CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Jun 1902, p. 5

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Economize. 'Nlèat 's tliat? cati wt lit-11p yîîî iii dtli1nt' WelI, I gîît-ss ye-s! If yî>îî doubt it iii thelt-ast cal! aroinnd aii we will cooîive yoit. In Groceries--.. Wo' have tu-he -rt of .r'.'ê,rythirîg at du iîît. re'atronle rives îlc aiid 1 n Meats.....& We laad tlîeîî ail. We, bIHY 1Ui)e ha-st tri lii liait anid meil at a r-bise nargiti. TRIGUS & TAYLOR, Lîbertyville, lîlinoiç. For Graduation Gifts, P,4)1 i(1 god 1 i5. i jîîwatAi ins t' rns ndii(ptIi. ltit"-" *9 Thisiý; 1w ime tiitake ra-n tit ifs ert. Wre alî Libertyville, Illinois. SMITH & DAVIS, rEALERSIN oentral merch4ncitIe. Libertyville,Ilîlinois. LADIES AND <IRLS. GIENTS AND BOYS. 800MLRIS GOD.TELTETTGI Summer Shirts. Madras Cloth Mercerized Ginghamns Percales Criterion Cioth Prince henry cap$ s. Black Lace and Plain Black Lawns Latest Styles in Mats. Victoria Lawns. Allover Ewbroidery and Lace Dotted fluli. Embroidered Swiss Waist Patterns. New line of Ben brand summer trot ers, invisible buttoi Look like made-' order goods. k LI nc bt ) is Prices on everything enumerated are "way1 down." We can please you. SMITH & DAVIS, DEALERS IN êIefer4I Ifercbandute Lîbertyville. Illinois. PIKDUp HERE AND THERE. q 4Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers * 14 No. 131 op Cc lu (11 C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. in Elfcct Sund.ay, MAY 11, 1902, at 12:09 3. l' TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO>. WEER 0A15-WERK DAIIS [)eort i'rom New D.sPOt. Arrive Bt New Deitt r&-Lc. IlrtysIIia. AriaCtA 'u6ol 't iO Aria, i,1-r 4. l .la . a I. I7 . inrr ...r .... 9r O alm , ..... , la . 1- llnre. .'.. [4 .... U; . .. al G i. - 1Il.1 o I n . ... a.larI.m ll al. 0.U.... .... r. .............I, 15 a. la. . P. r I . ..... l 'i '. ,r9si15 r 13, rG. n.r ....i 'f0 CHICAGO. WEKx *.. DePart From Oid Deopai ta iI'-lyii. Arrl-C hkui'Ocr laa .71 1 O. ... ..- 7 35 â1 . 70 U a'O .llr ..... .. M I4, ilu:80 p 't mr. 81 'Omis. 1 ,6. ....1 . - 7'35 a. M. 'î c r c-'. 0<7110. r cr4 r. ni. r Oic 01. r allia. 'lot 10. - 7.0 r. iii. i îO M C HICAGi i w p.£&DAYB- Arrive ait Oid 1Der)ot 1,- lIt irr-in - L" 610vill. 14 tit. I.c...O.7ti6 I tM. N i"". , . . ......... 458 t Clan xeTelmea et st. liry'm Acadenny. I1 idu Mie Jfaues oi-rnoy. rît Cli cagoia, I Ibtirtlaiu ' il.' 'Il cntir.îc-"Tira oîlIcf t1 ii"orrLa' Ipoing a We'k WIitIr Mirs. loirs Me ville ClraIrler. NO. 438, O. iSta ccnre Misa Hat1- crnr'-y. orwiik. ut tiîeilva Lake J ilflê251h. Il iran G rrr irirBaiaair.< tai i C'ommtiodoire.Forîle. ai Fort Wayne, liste ]arrangeritehbatave Li-rtyviiie on iy JrrLC . Ddsan s lt lutonIbistueweek B fleM3 tan Orvdattelutail"'lirrtIrrr ll îRiry i'ar."i ag as chraperoîn forrHeinry Kerir. touiller ride willlibe ellioYeri I'l'on M acrrl Dodoar ' îl 101 .rrrr IV)Eli a Lýtrtlodee ora(iillrtithtie ilieiiood Mortel. A vîit MN11'--IL" clacrrnd rri-Ad lrrt71" lew emienc to e bilton bs flluil, tire N nykes obmervatgry frrliowm and )Dteentid., MllaueeAvnu. ilnoBitirer steamer ride ilfriemired as Thre Criîmesr ofthie Tonicte. tire ibout iras beaufl taTirted fur ail day. "lire second mol deadiy instrumenit Attorney Artliriirikioy lemi.îcated 'l'he party aili returS tolu Llt.rlyviii fettîtoiitiednmtegnlr in Waikegau actir iis tftrily. nie 'i tr'ou .taith fientibemnallongue ie gil ilice leitIi tire ('roti bloiek on Ueneaee ttreet. A giitiefli auttinnnîgfil meei f iereiy kilibodies; lire longue 1111e IL ;Yiý airres -iiawaried tire 1asilîrti A. fi i'atfien. of l'ennueyivania repiîhatio.nhi andiofttliiet.. ruins contriirt forr arprîrler work en tire gave a âîriiet taik on tire tenjierance riraracter. Eacir gtbn aoke alone; new epotfor ileeleerie oléI c în- 81 et I uesday nigirl, evilreutiy on- nacir loaoieiilongue liait abiundred ao' Pau y.der irIS owîr auspice«. Mr. Patton complices. 'i'ire ilavoc of lire gui is îany.ceriaîrriy taikedwael. Me vaiot radi- visiirlet t once. T'ie evil of tire Hirare t0lukiey la erri'ting a large cal or atounive and vre bave board many longue lives tirrougir ail yeare, eveni ired i B rear of W. A. D)eanes sa915oo001 of legs abiriity irearaided ilir grent tire eye of Omniscience migiri grow 'or accoimmodatio rîlu partieriisirilig poino He addreaediB fair sled galber- tired in lracing It ta tte inaity. ou liriil tein inu a log liai, onvineiug nranrter Tire crimes o! tire tongon are words Clide Kimbali. ioy %Vriglit, Wii and was ou as maystertousiy as ire ap- of unkindneass of aniger. of malice of Wrigirt, Frank Wrgirt, and Lester peareol envy, of iitterneisa, of iranhi critIcistin, Coiiry are ailironme fronmtigeluit iîor ire, Ciaoha aiyscu eifgosip, iyinig and scandai. liheu mad stimuler acation.rictaego ir kae ya tedtiller-murder are awttoi crimes, yet in a Tire [adies Aid of tire h. 1:churcir seir starîng a mik famille tire face if singleuisritengre aues n a nain, viii give a ou cent ton aittire home 0f1lire local ireait hi irties persecrle e amdcroscoitey caen cumaenailir Urs. Ww. Caler. Frîday affernoon, ik dealers for selng aduitratod flmcocpcwe oprdwt Joe27tir. Ail cordiaily invitet. iuilk sud crnamn. A test îlot comn. sorrove tirat corne hem lirhe crimes Ouîr uî'rciîauta havethirr tocka of pietei ehosouoe thlrd of tira dealersoftelnu.Pa l ne fte Fourtir rîtJuIy "unceaieir" oio ni- tii rteisg miik, belov te standard ocam -paus 0f ;lRîticettireevils remit- iibition and tire youngsters areboijein et l'y tire HWstat te. itû adul lgfonlieat f rmtasand tire Ingeariy tirir denuntratiom l erated milk, irorsoflemir for steaàks and t Ilrr tire grief and tears and soinering re8l] Itiuig tron)t H-crimes of icppcta- Tire local W UO r'r V ili mont ctir chope 'tird tailliti te flron) so'rvy birlity. atrd yoiîwiii dort ack ilunai- Mrs. Masos. i'nnoday afterîroou. j itre filiureîi Ponds' tire &veraige itzen amrt ai yîo sec tire stale yoiî 24h Mirs.l'teiiy le expecta'îi)il iewOleiso alaarm iis cireriored suun thongLir the' irî'vier eshoot irigir la the pînsent A tes cent tita wil ir e rved. riiY irtiner. air. A cordial Invitation In exttentdnd btuail. l.veryiory t' inviled I.. attend tire 1At tire hirarof thieflîr îutirderer few Ouîr Waikegan rorrespondanletflu iis gailaineeiâ« ait Uhionîîîti ireh i . 1liscuiler, ee-rît ndirectly. litt tti is î.wcok cironliestire dealirho îir l'li piogiana fuoî,5 ieerl'atrgaa artr of eJ" ltr rallsA. Wedch lflin tt..t.. îr î rL), "'r rn.te 1.1mlogeoffin h r'îty andl ai ose thue a rouillent 01 ........... A. til irr iLla cruel longue ofI elny, isto ls fren' Iriacvll, ilrrlisoullrioth r c....No humait Iîrinig rulite a fiecri troc, Litîrtyîile Whre ris otilsr rrtirr S.irarrar .- sai"Ouni iotilsit y a coi) ne, laie., muiptre se tii ire ieyonîi lie and i nlOer tli lremet le. i...... iotrrlrct t c mactir ifural iit, 1or immue fron0tih- Mn lribiir 188risIi- "f ' E -< W,n M. Kici 1- r lta .N'-t emalatili5 of eîîvy. -Thir tIle srîrrîîîîer iis aiter. Mies. rtion ar Auaraa %'rdPnWar IisîiiîsattaL-iuagaiant uecreptîta- RiA fi riii ;no! Si L tOoui. M r. . M.hatîrî MI4 rOY tili, tire lbaths iî' rr lnîîiiil anc. .1 ors. andri Ni-.K r" .l 1 1,a i r nf orttire lIl, î SccMIseMathi.' <'riglcr ialf lieas wii'i1,iocauedort smae lyarr, aPe. lÉljg a fris w,ýk, y.c;'tirrn'craici N oedirtori e hi l ueýtort àrilMisAir' li. cLematictrrulis ioiperiors are 111e Wl' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr i rlic'c'c5 rClark < rittiro.oe nser't paraaitec tirade ril tino ina-rt> lise'Vc-a ccti"Ifo rî-ic<'.' .ri j"clcr,crheart ancitir, ofcra uigiri.v ak. 0<. wiilai s îrrcr' trahît ocr% er- i ialute c < ccwardiy 18 the ieîtti<r<itairsteatiry 11) 4 -clB.1M trinlifric.I il Dogwit'rl'lie Iliis c 'lt-l'-ire Foo. I oi tle eirîrrtîng cf tire puisiarnd tiîcrie. su rua îlrîrîgiî tir F-oîLake andLlite 4 .- - misslintortîrigl. r 'iiliiisidiOI'R. hM fuasi'a- t tira icoîaraite aris îîî fiir P, M train, t Il.r.'05<'.ir-ro îph ai attt.arrtîchariges 01201 ihorde iielIii m i a.rrîî ,tliat cceii IOt 1)0 gîard Lrirrrls tri.' ~l.iîlng ored Ilr ivtilgrc rsetaiaralirta aatrm ii. llmeaeier to .ir.uge an P,, grecs t ii,leietrr rccad graie largo. 1oulltrao. ,and tatalire aisieîd eiel<iraut titan a rtvucrobe' <C ciLio leuLa il. fa't itlias oi iv iceu iitircertain reuderiug planîts nt i1 ic:fcrccr' r lu a feît da>e thaI muî'ir ark liab. n irtire înorniîîg and iaviseed ileid posilirle r.f latet Ou acrCrcUof .!rain. nrses being carted tirerets. 'lie Chit ere 1'it u fî ue' Spiches for tire viarluet tb îe unilt at c g0Board îf Ilemaltir doubt@leit(. 1trwa,tMinnesa,aniîdana, ITaxas aud tlondî<it are ieiîîg driven, Bni If the 'brarge, btntirs Orîiero-d u invesltîga rrtlncr tatem [hase ice'n s isled titis wet le ernîis wrk w i n ishih ir iili e to le by (rCîqu'il" loeairer t vtaîrl îll ireu s-amou hy sery destrutitve ilnd dorts. i ur. t-ci> ati"cic,., Oc cc.r.c '0lalt ruttinirtvfrontcibs fortin o i a.t iii' ein 1,ct. cCopeîilîrl et cured jwîigîoeîrt lofre J ttice V. louer for macile' a..10aleged ti, ie (due for tiry ajll 1tîle. Mir. Haven aîîpeaia'd tiue Ia'i lrolrgh I@ icattorney li H. Mil- ler anri a j ury ireari it I urltday in Judige joues (court, îPaul hkaciuffin reprmoeuting Mr. Copeîand. Tlie jury returnled a verdit aiii ill id Pai ohiff Î 2:1 lruof tilt, riainri ot dovlber ty'eilaevotu-a wrgee ninest orlýieyv1, tire otîtlwo peented la re huad te tirîrlo r asng Iliatheabard ilon suebîrantnd 1,cr a) shaonaIlondcnt, Ievuer or,' petition. In fart four rames were onl tire petîlion of p rrple isiro hase moved aW&y aud twrr of lirose avir, iras-ndied. Some cri on? statiriret te'rneralace peocip Wl re eurprieed ind SndOc1 tirer tafo tOlmt aek üethilitig isre on thero jititîcrîr Tire vote tic lînavy lio8 f fle and PropertY graut lire licenme atrrrîci 9i 1cr9I.the' Bilootiingtiîn e peri6lly sitTared froru measure beîtîg dlaa tire tierce winîia Prom Ilis carlo coin innu,'emîcoih lire year tîide fitr ticlrruark 'l'le lilîle vilag,- of Arlitgtou ail recorde@i lu a îir.rcic, loUne. lileigtitm a Jteover tu ('Ouik Ooututy b4 lit. John Alexander Iloaie, inaitter of Ici have a Sydten, ofi aater Orîs. ion City, iras iusued nohtirer order. itidg are advertiur'c for, lire coît Ail ritizanm oftirtour City aud ail adirer- adItoeexcenol $lti,ioir An ordioaîîre e'nhiîof tire Doisin failir, jutimt goi 10 providitrg for tire iescîlîîg of $6000 ol f med ny Inn oclock ah igit. bonds liras irons pîopccaed, and ln fart ail A Luuwâpper viroe oltiia atn ovrtlow prliiary arrangetieaite are perfect- witîhai evrtisnmente of iruoLoesimened. Poor olol Libertyvilie. ailhir l liras more inince tu aîîractîng atten etpericir location surI oturai advan. lion te hlilît np) a towta a any othier tages romaine lrreeolcnte virile amaller but1 more eniergetfr villages os every agenryliraIteauti ie einpîoynd. 'eoprlesieae epngîrattelmsir go aviere tthoe n' la isiness. Capital ieaekpngbesttetm y aud lairor go aireo tireolsan enter- inétallisg sener sYsteme and waaer prieinig rommilnity. No powver ou oki lwmci ogrl hscu nathi 80 8trosig 1 iruild up a total> dition of ietirargy to ninaîntalu. as aeIl an a paper tacil patronizeol. and Mauy irave rncoîved copieof tire its power atioild ire appmeclateol. 'Tie Lena Weekly-itd,rdilcn c onlaining mati taireoverloOks hla lawn paper ln- tir. ioloi3noi Diecoratioo Day afidrs tonaures inîsif iry sjuriug iis total>and Tns papsr prefarc t tsfourcoluimu tîlaullînen -Wananmkei. article tLins: "Afller slections by lire V.ilo cal> etimualolire advttuhage cf band, a quartette, andc reottatione iry a rigirt tartinluHife or tire disaLivantage pupils4, lire tpeaker. 11ev. Dr. J.>il. o! a rrotgpr sreleisssta' [Unie Iloinsou. ai Libertyville, Ili., wat can Ire uo obt tiratt lirergl îrîng inîrouced, Aa itrodctoion vas nu- tno in u eartIiîg out in Hie le ta ue0cessarY, Uasheiro îîtor leknown 10 tou<r.l a jraaliial irusines edîteation. alîosc nvery par8u Itn Lena and for 1h cal, ie seirod fil a fotamontre ut a usa a raund,. avlug .U«eenpastar of snaalt expenaen. and il aili do more ltitire Lena M. E. crurchIr IV years. Tire îîeîp a yonng maii or a Sanng voman addrensa as lilatoed to vitir muc in.s alotàg lu tire iorlu t lan anytiring else. terOet bY iis many adilrer».- While Ont niort auccegatuf ni tuiîj nsmeonv vire mucir initstl d ir heeotere have fannd Il tli u t and lainmasy at toaion, vs aere aBm impreenod cases their ouly MIiltu sîartîng lite. by tire apiendid typography and seat l'ire Mtrapolltanumenstu Colioge o! arragement o! tire Lena paper. Tire Chictago vîi orginlue a spectal suiOS Doctor vms indeed irenored, and more nier terimou Jniy 791à, and we advlse prcuariy su by bavtig lii addrema Our Jane, people hu write for hllpaîtu informationt et on. auck ar- publiehed tu a inodel nowoap.r sncb eangements te Malead. PA tête Lena lyepe*diB. tijty. toanvosillage, harnict and Inirni ail a tîke, are a ir; ect tc rtii lorria<iO iazri. I eke oiatî n îrlry Illr tire Hartford, P'ieix cr Nortir Aur.i oi Iire 116cot if very enail biateu on fari îroperh>. elevatore and tlotrrlg mîllo are. 5ct' hirai r'rnr4 etc.. are i '. " ca -c' y ar. W . la rKUtRST, Aget PEOPLES' COLUMN. FOr 0,1.0 I IrmIn onIlI iOIty reo LII,'tbtLl'. E. Â Kfor ! l -tu sto I d.iu ý-al' 011 Ah If'.Icrarl'.r b1ngrlrs rîrI loîr trb, I uer Myrricrlr" .i FLi- . 1.1a-r]y iviLL suet sfr t. rc IK e Stt-d 011 lAIE-E g., crrbiîtobr0g rot rsr F~~~~1 iraiB Mi~grct Rort 11M11r-i- '2 -riaranp. cm 'iii ca rm L. F H SAord o l 01Olr1 IrliStîra. F Il.1100-c.LIt 14rt-iL 1 <CISALE -r ai-o, rt 1 c.'clu grraCru' FOS.0n r-drlot. col. CI1,8. Ai,'! Ky. PAUL flAC OIFFIN Att.rnýy. Adj udication Notiec. pulBlic UNOTICE lm hareby niva, thirt il., ourîeribt'i rîdmiliariaitor îof te -atloo Frararcr i. lier îieSta'.li ll ttî'od thli coroty Court of Lake CCuonti. .a a trrsl thariiof Or ie blidos it tii.,Court Bouse In Waokaicair on the flirat Mondi, o<f Saîîaambr uext 1501 when and .wbere ail ParsotlnaN In i olaims tJai1s.t sid etate ai",' notill aan requestod to pI'ieflt aainc tu said Court for -adudioation. Joux aB. Oorvas .Administrator. Wngan flJune IN. 1501. rf-&-d E I. I I h ilit we':tlili'r easmiî Ii htrt" yorii <al kelo- ol. Le-t i-i nl Ai'ý a f".rsug~gectiisc. tir elcosing exercisos t St. Mary'@ Acadery. 'fie isters tn charge are pieaauri aitir work accompliilied during tireclig academie year. andrr tihe prograLn liiresilth bespeals a ,.ucceméfui teriniflationl of tir e tio<,<l W--".a rrrilYcrrrî ro i My Mocr-, Ci. ci ' LrOc wMinrc r a"r M, 'l r crrr rio..... I.' U-IilrC 'r oriririii. Aoe Morrr, Winsiic, .,iY Mt,.r i,.i rr-i anrriLrrrttar lradii,' Ml-,'a Mrry Co.nY -'lriMary Orrr ltr'îîir,'BrrrwnsGa'12 Bisilirir Ciil J. iirîrc .r' i'iaro ic, 'iarnrr .MCo., O ROtak aaIrr. MimseMary La- Y Plrr.rrorra I."Taîrnbaurfli ir 'r. Wrirf,r Mica Lorîtta ]I r'rrii-' y Tor YOooweir il * * le e Meo' s a'ndî '.onieîî s finei- vici kidl and îpatenit le'atli'r oxfo'tr-r. Ni Ss es flleîo kid rnlie's witliî patenit tilî. Mvii's and boi ys, i'aiivassi silic'Ci. T~or Ji e * * * %e*e tlamîîîotko. uioiîet sets. s'traw liat.s anîd terîîîîîc. Viliirs flor Blisiîtess-. ,ibbon Remnants.. A bouît --100 saiîîîle pietel of ail 'ail k ribboîis, I1.ý to '2 yards lonîg, aIl widthls froîn Nto. 5 to Nio. S cIcifl.4aSatiîî. Watermd. Striia-i andii Plaid ITl)ir-.'fi'y t'ait le îîstd fuor lair i- i ni,îeck ribhoîîs. sarilies, btilts andt trimnîitîg 1îîîrposes. 'l'lie prite irsabolît ON E-H ALF oft1 t 'itial retail prive. 1r. r. Il. ('iurciril and talle. iiflecîrie rcad campasy, and aibc vI» ocaceg(, im. 01asilareBm pnndlîg aB wmtiap oser Itîn electrie lUne tlu their la dirys vy1111Mr. CircbiIi' arpIents shrt)n cîîtomnre. A largo order w9» Lmem. ,,0lierlpped ta Waiokngan ovni the aew MissAlic Il ulle andFrod i oad immediatey Il lme cmpleed. Protîne spent lire latter part of tire Cord-wood for Sale. tnel ln C icago. "eu nordso !ofoak and i corda of Th irlctrîr' rooii<'amp us' have àablack valnt. AiU dry. $2.5o a effl large teaU1 elîtii utthlie gravel p Llb" tetyiioua.m . 7l-p"I I ii rolOstue0maie a e 'rt' frai th iro tiii l int'ompaiVa srîgtit-of'vay, 4îh of mulv Plenle. aimnrî. habl a toile, mi tirat a sisoir IVaniranOamp. No. i1253 X. W.,4 niay ire laid. Arrangement a betweeti vilIl utaaaîbenie in Sinoa ego# tire gratel cîrmpany nd etectilo road Grayalake July 4tir. XU I people bave bmes porheo"d iwherabJIy lugeMODSB are 1)1>< nale". th11e former vii suppiy grave!lfot Me' tu pemtd YIluP 4t11AtaS IaysiBI ruaif euar- ELrs. q aape. g neto a good lortad 111 rs. lable. El gin. I tit the Stte of otuari th.o t tiret l înd tahir' Jîlt eali rlStratair, -n uat on ý.h otr of i-i îay it Maîîrino rdoh 1 fild au andt fer r sllI . s oh al q5-éd q .Bou Tor Shirt Waists and Dress Wliite lawîi-". ctt-iel laWIIri. diiilitiei., batiste, Freiiclî and li rt- î.. Igintglia lus. ilit r'lîtli. î'îttîîil î'O'.'îit a iiel 'rlilte ;iiil eîlouie<i dlî'k. 1,- 1 1 Thý thid .-Uni nienie ýJ Liberty- 1 Litirii,ý,ily pilsti'd to completioli. 1 1 tbt*****

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