I _______________________________ re sti v t 1 1 VIOLINS BANJOS MANDOLINS GUITARS FLUT[S HARMONICAS Libertyville Baldwin Pianos.. Pianio Tuning Promptly Attcnded to. Ail the Latest and Most Popular Music. - - Illinois. DEALERiS IN Alil Kiiids off Musical Instruments. The_____ Lake County Fair s going to be the best of 'em ail, as wili be Smith & Davis' Fail Stock of Mercliandise and Ladies' anid (lents' Furnishings. We are closing out sum- mier goods now, regard- less of the cost. Prudent housewives are already planning their "rail sewing. We seli the lamous Florence Sewing Ma- chine, as ,good as the best and cheaper than SMITHI & DAVIS, - - Illinois. LibertYMVille 4 PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Effect Sundsy, June 18, 1902e t 12:01 a. m Sait ~s ~~ Mvs jys 'alarge comiplete Ilie of saIt iand! ( 'iîed MIs F ratiythjii îgiii the fine of I I 111 IFruit ciill 0on lis. NVe I 'ndlie îotlin' hi t the h est. Triggs &Taylor, Libertyville, - - - Illinois. JEWELRYO SILVERWARE uf 1the Mo3t kelable Makea W- h, sW.iw. Q :ix 1847 Rogers Bros.",' FINE WATCH AND CLOCK REPAMRNG J FROM CHIC, Depot. ArrIve ai Nia 'i Na i. IVl' i i . .. . .45il. r * 1'i.a. Il'. . . .. a h.i i: el i..ni IT . .... 4( P 1 1cr 2521.0:19. P .A 15 i àin .Il I. N',147 ..... WO ru r ri r lei ...... 21*2 551 iJ. i TO CHICAGO. VIRE DA. Devart From 010 Depot. l.'i. ,li,ritrllae. Arrie Chi'a6r,. No. ira ...a,a . ms. .............. : a. a, -M li.ie7 . M.i.... a 5,iI sONDA T. M- 25...O O .. m ............. 1 itegular meeting of thelicllage board Monday nlgbt. The thîrd trial of the village Deane case laq set for Satrrday. TriggiqA Ta Iylor replenlmheisîl IlIsîrle boiîîe atîîrday nlgbL Witili tic ar ioarl.q "f le', or <ClI tonsm Ii- Ada ,ýM. fiehînge expeets tb ,cs't ave k futxfW e loraliti l.pem rf I enfîltIli n g lier lîssil f. l'iiniîay1fr sand Mrs. Jno lr "ln cf Lake Forestatndi Mr. andl Mri Wm, Milliîlzi'r, of Wauikegan vîvtel Mrm G;ellileit'5and lfnnilly. Mrs. W. 'l. Ma, 'rel,"f 'bleago, viait5iI lier parents 1Mr. snd lIrm. <0E Churchill Wedneaoiay. Dr. aud lIra Mac Ciig Ileave Moîîday for a tbree monilia itip la eigteru reanrtm. E. W.Parkbîîrst 1lanau arnest ta ail wbo advertlse, wblcb scentst for the -'fetchiang'îalla1Mr. Pgrkhirors pnbimssb n luthe INDrPwENETir. We advige othera of Our advertliers te infiscribe for 1the magazine. It l8aa grest bslp tb ad vriters. miss Cors .J. Clark, of Woodlavn, Chicago, farmsrly of Llbertyville and well knawn berswvu married Thurs- day, Jriiy-17tb f0 1fr. Oie F. Clark, of Cbllcga lmilas Clark bas been a tescber lun1the Kinitergarfen aI Woodl. iawu for mil ysss. 1Mr. C'lark la in the dry gonds tIru1nalualu Chiciago. th1e village trustees, of iarrlngton some lime luce ordered a portion of Main otr,',t lu tlat village graled te suit tbsîr owu partîcular idlea, 1the inaproveimeut (wbieh cbsnged the etâhllabeul grade, reuilg lu à dam- age @nil hy A. W. Meyer. lu the cir- cuit ronrl ondge l)ouuly found fat fi)mpîalnaniif. islg idamage aI $1'l'Ilie Inusteem ailvîrel thilr attorniey i, carrY tfîe casetf0thie appel lais court sud vers agalu defeate'd, 1the ont, unieeI'P 111te village ball ta pay te Mfr. Meyer $170i 0ncoatis sud dame- agr's for liavlng ltered the' grades oppc- Sites Is property 1f1h1,11 ierlyvîlle village dals have lu muitiiiiaiy grade aterstloos let ilieni thînkt taler befîîre taking action. 'Ibere viiiluebail luetvivaintsocial and naulkercfiief sais nt the i'teeby- terian riîurî'i paniars ' i brs ay sre- lng Atigliat 7fli. les crr'ama and cake, i1ir. Plan to go. 42 '2-d I'lie Itriirîiç on leru elu ist veek's assue oiîerel the fil2ivîng critie'lim of fLiertyvilis .' IFlic iate ('unîoty ta. puhlean convention vas caileil at titayalake for lIas gond sud siienit reason that a MaJOrlty of the camUmitcee favored thal place andî becanse Libtr- Lyville linî,ot a cuonvention village soi far am glvlug accommodationus ta min andl tiast la conccriet. G, nsysiate puromilses La give LIae ullegates the test hiers 4lteLa ie bail, piny cf1Itai reasonlîle rates. flie peop;lo there lite to have vlaltirr sud eau fus iepen. deri upaîr La doi vlat hm niglil 'l'bis crltleism la inwasrnatt, as Libertys- ville ivlmibtter preparel tir talus cars of the gathering titan any towu in the caunty. Twore rstaurants and two batla afiord ample accommodation. Trhe trubfle la that n convention dav ýiflegatea anul visitorsaslvaya persat lu crowling loito one partieular botel aud ail vaut dînn aborut1the sains Lime, naînrally uis'rtaxing 1 is capacify, whIale at any aift1e allier places Mbire lm roaianid ta apane. T'iislase- couliîteî for liacalie ail vent tu eli usar fit(r 'enuter of lnterest," sarIdvii ual "1break away" biong snugh La, est, lgnorlng 1the fauet that Vitbliu Lte,. blocks are a s many otber places wvlie vacalut tales ealialways fie forfisu. 'fie unly*'rilituiakick"the reprul , lilans bave, la Ihai Clibertyville bas becomne lnîtilrrrent am ta Jirlper an- rangement ut tlîe conuventionîhail. Spectatora are ailowed seaLs allndaoni that 81bauldl fisgiven tup vbîlly ta the delegates, sud the lîncîl repulilans ibiuild lise scen 10 Ltf bat chairs fuît ec dlelegatian wv egnrnped in piMoper ordet, sud a lIttI', tamty decoruî- tien wvth Iuuting and ilaps arrangerl abaut th1e hall anîl au the Platfanm. Yoi au eait on IL 111127 yl i e dons anotîien lme. Fi.onm J i y 160) ro Aligiust 114t a.in1 SeI.trrm her lviii t , wustnuinienI 'C'ail i te sold tu Duiluth. N'iîi lo, uni Aetlni' fe $yi round trip, good t. muarinunil (Jet. nia, av.n C. M. M t P. rafir.ad.. Tb@hi IaitellcdSmt and Weekly intar Ocam. bath a liner ferSa. CACO. al h 2. fil. i0 4.a. I., 44 m ii. 6a:56 ' r. FROM CHICAGO. ArIv u ld fleripot '\ 1"1.,220 e. y,2III, . Sandersona'. (rsaà levator. A repreenlailVe 01 e INIRERDF6T bsppened t0 be lun1the vlclolty Tues. day andt was thus privilegedl t0 satuess a Let of the lirat portabîle grain ee vator to ,c fiellpped lîy 1te W. T. Fatoiî M f'g Con. Mr. Saniierson. hi eInventor of thl cinie la murli liliancil saLl its Initial iebavior as arethie officeris of the couipany, and IL worild take a fortune ta secure from tbem the riglit of manufacture of wlîat they believe is to be on'e ofthic moat îlealred labor- Naviî,g ieviceg on the market, l'y far- nierm, ibreabers and baudiers of grain. Mir. Sanderson bas devlsed an eleva- for ut once comploesuad simple. It lia adîîîstatrlo lu ail ILS parts and eau tic foided juta compact form lu a fesa min- iten ready for the road, Thle'elevator Itacif conismta of a tower wthiu whieh isan endiesa chalu carrylug a rerlea of ljuicketm. Fram thie tower projeela a long steel fîunsei wblcb deposits 1the grain elevated wbere deaired, eltber lu frsight car, bin la second tory of barn or lu wbatever receptîcle la provided. Th1e funnel eau be maved about se as &0 depoalt th1e grain eveniy iu btn or car. A happer swings back te allow th1e grain wagon ta be driven ltt position 11 ii...... 6:40.Il 7 su f. r. WitbaUît Urnlng or baekiug aud la then maug under sud of wagon vlaere N-1ni... 9. :30iî a. 1 .....111 45 a m.iitj locka automatleaily. Elther boras, ESsoilue or ateana pawer eau be useil At lat-tho e wr tiaît in front of ta aperate th1e elevator. Ha'liy and Egeir ,II litigr; l living lIas campany have added 05w vaad puit lu. wrrklng nacbluery 8peclally te 'build Wîli Wrght eit riaineirIl iiyiiiig tbese elevators and once they are lu. boy fil ndsia', a rIng party Tîesîilay traduced, belleve their preserit lacif. evenîîîg. ities wlll bce Inadequate. fu 1the The Lmfme de i ',iieterv Assailation foundry a large mlleel crane basntissu yl nîcet vltb Mr- Ilem lý sk himlatailevI aud lu fat tbey are spendillg afteril-innilre'ln of dollars lit preparatiru for r F.rlIal. atterri.. alrr i t. L is'g îiiiinnil auderso', tPortabrle lira il.Losî was~ il ii2 ai, Eivao amure tri ereafe fluargat, tl"'I.abr. ýl l"av ' iîoo' 'Nin grali grsîwlg cautrles. the Ilnuisa of Lber r,"ller <iffier îepartimeota tif the factriry are (% . i.Wrghit arr I li iiiu' iiRobri't, 1rished viLli arîers <lue 5day hiat Ge)r 'e and Heleri, .lm' W rt Wright vcek irders for brunaor thelr engluies ao.l vifû are aI (i il r LiriI'.il e r rcelved. 'l1ho co)mpany acemm bridge. Wle., lhii ' k detîneîlta matorlalîze into au Inalitu. Mn.(Chai. "Iayl"r ani NJ1la9 Lyilia lion of vble Liertyvîlle vay veilIlie Mm 11h vI il enter Iiri fiel r ianri ay . fr mid. uctîiof clamesi on .j lrtîcra ilavan I'riday aftOrUO(Ioi, 'rîgligt M, from 2',. Johln Murphy aîî.l mar William, of E'lgin, paased t11rargli bers lu au aut- omobile whieh ifîey lin.l îurebased lu Kenoaba, enrout-.' ýt' t,îr home 'ieul- ue'slay. lirm. Duiranid aI I lirg. MeCormiet, who vt t eir alollitren have besu îpcodiug as nili at aa mail resanl near iis ,gi ,W 2rîitnriie fusa- day. A Ivo atory brut addiition îa8lîelng built to the MacarmA iifactory,un lu- dîcatirîn af the provîiirlty belng eLJOY. ed try Ibis oMPaRIy am a reailt af the superlar goudai tbry ..re îîuttIng au the marketL. Mira. C. G. Mullfe and rlangbter. of Highland Park, viilted seeraf days tis eek vllb E. S. Muhlke sud tam. îly. tMr, sud lra. Muike alan enter- talned Frankt imaatb sait vIte, <f South Pasrd'eîm, Cal., a week rei'enily. C'arl F"ie's s-4 ui$erlur g itIadypli- theris anîl 'a listhe linaothe ficvae.k hoe vasmuci improveil le vas verY Io ïv % eiics'lay. Hlm rnova soievahat butterIb' Fit or:Dne li Ililarailtiln ntcvenÉia6n Clo@sed p. Wills Wells, of Chîcaga, wbo beld a morîgage on tba equlliinîsut anî stock of Wm. Stevenson, closed the lattera@ tllorlng establshment lu t11e Kaiser tlück luet veek. Later Fred Croker, Mr. Stevensan'@ campelitor, purchamed of Mfr. Weil@s the esOre stock, triais, etc. ansd nov occupfei 1the "oid stand- wbere Mfr. Stevenson dld huotusai 101lsccelasfuîiy nutiî. 1until withfu a mnntb WVealthy Men Vimît I.ilertyville. A meeting aof11e hoard of directorsm of the Page Woyen Wlre Feues Cam- pauy vw" fild lu th1e companyi aubtese lu Chîcago, Saturdiy. at wblch lima a divldarîd af là pet cent on th1e preferred stock waë deciared, payable from tbe compinym sarnînga for the puat tIareS months. Thfiadividend on the nus million dollars of 1the preferred stock, vîllI bcepaid Seplemher lai, hi ail stwihiliet 0f record Auguat 15111. Atte'r the meeting several 0f1 the 2di rectora made a filg trip La Lierty- ville as gusata o!f1Mr. Clement, sud were aliawn uîany beautfîtl farnîs ed No otier rases are roported sud ' iicated au. Iilwaiîte Ave., soutli0f itfs la t îîîîf rr ied the îliuse viii the village.1 sprenil. Satîîrifay itrrndion fit '2 il)r er the1 faurîli Qiartrriy (onerence ut the .M E clîiîrchl. l'ye feat viiilIs at l'il Sunday moni ,iig. At 10i:301 E .er M an- denvilie yl reach sud admnigtlser th1e sacrement. Dr. Robinson presehea lu the evenîîrg an Tb1e Ireftteilt Dr. lt,,riliaoi le pfsiliig a joui lce veekt 1> egîli Sept. 7th wîithau i)od peoplîra day and lclolng the Mil waîit a yotiig porple' a day. He experts the three nidesît living pastora the tiraetSSolsanrd othens ou foilovalug des. Thais ili brlng us ienri of I1511, Clifforîlofni lv Tthen Thom as, Satin td, etc. F. 1P. l'yi 'IIOi aWho lnu ie'wi n(au operation Ilu L.,kosl de o optal, Chilcago reîeeitly and wha tialtif as repanted airant towi tu i'tiret ofthie vaet hll sultersîl a relle sud vas Ili a frecar. tioasecondition,. lealaowly reccverinig. Whiie 111r,' una no griiîrdv fîîr the rnmn r iilrr.ýiîoli, ys f Mn iiDVmonui vasunot qijlras vel for a fsedays as ho e bic',, Hle i fiis attlng 0Ps sud sema 1artivuilarly pleaiiud tir have bis Lîberfyvîlle frisenls ratil on hlm. He h la airivsi f2ec 5viitons. Auàl.,ilitor's brcuni. 1,l 1hi la'iia.1 Ru VI 22t.iim,22h, 'i '<and , ,. i tblikC'm , C112l tear 'I'uî -s, lr-î.' ' il s olil.' Ti"i '., ziotli wh s:0,1i thig- 2221, 1 nii rnerliai' 2 fThe' l-',rI i "me it21151. 'l'o piii ll ji -'Il -'arn.,t l'rani, i 22n ivo 1 22;,. 1 ,2n1 tefflauy -l, Ar,,l [a' , 'oa.rlelth, p . S,, molri i-'2 l l I ,lry. For',rii h21 1.2 ib.Ioredfirdi. Aroi . I l(i' 2 , i iiS n iia. N .ir 2-2t, -11 i i I rarîl. , tarwt ipî l..v2rii leri 'e g tI tit whioi. ,.uOli g close Luailun '1lýii., gtîi' 2r2li iirud. wat, i lia , 5,22-itli-otii show <.1 h,,i. l1 rt,2 ulaffl lu hail. t r.'Ler ý,-who baver ,,,li22 Ini iiriii,'r2t 2iIWili25 ulyl. Ahmi b' lim i i 21'iton 55v tha.' I1e.11 riI. rîetir fthsea AndI grbll in2c 2,il a cihair silifan. Hi, w irir'-1i ,fiiiig mors'. luit 21210 lî"î", iiiatubed tfýi As tiias'l l. ii ig5sud h5rni r And I .p '. h 22iiiei St Ou.1 1, r r,. it 't Wila'2Wi.Y tbey'd tutu Who i nuir, rsat bavrd pay. Saki th1e iuiigsi. '"Ooke on itor Theae 11pfiariy <Sate sas»;' But the elli or oniy BUitç.red. Thia lalisaveua 55u5m forme, liunuer vas srrved utitrldgevater Fanm, sud ail retleirldtor C11caga aon thie evening traiu. 'i'he Party coný blited of J. Walace l'agi', Ireaildeut. L. Il. lRobeurtson nrasurer, aud D. M. Baker sud Johin E. Carr, Directors. Ail of Ilie8e gentlemen wve r alsd as farmers usar Adrian, Michigan, and were greatiy îurprisied tlufluil milenia magulitlcnut farmiuig Confry nlear Chilcago, Abouît onue undred miles of feucing madle by tthîs Company, Is lu lige lu tie Iimediafe viliity uof Lîbertyvîlie. MI1 of Ibis coiuld fie made lu onue day vltb tue maciinery nov lu oîîenatlau ai the milîs lu Peunlsylvauta sud Michigan. Fourteen bundred men are employsd, nisieundred autlmonaoesn, lia. anî nec buudred ut Adriani, Mîrililgan. Nou Anoiher ElecItie RoudI. 'l lic irlatîne corrtimponds." of thie Ilai2lliriIi iii Inât week vraie: --8uecru. pramoters of an electrie lins t22 rrîrî froiîîClîleago 10 111e fats te gîonorth-weât of lber@. vers lu aur village laat Saturulsy Wlook over the route from lPalatine sud determîns tbe lisat route ta take. 'rley eoulauied vitIa a Linber of business men hlis snd asrîired them that 1the lino wu@ sure to er,îe lu tbls direction, but did iiît knîîv vaich raad ta enter on isave thes village as sacli balits advautages. I ieir idea la ta tari fram iOak Park and rîu uearly direct norttb-vet, sud peirîapa go thraugb Scîanmuberg bc.- fare irlkiug Palatine. Franu boesthe rrrad la laidt ont to n Ibrough Lake Zuîrich, Wauconda sud f braugh te Fox L.ake. (lue Iinestor came ont fromn Chicago à leu, vîos aago ta 1ook up good propsrty lu Palatine for lnvest- mnet, as lie fee canfident tbat vs are ta bave a road tbruughbobe. lie vwu laoklng fot property afîtaiîle foîr ti- div idilug.' Titite Commimsioneras Notice. Ntce im. herefly gîven that persona bavlug canada tiiles ou their pro- Party, are notitlsd t111ai nie muantbe eut or dentroysd sud Dntlolft lu propa- gate or go 10 ssed, under penalty of a ine o! net lemi Iban tfeu cotmots than one bundred dollars. This no- tiles appliei alike to publie lgbvays andîl .road tight-of- vaye :'.Intovu of Llbertt'vtlie, thebighvway commialon. et.sbbaig lable for tbe faithini pst- f ormances of Ihoir iubordloantea &long tht. lino. The penalty fot nonobserv- sucs o! the Iaw tl u ebcaeue@pro- vtded for rallroade la moreseivere, tbey beling lhable to a fins of n001 leus thala fltty nor !Dore flShantua iundred dollars. Duiciis LxiismaUEy. TMatlle Oomîiio,èr. Toi#nablp of Lîburlyvillle. ÂUg 31. TO CHiCAUO. vasa DATa. Depart FrOm New t feav,i.liurtyvill. .Air'% 13 ..... 7 M n .m....... le, .... 1 eI 14M G. 66. Pl 6C .i...... . No.. lu ............ - 112......'i18 n. ii.ý 1..... 14i l , 4 . .1. f wlî blii a i Well made, f til sizes Over Shirts, ite grotind with black, pink -and e strîpes, colors gu.araîtteed faet; [iglit aîtd cool Shirt for Stimmner we.ar. woulit he Ml îIIly T . Liberty Ail mizem from 14-J to 17; cheap at 501e; our price is hle Fair, ...PURE DRUGS.... At LoveilIs Drug Store. ýNT TOILET ARTICLES Ns"' ILS PERFU MES LS PATENT MEDICINES. F. B. LOVI2LLI Libertyville - - - Illinois. CN COUt1$ fouia For a telephone in your place of business Or your.residence. X5înî get tlîe iucrea&,d and growing service of the, Coîînty Teleîîhoîîe Company and connection vil Chîicago '1'lelîhone Compa.ny. For InformatIon, rates. etc., wrte- CONTRACT DEPARTMENTO LoelaDrug Stort. WbWIW LATEST ARRIVALS OF SIJMMER OOODS. Ca r(ottoni IL ilerwear-iîî wlîîte mkirLs. crset eoers and drawers, 25c to 95c. \eck Rîibboms-iii ail colors and ail wiîlths. at IOC to 35C. IIalieC Short aid Lonîg SiIk CGloves Iad 40c to $1.00.?aksa Iadieva' 1imiery itiaifi and fancyI lîîss'iii white anîd black at 10c, 15c. 25c. Appli14ue [.A es-large assortinent of applique laces ini white and black-per yd. 7c to 23c. ILadies' Slipper-latest styles anîd shapes at $1.40 to $1.85. Fanî'y Dishes-a cOmIltte line of Croc kery anîd Glamsware in plain anîd faiicy shapes at lowest prices. illortune ti ».k. 1 ýe ettendu et saturiN ren of »i a lev doi Ikm atteu t Waajk îted hWe t Tho.. pi iy BOns, 1 Elual o l a Wilmhn r WiImim i boe. 130, wu 'iD tertained tIng io tit11 ber et~a ligg eulon gtif of a & id f4mily, 0 laît bonme aller Si iro, 1. 0. *e. leighboro:-W& r 11e ho aU us tiutlagf I bliabîni .é eai usy l' iody- Baithy DE S S. ey malt of the Iy made k strong f mind. iîs pre. îcnlî aud ty. .s L-, ee 4AW14À 7 VI