CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Aug 1902, p. 4

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YXAYIL IL J mat. Ratsred t thé most-ofce at Llbeýrtyvjll, IneCIs. as second-Ciassmatter. 0SURD WEEKLY. ko1nfuTiMIe* ATEI MADI KIOn OAPPLI- OAS'ON. Fridey, Anguot 1. 1902. Announcemnet. 1 taka Ibis method of amuunonlg My oaadldacy for Coanty Tre*aurer aubjeol 1tetise dacislon of the liepnb. Decan onnty Convention. LEwks C. 1nicE. Waneonda, Feb. 20. 1902.' For County Sheriff. 1 hereby announce myseif as ltapublicae candîdante for Sberlff of IAk" Coenty aubjectt te decisiou of the Republican county convention. PnAng D. FIiTSCH, (lrayiake, Ili. For Cossnty Trensure,-. Confident 1 msy lawfully boid the offie for the coming term, 1 bereby annonece myseit a candidate for Connty Tresanrr oubjeet to the ap- proval of the Connty Republican cion- vention. UEtO. N. 0USD LRY. Announcemsent. 1 bereby announce myseif as a ean- dMats for Snperintendent of Soboola, aubloot te the action 0f the repnblican convention, W. C. MOXEZIE. Deerfield Township Ang. 22 p. For County Judge. 1 chall be a candidate for thie nomina- tion of Counuty Jndge a1t te coming Repishîlcan Connty Convention. 1 have coecluded to ast for the nomaina- tMOn at the snggestion sud rcqnest ofi many friends living le ail parts of theo Connty. R. W. Coots, t Wankegan, Jnly 22.t For Connty Superîntendent. If I have any polItiaI friends left le the conty stucs thse InvasIon o! oppos- 1111g candidates, tisey aru bereby ln- frsaad t I 1amn till a candidate for eMasnation for tise office o! Couety suSntendentfsî !eiools, sebjeet 10 thse action c! 105 !ortbcoming Itepiib- 110"canntey Convention. 1 have nu lima tu canas. là. W. M.sVIua. 43-tf-si Republîcan Counîy Convention. A RepublimacnCounîy convention - vili be iseis le Doclillîe ansi White'@ "allla the Village of (ltaysiake, Lake Ooneity, illinols>, on Batrday, Augual23,1902, aitwIo onlock p, e., for lise perpoas of plasing lu nomi.- nation candîslatels for the folovlng Office: - Ontj Jesige. Oouaty OIi'k. Biriff. Treasurer. Oepetintensieut or Sehools. IL baving been nesolvesi aI the meeting 0f the CountY Centrail Com. mIlIce Ibat ecch voting proclues ln tise nonnty be declarasi a prnimary dis- trict ansi 1051 prlmary sles.tioumor eRCUonS e acaliod for eccoro!thc &Mdsiprimary distis-te ,IL la tisane fore recomeendesi Ibat priImarv "fec- lions or cancumsa lue allasilor eauh PrlmarY dsltrictiu in issi5'siuty on Frldgy, Angual 221d, A.' ),1902s'd.aI the noual issîr. 'The repreeenîsîîou for sanbprimary uiîtris'î vîlIlue)(1nue v delegte 6for esclî 27 vobm, uit major fraction cast for blîs' Reptitllcau candidate fut preaideut linsîso. Tisa severai prtiniaydisitricts vwilîl huis li, entîtiasi to seesi ilesgales tsisaisi conety conveuntion a'> fulueve Menton Nuewport Antiocb Girant Avon Warren Waukagau, Ici Wanlkegan, iuîd Waukegan, irsi. Wankegse, 4m.î Wankegcu, tb. Shieldis, irI. Shielsa, ud. Libentyville Fremonl Waucouda Cubha Ela Vernon West Deerili Deerili, No. t Deerflelsi, No. 2. Deerfielsi, No. 3, Total Vote l>elugatas 83 3 73 4117 . :17 13 31; lu29 1 192 7 157 0 1>19 4 21r, m s'(2 1 sC 7 1 3s 19 *R. D. Wyiin, 'hainnisu. 1). T. Ws'biî, Secnetetry. Fred Sehafet, H. W. cook, O! the Exocnîlve Comnellieý Elirîn Butter Market. Butter FaId 51t20 coula on the Elgin Bord O!fl'rade lionday. Markot firso. Sales o! tise veek 720,01 osspinsia. AUCTION SALE. Thse undorsigned vîli smlI ah puiblie suotion, vithonl raserva, on lis prem. lem nuIRockefeller, 'I'lisîralay, Aulgesi 7, 1951, commoeis>g a51 Ipn., the fui- iowiuig deacribesI isopcrttv mare, 10 yus. olsi, Jersey faînliy cov,' 2 tona hcay la stAck. 6 kitcfien chairs,' (;issie boblue chahs 4 rocking chiaira, tale, center table, bedtoom snet, isesesasi, pringa ains mattraus, @et dimhes anîd >s>ukng Uteusil, 011 steve, vuiesi or c>îai beaher, 1 mae.!f ecuoie r rady lui pIck, 2ý5 mae..o! octej acre 0f ptoatoet, i hrs cuitVator, net 0f garsle bsila. 0anu(l tstiaelcIsa 100nommaos lu mîetirn Iagaiu erams ofsasie. P. a. ogoesvLLKs, Prop. W. a. p»wlu, Auclieneer. Wlfe , of Lake Foreat Coatrector MNecti% )eath in Chieio Dive. In a 'aIne roumIn lu ldaras saloon., 2 Wlin treet Cicago, vas fîîîuîi the bo>iy of a veli dreissesi voman, whicb untîl l'iiesday ulgOl the police were onalîle 10 idtentity. James Stewart s n>ýaon contractor, of Lake Forest, wlio basi been searcbing fot bis vife whjo became soeparatesi rom hlm la Chiîcago Snnday, was lalseu t Cnrtin'a morgue Tunday nlght sud poaltively ldantiiled the merdered woman se bIa wife. Mre. cedlira. Stewart weut to Chii- cago Snnday morting to vIi8i ber aier, lits. Elizabeth McAvory, 4331 State treci. 'Ise couple reminesi netîl 8:30 p. m., when tbey left to go Io their borne ou the train ls'svlssgthie Norbveatere deput St 9s ccloek. A hurried i coaslog at a treet corner te avolsi a cable train cuires the couple 1e becomesoparated. XVIeu be reachesi the WalX be 'asounîslie tu oceate ber ln the rowd hurrylng boward the Pol street sispot. Confident Chat abàe woîîld continue the trip, the route belng a fuusîllsx îoue te ber, ho vent 10 tbe Wlls wsireets depot.l'ibere lie vaits >1 isîhsi tbe depture o! tbe t> o'clock train asîsi faliieg Wosee bis wi!e, lhe reinurd to tbe reidence of lire. McAvoy. HP was ClotsiChat fila vIfe lias i kewise returued le aearch of hlm, and after a wai hasi annonncesi ber intention of going te Lake Forest alone. l'lie biiebaus lo a train sud veut home, but lins. Stewart liai not reacbosi thene. lion. day mornleg lie began tbe searcli tor ber. Altlioegb lMr. Stewart lbailreand tie acconeta o! the vonisu !ouud deadin i the saloon, near the siepot, bî'cîîild net believe that il va8 bis vîfe, snd enly alter ail other cleve lbout fail,.d dîId lievisit the undenlakers. As the Oheet vas ilfted andl tbe womaU'a boait expoaed Stewart cilutclied at tise detectives for eîîppsîrt, ansi as il vas drawn fntbnr dewu. revealiug ber features, ho fula hs ie usesuad began aobbing. it wvis eîîue time before a cuberent u'aom,'ut ssulslt be procored from film. Mira. Stewart wa.s the uother o! four obilsiren, tise eldesi of wbiom Io 12 yeara olsi. l'le vîîmsu hasi lysusia Ile Mhat eemesi aminicl ideal. "ie father tea a rd-wurkung. prospe.roiîsmns, aud bolli vore rtapactesi hy it l 'ao keevtilleul. 11ev Ibis voman ces le bar deato in a groggery, vberss she WU foumaideasiansi atone. robbessiof eveu ber veddlng ring, fis a myÉitoty which bas beaume Ifs deeper silce ber finabans Iidentîfiesi the body. At 1 clock BSuday morulng Detectîvea liattlieva, Mliunaansi Abbey veto standing 51 Elaxie sud Weiia treeta, Wvoe u ais, ilose gamme la eut keovin. vaLîs-sI np 1fitinisud saIi htia a vonisu liai juist diefi lu a rafu goomio!f5'ara'a aIsSîsucu 'l'le detelives nvestigiatesi. Whou tey Pashes open 10ge door k) aprsvste vine Meont Ihey MW the bodyy 0f Ibe voan lying on tue fluor. Tb@e beadvas Agaiat the vai. The vonianas clotli- ing asadissrranged sas iffIrrînia alnnggle. On Itie loft sIde(f lber hansi vas a vooned lroui 'ahicO *the biiisl vt as howiug. Illie vsiliu',s lace %cea ilsu andi sîs>Lier neek vereu uaria vish indicahuu ilse uboulis >traUgj,,ul tis dealli. 19 vas isàLuntuilu 15u0 siiied (isigu enlursusi u Ib aisoün vitli0theinas>al. He sais it i0e fad imetthIe vsini nus fileaastreet, thtieOclîiaitslsud vith ber ansI iIuaIly ausesi ber tsi MotUi the- iSâoos> as i liave a drink. Ha aaid tisaI theyuNast lu thc. viisetssisi furit ouie lime nuithotn ise ct. lsiedl aied, kuesvîug auythInug aboutîîî Is.,sEiUIsUFS dsuahh. tirant, the tbarteuser, tsalisi bal fa hall aeun iengli sud the iownuenter the saisisseandi tsîa ie viomas> mîglt bave bi'îuuentier the ilslsîuce iif a stuîg. hutit it btilne Ocithouglit fs0e vas ilntotLeatesi MHe saisi hiit ha koew uothlng o! visegt hlîsI taien place tule hewiansisîni. Boliaihtsi Ieardnou acressus. lie salîl hlîsi lsugli liailisueuil i tie vîicsssssiaolsitlaii Iiutaud i liat vi ie lof sI t ttiser,> nosaliniia a.mrises sili nuosuie kliiw i.tsithe s vinn as seislulutil tissu postiefoîlsulthe lsosiy. sisligssl e liug bhat by hie 501e vibsuare iiiiislig stbssnîssîigls livestuga- tîsun -uthI h', sI !',t AL.5: î < ,.ss ti'> sr, "siug Goli Meui lCssntst lut (.sLese Corners A graindi gslsiiimssali"siî,iir esntesît vas iesîui lîsiy Sii gfist aitise uages (CornierasAil E,'- r'itise con- teehîsuts I)lsi ng Mte.NsI lîi uAlùse, o! Ulcîsîry, lMt.,tacsls)solui, sf tacillp, lire. Lakse, cf (Jrayelake, ahs-il'ets'rs anud AsIlleiq lasîan, s!(,f 'l giu. '> goiri ni udlal vas vwouîIîy Mîuse lamsIlîîîî (Abher etaîrs'ssuftis.,' avs'îsîîs],Tc,- grau) vere a sîuîs't Iîy Ils-crs tplci auss Fiche1r, iof (iraveisi, ausi, ui-l nuir Wl eitt, go tat s ccsulspallimnit sy Mi-4s8iPratt, cf Laie lustes" t, i lic sonmcrîng aKtlîrue Laie, IOnIy 50 Cents f Ito make your baby'strong and weil. A lifty cent bottie oif Scott's Emulsion wili change a slckly baby to a plump, romplisj chlld. OnIy one cent a day, thlnk of IL Its as nice as cream. Sed , e adir7.W 409.4,3 Pýeft StraNs, lIr unI 3mau rS; an Xâtse ban leau lisn4ay. Fred Rolland vas à Palatine villai' Tuesday. John Forbans *weut 10 Wooistock Tuesday. Wm. Ilinkuane made n trip to Whssel- Ing Tilesday. Wm. Hi'ks, 0frfPalatine was a visiter bore lait Stiday. Gus 5018,3n, of (filmer, Voi e leu s1i1 our streuts, Tueaday. il. L.. l'relat madai a b)usiness trip t0 Chicago Wednesday. Wma. B,îegcbing, tir. wa in 'alsiine ou busineslait Frlday. Louis Gary and Elmor Kampert were Wanosla visitora lionday. Chas. Jlülspper percbased a fine bornse and( imurrî'y lu Chilcago liaet week. N.ISiiers sud J. W. Gilbert, of Wau- co2iis, würe liere ou business Trnesday. Angiiet Slcbwerman and in. Gehrke. of wil o'r are ini toawn oni day last week. l'bsrley Silshîz, of Chlcago, vi,,ltesi bis pare nte ber,' over latnrslay and Llzzle lsiîskik, of Joliet, le vii- lpg wItb hig iter lire. Jolhs>Iloiz Ibis wesiil Cnt ont 4iiii5lMa Bdif 3yois aut a mapi. Cha>. IPatten, of UPalatne, moved Le famiîly luto big Ruminer cottage loe Satulrslay. Emmas Ficte, Who hbas hepu vletlug s Dwight, for a couple' of ws'eks,basa returnesi bornes. Erniest llranslîng asidFred lînefi ae pnittlug ni) a riew bouse fosr t'i. Ilisti, at Lonug <rose. 'thes vllage 1li1a'> re'ivsd six new Sears'b i.ght strret lamipg wleh maie a hpl.-idi I lîglut. Frreslfeiilu;o ! lrsit)8the bol't llsherniauu lntowu î'atellilg fron 1>1>1, to 2>55 lib vsry slay. The 'Creaiiiery pid patron 8 Tu eeiay, the, isýrage lue ng $1, 'hiý-hl s-tiany fsi'iory arusund ler») Wni. 'Tounns'ws'it t. liitîfDay li.t TîïPeI(sLîy tsi v i>t hbeasiueî îî 11lie,îsry Tsonnes, et thtisiplace. W, C. Me Kainzie, o!flHighlandl Parti, wbss18le anaidsate ffit sîîîerlntcuîlit of eixlwss liec lamt Friiiay shak- iug bs,iols wth frieudo. Eri-et L.un, of Chlicago, went lhrî)iîghîlîs'ire last Fýff 10 o Wau. cousda wbere be tpnt eue 'ôf bas uauto- mstic gag machInies lai Arbur Xirwan's plae sufbuinessa. Dysenteres Cured Without the Aid of a D'octor. -'I am jiet up !rom a bard spel 0f the flux" oIyâln-nry>sasys Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well knowu merchant of Drnmmuotd, Tenu. -1tamuldon@eael bottile of Chamberlelu's Cole, Choiera said Diarrhues kemedy andi vas curesi witboîît havbnga mUsctor. I consatder it tlie hast choiera meisîcina In the worlil." Tbere le no eeed of employ- Irîg a dorWtir wlieu Ibis remody la tnsei, for nuoiloctor eau prescribe a better ,Mi-diciee for bavai complaint in auj foru cutber for etalidren or' adulte. It noesr faitea sudi laplemaint te fate. For sale by F. B. Lovu.' Liberty- Ville: (IRATHLAKE PBÀRMÀCT. OEERFOIELU Cliris Autne lis bsvlng s cement val laid ln fronst cf Il place. sicorge \ citer snd vîfe 'acre vlslhtfng athi liitfîlîsr'e sluuing thîe past yack. Mite Eleinill raîunesi 5'nay evemifiilg tuim Wis>kegau aller 'tayJug Ivo usertsi. Ait. Fluseer and familIy have movesi ttcuîi the silufDonner bougee 1- JAs. tyssi 'usliosîsqe. Mie's Mary lintiy came ont frorn 4'iii",o 'i'nesday s'veuifug. tixusthe tlraI îot lier visation. Mi'>'> Julis Zusba ralstii trom Cal fosnuia 'ieesiay. afte'r pendîng limes> or fouir mosihs tise. Jtkps'lilg ansi tamlly, fron Ilova, are vlsîlîug 'altOjobis Seiig, bis faiher and stuer relatives Ore. Fred Stryker 14> Islowîng cuit alempa auss getllîug tsdy fuir Mie uiev rossi heiug bilît ou ihe West Ride of thte brak. Chnie li t, au olsi rs'ident of Wood- mtock, liq v1ltiug oui ffrlenulansd acqsàinutsncss hro lie vas formerly a remIiueto! D)eertlllsans iIsth1e ilm nele lias Isenhoutlu tuî eîîty- ltte jears. Last Fnîday ulgOt a Isbîsrer, one ot bbc gang lajîng rails for the lit. Pauîl rusasi cas kilîsîi nuar the Deerilelsi siepsil. lie vas standing ou1Ithe tracka amivas shnick by a fait Irain>, being blîrose 1 agîinhb the station fifty test distatt îlO great force. Tlie body was ltriIlV iiiated ansi va rî-înssses by 'Undetakar A. Il. Moble. PA LATIN E. Mrn Wîe Vssud ani aughter Sarah qcss ltSmondisy in Cifigo. Ait. siss,]fM1519 Ansiernunenlisrtslnes bIre lloslgitiis, 0f Diamonsi Lake, Setureuay. Muit reaoeBojie, cf Clinsago, Is tîssutsatiigattIbsuLincoln stock fate 'I usre la a rnnor gsulu)g tiseroands tist Vie. iîelireiie is susîsuo be niarries 10 a s'rhatli weidusesosu!lis acqualetauce. Mrt andsi lin. Hartieti isad forthIeit gusustm receebîy thsu Mîmes Maggle ansi Enima liarhlet anduîRaymondi Peiner, cf WVondîtssu-k, îuî,hEutîsr Sgvslt, o! Eht tîrsursu <ýouiul>.u suC St ssulit tliîultnsieuot e.aasCOsuisiT'aicnnleaat miltord 1a bechinie, a feltrsuandîl iikcure tor iîleenuîs.ea levsury desirable. Anyone SYlielIsîsglvi lb s atriailviitoi tlljo Ifuit tIse juikieet, murent ansI eloat lulsasalt renmesy lis use fsîrtilie diseae us lSjlalsnscolin, Choiera sud Dlarrfslia Iteesf-dy. There la no loes éurti llileu> l l îeIn, an one ot 1vu doses o! t il vl dIe anuyorsiniery altacl. lb navet faits, DotJVeo-irnlatisa muelsanesuad daiseoas casa For "ai by P. B. Lovwx>, Ldboeyvtl., GUsAyaz M PU3AIIAOT. 1 lii omtgTriîk% $Ct lia. ossitty TI e mrhat . MuctalaofTmle lg. TIIl gW51ni liaecTmle BlS J. VaUZN gin, Ki CalteJLOu iSJdinct n.euau, Ig ec CStthnon ilOtH 51etndaM lotas àtpane n lot 53 id i lots "D" lligliwssod q 0 ..a ............ 8 î100 Goo L Young te Isase Stephenson Raee r9pertr as abovo e i0..... Emma Wics tcansi bnset al te char- lotte wlloinîgton )> acre lot ln Vilageetf ilsîake q ae.............i e> À E Beesand ue nateAbbie M Chaudi.r lot oun aiéde Wahngton Bt Ii me, .s-6Ilsw d..... .......... 125 0 a Nixons sud vile te JJuuneina- bemntu 3 il wof fR i of lot àa liiim lieIaîs Ad bteWanksgau v d.... 261 e> Lake bluff B & L Aosae 0OumraE Miner lot,> s andsIo ebik 4o eortb assn te Lake Bluff w d.............. 1 0 Jno Blallardl and vifs tu Henry BOoiacs urs>lna suo1Â se 54 Mec 18-d3-11 w d........................la1» 00 Winthreu Hssrbor & i>eek ccoey C Walter lot 4 blk 12 anbslvn of lot ô Wlntnlrojs IHarbour w ds.............. mou e> W H John'.ssiîans i vie 1 ilenj Newball luet i ansi 2 bilis20andi e aler w sud adj Hilghland Park w d. Su,où 0 W a Joblî-sn ansi vifs toe on Nevballi st,> 578ii Musantis euh le Hilghlansd larkW d ............7500 00 J F OJbniln ans i vfs tu,'Thon Chbriatian 6s1acres lua s eer aw 5j me % euU-410qiSs...............1 0 lin. Jamiesspeut Snnday le Wanke- line. :t 4 i C. »I. & lit. P. Tisa. Table. se Isa m aaeam lessani 0 0 10 08 *80pm 10am 2 20 m 1 40 'a-lie" 4 00 6 4 7" 4 00 5 ai 5 10 ils SUN DAY. Bonam isOsn 06 esnsam os, ans 74 PM 8S55P ni a50e0* 06 BATUanAT OiOLY. Wisconsin Central Visae Table. 45 & siaS ulam 1soîePm 1 3 1000 1laulniliP i 130 - P inm dix) 6 'w « 4I 0om 513" îeo. C IAG. a 6ii iB là 60 c0 e 5UNDAY. Aý R. Reil w"a a Chicago visser 'Tus- day. Mrs. Blanchardi was ai AiitiochiSi> day. Misa Turner is %-vî'itîulg rejluis .. î t R. gan. lits. 'lîrt le vlaiting friands le Wankegan. lira. Wright apent a few sîsys in Chicago llie 'eek. Johne Farrell, sof Chicago, callesi ce frienda here Ssî,ulay. 1<1111e Boyd îe entertating a lady frlend freui Cary, 111. The roc! o!flicLacblan' arbêtewu blown on slurlng the aorm Saterday. Fis> Jacobseon, of LaXe Foresat, @peut Seeday wltb ber Master, lir%. Shermne. Mr. and lire Mberrill snd baby, cf Chicago, uste tLMr. WtIgbt'g a ast enrge Penry and vIfs> are enleniain- iug the forniers sîsiter, from Arlîngion Helgîta. lira. Chantlsud Uladys have returnesi te Chicago aflter 9 visit o1 &everti days witb frineh ere. Hoverai leegnora frous Ibis place affeeded the boat excursion te MiII waukee Satnrday. Goeorg@ Pbelpa, Of Eeglavood, vîsei bis asistere, lira. Wrlgbt ansd Mise P1'Belpant551Saînrday asd Sunday. lira. leCleary ansud itlolft Wed- neaotAY for TIoronto, Caniada, visera they expeet t10 apensi c moulu vlalileg friands. Thse gland golsi iedal contect atthIe caord liîînday elght wvu largely attendeai. Misa Adlla Bastils, cf Wanukegae, yen the modal, Frein Jusly ieuhi te Ans. $jet andi Esust. les totu d > 'ss,,irl( ,s Ucsa iiilie. olsi te ltlnapout . for $18 roundsitrie. geesi teroture until 0-t 31-toser C. M. & St. P. raliroasi. lira. Ellt Laniphars, or Mliery, was a receet Vole cal lot. ltss'e M. Stone, cf Chicago, sps'nt the Puti week at A.- J.- Rsysonsi'a. lira lOti> Dillon apent the latter part ssf trioe veel vtb relativea le th, City. Mie Saîie Racymondi, of Elgin, la tise guiesi 0f lilas hlen haYmuOnd at preseut wriig. 'eL.adiss' AisI Socety vili Ineet viii> lrs. John Vston Weîleeaday afteruoou Ang. 6. MiIt oAe Pîtten, of iistakee Bay, viaites ithIrlaindaln u ontvillage the latter part of tise veek. .lMr andsilr. T. Wlekie, o! tltenry Stindayed i vih thse latter'a patent, Mir. sud Lira Chrîs sable. lise Carnie VogIt eiune d home Saterday cfier speedleg saveral veeka vlth b lter aitaI(rayalake. Mr enlenvtireturnesi te ber home In Morton Park Wednea sf toi' visIl- Ing several veels vîi brelatives and f riendîle ire, Jamesa lanicese ansi daughter Gertrudle, of! Wsnconda, andi lira. Sbsp, of Chicago, apeut Tbntadcy st IRobert Waltons lite SIiney Russell, dangblera Nettis' adsth ller apeut a 1ev daya ci the aRpst wyod ith relatives le Wigeon8la. Mise (hennie licggart tetornes te ber boue lu Jouiet Satnrday afler spauiiîrg seversi veeke vIls bet sent, titra Allient Paddock. Ali wera Saved. VFî esre I auffaredsi scbuntoli miffüry frsîe bronchitia," vnitemJ. H. Jobîeoui, of Bronghton, (a, "Ibat Olten I vas unable ta votE. Then, vhoeu svarytbieg aise faliesi, Ivau vboilI cnesit by Dr. King's uew dia- covury fon eoenepîîon. liy vi!. anhfetei lnîenaely irom n tiles, tilt il etnresi lir, snd ail aur experienceagoas to show Il is tbe beat eronp mesileine le the' votld."' A trîivii convIns,. Yen Its ureivalasi for Itrat sand Jung disasee (f naranteind leta501asid 81.010.'J'niai botlle. freeat P. B.Lovura LibertyviIle; URAYSLAKU PIAUMAUT. WARREN. Mabj is iansJle'vieitIng relatives MIeS àuty Pratt la emaetalaing ber coumlîs frcsn lova W-8. irce o! Pootlc visIte>l relativesl lu hiîlsViciity teaenîly. Services yl be iseishaI PrIMn4~ Loslge, lraeeLake Sunday. lins. Mary Lamb la alili very loy, vitO litlue bsîpes of recovasy. A nevi bore vîi be ereesid on tise Price fan occuplesi by Boy Gilibert. A nunstar 01 yonsig peopla cou Oh. cag0 vilamesi84X. P. fluausoaaSu. Mrs. L. A. Bîrge %%se s i 5Chlicaugou lui. sIay. Mn. i )lon retirîseil ts Chiscagos Sîsis day. IL. S W'î-usr ce as i W.sukeg.>s\ esîlsr Tuieslay. Mrs. Effije lriggu. wai, iiiiss-pî'isusc- Tiînn',sloy. Pl',nMacC.utbsui, sut iu i,'u sils' , i. in bîcel Fnîis'>ý Mr'> (ir.s's-Ma.%s, as.. si, u uisý-.,, st tur lier severe lie- J. A.Sun(lcesll, sul S'.îhti XVsi, "a gue-'t aethIle cesar. MaîîsLTuke, 'il j'.aukcgîus si. usguru su! Mr.. Blaerlisrs. gue..t of Mrs i,.snii lîsasis sîssndlng uà 1ev dajm i stu islivea ut Mises Woodfersi', ous! liai in irt- fravplake ansd Fortt 11111. taking a tseo sesi'. ositsig .ai N litM. ansi]Prei. Kiasîsi CsuVi'rP", of Coiîh,. Chicagus, meliît a few sisys cf lset 'ae Mnr.ilîlden, ofV'sisos'.iu ut501SususitO btheir lîilut, àlIte J.Csi'r- day sillihi'. ce sas ii'> tit, aîîss s ut l>s Alterut pees Ilug a ev ws'eýis s.i îîs lier Palmser, aus, lira. Bert l'addissk, Misa s41t,+ Mlice Bosyi d ll[soul%, o istMshsgu.sus. aggert retiltedsigo lier homeailisJoliet but fornierlysosuthIsî>Iis ae i, Il, e s, sua al îrslay mninig. ing riend- 'he Susil eai uls t Mt hm ouir s!li. Wuî Thliip..sis. stoIlsiensr Ct 1,. s ancdUlia. lieu. iuoivas lrgaly here ciuitîng his sou', lis'ts>u l, s..attendei sali a veny pleRasut tUnie wia son Charles liciter.esjcsyad sy tiios.e plintul Abouit $22 Mn. B. J.McCie.îry , csusituss ronuItltle WssallireUl fru ni the sale sufljet creani Sauts Fe Rousi frntuîîCisstagsr , t. Cistýr ansi cake. nia, spent Tuessiay a5i lii's plus s' .The luit usr a l-nvy viedsi torni Mn. Mec irar>' lua- suiso hi,'. ',susu uer hic b vilested caportinol i u!l, u sil- home te s parI) lisi Chusag,sîus uI seill euI part ofnilthecomntrytruiel the speus itls suîîîîîen ai lF .skegrain atackg sf lita ('ors I)Ietlbusrn A pain o! twsîil s rrivrd i stilts'holesofsutncthe Sîraltuîfarn sult evel,'d 1m . S Nur,îe ssii17-su Ia N niuriilsg. Ju, lu 10te gronl 29tb. Ail uîoîsîg ses Il t l l s as e LOaT--Golsi catcili 1-, Cii i msk e' on5 ute la('usoruîl;n, >:ke N "-ssti Iii thlernosigoing by CI >riis", teu, le- U.tahi fuor siom are (dsuissel rssi i iriepliiy sut#l Iween bridge asnulE.I rsics .-. . tis3,isA9 .0 .s cij- al s asto 2>5, In, Leave ai C. IIruce">. >s'îui. itiu o t,,sl. 911iss>i sil ( ), t i i . 1ir 1 ' AL T FOX LMCR. (frgai'la tilas "OtIon Io badly losigas on asonn of the lseavy vinsi ans i i sltors lateiy. lit. Kînseila ha# a large force of men nt vork repalruusg bis Ime hlim ie lîic Collapaesi a few daya agu. snnday iSehoolI the lFort Il Ili churceliwlil beglain t o clock vitb preacbing lniediatcly afler. l'ho Fox Lake Cemetory Socety wili meet wlth lira. Oliver liool on Thjura- day afternoon, Angual 7tli. VIsitoro Appendicîtus amsng Arnerius la certaily inereamilng ansi vble ibI Proi.sblY Id u Wthe 0ozeitemeet sud wott7 Of Amnerican btiiuana Ife, lia more Oflen directly traceotble 10 con- stipation. Appendiclhla la canusi bY exîraneous malter euterlng the vernu- form sppssudlx and unot by Ibe awallov- lng sîf eeds. Il tbe digeative organh are kept lu perfect condition se tIse foodi la dîîly asslniolatesi sud tbhs bovela move gentiy, et least Once a d*y, aPPendlcitila vîli nover develop. Don't take chances. Rtegular sloges Of Dr. Caldwvell'@ Synîp Pepale before moala yl strengtiben the organe 0f digestIon. jour appetîte yllho guond, constipation disappears andi yen feel botter lu oery vay. Dr. Caiwellam SYrnp i'rjin doos nul relax tbe bowela by irritation, bnt I>y cnrlng lu- digestion, thee cssae of constipation. F. B. LovRtLr, bîbertyville, sella il lu f0oin sd StIsbottlesi, undor a jiositiva gîîarsuteoo. Wrile for boosk sf testl- nionlials te l'Aein Synnp eo., l>ept. f5. lionticello. 111. FORT HILL. liral. Ueo.flinson 1s oniertaining a Young lady friend from Chîcago. lia@ Sarahi Fox spent Satuîtday wlth lier snt, lire. (liiiIttuissell, sf NXciii Mr. andsl Mr. XViIltlbrissi ilixosi, I[Il , os' VjiCLtlssg ut 1> MimeS 'irals i,x 1lus ulhsaullissV svs'sk wîtlî ber Amiîs, Mre. CIi? ssi'ls:sr 1,. t l>eJ'yathW,,j PCr. Palumer se-. uilultus .Chigo S ut urfla.. e'>eliiug tbattendslIlis-. lrîsiier. selis us veny i.iîle reuruseulSuid.Nul is glis leavsîsg 10islîeus5 iiu s. Mr', s. , ilst Ijttis' >% sii sN 'alî)si ha-.le aglisesusf Nr. issulis. Orson Xtas.lilsurti' ie, î'.tsi. , s-, via-. akeuî sea1l Nlaaiii seoi, u iiu'u lovieser Cslia'.reusu it Isuulgh su-t Cutireiy ceeu. A pie.îsiuss andicomplîset,' u.risu,'part, cea- uial gîven SIr aussi NIrsu .>sss Leceu IsuS Sassiila ous u issu, andssuuul eu ng. T îs issknu p î Ile surprise party uecrs' NIr.susn>d Ms Ils1, riegliliror' , i sîui1, , ss-,usliens hiu ,îas asuissuus s h jet sut poli scm 5 sin >., . tr ansI Mr-u AsýcrI, I i.l'.ukr Mr. ausdiMrs liC-55 On ui Jiig 9 ceurrull rsts suslsig ai Illeinesî ofcutMr .îand NIr'. l'i r uss-' su tSiug hIl uuarnageosut ulunr issuglt'r Veras SIr. lasisisi. sii-.'. 'l Sheeliaus ca-,sle srsie",attesuantsu i Mr. Reguiolîl Graliaun seas lueus Fîw bîride cea attîrel si us ,lss aussi i u ru swcet jeos. Thse lridilicouupi~le.res s seul moLn> lrescitis e'> h si sokü sut I l ilglu eteessin ili' ich li esCnrs' lusluiSI r. sud Mrs. Pîsîcisuulefti sn a trip st fu sîs wilIlie at house etter Augi>gsyli. Mrs, L)ollie (7ouluu, oft h-. î, i'sulu us su dance uitIsle ceremi. About 1wentuit> uueiuulsr..sut(J Camip attecul dthse receit isi sei cli Arbutus Camup, of (.irusec, gave tus )'1sity Suprelule Oracle, hMs. Robeirt'. it a- t day aftttrioui andii îronîhîsîcs-u usit deliîglttîl occasionu. Thie eleisuust'mues luîin t a'>or as t roies llie tlIses 'are lu Camip htndiesissedi sheuîthie) guu reaiiy 10 retnurs tley CaiSS ie s e'ats and lsounisas 'a cla-. dry, btn ss ontssi warilv iv'> Ihey bail leus uînelu i-u wanslly cilli leuist f eiriau an,isue crealîs as ha s ah', Iiur ulpetite isuco satisfied vth eoliîl !os'. Tîsere %serre about i5ii guiesîts prescut. Nees Mate Heig). ()îtes>i leia usir W ed o rgsî su of ilii g .s> teioncri' suit fur lis-ilsb> ilYuntew'îui '>2 oz pacti paille, Neiffea, lirnisý-. ltIs'îssii'h e.. 4 ciz lisci liser 'in bsiuî .- i lssil '. Sis ýIl 2 4 oz éaI troubles sailr om'pisus1t uil lofs'. Kii BabîS Nae' Lita 'ilLs. 1'lîl, srs' gsishtiî'. i arberar ongli ansig'uarantist o 25j~ s. iu liiiSanie, peu Gs.vsîicÀE us PHime,sY. 1 lb rasl Sceseî Wi Service. et Druce Lake. Balance or Rey. Reverdy C. Ransoni, One o! the Ladies WV meont loqeent coloresi preachiers le White Mai, Obîcago ansi paît o!o one o! the White tia largena chrche., viii apeal aI Dree Lake nail Snday afltenon aI 3:3o. A quarteI of ooioted singera front Chisicago vîli sleg tise jubilse ansi slave songe andi the coegregciion vîli nuite lu VAIPIOns songe 0!1lissI diaracter. Thsembai M M tag le b.e »of lise mo.intag.ala09 lut. aumme. Haines isr if,'f .-r isu.niisluia iis t. >i 'k -I Us Perfect Nerves Corne from a weil nourished body- a healthy body means a healthy mind, and both mean SUCCESS. plûled. lir. and Mlr&. Ryau ore au Comupany. A M r.K rneger soisi a borne ta Minltse s101Lin tvisiting sent and oncle. lira. Kelly ia eetertaining bar' Rtoae frein Chicago. laiane Siegel 0f LaIe Foralisu lng with ber grondins. lira. Lambreebta ompsny h turnesi 10 their home. - Mr. IKelly bal] tMa Uisforti.n. ta a valuable isonse tuasiveal. Qjiîte a feuv Ironslier.allat reception eaI bhea. lut Saltu lir@. Harriaandsi shsien of visied tinisconmnnity a 1ev liany 0f10e Young flksatall conmnmuniou ezarciaca ai Wauk Bunday. Agnes Siegel celebratasi ber day lau t aturday. Thscu vers. Esina Siegel, Liily Bans, M' liens, Maie Siegel, Minute B Freldasiloatedt, Lena Wilm Walter Siegel, Elmner Wiim Ella@ iens. RUSSELL. Clias. Addla Sundayesi bore. Il.1B. Dixon, of linruce, wvas aa otir town this veel. ROv. Benibal van fetertaned B. 'l'ylor's Lutt Snîîday. lIre. Wîîstlî IN uterainuing beir t r, Mi1s9fqsu ofa',,i aîks',ný Iloy Mi srie, so! I ta5 laie, a a Sverai d'love lii, V4 sk Js i',.ei 'A IN Elaniof 'hl5ieg, â aet S1- slaY %IItI 1>1elrtseuta Lw.,plce Il. ljiîloNutf ailli ly ,,f5'lsloag#ý vimites reIlatIvo,'>lit 1' îrlis<rigIiouxl iea' A risimlier froinliereahttenl.uiî1 danse ahutAnÉJo'b Isi tWedued Mary Newell reLurnesi Monday at«' a 9Ies veeks vsuit vith Inonda f Evanavîlle, WlN.. C'ira Kiilrof Wankfgan* *l>'.lsf shesisys silih ber elt~ liN. L. li 515cr. lir. bMcliii.att andsi Mss Feulon...* ltav.uuai o,v eto tisegnuslaof MYa. Ed warda lent veek. Mits. îespelder, vbo Obeau »nva1 ItI las soinewbat Improvell pbear, osdlîlon le 11111 very criticai. lseme Warnar ansi f4mely, et Wbeato, eurned go Stheir bonm.aelr a weea vieilt villi Mr. andSi Mo 1. 0. IVANHOE. 'Io 'sur frIends and ueighboro:-W& ê wiah h iIaul oli ail for the kinsiasmî vhii'b ja1s abovesiuns ifriag ê-2 sicîneuaoont ise)ý ul taaller cliind li.ofor theul'ua,,y fAr~ tibl,,s Malt Marrow lstapr çll~s jitil 5-\tracst.ofse îlet t aSrley mlt aîI'd Bslieiljal ii Isîjus-tlie ve'sry liîsart of thle woîIlil'c. fiîie-st ursulîs-. It liaH tiiidoîubtedily mlade lii iuaîi -iîf wtu:tî y menliansd womeiiîstrong of bodyl, et î'ug îof Iusau-t anîd stroîîg of mind. eutFji5' Malt Maîrîîw fios-ws"ak womeii aud tii usei iig inistIierpe. FRED ENDERLIN, Exclusive Agent for Lake County. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. B 0AII.G*A* angie etran>' llid if utejuce , .. ... kag'em............................ Lt cf ('asîlle soap .............. Favsnits aîavlsîg son!)s.............. 10h i 'iii...... ......... Vire,Ri wit1i t i u ibs h riînl ced sqsitsfsss of my Shirt Wafht'> 'illI teesîlsi nt eus-f. icese, each ... .. .. mie hieie a-................ ........ 04 .... .....07 .. ... ... ... .. 40 tu .. . . . .. as ý .lu ... . ... .. . . .. s ... . .. . . .. l .......... ..... 0 George Battershall, ville - - - - t 1 Jwx ON's,

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