CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jul 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, Libertyville. Lake County. 11n1. Friday. JuIy 4. 1902. Vol. X-No. 40. * BRUCE RAOAN IS MISSINi. l 'rowneuit Woukegan l'Youga - Mon l)Iaappeare-Pout 1liay Feareti. * M. Bruce llagSn, an empoyaes ite îîîiwr g.îîte'nî'îi . ounty Cerla ofice at Wankegfl, bas A arge i ite fgeilm,"F4 een misaing aluce fSaturday, Joue 2ual tliey wîll look îîatty 01u the 4tli. sde3yedao 0lauo t vhlereabouts lias pruven futile. Ris Ne've l)ltt-l workiig <vertiiîie rlatives fear lie may bave met vt we'e iot o rlsled . lie loft is home vils the inteutionu anîd williiig to offel' soiuierital bar-* of atteuding the Derby Day races sud Araiti i tniadle t-ordi-r tI<tliig. st Daudea Saturday eveiug sud We have bielitoolny 1,4)talk 'lbargaiin" the liant moiîtlî.buit nlow we're readty for yoiî. ( omie iii and t lstt naloilet lis- prov'e 1,4) yîol Ive ansave ytil do(l la rs. WM. STEVENSON, THE TAILOR. Libertyville - - Illinois. Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER %c k2nÛ.k's Hardware Store, gation aitows that la ie l Dotu go ta Dundee. Ihoieinsl t eau lbe iearned of himla t iat lie visiled tbe Shermanl Bouse, where lie Look s batb sud thon departed. t la reported Ragnanwon $1'200 ut tite Derby and this furtiier trengthanS the foui Play titeury. Bruce in tiha son of former Circuit Clark liaganusud for years worked lu blis father'. ofte, asince te retire» ment of the eider liffla b as vorked for Couaby Clark tiaudee. lia is popular lu Waukegaus sud vas an eficiajst clark andi assstant Su Mr. tiendea.- liti iedofflnt notlfY lita pareuts of bi@ whar,,abuut. puzzles lte authoritien sud Indues tue grave"t doubla amoug his many acqnaiutsuces. To Haine Foi Lake. The Foi Lake Improvemeut assocLia- tion met Sunday aveuiuig 10 bear te reportcfni te committeaeou vstervay privilettes. Tbe couittee reported tat s sur- vey of Foi take and Foi river liad beau madie Iy a couspetent engineer, i vodectaed that tIse ater level of Foi river nt Mclieury vas eigbteen incit lover than the water tevet a& Foi I"sansd &bat a dam tIre. fees igi t S Mceleury woutd raine the vater levai Sof Foi laIe Ivo feet. lu orda. Su Smaltn the vaSer level A& a sttilable Sstage a dam 450 feet long would bave to te built t au etimated 0o88 of $7000.A bill bas pasaed congreSÉansd been igned by thse prendat iigu Fred Bairstov-Uqi d B. L. Flagg-TrU Rgàartin Lnx-Vieel A Ada iat T- $1.50 a Year in Advance. MAIU MG. R. LYON à BONS. 1etween t910 and 70) 50Enter Coutemt. Route Lays Through Lake Cou nty. Juiy 12th, tbiere le 10 be a l100 Mlle noni-Stop endurance conteat Of auto- mobiles,nunder tbe auspices Of lte Chicago Autsoblie Club, lU vhich itla ta pected that bItleen fi and 70t machines yl start. The route lle ha efroini te Chicago Automobile Club Bouse at 243 micitigan aveuue, runuing vest un wsaington Boulevard to Despiainoea river, thence nortb &long te river ro&d te Wheeilg, Baif Bai', Liberty- ville, Sud via Gagas Corners te t.irnee, then east to Waukagfl aud returu te Chicago vis Sheridan lioad. The anes ale clauItiau. Gasolifla vebias ara 10 complaotelthe course vittsout a âop Steani vebie. sara in tvo classes, une 10 compiete tba mun without a stop Sud the ttuer altowed four stops te taire on wster, etc. Electrie vebîcles are divided luto tNo classes. one to man titroogh [)eocratlc SeuBteritilconyen - tion Augumft. lThe Demneoratto e a rial t Ûm- ulttee of theELightitditrîet met àdonday st lte lihorMlAg,*uiEe, Cli Cago, sud aller a list sesoion te laie for holding the I04 ril ou volntion, was llzed Lt 54mýJtut t î, and te place Harýte Mttlieury County. ThestaS8 e meeting was pecultar; IBonne OUSy bas lwo committeemen, mcu$M!tg hueeand Lake tliree. one OU eBonne connly men failed te,4 6, tlie h gave bis nUrozy to saiq ry ofuty mani, therefore the y c~iz'ontinà gent voled fonr vOc4LWt in8t the remaiuing four commUiommit. ,'rue desdlock couliund lot8gMerai votes, wuen Imsly lthe loue ma~ensuwsu over Su McHenry sand',rvard vaa deoided upon. To Sielect Plae j )olielra' The Exeentive Èo-0liof the Lake Oounty soldiergansd suï6leunlon Association vilIImeet dm"A.IL. Bal], Waukegau, Bagurdsr, 3 2ti, sone &CIO" p. M. for the puUofaseetIug dtansd place for the ~ilrenion of aîiassociation. !' Propositiona for gro0Uansd enter- talmeut vii ho rec cm pUi laces rtat vintb ave, the jIon. Com- rades and othera * in are inviwe to attend te meeting. j~ Deages sudte ody lt.esath gratea celebtth &W yaid in o azsoiatetlo sleete lauon Daiegates lu the Prohibition Bute couvention ln »Seion t Peans Iis veek adopted a -«single Isue" plat. forni :and uamed te folloving staSle ticket For 9tato treasuce................ S JOHN Hl WILSON of M-G-anubero For "Oct 0 f the su preme court ... RlOBERTIL IlAItiINO. of Est-t St ani a.Ail litas la needeti, shoe- NOI. buou.Cimo l 'rauiruteet fpblciituto foe esryCash.eth r a the obinson orbera à oil Lbertyville - - - Illinois. fr lropll it oIiit ouledmh* m lpx iH IARLO UA. BLANCHIARDi. of le u diiduh. oues Tpop he Ruson 1eMiSÂRE.ILMofthtaoJ Baever-aiî dviua . n 0 POP areeou truatiles orthe- University of Illinois . -Q..........., 0. OUMI.l6AiCUha5 sel white Mr. Jackson, repre4eeutng thse beau poseti by the amail poir patient Thera vas a division over the have thE lit. Peud ratîway, platige te 1 do lits Ingling vith thoea. A Close watch question cf a pîatfoni. 'lite coin-nesad l BE JA I H IL E , AU acU FI, part under certaint conditionss as t0 for developolis vilie hokept andi au millOeson tesointions vas several nt n a ATTRNE ArLAW Atorn! sd ouusaiior at Law. future ilabili'.eiei l o iey. heure cousldering the matser,s and ar sel LIUERTYILLE ILINOIS. NOTARY PUBLIC A motion U s lnalY umade tIsaItte e au nmarchanite have siguted iniyOsra iiltpeelt LIBETYVILE -ILLIOI,.association proceed lu build tae dam, agreemuuents la vti the talait Clrla', platforiu of about 2,500 yards, tuciud- OFFICit<vPR LÀasc CorriTi'BAKug doclarations in favor of proitibition,. olored Mti aumàol BOCK. .11L.-C. -vhicl vas carred w"flous a îiîuaentling 1ilion la close their respective place# suffrage, libaral pensions, Income sud 78L91,140111 o se rt.. ~ Libertyville. Ililinois. vaice of bainesa aven' day ai t6 p. M. alael i ieritance laxes, initiative sud te- Shoe String Ilredicis. l4any jlI. Mondaya, Saturdaysansd puy deys of fereudîîm, municipal uwuerabip aud Round Leat col, i Chcago pe instlt, W*ukegau plants of ite Amenîcauantrlo i ulcuiiio cet Dr. Charles Gai loway. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS b> catrCu,,f iiIgprfca te sdWreU. u 7.S tua onîrl Sifailes bile tlilies dreicto erc Sit saini elmalir conditions provail- tfIuldIltssntr ,drc LovllsruStOOOF CIICAGO, vii olui o nliieyvtnsl lnsaentpr-vte of lte people, compulsory arbitra- CHeay Co lias oerL op'Benedtoe idriug lunew lcniu o "tien aud ail day Sondai'. Titaagree- lon, sud mauy otlier Iasue@. Clbae nous ac 1TUà wn6 C oendluidefiie peortaiti. 'iItere is no aignof ment tlogo imb ,affect Joli'7.B. B. patton pronipîli'presenleda - Illinois DENTAL OFFICE a pen.uauenl end of tlie wet wealter as Cnaec oe o hr on 'nrt eot n tdvlpdta Lbertyvlle. îlni At Liliertyvillt', Butter@ Blok, over Yet, sud titis umens b t e e ouuty Cucer ue e hf Oi îî,n'rpr.adi eoe I ________________________Smnith A Devia'strewher [se 11n i a riams in u ed of trouble lu ItStvest- mitted tveury-tive yeaas aga, bu beau the commttlee on realutions vas fonud reglari! ou Weoiedsys, roin ingterhycoraceiivei by . B. George, 'for many ovenly div lded. l'ite minority report 1 have a pa Dr. J.L A L R :l . .t .0P .June gens down lunte records of te yeara a couduclot on the tJiicago sud vas confined ta piaula favoring teA office. over rrlggs & Tayior's. veatIter bureau asmIlie coldest, vetteal Nortitvestern riliroad. Whoeu Wan- tinte iouored prnicples of tIse party, Ago a -n cas intit for lue season mince l18t'. [tain klgnvas a atcpplng off place for prohitbition, sud vomn suffrage. Stable FIY te le a.6ni. 2 to 4and IL to a P. M.- D. R. OROVER, M. 1D. feit outweuti' daya, viti a total travelers, Mr. George conducled te Witen svote vas talon lit favor oe the gissideuce on Brtoadway opposite lParl precipitatlon of (!.22 loches. Mai' vas aating bouse bore. ihustadaylite re- substitution of Ilie mlnorlly report for - Physician and Surgeon. a close second, fle talii tss ni er-cved sa letser In vhicitvu inclosed te majority report fite motion vas Libertyville,Ilîlinois. ignelnwt sinfaeys f mber $2. No Dame vas siguatibut lte carried by s vote of 26;Jo l e)t. Tue ROCKSEFELLER, ILLINOIS. incites.vllrdosaiitIieht ttnStoiplfoivsttnaoptiudIe A total of Svenly-tvo uays of faitnonay fro l Ur. George viten hoe lpt Illinois probisîhtîeniaserenialu ret îbryî Dr re MaGo e.vathen In two monteits i, n la thlie eatlug hou«s.tue-siugle Issue"deciaratioxi. tu 0Lbryi NonsécDr. H.Phys.ieB.ndYSugeon.unheard of lting lu governument Nearly s million dollars of te Dr .0.B OLN . reports fluI lallty. $4 1Oot,000 annuaiiy lu ho axpended bylonîtes fleur Milk ltteCreek. -Physîclan and Surgeon. thlit 4 sae ts oportin n atiteotts ivîta1 lte fanmera ufThe 201 pecclal attentioni given ta Diseuset -f loig-. ue tSaonincreased issaes vici cma est. 'iue Buo onhpTh kme n of Womesu, 1auîîlitul >îîaus. salmm sauu'uo51[zI,55MÂt-t XAenTEs . a.o. *$oiu lue aongreatar part of I il y ul t e bwonî- Bon hi ie kmeda Fo tre tse-' Pîî.t îsr il.îtîi -Gurnee.-------- - - -Illnos. î>1eillîgmn lulate Sontit àcà.Joliet, "ored unil Iront 'ion City rreatuery and M edîvuIl O-i.î"M'i, i-Amanu IBrothesrhuIaS piauetifor au Waulagan sud Mlwaukee plante. bîuettyhs îe iice ad lido oler.tS ut-,.anpiciuausopenîns ut their rews aaoonliTe lucresat- affectsetN,000 emiployas lng 1110etiseir uttgu,, D itov u m îlping ai RnudLak sttio Thr.dy oiluChicago sud vieuity. The atitance greal i1nantltiom lut, a creel vieilàIo1 Dr. E. H. Smith, MISS FLORA COLBY 1.1l veal sud fi was even minre 01fRUîinenttîrey voîunusry oîutepate liantai'sa ou cg lc frReea atair titan hait bicu autoeltute i tIse compani', aud uti-Iides ail mn iinuerst- Iftit s nIt aeinete cf Ili D E T S .PH O TO G R A PH ER . A crowd f cmoun unul ool litfie empltiyed lu the vonk , expeett lose tne su %%ileu tif hc N ti f are lnv stg ile O f i e De eN T IS uT Y B n kL ib e r ty vî lle . A nm ou t Iee hb aume bo lped slong tIbl1iga lu o vu "as *so uuage' - usnt vW ho MrsMa u n t u I il t e s f l Beurs: @stecIlu&ma. . at i tot . m. 1[tAi Lt- UOO P i'artilug viat il, Balconuvernlacular hi'the pieoeon a Sizeil uale. 'lteiad- cnauati"'ftioera sts Lîbertyvville, 111. sUKLYIIIG llinois. is ternied a 'rougit bouse." V. heu fit ance includesaalvitîho are paid th ie milk lodget uiiig teibull't und foli uit vas aller te éeloon fbituires vere a day tr eel. 1%tla iit matie on a a disagneecalîl,'tatar. virile, windows broken and lu fact tIese cale. as eporteti, of a generai taisle or For iunlt littele iis o f iflIe place goeeallv demuolntoiu. Baverai 10 pan cent, but s etiuîuutbecf lte mita liiît-mg Il tt tIsefat ierli as TCbruiseil sud bloedlng partIcIpants bosses aud olioils bu, ~beau as worM lare uat ita 17 die tifie B g i sS r e s sIl v wuaot n ufor anme lIme adjusting stages lu evorY fl eat.î.,tlei us aillf e ediug it te avent as ha. ocîrt-ed ilu DYmoens deparîmn o te îvnus milla, and Il"îrt-s '0s tlen selie as geing lu ftittsection. tIse incream leprobabîy ae fs10prat. u insrfse"ionig aveage lI pr oitlc as lssuýd titat lno l vWeuld Hîîwever, Amauia Brohers ana doiug cent, but tera la nil a sgearai ad- egvnosldtfrmaWhltit R oad vW ag on s boldoesaStIshe îîid taut sud aIl la vance of titatsniouat 'the acvauce ta gvno od ufroavin iI Dow erele.wli étrt iththetirit f JlY. itaiiv notewagonlt-ada are Itanietu i TIE -DESIRED. TPackard Joins l> lt berboulea lîttie bridge on Sheridan ltoad witere WITH RUB ER TRESIF 'a cardjoin Doie- ou Shteridan Road imBisaFanale Lyou If lsetuimpaimb th ie fareani. Itisa Conslidarabia surprimeovias causeti laidi devitberhurden uf physical 'l'a sad tiat aitoaestat ity cana are dispuseti cil au sit yotU qanSi te regular prayon meeting uofte anti enterafi uponbr tiern e] Tat. Lf uitIsmaur escb twenty-fonr to prici, and have a Firot Congregationai Citurcit ai Oak Misa Lyon vas a dauigitbtet ite 10ou1,S. 1,Doesaiul itadsc poitl ariety frùm Prà tvellinSt alr r.lI yu t-" aîgu ug of the nilîl la very aggnavatlng W. E. Bantcuu, reati a comuniesc- ploneers, sud te lime vitere elle espoctslii t uesfarmer, Hirami Ferry whiîh ttî select. ienfonmmanlse W. Packard, a des- vas boru sud vitare ,hle diati la tIse ltbe troani fiowa titrougit Mn. Frry's cou of the citurcitanti couapienous lunoriginalitomuasead, uiicitbs au resguig fomSit ofice rtaineti y he nafaniîly tlsroghout tfan ad lh a te nian vite vas refused litswotl the cily devefrontottheomoffice, mîi beeateof feadlng I111e his hoga . l aud aise aklig te hae releaseti froua gînig. Bite vas noS uaturally of 'Flonwittî ue ho cannes procure lte nl 1 1 meinherablut lu lie cliurcli. ae gave tohoat physiuenasd la latie yesrs ai tiiefaclory, hais compeliedte S watchT H Sete D or ad ido lus reabon lhe ouhdiunt. vilit bas beanu nctnuns imi iealtit Screen uOOîSand Wînwîow reansh and.boneesie vas Dot itutilalyequippetifiiloiiWi ~dowu tIse treamrnsi i S aai it tise senloua illjus viicit place,____an4 enterluto ite services oa is haciurcb. prosîratetiber titrc es eals go. HtUBeraIfatm I have themn in the standard sizeS. M. Packard in Dovies leagal ftdvlger. finlai atnens came witit a atatling Coealfnu.a u It i thesellrai mprrnio &mes sudo ud froni te luginuing l hi as long beau ragarded mon otia UrLtiseera nimp reatuOakugas roofliaad as mont ertilal. The ofthlIe mont dangerous snd fatal Bt a Mm.Pacard InImas fians l Oi Smedia$e relatives surViVint item dîseases te wich tnfantif are subjeût. Park thasl h ie i loase aS Zion City. are one broilier, Htou. George li. h t eaulecursid howvvrvitan propezlb' Chîcaga papers are authority for the Lyon, mni four asters: Miss Mary reased. Alil Iat lanacesaary la te, Iniaise it abat rrie Nation o saho eddea vus the deooomaet thbie giva Chamberlaina Colle, Citolers and fv sr j nue haleS'lamebas udalsrm fo lus isaai aukesuaid" .Asua diteotetivitit moth hostile, sud a cure IIfO aDowbh"Msi ela asti 10ZoCiaOty. U ChI* M Ib. IR. E. ooi of ls Certain. ta, ir llsby P. B. LoTUL B .it-u rJ (, 'Tw em l s - i oelsPMa .W uli irioaRueysdcso&rUail s. ,JEu Summer Outing Goods! Prices and suggestions of good things for camp or aumsner cottage use . . ,. ..... Ue Shets, PiIIow Slips aHi roued and bemmed, ready for use. Sheets- fulaire sud goodiqnality ai 69c, 63C, -,Vc aud 49e. Slips -foulize'aud good îuaiity, ai iSc, 22e, 200, 18c, 13e and 9c. Bad Fillows the foathier Iind, froni $3.00) to ,oc escli. Bed Quits and Spreads white and coloe, from , lu 75c aach. lhWm 'ilOWS -for faucy covera, froni $1.75 to 20e escli. SiIk Floss I'illOWS -for ctvering-the outer pillow -i iei White loSquito Bar viamlard grade, 6c pet yard, or m yards for 360. White Sheif Paper -lIrelal aS 3 Packages for 5 cns Flags Bntiug FamCy Colored Paper r decoratinfi. 1Ua.iuoCk P«1lloWS -c(overed, ready for use, froni il 5) to 7,-,c act. M4aing Plain ftrava or faucy colora, frun 38ce go 180 Per Yard. Floor OilCieth -froH) '2 Yard" to t Yard wide, si $100 to 25 cents. [ace Crtaju -sçteial vaines at $1 50, $1.25 sud $1.04). NaVy Bine Flannel ",2 Inch, for bathing suits. extra grade. St 6Me. Satin Taffeta Ribbon, special values ai specia pr-ce for the week. Plenty of white and colors No. 40 for 20r- No. 60 for 25c, No. 80 for 30c per yard. The naw Metai Shank peari But tons-ag i les. Turnover collera. white and colore. 250 and 50ieaach. New Embroidery. Beadîniga and lisertlona. ISono washabla Laces. splendid aasortment of "vais., Cnt price sals on fanoy oolored Lawnea nd ulmitee. Black andi white sooda In the Popular Polka dot$anafd stripee. For bargains in houa. furnisihing goodi 'mit our baseient seleet'om. Le -s- - ilargee n otn i Lp robes ln this section of the couflty, ng them at specially low prices. Ieoh hNe s .... . o.... ...... ...... " Nets5 h...............»el igther 5ugg Net, ........... NtetsBgg p e ts,50pair.. . . rdT Nets, per pair . . . . . . .. 1Wagner Nets.......... - -LAP tROABES- - ap Robe for------------- *' " " -« Sheets of ai kinds and specially low prices. 1 00 100 1'75 3 00 3 75 1 35 35 sizes at H.KAISER, Mios th Century Cash Store. lie lier n d i' erlîaps you w'i1l waîît a îiew siiiît pousibly a uîew liat, (ltveui, Neektie, Neghi gee Shirt, Shoes, etc. We have a fluie line to select froxîî and wlîeus in want of auîytliiiig iui our Iiue we are biere to pisase youî both in price and qualî ty. 'OTAr for Cash, E. W. Parkhurst, schauck BI'k. Libertyvla. I NDEPEN DENT id WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. perS, One Year for $1.85. LeIy Independent - $1 Inter- Ocean- Bluiff JuIy. ybeuit mutaget- the hit ouii r gradu ,rouîd Wil be ý Page cr a]- on. imijuv iiiTaminuiirc ri 'fiMiNfi 1 - aibt @toep; rar or adje u t-p meula viI egail o rad onSite tnp. me[bu manaers ave arraugede forp gThle supplies ave aroueanoi sisolt eui atorîlestherutepaed alodianres ae n orcte luwinellae orieres aroehlatfobae. ln isti grat tue itautisthaveitia clb aa jm granle the atrt 10 mnhticlubgli tovu àa I fteeu mile apaed and the diy viii protect the public hy station- ing police aiong te route. 'ibe promotera aaY the nid Chicago- Ltibertyvitle- Waukegau century bicycle loup to Gages Corners vili be added. ý Saturday 1

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