CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Jun 1902, p. 5

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Economize. Nhat's tlîat' cali we bi-1d you il' ttîtiine& Wé-1l, gliénîs yets! If yîîuî doîîht it ini the' leauit tail around anîd wtt wil trivince yoîî. In Groceries-,..... W, hiave tule bert (of evnrythiîig at the' îiist réasoîtabîn urices andt Ina.! iltfieni titI. We bîy the' hest to) lu liait andîtl 'lIat a clu riv inargini. TRIGUS & TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. For Graduation Gifts.1 -, tit ý iii ad vtnt of ail kindt. 49 'I iis ~the Ulitntii takt- lit îrne whilut, e i'r\ thlig t iihantin uu watt 46 DARBY BROS9 SMITH & DAVIS, DEALERS INi outerai Merchandi se. Libertyville, Illinois. LADIES AND ülR.S. fENTS ÀND BOYS. Somm miRFs (j9[s. THE LATEST THING I Madras Cloth Sme hrs Mercerized Ginghamns Percales Criterion Cloth Prince Ijerv cap$. Black Lace and Plain Black Lawns Latest Styles in Mjats.ý Victoria Lawns. Allover Ewbrolclery and New line of Benko Lace Lotted luli. brand summer trous- Embroidered Swiss waist Patterns. ers, invisible buttons. Look like made-to- order goods. Prices on everything enumerated are "way down." We can please you. SMITH & DAVIS, DEALERS uN omeera1 Ifercbandise. Libertyville. Illinois. - I a PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. *Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers * C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Sunday, May il, 1902, at 12:01 a. M. TO CHICAGO. ve DATS. Dotart Fr005 New DePot. i.4elitnlt. Anus Liilaao . i4 .7 .n. .......... .... 't i 9 ' n . it ain. ...... 1. 16a.tiM 14 l ee.. 56 t.. ....... 5 ai. s ' INDAs. N..ieh..... .à)a. m. ......... 16:05a. -14,i . Olba.a.............0i15a. tt. 4'. - J, ý n .. O1 pInn TO CHICAGO. WIEKK bAT. Depart From Giti Depot. leane it,'ri y'lite. Amvie ChioaaO. No t3. bts.. a. 25.t. . .i as &.Mu. - 106 .. 7» .. . . 8 b45 a ni. 144 - .12 t 30 .... ....... 40 . lM. No, lâot. 6 2a. m........... .. 718a.m Frank lBay, ouT lerre liante, Imd , la vilîtug te lays lu 1hl vJIllage. Born, to Mr. and lits. Etiard Hufmu, Mouila! June Jlh a girl baby. ilro, Frankie Crosby, of Evanaton vialldonu Liryville relatives thii veek. John Lite àanlvte. of Waukegau, vislted vith it .lurtyrîlle relatives lest veek. I)arby Brothters have a teis soliti gold ladies' vatcl cases, Int thlie tblng for graduiation glibi I1itey wll be solti rightl Te localVW. (i. i. 1-. sent treO large lbasket$ Oflttiwera lu varloius liîngo isItoaias 1hie veek. Mira@l.îgb Itelîl and Ilile Son, ol WaeIjllgton. 1h. C., la spendlng a moult vîtit ber parents, lMt, andi lit. Henry W illane John Conzeis pîu'ked a busitel anti a hait t-utgreen pitas for markeltte tiret of te veek.I1itese are te lrsI of te Mr F P Iymonti t cttliaed lu lis boti wilb pleuirîy. HO ba8 been slck fortà vielor more, blt nOt serional! so anuil witin a fcv ndeys. lits. Samuel Clingosu sud lMr@. Mary HIallOf tiattiale, Neit , are gnests or Jý W eilllr. They e.pect to -pendi a grealer partrof te nommer viit Lake Coiuty relatilves. i.. iB. HsIaity litasengageti Ibos. corit-l ILe make extensive imptove- mieut liolas bouese ouDilvision Street bot extetior and luleritîr, anti expeits 10 comumence vork lu another veet. 'Te ladles Aid Socitiety of te M. E t-burt-b bit-edJohn hmle 10 [ste up te atpets'ant i elan IheniIbia veet, vitichi lajixt anoîbet evitiencit ut the praclîcal vork port oraed by lte lad iei Ftanriuli arîle, LtpIILY irul Ciiet of Lake Cuîniily for te [ribe ttt heu Iiîtr vas lu lown lis veek in tie inter- eA-ts Oft ha1 orgaîiizsîti. kMr. artu. litupeaiitiortgalit ýi.'n tcItri lit-aud i 5 mieetintg B'lti guRit ,îl'i Fat-mets are uruuptliiigbetause ou te statvtiy uttarin banda. ILlmisai- Most impossible 10 soeut- e lp, Ibougit goond vages are ollerei, santifît tiis condition continuest util harvest Limne i il l vurk a strons bardsitip amnoug tatuterts in general. li. eritl bas elitte contratIfor9 ouit tuthl argeessttris lu Ibis Part 0ot te ct-itny, 10 lue bnliilon te nlJohn 1 prît-e tarin Ilin 10 iii ý4it1114, iaving1 a l)ittît Iaseotieul tttstly t feettbigla antd t t ot luisIs 'l'lie hasmentt oor1 lmt iitu eut Ilrety ( it lt-st d ati -t ient.1 C' lt-ie lias te ,iutrat lfor blltk Wtttk and lI nt o utlert ldo1 lte natpiner Vuik. t ntit W iser itearti a nuit bâti Frîiay lu wbîcb m. hiîierii vas îlaititi aliul tutlent-bull deten- lant. IL scas ailover a ntelit ioai Menicheli biail siguitti itit anotiter Man anti hvitiitwaslitel by (mentu Whio te-iltedtilucolletIfront Mittciteil. Atorney NMiiletr iîremeutcnlte tlain- tltfanti Attorniey liat-Oiitit the - I- fenîdant I 1iimti e cV a î tit lt-iin ala tr t fitlie r-.-Lii ni. 'lite villagelItoari in giing 10 tart a idevalit criade ant i vii sie1luitau titi conudititn ot every walk lu lovn neediug repaira as bt-.ugltlu te t- lention or propetl owners whotse landi abula liiereon, Fîîrter te eutw valis ordoreti ant i uiti-tu- t'I eI0reasOn Ot- anoter bave nuit bt-tu laîi muet bit buil ut 11onc. if te Partile@do inot uomply vilon nuii len i te village viii repaît- or biulti Wallis aIi epense oft lite propert! tîvuers. lite electiielilgit vtoitpany bave put up a nov pattern o0f incandescent ligitI ou cook Avenue, andti aer- Rllsuit stitute ailtiisekIInd wviero 1hey bave lu servît-e intandescent ligtîs ounte at-etl Ilie uew lamp ls superior te lte od, .l intaI ilcarnes two estades a couvez anti concave, so attaugeti, as lu prolect te globe and IBalsanaer as a powetfilî rellector. Another adi- vanlage ili taI teautne vires support- ing te ligitl carry curreul for il. A local coonrator itusbeeu asteti i0 subutit a bld on te depol anti pover station 10 île erectet by te eiectrtit roat coutpaoy et te Intersection 1oi Ibeit-ruondviitt Miulwaukee Avenue. 'Te uuildlrtg vil i ib onllt 52.X,21teel. of vitîiet or paving brick. Froutlng on te tracta la a vaîting nouin, iack of vhititla a large roout for te suit- pover éta ion. Ou te second fluor are living rooms lorthlie engineerto1 be lu chiarge 0fthie station. IL viii bo of attractive designi and ' a Bloe improve- -utnt 1tat section of liae village. leO e tnt, iii la'. iii St,. i4, LitS i4i FROM CHICAGO. Wlas DAtn Arrive at NOw toep. .46a.uiM. - iaf. oluiip. nM. t4G iJ, t luitp. n. n . u. lu np. M... 3:15p . 6 nel. r. Ptt.iiM. FROM CHICAGO>. WACE DÀnn Arrive at Old teut i ni a9 i. in45 a lt l4i 5200 e. nM. i.. 5 in i. 14 t 6 i el . ni. 7 Sb Pan . M. 'm. i o Me . 1.1.. tisa im y Misai Ethel Wiener bauh tîen engageti 10 titaci ln teiRoctkefeller- sciool next iThe Ciiltren'a Day exerriaitst te M. E. Chut-ch veres Ilperi tî ttimotu- ing anti evening. AItte Ealon facUaty was ritcenîly luslalleti a consiglmiftofiiinew irun vorking mscbily. W. E. Miller la lai altendance upoit te regular June meting of te Bptrl o upervI@or@ tbis wiek. Sieite soliri golti laîlleh'watt-b cases liarloy Brolters have on sale. I bey are proper graduatin preaenîs Dr. Roitionson vîi l renu ati undia evening onu .tllunaan besson aittL Animal Intnct. J'lite wiekly Iudepesait i otf Lena, Ill.,s pulliahes lu full tIse luictratîon ltay a.itress rof ttir. Robinson. 'Fltpapet estimates lte audienCe ai .1 lits. noltiman and diaughtler, oft Chicago, vieti itla thelr cousin Max1 Kohner trout iridAY ti t1ntiav of lest veek. lit. Goidmant mas ont ovet Sunay, Fred (trabito is havlug an fouprece- denleti demjand tot LisaDow famions minerai valet. Hois taâily shlpping a large riuanity, renlutriug lbelp 10 aid lu botling IL. H. IB. Eger reieivetia a raoad of btntîntg twluao liis eet. L i t igit tiis itarteIbm ie article taI taI sol for 8 cents pet litunt its Dow iringtng 12j Dents. H J. Proctor reeDntl aIttvue loIs, corner ut Park Avenue andI kourlt Streetlol Frank Proctür of Otayalake. Te lattervilii erecl am oderu eut- dauce on te ptoperty, proloably titis tall. It. A, Ponlov vWho bas )otst 'un- pileti a nov building at Citrlo, 44la, novwtitî'upies tcanud viii open Lis itl sudntisaloon salnrday. lie bas te Lent equippeti place in taI nev and groving -ly. foitîwlng rt-tirent-e Mouday tttîutontto Libertyvllea tormer renîdeuta. A. . Lewis vit, bas beeîî galailng îtîwty froni Li, long liaisn sasuable ti. nt dovo tîvu lodaY fuî the iastetime At te nathitnîît-t-utait &Iluay occntet tite' marrtage of bilas Mary Fencutler I Nut. Luange, ot Vi tut- egan. A t-e pîLoîtat &lieFenrtter boute Inlloveti. 'Itebo uu Couple viii reside ou Beivitioroat-oct in Waukegau. Osacat LUnti, amntotnt manager nl Luond's Laund Agent'!. wu in Libertly- ville liondvy on tuisuoqesa in ct- nection viit his ct-nr. Ilee le'tid ltaI landi putebaseti n lte iDakta-by Liberlyville partiem nnuld atvaîît-$10i per acte itefore lt-eutitoer. Joba Auistin aati lra. Jantes Me Uregor con4tîtnle a comuittî'îî10 arrange lotrto aniiiual Eastern Star pit-nie and lbey sciisubinil a teport titconimendiug Lai>ojieneva am the' mont deairable plat-.' andi June 'Jttli te date. A rate utf>$i t4 forthlie t-tuîîî [rip lias bt-en&sscuî,t '. A nman nautetilt-mrîye U'tiliyt- by lte St. Paul ctîtîîauy auri eîgagcîi in painting titir uewdepol nt Long Lake, teil fro thlie struattîre andi broie bot boues mu bus rîgitt lt-glion- day aflertioon. Dtr. 'raylor, couîpany pitysîcian for thit div ision vas otiietitt 10 attendth ie matin mit aftl o teit-ig te fracture btho tulhi tiitth ie C. M. A Si. P. Hoapitat itltChicago. 'fie bigit st-boul u',îmen)emeuî vili lake place noit Friitay evenlng. 'ibe graluales frou thetiti igit aiol vilii bc Misses Atidie Miller. Leatit hottusf ant ill111e VantNenl andi Mr. Martin Mlloy. Titere aiite a claseot about fiflteitufront te elgiot grade vito will recoive tilowas. lite program wnili consttof essaya iy te gratinalea frotte 11 h 8,1atO1, mait- ly a ehorus ot girls, jptano solos anti a cornet solo. Ail are inviieti to attendl vitelier prinleil lnvitatlons are teelveti or nult. 1lise@ invitations are lulended nuttre tir te putpîtse îf toutindiug diéatî frianda&utfte occasion tan fut învitiug reoidenta iof hibertyville to bitptosent. iThe pro gram wyllbit a filewsrv Mat-ct- -. ..Attlout-Millet Invocation- Satualtoti) uaIll tlut-Cou utmî nsi it T-'oday' ..Leah i.. tut- . ... Matnl In 3tt Piano 8olo- . Mis4188Malle wrlgii Essar hjiamai tet ii-i icbtory -.1Mliss Atdie Milleir Cornet Solo.... lit. K. Olark Wrght Presenlallon ot Diplomat..... ...... "cion on same vas tieferred tlitthe neIl regular meeting. à special coiitittee vas aîîpointeîl iîy lthe lreslideul, cunoiisllg rot lliy. i.ralîie anti Lottlfor lthe rarettil sxamlnatiîtu of telepitoie oirlinance. A pelîtioo iitg for village lii lielli il, layligtg 1e fort ndrainage' wit tii motion ut Cnîrlell anti Kaiser laîid ser tilt neit meeting. 'lThe bonds of h IH. St-haut-k, NVi A. Dean and B. H. Antierly vert on motion ot Hany anti Wright aceepleti anti placeti ou Mie.Ayes Oralîbe, [Ianbly, Wrightl NaymsCorlett, KaiserlThe reporlrtof linance cummittei un Aptil teasutet 's report iîeing favtorabîle il vas movei hy Kaiser antid('irlett Mtil saine be accepteti anti placetiolini11e Report sitoweti as ollîîws On ibandi Aprîl lot, $3650.t10,iPait i ouIuring mout $ii.' l Balat'e lut ttasir3 $3444U.5.i 'IiIetreasiire- s report Ifotràliay vas reati anti aller a favotrabîle report by ltnant-e conmiite Il was moveti by Coriell anti Kaiser tit retotIbit auteeitletisudtiplaret on tli. Repth(t aitoved as follows t-lu itînîllasI itre port $'3440,5. l.iteciV.Sd Insice $- 57 titi rasid oilslice $181 531. Balance on biaud $4tl5 'ut. U.pou favorable reloitI iy tilauva couttee olnlthe fnîloiltitg hiis, lt vas utvet tîy Banîy anudlit-au)be tiat saite be allîtisttianti warrantsii ure, tiasu, ail voLluff ayP \% . I Eaton&SIfg iCo. ....... i171 Fret-ntl'ttver tnulilY CO ...112 17 Freti (roker iii F' t'. Sithti A.1Son ..i.... 4l E .Let er...... . .. i 7- lit lreabutan ...... ao i i Itle tolloving t-@t.ltiti,ii w5b t-cati anti on moîtion tf Kaiser anti irrlelt was atiopleti 1eni ho tl$tiuuitibittakeii friom nitappttitil fotnt ndsdti ltI$2>0) le apliedti 10continogenottuntd, $25(1ito lthe ut-etlliging lunîl anti $501) li lthe rîtat and bîridige finît. ('orlett as citait-tan of sirecoin utîtteti staLe thâlta a numlier ofRitde- watt ordîinanres balti itbiient omjîlied viiti, also that repaît-s vere neîessary ou otbitb andti ltImolieitatlion iogit lu b tliniMmneliatîly s aialli ee in a very itatitriitli(Ii iteclittk vas îuslniit-tcdtl itnoltY ail IparlIcem<'on-,if t 0to lthler loiil i ror reliairthI-t- aits vîtllu Ivo lava hiovitti y Wrightl andt Kaairt- luau- Wl. C. [tn!'HîR, i lerk. PEOPLES' COLUMN. F o i E1.6 ilt, , ii J de oint ) . il:', 1 li t ilynti h 1 îî M.ii yn F ,W r, !. ', wj' km -ti h, F~ ~ à iA Fn 8 o tlint 'tFot fron tir' t r1 q t yto l l l'tii ,,ittr tok, Mn u' M'ut Ain. iront I ut ,tî IIIt. -iV ill F n in' 1,. 1ir e f r tt St.rtFG .B'. L -. iiit- t n t,111,1 di SALtE- 2o ta. si-ru Ft u,li 1F on ed oU.CHM v Y F lliAtI, rof lno - roit tittigi11t A ýberIli3 r n i , AMii rlii. Mriî. A i il 1.' 11ýd;,11118,îLena i,,.. f m malar urtoicnTtiti8. immo,, utW t.,ti M J ý h J . tir . C h e st e r iM 't e '" itu tM e it W .ru F . R Tan. J no . lSeymoutiro. tt'J F uititALt'u î,,îi î(otanl, o WA&MRM. Rirg POt' 2 I I lut wéeatlîn'î oea-4ili is ere anttoi art, woîîdtriîig how yttu t-attkn'ctjt cool. ttus mtakt a fe-w ttiggestitiîis. Arrange for a Surplus. Chas Kaiser returned lant Frlday from ltockford, viteue ite atteuded te bieuniai gathoring of Mysçtie Workers of te Wtrlil, as delegate frout l,illerty- ville itîtgle. ActiontiorfImportance vasn talion in regardt 10 insrance utatters. A refierve land plan vas adîtled. lO raille titis fond, iveive assessutenits wilîi bereaf 1er be paiti yearly insteati tif eilit asmtltepast. Lenelllarles of members dyiug dnritg te irts year of atemitersbip viii r@ee& certain percenlage of te polit-y if deatl occurs in te second year, a greater pireentage viii be Pald ai lte eutire ainoul il ere death i uira aler tbe IhirtiYmear. "lite percenlage wthbeld wiii go toa surplus lundi anti aitl literen ou ac- cuinulatluns viii go lut tis ii, vitich wuay lie approprialed oui! 10 meet deatit daims, vitere lte regniar assomeavttla insuftloint. l'lite agit limite waa left vitere il la. fTe dinability clause nu longer ititîrl exept viere te inaîîred la pasit . rite losgrof one eye vas added tn thle avilîltjlfeatitre. l'ourleslheritafler wiliiebi lsaiîed for $500î, $, iianti $2,000 lte latter te maxinmrum. Ibis, boy- iiow lu force. R.l î. Cowan, out Rockfirti, vas eletit Sutîpeme Mlaler. COU NCIL PROCEEDINGS. LlettTYtIiLLE, Ji N 2, Iiitt2. tillage Boardi met an regniar selsirin wîit mfulboard promeut. minutes or meeting ot Msy 11h, rosît and ounumottinof (orletanti Kaiser vitre approveti. An ordînance presenleti ly lte Lake Oonnty 'i eleithono lîin îsny was riol Whlite- lawln. uttoit ul lawîis. dilîîijtjcnt, httistu. Fretîîtli anid ittlu ti d colrt,îl ductk. Tor Toowwear eeee 'itvi kid andiI pafte t athetr o)Xfirdtî. NIisss i fie kid riuitei witli ptatenit tiji. MeiCs Tor mui * * * * e * * lamnlcks, t'ur il lt et 11-1, sttal'a'ats andtlinîs. Vurs-tfor lîiîtt1 'f ..U9DDOfl uçmnants., *About 2030 t'tdftllt ievesr tf tilt - ilk ribboîna, I .ttt 2 yatrdst long. *ail widtht' fromn No. 5~ to No. m), 'Faffet. Satin. Waterttd. Striîît- anîd Plaid Ribboîî-i. Tlîty uaîî ht-i * tsnd for liair rilîbons,. îeck ribboîîs. *sasiies, bîtIts anîd trimingIiiitrIOntet. Th pth~Jrive' s .ab>out ON E-H ALF tif the, usual retail pice.î ýTH]E FAIR,: i iii Mtinday* Jute luitit, lite uîtîîne itritige ai itoudout, n'uomplebed Metiituititte have Ibeir Aunuai plcu(' aI lies Plai ne ('îip, 'I'lie cuit lientlir. Mitbiîtniakios au adulmese. 'tepitetimSiuîg bail returîîed frein Nth-lbiakou sbte e eul el tit [i. t, L.tîtiierth le tuitîlagent, lutu'tli tut a .îtilllt-arin, île luglît la fat-m and tu ill et-...)ii lte bmtig aioug with iitt 1 1-ettlligug lu lte slautte l%îtiti Mn i nung eireaesi bineIft tailu. lplilsatidWitîitet-ounu t-y u t t-titi itîceul oinu clii very a itîurtitîmu' tractors vito have been building a lte jobi yeitetdsy. Itlai a splendid Nttnî ttlt-e and la vtt-îtolulte contrse- lors, viotsw trk ias lut horongialns every tesitett. Fuît shoîrt spana, atome at-cites at-e fat- stîporitîr t steel bridges, as lte tîntmet at-e îracllcally Inde- s3trnttîle sud vilI requîre li111e or uso t îutilay lu fUtllr(3yeat- 10 MaitaIl tem. Ee-tut cebîellt 1m. cosl f utiuldinîg lth., att-bn an uoaO ' sud illlng lte apt-oacbezsaus$2497.14. tino ball ot tiisamoul tla paiti by Me couuîty, lte balanite y lte tovnahMW INDEMUNO1NT WAI'4TJ - -- 90C ~ a 'I g rua ýuar- e s. sia pi. g useti à god ottantil ler. Elgn. ont of uf otihat tLe. vili as Tbey it lut a a1 Fl, t-soient lll. osîr for ranteeI . -eti anfite dEN rg PTIOi6. EIAN. Tor $hlrt Waisis and Dresses 7.1 4% and boys' cauvass slloýýs. tbt***** 1 n Meats-....m,

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