CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Aug 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY I'NDEPENDENT( Vol. X-No. 43, LLoexiie 1ihervvilp Lake Crn. Illinois. Friday, Augiist 1. 1902. $1.50 a Vear in Advance. Wtyetfin Stfellt on1 havtij'noed fore occup1ieil by M r. N.îvlîlsoîî wheu-re 1I shall be plsi 't~Itoi îieut all îily ohicistîî an ;îd to grer't îîr'v 011l"r. %vithî hetter facilities I41:01 ,î etialiniti tIlîonrt fthîî-\ >1V hewt id Nvrk. aloi at riglit îiî PRED CROKER, 'Failor. The old stand, Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAWV, LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. Dr. CiaripsCV'JY Liberi'.ville, -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYc-09. c n < r~im, rilC e - - , it 9r-3 Mnil'fîî.. .I -la i' 11.~.L, Park Dr. Orie M. Grover. IloMeo)patiik PhyeiLiâl id mUI 'riZCUfl. lperiaf A. I, oui g,, . t. i iii .f WýVIiiinirî (rîlt tr illî For th'- î.r.f'î.. J l.r îr P3AULL MacGUIFFIN, & tînfile y aili<iîii.i Ir l i w. NOTARY PUBLIC LîbcirtyvillP. Illnois. DR. AMOS J. NICH-OLS DENTAL OFFICE lii rverîr, l ti s iii k cver o. n r,.wt'r'. ilii f 10 Physician and Surgeon. ROCKEFELLER. ILLINOIS. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. Phyt' and StirgeOn. iii.iliiî,FC'l. Ii TF iKUMAN MOTZL 5LiiO. Ci non. --------------llifOIS. Dr. E. H. Smith, 'MISS FLORA COLBY DENTIST.POTRAK.- LibertyvîlleertyTUOIO E Lib rty ill, M 3ULIO1NYUiv ert.ONG llinois. STIIAM LAIUNDRY. Lk o ak ONE M4ONTlI TILL FAIR TIRE i'reparfng for the Bîig Event. Gond Speeti l'rîag'ram. ljjot oea montil comas the Lake county Fuir anl thea dîreetors arc bilgy wvîtir IiIr preparatlni. Last week Ithe asueal prernimIfats were iipnaotfrom thea lNfIlr-FNDFNT ]priltrY son ara now btirg durtrlieuted tefil1 l)art of tire conuil!undar supervislofi .f Secratary Chfurchill. i ira mount fl preilrme olferad fa abont the saine A lust year, anid probabfY $131H)t wfll ha paid eiblînîl ors lu premintun ttis yaar. Never lae ira tûrY (If thre aiiO(ýla- tin ere Agood purses b ýUDg UP, amottng lu tbe sggregate to $2800O, or $5501 lneaxcemaof lsst Jeer. [liera wfIl fie noo stakae races, blit It la almoSt ae alîaolaf.e cartaînt! the club& races will ail Diiii, le tact, soeawillha crowdll. lire spteed program ftllowm i. 2 J riCT-1. f n Lt i iz nGi TR iA, tEPTEMIPli , liere ulfIliii a lmeeting oft ilrectorrd Satrcrday te arrange for ntic speciaf fîatures tfor the fair, and tirera seemnga s dlsiosiitieii te ifemt a goodly amornut( andîlobtaîn îîtîe îr mora gomid lilgh clamis fetunri aorhich (19rlY, SOMthifugt litefr tisue ever liefores attamîtai. lifreawilIffie twodilnlug riîenr on1 tlia grrolii lfîlim yaar. I t f ià at 1;pua- uir fliie iiiiet l fr11 rel .rtifI- sud lmira ,urtalîte builditi ndil notc a NIrlialfe tor ilWl lie lrîrsif ad for tiret plirfirifir filK itsf11laxdecied i t Sat- iiriliya meeting. Ditapite Intcessant wet wmetler the track Il, le excellentt uiap#ranad Sript.t Fil. Cookk cau fia rellad upou to bava fi ii perfect cofîdîllori by fair tîma. 1 An Iianrtaliy farge numb)er of pre- mincui ligsawere Issnad Itua jar.1 Iecretary Cirurclillf ias tirenandt 1 @pare. Tliera la no iead Of anYnue ilitlinitrg a iopy fuît baving ft, ant Ili Dot obtafoaluiîtherwifitewrite 5Mr. Criurcil for ouae. Supertendetit of Privilegea Charles Smith hiai let many o! the privileges, iUM go eauJ0» 40ha MU-&&amau- tion ig thre le creaif anid thla vîli ha îiiura Satnîay afierrecn, Arag iii ai wiliti no 5fr. f4riti Wifllalmoilali a fi iate l'idi tadnd aroIrtuierfriciigi il.1 utr -lîy (Iaîî u frî Mo ire Canidatesiilitlea. 1), A lirifflîcri, rtf Iiglând Plark, jlias eiotand li'ncer titinntri - -----.. a Constructhioni. IEYDECKER'S BOOM iROWIN(iJý Unp aralleled Priced Advantags fur luiuiit iot.on Rate situait i.,.u... uilf aiiii iSiion yol hv nir ew Bouse Furnisfrini Ail Work Neati y a nd WRIGHT DYMONO IL CO., Cuiny îria iî,litOIllîfatauigt Ls iiueo m lc us e Proi-n ptlI Done. Lt ionütYvi I$3le. IIfnOo. candidiates for tfiii î,llfcîi iiilitigdr oi fliciattI rogriiessi astie lwInati wlSlcrîet! aiffprofit iln -..om0îIM-If iuruireiî tiat I1îho..i-uraîug. , o benmderrfrîg JtheY ltti roagr e fire > t,îtdmen fitîfte muet fileexftlng an~ litrýt 1e rn e t a. l a wî-ti,' r-i a aîiilitfate for thî r oiiraetc cioLhetvil ,as ojti li li iarely. llie proposai Bond B>rtor t !3s.r , Un rotinbiDmntio fr. itrI-ýni ae il t t oi fîLartveîf fi-, lan lisluirc e ieleueoli i l ý at o t nî De î ld.I l e oupI IDhl . rlhý ethr l i tfic ruest Itustuesa lige seld learesl I..ibetyvill - - Mirncis, JoIdliduel I.esponsililily, $100,000. ltariatll.%%autafni $2 N . I iiedîî~î. AIîed ttî fte iffcilfy a.rit lr a hîîultte pte os iety.ion li f1lîtu1no Iay offart l wi-ek Jameni r n-nr tribuitaîîîîîîî tri fie iliclitsWael tlikt liuo îcr o arc i tic tiactli re t ir T e i~~~1I fl s~~~~~~tar h.nof A litilfioh , i iliii .Etpelurf o rat. aei)a"10gi i t un- nad It ta for tlei e 0set F '. \î~ t?~ ]NI)RTA~N<.~ FMBAMIN iga liaI:ît lrreg ier ( fieroa at:o2îî malutaor IliaI Co, nt ailtrttiou t o lr î if a0111 I îiuda igaa $1 ir fta atn a. ~' '~ e i îiiil-ia ,on arrouita 1 rai. li t t elle' n utic fte irunit fa asurel 11 liafl it i e ni l d i iili l ii I due L. n ~. n a n d Se par- I ttii>ut D1 ie A.Nil Int iif frim M lwaloAvui leLIfuu-rt ,îdticnfaustalegadtenial o ator, one Sat- as vi f ntoc Ii o t a fuoil t ai t uitfli ii fie P uli a r- i m.nprell oîtefcr at 1 briîsit sfil (, ifogulvo lîrit IX i.iu- o, rrer urîfgangy0 re YI i tiv 0a iu D -tuea rMasgewl iea 1f. 1 a e 1 - o s inIe ici i nd li l 8i.a Si yEitutig s ira i naîlfîednoible aIdil k IS lo a i Sitl~ eu aorajatet n Lie e gi a t. Juaor î îîî i t agl aiottu iii cît ladft tittO an(,tIga e r alufI iii g la tics . 0 t'uit fr ei ls dstic e i infeneat age andept îLgs urî-'oDonondr.iri '1ut.lea1kir1geeft a iriiiilulinL iaery f ii te. ti. Masîre fr Cittalas Sa e r t n , a l.Ij i i ît ni y , t t t ti rithe vuEN E I U i, M rrr Ville t rea 1) ), lt a t o Ii îî 1 u e n 1ufl a , l e cs 1 ti m e , n td l n i t fc l om u lS a f at Ltrd nuuaitneiif eslnd. W ilifaeti. il angulI fr110 frrtir ottthegDe AtiJ,.Ofi. mi utske Oif fie perintis fihhoîf tu i n Good \rV'ork i n g -. Ealtiai îrr iligir tarilt s55ixve etatc Si, i rI afitîNuuîtdeltî tiey tack- whte inlitsvardii, le ma twoyolig ý li- rad te donle toýkla a-andIdatclele fedapaudeutae fo candidates- s ter, Hgh wîuvii bawernrfilitýitde tfrfo "na"englatcgee('liltftfie erf og etemv)turtiaita ttiiiitrict nahaI aya ma e order. ric $00 E W.F. nSTUE nKorE.bghisý attogae1 1 'LOS i l .MnufrUilSae lae.lire t a rtitable tverti, M n. .iillerf i p tis r n. i l i tiel î of e o înt i, o. tf e ar mi in. tar i f fa APPLY TO FUN ERAL DI RECTOR. Wilifamsriseîruwifped fiEtm WIl- tliongrailiioute ttiuîiîdte larî tuin itus, on, If tul tbaont te fils srref.- J.FDTE P L ILNI.I - tri rvleradfel-L ý,- iluloaficars. wliuîiiare tliait prîlledil ie Ili ise ilie wifl gise Up suci a ltsgon H i h , lin iB rnstalrfc il( i st or. uaiýIIIilurîtîrplel W tiiru-e tiiretl ly a s ilillocomotive. tî,îilihntnanesd fait oti l suchiticue ArlngonH e><lS- f lfîil ,,, J I 1-, Ieail.ltavrnig a (oileltraikt liiwork utifimlrre reauives andorsamarit Oftit, mireos f i iiiofble fer tii I liictiotiasm -1iirIy corrîtitîtad llepubffcau party Ice lîionnse Fa.llsa. icleiifiiydaIrratirtan uic l e n i. L'nets. lru ie Occoasionl F.B I ST W uieiliy veing il!f thu ci t niai reetuf.cis a lli drtfi tecotattlirefth s inie"roriis caud iîaey SualifIl MANUFACTURER 0F bftELIft enuta, ilo Ith eigfitîrll"iiî flol tt iici tfhut li firti tlit i!13 ti'y t i .rîf i ut inua Irlîtferu lîlaîgaîl tir)oauu MANUAcTUIER F iluKo n fc lrnh imil,îe uE Mamuueie fitt ofluec Marbl~e GRANDU DANCE aIde t ofat, Il l wo' yKiraeiî lEillilît - i. tou Eii t heit îltfiu.t of ,, k( itr ea (iuItitrrri, fo in- fair tuIi, f cl a i , flu.Sif.ntIflR i tfi- ii5t iii.1li rn I iimalîltai. lainiii liaartrfflînt toidl. lagearil niil tii -t Po, Sta-ucirl tîIur11Yw l ai (Jranite - m tc o ge -rceiii I ere tit (1 p lF aa 'iîî. t ,I o Ifiiiit tiî u- cir ni Ou, i Nt t IERTEL'S PARK PAIVILlON, rrWo - r ut ia Larrur-f îî viiaonltn lire point 0et iiifalii L ai tiifiei iL f ii titoru t i . iare tlueck I ll a -a III. lI re îîU d. iiîtuîut 5 nîrciltilt W îîuav54 taieo! ira gltit ii li aR fiofuit tiEtl tt fiî,r- .tin. Ifl fi turtnee Neneu i u allîlif5cfr ethed IfNiWEllC to f e uirt Iiiit~litat rai-f 0111-rf 1,iîpoft.u tfand uort ailad n iT ais mli r- i er lir atitif ri iu rit S atu rd ay [y e n j ~ in oa cime arîr ii..i to i liiir . t t ri - r t o iet ofii ii it i .i ii trt llla-ir r X uîî-. lii pa i fe r exfd a v n i r ia lit - osI ,, a i e t iti rv E I lrg i e l oufriii il tj i e il i o I . ii s ic u f l s î a t r î i.-iti-AIAUI(G.SI'2, 11)02. 45,rrtrLong triac Iinenrfy ifief"itiltntgol riero a Ul I Ilt- oi t il e 1 lie dli ia tal no rii riJ.ii ifiirl,,rI, ai i p d d u ve ii i a îl e uadorle tfile i.ePaflang 1,o. NIt milf ofci wemea stsi a9 on e Ciimiil Ilemari ndr lfile If Whfer r 'Il' rîf ii,-iil it ruler ro c atlia ild ail posaîi liiy fer ano e 1 l Il j - t.). *, Looko Plo sanit. Pieuse. rate, iîîît Wit fiIr fr.Uitualr W i tt efl W t , EA f IiN * 4 iiirtcgrapflar f~C. .Harîsu, r-if Latrie, il b tetter. »îfî iff11 fi a ilplesHi. Sîgot Threatened. S, rairird sno w oiv. fo r nycarm lie muilie i)bave itie ruaid citipletal try .itl fille ic'lekclug tant mentir iîy fît I OM'fF fOVGE-T THIE DATE,. iclit ueausa Lira sufferaI ritîrîl yeir fir tlîne IL wiff fa wittfiîoa faw 1il yeaî-itl([Il îr faspoiicd by auime agony from tira wrst terni of Indtgos- weaks tfiercater. utI laWDownly a wttod Or gfet ays W. IH. f>fble, et lion. Ail physiciens udselmellirenquesioorîf weatuiir andîfilnan sd faSiotux Ciyla. "lie rîirbed Lia poison iuiiiuiid C tiilliiit fallaI toilp hlm tifl ciredIl Eftrie mseonto bire nrg uetîar witir boLi off itslise tulto biisyes anrilfor ittr un ili îlîf fîraarf ui-, Btterst, wfiîdiworkaiI sucfi wondara tiantor nome tInta It looks euolrr sasiîe wuwMre afraiti irewonfd loge fringauiiii 1 ul- a-- n tti Every accommodation 'for bilm tiraI ihe lclares tfiey are a agilIg rigiri Iow. i ilgit. Firraliy a nelghbor renomil hiolu a si i r.1 itl). a. Ru-it î il, ti godeend tir sîrfrars frein dyspepsia A mammotir dynamo stîands a shrt meule1 DeWill sWltcir Haret Salve. chil lîfer ni 1-,1ur. Ifr ut'irIf.- 1, aîeîtandi etonaseirtroubles. Unrivateti for dIstance frotta tire pors tation, pro- Tire État alictio lOi ielped filinaud *terin crtlitîtaruu.fniifuti s fndîseasea 0of 'the stuincl, Ilîver andi teited by a tt I Inby far tire lusa few laa i s 1wu&0veil ai 6ven." tfyrta p t.~ehin el-rei lIl surît troubloas First ClaNfi time assured s d htiela. ey build np anu gv nwlargeel d YnaMO eel iasse Parleandi For ekindilseases, ettl, marna. scade, oby.rarnovîateflite itiqsonn audase msud lite bIh. wole Lsyssm.t rtbl rquira apeolatcroee tovMMiont vonfIs.inseca tfles, DeWiiIs Witob kapafla ysa-a e ereo wrkng al who attend. o6" 1e.GMWantad h .B ome ~sWI. 1WtuMu bel azel Salve 1a sre care.- ROellVes V. a. ivni. ýberv. a thé P" 4», blesoea.., LBew o nterfi» irngflout tie connty. ITEMS THAT AROUSE CURIOSITY. ranite Water l'ailà-tira m quar i .. . .. . .. 9 rieato Pn. ..f.....ze fn..... ............ ...............29c 4115 inclies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 mon Juice Extrs..tors-glaaa,05 large merra........ .......................... .5 like Knives -patent aaw edge îper setlof1 3 for .............. .............. ......................12 dividuai Coffee or Te& Pots nirkie plated. 3 eacb........ ispidoreàa feu r iekie latedi, 3 mAwn Sheara for tri nimlng edgao!flower beda, 2 Wire Coul Door Springs and Screw Eyee 08 complete .......................... ........ 8 ýait Boxes-large wiioderî, with lfd, Q Iettered........................ ................... .........08 e Cream Freezers lirtzard, new pattern, bigh speed. rjulci freezeïs. qt freezer, $1.89 3 (ft freezer, $1.39 2 qs freezer $1.39 MANY OTHER ITEMS EQUALLY GOOD. Telephane No, 109. Waukegmn. Ilinois fi v IRANG.ER SMITHI TRYS SUICIDE. Uti tealthy NWatikeàgai l uit l uieI fiiinr-.clf buît wiIIl. i il riiiler s iiiI f, a proinDilit rtiE lce iiai, and foneof off t kiue i it5ftlil)ltrciiriferts , atteiiifitîîf O ed in iîiil iiy moi un tEg toe'Oinm Il; RMii l t'y de, iiiiottil rg limIrI,ehtud thiitigît Car. fil' 'Ill bltt.froinra new1y u iriî i revolveor faife(Il tipeunelate ti ilaetIf and à1r. Soth îi irtîfr1 1,. Pr (tiriîille itmeNsfrom Wllrî ic io l'ad et nlffered aiîitefy for tan yuri asuli frein th thîcti lie fhall iongit relief ln vain Is Pi aloI to have ifrivan the ntifîirttifata 10 ian to ii iiir and prtogiill'bIn te ml miage ail atfeeîptupofl b i ýilIlffletugr a ruomeet of mental di5 aCtlion Wetliiîmliiy noring . 'ilitli wouet fa te (len ieik i.frlig on 111 e iEn da d near whifri lie owne pirqerty.lie au- in tral ttie ti.ttilrng wiceîîtîandtter W, writitig tivrî ftters, Ou* tii lii wlfa fi aii oue ilifr . N.J. illierfo, ice loft, te aking liii f'iiwafllto seli tfrîîiliWe fr toil tribi ritiledfsa me tillit of ut, going Inb fIlii leffltty. ,rT sfii.rtlv iftr ra shot Vas fi r f eianda 1ii'u f lut oniii l Oi,î - fi îf thie i, fîîîîtiîry na-i r. ttitb 1fai t, Iiii ,,îtited an t-i fUi i loiiiitiiedlafy rîlut t' hin)i.1 11,i«l - limne hlri nîartird ina %Ir ttiiti o filintii ive itfe revOlvtr itfiat Lie o iiiigftirfiî e bia work lîît edf a deatriltit N I fie woîîeîfl 1mati VU vîit tutti aa l)uggY acfirlirienhuruieîiiy iiDr. e fiavfe s cftiri wiere thé1. Pllt frs f etxtraetoîl frîî bis bld Cul iii was i takleu ibne. tri tise fittir wfîlci léeWrite tf iri. i fliefrtmi, 5fr. Smitthr aw;tlrt fio was4 tîrof ot tîwig i, ieil *t"ts'of îdl'adt dîc.eîiltii.11(1fIt ait urgei thea dorter te looîk altar bil reill'insiic tiat tfiey i.r taken tO 4raeîaeîî for ern matife atcr a faw doy iaW efspaedi aed îîzpreaaed regret f« lis. &ct ou ac-, cont t l iswifes e@ak en tie oeit-1 millaof tira latter toeIbis Utfe fere thle1 1worila, "M5y bi"91118151%lw" are iler. tact bIaRpea, Mr. -imithin oeeof Un largettreal estais owners lu Wax*1, and for yeara was regardatd « isid ng fallor-1 suce manti fronghLOIýçb-f.lWeat. lie fratlred a ar or inOrea froin bul- naa, the ldlep belng becaulse of flealtir. For several is fanervous êgea hmb te IhBa f~ 0a con- altoablOextent. Md autw~1Ols l.oh mld .4Su Oheio hlm erancir as iro talkad ot it contlnuaffy. tiemraniifiact wîii due Itii fidaorilereîI tlier voilacondlifitiioin. LAYINQl ELECTRIC ROÂD 1?RÀCK tir flue rate adjustmnt plan of tira ficens îof theîîllead Camp crf Wooilmcnl M M utipopitlar as te make C.T l'.ey tUi leke.r, ,îall(idate for llead Consul le onieil W. A. NirtlCeott, a Probable Re' louner. Mfr. leyicktr fa nialng fils fIt uhîîeg trie very fIne tbat lsaIe Le' Iresoit agitatlng Worodinnaed as an îaerwfielineg majorlty col members ot CRi tae orgariîtatoui lavoir Mr. li eîckar's ýoiftion aend oppose SîrfîO thIe lne oimera chancea 0f arîcceur, wflfcb meau efectioi slifeaif firnnl are C Krowing brighter avery day. (,ampa le ail partsetoftIre country are U taffîeg loto finie by endlormtng Mfr. Hiey- acker'm caedld5dy. At a recent meet-w ig ot a very large camp at Wflitewater, S Wia , trrreg resolutione ctrMmeudfng S bil unI pfidgieg support waf e adoP-Ic oil. (t ilcn camps are belug ibeard frirat ILe varirons sections and thOea Recuia a groirwlg disposition to g0Ou ecoird as agafrtI ttire proposad fae if1jîiitiiicft pl air ly eîorafng 5Mr. Hay- laikans csîi(ilacY foîr Head Conul, ll et wuifli giiiuste tiltow tic pepiffar Lake liîrirîty attînit,-! fas tiiîred lisa vandc il aî-Y lia ru icoly. Ail Laite <rity Woodmieu are aware if Mfr. Hleydecker's puition on tire rate îîfjîîatmottquesion, ho Pariapa Mr. Srîrtflcett's viae, gavan lu an addrcss ett tock iaad, wil I prove mors inter- uatfng. lia caflati attention th fltc bùat trie mn ewio tied last Jear at tira ige of 45 yeuas oi 1ttriu more tliae the mari rver 45 years o! aga Pald lui, and damiiDstratrii ifat if tife men over I.) yesrs rot aga flaitbeau Iin a ls bY tilieovas over 18 assentimnfts woold blave bacc eecessary te lia! the daim. fîîetihiliug fie Raid: Woodcrafltla ciiefrorîteti by tire saune Proposition wilicfl tire Kulgirta of Houer andtIhie Amenican baglon of Honof r aI tecon- front, andln tIoeir.falîure te readjutt untîf the double headers cansed tire disintegratloe et tbe asoclelfen, lhe Legion waRri rduced tb 5,004> main. fierai, whflîathe meunbersblp oftrIie hieglits of flonorfias beaou roduei freinfult, t t 50,00), tis plIenomen61a being the natural rosaiî t olire refusaI of thea yongar mambens t0 psy air mucli more thisO ifey confer get, lueur- suce for Ie youugar anti cieaper soclaies. W lti Ibe tioauantis of Wuodmen who aeam mE lot-UMe OU imas,& eolicml,double heldore a&eab- .sîrîrtaly unavoldable, and WItLr1 doubla 1biaders wlI coma wflolasala desertion ,,f the yoirreger bleodof ethtiraociaty. I fia e %odwne ctaty proftitdfrein triielailfuni rît tfle fi. lith 0f H01017eon rrîaîlaJiat tflefr ratansoireuseqoîuîtab le ti ii, fi iva large fproporrtionioe i fe ryîîîîrg Mun i ethe latter uitciaty Jifneti triie woo iuenwien tie aurehameet Screen Doors and Window Screens.... I have them in the standard sizes. -FLY TME-0 Bts and Iap robes in this section of the county, nd amn selling themn at specially Iow prices. Colored Meh Nets........................ S 75 - .1 " w ith lotir row s of taaeell - I O O- 0 Shoe String Nets, 50 lash ..........O.O80 Round Leather Buggy Nets, 50 Iash .I ----175 Scrirn Fly Nets, per pair ....... ..... 1 0 Heavy Cord Teaun Nets, per pair ......... 3 00 Celebrated Wagner Nets ........... 3 75 - -LAP ROBES- - 1 have a particularly nice Lap Duster for ...... 135 A good Lap Robe for ... ....... .... 35 table FIy Sheets of ail kinds and sizes at specially low prices. bertyville C. H. KAISER, - - - - Illinois. E. W. PARKHURST, PROPRIETOR 2Oth Century Cash Store, Schancli Blocki. pan y ry bemrt laliage- gthes lijîe f i r t grai1u groîî îîd wilI be em P>age (11 CE, ENT Illos. ars' n d our as- on. iinos. Buggies 1 Su rreys Road Wagons WITH RUBBER TIRES IF DESIRED. I catil suit yoluas to price and have a good variety from which to- se1ioot. Illinois. Libertyville

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