CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Jul 1902, p. 2

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~je INDEPEN DENT PUBUS1IED WEEICLY. ASv;STISIýNORATES ON APPLICATION. CRICAUO IS HEALTHY. DEATH RATE ONLY 1388 PER 1,000 INHABiTANTS- Vindy ityb7Lendm Al fBia Tria n-sa1 Umealth Resori Laas'tiSms mB.ok Conlria-Mmd57Haresnrs.edet I ~UD eveuIy tis-idet bstsi esn the St. Louis tht othtt uftilrs-NSewTYoik tfudinitîg isy- Bowitu Club anul thu- Ceutuno- Ruwmug lomnani shut t-îs steru ot chutiito-. lic Club. both ut Si. Liouis. théuIi rouli luth tiregrîuls 0f orthiu isîltun- t1bion nuit shut bi.inussîtlnthur ,-t it-î Twent, Prlsh la Tphor. ruakusît und> a iteah siolind. lisî, uslh A tnphuon of unusuis aitty u bas utir a firq ,,t vs uîtuu tu tt-,fi, tut cause! cosderahte damage ea Ionlnn itîg asi, ut. s lules-ct to le tîiut hug sud in the surrouuitdiru tecitor,. It in etimatet that îhert istre ltulo- rfa- 111urdere d un a Freighb Car talîtios. Iht' chia-ce-Ibhait>ontJames Dlitn. tit, i kuli uruhet, sfoundin la Condtion ut ri ithteoacta of tht l',enui ionla Ths iseather bureau aickto trop ne- Ste-el Comrpano- t Steelton, l'a. Tht port asstorns hitmade stîenit pt0 a u bihIh ut a ont si a meas.except w aer tuaI-ro> id b' footslit e i-eturi. Thet teoryofutCorner MaIns bsve înîei-tsred sith bansesting 1Ecause usaîittDeslin wanamurderet i sut s»d tbrsaing utfa intrahi-at. tht car set on ire 10 bite the crime- Ai-ir-t aPriéem.u . W , o Tiet Cutonus l1ir cettpret an sd bR is ite fQtoi .uîîglgghurch tonds strass îb,- t'snaitiits bocitet.Tht pritst made a confession luna luc bhe decrared that thtenietet us blatiieteas Dangr in Cza'. toaf.eenie. Washington Ksinlutht trust confer- suree taîet lu>- t-,u a f urcroîuîu rf posalble to onti îîui- tai-i vn En- Flfty Pessa. Di-aise, Tht steRs.abp Iuirnsus, ut ltambai-g, 'Wth M 5passenitruncu us h-unI. arsncolil tiso and aush hi tht tug Jiang& ou the MIxer dellit 'uant tîy pesons tene Duilesf- -ur st' ,.Bit. James M'lcoiuaIl.out Brrrgotî, lbR., la la a p fi-ul i-mti Mm îi iLuni îoi- essaiug, t-e ni-luti- ob'fi-ni s t'et bautamu îuvt-c ii1ii ai,hs ai, gwdilnu 10 r-cc tian li ii rusii- "isedsu nt e eofth'.uîtai lsi-s-thtd abuormathi. Tht Czase utRuasua ha, nsitti torei poisers 10 i conlerence on trusta and price rombiuubioum, to lie ronuctet on the bu-ia of TlIs Hague pi-set meeting; the United States' invitation ta pariai- patei t iaIt ncertaîn. itilîcti in a Race BatlIe. lu a race battît aI Chirago, Tenu., vSii perinteodeot C. W, Bradlihaw of thc Chut cagu Tennessee- Coal sud Iras Comny> t-ut an unnoona mn isece illet sud an attempt mate lu asassiuie DasitS. lirMulîtu, tht president ut tht coallano-, Fou.t on H-uefaTex. Ulcer. Nsat TuIsa, 1. iT., a Creek ludiau bo>, Chante. bling,,waa fount tesd, secundo- Sied un tht hornit of a wiltîTexas ti-er. Wheo ouont the steer wasroing to dis- lusige tht bu>- b> rubiîtig against the bbk a fa tnliavine. Re-lutina ra R.btue Tad. A m-riesof prai tii-alt tctta bue demi, tait that a hîrh gradesofutiruuhuhîcc u ob.uiia rou, Beauuntoi whu ,t u t iughu the t bnrig armces, fThis tus j CF-ou,î- t tiss icla in îu-'l',îu lu-a Psu, NI1,1,. -lîsft.> utIlttl Charlea imF, ii t,f J SrlntirltA-ted, Ceosématuil cI-iciIci, t Iut jsuTli, amgt utofa nitional nt-tsiu- su d astett--iti9-t'r îlu, t,-.îî i i-sas i-it-t ylu>reaideul John lulu-i trsei, be,ti-ut mu ili -a,-lu i sî' u autt I siu naputus i ionu-ttinti, a lesotter. tht1b.ti iii iilîuuabmunout leiutPln of$1 aseU>yaS-ieaui-uS auhnd 0 Wi.lahs sp l,)Qilnsp re'f-2uef Nias i-gi-u n.îcutor (,i;.l os.nhî'f Sain--, lits 5 j la - ur ttempteUptr1 bit .. suh luglind. says that thu- Eut> lizlluilstunux bo men itecmlhatedto ssacrue tatn lie- la rapitho- deeso-ru. t, h sl tît son.u, Its sln asege tri «yi beabl log .h .hetiseen Satinais anti Newark, Tezas, maab.abe On 1 t stsîuid thet slTs fjîr plaet mbute Pile of teiegraph Iag lmate t EgYPt due te tht irrigati petes acruas IL.track. The eenle itesaci «f ttcet yaes. f la North-eest H IAY OFFERS PANAMA PLANS. t Âcerdig t îb- l,. t ii of uttuiSaramit. Aimendaents ta Piototol t50 AcSrdng toth.,CoiunbizoioMinlimer. 1 Maine Hospital tor -tiii >-5 joli Certain modifictions a-hieh tht viatle asuie Chclageottit t o le t ortil Sîuti-sDepatmnintdesicta in tht protociul gui- a t»01laTht cili fhus i tuniState's eruhhug the construction ut the tîc,îîîsît et 13.88 per l.K,,<Sl a ieiucs lins thun th lauoiiis Canal before it assuailes lue repot shows tut thet rrviîius >-uc i Othvi r&bhle nt a treato have heem îransm.iti-d cities appesc ini hh. îî i1-ic itt, - 1bh vi u -itan>- lia> o Mr. Coucha, thl, 4-1 (tîîî oiiin mnisten aI Washtigtonh cLIUlg, 17.67, l'hltlale)Ilu. i '1 n-ý(ý' rei-ate genenatlyto 1 itons et naté, 18.88; Sanl uu ,I lttI lil,, taie, 19.70; Nea Y or l. , 2and 'iili.itiii tuitof sovetigntyo oer lire stri 20M Wahigto, 2.1, ad Nm 1 o u th lroogh a-hucbtht canal, if the 9O.~ Wahuscto. 2.1-i nut S-usil aîuauua route l i flaIt>tetrmuuInedupohi, leaus, 21.4-i. T'he mosI îulî-,,yti-.-oI lit costructet, 'rie>- are tesiîtncd CitylunthteburteutStates 'ia. htta, 'il Io 10brîng the prut-ucol more in batt.ouy 8. C., death cti-21.11>l'lu, fi iîIl tht piovisions ut the Spoonen iraent- MIworth Wi., tiitiitul ,L-O Il,1liii luIanditto tacittats- ratification by the thse healthttat place lu ther i itîlSiulu S vto -n histht instrument resebes tlîat qalu tio pesons n thet-li- i >-ig tl bio-1 11 ut f trao- ht( leads tht States, oittia rai-oui f it, tl lîu 1iiliuîiî legtion officiat, do nul tee] that par 1,000 of pupiiatuol '1Thi-ei iîte in structions tht> nais have ste irîuu Westeru States bat a fart h,,iti-ctaîth- enoulhlut-i authorîue bhem to sceptpî tht reeord than Ihose or the- East,.andIthic nmîhuhîatonu pruposet by Sterelaro- la>- Urs Western bettet. as a cletl)lilium tu- it-bout furrîhen consultat-isu alth tht Middle Western. 111 uusîunili'i-sun hume governnaent. Conweset lo-tht mat- ae, tht tteh rate 00 higlîmu *-lit i. iitlutec bai heet u bmittedl ho-theria butheir the ueigbbotîag Stul,- mîtAri- al il ~gssernmcnt foc futîrtbcinstructions. Tht record ofut10.6 per-cecnt. auna of Murrster Coucha is ta bas-e the us- BOOK COMPAN Y bS OUSTED. trumenu n u sueh shape that whet it ceiSsfont the tao huai-es ut Cougnesa Ameica Cocero No Ai-edta .11of Colomieifor action lb ailI recels efa- inica KCnces "o.Ai. 1 etvorabis-ci.deration, Tht Kansasa Suprs-tîue Court bas isi'itt MAINE IS FAST SH11'. a writ outing the' Ameriran ]llaiîk (nul 1 pani troua the State atut ti'tiing lt ut fBreaks Ait Recrda 1n Unnfial ITest . the right ta lrsusasst-business as a col>- us l' h't ilsht. poratiun ln tht viate antit ut secOîco a Itiign holîgb a moonlil ses ou a charter, Tht order Wasgiantet uouna the tcsught cou-se ot 10 ssitht ns-a-t Uit poition ut tht Cvuty Altorne>- of ShuýN-ed t atesi battls'shttu Mainteoade souct mot e oent>-, aut truýst uîuttht fIght rcci icI-reabutog apes-olfor hattahipi tu> Wie th centtact lu supplo- the public regshrrug 19.95 lbots petbouor t, a hiait- admioolf- tht entire 8tate with sebool hou- sport. Over the netular trial couccue boouks.of the Ittîna are cape lb oîaintsined a MANY IIAR'sESTERS WANTED. speet of 18.29 hoots per hour, whtcb in .21) of a mile abus-e the tonîruct spietd Thol"nd ofLboer. e.dd i C- Tuat It aiht exceedtist on tht oficiai &dusn is n orera -det i Cn trial in conceedt hi> iiitexperts nboaanil lbt la estimatet that trots 20,000 i,>i ü eoebi onih iltbc 000 bars-esters wtilte requitedlin thel. hosen for a trial nosl. Tht course chou- Canadîsu Norbhwesl, Tht Cauutuiu l'a enu Nias an s-st ho- soulbont, stthilit elfie Batroad in ,arrangis e wth the Alt an ouIluo s-. Tht Miaints@ propetters tîsgart andBraer teashi bres o bingla-rilsing ah -7 240 otuts. G-atuulty sud eas-r stsmaip l es a bnuug t tbey- ncieaet, ushng themtohituu tIi boeres tram Engîsod t 51 teplionalIIy battIpehip reterisi-very momîenh. At 8 cheap rates, Gnnerah Manager MtNicb 'i-tukth brt l i-t-ton ao oit el l t IWinnipeg aut hopes lu asit a Tht vës-sscihait ritaelu-sto t-iiut- ut a girain blcksdt ibis o-sa. Thetol. bs-spetil ut 17.36 hautsanosbout. ith the maye,,bas puethaset 1001 ni-a-engiotes aînut tusing or another liait boun t bat ta- viii have 10,000 cana avaîlabte. reaset tht speet to 19.5 lillsatibuîr. Learue Bas-Hall Rate. This moonttgit tecott breuking rnlslob Foliowlug in tht standing of thteicubs thbe Maint to tht, ette of tht golf Strieau, et the Natioual Base-ball Leagute: about tort- ud toiltes out. W. L. Ws. I-. CALLI BACK FRONt THE GRAN E. Pftbnlrg ..- .58 lqit. Louis... -34 43 Brooklyn -....45 35bilatetphiu. 34 45 B.yResocitittilAfter Ris tader Chicago .... .41 BlCicinaati . 32 43 Wter ThiritXMilnts.. Boston -...37 34New Yoi-b . 2315St Suipenplte-ut l{iialt, of tht lite saoc - lut ngsursviceat 'u"usibuigtoa.nrceiveit a INe clubs ut the American Lesule report front Captaîn Ludiani, of hue etial as folio-ss; Hereford lilet Lite tissing Sîtton at W. L. Vi, t. Angleses, N. J., ut tht, remarbabtuti- <Clcago ... 2 llWaobingbon. 36 40 soacitation ut Stanley- . Iolints, a 5- s .isi....41 =Clev-eland ..35 42, year-old bo", atter he had bee under fhlia40 S2fletroit-...t3 42 water tiseetyfis-. minutes. CaptainLudt- 't.41 SdBsltimore ..- .32 44 tam reporiti the, during a aqusal lu the i - hanhor William B, Hstmts sut is thliti Puabic L.edier la Soî. airt aserturnet lu thteisater snd that Tbe PtU&llapla Public Letger bas the littît son sanai, remaîntut unter aster haem purchamed bho AduiphB. Orbs front not le-s than taeoty-is-t minutes hef ont Qeorge Wt. ChltIs Drexel aud tht Drexs-t the lite sssiog creis of tht Htrefordntaa otate anti possession isas ai once gis-in ion as-ne able 10 secore the appurenutt- Ur. Ocha. Tht pice pait isanI matde test baily'. 'uthin four bout, litter labliat, but it la repuris-uton good suttloi-thtelbody- ias reinvetfroni the wahcr 17 tIsaS mure trsa $2125000 ta involve thebs-chilit egainedti onscioanes, inhetrnscton FREEI) AFTER THIRI> ARREST. Brielanm OuI- Hop. Senatot, Druanmnt of Mousîcal tllts Georze Gonit, Allegeil Bank Wrektr, the BHonse ut Comnuutocomiittet thît -idlcîacied b>-Writ ut Habseas Corpus. thm enly hupe for i-tain 1 tonptî At Waboo , Ntb.,' Jutte birlerger vlth the Uniited Stri. os tht oceas aitraitrutet saw-rt of hbasatocpaureteas- te has-c a nnw suhiitizc i.- otr0ffast lut trum uustîuut (bs-rge (doulil, sîtt steamers. tus bonutove- tu tht Dtstrictb Court ut Bulle Counltyono tht charge of hein!, an nat tse Wlder. a ci-riusur o iithet a ntg of tht Bell- Strikes ut anthracite coal muser-,, te os-oid Stilte Banuk. GtuaIt bas lieeu tlre sulting lu t-he bnrnisg ot bitîîuunuuucoua), îuuîuu-o ru-.tli n the saine- charge. 'laite Il forcing the probleal of ami-be pi-usen- lie bas aticu-il bus telsast thcough habas tlio, ou NewsToi-k ast otlier Iulr corpus pro( uccdungs unit aas once dis- citiez, aud the battît for munitipal cleato changeit on tuelimunaco- taminatiolu. lu op SHOOTS SISTERIt 0F CHARITY. Si. LouisOame Win. Th annuil regatta ut the Soouthest- An tasane Man Attemptta Barder un are Amteur Ikusataf Association 51 Fo«.ntilateA.dri.. -.-ý.-.,I-M - i-.,.1-u.. er. K r 30,,, i l. i, -- BAS A HEMARRYISO MANIA. Touas W.-..a Wtt. Ber H.Bash M1>rte Miorris a "de, 22 o-ars aIt, rt lir huvbnîîit.BitiiaiuiuuC. Wade, it ltsîîuuthun, Ohio, aud rtutirnet to ber tai- etts' home, lien marital xîeienct u unique. She etoptd i uh %Va'de- 10Ken- tucky a heu 17 i esrs att, lulis-t o-tri aheoaret W.att three bume,aeurti tîso divorcs tron i hm sut teft bina foui tauts. She sais noua that @lie neye- a nuit renu-beluhi-ushant, NelIber a-i shue ask asuther tuivorte. Sht actuses hin of enuell>x Colono- f Religion. Cannib.ta, IlIassus sutburitiea hai.e tîscovenî'd i colony out norete ha shundred Voodous in the tîru-stu ou'or Demajuo-to, a vllage ia Sanîtiagou proinlce suit ut.thetemau eutî-ranidif(Ctua. The tiaruvero has conseilcroaidei-,ble uneasineso lu thut lucututo-, uNiuag lu tht gi-t ahrbaruhies pracli-cci b>-the 8asct ithe, naine 0f re- igion. 'The' îîuîîîuc' tattisu.t convention ut Il- uhanlunui.,s vttit gîîi.lcallirug a resu-i-o si-ihe, utuiui-uu-atesl $500050 for tutu nos uit. 1) le-r i int asittshetton5 tillai-rt %% , st-n iuîlJuil>- 1i, anait25 lier es-lut ni dot'ton it unonuatitera' salaries; thtn Amther Blisa.ippi Lynichin. WIium Ode>-, a ns-gro, tas letlua tret anit butuet ai Cîsoton, Miss, OdeY sîtarbet a lotuna wooan namet Virginua To, bs-. 'The icro ssas satratet a-il oit natuaîuth applidtolutht fagots An A.ti-Trnmt Bill. l'rî-oui'înlloevuýtt ba@ its-egedthe ts uor0frtti liliig li, ahi01t i-tut bill tuoCCet gtesvnaoîuI,ttti-lîl uff Maint. It wiihI unitnru-t't in Congures.saou tht fie-t ta ofth tlu- nt t esion sindîmae- an amiis tration menauint I'îtua aru lîc et St-ong, former arm. oiner a h-oedotwth Mity- Tue, dis apps-rt fruir liatisgO, N. T. He had ptourusci tro narto- bsr lu tienmonths anut s charget aith getiot $10000 b3 paanilng ber jewtlâ. Uînited State.saNt Invited. 'The Unted States tecetet no is-lta trou tu partiripate ialnIusia's propus iati-ruatlsflsI casters-uce on trusts, at( pruhablo- tonit tecine to participst es-eu bat une lis-esreceivet. Coro..timaDtmbeFixeti. An offiiuil Inutiictiouawai siut.t1 i l.îdînhrita> - rong lat ho- th tig's tîoinniit th countion of itn l-dwat aud Quis-en Aexandra oilI batý tplate- Auît.9. .... (tain l.r Furasiz Odstry. 'is-ec unuîusgain lu tht tsmng in îi îut r> - sa, i h lu>a ienusus huIls-ir 1h, i t- ohi p li ulIls impruessonoru rush i ii-o unittht- i itisrtot ag,ý ibud iitîii-uitlu ii fitrî)t tlit I,, rît uie Trac.. ho- nîciaundt t-. -i ii li organize s-ffusrlt,,u-îuî lui hi-au>-, tht t caîet Ji-ig.ii- usuietd. I mlore poues ut, Ii ium, VilsArts, ir.t t uurcrt. Wiliaim I'. 'îti te.g-th,- eMOCMI tu malle their 1main, .411 uuaiet tbg Pn tecrive arif!5stcLw ,ud bthtustO lh'rnt and came to s stop. Tiso mashit min attemptedtabuelilmb op Insu tht englue, but Eroginter KuigtIand Fire- man Momher openet lirt un t-hem, trtvtng them bath. FATAL STORMI IN LUZON. Dlsatron. Typahoon Sieept Sonthera Enad f the I.Iand. Mautia advics-s tellut a destructive lypluouu whîch as-pt southern ,Luon on JuIy 14 aud 15. The litet States cius- toirs steaîmer Sheacisaten a-as luat off tht talant of Manoduqut, Nineteen ut tht cnes-, loctuding bbnee Amatie-ans, , ere dnuwued, Tht thi-e biruittrta brothers. atîo une charget aith tt rairot- der of an apprenttre namet 5.iens-ille, whon hhs-y buriet als-e ihile lhe stS a ouitet, have bs-to cuptirret. Vieuville sas a menober ut thtetuant>- commande-t ho- Liet-senanitCommaunder J, C,.t3tli marofuttheUn rite-t States gîîubost York- town, n. tumret ho-thtel.'iliiuosnonApril, 1899. 'The Irisones-rithave arsiet s-ei Baltr. Prncripe province, after haviug esstedthlIe niulitary andi constabolsto- for tao o-ears. The municipal hcailhbohard of Mauhbo lias tecitedtat mose 40,000 as- tirs-ta rom the aluma lu snburhu camps in an effort to check the spi-est uf chui- s-ru.'Thet object us lu cii-an asti disiotet tht divrse-i utu-na. Tht camps a iI hbe sasitstly coidttitiitTht munîcipaliti tinta tht grîuuînt. buildsthetltcampts and fstIhe initigeat persans. RIOTS sS'uEStBASE-BALL. 5iru.rudtdtofut uoda, tlamen Stars iSerioua Trouble. Th, cm- nos aiu aa tteSNebraska Cito- lu ttath gi-oto s Stiiida.>- att-rt(u os li-nui tht Lais astdlicier Leagliu t- ttrrpte-il luprevnt tht game. A waast sisocnu ot ho-menubers of the Ieagte wis placet in fMue bauds ut Shs-nuff Bron ir tmur the acre-ist of'he 151, teams. Vheie' u arriset on tht groundus an anti--r îmvî vurrouatet auruhîustu hi-hm vuolets-uto Ilus tevoIs-etrovastaies say o-rm hinu. but hie soccecuinusaccîuhuug fonurtplay- es ast toob tht-tu tii a jostiet's ollice, ithent tht>- oere tîlsu-et unter tbonds. Si-venat rîto-paittors seeeauttht jtut's umitue antdishen thi-> iett fcients vif ttre îIuîo-îrs lhretuitand juathet theni. A mîuu'Oa. tu-oýn ut Itt'v. C. MI Slmîî- titi-h uitthi Methiiit Cluurth, iclnkug* a comasuua ndtutkuocibug him dosv r. lSIc, Shepperd was chasedtatobts home. RUN TRAINS TO bOISASTESS. Actcident Octrs on Lehigh Vl'ales- Liri ne l.Hoh.ster, N. Y. The alltget taiuuie ot a train crs-o- to cube> oriters cesuts-uin a cullinuos lbie tii(ý i--n s ita s't-sgti rtrnsuntht L-, huigh Vlat,-> tuiinuad. Onîe pes-ian 50v (hit ud nt nunetecn aerisîîslo- injutet.'Thtri iîaîstecrocurretutar lRochester. BuIb triiin era curnnlng ruS ahigh rate of opset abtu theo- ralle toge-then, An su. gtne sud une Passenger coach it ont ut the trains osas thcown troua the brada dawn an tmbaukmtut ant iinto tht Brie Canal teeter sud tas compietely wreck- et; the ollier englîue was temolishet, bol re-nainet on tht riiuitet. i I mois a aIBotera ed Temporril3y ae t1se Ezecutive Malon. The Ta 1 rihnse, lit Ja kaon place, Washingtonu, a ith ha., blecutalieu hbAII Dea and Iavoc Caused by the eirt . di(enivi-foc 'eauie ntd'ise Vioen within a s-iilîthr.,v if the tiew lie- VioentSioms elamban latie IllitIlfout stiry biildirît aloit c nt airîs I auty rosonsî. 1Vhs fir'st lioir a il icOci ,p'i-il li t,, t 'ei--., dent as bis office, whillcth,-a lir or1Yrkt tr , ori, roisd FARMERS FACE RUIN. wtleeteulzrwbos- e a ii tirost ir i-arl!> gee alentgaittother trugglcs aiegreat- ly Iprve the industrial outiosti, while- Floods ilk Iowa Threalen to Inodat. - As theme have beî-u the îînly unfavor&hle- Vast Farming Tracta. - influences for sotie Dioatib, the p1rspetts- for active tiraiterire deciitedly encourag- CORiN RECORD 1IN DANGER. Ing. Pre.îarationét for uluétuaily heavY raill sales are bîcintaite andt confidence- snt. Fe Vice P-.dn Sy. the grows stronger. NMills ailoi fîrnil sthàt Crop Wil , Be Enorn.OuîaS. Miasisppi Over Danzer Point anmd ave beeui-Sdî oir aeeî,uiIt of the uama- Paul Morton, tiret îîii, president of thre using a 5ttMany People Killed b7 overhaniîug re-sonit as rajîiily as nIl Santa Fe rond, preditI a hUmler trop" Lightning-Cý.pe Thrngirorst flfl.i ed reî,airs coulsi lie- ronde. Flirl i ci on-. of toro for the Westî unithe entire coun- oeAeBil Dn )-- -ditiorîs are sourid, tht tnuicar divîiletd try this sesson. Ho ,tijuates the total oi A.dsdCol-te t ndatributîî,ns î,todlinîg ri, stritigtfly. trop st 2,G0,00,000 h shýlels snd proPhe- Couoini, Indi.a, Nebramka sdCo'and specîlatioriltisa eiii-u eavy for the vsienthaetthe rairsunl, ofthe NVest will aralia inPath of Tempe.t. naaiîn. btntra i geructii-os il i t ailts. bave aIl thiey cean dio tl)bae care 0f the Il . (t uas& Cvi 's W.-- hyI>ittiew of increased traffic. Mr-. 'itortonis eanteatTrai'te res thei-fori'gIîng afîîruary of was maie atter a cifol sorvey 0f the evere s.ormos, dpadly wth ligtning the itîduîtrliiti otlook. (oîîtiîîîing. the situation isupplementl by isrsonai in- boita andI ruinvos with torrentiel taine,. review so>-, spection ot Westernî Statues traversed t b ave wrougbt millions of dollars of dams- I ig iiroi ýiitl5ti-4ilti'-iiii ttfull thetliues uf the Sauîîta e sud by colo î"hog teWstr ta" [ive. pii-es, sîîîtî fattiîîg blt-li ci-uire- prehleroave reports g i,n hila by agents aetiog h ie nSat -- - o-bai nî.î-iiLsicofuiigtets or the compauy lu ncI î,yevery cortn bear- persens are known teu have he- ri lld fil-îi at a-t iîrIity rti-- . titltire lag Sta te lu the Uniov '*Ilamnconviar- by ligiuînlng i linois555anid I owa lune, JII- TOWý S NI ]OUBE. îîti liilii Idiia k,,fille I- iii o iili,til ed,' said Mr. Morton> -tiait iis country wbile mauy of the outli> 1sfdistricts Lieir iitiii i -e ;ilitioniul -iioti wilI have the large-t clita yteld lun is fo omuiaio inparious iiiui, rt--ot. . Wheu Mcs , its> Si- -lil- i .t-1irifoi-dis- hintory sud thatte tutti -atet mark out .utlr ut off f-mioiiiulauusd 'owni'ndîtil-î ti ie proticrty, thet uit t-t eivi-ry ciiiiiîiiitiiioir a >-at 22l0,0000O hushels o il Ibe exreetet bY the, results ut the I@ruralin t hem ta nuot boise waio ii alo i liinpI-Iveii. but abellu ni-ta arc-tii. i iil i .t.... if et leaat 80,000,00v tiî-.bsds. There la he fully tbld. aus d' ti'it ti-t i irtle ritiletiatt tîl- r-ii.rial.îîtluit tbille-t.,iii ikiîîît very litte danger nia that auY Of the Heavy serras, with estraordinftry dam- otrhitctir i iiliii loi. ilituaited qlIilî > iii-aus t t .r-i- .. tit loi- western trop will he lttruy il. Il tl gebiioubuststd udtlu lg na amiore t tii t1n-udt-a i-e s-iltion outitre tr iiu lav. -i Il- -iiicabt also bc remembere t hîrlthb atreage la tbycotht scati sdfgbun, tiytîtî i, .1 ekîiii sIt The rente-t sîtrtiitý liinîî-îc-îlire-x l-t tttrue much larger thisiyeac lun Kansas atone Vere reportiesiFriday from western sud builtdinrg alIitiitiably not lie sed to tarititîîutîrlîin aIi the ftentre. nea' river 1,0W0000 acres of uuproniinlg soutlera Ililinois. c eîiruil Iowa, Nebras- any grear ext-rît Il« tiré-> Rosevett%,es business. liting offert.]il, ii grat hail. Rail ahi-at wss piowet ni, n the spring sud ka and Coorado. It the rivera the wst- the l'remsltî-iit Iras jIittii-d bis.tsnsily 1as>l tils biouit ditoini1, de-vtte tire- the land plautesi ta con." er ha& rîsen ratiidly. sud nuch fttrther Oyâter Bau, - îuîîîl li- oiii ii e-lu in W h- rîîorruIîoIîîî aii,iut idrb irkr-aity tlAttil. DEI uiD-l4O UN. damtage myb oe fod.%'»-ington agaîi Itrtiiuiii-rittl) Outil theé ubite andi.agcili îlîîral îînplî-îi-rît ruakerq. arc - ~~onts,,the di-raîtt un of bii îngsRadnithe tttiiiV -li-eltartecumplieit"d. futltli-n tii>idy-Il.A z.uraI-iiri di Soi-c i t Causait in . Rear ttiiuim and Foadnfdestruiction or trous ant- amtoutthe foraits ii - of t ititutu bs ,îiii-curii av- %%,hc. Hi. Clothing tWae Abtas.e. ot haveor aroîîgtit by thte sturuos, At «Il ENGLANDe NEW PREMIER. traiuiig -a>lit p. r--e-t.Iilt ail, I, Rotîî Hayes, as iipied 'deniaite. poitstsfini, n h i iti otil ii e heen re lii ithi t liii lt-s al tioiI Siii ol aïh tiun su effort to 'iii t-the lives 2înd eivet thet, ioiriof trîîaail s leh, esRit. lio..A. J. lsfisiWh. Sourcl .rI-1 Ilir tiiu. liillithe luth pi-- prpryof thers il) i l ice at 23-t-IColutlave, sud aiticiraîîî i ti- u a Inoudt Lordîl usi.iryr. iiii..loi tîî a-',-clias Il tiilii-tt ~~~~~ The ret it-I titofrLorilSaIîlibui-y,- pi- ldII .,l r i-iii I t, Tit as et0 - iiiîiat toge tirose avenute, îîiiagu was evtre- harst. alro nlnmrstl ls o h osiesr-liriga]teljL.ra y tiiitd, dieet I tli - phosîiitat. lu Iowaca tt ie tains ahich filtl re fEgaît îicvIiîo flt -iitiit0r lluî t i iara lie 15a5 so hadly baieiiiJajoîut tire face have ted t tuioid iiuIitiis wa h tlsk.Victurian ert BIiiitI ilsti îilitt alaoil e- t-ci-ni-I moi bodiy that theh iisîital 1iiiYsii-i.in1i tsed will rau-4enu iire- îtotîîge on the i oen t utiueriis- niicéor I ýl bad ltile hopree t saS i iii islitea ht-n per M1aisplii tîî is it thalb#be Dliniuuicît l iti-. Ad- pil-s a~i ttiiL-i -bults -na dl, he waa taken to the hosiiial. Usve a as several deceatI-. Tht flood-îlsof lat aeek liiiergt o-ars rsud î--î -I k, bu, ... g iiciiu0 f-i r caugtît ru a rear rooin oathe thirit fluor h- d Ilroug lt hteb- isssp and ilt-strih- sit rîc theareire0 ii-,Il iis i ltes iiit i- it, l of the building, suit. iitit bis eol rugt hi dne ontadmnent. LordutSalis- iyla>ji-iiSî- in-ti, tiii- lii N ablaze, a as rescucit by ta-o poiceent.thousanits uf a ci-s worc uvt yet frebury ha, heen sîtc-iiiîi-aiirisen îf ciilt ttte dIii nlicpolicecmten smothî-tisd the fdanmea ith frotta asti-riv h-ie rda's aluru.acrur- edi y h.i-îut tcail -i c-c iili hiankets, but the di-of nmille'@body stas ring bas rctitcrcitthe danger tantot netieis, ltt. in îîîiriîiiiiici- 1- 111 luie utI- Iii, burted lumano- t aswu tutugoester sud iîiited has mte it certain A. J. *hition. es îîîrsî lirrt ,t t-,, fotsiu-itiu the brarero- of Hapia tiat Edward [Il thal incalculable losa alinitrenaiî,e tt .Bralo rsh [ ttiiv~ritsr hi iniut iitîitii ton sud the tuetbecu of bis tamito- tre Jolliet Allât. Floded. lueoCmun matuilrw l1 *.i.,fr atisi-. Dillon Ia a boeshoer sud 0a'f, lInlliuis, Joliet, whttb aise suffuirclandlueablf Coauices a itirî l I ni 1, iii.-Il. i,sIIII the building iu whi,-h the lite tatet, from Iloldareucrtti, i8 aaiflrentered mnsi. îhr-iîirhiiluyiiut f-t ttu.tutChina Il, [le oocuipicd spartali ia h his fatuily a heavo- sufferîr b>- tht rite of tht Des- The newpienmier, W-i o fît tl-ir tît ii Iiiit i-sNvye mitor'i on thetoptu t. u, laycs asoisted lunthe plaines river, sîbile front ait tlirougbthe Arthur Jamtes Bal- iglil O tiflît w --tiris Iit id Ili-SIiOli. hîî >remette or tht tamul " , snd afler aIl hall State reporta art- rcived shoviig the f oir, wa o um luin -u-lai istiii. tl"î'. . 1 Il tii-i bei-o taken 10 thetoriicetlie went bath destruction vahiih bas ber dnItSht148, anit began hi. t ireosî-I l. tisit, it it lsi-s arn., - ailt Dillon tbu ai.ti n the rernoval uftc-oepaho-tht bail ansd tht rai, carsiîfpiitii:al carrer l iin inrî-ilI r,-- t 'Iil is I rwInaI-jlitti, h! sorieofbi poprt ettons loisiit ariig tht farIners. Tht A- . i.RALFotu 187-4 as sanulr tlui-to ad ' iv-i PLOT AGAINST KING 0F ITAL Y. tropa, rusny of thei jugt ritie foi-c'tut- ur thtloîtne of Theiitiu,. f rti-t Ctop havett iis-iîiiii lt - ting , are heattu tsw n tei thetai-ti, sud dethtts of lits fallieîraloi itither lîît hilaI lutc ii iit h liii c 11hIf An Anarchiot Arrested Star Victor Jwhere tht grorIn bas belsi stac-l 1iethe taaststae nitî a à itt bis Oncle, Lord , iniI lov.i , t , a grti-t-ili Ezirmaasets Estatea. train bau boatî,n i0 aud ntactuut. thtcSalisbury-, and through bis. tirelove out lii-s4 i - r,- ,teaidy. il,, -i A di-pialch frono 'juan sapa tiret an taeka, sund inight loto a pvlitical lire w,, s lui- 1f 'c il tîiuI -lliiittooî-lt imporntcîîîarreat bas tîtto mate at ora, luIntîniesansd Wisconsin tht stortu et An tlt, of bis rei powerwans oh- 1eiciiu,,iilla litul a sisl tosen la Pitdiuiit, which aise matlelits appearanoe, but a tbhJeantaiuet when tte arliamttOAty ,trttggle 1't Iisr,*f-il-k I'l nit-i- I iîtoi- uurnauel ottcu passe- in bis ,force than un bowasThe pressons tou-- between the Blritish goserment atîd the luIi-lle Suit . ug-iluiit 1!13 ta-t auomnobile on i, a> rubis privait es-drtions were uot as hait, utdtila bahped Irish Nationalst parto wa, at lits height, I îi-r. sudit t)iin 4 riiî., ailisi 32 sat tt es. Tht prison r s aYoung man, that the rise in tht tres'ks sud rivera Ont Irish secrtsty afller mother hsd tclar. wtii o iecribet asi a barber.le air- wilt [Pas"by without tausing vtry gi-est ahandonet the, oIlundespair. snd, final-- S-iustati prfiîrmnti. rivet secretîo- front Paterson, N. J. Ths lomes, One death ho- Iigbt-ing, Dow- iy, Me. Balfour isas euderesi thet aiie, IPh vts- crc- sîitI-..-dit tthe police, wbtu they saîrcbed hie quarter. 0,cr, la reportet lu IndianSa. TIhe sucrents of bis eorts, Iu the face uofi ~î~t-grain rtrrkî-ts .151 trr kat Bra, ducovere a nunnber ot docu- Nebraska sut Colorador did Dlot esape the fies-test opposition, se known &rDi un- des-tîil tfînfrotutie toi) figures foti.w- ments ehowlng t-at he was lu close ctre the delugre oftrainwhlcb prevaileot Fri- Ôss- hlm lrelaud ertered on an crs ot bug thtesvtruslng sp or tt i orn-r.' Noa arespondeuce with anarchiste lu Pater- div. Fron t to ta Ovis lches la reporteol paclatation to whtcb ale had long becs, Il is ttstruedthta July îIlt have been sou, wbose agent he la beiltndtda many toias lu theve biso States, sud, a arranger, Mr. Balfour le o»s 0l the corners-t aise snt fraiatiretact that oas tAmong tht paliers seluet wa 557On e Ry ebapss tht ouI>-welcotue resul' of the bewt-liket men lu British polidies sud bis tîteheil tht rcnîsirkatîi- figure- of 57î,4c ing that ttireQîleen mother, wbo vilepflonds. thtwaster famillue in Dlenver, 5w bicb at-anceent to the tîttmîo-raip eitemns thrc- aîuîî,î su-tii lii tictilulatu-luriof for lber uband o nirterer, woultwcp for s tîme thrtiýIlid lu croulpIe the lu- atitactor-y to ail. o ~ind huit ti oi ý foi-lber sons. 'Plie priuontttoIdtirtue tstrie, of the i- -y, a reluevesi __Al,_________O_____ police tiret bis laine la Tonettt. î--U de- 'huile the Wetsunss thus suffecîngf l lol .Inh. tIares hiroas-f tii be a militant asai-cliit. fi-umBiturais, iituittnnhlt seaiti- -aondu t It is nudetatoot that information ol is tNI eseao-r onrtîoîscdliithtt jounuey bu Bts nus gis-en tu thtela edt et tî u cotsl1n tt anthorîties by th,- police ut Paterunu. reportet in Mac>ytait ast Oio. l, HLNIES I HL .L.. Boy lie Miltion.I oaý Tls - - HDEs I FCHLR. ieavo- resinst la central Ioas are xsent Slut a tloodt tua lu ripoanprosperons Miis- Il cs ueau schui nisouri farmrerssshiuh nilt rin mtuY f Ji:: r. Ors-st MrtaitjFtireuth nd uitcasai. oes fggi-ig.ututuIIgIaa1I sh OfficiaI dilut tut. receuved t t. Pvit srv l'e- Il rtershui-g anîuîîuîîîu. the serionss pcent outcvisronhv tlhu te,$,Oitet-t. 1)-. ÇA,1,-Ilo i, n choiera ilu titui tial, aeeonuli u-îi bho-ceatu ilfon i, hi fil,,atotethtrthbc- <jj.ilt- .îtL[t-ii - . gret m nortality, As an insionue, il la seetushe si be u lup- tac Il .'li ~, î, I~t0î,u-i citel that oit t f',43 casesînt 4-7 Wtrth iuisilicliraî 1 ii -- i ,..t, i S cu-c-lt tuet. ir, ru Jîîty 4, t 1-Kiarbiutii-heesouri bluffs b-ilS-tfl i-lkanditlion- Prescntiti-îiîsarc ttuat u pussen Si1 lu-ft t thei -11lIi;ta l Io- We-l s hait hecu 575 aus andrit322 d<uttus 11t) t bal, 34)0 suoctl nIte îuîort i-si- oraidmen te -ru aîc chl u îuit.ti,- r- h'. gt-t.t il 1uoI- sa Juby lit Ai a îlitt of othîc tplaces u >- oa>itt-tt Iiiîîuîcîl feettot chlnt-cii 'fans haie beîîî eotIl Whettilutht shuik. iThe noter bat l'thtErie bas plcît Iitîuîg aîudit fbohist it il-3 %Il. a' l h o liaîtt, ni the ovîîgcoliiaI"îaîo bonhellthedanîgi-erii-th, i-st ut tht car serviuce on ita îîîrougli traîna beta es lsiîî-k -iii a i, -oiî,ul se argedindcitettii ,aitaty rýon a ri ns we k anthait t-ut Stu recede when Chii-sgo aut Ntsc York. i iiluv-ot . Anilgih i-c La ae iuiwctd Il santarybras-ys. Il iuaois titsnitdagaîn in the- lies il ieea ietn o Ask. Mieshtnu-udtiarcca i b Chartes O. Kalmaîu bas beco sppuilhtI iiiiiihrli l'I t. loti, t -~ Wiee.Sa o eassistant audtor of tht Chiaguî(ii-tG tI a i i;-idi it 1 il 1t 1 iti a i-l--It Vu'ireluso it-tîiiisi,. . l,.iig!vis a stage un the lira Moues river ouI>- thi-te t us1wîî nnst,îui-tu hi-uctca tital I inAtau A lîi-e-abouît feel eluîvtht tops of the test leveres, Western Italwa s>, atliuIdiîirlers taIlVI.btha aste 184) t iles lo g i, t s h oi i-uîin tiî id foîr tht river begauî tuo sti - ii-'liht, ans i.Pa l.1 il tuuIî tsî, i I i -,t il, T ltti-o -i. tht use of Ilt 1I luted Stîîtu-s iîgnalutser- hiutr ate ts nuîîîî tLIi Fni-t> cou ilnuing un- Fourtb of J ut-lyi)a sseîger bus Ineass ut Ilrc I.(l -it t o iS 't-- l 1ui t-,îil On l vice front1 Fuit I ilibvin tii ttitouRaids, t-lthlbfactor uf tafti- wosas alps-tn. tht Chicagto rondts bioke att pi-evios rec- i-lN i i id -I itir il i ul I.. Il undit, its thi-( on utîîtuîîi uihave Thte corn ri-ilusatt fluide sud ah-at ods. It a-as front ta-o 10 Ibret tlimes --tviii it i l -i5 w thte ii oloîiioîuîîby - 1.I la lu the sbok. entulinit a total tus, ut greutet tatt h51t ol-tut a. 1,- rti îî i, I-II us.. 8 --the pesa vi wrh. Crnîa ere nev - Tht Nea York Cent-alt itatroat bas Ic îjtîîîî 111ialtoi-,ci--luil lIii gh c- .lit. Ciort tu SettMerarte. luner sud tht yilet(I pronised t deresi ont division ut ts rmut taoIlie Iesaui p ii,,,L hute yi-uc uilicithe i't-i-k, il-t Botirllitigilt t llt 'tliecsorthie tSttemeuse., Crai mcinsay tht abus-e as- liet witthe ibiltSignal Cipnys n tau- pc iI-o flr iiile ai-te Iii -- ut Minnsota it.ust the Nortbacstetu mate of value is ton lois aut put tire ematitetelco-as btock sostem. .'tcu,ît, loisi-rthttiîuiai--k agI>, a l, libugs Securitits 4iii.liet ai, beîîîg ttire ne- gur. ottht lois, front tht avertIss eat ThtLouisville suit Naldvitte Rq Iluîitu-ut he l as, îîI iii-k ao. i u-t'p calte- ni suiu-ivit, bhscelitres-tto tara iuOW,iM> brhseen Keokuk 5 tut Company- basillaeru itfiht agatuat thte 1,1 uuuî-îliit, t, aloîtilunislîs tte t a subutit tuot1h- uidctiolu ortitet tuitet Ilaunilial. It Is belivedittht Ittusalo assessment outit@ pcupi-ty la tht State 1t:, turiculittii îî-i-k liu'isfuir the 'y Statets Circuit Ct-art, levees wiR boit sut the dtamaget, l leo f Kentuckyo- toothtefIldîncourt,. a muk., ,uuuu I h III..uii- ha esk, th Wife Murarle .Lyaclied, oib. ont>- $2t0-0 lu$30000 be-lus-en A uivey oftItlue tiglit of na Ys of the îîc-s't:I,:It)allutie- uIt u cisu-i2f.- ta Josh Ander-sona aas halugrd au 1 il Keokuk tut Quinco-, Lowlaut farniers, Clicago and Nortiluwstern tout is htung littio îîîîîî 17 1151stuuuîî iiarei aIOwe-nsbnru. l -tt 'iursayu night river met. ard thîe wcathtrbmadeuoh- wt sihaovîcî lu layintg a thîrd tractiikiiI r-tiîiiuii -hatia t be sent to ttelomeoftifs hI- ut, thi-etserve-r alike pretii-t the gteatert damalge sot puttiruf oun a- fast train hetween t111-cu-as uailiouifi ut10.21s) iatttc, alles heton tt , caticulliecr out, andiles-ct kuoss troIsflouais un tht ripper MIs-Milwaukee ast (yhii-sgo. î62,60 uii igsi,saut 2t-4)0iip. ti @hot ber thi-,- tîmîs, instaîuty ,tilling issititi. tifficuasaou tht Lake Short say- tirait t- ber. Rteports shuwet huit tht connt-ry fe-r a thetwta-o out trains between Chic gu eb- distance of thiclpty tiles* etsneertLa- &y Vire Stit. City of ittuador. gre and utUstnihul aîru'adiylimder wat sotn New' York ste îinrtasiig their huai-,~It> G.uayasquilt, IL rustr, bas Ilouuaiment et, long before tht creat ut the floot ar- tiess, vs ile tiretwtly-fuor-houe trains ublitenabet lu> o lire, 'lustiy-four rivet, Pints np the tiis Moiues river shownou ls ut patronage. 1Ciao 'licmu oPie blocks, conîîucî.uoutaboiut 54l8 bannes, reportet a ater gliniîg lhruugh ihe Tht Mchigau Central rond bas pait lu-gdsttclno opie wee detrit cl the otl tt-ii. îte-mliowatht State ot Michigan. $3M,425 taxes ou $4-4X ) tto $tt Ilt bia, bitli.g raites, at mure thun $t(oo0i.'herte o abolit Near lits Moiues upa art utf115 luches Its main aud lessed ines ton tht carrent $25tu ' ; ai,î~tortiibue 40 1, 4,00,00 nliiIIce oftai fil n mnyloctitwa an ner ear, bames un letato-ar', eacutots, 'Ibis tu *558')0 ii-ut, Nu. 2 ri-i, 76ctu 77c; Rd $,0,0 usîuuc,5 tadyin e il numouuo- ectttaandta $87947mure titan tht compano- parti tors, o2,-lno(I;ulNo.,49 Etted itît il amunot Dctdtoa lliete as- lu tit, 0;nre.No. 2,(lit tou62e; bu>, tint- Notd ornisCatoit Dui. early rive inciîterttng reporteil Ttlitia.oho, $11.001 to $17.510; praii, $6.,00 bu 'utro- les. Miullialn Choka, vicat feu DesuMins-o rivertatnstng d o-~~D 1 ut tt r Ctî Ili tpiris. Business ut the lRock Isand Rilwa so, ci zutlutu-,r h.Ii,, rruioi-ty,191e ta (sui, luail th0 IrauI,t or Iil mTspîad a Ti-illr psrkitr iil sîunh s. 1,a,ote, T 1jl steenglir I iran utfi- meut rssr .f tht'fISc sois Nat, oud lingai Rtiraitcati the erutiot $go. I'uli uutimns thteiala, tecet ait] i aptaîtu. i-rat lunuit tht Illi, ifutil, t sitii t F ATHI A Dis--r George isagruiti wite, E1tî andti iu-l self b> lui a-hics o-rd. Ibsu $3,(m .uol ut tht tirarbe ha bits trasi, .-sp.chs lu iitu t h that he kt them. For lb uug te iC 1 tifecta of Peuoattut ote farnie un a ha>- sud t,'ll de Word ha ShetCrviti - mililondo. lng aman., tas at ih ba$s gis-iil engagu-i tlu oridon ho o. an acre f. c . One ott batikutf F queutto- ar .> circtuit usi -~'-~ WhlteCri S jesse Hoht was, buui Uaitg .5 Josepuhuv u' drawnu-urm 'u PFtank Sït, i-Schmidt. - ' Dr. Tiiiin lu t - candiih(l a, iNaus iabea %vas tiattu -af - i1 e wc allb lu reatutu s Davis,r l; cSOthe ILLI It-Thu I,itteoto, tht Thîrd suit a Ian gSuiSvers-i '.War. Tir Inter tri mtlahIt 0f tht tii-a

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