CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jul 1902, p. 10

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lAsLze owers and ai.! AUbee George oia.0 Barrifleton, M jantes Duffyle iporking for tbis une!., T e P o o h ue vjsiigag t tbe DooUttIO home ibis dzotub. Truly the problemrs of lite Quite s number tram 1h15 vtcinitYthel.oakiey Cottageîtirsstiulemsr. asther, Urs. 'ood, iaut Tlinraday. *- ae yerpiezing. .1attendedthe Eatern Star piclCo e t hMiseEmma Mnoyer, iof Huntley, 1.4 Mrs3. Ed. Adamsand0.1bon visiteid lier lMter Lane Thomas in spslitg a The social tchat was ta have been Lake (léneva tant Saturday. vistting vitta ber iii(thlleraoe h15 mother, lire. J. Adams, lient week. 'l'lie îîw electi wlilie now building front Lake Bluff part of hie vacation wit bibs grand. given by the Y. P. S. C. ]E_. 1a Friday Mir. and lira. A. C. icihards drave to week. Mrs. iParons, 0t Chicago, hlls ë< . mothraet W&nkfgfl. evp. it the borne oflMr. and lMrs. Chicago Satnrday. taking tu a boardiflg iterman Wuerzeog lm *iing the viit iber dultt lr.iP oilertyville, viii have its cars in operation in July. Fred tuckel vas cUed ta Chicago W. BerghotIl vas poslp)oned until borne and returtnfg Monday. painltinlg onHenry ho'l cnla, . aliastau ttgite s . il. verythiiig iertainiiig te, tiis road is of the very bet .lut weensday on accolant oft ieTmdyeelgo uswehe Tefl uigfttswo hna Casins Mason retorned Fridfly troimshedi. M u ie hra )iy v-kîd o< ><,ris as t. n ele aae saltons lUnes ot hie taher. Ijuge nunber of the Young peoplei and a twa veeka vimit vitlis £Jet5er Clara Emil Frankbsbri Ma~satl r .id Mr ls. Co Suufly eaud mntra blials secand i e telmng te Kr. and lira. John liodge, tbe newly iii red eepeetsdalTipbKansas. Misa Sosie wil bis tonsorial parloir an ow lrverYl.odly Mim aint. <uli!y ailifrionda 'lutes ec h veddêd pair bave gone sait for a visit (lJydavr lsatecig romain a wblie longer. Jes"neit." day. entire uner At the home ar tbe groom.Epr astofotsympaili! tor King lMr. Whlganm asyN lie exp'5s( t isLaeZrch'.Ptil ehuar linrîer Ajts mfis -iit sick frt)t e) a.LuitrCi-with lMr. suad lrs. C. Il. rover, of Chicai-Edward and tis people tn the gret ereot a new hanse on thua Ie oat!Yuwlgîve a pieeü,e riday, .111]y ])amt we..k tot tang lit ila ('i wih ou go, arre spouding lth onrth ot J.»' afMiction chat bas fallen ripou chrl on recentiy purchasedof aMlis. PegeiOw. 4th. Evryhody weloti. piul tr Çtiting i<.ovren <. lie l a il y f rhighee§t grade Vith choir parents the ioctors Grever. théeve 0t the 0conation cereniOnlies We are aivaya gladtat. osec new bulld- Miss Bertbe Hotiaint, ot Diamîud reccnveruîg. «f railroad feticing. l>osts set extra deep in the ground tir. and li@. Water iiartletl. otmay lbe beard on oery ide. The go n lu or towo. Lake, vaes visiting mithlier parenuts hîve hauit S.4 ad mIle Inîiglut. ;îiuri -troigly lîra~u.w. 'lie fcîce when completed, viii be Evanslton, visited at the borne noflMr. auitiosn striklng davu o! aur OWn Little Loulise Hertel, daugiter aOflMr. bore a couple o a dsv, rcvitly, Thlialial Ksuto oia t Neuncday and âtra. J. iH. Cronkhite on Wednss- preidlent la tbe midat at proprity and lira. Julins Hertel, af Chicaga, but Henry Hîlîman r"ivrîl ater car- iuuoi ing was sHouvorc chat Yoh ll " eeit hotu to the iailroad Comp>any and to the Page da.and generai sorrav in the rcent tormerly at this place met vith (lute Joad of choices tal'rlt veek aud eorrempanutient vas itiabia to reactin lt 'erWire Feîîce Conpaiy. lir.John Knigge rstnrned tram a pastits the American tmaitait & eu rt asros cietrecenti!. Silo ân.vili sol it.coamta yuIi a vesry mv jînal iico Iliachocto 0mailtire itemsi. lionra.y acViainaspecral manner ta extend candai paying withi a powder cap soche as are pie vil; to Rivervievo na. ih a ne ta aur neigtabars acras ts e sedani nloy pistais vlien she put t i rnc. 'he Latherran Onday scbo,,l liei-i Write for C:atalogue: sccompanled b! Miss% Voe aoseand Tecniin htpeali bsbrmn adbtIwini xldd 'l'ho Amrican I a <ail team vili choir (Jiildreîî's i>iqexoeries Sttnaay. Mater oeorge lRndolpb. . thw etonionsxéBUeth I t revi 10 bis er utb andli it t, wland cil xiu hodedcroiss îat@ vîthe f I itîlgo leds nex i Jianît30. hey wiihbave thear Baea forlretfarmners are loutejt cnosevro snc hat o mg b er uttbger tonguand cnttingthtOuRab Satnrday and wvît!.filiaWatiî,ofdaia pilee.tily flein10 itermau's m.ito . ê Bevtngoirlua t las rgeit of!Galtapitratbleoa vh tofl apmi a ote pier hup ind ls rîns next Hunday. F. Y. LMeyerir ar.deling bis barn. on the market thie veek ai the band- Bpvrofales Inve a e utcapta. ffct eliver bsda adnom g. lt. rank itoney. Mii . Fuelier, N.t)uers Miss Lura Parsans gîîttoalatram PAG [ WOV EN Wl RE FENCE CO., 0. 1. LUCE, soms pies oi 50cr pet buabel. B evora fa isgar coneetsd cr Ln' asou bigb. ad J. W. Gitlbert, f u i! of Varoida's 111e .efTroiou itgli avinai lest ThuIASIlLAETl.P. OA QN vitt the nov cigar tsctatellesofeata Theamaxi! trienda ot Frank Schtui3et aldermen, ve ht bora~nday nagiel i day iiglit. A humîblerof friole d niAU0MnreSTN - - ChicagV. P., LOCAL AElroa Latvoks alKUNnti lti a ~reside there are tio autable wereNo moryta Isatu chat i isa a8 pectîng u tetlgîta.Vsîcitiar.itîMonroeiu ti' ttiaS wich_________.__ --borne vhlpping- administeri t onl&do hottacup ah iem- algil rltveaure atr teeeeatm i ce00Ciag.ibfyullaos lin. arnalble, et sae poole co nppotunltis atband 0W 10bul. hassti hr a y f. b eesit or behl ta udergi) amocher itenda 10 put up haie îtlew ligtt. wenlrolîll tr iai' M. i. A. building tend Brnotblytnm popeio- pprtn nanas.ert w o ni a peratiofl. hast Nourcabet ale bis tendther in othig ina noe. loy». Wake up gentlemen, dont let il loftI lînb laken utffsîtova the lknae lu A grand dance wa H r ýgiven lit! Oak ieaCiclaigo. lira. iabbna Kublank accompanied pu". Tc paraphrase Horace GreteleY, a Chicago boapîil. hant Satutdlay lieIlatk pavillon FriIl inly 411i..itsi. byGuel, e Raygr aadrE mpvoi the w to iii ae t lctae a gi e a lite ItopttaIand il vlI hoa rnisied tov a Chicago bariDIAMONL)LAKE. Glc" bergran-chidrenvinieri a8vas emntaectteat! ata e dt h ratea. Flootr I_1oIitîe [airenvt li'Ot trgui ile dane thei-ortIl. Whowil eret he lrs cttae? as isclpet oceaar totak th DDlaR, Brnngt"l'. George iatvy, Mru. IL. C. 0<t<utenub'nailg or triands et Kensingtoni over Sunday. We nndersland that LiberlyviliS lias romainder oi the II)oin llte lip Fremott Frank- M-l -rr andi Cbarles Niiinoasîtt t i tfi l e at if itext %vpr. T'h. social giron t IvanhOe tst beoa casting iongiiag giances ai ont joint. Hli ' o Jtlt ii)g sWeil Friday evening by the Rayai Neiglibars Dew factory w11h Sviw o o tin lasrail bc xpe.'ted and w vete Lboireri i isari Mru iFreaCank v,"1 r'5ti lletite, 1 ad., wuss aacésIn every vay. A large aa rmu.W e et a)t %,ul4nO iici ioercvr.Zimmer, Long iIlarry (leary, iIL eî'ît aîw a-, tirIlIli reýlatives awautrm s. erbaie t eU teaianletra<bfbircoilîet' rvtau! Iancouda. Ticket,, ss. .1, Il. Farie-, b-r.' nubrc épeta esvr uLibertyvilies attention 10 lias tact tIat FrankIR laone o!Ounr irightest Younig mngr r i, A..JJnI-lý-lpre antldance- liasconts aiempire bas long beeon mon and iha alllion mns sliait bt aae.Nrat' n uuli %m~une Ont nsv cigar laclurY as muriag vesîvard. Ws aegettiitgafowpoolle iit'um ysteries araeituiailtiolîtsale alui Not aai t.fîtrtit-iltr i '-n rk, MlIîtîîrluey W agons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' right ImIODn chobir regniartlionsOfand Ibings rtrm Lîbertyvulis nov.- -sometîrne we'lunderslandI." Dlyr ae duea '- ifIba a lîg va- business. fievera aiont o nrYong mon a-days but vs are nt sendlng anybady tract, sincia as inîîttî.tîit, bilîituaru" ii'Ianl ieagîalivill gve ite1, and Vehicles of M a te r i ai1 s an d sMdtboys uba Vers ont ai emY]OYm8uit over thore, not go yon can notice il. Savea A Worn5v's Lite. canstipatian and mukItlearalarlle, vtiia raî,,iî ii t îttn iaIrday ail Kinds: : ..,, Hardware:: are nov vorking thers. Lbryii aago tv lngi ' ae giron ut ould hava meatl isIhe ruit of tla ra'troulesa). IL l , ( aîiîaig..tiv lia 0 'il v'unial îil,- Version Vanpiev, ai Evanetan, bas a but Jita nat tu il WîitteRockefeller, death for lits. Lois Cragg, oil Dorcites soid lie 50c and $1 1,,,[ lua 1,3i. 1;.,,)v sml _______________________________ Pmvos"ekarespule frtambis jabots t ses. tt, tMsa. For yeua?8 abe hal endureSci] LI, Libettyilieý. .A rom îîrieat-i lI tîtIr. ta ltropolitiia business colegé in Dn 1a[ cTr0.hl toili&Oadol)ti1ateco1th. 'ten." WAIC(OND)A. aîilau tt'rauia flaCoal, Lirre, Ve solicit your Whenertm ansannt triai la givon ta ud sametîmea c.1diDotol apeak. AilIMriahe lîî 'v-tt.[u e stsfcon W. B.Portaus ad taiiy.Eiéctrlc Bittera lot any tronbe ILl adcrsnSrm sta tled Hiiiii W" diand Feed. Bog., o».30,i'112 talin an lis.recommeilded lot s permanet cureDr. King'@ Nov Duacaroer! a .vei ily55i lte Chrits Hapka a son. Mothor and chiid viiiorslilseiifect<i. il neoer faits sumpton and vas compilely crad.' lo arsw. l Vikgi lm roii rio ii or n ed s r aifcin ta toues tbe steacb, regutuet'&ho Suferers iron Caugbs, Colida, Tiroal t ( filae Frit- ilsegî ia.t______________________________________ n. otagvê) ndChialaapj.Ho kidoes sand bovsls, timniate thé anct Long Trouble need <is grand Thurad!.lest viek. toit î,il îiî'rîiittt i l. vat bui prohaly éngaged the entité onI- liver, invigorate the Doives und pont!y remedy, ion IL nevOr datppoiilto. J iat ,ie t'.it I ei ua i i w',t put of the sigar ictoryftoirtae next tbe blood. Ils a avondertol conie ion cnrs ies guaranteed iîy F. B.L LovIL . M n aolo t eiltI a 'ic'1Frtow". posilirsi! coltes Kudney and Liver Pries ic and $I.OfI. Triailibotties fTree. Morris Ford bas 1) relrotc't adneft )ail, About ton ve.ks ago n these Items Tronbles, Slomaeb Jisaîders, Nrvons- <.Lael'rtiiyngtJai4bII)I h I va soomsapiined btlrix ni the long »Don~s, seloanas eumali, aoLa e. akPrFrd ngtJiy4h1G U TR OHS Nenraigia, ud oxpois Mlaraia. atis. EVERETT. lire. Chris llo anal fremiy are Mtî i hcg rhsr.menî eéatilfld dronthanaad payéd ion train, factionl guaranteed by PF. L inrb o b FMir l lde rvtn i oa e ittharChlcago unrh'sla.rge iouma »à itilhma rtduedneatii ail the citms ubortyville; GBAYSLAII iBAI . a riliaMFni Fîesvtttsl rm tt aernd a i hn'îe lare fsîre i lims. Mou vs dirent ay snything Oniy 50 cents. n___Tain.________________________________________andal_____cornearemurs__ Frankt Nore Bspont at Monda! un Fot Hiul Snnday. 1hava- a giiud itire. itefrestèments____________________________________ PRAIRIE VIEW. doors nar n o theb Engiebetti build- Chicago. T. B. Seymour villii miida iîev buslte srrea lon the grouitîls. Coummittee. Una. Butler in on the aick IaIt. ing and in tempurratll lu charge oi John Caroimn apent Sttiiday wia bis in the osai future A. J. kihng, Riockefeller, C. '1 tiiet,ý MX&a.J. . tobuft in viting a aiter liteas ie Uridisy, lin. liaetberbrother in Chicago. lira. lhumaa nît [oy tettirneil10 Ijiamoud Lakte; itli IYoung, Liberty. L TII .-e " bc 1.o aaPai, h.,uo atavlng resiguaed ias Assistent pont- lin. and lins. Fred lian and tamuli vankLegan 1laI vaut, ville. Floor Commilîe i.Otto King, WVVL.5HE,.w aw 84Sé0Yal atWnw0 mater. spont Sunday wttbrelatives in the Wm isiMable, ut Gnaymiate, vas a iRockefeller, l'unktBattiett, i.iamond .eitteay tu._ _ _ _ _ i city. Waucanda cahier Wedxesay. Lakte, Frank fHerringltn, ituletyrýle, S OU O ite l MPrOvll h lih nuie ieigable manandlm... i.e in oieco ale br o utgî- /.l m,aiig, rv. .i «ppeaneof hiabhuse with a coat o! and canssererai dai' los ai lime iR. T. ia TreL' sld unu Diitti.fiaaam l i t a i . Y o u n ng B r o . , a i Q n s n i u a as d u b é » b o o d p o i s o n a e v l o p e , n M a d a y i o m i C c a g o uh a r be y b s n s I l e i a t t t e v u . are d ing té von. astim sareslt Inithe logeaofaaiband vii i ie ilu euhor connlry homoe.y~ T re .îra ei.ea aItg U N I S C R E ' i eUaon limbe. ChamberlainPain Bui la titre Lunais ad somte thauglit. ounlfoimer 1iayiytuatessthiave'k. i mît laI,-ur COhRNERS. ait 0 W iii, Mr-. li. andslr. Tirchn and daghten an atiiepîli'liniment. Wboen applied Gog -nreLn i(v,4trn uge »bout@ apont a isu dais rectently wth ta uet, lbruins and hurua il causes Miss Margaret Catalan and lier Bi îîrnîuiîîî tant i vtandiMllel1 tbem tu heutauickiy sud vibt ou siMrtea, r tedn b Its. Josiejiltrl)ladit peiu IIIlgîtfv . u41rv q li. i tiîoilo îîî Me - N. uler and taaiiy. maturationi,and prevents any danger o a in r .i- et be, are ctoud g te irai ail tire wveutin it,îaiga i.o<.~~ ., ~ t DSost.lorget thédinces ai Hrtelosload potson. For sale lîy F. B. ichs triateNomlelo n!tioiItlokaodof1g l' %pasthdauevenbng July 4 th. Larr.i.t, Lbert3'riiisGRAYSLARE DeKaib. lit. anid MrKt of x- Viî'ilt' niaria '\ iir-, Il.ast 'i to t' a Be at AbAgi btith At. tneAbout igbteen moriles ugo lit. %V. atnçJpyliitg lnt ioiC. C1I'tiattatiam ., itiitu Bexuma AibiEht aS Ib mistntunoS. lManning, ot Albany, N. 'Y., vldeiy trsi3v.c iiiu iî ' liirt ,, l"laiIre..m i a tohaveaborsesbepoanalanS ice TFRM N. kuovu lu traite cîrcîea as tire reliesen Th.e naine guaILrantees thvrett t ofM JVltwe.tattre o! the Albiany (I hemicai Co., W OOdsiîguarua-nateesîilaiîa theitN. îî ' a ia ii' mm bE. .amulaitaveet. tihtphi i rrrali for tirhoFurtîl iilyi3' vas anffetlng tram a protrscted attack tlima. t' slt - e.Is Wm. oiy Tmails ashort viaiit ta a! diaribolsa. "t1trled Chambelirain' Mre iblaKbc5el1 Jcb1ýIr,,I, ti aliy-, i litasHelen Whigum tartedonan JS Futle1y,-laNIa',, ulelauta lxviell w eli i l hi e.l Lhq,."tality.-home luteiided Entopean tanur &t o! îui5la oi. reil;contempîcîates itald- telle!. 1 eheotull! recommeiid tiblaparsanaga'. wa aiitg ri-, rid's . 'a lîîuîne ig a nov hous liisuaummr. Medicine t10ctonses lilusnir alilcîad. 'ý leoe losbci ,igIe. Wm.For lstle by F. B. Lac Fit., lirtyvili,; lira. LilIiIiIi anlirtalie'l tut .îi ,. ,vtîtgta James Braonrecoures bis înouiby (,RAiSLARF PîîuuMuue . dysha îa ta a ii s .traîli îruttio! mr iuvst catvt Ilia ate .idley ibas gone to0 'yha liii cmil Ut IiNiii 'sont IIutc ast( tenu. P a b a ru q . l o a . a n S l i e r g o re s t o r e s o l i v a i ! . l a ri n g a tb o x o u H a e r a _ _ _ _ _ _T i s d a y o a s i . g . 1 ' . 1 i e t u i m a n d k fl a mt t e n I i . Decever, Colorado SpringsuadYl on er tLAIN . MtîmihiofGt aatui aoil vit' .. leo s ud iiy ed in . tt Sitan.Parklo e aain laue Whnat'a the malter vitit RouinudLaite, issAanriVsaieenda 1v ta ananPater,îîtiici'idrevîstruiSt'dr MiotAmebsn me raacatiaiiPake, f ieiedoesviitrai t"s.u l tmer eee e.sers livea set su'titc ti.Nollng alit ail, its a ively lace ut Chicago retnrning Satrirday. tBuggies' lest iiuvk. M.attMs e sigiic W. J. Welsrecenlii urcbaiod tram, limes. ruWet',a hcgva aeI AMaria mi tîetî'îiil'i r . uîvandîîwMis etilii nit a ,itui'i'au Chas. Sturm liftynrie teat ofbigalilaMs MrhftFraîeîrik elused thlia a!Mn.ll ira. ofChicatgovet aSndy -a ltiia iuani ccoeilo l )% toiti,îuu il,'ti N Iýl i unrît lus a acl' addoc be hes. vii oia jtg oodaIlesnmlîi JA It nrm eoi Ita iii i. E. itnire, af Chictago, vas a ionrlias paiîtu ncmulteas, gan. and scrualblrinn.tngtsl col uyguest ot Dr. and lirn. Fcblietdiug Oser «tir Prestuil g Eider preau'hu'd iiIti e \%i. C.' elîîîilaîu, în in. (èrlti. Jr. ose s.Alvin Smîlbta 1 x111thi i iiitY sandsy. M. E. chtîrcli tait Suulay era'ulug. rnid uAnua îQtuetn ulre lte aîyl Libertyviiie ---Illinois. l'hereovoers leve ron tm Iis vicilty timing and clsaDng organe andl pianos. Mrs. Wm. tiauma andl ebilidteusud Ftinds vote taiseS 1toipay ouit ite lia- i aritir tirer ttt ii' uu tt tillb viho latendesi the Eastern ltar.picote Alvin isa airaI ciasa banS ai sucre vont ber lmother are visiliuag relaires 1n debtedne4s (uor thesParsoilegi' aloilalsaroll if Ilîuîrît rom Siil'rirtiiiîiit lsut baturdsy at Lake (enera. One ai the young ladies out IleFr Chicago ai preselit. sug ongiluparutt Il. Marc utif M -nLieTo-oi-.Aot-Immdl--- lix. snd lira. A. C. Richars Mis.tsrcirdspreas miChas, Hartuung andlier mtbet i iirrtr"iit <cati A ]itma5V sicohuîber salve, îilnteitt, Coldste somotimes matotérouble- vfudyadSna itb the imter'a Snnday atretenchoir urSpsitar teepiiig aS,: k Headaizi" ii'iriut at siiiîtt'i su , lott<i iltirt ill'gi'd liatir la as% gaad racusen oaummerthIan un viin, itla@0 Saiuraî i c'atai't lucer'uosti ontuIL ailu thie 'i uit) tsoItii-nlins A8iîîau Sal 1'u i-<1ual n barl tekeeptram aldlg taI h, atés. lins. i. A. CouraiS and taînîîy un hno'ao laltstruon sud tlia'a rmIeportrlp lalir iîuîiusiila. fauaoibr cul 'mUICL01 "Dv o[bln od oke ro digte irr eveniuag. tucedItei i say farth<bauigit.rcniaSrpît a!n'.it. sudl hiloliitu"sýý, wbihI'IIrtu ii'rin'u iba i'tautt iutn1t iitu 'i li O rvs au! nitrviliiu',itres o il blenoilieg ut! aller lexercise. 0 ChîcaBa. ~But honda! IL vas fortunit hat IL lied MarrieS, suinda!Jane 29ti, ai the Andt uus'uttebidit'v'iîadn'ti'i i t5lii i~'c isPiles,lianirtue, lila ,Cornae, Fllîitu, Minuta Caugli Curecures ai Oce,. li. n.ud lits. Hllman Mlialie ru ersmysteriaxisoly disappeareat. Nov bieborne oai obelades liîsIsRItiiiii.Miss bî'tepau iOîipe i'n-1 u tr. tiiic iiiay e lytiti/tit (tutiiitt iitIiai ttu 'litis.1iuv, id.lsih iîel andSii A Sue ur eAe to eagba c ida tcoup, Chicago vIitot Sndai. vishabc h ad Lied ItLain ber aptan MillierBaker ta louim Keyes, ibotte Ot bealtailned uit t. Il.t, ii, ltii'ty atiit tiuiil l antI1ýi -iuepi'el 25e aI F. Il. ioV.L.thoaI and Iung Itroblas. p. 14. T'he peoneebas eeon' maved tva strings. iPalatine. Viue, lunStuc aitat$1 iîuttless i 'i'flter'y llbenlyrtilu'. <(;itAY5î.ÀEIî iineiicv. LoVELI.. Libertyvilis. i E Li be, ut~ 'Ô * 'Ô * * * I 'Ô * * 'Ô * iL NO .W Ol? NE~VL! An Opportunity for Homeseekers to Buy-NOT RENT--a cheap farm in "THE GARDEN 0F PLENTY" with elegant soit and dlay subsoil, where there is plenty of water and no crop failure, and wealth for the farmer! In Richiand, Sargent, Dickey, Ransomn, Mctntosh and McLean Counties, North Dakota, where prices range from $8 to $23 per acre depending on location and amount of improvements. These lands are ~ AN-D Write or cail on D. C. LORFMER, Libertyville, agent for Lake County for the great, during ?JUly. tuf LUN ýD LA ND AGE N CY l tkum Dte a? isf«ormto n irnquiry.Rerntmber, transportation is e tlad

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