"i lVed theu. bettir thisia 'aslaigaou; ririli frtation?' You liane traseled ail titese Marsden. "You forgel sshomra oc are ent -botter even thcil;,- mcii tutti uscil ittletts totell me se? I1mw cas I thanti speskîng ta. o bairedied te gis t' air-i iattltcýa'chnes' ccii"" "tOi, ns, I So'!. 1 cnly imagineS ros ail -eae womn e an' t ,'ca'! isîler- Uta sdoi eyes lookes a! lier asoiShy liaSt ns 'fine' feelings on thatinctt.", ', ,ortand i, but t!a1s1s,1i-lirta lists! tl"y titis siatden change. lne csstd nst cota- "Titere you're wrcug. A preioci, lot rare. if la tieir say, ica ticthe h-tblliprehleud lier, Thte womas witsboad lies of bsther sies gains te gise us, tougi," mad safegîard ta! tipa thera pure and the slave cf lits caprices wan very dffer-lie west on glootalir. "Ail titis fsnilly tue, eeu ta what c caile and base. il ota eta t iis calta, acornfuI, queenly crea- business has ta e itlivestigated. Il'ste .Isok surtrised. You n calS st have tare, miose eyes seerned ta rend te pit1' oddest tangle 1 eser iteard of, 'hlids viu me capable cf sentiment? 4h fat retennes of lits uarrow seul, to gangs or lier tter belng connecteS mit thtit W.. are flt te tirs!tnmas whota I hacv' the'nshllsw depilis of bis nature, and âne Grauts, anSdsite neyer knsssing tl!" pnasled. I1ua tîv'Itng poli mitt! )s ite lmfor wmit! le as-te mea i ofuta "Itrond thal oct losg age," said tite vif. l, lnalorder ilit! ci a; in lier strenger and more designing mnd. Counit. back and matl er hecaier, It vont hi "Perbaps." site ent os preseittîy, "tse "You finS cven;lhisg oaat," Jolin Man'e an eay matter. but! a s mit 1promise samne tinS frend wloi nforned F'ou of des remacted wath a sort er sulky sa.' ,e 10 do i." ni; miseieasoè lias aiso thought prop- mration. 5'Wity""tay 1 A~"er te inforta yen ofr myrepentaitie-to "Yes, mites il site my purpos. I bliNi 'The softnns. the senntiet, ailtvn-sa sggest finat t! vins a fitting opportuniti traced àa uurder ont before no." <Ibesi front Sav',ia's face ike a cisand foc reconiliatlln. Arn I right'" "A murder!" eclioed John Mariden. .4wept aiSe. Trhe olS, lbard, moulinai "h dont kncw mitat you're drtvîng et," lHe shîvered i hsstutarly, and ganne &evltry mas it lis eyes and n liass ct'e he saiSa ulkily. "Moâtl mrnsiluyoar gd round tflic rcta asoretitagloonsy ffl latookeul nt lis eotpailf. s pcsition ssoutd lie glad eneugli te bave roon-ene of a net of chambera titat hf "Why' tcais if pic are a ma nts chance cf reinsati ng tteusseises lu itad taken n tuehe i!;i of Lincoin'i .«Ui sevessgc shouid b' cii! etca ou! W hY tht. cyr "of the. w'cld." Inn Fields, thljhtter 10 malcit the raza4 -4aecause i es att salr power te dent 'W'outd tite; ?'site gal altaiy. 17-"Bat and lune; on tise tawyers, se be had V1er rival na orse i' om titan Fortnc et. psencî'e, thte mord Isje lttle te me; saIS. . asdose,.1"h-ht','sise te cinta yor te %Ororofmiicit you for aapart, ut- "Dont spesit cfibarrr& te nhght." bq a 'WIfe snd keep lier utîder roor autitorit; " m , eut un. itercoaci;. "Th'is ptace ts ba4 tbthornt foresieatncw o srrtile hond"Ycu are frani." ho gemted saaagel .enoogt. mites cite lices ic tlalose, and Ivo Grnt-or he l i haig h, old _The n cr15 ouglit nways toe o s- sue', iser isu't as brinit a Il inagitt b., '«q'er i. s!stpossessioun'.and te clils ting ta a moman, ules, site', too hall te I I siaitsometitaci i lads't conte, etrssiof ranhamCout-tare for flic opinion 0f lier oms sex, or Those darit staarcases anti cupiteards and .CHIAPERJ XVII, tht' eontetapt cf mine." places gise m~ e ite rrirs." "Boleosme tea"secme?" saiS Beryt "Thte csntempt cf yorswoutld tao"You umuel get possessionoriet titasPI 'Miarsea nu a bewhdýed way, as site ver, bard to bear." &she aad with lier pegar slte Ceuni steaditr. hlioked sp freai er writiug, "Wýhal quitet stale:"but iflàlaqut. posibe 10 "Easler galadtitan dose. Site', match- ananas James?" avald tf. I bave net found Il trouble sund guartied biy that litîle Dubai 'Tha gentleman wouiti sol gise lis much tese past titree year." wmaan itie a prîsouer. There'n un get' Fi çmare, I.a'm." "Ah, of course yoa tiink rou're Tory ting ah ber." N Oeailnil s 11r heart gave a qntck ciever sud tadependent. ant i al tiatI"lieo "But yen miglit gel t it e paper,." lirois On mad, wild lispe seemesi to scoffea. ill au ever-deepcning geau. of "10w?'t nie Ît nt tis ilsut sîrled Iîng. Irritatien. "But book-wriîing in no gireat "By slratageta. Witere doe site teed 0f 4" oshowberc vitlà tinte thitis miglit mtter; everyoue dues il nowadaya , and ber paperm?' it 4M mase ber gla. ron can'l live by i."' "How dc I tnow? I suppose in s ho suthe hope diS uot hat a second. She "I thittut1Ieau," se.ansaere i lu the Seuil or cabintet; snost vrmsnado." s q»m.s iet. aeotnlae ito vain anS vain-sm qit eel tue. "I have boaS t "Shit e t c lite moat wmrns and eh@ î~I Waa. and tupuahi lslde sud ise do le for soin. tins. paaî; yen appear to doe.sot keeP ftlers a naurdeshs or cabi. tit ~mbu tbe athn rdsnr cltforget that." net. Of lit a m sssure." thr 1 iat. But hec band Tias trensllng "otcne e'tIIu al 0qar- (Toeliecontnuned.l m ,Sb» « rat agalu. I've net" behasesi meli, but FEw0 CANCBESfr "Ill conteee." he eid, aud ilsecemesi YOn muet malealatowannea. Say yo'l FOS _O_______ i& rt '* bh«thal item' voce soundeal feintand hle t riends sasd me'Ilitry and moite a bt' ra IeIbong. u ewadtt c ZF" Wm-salmomt as if nonte ose cisc ter thlng of our lises lunte future titan Wseqsenbîy Causa Bseksge. whe 410CI M"nt, andSah. lislentssg. mes, doueta inte past." 'nb moanar knew hom eh. reached telHe ibelidot lits baud, but tnvounutarihy Dr. Maynuard, curaitof mocitanical S flbgl". 017 la morne strange. luexpIcTýabsithlrank awaY. 1He saw te getura, instruments in tise National Mauseuma el Me tfai it e vas tera, looking aetlier sud lita ea sgrew evil and cruel, bas quite recently placesi on exhitiIOQ : 5A.monta face, anS ouderlng mliy ie "Tqn muat ceuse" liesadl ol it tl os lt, ciinnalauea ite '-enao shiaued, and unconfortaitie lu repressel voire, if i wia." a short section of te old Atlantic cabie, 8 dhm, raemesu. t "I So'b love YctU." eh. eiesi, holding telrst eue tisat waas lad doms lb&.M.i 'To0-you dia nt expect me," hie stata ot lier band& as if toTrara hut off. -'1 Imeen Newfonddtnnd sud Englanat by tera îmet "Oh courne Dot. 1 dia sot jIt neyer dia. i esuset go itack te yeua aste steamer Great Eastern. In addition IPsl q.>. now. 1-1 .rour mife-I raant. Oh,. do't agit t ttsmlelesas-pae oueitbt~ - H R a toppaSed bmply. Betora isi o't aituse!" t Lb. a is lcd o xhli v r smine, prend gazi hiert utk abaoiYeTo uscul ta have stroug notions of severai settIons ot the second Atiauie t '~ba aanspeitntor rrsgwon.u.duy on e," i ad mtit .a sucer. "Whah ralbe, laid lu 1881, asud wllrli ere pre. tri met oua e l it, but rallier au sccuser lias becme oftem Il?" venteite tite Museurn th e W'estern , t Sets.eM hom ail sulterfuge and pîcas "Perhaps yen kiliedti ient perliaps Union Telegs'api Cnompany. icabeS ptîful, andpouer, asdu ess as blielie na ychithdrens grave," she saiS Sevemai years altc'r te iu't Atlantic sen liu.wit a fshnt aoi. There secuse sucli a cable usa.a laid uttanyim uperfetous t n.WO,t jou say anythisg? Hang Il gul etween mitat ci;life Was thes and merescoilaesred'i lu ta c'uiuLtrucflon. 8R : .i1,'B«71y. tsrs have beau facits on bth 1wt illa ow. Tihs first value -ut s of uhé' came Sinus- gît, 414el. ansd If u'ns muîîîsg te forguce and~ "The soant'r >su gel alter ail taIseslnse ebrget.trounttglt dotesanme, Arttrtintient anSdinonsense the licter,' he Rai e frulontouienu ote utier, andi,on A&l. You're ns, mife-iotitiug cao alter irusquetini ' If ranI Sado ui ns;gond, mhle titis mas nU w'chl etough lu deep s-a Vtat. sud ttigl we lisse'! litilaoff anS il ca'! aler farts, I crysant you ses, it w ns far frointbetng iteavy ,very wel itherto, sit mccclisîlott ier 'ta useeuntier ci; roof. Ysu sah lhase enugli otthe short' elnclato resitte AnS viser Dow; and-" libterty enloîgla. I promise yos, in es-cC masses eftilontig Ice, sî'nmced, ice' St.m , lias, Is lite drft sf ailIh"ee e-' attier watt. Il'ssuret; better titan spaugbergs anid .urrnn tis a! slr:aineid, twist ii inaes tteiftrt" fhcîer dopa,"d t ore fIe sable ta surit aex- et ""h diI? lemulîcresi sînpuiîv ta1Viat uas the change titat came oser kon «WeIi. a'! ou sece wat h mess? pro titi mhite fart' anS smayisg figsre? 1He tbita 8.S f0 ep aforce of ntmen (z-n' w 4»M 1I treatesirotu ns t diS You iSalu1s utilS flt tell. lie coulati oteen lie stauitti;enploped mraklng repairs o i. o 4mw,. I, I tssw, but i mas in trouble quiteaune flit!tent' laSlies a change, 'lo rt'natcur its. a new and peufected nia et te ime. and, mornieS te deat n..qute-kil mtpassed, se impossible if waitblewadaae and lid lu 1881, la- . Or& Dota pleasant thîug for s mao ta la deise. ' Ieen Doser Boy' Nova ",o"ls, andl e, li ta!bis ife le crnag on cith y P-ou lare nre that!lail i te@hoWiittesnd Bay. Cornwsail, Engiaud. th, 'measotiter felim, anS roc cant tien>'Raid."NsOirett'uSe cf affection, or-or'fa itnmasl(ieout uî la i 'thaerois sornrlhing marcetan triai lint'îleitti Sa!; tYbar. dnty that wmli i peratln), ablre in(tesneiaic'ierO .mhIp balwcen ysa anS Cap!, Grant, atnd raten ye?" ienos a tSctacsit ln eîi aualtonth" 310sI rertans l il mi.l 'us sot a sesMatheNv ctosoeedadUi-1. Agalu lie pauseS. 1He hla met ler ecu'c tiiittal felit lite you." rotss domu, titrengi six succesdsive hi, -end Iheir coiS rosteuspt, teir ararnfait rites, site saiS, lsylsg lier baud su stages. tise "ieasy shore,lilgîl shor'e, fi,, trejeeble o!tis excuses, silencesi t e urtest as if tu stafie sous.pal intaIlein-y lnateelate," lta te c'venlt, or fri -WOnMBona bis lips. batrt ber titere. mI iii do mit!yen "-deep soun dlsater," ot legs titan oueadS el alwaye titaught." site naîd, speatrnig sisi e cvuycg ieda toai o iec -dIGWI7 andi istinrl;, -as lit! ari w'erd *"GoSb;, te," h. saa, in s sîrsined, Ich î O-eu 'Inteep tlueg fthe sru auctu 0fait on hanis crwiti t aîag ieadrlsslc s:"tntglaS you' se it «Orc; ý alays houht hat t ws aturneS sensible et1tat.l'il wmn! .audlttO- trong l iIth@t'adges alose men-t b»brnd'a"Idualm aysIhoad tatet Nis a-cu now nu; arrangemente."tlieeS.but lun utses.eider, front the i b a b a d ' u ; t u l a d p s e t l T hi le o r c l o s e . S i e a s a l o e , l e r S e p e s t p a r t e t t h e ' ! t i ft i t i i l t e t e p o i n t t Il ouolt aue f templtatbin, aitleiacn eyes mssdered oser te room, sothng fa-su Iere ik îernminâtes lunte cabls aIs- cig oed aer aid, rat unr admft! as thoagitnimilar objectasitit a stcanae songe sf un- dotuai hVitlesand Bay (te nid "Pen-et 1daoa ee te is omnlvd.r famatianty,I'lie nuforaftng pressue.At saure';, ounteroasat ot Cornwall, Eutg- 1TOU think." ite wetOi. lien vine basig beu't t w-cah lite tcaS, Site lireait e lied- stpt' f ie la Tel ls calanneas, anS iiratisg nit thelc yt ta peniglie iute iene bâtirtaomu teussîr Of passusuate emtias, "de o u adpesdbrbnet e er o1 h ele ato h tatca 1 -<iat a enannatntlin bear ta le !ta i.îep doms that amfut pain. But if Ocean la whiem-e te cinitIes ot is-îl' '48tarseut of love almays? hic ,u fhint nrse'asti rose. il w as 5 lier titrest nom. turheS. or, lu otiter mcorale, svere fleit , aha cas almars be nîrssg esougit te ieu!nrtt oaiing siitit ler ireath, slrangling uikeliteodof et lsturtauce Is flite least; ""'~st lugngnfe eypaity tsuîecber, ichtttug n it ier. bu!tai Ifnears anS lu ciller direc'tion Ibélick ongings or sympahy, kind"s "tat't dr' h ond yuhr 'Èta? What ai uMY lite alter myci i;al ' ie aae:"o atte danger ot Ils belug dîsturbei, cult, dWeu dieu, anti 1beaves bellp me' miamarn, r as! agitse ay-I Sarent give grounal twisteal. narleal, anal Irokem hsave I10e sat for titeir deat? Ir yrot, ea; 1illutit an if just as I have bani' luy curretsl, Icebergs, 0fr.. Iitra'5si, ib ýbda ertatalvu ngo! - Site stnugaiird ta her fret new, Aong s'isalliis le w iy te preseul icitie la g, =vit e! i"or ha 1 luit, t St! u lte uaaht'uihalleane ttc sounit cf teps. tliiiker andal her iilu stuch laecei tan i o1 ed lit otmta! cayfred uni), te ceiaof coires, Chiltreu's solces, ut la li dSeetr mater, lu order tîist Il o -1 UeS It o m i gioui -Bt:' u it as,aad nce made thte music af ber ucay snccc'c.fulr rentet ail dangers o! Y4 felrget wbal I heard.Oti 5 if,' tiis sort. "Ân.d vhs tld p tt tarcri,',î mtîti Tie ibtek of igos; usnlier eycs Nas ter- 'h 1 r rsin'oe mtc ht tm soddeu fierceerais "A y su aI l a nrile tla"secIsîstuatani; site lie aof tl ita d lantd the' nem orldal iuvelm t emean carnwmite s no,îc ndui.' otlsmr her arcs,asti Rasnkdoms on ber kuces blirein rmis. hoss et, te saine trougit-ai lisant', bila'restftoc ., Atin; ut,, ~the rcotuit As eranger te vouraetf. ad .T, ,aa il "liai'! i cie hece." she mhispert'd.'ont te emtireleigtit etfte vai. titi e eolp*jÂrtoA MYSTERY. j- 'CIENTISTB AMAZED 8V UNIQUE PI'ENO)MENA.t usaint Pet.. Ersaptittn- 10 Unex' ilartdSTerrons- l*.Iîrese Danger, Itir - (Vr lb ticia ah Ni fa: 1't,';- ici 'IîaaI Stîti gos-c';at - t - uIa ., ut a a tr '.iu, tluti lrad,-a t r f.I ti. t, I .,i iai u fi t lai, it tanh i ngi t a.î.aîa 1 i t t ttttî,ui t li tIa' ua r clui1 hutiseneti n. NItt fi i uit t Il a t tla ,t urîa-rh'> slat Ilie sv, --, - ti', laii t d wtta e l'ru a1 lirtc a ..d ,,i îa ud, Betwen it t .ah a , f'tlt' ii'h u aid Fondis St ia 1 t t, tr 1t teceti itîofi lthe ci a '0ui iir t fasites lt!E'epî fii a.,tltioa lthecouttt rr te li, I-a ,t iti 'ton neac'iitg lie h t t A-BOY "Do g gone the Iuck, aîzyway."l -Chicago ItecrnîIlctulul. DEAF TO WARNING. GREAT OOST 0F NEWS. ScIle'. 'rediceio. ut DIesacler lu - NMartiniqsue Catastroiphe Causesi Ruor' noralby Gos. Moutict. mou. Expenoe ttî 4ew.alaier». lb is nomuatu -c î. in d ta!tte t11us- tuf 11 'lhe' genruarna pubtlic bi'" m îaîino tai la t.,1tierre tiglîl mss' iu , ,'ît at i l ba t !tii,' N tntti. iil,Il.trt-t,! utc' Il not l lietufoc thear tiot'nîtA <lit htttt îMou tt i-' r lie rcr ' tau liait-s ta tt ' 1, l i t aîl uuc gucîs o tlatt iad ativfi.0 aa t a, i, thi I-,' i ni , -t-ut.. li te ts ardaitut sarninguealu tu-tut traitai ta >rre.h ,ilIuesctuf itt Iit 'rctî,1sut SI lilt I ni a kt,' urivstgtonif Muta nt Pee. Af tlCi liîr iîîî îeîut cuti. tf iît l'ruît 's csiI et-t i, thet ' u-ral,'r tuf fi, solt eau. i' efouu tlit!tti' fuca'î's a!ntN r1I P'ROF. ROBERT T. ILtL- us ccc cititut' ait's axpsionttttt" col . asto f'euetrsle 10 the Irsîer ti.o îrrfuaglnîtt, !latr Mt!l'rel"esud Reprtn thie Eratitilot,. s'l i1it tt"'r îîae a i, its'rtu ilai 'bcit le gasve Il;' nanug ltha!lut' e nll snm!tWd~ h S, 'îerc lie a vaulcaus w oumid nu,! l'obi, ts'lf un ceckri tre'ra met lte clesnfiane' tf demarraluosnurncht ltonger. île êe-t siePI go tan as lte zone o!fidante and destrutacion,.a]- ta pnesitit titi total rîr't!rtuvlitu cf lthe iugit sot et anniiltitoa. Ose ulgit itiofut.i 'erre tut t Ir that a Mat4.j s spent in a deserteti bouse aI Fontus lîrlctl cfrsclisg tutulit.. atviraof P'notf. t.Deuis, tront mhicit l'rut.11Hill i! uî'ss I. tatde is - v.Muait!,t s rua!lt St.I - i-re' JandSitudieS ltse voIt'ant eruprticis 'f and tnt-il tu nlltcy flic t rans its luths;, il n ilh. Earhr tue utext uorutitu utanttsc, lie ,ucdeî'n'ot af .u ilt(i-s.m s as 0f. Hall puiwhesiosnlui Mount Paruasai' noting about the cnuctsionsît- lie al ucere severai peple seri' tilleul in the rearlieti rptisu art May M. tic encoustered tc, b(or. Moullel ssaid hatutif S,.l'aierre amnitings. Prom Mount Parnasse mas Se-ntrnyctilie, wouilîlrentaun t.; aim re e~xplorer proceededti t Morne Rouage, lthe fate ,,f lthe lnhanirtînts. Prof, tan acere libcceeded ia getlaug na nalc-r !amportant phologras.usHa' fîtunt itant cloac approacit te Mount I'îlee man li- saille, sud as litelasi position mas ungerous ite started liaeinh a scutiter> t1icaking Perntlh> cf bha elpedittit to tus!t 's'ee, l'Mr.1Hill WaiS: -My Il! 'apI Its exainle tecater e! Mout 'ie lias beau futile. 1 muccc'eded. hum- er. un getling vc'ry clone ta Mornue longe. Monday sîgit1I i-lneiseti. trous pouint near lte cmins et St, Pierre', a gittfui expliosion afreiMouit I andts u tt'S lthe at'rtttc i.a u>auug lieteui 'Viile ltuas., raliiuts Cuitintaae'no ie nia'ahuldiSatilenîlt toa, tul ie Cratrr iffluhe aitnus. ' las tilti s vos of Sc'tîaaîtî a-;,frot lIai-mouilliat îaîicua tt. , au'î'uis u li, ol f -ar. siarltlsi.>anthtonttispreau as aa -t, biltack sira t ta theli outhtit tuid da tlt taitr titi la'. nlrta','uf tria hautes fronîatiithe ,'i ii and naS afu i aituuuang ti,,'lis i,.l ,i'tsotHat a i ,ith siniti frrqtteia t it' it f-at O i'tui uistinttul Ilatis if titatjti ý.ta oi sait t ,t 'tat ,u -s tl Nsitc Iî.îauaa f rI ut a, t. i ici iiif'ruit t -ta îgîtntu ' t;lIai tht' it frotta i i0. t oiltait t- , n NtItt! t" af lt- g ',, a t r, i' iluIGs ii .tl.u -la, tt. U ,- ' h'i- ltua ctu ai t..,at ' u. s i a'- t;a u, Iiui;n-. l.'t] a . .t hI, 's suai c h-ratia-;; aIn lii' i.î'.t:' iits;tt-taut st nti; ti t-v lef! ite aou liTI a ili i tt ai,'iit icia it ii esitir tri> su -u ai utta;, tas 1 îî 1- 1 as',rt lairrh-e t i tat; a "hl toui, 1mi Int , -t tgra u , la tai.... 1 tai vn ý1ý , n, 4 nte hlu-at llin, ît. , ,. , Notr o<Cur-nle CenIa. a-l t, C H uile-.î t-t- iattt I. iathe th,,i' r sauît ttt tl i. t au-r.f 'tgitt'idi u t, , Vý> i. :I -.aî a fr-tua kiai tii, 'ii. i <'clii... s, 'utsa lt eslna tuliti tu ti a 1'rt,, NI tilar-es a am-o tuglt tinre l tsto tti,-,, aa u k tai- !a u- insil,ît la I It tf i "'iii' arut 't a ,' are un.t', i- "'I t ,ta t tuia ît t atut $2t, the naI înit- ' iai'if tait rioh - ýl- h -a-t 1 t hiîta it(aî, .t int, r f ,-uuî, craice ra T ht-ttti t it ,h 'l'I lai t tintai,'5 ttt i lirai latai tit-il " e c ; îl I I ii tii t , i a i" l, ý,' ta-s ' ata-ta! rlais ls-; tt , îî -r tes u as t'[lie av I ',ul] d.',tt t 'asthi, ytlnt t; u il-a ata FAKE ACCIDENTS. tritigr, au; tii' , tat u ua,. .i tut .nd 1,al tttutuuHutu 3B' MeaC.t.. f 1nsaatue n patatiesh- rwili. of'trh . ae is.Ifa. int a fit,' av il i n Il 111Ptla ;î'. jîtgsttuatt . 'u ta't edu,îi .lua' tt, , !i-t ft- t iui lil les891 Il s ctatau.l ni-puits ti: '1 lans. areu- t't ,gd.i i n it iti' fnsttu, tai if i t nKte tical t Ilual lite s liSit'liais .ilu .' I ri rieti oua inut a t itrus tuf 1th,--aul ir w'ulh stintxtat . l otf SI IitI ot tisa ecitali ua Ag'as I n l ýi ilttni sa'flaun 9,-it .1 la1 ,i',l a i l , ai.-flit i'che t,«Iltir en-e e aI hat lis ltuat- Cetati ' rîttsa f i .,, 1%,s'l.s' frai;; I latt , iu 111t.tilalat" lu O5 " [tie l at i m a; h ,t, u is mitd.( tI u I- a,; . o- n u , -ici sai lnut iupîtia, 1-"t, nthe tt-1a1a pieeil tait ls ,,a.dP'5 tasd Ilit 111 part'titi ' lii t d ituso h In b aiglit ti; oee of lt th, c c, i Ilie'111,ut itil leg, arm 'r--a reS 15iaii ed s ,iul, t tIlte injun> nîlliran'. gprnittau. iTh- , I a;; soda lit a rer- lifi.'al'tO t ti - a;; u c 'tutpallc> - titi lug etfsthe a tjuir>. lte u'1-C il' stlu' ha'l lti,,t.s .mttnussii'51suitl lime meeki>r'tauîe 4 hU.ualty faîrtit comng n1titon- itlu Sow tteougt t lt ilbie. tîui it lauuutrations bave blàeui IcarnieS onuce i191)1. i iy tii. ; a T hti t t hitlauty sta-auto ta1sll Na, tr tatt fî i tiatuaanliati t 5 h 'avttt;t 1 1.!tuti tandtits! lt an it Jt'.1- .11lYtai, t-l1 , ; a urus 'if iîen't i.i 1 HOW TH1E WAI[R CU -'Lic r mcm in t îTa tPEN. ul atiuîit il,,ta the cr osI af .a!, hîa ia' as t.n- a '.;, thait,.it'i-skt 's fnuutI-r!de -r,.iit $2. 15eilarI .,il atrittn- liont; i ai; li utiutIn. ii' sf t " f rs'-111 luis (uaintiitI Iltut taaiktas,,! roi eluîr tsi- i-,'th vt- 11axgi. tIl i 1. - i' i M.t," randi flu p-litttr afphtc- A'Iaiitr utiîiC at.. the fit ita 1, lt afi'iit.11 latiutrs fet Iilil Si t555outhuif. anu.t , a.~tit 5 4 'alîle lit- frîtîi lin h.9tîi i asi it'a - cs, ir i<)IMM5) isilistifr'r'a- St. ('ruaso u irix and -.I uîîîandst G îaiutleandl2!scfaaii bas,'-t1ten iutecruteiitd, "lie ont>-route opuîea rous thlanllaiiiie, t tti. -antI tinsamutin Mar- lt <'uiti ' tt. frit tiut'tl i li., rarai. troua t'a <'u i r-- h *:,i-tt i,otri . i, î' h ' Paititalst, a Iu-r i'raaoi, l -i uer u Ito Crap, litîi-i,; flsouta a ,, rdts su-ýh. t îuc,!tt sLia t-..',,uanenaa <aoihtut i't î t t Nuts ti. ' stuil tIse 1',ouafed lS ti. tti ,> a ,' n-k ,îl u ha eleS be tar(latît litilui îîî,rui. r MAINE AND IOWA. Eu tIl..eliaSi-eS,ýt Laitk aIithe l'o Itl itsln- aii- . ,,u ati ouftat-i turf Ioma hlisattin. t-S,îl îtittua anh\si tat 1u atatatht!las fenari> ut'i -'a ),t ta 'Ia ai I.,ici li' .'ta e r ar il' t.'ti; 5-tr, ic ,f iteIceai- tari titi0-Ii.'-'art-rs f hagrir.tltiaru aIli lita tr.'.; h tas , a tI,- NI-ati i-tI t inîti i;, liti i a, titil -f tht-, ti' N-i ' that att I1a- attor l tc a, l ,e r i îa I'n'c.lau . l!Nlîelins lisI aNi-ta lia ut INalual laîh -tr nta n il uIti r c ";uii t Il ' "'i ut.., t iaiii , -ut i ' ltý.as', tlt tu l.- a ,JI Jit,l l Il'a is n, ila.' ru a a,;s froittaI'asa Fhatistt ',ef t'., tat'cau ' . l iatii paîr 'îuaî' <'iti! aura t lu-n Sta te as ta- a rep nie ul tiI, but Jiu 'tai i r,' luit iii, itiula tta ss . ociait. Jaia" ti, .'ts<'lif.urul utfhauti set '1fritta IS'i ta 1551. n-I S, uaut". N ofu iltu .frnm 11k2 ta l'tl5A la îun' eatatii! ,fbie'vs Iow' as istai hi tais, Su-int-tar> if ruuuý Tru'aîaaa> tti-io .tîîa tN at-atm, S,'c nu-tan> tuf .5grattaillauý. jsit ii att. lo -s N. 1aii,- luarul i te, aýlnita ii ttide 1 rtfoi. .lt (Î.-s i liiaauu'i,.aj., St', ac) u StS i rsuiu't iar fiaidandl isSu fieth,' -îîtîot.f Harrisoin t tuttI yoian lotiýr, hlautu'lwiasliaIliwn u or-ii futlthe Treanuurc. NN'tlttau P. Ilus. u u ttil.Lot Ni. Mounnill lait- nagh'ia tut' liaIiiut" bliait tit NViluant Il .h ti -i itt,'ýn înt'Iilittg Inw acrs hall tic.'Si-'ecu'!sniro f NN'r, hNliaimN li.t but, i arni;t' urge Wh. Nu,<raty. J i.'. ilonlaua tuf la-itstiisS' ulr cf tht' hîîtecuîn r tnîen Johnînean Ilocaflo KuinrauMNatain ai'8st, usii élnersI cf Hui t acn'a cecasîlctut'leuI (trsinet. trutI I'ruuk Itilin cf houscaeit thetii stumu'îaportfoaliouuuienS I'r-es(lulct Arthuur. Nartiaut liffo,l oft'Msine mac .tmtltrne; bliniril tu t li; t ,ui ottf lamesi; . , 'k RE" IS ADMINISTERED. 1THE SUrDAY SC110014 t essof'iFOR JmUsE . A, t., i%'i v-ra srsein.J) 2 f t, a St, and I tterî'forî ta Il, tlt tat. ,r I Ci' t bais mtadle in I , if the'î'Arty t .,, In,îts if it rh I,'li h i... h * ,s, j i- t ,la ,,t i teini soni i p t r, it .l f'I l..î 'I1.-ii * t , t -t,,,' li t, ,l 'ti il) h. If . rit.t t . a, If vhi ec -'t ' . , ttla t, - l'yt p aisal iit) t :~,,i I-, til) ('lrisîtaît. if ith, il 41I .- Iftttsii - lalthe u tiiln ofi the andti"d tii- at, ri t1it Itîî ifos inuls t J'a- i i ,,ir<ltIriit>lîeiris 'l- n,'! .lesis" ItII.I tarl n tt .iesW s i-gt fth t'Irii, lage il, rt,,,rî,,ît ii'tt he li,t, l ý tiîsiii and liet utnti an mtch t-lt t - IIlIi. , iltti s tii titI 'elirt-'. ifls .t 'ut i tî tttti t t hy ite,ag ilt i lstîît Id.' tt isl reie sit i'? titi. sî11tît à. s atiattl l', .Iti a.J s- ait î%iiti' igit ny ite g tii, -gthlrt .-i d -i h la fa11.. rs at.ttt 1 ýantls nin l.sett', t-Ii ,r'IItgti ,Is Ia i ti-rt if iiasIi.1h is' l..Itit l t. tile t Iil- ll't t' , Jessisî litfîîi i ti t hsi .s-irranvîg s y'it' i't'it' er t"t. nl i lIie lanl h e t tAn thrighytst tti, l,fîttrt'it n no i i t If, ii', -r t a tir h a .1 n , -tii, i,' D.,s;atie t Ite entertttg tit i int lî'r.î1 aif it- rnv'tt" tftiiin lit - 1,rs i-fr,- t ,1 rt..lin riiti if s ttaîl thcic IA nuI' l . 11.s.ttt g-. stt 1 II.alIt a tUi tf slt Il n ltIîl'stitis.h.tu tt l, '.ici A«t hI i lit r i ai .hriîsît l-tii. ulîîîs ....ft. nIsf arî 2,r itait; titi- r at, ti tl lis .îîa- l' i. tla! htir . nI i.. *II.!. . ' t.,'.. . t t, ,'-,il, i, t ti1v *. Ilt, lit r ,t, at tr . t iliitt iti i 5 t- 'ttt r't tiI t '" I .tt,f i' t T he. i ime t he s 1n I- l r i t,,î it i t,,'tî'll a cou- vil btai' 'ti I> rtt ,t-t t tai-eih , i .tha in tl- tils t l i a t ac it'tr i eri tii i th i laI at 'r Iii' a at it i,,, il ", It V tI',a'. 'I I ii t rtttda., 'lit 1ai t 1,,, t i lîî, 1t.aI ft, ts e ttt ai t,11-1, i lt-r i l att 11-ilî ,,1i , tIi- l,.!» , Tl , I Irs acI' ij .-Zl,n.aIut li t. r ii' ît: 'ltat i; It, , jisti' i. t-ni a itrII in'.tri! ta pti at ari t-, l1ta, ill' s I Ifo t rt a ii. i. i t-i . s a t -rif i i nai , tt a 'a,> t atn-ia,,,r' I-uis il'i' li fîîrîh'îsîtn t. l -tarittat ttY dh 11-11,t'tiirt,,î'îîîs tig,iit-rii'd t,î dus.tfaut ta ,,i, atrt fî,,aa iatiat 1 ltrnagI'd - , ciii nia tijtii'l 1iI,, 't,,tI- îland ltt a e 51515 tii' aîtîraî lt ij îitî t'.hireia' '-in.s îf lit oftîîl li re n ia t'iini ttt ia îî, tîand în, ss i i laaI titi n ir.h>jIlanal Spt . bat 1t I t l It Iv rsi-gtî t l'd ahy hurIag lii lî o(iy rt.taatt. iaî-îte. si> A sil t haItit ..,aui> hoîî,î n Iitir ithtti Siitai' ýItat-a. tt 'îîîis il lîrss i î,ttîh " tan-, i - ; ltin, J- a q - ilinIstetlasa. a ta i -'I.a.'uitin,1-uti't'pt'tule ot'are ti'. ;uI)iaîr'((t t l ei, maOin i Il i'iith he itaale- it t it.-.;mal N i ilsla i at taIs intI fan litl iataluaisal "h --t l aîs ýi t',î i - etutt i l', ut auî t'a ir > tti a îi l y fmt,11l o l u i: - llui tIti tit i \It;'t aitll iti.' t i'tis'ltt- I tuait iii ut til ta;' t;1 tut tit ual talla iii' M ,- ia til','111 ,f limelttiti"t diit lit, 'a u'11! Lhst t il. 111yi' tai N,,, : ai,." i te lanttai o: ai-u l55 tit! utiait, Itti ttt *a.'(ll ltuu ts'5 c r heu> latta1 I liuuiY11 htaiiti ittoIf Il's tutus î'ttt,'ît I'd lisu'tir laNe fluai$4 700 jIatrusi tst or nue cxtutta Suaus agu, Ti'huuugliutîl dfurget !t, Sdiyd "'CiI tagu TcIlwia.- s il' suri Witb ce lir iici Cu"s f r'sa tar sain ait o'hi stiese tro eu 'die J. "ita lie "Il ha y. cltarr"a skdana. n &d 1I be. Mar me lsg'arit cMla," If2.' tst'iurnet vit. ln 'l'ht' luth', ai ture' ci nL gr'tuc- siall steu$ th aud lut te pît hoala

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