CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jul 1902, p. 5

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Kapla uo.itsàiU big Tacaiiin inBo0Ilifht0l~ ni., whle Ui. PICKED UP 1HERIE AND THERIE, sommBppe. oetoDQO» o 1 Lclitems ofl1nterest toLlbertyville Raders. 0 i5RLlal.~b ag> b Loca1 "dtooin luri sehiéo, bas accepted Are You Aware.... psto uam oi11a oatwl 1 h i lkneIaîdo thrt-ixl an nd C. TABLE. llie offei Ilo the Illinoise State -f ào ~~~the )e..aratioi oft ne-C M. & ST. P. TIME T B E urlr iigoeyMRSt al 1îîdei C is le e th haIe culeig annu el exhiitlion at u îî i t h s l i e a n d t h tl E fIe c t S u n d a y , J u n c 8 , 1 9 0 , t 1 2 :0 a . M .S p r in g fie ld a r e c o rd b re a k e r li t p i tJ uy TO~RO CHICAGO. DLl he atacIn hu. b i g cu 25(hil FRO CHICAGO.î dent Riooseveolt wlll be tbe bead-ihuer WC have on display in our windows lool .. rîyillll. Arivecll.Si>. jsi Cîiaout'i~I oîIo efed to attend thefar(eettr ru .. i om l e'6... AtriV .t ........... day, bu refuges0 te o auj b~and- a larg aie o h v r e. u .......... 1005 a. tui 1 l n. l, i Mi . ..... Shilling. 'l'lie Chicago k Alton, 1a9g nne o!. 1h ..... 15a a. on 2 14) P. Mi .. ~ I* ilnol. <e.trai and Wabaaii are vieiua A «s l 14 2 ,iI l. M. 1 ,i P M, l 4.... 4 52 W F4 12 R0 E> le........ P Se et "- il I..... e- M. Miti eac ciller lu provldlng biand 14e~~i the ein to r........p- r" for the occasion and are cou n t n n ta i. 14, 1, CX 'J. . .l..... nome ve tib ued graiu Service for the N oAst e t m e t r p r k FX) Noî 4 . 2 . lit..........1 OeZa. ni.ATS roceasion and promisme aornatîblug oew lUi WCa nin S».as iii in t.tfn .... ..... . . 14 >26;1. le for.. theu lgntfreeytai ott h we ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ïa rlas you p. Mha PIi P. on- . ......, u eegn for tvrhri su ote great and glorious 140Il Il lit j.l 40 >1>. .... . . 1 5 i. le. State capital. 'o, he a neb Cae a n ibnie oratr " , I ~ TIUIIAV CLl o . l ventor Birown Wbo occîîples lir. Fou rth of J uly: trhe aom Cane -ral nd te baoys 14 1 .1.... n Peunimuns building ou Milwauikee Say ita "the brai ever," TOCIAO ROM CIIICAC0. Avenue, Will commence active opera- TO CHCAGO.tions Bois week. Aireaity loin qîarters lepat WEZ DYR.w.e.n",", bavre beCoife to0c jeeted sud au ~ .0. ~ >ep5rt rom Od Derit Arrive it Ol Deit - ~ ,a y îu iLean'~ LlIol0YnllI~. Ariio~ ClîlaSO 'aîJa. vAtSeIl i lle. addition 1 x20 la beug erected for le lIC..yill . ii>5il e.-11 .14>>le . 1. le ojecossaFy te tbe manufacture of sniail Our. stc f"CrcesC no fl~~~~ ~-Illinois . o.l . iOa. ........... ii a. . 140 4I. M0 1 . e .......... n1 e s. M ciey o i ecito su r so r î r r r c~ r , u n o Si .0.. eas î. u. . i 10 i ialeThongh te date Mir. Brownl bau doue Crackers, Toy Pistols, Nigger Chasers, - - little but l"gel ready" lu anotber week Ii', ls visitiug ber Son1 James Carp ue L e A rira'l'hrsd y. tree Automobile enîgues ad boliers, Sky R o k t o a C an i,I,. Pn W h l . , ut Ibis place. Veter Nuxuisen, 0f flOllalidlaie. Wls., aud jater Proposes to buecaste ite 'C 'LI U "l IJ (V 1 eSMien Carne ilodine, of EVaIastoI, la la spenililig a Intuiif wlih is prets. capcitY 01 is plut. H e fit nlg To Je panese Lanterns, Hiags, Bunting, etc., j~ ~4K ULata levelad. Jamions' îîcw bonse le abaout cule. nickel pîaîeiug aplîmratus. is complete and the prices are right. We handie the Wheeler & Wilson kE. p. Dymoud, wb< bias beeu Ill for pleted. StS la beîng laid ou the Osborne4 several lunair recoverfs bot slIoWly and il. B. Eger Mas cilaite to Port Byron, faatm 12 electrie road peuple, althougb Sewing Machines. There are la atle onflned to fls bid. this assate, by th2e de"S of Lois brother' a out ehre a major portion ut the none better. E. McDoluald bus the contract fot the lu law, the tat of the week. road-bed la net cumpleted. IL bas erection of a large barn ou the5 Atinl MorlIiig subjeet nt the M E chuteh been possible 10 iay steel wben work Clament tarin mooithi of sovl Sunlla!, "[lie Soeu aud îe'Ip 1 sBeen on the rosai led Mas necassarlly dis- o olays wEhwih oncawtlÉLU.~LRY Mrs. E. C. Poiton, Jo5unie Bidley and "eigetjc lueten 're" coutînneai owîug to the wotr ueltr. Also a large and corn- 'ir / I II O N O Iv a P o0 t on ret ou nea W edne s&iay frotu A rtb h u C rosby as ont fror C'liicago he t ti ib roug l t.î the gravel p f, e te ln e o f H a rn rn o ç k s , M 1V, .. eltivs, heLff. te i. aultrcksin omletil ndCroquet Sets, Lemons, a weksviel wtb ileidaat illleiieRîroda spudig Uc dy wtb ~tsthen silo ealetraci omîareeabi at liCHS ra. Jlohn Cale,, of Mlwaulkee, E. Hecht Je draWflng lumboer fer tiSe swltebi cars of material ote their own asadal uhlxre a n d a re tU tfe < to e r h ein," le n t w e e k a le r la rg e M ilo te lie e , eO l a O n b is P TO ' r o d , w lalc b g r a tl l fa c ilit te s s u a sIb ei l s c l x r e ___________________,________ au ezteud<5d vomit li iMr. and fille perty Soutb oif toile. 'Flic ujaterlLI constructIon work. Thle gradersi Meto as go to make up a holi- ut tht . Gi. Cev la d . used J Calfo rnie red woooî. laid oi' ibIs wcek until sncb a u l o p e s r :.h GENUINE~-ai !îriis a y t g r WIhNtÇr,îfM iigoil, re n it rgiS tg ut tha tme as weaihiut conditions ill permîtd y f l f pl a u e : ::, P il ii le lime of sud ILAIpI, Watter'% sud tamitly, 0t I"itsîe Cetuet0<l A.50{'15t1000willibe a resiumptbon of Mort. Work ou the 'a- Chicago, pet a IMM daoys tis week beldiat the home oS l . A. I' tetalesé viaducet BoudeOnd lt ls lu proigres nora a r .igr t M'< ' w tl theit ant, is. C. h. FlIer. F0riday aftero ofl Juil iltb. Th1e M topulîtan Busînesn 43uiege " 1 4 7m iss 'looet Hart, 0040 ut the coin- ibert!SilSe scitool ma lar e 81 off puts t l silo 12 possession of s Young positora cf tiée l..,01'KNoENT f orce bais for ihleir Vacation&. ise l'earall buit Maun or womau, th2e tute for masklng Roge s B os. té resigud tesale upIL ours lusteng- one is or lier way lu the woid. IL quali realurdte tke p a eflse f stuOg-gon to iulOiOOk, M'h", Miss lies BIlm tec do oruetblug wbl h tbe Knives, Forks, -~~~~~rpay at tlue <.ltlgg ioîruesq ('oliege B.aynor 10 iieed Cluy, MIi. Rail fils w rdM usdn. %ehp U u Spyt ns etct'iIc0 Stewart te ber home tuth sieidâe yuu ts oue. wie opes ta Prof onustruction lofth y h40 local vo. T. V. wiime ittiwto, cooncerulua sit aicellent thle etectric n a hlise 91,ilC delîiYd, Mira. luohn (ileasoI, 'Tueday stternoOi Icl. Ii 'fos l iitue l mate oFi, t neà*lt mu weatbertt S JuIY motif. tL vîi liea Motitt'a mes- àrrat"gem« t otOe omrtr oi e alit contractores havillg tbe joli Mill îng. Membets reqneslted t9 brlng MletobegiliS Joîly 71li.Ilirae I~ A I) ~ ~ 10e tboas of dollars. articles te rond>. Eorycotie cordIal! plety of good openînga for somart os~ I > ot vo At Atrliges liesauraut eau lutîtell tu attend. aud capable yuug peple. rot. matrkt. Cr oa on ibat laq veale, auid the Mas giveli hy te Jîunor ud lu- Y ung maou ad ladies lu go d business _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lieryv-l Illinois. prîce istriglît. The trunt 0f ii as- 1.rm5nIlste Longuie@ o1 tue Mý E. pualtious ever! year, altar tbeY have menrtion te best proven by trylug a disb cburti Tteea! evelsong. Some i] comptetiea their course in is coilege . rtti lilu;crio.vau netted front the refresbleent tables 'fha MetroPolitan lvsunueas College la L'et v i l F l ths -y a dell O l scorr.ade TI g io e.l g locéted ai Monroe t, Chicag . $ j U u ~ , 1 I ~ v I~~ '[ha, jtiotaa.Ptu-cli slas cfa M r u e d niu the ieveîiiug. ai ary01gnienu OOwatu c , e t i lu tly il] w t h r t . Ie r iL In fa n u m fo Lo u lu h n u d tu t e f o r t heD n",N no ,tr a inue n o u a 'ainitit e g o u g o n d a !,y selila il. ltte cloe it" iiiitu taBle, badsID 112 fdolg: beyI bc i rcclsa ily5famnluae Mot tîîlpiete ageortineft of Mens, Womens and child- _ î~rI l tlîe iîl, , fiie lîeek butrMe hâvel thaye, y 11 onete adyo flela. fl houhfyr hihdn u sfop ILL tilrcl i Il watl' i doocu reioctewariiLbryile n tte oetpi th', Il, DOW a o1 1t~i iptoveni'meut bave lb" Wsoods for oi batteeL boos 'Ily eud at e ofItueh me sas(, htîei' îIew rî hryuc auda h oetpîe Jî l is ondition.l balle in. (let a banket of baliso ,ucnt , aud <ouat fl whib e gan sal 'XIIy- 1 t Soluci, the Peoî.tidtllanl if the tîme11 hît ii eis' ihiaflea uo ahI took 'Niels goo ~. I albriggaii Ui..îderweat ....25c NYocidru' liegan lit hée agitatisd ISi Nov boys d1(ou't. lir te mése if is' a poîsiioni wtîere tue! couli ie Boys'H î 'ii't aut 1 I)rawe ite . . 5c and 25c o1orlIflis ofln stel.'11W oi 'o ue ltgitea' or bola a alluoii cracter' in ou teI ariiuid te cirve. Loiug lltty ~ ~ ~ c e tt ~ f n5 o llat w oliollut il andî re iere any our band outil it explodes. flarolY toiles ai, lîcîr the ti er mtnuck the V st 1 ) f o . . . .5 ab o tie a age if mela y. ' li lic cid fsi a foutth bot s eue ou1e in m ute or Iesq care ai M ila ukece Ave nuea devery - S p i al \ a lile i n 'Sh ort 'viceve V eSts , w eoultoSi îs S3 IY aO ol th é, Bloit lm 8t, ac loasol! lujuteai breabolils througb one belîl his Ireath . 'l'e englue at2 f r 2 5 orr are 79, ine re 71' udalonsI '14qk( be crl as e ad Me incerely roiced l ke a leeiOSi at ses, Blu te, the ....... have passeol te ag (îîof 61 'iba Presu hope IL l l ot e tie, eueliais jear u.îilhli te rîd nle ev h Blea cIhe i) aw er s lae triînie I bottoun 2 5 c averag ae lot ail m em bere l m ',2 .nt finas vil ha a t r e n rlh . lu at vol aut ilY jum ped w el s I lI n 'u ts2 a d 3 5 I-IA M y. eans. 0pputluult7 jo her eue of th2e M uest lîck 8e as t ic ut f ba ptb et hb, Mi4se st Vetts ini R ibb d and G.auze , w th long Meai a preeaoilouat! meBauls againat di t u u .b d o natio nlal speakers lu i i c t ie if i id g o t ,l lie ~t I o r~c h r g o t h l r j u o u t .r e w î î r k e , oi e h i c a g o B o a r E . h r c h P r o0 . E d a r d , T h o ~ s o ,I r e m l u h a r g e , o u d a y w t th mra i n ,uePublic tii Bet binai wonîuds secolreai Edisard Thomson. lie la the national [(,eositéna, tbuuilhîr arounîl the tonAT lu iis m e u lie r. IL J b ls a th ai so lei ac e r aa ry ut --T h e b a d ay L eag n e o f fl n US O l c iltv t a d jac e ndt te th e A J p_ýwMuada wen tigbily liouud, ion boud Akmerlos." This Socity lus ouden)ile' passaeuger dcp<ot. liii 'et I ' bl-Oî.îI. a~ ai ahi, rstait lu lockl aw. W he eas if lua ioual an di evers he vbo l aufi W hie aiig for au electrie car at us filt. l oflt open andi espolest the diaease eau- 'Iha gentleman la a flua speaker sud Lakaenauva Saturday soule memberl îîîî uer wlDo eeoeMilpenâJ.No chrg$,n collec of the excursaion party trem Liberty L ibertyville- -- lios -P r o k =-A promîllelît pirson talus a &tory oft ien. Ail iuvîteai. villa espbed a loe geck couantry couple a moherwhoWOUa miererpli at a Pomspile threateluinfg weaiba' lhe Who, obilvtils tIi the presalice of the aaste wli«\ oii ayn theaieEstrîtavurintu aeG v loireni or muroe excuratoulsias, were to tt aîly lchv morlbli, ber Saturday vas atteîoîlay 110 meuiloea aulltgbldmaii o oocn 1lillta lad lu hi tisane eonfideuity iîohd and tbaîr tidsoo atrîeudud thetWisi, evldaeiig t12e arrivai fred' i itsOtlr ldu ia es, io aol foie iii arled m eorP J GS j til~ 1.1' 011 10' id, li î' '>b tat lie\% fia ie a le ,,iu tile tbe! eujojed tuairtrilp aslif ouîîîlg,uttîtoeodîf olaies 1h t it- o l li Ol y ii'.e i o u g tc îî d o llla r i a t tb is P oo l a llb o î g h hi a d I le e la y b ue i m o r e e t th e i i 'I ItV ilc p a Tri l s e In O c rl- r8 . . . P U R D R U G. . . a10 01 alîil fai (lt able thieuîogbri fce. '(ha ocoiîiiot proplîlolaa IL wîii have beau me clth t et vle at Bdexoi Il (1 p i îîtî'l >1 l'o (l'l'15' l;it ' i I'l ol ieui the lad, but1 il tla>> lier a p e s n r.Arrîscol a s the hale bise enaco t. l te the uu utii t t lise A t L v il D ru g S to re. ý YA b a b a ca m e t o g la îlîl n ibis o mle o f b e isi c h a r te aid for ste d y sd a liP A I N T S o u a n , h a i g n w ~~~0olh~~~r andilO Mro. 21,îi t>iji tiicat missons tIh' hesie uali thee toroulso> patRbTrddICLeESn 011.11111 i Mn. sud Mra. ~~~~~~~F. h. L v at Souda! -tle ride aloIlt Amerlos Tost ledge îof tbis hitoria abîlîty icI perfor l rloelt îrut îvu O L T A T C E <lu li. LOurl Mnda! attberO stoe oppontunîty te view the niagulticeut Young ladly if abs would bolai bis ANDP R U E sud Mr. î L oel low aI abt the baby sto e u r and alati al nmmen homes çMac ouU fi n' a baud. Mac ll a blîru- O L 10001' lll' - 0 a i l > p u Ir - b o y . Xo i e <i li d a v a se a u L o v e il li îii g G e n v a 's liaa u k . T h o u f îllow e d u g le8ir is 10 k u eis h o w B l se e iie d a n y -PTN EI I E t I aaIl ginrte hcioeuoi d &[LOT steame hli MlyandIstme ac tas sahelu e . ,. o, eo.o'S l i 1 1 - aiell ni)" as hoe anueîiiidid liu no dinta e t hîiie staer ahc WY alii ata ac bas aasire l lincertalbi tout, -tLiat bîîy's s girl tbls "I -sl maaîîfaeiorhy caicellug sale. I lie îl"e '~~~~~im. Sollh aîîî Lance Wis pu r foeu0' ,na5Osrvtn îî l1Il1'eiiîe ~ ime 1irîtu ispectais tbe inoehafllele, lema sud Ba. 'oasOpriabelii ta Mr.Loei'mýihety' emRnr.suave ruanoat alouis l)nrantl' suand LîbertyIvil le - - Illinois. ~ ~ Mn. Lovelle "i'b<inîy ' uiemealior. appiartenanes (Il te mammoth tebe 11 t12 eî cîaOttih "'I~~~~~~~~~~~~teoeli It lie IaiOeV'o conen tté)a hl& loîd op. A auIîoril iasem rt

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