CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jul 1902, p. 8

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'*%0ÀRRIED 4 MATED FI CHAPTEIt XXII, Coutlnued.) round et dcyn andt nigts, of vihici B.r>'l gom Ag in bis excîi-eit voire struck t0ok litlu he lî'd. $ha.canitl nol hava. Ivr. Helokcd at tie ad<s fc' b>' ead vi hiteîr sic moat dnaaded, or bopet -à. ligt ot the candlc bu bad iuvl lit, tfmr (bal nîxt aipuarauce, s-bich wvulb --Bat a W (tht wscisdîcd bruîanîng bhé'ao utumeutous caona., tan b>' ta ru- -~ c yth Inportaeiand eiuuia't suliie a&cviould a.îlhem be cet free or ",vbtla il ?' bu- -icet qui-khî - fusilY conimittrd for trial. 81gr-Mr. Ivor,' ha. sait. ver>' cerneeft- The court ws crowded ta Ita nitmant A#, "I ditn't lîka. l]ri 3ouý ile bn >Yoacapîcit>'. The gene or bondredc ot e>ei ' ilbate ead rouiiu"s cam orn 0 apOn ber as ah,. wa led ta her place ,Mr litile gentemans mutiner.- lu the dock, sud for une briet moment "Te., ye-I knuiv diat," eaud Ivor, :mu It seemd al1 ber as if die icketiug (or- OftieutlY. "i9he'd ini prison au e change ture ut tbic pablic ehame wsea a orse. - monder," fate (han thai s-bich lied overtaken John T«n kos- t?" udt Tom, diuappalttt- Mrdn -ffl. "And bere wsc1Ikeeping e,,ry- Once àa th le evil fal;e of bier accuser, seàagn close and derk for fier ut en once airain ebchehaart hem coanisel crosc- -4«ti'you, Huwever," bha dte inora.examine the. sitneasesa ndtfet the old o~eely yu dont kuowsan t'y,.bren dreed andt Wonder as ta tlie reelit>'ofut -4pl&a>'l the part of amatoor deteotive lier position, aut the actual bellet ot -Màwe-de aou, air? and a tollerin' andt theet people In the guotta( whicit their -*delia' and a windi' myseif into (hiegas-Word&e aIl pinteel, 41,qsderfnJ!you do'î kuowas aPire a Not once dit acl iftI her ayas; nul tmseeb hO'S Ouvu man t0a &Part>' as unce didtshe glauce tos-ard (bat ceaI 29q'eno apeclal ral ta lie triendt'ly It? shich tetknew hellit oua.prenence bat- tm e Ylin dont khos-bas- Iva been cet- ling wlth agany a great, and ahame as a e &tetp tor (at trienel, and a ternit- tteig abron ta' (Ing. eut as lie dont esen kaow lico tte lwaner frth ot eben a>'ng o- -, ir .o mu' aged, eufferiug voînan, s-ho toot ao -Tomr' rried Ivor, breathleuely, vilie cablum> ant no noily tulera.. Be felt ever>' fibeve yuu been tulut?". moment s-ees 'îtcd that dît not tend lu "Mr'. Io- ci"scid Tom, s-arto iber sindication eud releene. Ah, et lamtl -*da work, ase alircvtha i mpressioonli,.Thea. runel for tht defensa. noce and tqid made, "I vowa.t t10serve aou faith eddreccsed tlie court, rftl. and Isoset ta eerve. the beatltul "There Ie no une bu westing vatutabe 4ady. And i aint neyer torgotten ilI ma. uver (hie metter when t bava. itlu -aad'don't mean ta! And uaw i>' ties ul puowen to prove thet thie charge lea sandaead if 3ou'v, a mind ta cuIter (icit aise traimtiret taleot. Na', ivora,. ihaîm -*'e.doble-dyed aId inner, as reilishua- tiet, the man wiu brnge Il kauvic il lu offlt Ceant Savane, eh>' iat eua-ou c a. sThai man net oct>' knuvi'ewhof -thes-ordnt. et'I put you ou the wa a l the reel criminel, but la ka.aping hem In 0 1& iL'.hlding. <Iliait san batl, aeut ucyhéetili Il 'Tout' criet Ivor, amazet. lies, lu bi. posesseion die taggem wlthc "lie, sirr' eald Tom, proutl>. -"'Tue e wbich te marder ws acriptlisha.d; tiet kllnU &tory', bal llil makle Il manebort aa I ian, s-hile gviug evîdenre ageinal an i -«Mu. l'e.tlt >ou titis Caunule men le a Innocent Warrn, ksows perfecîly wseil '*leaid ut iiniulu'astisay>n, a eor t er- the reaneoilandt amgîn of lia.crime et -guaintance ike-aut b once dit hi a whlch he ban eccuacit ber. That mas le 4m»d tarn, s-hidiha.c al't torgtten, Boy- even tow tr>ing ta leasa thiIs couart, bol eser t(at to'î meater. Witen a-ou wethe s-I idt b,.cannaI do soanseaciiy as Mea ii.and I gut blitof thtetewsepapers lie Imagines, Warranta for hiserernt Mw aîdt heu, aut reat abiout Mra. Mars- art ont ou mort grondelien thie, andt &%., 1 was quite stt'tck, 1 renitîteret nos-, ni>'lord, I1-l oil ni>' wlwtne'scec, e*b$lu ber rame aut ufthUeîa chenihéra, andthdeu prodare tha. reel criminel'" e e4lbeois- e tlkeit togellier, and boy Thte ectenient lu tht court wae le- .eU@tmod shcs-ast t er ut yonr ibIneet, tense ett hIe moment, Savons, whu hait I an'. u mcel, Thme' sethlug eudeavured ltuaueak ot at thetirt jc qareý r m.'ad 1 nCo.Dan- s-onde Mn, Verrunder bat cpoka.u, sn and be toIt me bow lie waa rani- eut uuw stuod tiera. ln the custot>' ut the a te prison, audt tIe>' i'ulitn't tae.twu constable.s, s-bila.the Imperturbablîe 4, m. aad bals- terrible bat tiugs lookeci detectve edvsnced to give hic evîteuce ru qi wp t ber, eutds-bat a vllain ties authteOralts-l(nessca ciet t>.Mr. Ver- It sunat le;ad eu ts ail tha. facts togelin- rander, 4" 1 #M Bte ne>' riu'nd, and 1 tries Beryl Mariten tenr bock, whlitea.ndut ' »o-'d bMe, anti1blets hlm kctwua I il scubb nlu(bh eat -Ich hait bren - 1. a ePart>' as te wbouxmoue>". no t e frber, andi cuverel her fcce slth w - ~ and s-heu he@a bAl *Unddled h. ht banetu thecweakncofutan aver- ou et une ûiu et_ he'Cloher, ait pus-ering agitation, th pttct uf villalua- tinl! But, sir," John Brougb s-oru eut examiua'tr t on, tropplng hie yoice, aud epck- 'e1 amn e eteetive afficer o otaeu - hu'.impesevel'. s-bt suul >'u TrdFrum nf uormation receivet I1vient e l I Itold yoe ow Cout Bavon& - to make an exnaiin outh(le premisee 11L M' tI h. eelprt'et tld tue morde,' in Old otitet, Lincoln'e Inn Fields, s-here be g tway scehlWbet s-unit 'ua i (bismonder lies hen ommitted. There ne -4M If1 oeid u uho 'd atbe. b rben nu altemirt et raliber>'; the per- gu toloeila nd.? Wat d ideto * W-son ut the deceased and theton-nue s.e il-4f16 le rdi »ettebila s-î %&OdinaUbe uaaditurbet; neither yee litersana- bracfte e unilit lu e rthccriuUta qyz«M tue dagger trou ua be? $ha'$ trac ee ut liestpo.n aitrwitcss thie te.? wlit sunit>'~'~> ~îstairs, moi>' enoungl for e cupliart, andt d< (bat (bel degger ws nhie duri tuough even b>' ta ohelta.m or h e4 Iln uet omaoîfrh' couceai1 el(ha.r man or avuman, I round **I&,kJeae t n' ut andbur ilganforiteeat a pitre ou teuf" Frcgment proiac- lai, .int afefar eyof httd nt it n iene ad, texembut. "I cm le e poeition ta <j & le r. eltber, eld in i o lnd roduce te germentltraini s-itcbthat i 'mbswt, Tut. ToY'Itate ar c-y uff wsntonte, eut aiso the vienrer ut géafe, gratitutde, Wunder, ju>' (bt al germeni; ta eho atbcadee h - ~" ld'.cyt Olets-lt a.motive forratanmltlng hia rrimettalaI d" ad' els flld wth sar ashathe dagger uneet s aelu ler posession InM Il as he caw hie mater'. tare. eut be add ýrt temncln-*d 4M4 titte strong, IeemI> Pressure ut b> hier haonteSav<user;uIla n aît e rtU.banda he buved. "Oh, Tom > tg lnel an Brn; ntbn i ïbwim eever tellow >ou've doue ail tiaisait CaotlSavonse lied kept lack ti i i 0t1,, vrte coudut tlink s i arence. eutds-moîgtiill- and kîuîîwlîgly en '#îty, wrdsfor dtbtank y aIr acuset another person ur a crime out(h '. a "Ig fr auhni>'mdit ir," d' shi ch be mowsaber-ta h. u.u-ti. IKimm baty. " onl di it a m d i , Then followed tht ther siîîîesc,.n 4j lMting and ws-echiug bn e e. me iTom.,s-buse evite-ae caoaed e (retmen-y tdegnJ u t oryouoste, ir, teat (ut doua senastion;(lie Cosanî'e ian'. Oifuord, 4w andi unse.hlel." akttht dettctivt s-ho haq ws-tcbcd the boue h ýýwW « dd yu te bia lstT a8edt Berteoudeey; aeut Onali> tise order . ame agerl'. îcame te prudure (liee acruceelomen. ho An lbo a ga. Yeu sec, er-(liaukata A tark, etraeige-luoking creature, hand- tn m.san-I c" e gadmttance Ita île ruffed and gtartelui>' econsabla., nos- s- aenuad I tracktt lim beck frum thse appeereul un the scene. Bie s-as richia -o*man. Blles kîdîn' lu a littUe Outt-'- drecee-j, thougli oddly,, esthade a it*- "6.--a>'place user Bermonde.>, eutbarbarlc ie aIftaOnteir thet r'mlnda.d -Wo mortel iil, ton, and servsrbler igil, une o orOMe laielest tecert bra&t t(mai>lbt IrsaMe. Bie wsetieain' hack to Initia pet ed ut reaefler long pursutlg -ul theUtcCount coîaret ber, atic an," sibt tht tetective, "Iaccusee, .1keet ber here hiditen, and idi e a py Iis' s-ana-natîve ut luîa, sanie Ma- to -4<11 os-n ta viatrlt her, aeutlu i er as tablae OeilKo,' ut the miirdur of John w' ý1w Its-unît bu' acter ut ahe remeaineel Maraden, laie of OId treet Luacotite alI -«Blet until the £iing bad boli-t uvrAnd Inn Fieldts. I have a.auda.nce.s.ultlient pis ftg heu ber rare -i'is tInueit >taucoinict ber.ani-detaluIneura. that île-a. *&ot cuit ian>' a time, for ail I1didu't Mcrsten ehal e sel free." -imi4eataadliait ha.r'foreigu tLngo. Nuuv, I-t s-onterfnl sili avhat lugenaît>' -di, ýt(b(b,.estor>' for >'ou, eut lmtht atuta. Brougb bat plecet Il and ft- wodgi te sweer to it. ever>' ceont, ces moun ed irluto oua. partct Seva ou onlike." Colocteit togeLher itue alîry rau as foi- v Y« .mut rame ct Once tuelie detc- lus- "'The. somen Mtahie wsc e oi tue" plid Ivor, "eut tll hlm tdue. DO taaghler ut a Rajah, and bat ri-idet lu peu thluk tht Coati as an>' suepicion, Madras. Barlug lelt raste b>' noma. grave dti « th(at he meditates easing ta. cour-lin- ua4canor lu yoadi, dia. liveil a ver>'q 4rrsoliler>' lite. Bic appeaeealto-hé ver>'U 'No, ir, l'mu sure ha. hasnut. Andt If rici, eut hait, tramn bar usai confession, tk( s-aes gain' ho teave the country, bis repenel> lent John Nlamsden large came a 'ted kuosa-" ofit on,.>' ram ttie uashe haittinet 9g 'Tht man i u bcdipendet un, pou nmade bis ecqusînlauce. lVhen ho. llitel 1 ,M"r tenfaileai, and rmin cnd tiagraî-î' ireat it - itCertain eure,- afiimeid To'm,"Bat eited liii, lie hacd catdenl>- duýapîîaîred ter ,,, l b i spnl tur e sovereiga, iehawviualub. ttm Madrae, eut left no tram-o. Eeer, intq ,*u1hieanîccier tneani>' turvu'cui, adun ie lhouogt lieldgone ho Englant. ' Ai,1 dbatl"him 1k,.e atut rbere aint mach lief viile laie,., tic lady n quetiontu Ilse ltalveen tCliîuî1I warrant. It tsaeppeered aisu. Frai letrefourunil Wl M e a'.bouglit uver tl ur aite, Mn, lu hem possesin, eutdaoetrromt(ha.coui a Illse, tue casa. goa.e ai] egiti thet Count" feesion ut hem native servant, il alipeaee .. 1 n e*,-eatt Isur, thuugbttally "Cir that aie hait found a hituug Place for ac Mû««. (heu; let tac go to the detective eut John Mreten. eutd fla.r a lima. tollîs-ed M im beus-at pou've learneit (lyu>' n thuîare. Afn- lin',. yî'an oft tua sort ibbl, Tomu,tat yosise iieen the clever- of life, hos-ever, ahe natma'ud that licr iMetun aicl. cnt bava. don ue bs hihi'compeuhon 5-an gmwslng retées astdiis-(hi leveeheen s-alîlug and îîoa.oiîng ininî - onteuta.d. Bu'îug out se mi ii aisu s e c e disoiton, î.ha.dit net admitetina. e v'cl *lKeep it quiet" caid lhe giratitrn-iglu, a> nptome eatdhi-pI e caret iii sau jIl ia -'cm e iehatl irard ait Tom hadl ta viii) hueman s iuo Iuuui s-ui-uta her an î'îînîîi as 'WelVl c i hm i'autiet th . nxt hii-lilp munus-iuuuga tor ail lier ga.neroviYb, .'Omfibtioa. I tbink y>'ve a grudge tl intdeotiuîuta ii bmaulf. Daeîite her iz<c Ap off, mir, hcv,'n'( a-u?" be adt,-d lauce., hos-lci- bbce acapc't, atter takiniut val &s&ing et Item vith eaIsinkie lu iii o wilmn n i l,<iot mciii'>'CuAja> tor liii -ouw. -if .0,a, 3u, nr ums umîng roeund.î vac.anid c. tî-îluîg vire lhe bcd 4JLrbffltI i le'verr(")nct oul k110W corlnie te Engliiut, itsiniavt:d lier serva nt&, uetlb@ mei c î hîug cs panîehma.iiîfoi- bruitenp ber hoineit and colleiîad ui ,a.S<51>'l lu icouontry. lie ramnes fram thiter'" toi] Il a(nlkewheeu ciii i-et o ai rse-t i - . -- --,li , ,s - AnyIa Serden ii<iu hoie.kiuc siutii i rs the .ldeec. thei servant et the. le ton, an d the native voMen Who lund tended ber. the evideuc. of Tomu pruveil COnut'a visite, the fart ut ber giviug r the dagga.r, and, au that worthy tic searched, t.e aid degger wee atiillfo lu bit Poacessiou. At thls etage out Proceedinga die a. gietrate ordered1 Imniediae relecue ut Beryl Meraden,a et the sautlma. ordered the. Count1 voue to hb. cummitta.d to prieon ou char'ge. uthelng "au ecceecor>' etter1 tact.", The. womnauMatahie ivua then tom 1>' cbergî'd with tha. nirdîýr, and the. r remandrd for tîtriher ha.arlug. As Coi. IDunbar advanced to Ber stide, ubi' eî hlidl>' forviard; th ail aroîîîîîl reviditu and black betore t and sha. wenid hava. fellen to the grot but for bia oîtatra.tcha.d arma. ln u lunstatnt Ivor was beelde thn and thi a.fiutiug womnau u'asconvey ont uf the court, and Col, Daunber ( her et once tu hic hutel, Mat wac weiigg lu agonie&. ut Impatience a anxia.ty. She elmos ci e.aead with terror wà shte eaw the brîpleca furmaend deathr face utfhber trieud, "]Put ber ta beil at once, and I w sen.d for e doctor,"i eaid Col. Dnnbi baatlly. "Dead? No, but next dour to 1 chonîd ce>', She's gone thrugh enui ta kili ten vunien," (Tu hé A FAMILY JAR. liecollectUon. uf a. Anent Runs .1 Muden Application. "Eve," growled Adam, -the@@ bi culte are flercer' «'Don't You litre thtem, deur?" "Litre enil Bob! Not hait hâte mot -abam! They're very hum, ver>' but 1 wlcb yoo'd bu>' a cook boodir' "The>' e'ay aman,'@ soul tg nuhb stomucli, and 1 believc it!" iEveii and Adami glaa'ed, "you're th muet exaeperutlng womaln 1 ever »Il Bi> jing. I wiab 1 bad Mn i> b backr' "There >'ou go-throwlng that in t, face egein! Wbo aeked you for you oid titi, enyway? Wereu't yun us a lonecome et yon could be 00(11 "And 1 winh I'd been satiafted to le t go ut thet! Another case of iWbei onecotaenecc la bila. etis follg te go narriel!"l "Boo-boul" "Here, nuw- "Boo-boo-oor' "Aw aayl Dam It Eve-" "Blo-ho! 1 w wlah i w-w-waade-@ "Gocb-bleme it ail, Bye, I Wea >uw akin'! Donlt do that! Bollegt-tlh bicits are tht beat e-vee--and lIa @ 'm If thu>' wercilîke eubblest.nt.r ru achump and a font and- A.nd a besaevolent oid bSouptagmnq rue, deciarec the. Bom llrauctgS .BqUet t,. looking on with e tetheat>' amM while the reconclllatlun look ptace. "Egotialuer' he ejaculate& -"tim 'oman wlnt wltb the tearls of defeatl' And ebe continue. to dgs.»e"en tg tis de>', Beggar %ela is Eeoute. "Boule de>'." sald anuÀnistueha' ». te merchant eu hb toeaed a cent tu a beggar Lu hise tore. w*sh lait hav.ea tit;,u for the standing et tIbm. beg, gara Who corne around with the. regul rit>' ut e churcb pinte. "bou eaw mie give (bat cbap a cent He neyer maisses calllng and bie tires luesn't; ver>' Uv. minutoe& ne bau ben on this round fur two >'ears. "There wa, anothe.' telow befora .m who uced tooeilti vea'> morning ne day>' irnssed bine..Th"aman euni nI bsplace. I neye,' spoak bargbi>'th le beggara, but wben a new une iowe up I amn a bit curies.. "I toid thé new mninu (et I Cuni Io nothing for lbina s jar ibst wes iii,. Hie salut be ba.d bougit out thes yer menas waik be nitant route.- id tiat the contribultion was due bit. eo newcooaer, "I treated the stateuamt in e pure. ycommercial wa>'. 1 I tlY said ho nuct toruiah ovideuce bf bis pnrcbase .fore askinz tb, contribution. "The next de>' brought the redr.d tggar tu ni> deek. ne seld it wut ue heolied sold out. I agked hina bhat he vrai;doing. Witb e look or )rie ho repiled: "'Inua de hie uuw. Riantede rock ne. da tun.' "*I ani sonietIrnes acked wlt>'1 do nul lecine lu heip thes. beggars, and amn ild that If the>' were not helped tbe, vouid have to go te wurk. There wii lwaya eb, another heggar ta taire thie dace ef the une who gelsa ejob." lit Dietn't Souad Cuaven9lonaL Dr. George C. LorIrner: ut the Madl- -n Avenue Baptiat Churcb, New York, vheu visItlug Philadelphie recent>', Ild thea tur', "Il la queer wbat a likIng yug &tu- ute have for long words and Latin uotations, and wbat a da'ead poassem em of appeariug conventionaL 1 once new a proml.lng candidate who weas Iven charge ot a fumeraliInte ah- tic,. ut the pastor ut the churcb, Be îew It wac custom"r> for the minis- er to sonounee ailler the sermnon (bat unse wv'o wlshed sbould ctep up ta lw the .retaulns, bot be tbought tuis s toc lîackne>'ed a phrase. andl ho ild lnteud: ' 'The congregatlon avil now peu rund (lie hier.'"-Phuladeiphla Times. ni. uasi. Wlfe,-l haut a letter tram mamma les uornlng. She said the doctor ad- lsd bier tu take Iran and atrychnine sa tonitc and ehe wauts yaur oinion t. IMPORTANT LAW8 ENACTED UIN NoeceoutC geserptntie him FIRST SESSION,. t Ar bae eqtnaled the total approprie ing tien et the Qilrsessilo tte INtetesv- 'Ud euth canvrenu. il he been precticully tce Scope of Leaieltiin Cuver. Singulet, a "billion-doIller eia. te Prublees- t'hitippine Uuveruuee T h total for the firat session ut the Fit- and ex tY-ixth Cangrece vice $710,150,857. 'lte Se' Iagro....W rtd's Atenttn,,Cîn.î increace of *217ff,410Incdudtes $175,1 th@ OasWC.ieopt3y~5ifO1 tJL00 for the iatbmiau canal. Provilloil the. l a made lu the bill that $130,OO0.Oo ut nu-CThea. rnt a iiofthe Fifty-seeventb thia amoultlshalilbc pravlded for b>' mlCongressac a iîi urrke'd b>' exception-bonds' bat tisl dois not detract fronit the ýae ai business u-jiv<ith mat>liiî'ctîionn il itrpriuîluiuiî od au obigation ur the 110v- 0of fer-reachitig gci îîîeli nterest eneugg t iliuiit. 'Y log attention. i iiithe exception utaghe The. appriipruali ons ,id the. purloaa.c tor en Cuban reriîieîu Jil ']agi ofuet thIe'large Ilich they wNera. made arre &a futlowe ier aubjecta ot gr i, ;i li'eit'tiiiulih.eerauAgri-attaral .............. .... Il 0.,0 tId enucted as lana rat ......... 91.500.0 Notaei c tîl- use ltiti îîhîîu.îîteci ortutI'oaiia------------.a,50.000 eifl canal bill, -hi1 lnumsi aa lis lit' , lFl'irtlt i-attiiuia---------------7,1i8,aut erd at liatt acent o ,,t 'l- oz t er I. illâ3 . ..... . . .... euh ers uf tha. A trl'tl i ludative'. il-r.l..........t.... ige tandîc ilittt'e l'uiiri. A.uil(-Millta y 1.3eî-îltay-------------...... nd portance uuout iditiiil irlt l inaoiiiîiu .... ilmi ',aî ......l.v........ le er atetamfton ti hatiitia thier Itiieri ad liaibr,t î, .itr.. 28,723442 moun ingle uudt'rtei,...g lîy liit gue -nn I~soiidr3-i-ttiviJi-littg milote koahilde et weraîiijr a'.leu'î-lceetRde.caitlî,tOO Tlhe Pbilippi,1, li c. rii,'il l'utui abilutttJg-------aea. mie.aue - anoîher mensueii f tur-rî'aî tîîîîg liaitî......... .......... . JI . . o1 Ar, tance, extendiiic liioatrniitfi' l'eae aiîtn,î îîta, aîîhorled bat P-8-I'-iOn a yýbn o intrna '-'l 'rlotiilily iippruprtetd 175, 000000 Wh a uu 3lîiii tlralcli is lîriiae.'t appropriatons S,13,'t"i TA&TU'E GOh' >XJiDEIUCICTUE (,1AeT. <eniet, togetbi c ,ailb haiîî ia' rrutIi-y hauking, corp0,r i i il ltiub'r and îîîî' Totial '.......... fillennuced. ct ia.thstcita. ef red' alcadleviaw. As ebovin b>' the toragotng table, the erîî'k the (trier, wbiî-h Kaine-r Ve'lhli,ofu thug le OLllur importlant gi-nirai lureat iani'ases are fui, he pIltufaiceit-rtuu<su re'i iii tu sale Saiuin lavis euacteej sr, <hi- toiioaligr ir nt îgent defictene>' bille andin iiltî li îiii lrtnîiineaii [th pepatit te vn, ells. Ihe epplîr îicliuma for uew *v1ork ou rivera Be'rtin, of cehiî th'. about le a phto- Exteedtng eoid î,,,kjoîg 0a. rea th. tc nd bîrbore, grcaphie ra.proilituiiti..Ther,' Ie litîle. Cblîe.e exclusionu -. -___________________rumm faim deult het our seddî'n popuiari bu> P:ttltelhlng e toril, lis cooda toandsitfront t ihtemrdspiosi ieyt the Pi'itiipnese vaci.a'aî. These tuclada. tliebill for t'wlii'vîrî'apisîalethlyt Exleud Ing th, i h ulîî'î ut nationtal bzimk.e Ie liclioti ortUt'ed Stateas enatorsDevaiht o a ula cîîîu, imes Criiistn ryn ii <if ta ibtttyeaalri dîrientt viii,. 0f vethe peauple. (t peuea '(eruail, .att1he' o-iuau of tii.eir--- rtb ltnreigtecl fîtoirci.b't uthier bY traeelially aa unanuu ninot1, tiît' i, eul tt ni Pltlta lgh (luiltatîuu butter. uteBntehsmc*ed lit- rotntrp' and Germuîîy are nti bAl>'dis-a ie for nge Lplîatlicdcnalr e.-(eattentionun cd i nt likel>' te Pa"~' iuan hih0 li'eli uplp a» ill gtblh.,a iuieepeeb>wh,, The Houantpaeeed eahill relating te fthe Brsord»iiiihtstrml te govermmeut avilI aid lnthe Irrigean out tila'tioa.twlayaCudtylug and amend-agieomdtaiiaiii<lim5lli' tce rid setion.uortihe West. igte,.iw urelation tu imptnt'.-t'SEM ROpD 1P SN. ha' The repent of thb wer revene -axes ihaugev i. than,-»eenreporfltel (th. H tDRD 1PRO8 .1 redued taxaton $73250000and l ids eei inte'. but lhî're ic ual mach prospect of hl~ b~CetiiautMe opn toeha. the large-t siogIe eductioieofutax- s tcpce'igiu'iet thie ceelon, 1. Ttenel Nu.l-.. pu M y a tio n e v a.. m a d e ila th i e c ou n t r y . B > tf i uin lT h e b illi ie t in g th a. m ee t in g o f c ui, a A tr e er d ro a ii e d s' ii ii il s a r il .' w setithi la utîleitiea nipcei cIIl,. piriii-y iilitijonc'tion racee#îeîd, li e nat u îrîîîd thetc Sa Sbeguiug tofutiri aar sitb $paun was Iîfuiite1ofli'irieeuativea, bat huan t te '1'iîtui oftu'trui'dntae tofine wipeelout. nmade mîîeh iirogma.e teàtitie Beecte."e a upi.ltfand ure I.s Phiipire r Tif Aci. N. ueiaînI.syi ii. ea,a uj whîta et Te Phlippne trif i c.e-.,5 On tha. ather baud, the Menaite pcei.ed - vn o ci m Pc-r ce'nt ot the. lingley tariff rates on au Important meare creai'nig a depjrt- gIîl -by ressora t et rticles coeing front the Philippines tui ment ut commerce, te bc prraided over b>' itiînitp'," or thd theCUitd Igtt- ianîd ciao imposeson cm- a cabiniet officer, bat JIlha. made no lez-- mtirer b> poison-a tici-seneteràmg (h' Philippines trot the gr-'unnl the Houet,,Dot having been re- ing ut Mrs. Mary United SBlethIe rates of dut>' tetake- ported tfram the rummîlle,. on commerce. -1). Gibbs of Ceau llehed b>'l the Philippine comrnx ni.un Atother bill of lulerelta the commner. nient, !eie.., lait Th t oieaiUtarilnetcireaulte frttim _ciel ven adie mentusr, - Augaaî. T'rmir'ex- *rat Ycare et whicb ceec drafta.d b>' the pure food cou- perla deeIert'd ual t « 10 cU ents a puiumi onceaubstaaces colu- greste end etter extended hearing va.. eh« a ic neoltirli1 ered te imitatle bttr reperteil froni the Blouse rommittee os tram a terrent de- At The Irrigation &et ia et epectal impur- commerce, but net peentel. generetîve îiectîulty, i SRtance te thte ileieiipileotut fthe We. i Thte Fowler bill prohabl>' vas the mmuti ail"iTOPPÂl. Iha y i tm g deta'ive f li >îmreate& lm irrgtioin fnd ha the T'reae- important fiueucial meceure whcin bas r,'ttroI ad en irrevletibta. imî,ulaî' Thi' se>' D4epa'tmsngt-itowhicii are t te ean" be'ughî before Congress., ANe womnbahecbeen cemniitimaifor lrete iii PgM the pruceeda uettheb- set, ai Puli cousiderable Public discusion sud se,- the Taunton insne asylau.a lmadela Ute arid Statea. This faradtn eraI conterencea b>' the umembera urt(he Betura. ber rase came lu triaetel'] ài tftortla' toieucedin luto'cug veraicad Hoofc t iha gne uver for consideratdon hem coumna.-l t(bele,.murdî.rad tilituýiiie esteýbulsinu Irrigation Syseanthe r i-sext Decemhnrîr., sucSue ebc kilted ce'th morphine s 11l gee.S ein.t e ea flu tu eesitead- Anutiser fineticiel m"suea, kuown es aud othera witb poiion che eunot r" ers, vilewBoAn.te b,chrget e peelo. t e Hll hill, providlng for the cutuge fli'tber. 8hite aîd chle msmdered lu cnet a e ele"ofu tht conte the inaprocunt, et subeidiary eilver sud for tht retire- if>' e Pasuion, but canuot giv. lbe datea r Tht Chines,. ei,ehtuu taw continuae. ment ot the presenî standardselîver dol-ofalthe da.decths abch rueed, ln natur- le*Zcluîiou "ountl eýtherW eprovideu b>' lcr, hec pase'd the Hots,,but bas Dot Puasî- c eset lre# ta houe." in chh ley,"7 sud. iriaIsestiu.the' exclueion "lat heen stesi on in the Bruate, ehn, a. ec enurse.lie'r couatsel aîîd thi Ut,.lalnd erriorautier tt Jraahg-experte doubt the' ec,utiY of ceîrtain th iln trior ime hejrUU-E-rted ][et. Lansa. portion@coutlhem confeaeiiiu, bat ,vili it rion of lte unita' t" Amung tht other important measares te dieprave or ta subilauticte il in Jack.k t - Hlm. *stitt im Prugreese. ofgeteeral leglltion cut heretofure naini- log. a. Agîde trotte these inprtant lave-. tiie e wbich have ba.en enaread inali>'te ar.e anunihér out ltier ueasture etgen, tlaye arete tllowlng: a Ora 5mImportance 'Ilihdhave peeseleC» To prvent the sale ut uimeronte.opiume and or hottâthonnes, bal hase net prugme.s,.ai et the Ped*e uisude DtvsO eti -tete Ofnal etage. Ta pro:meXth ie efflciea.y cf th. revenue.n These include tie enti-ceai-cia> legicla- etier sexele0 end tue proside for the retire- b L tien, whrh gmevi-oual 0f theasasseitnall ment af lielsera li" To retend tht doubes patd Le Porto alico la le ut Presideut Mlaue. B itls, reuertcing en articles lmporled tron t,.eUnited @tlles * auercby and throwieg cafegnarde .about durlD e mlit tttr>' euepeate. the President liai-e panard botb branches Approprletice $20,.000 ftee.hle relief of the * e Cogree, ut t hn b. Iposit> volrea ousfeerr eti Mertinique. * t ogmc, o c in be iioaile te Autiturlzing thte erectIan utfT Y , C. lu eccliau egtreemnt le cneeaea>teobld n Un ited SIetea mIlita,.>'11àers.- ni the stubjec gaies uver auti el ct 110.z. ios, th ber. Rulattog t lst'.ttoe cf g.ot p ber, ~~~gainse btrdc for peepoicea cf pu lgeite..________ A bill giviîîc -uatehood lu Arizona New Pi'ielagfor lte, telo u at a CSiiat a * Melo ndtîbahînakaon c b, ~ Atla .pcrtIi-1îiiieiy te targe gainse, oe C.M.Hun-bs ee atpoluteai cen- Mexco nd klaoma kn.w a.tb",U .nemouteecatinolu, etc. eral litperiuti'ndeut ot the. Mt. 1IoAule nabue etaeehiid bill, panar'd the. Bota . Esiteumlef lutai .tttlonte a tth'rtnch Mempthis and Southeastert i lacd. ianid theaSeleenarba dterminerd (tek,. govermna u .petti-pcte l inte ...elias n 3 BUthematgirPary i th ýtsesion tiWaehingtonaoutheliteaaise of Mara.h e o T'he MI, l'uiTemi-na and cuT'rmainuîr R pUemtg al u h in eau,~ ochamenéa.-Compin>bac heoni'nrcirporntei aî Si. A Othet- Impows.tant Lan-, RefundAcg te emaeet of legacy tate petitPaul with a capitail stoc.k uof 4(51 - Thteip cultaidirbille rur e-ilet- b>'checîlable, b ..evoent -asd ieemosynarytr Instituions. The Chicago and 1 4 entiom le a.Seuate, but thteed 0f the. The acnonnt of appropriations fî,r the rond ban pnt ou s uew slinguic sr i r- pl s big elua hait îumethnise uuAsairap'-iesion ailîl tonacîtsailly bigleowîcg in vire' betwrie'n ('buago eaîd Euiclc ( e e e heSermait,dethtbil graus, Add pa part luethe antuant rreqatreaitu haîld the luaa,1l1 .d htSinac betit cane ,oh-dua ithmîau ranal. The Bluta e Fblas uivnir,d fateaunit asidies teo tciii nnd etiilaug V"etlor<'l 'ibe appropriathin biltehave containcie tted.iarueE~t'i lunatilij benn emco dîîuid l t et thea&oil lica lie geuc-ral Ihî'culaîîîîn, baiug cnenttdrua trienit Geffa 1tu Mueui'v, a dsiîllio f 1!11<i bren odtieuii u hlebahurt» lSset heen chicO>'lu I te -cîîiar îuî'îda of th. vanj- tvvînty milli'. i It la a.apl-eiel a bill on the aubier-t viii naval bill nca idi'd fuir ne adîitiow4 u rt-eso h oerm nt. Te "odrcoso he-'tts ii- ha reported ad arga.d to passage. lviii cmoreiicuisierus,iolitthtiie sud 'm et un Newe York and authirind the a Thee belCreating the Apalachlcin.tonr-viiigunhoasîîte1the nDaycîîd a provîs- tnient of the nusa]t3 liar cînt <mini aîîîîîîîl ru It nt eerve, loeiiding a vaut tract ini theio 'n Jia ctlil ui iuîtrceav uc towbte intereat ou the dîbrotître A bonis.a, r Aputahiubasrýeiaot avorab.leun ten c lu'of ecb c(luort tesee bps allait The graduai evollittion of an cuilucb Suota, eu i-euvid fvorbl lioînî la 'il iîn goei'nmeiît yards. ina. betyten Milwauka.nad Chicago buc S i boti lieuses, lait bas galle uver for finalu 1it. pre h semrasturnwi r sadjuelment of ifferenea until ncxîIDi- tuelglasDru.ttSein epre Ueta»nodtirn.vîdu- cembr.rhe'rc have lîcen severali -stgtin forte in thte direction oumetlima., 1 Another bill î IIaneelb>' the Senate cr u îlng the' sesasiun wltùcbhave ettrao.ted î'linaCetlviiepud 10 îîîuîî Iseie lw l ulîc11, hatetion. L14)0 un ormure lu double racking andl ine hosa e rv i ce to c natlinal beoth An liu-aigaîiuun ut cocditiius in1he mviug e-tatiCop it Jlira bureau eatd gi-i tha butre'au larger îîuu îi<,t11-tîe iidriiitad hi tePhilippine hetvatn Fulton, KY.. Hccd MeIii , ers audj toiiiru-for co îîîuîraîing Oith cmitlte.ntthIe stecop ua. îcled t» tht Ten. the State blieth sethorilles lun quarno eîamjnatuiuu <ut iuan.p viilnisaigb in Iitli the cet iitruuii ouitsîkun tiie dite and beaiîb uiffaira, Ii- iottut of itvil andel ltar>' affaira westemn divhiin, the (iuiiîlBluriiscg-11 Tint bill teu caueiih a rable helwea.sthelicn the ielaiuii. ton andl Quini-' y uuii r îuîasu 55411 M United t Sate-s.Iawaii ad iire Ph 'lJl0- Anotba'r Sonate Luetiiry ha, relateil te have practicitlly a ii,' . iuîî1i,&,ak mais h piDes new res tb>' deatinluthe îîoaae the. conditioun offefaire un Cuba,. epeelal- lise tbnuugh the' ltai t ut tiiancL Ct Rpreseiu:i, s 1> as ta cagar, huiue confaaion arlu .teifiDtiutz ihuril nisît by h. ~<.,lit hlb ieHus ena itooal charges made tinttue tiih made,'b>' 1h' iîtrlingtuc fasitu Heuetal a thulues haa. vac l n concttun aith the puaribase t o the train, tram C'iiaga li lî-uvrwbeuCihe n 1 te a erîcitrn tau cnd bavedeunaled Danicb Wet lladun alants led t ul-foIl u tknlt uuht aij t e a c r til t ao u gme a nr i a y e o r ut e n b a ad v e s t g a t i d n l a w h i e t, h i i e l i e v a d , d i t t c o s - M cC e u a k . l i s1ul u i i - 's i l.i' r a - u . U a witou mn'hlirspctforfuthe a-rd the groundla'sc nature et the charges. the vinîlirs are set teck one. lour 0.l _________ trains goknag asest, 'lhier,.the enueentetub WILL BE THE WORLD'8 BEST FORT Nte. f ut ua.-na Vente. time bagio sud the cnitîral tinie end@. _____The Cumberland i'ra'bylenuauu y-lIt e- (;eu. 3. Charlton, generai puaeagi-r as Millions. tclu,. itin lu IenpuiugIta.;liha colleite at Adlgertovt, tort>' miles agentut at heAltun ronain ain rereip af ite (ldluira Muntre.. atihia.a t fSt, Juseph, Mo,.îpostal cents ftamJoliet, 1Li, beunit L n Oneniili,- 1 rie l teb,'iou ieyChkgo officlsbava.etlacovereil thlit necaut date., edieg ns foltunsîs - l"ve i- te gov,.rtiueît i Fou-t m .iors' cîthe3 ln ce-il Pet tht' uuil ,i t ut»acclaosu>'by ti nluut homees are laughtered in t est ea &go aed youmr rond taJoliet enuda " aInfitry-t.ldelâen. sysa Nvvtom>naendt the ment clt for beef, bava. neyes'u"ea'day ethur dc ' he P& por aNewîsr> cuu)j.hulJihninbthe mde] c ce Žaus' bs b writa.r dêseut caigu bi nme, but cives nie por Nes îîîuîîb.Il i II e te iuoel ait Op. ie îtece lcbenridi-l-itanumbes-, -shidhi nicates a lnt lhe is ci atrn> Posto l,'ut-iUn'itedt States and un vri' iL nau rçam IRobert Lorrain.,Q ctliiln lbe prniteutîany. lie 5a.i'nistu . dulibitalyire' îlcti,'eîmilitai-y stationla.a etote Nihum elea aried ~have a kéeD appreciatîout tef Iaormia oetjtl the worid. At ,--iei thct in the piun19,"tranmp" atvertisiug, te War Dui-pau huent. Fort Monroe is 'r1here ha bAs ever,. raid in (l isl- The Souatisud West Riliedlihas@ an Ideal Siecoain uch e tlepla>' as it ha Iict of Perpigucn, France. Crapecare hagtt1Ot umajCrbeaot propoceil te offr. I1 statids ou a Slrip 0frllile 1teLe raineda.d t hefermiera are rocd and tha.> prchasing cumpan>' hie au- lent] vhe-h le lmust comptetel>' sur- 1lu decîuelr, thorizeld teissulova, ut«,000 iu boudae rolundeel b>'waîu'r.andl overlooka ta. fina. Ga.orge Young, 14 yecr-old anu alsomlt i.cnstruction Tha. pan IÛROPS Is DANGER PROU BLtMHT, ING RAIN. Ylelda ot the 'huie West Dames*# bY the lnC.«et t)uwpou-Tiae W e tt e t Ju n te lu T h i nty Y n i . X u Itiin thre-aetnàpthe farinera ur the laud. 19 the, renaiu aitueii a rtiday lutel the datriag to thre croi,>e hruughout h. luiddl,. Wetern and Western tate. s"d the la0" te the farner. will be beruna culuulatlonu. Il iva»raiug unday aec icall' ail Over l,ir country, and nManrly al aedY uoded ttea er, visiter! b>'a» inch or more ofrerin ilu twnnty-tou liouns 'The trneg cu"u nitait oftlinois gai snarrounding i(ta tes are tie to face wi he gravet kind utf a situation. Guntia5 ied rin wll rerrut in i virlked cropio. ieportiéeliuw that there ivette heavy raina lu Illinois, Nlis4ouri, ladiana, Iowa, Ohio, Kanas ,ak, New Xork, L » e n n eY l e eil , T e n n e s see e a ne d . ,k a iw a a Th. repoarts tr.unil,,e Dakotas and Min- llesta ilidicat,. that relu la thue 8-Sate@ mvarlight, but th, ,,«t etrette1.en ut mlhnt laird lu the. Notihwa.t have beu aaiaked moi thoroughly during the nionti OftJluie tht the ari.»,are in scb a aid e hape that ver>' light, eioutiud show,' 1 il seIcarve. tu briiig thic rab thrreatea.dt Illigioln la one' ut the ch'ief eufferer%. Ail througb tire laerior an fer bath as the Ohio river tir, fariusetire 5ooddSIwlth wutîrY Coru fids. whlet fields, nreud- - ,îî a. ia ,.u r i'e a u j ga r d -ian h a v i e b e t n tilra.d imb o la it- a nd 1îi' ud s. O uly th e lutiel favorable. ind ot wî'atber wîll care the agricultural couinnunrii.,a rou .heavy l09-9-aîud a short continuation ut the raina ii m'entu bitJg la enfir hndreele of farm uwnberaeud terinrentera. A, loy estimete plaved on thé deearre wroiigbî midain e radiam or 150 oiUles ut Altoa, III., by the strient of wind and tain ilîîii rerailed gSciîrtiay ghi aund Sun- d m ) nd $ l , ( 3 . j v x a j V l i l e t h ,e tf um i e r s a r e th,. ht"vlea re , h. raîlradu i asomt. ft,,d sesrîl>. Aîdd t» tu eurà*4&neble rains tiere ha% lm-en un-Jun liko wa.ather. Il Lao leu w»a'.,.tinenae mal uoth. T'ht ther' uîoni,'iî'r lia% kciat dintresingy l.w. chbi. 1-9o ia- pax-d throîîgh the. utidis,- agret-abWlJlai(- illac kuiwin lthity ivara vithi. ithe of lriutJuie. 1892 c h -' b - h I e ig h t l yI3 , , a T h e r e h a v e ta'î'a nietélarein>' laya în th io, enti, lu Joule. 18M2 there vra. twêentjonl. Tli rainfel fr the inuvirîhwa. gri-ater than that otfcii>'oter Juesexcept la 'i9*2 N -heu the total Ni an10-5. flhc aviragtir othe Jlne oft hirt>', vith thei excep ~tionu ut 1892, ile ul, more tha ha.- mnt'h.e.. If the' rein cimn.tinupsa the populati«of u ark,, for traaePortatlonflike Joeut of i aud N"&eh rtea.ntrierch. TELLS 0F 8URRIENDER. Admir.I Drive, flearihe. Hnoma, i W.. Gitan Up. Adirailewey han told tu th, Senate r oriiiii'.uî ti, Phiîlippiun" ha mxory A li, îîii Ni Meili. Bay auj th, la iiiii.lrui'l tlliiiig. Ill baye i. -,-îîrtuaiii tinuga asud ilid nDît di rer- ciii -iller tlîîîg. A, hi'rl irkdta ie lîîniti..he wsnlp **a nlong aya front hu)me'. there viîre nuo ras und 1Is ia ilîn'nergecieuaucethe, lre."'bat hluie ett hcal emrgî'uea. id Dot doabticl b>' the Anieriien peuple, nur du they queshtion hia, version ,rthte bn,.t but briltiaut bit uf hîctur>' ut whlch lie direitel the luaekiag. W'hat intererite un mure nons ie thtead- irais enpheiiz diniai rtal hae ever rat- îgnîî'î'îl Againaldo'. guva'rnnie'at. et %as- airvd Aguinaldo'@ iag, ever calleil Acti- icd-i "gen2erl" or ever gave tht Pllip- ifii' rpiibliic the elilhiî"t rec.ognition, for ià, liai] it) cehuriy 1, ddu ceand did at îîýi1iîl'u ti,rguiad g,,iriuint. MNW uilu %iaisaîirri'ndlîred tii Deiwey by te tiierîardeît.. a nr"îeîad imnied- theîwîg ii dî'lti'o f the Bgiaalb fLe't. Il waa auett hea î,piîaj by the iniî'rirau eiî.pliy (cauceI»..ewey lied nu rooapn iiigarrimîîu t. lewej- eya i itic n- 4,,thing ut tiie es_ pirations ut the i,. Fiîj,î.,,,10sad iudelnen- enue ountil lit i' îa-ed Agaîiriildoc îroc- i tlIatiîae .i IY'1. a iii 'miii end aelait fte'r tii'e de'îîii' barlr f Mnla B ay'. And De'wey tltîîîîjhî au litti f thia îpro9, 11n'ation thet l he iîîlot lotbr tu, able iii t iahi.tîsbut lt ia trannmis- ii slort, thb. cîtinral tiroughut ie, -ladiacrin tuai hi gaeAgninaldo, andihi' iîjîîinos aunu it,,hope, thab ie orri- etli'i r t trle t fun ,, 'tile tllie iiiliitiuîai*.original lilv(rliiii Iiathi> iîiidt-rmathis aader.. creapaible tf-lt giî.rniet.tha t h, Cubîa. POLICE ARE ACCUSED, avoUa lmrîlvie. .kîliid te lhe di., loirediii Minneepo. lim if thiri.'ioyuîeent utfunie.'officere b, rnilal, iiidîtmnrîîla air. retured iharglng ao'i'uai lu pot, is i n tht'ti,.aîd oa,îU-ig twode- ol f 'a adîiît .rat.kniti in a e$$,00 îiiiii.ry. As au.tbi'r d",,iopmeut in the. uiuercipel corruption scandai comtee th» rport tbat May or A. A. Allie, aumier aimuitniafor 'ufferlng a bc"b.ta aai d- gLuetrative iuibîî'r, rI al reeviu n 8,1" tiber îo ousinme tire nuiageent or a boltll iIndiana. etuîtieui rned ociiut Puiar lu- ia.rtuîîoraFreld Miitri ae('. I'. lirektt i îw r v ' h e m i ti l h î' i n , u w t h , r î àe k - m e n a ilnd i u b h a vin g rec l v ral fr une th * -hî'ru 1r'it8 l. N a "rge'd thai eàuaonti pig thi'v gîarded lit'entllkre,t» the labat rewery buUdiag util time raks- lie ,i.'ured $1,liI.Thtenaeto are lia acced oft sfidigrthe. robberme l ra&p. and up te, the preswa't titue the igtitivez have evadeal capture. Religlous News and Notes ----~supe~pppp SURGI Patton- Ma&kkr King thoulit and ta nuting but eut reture Muet di sick rui The K. ilhast1 hé caret on boar conditio uni>' dc was th, tissu" j iug affr. te the fi ttain hic a- o hold eI'>'waa Hieami Il la a f U etalde Ksng l% he dl t RIve 11.1 strîîng 1 vnderati feeling reciover in %%*teu pari "t dtt ope, 0nade lu bas the su torci Lonadon cuit roi ucun ti. puaI hosui King. Theai e aot dieu usa-truito creadlucd il s-as r taiteet i en operi plece ut eir oft Crus-ta tht beill. te raya -bts-ct signa ot ai£ panentg p>' entir streligîl The li as perit et the appendui i'eadily A cre,-k IlseIf, 1 sicialua thC lin eration eb*cees, As for Tha.>'hb their ru, jo3-tul ai Ibaur jo bunuing ranke of lng eorru Iontoi lu hun gu mure ni treehelu Thena., i greal> ment. curoneti( s-ere imu erh s-b since hé sceptre A Lot thase sh siaca.bis (o notice tht pocit Tle bri chret, tb eued etel tingutabu hegau t, ktugaitip. the lui-ou @vident i thertci a short o Boer s-. Ite terni ceve bIts inteuse e Thon the adetit1 renter Il RAut The e tecutiiugo at differi et Watt( et thetit tributtion cWIaireti et aundv% ofth(le ci cha rge. Tte rii preperet vha.laied cersele ellier po ton, s-cr »erate -8 fi Il

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