CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Aug 1902, p. 6

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ýP M WPWfl luinlg the wholIeto themt, your liberty, and .. .1 9 1ý -- ,9 .peIrhaps, ypur lie. Tat You have e -- -- - . TT EfFRED) BY FATE - I w===="os owr.uhe oc,,11 MAKES GOOD PROGRESS EXCEPT ýexteform olilYuw- 1' ,- - @tiltmo ýO, th C apainlht w s peculialyas- e WHERE FLOODED. 1 .. paul »gite S weetkaffrr "-,".eet, esentait frf," bhimself asWeillagaslhe syas able, thoughd 1 .. ",Iaa, or arLseen ," -" Wedase o a , :, .,rnhie eyes still glttered with thatstrange, l. s Raieinterfere with Winter W heato . pen irle." -or1's4.3egacyg rcfý t.,Etc. metaHlic gleam that boded no good tobthehe H arrent of Oeasla satisfac-ý av 1 c e , Il l Ilobjec ofihis anger.on the Samaritans. But God, although tory-Munch May Spolled fby storms .. L)9 GOU!5 JI-11::I;l::i!:111il :: :: 1"I hate youi," he said, *"not no rmuch . homarks the ernallest gin, and although tn th@ vukouq states' senDa" ___ for what youi are din, man, but because sn2th ininteht dyeeWshngl iYaetiutieàn ILgae ix ai e ve lo t teyou know, I amxperfectly innocent of 2hehbaterIts w tyManig ov'ie him lt - rto haste 'sweklsm a rea oitmducatnl entoe an ts dflmst ERII. otiue. I gvehm ai o ve lo i tecrime. and yet, knowing this, youi still h ee et.n gmoTewahr ueuswekyumr documents designed to enlighten b ut l the b« -I& rleei Captain Grant wsas direction of Richmond Terrace, and lhe blackmail mie.",1 -or impatience. t friens f rpcndtossastelwe i-er fte adae en reae1n haethe ecyevent of a letter purportin made up his mind to go abroad Once "That ls a very nice statemepnt for you This forgiveness isn bm o n rtinuall souri aud upper MNisqsissippi Valleys andshpetocntunt.Nay er mtade tereipRer Darrel, in which more. Having arrived at this determina- to maker, dear sir, but how are youngo- thatillosreito avaeeiaeleioeae otiudtosffrfomebertofcongritenthasne r n ?eofe ý 00ie Paead eapons were named. tion, the young master of Darrel Chace lig to prove it in Sanyway?" 1S faunted in our faces after wthe nbuetyexcessv ris.wihalohaeite- ehof deHvre bahimon te o use V mth e erly dawn ,came, his second counted the days that Ltnet elapse be-«"Ha! schemer, there more of your GOD'S PERIp»CT WAKr. pardoned.-I Win fo tie r in nomore, rupte fam ,workin hme hobaleyadInte-go dete rehih desire 13to-dIlstrM lmwith-hm. and toýgether they net Out fore hie could put his idea into execution. Cunning cropg out. 'The papers thata e.RseA.erD.. and I will remem or e the y ares om in peorisok the OddeValtie adtates ue Tey ay b e dre ark strn the 4rtepaeapinted as a rendeavous. The shadows were gathering late one would exonerate me you have stolen and "As fr Go hs way a ret.-I.0 he0or arse ody of Mose a nd Newpo England.f Much injury tolcropc great. questmon of the day or merelyea At somne time ia the diem past it ha fenoand twilight was rapidly Set- hold over my head. To save them froma "ufr01 i a npefý1,«buried somet ng as hi body buried, and oter property uhsnjresutd fru om peduo sm oa.ubet h bm ffgrund consecrated to burial p-Il in rect indon ogerhomadehis ýbeing destroyed and myself fromn future The attitude of perfection belongs to Was buriedl not only rvy ard were overfiows in Iowa and portions of Illi- Congressman doesnot think that hoebohas .eweyed their long stender branches over lhe was yet within a mile or so of Darrei te'asbu nw oo r mnsrerecntg t, etheran- tade inment or ld To a enlreyvlee nteSuhr rc rSaewt pehs fh ft itestnes that 'were halt hidden in the Chace, lhe was astonished to 'see a fe grIngetoobpreposterous.r th atmandee m t.Firtei ods ayint e i isechego td a dt o forgivej tateMsurextnd ive as in th dee-nthis unti Dtetshouldask hibiupo -MR, râmk gl ~male figure rise up before hima and bar time I1skinfor your mery.1Iwould not 't ? Son far aLrd, art great and e y t gvIg btio etenschine edso@in, e sp- mhi e cti htue haoud mbeen doing-i -gs g&drao! ey come ta apause when his way. have your blood upon my hands, but 1 physical world , fcrastornbGdilays ready to forgive askedacaytheoti ahl ern por nxte iWshigtn.Th seehe1gtrog .4espîe of forma appeared among theh, wsa ongwman with great elJk a ted y ahumn e m e, iZutecdtail scoplte.' ti l a hird uetoa a ro kahm atwr o h ar-te-alfee fcore bti i ut seadavnetoweetewreblack, velvety eyes, n afcao hebo mhudand wo u t, unless he ndg otn hsbeen hiu re dalytgone.Te and answered beoe we arereadytdeinfi lnas. Thke toremeratpure cuonditdin as a a tasktoilgThem ready fo r hipment., mane.To te surriseof th Capain pre oal tye, ad sliht&yoIde n gieslupthe haseeithrifaldhimelf-gthoiuof onglaeseoesanarterine telchractehe TSthibowhoe havibee favoabletalthugh heyeaectaen.frmfthbcapiol b wag 4@ tmo these wan Roger Darrel. Be- color. thongh he had not much chance or destroy the bound PlainlyV,, Captatin rcaae ~eu Ail formsaftto of temrl ol, a rather low in the northern Rocky Matin- on loads at a ime, anbd for the niext two, coud oment on this fact, hów. to observefit just then, as she hastened Grant. is it your ife, or mine?" deposits, grain by grtainreprduedquestion la this: In God faithful? Hia tain districts. The north Pacine cout weeks the mail trains leaving Washing- th le srngr adarve lsetlo pak Tenha mod a.I telit, anima and vegetalati po, oedbyjustice might be perfect In the Quality Of States sustained considerable damae ton will carry extra cars tu accommodaste "We are well met. Roger Darrel. Yo efusealcmrmse aen ter and developed hythe aggreg all a tOne it, but if it were only administered o- fromaig ih winds and the Dakotas und the Increased trollc.lI addition to the _ One was a handsome man. the other have the samne nerves of tron, 1seta means of living at present except on you, One. of particles of mattietr o e esta. asionally God's way would mot bie per- Minnesota frohainblsatorms in scattered large volume or political literature sent9 .0 tl, wKillwy youth, with a small, dark owned you manter before, and not for and as, for *resons of my Aývn, 1 expect defy the powers oft teAmtongeallstre.o -feet. But we find combined with the»e oa.tes utbyidiidaaSnaos ndIepa aomanteche. The latter's hat was so ar- your life would you by start Dorword t aeAeiam om nteftriThere is also order. .,%mns aherevi otarbuofjtice.adamrcytheat- Teucr. rp a aespeddp ogtIlenta iv, elth eno camagnd comtnIlt--ti iggugd asd o a id partofdhs factbutownitatfyocrecgnute me, ndlyeYeumarasoellipovideagaint alrmyetg andmwlftasineltheheavesiaboeatriuteto faihfulnss.eTis coplete res in te Staes ofthe cntra vallysftes wil disribuesthi yearmillinsao -MIaiabhing eyes oseemed to pierce the tbere is not a person in the wide world day. It in but fair, thenthat there a clash or a jar. lu dh iavnse atoer the trinity of his perfections. He in aTexcpin howSt andsloithedeprt iones, of «pamp hlets.intepidentrilincam-1 taed .0ptain through and through, and gsome- you would hate to meet more-" abould lbe an equitable division; so moaein the earth beneath, andistharon--Just (God. "Is mercy endureth for- MeissuIwa nd linitedotions of epamgnlofs1806 the pRepubicetaanc mtteedr a" lbe shivered au though seized with Her Word& were tierce and venomou,up your mind to that." under the earth aillnaturet ino toever,,,.",Ty atfun* i n o rallMgen- r ind Iabingirlyhe odonel-he pin u 20,0 of 8 h eucmnts. omtsuchc u ie agne. ad enn owrselthrget Lawrence Richmond's face whitene, nus. Then, to, what varie. No two eltong.", In view of aIllthese-considera- tiled pI oads, but gratgdamaenhas e- .ntumber willbe docriutenths year, buteck, "Wnaei imgnlmn, adteblack eyen rest upon hie face as though andthe skin seemed drawn like parchl- created things are exat y Rvlen.ais' f ions can we not say with the writer of Ilupl aron ds nt e rvmae bots thumertal how i rby each dseverl but-ll- ba»nome man in a musical voice. she would read his very soul. The man ment Over the bones. Iseteeth were leaves, blades o gaeote z urxt"sor God, hisiwyeiofpen ofte outhernoantesterpotos t oad the DeocrahSll o Sole1baet "We are wellaware of that, sir, but looked at her keenly. (One imight have clinched a fsti gnan h idon r xatyaie 4o e ut et "AshatotateeadlnbNrther Inlnos.eH-g-0-:- .heerla this? I do nt mseyour principal," thought that lhe was noir lookiqg uPon, gleam deepened In his eyes. Stillagain, what a world w e Adall ly avortae rep ort are recived rom he fBeeof:he:sperisin arhitet o qpterned Lient. Carson. her face for the tiret time. He reached out his hand and It fell 1.ntform, color and texturiabbeut i MERIALlE RGfEOvoNerabla reKa sadtereavdtrparnTthe oTriesorytha lus n unprcedtered ýýmin BSe te here," said the youth, quietly. "Who are youT hle mailket last- opon a peculiar lnait in the iwainscoting· nature posserssed of indese ibalt sb h ter. A, s. ser gIGBKOUL e bofMisoii and llnsan d dede a mounhe t of bass o a nN rm ofd 9.ýtal iMe words produced something Of a '1he other did not seem to knois eat Au his finger pressed against this, a par- When God puts is bow lushabylien "Bt covetearneity the esfs."ofhisroi n i he ndà o teecrop&acitectabun ese n and.sobiderf. maE .emnla n u.Cro age. fIrstwhether to get angry or laughl fltoneofthe oiled floor of the library Sud- paints It with coore unapproac d he In Bcartor. 111..e 31 fil in OhoVle y isJO inýdijnted. # roxarhdtectauetdo sgreatomaire&spon-isi-II .-bere la nome mistake," lhe said; "we Snally did the latter, and fthera W" denilyyawned open, leaving an aperture beauty. The tints of the nowers andet.- Inrexiion.a 3, elegt O hRins havley interfered wihIte A saityan etso on Jfam es K. Ta- 9 ta .dme out to meet another." something cold linlher forced merr ment of perhaps a width of four feet, down hues of the SaBtmlt kies are at e ni- aprelitonthawichbuisnest. e ho tu Rsing hafewiter e threlußne lor, ;theg hbweso t uofaee, DringThe ntr -That other will not be here, and in thlat made him shiver. herwhich the Captain would have been hut-fui that the works of thed b wet e inasinot abition orbetn inglleither eing ! nexrm e nthwer dtricts and lt es on dof taoress heras comle.ý eg .mder that the gentleman should not be "Behold in me a grypsy girl, daughe ed like a cannon ball, but for te tacteri seemn but miserabledubes. ods way1titnsocaietuionessor trliiongs a l so airte n.nfavraleforitrahng laiont eetof li5 public boudngs at aýthey ,4mpitdin meeting a Virginian. my of a queen, whom the Rilver tongue etoathat lhe gave an agile spring just asndhe contemplate the perfection Or led'sto ex- ready r uns rr e lgasopactallin theentý1 iravally, le on brsier-&coteft$52,00,00.pOfleebuildings -ýýcag asemed bore il willing to cross blades with serpent lured away from the boule of tropfell, that landed Im beyond thedan- in the physical world, we are leht v ensdromou o hie rcedbsn.Trueis bl het nsh in the owerrMls- 125 willwbeterected afte competS5,0,0.O t-biings ,de- «el,"and the handsome man indicated her people. She was outlawed fromn her gler fine. Quickly lhe whipped out a lit- elaim with the Psalmist. "Thne eaves rpped ne h rceiW.TeeL blewia nsokintel rM 25 ilh rc tt eng opeto allm- M 1 VUkio hand hie comrade. trible and deserted by the white-fcedtle silver-mounted revolver- declare the glory of God, and the fri.mauch a thing as a haly, laudable subi- souri \,1.9-y has been,# dhmaged. Har signe, the comprtti ontsebPut heSI];-on Optin tGrant laughed aloud. traiter whom selhaditloved and trusted foiled again, old man. Yusei smn hwthhshniokrh od to o h aeo h ood wheh we vesting ccontntues in Californie alndhal thearchitecteofte e ry, bdesb ignedritn U bave passed through somne strange with lher whole heart and sOul. Mt, usless to fight agninst fate. I am ready howr manifold are thy works; in wisdom may accomplis.hahlyilry,àaright begun in <>regjon, where wheattle Billing ty smaßer ngsbeemalieterged isntdm IgN a I my life, but I assure you, gen- then, hadt she to lire for but revenge? for any such emergency," and, turning,. hast thou made thleul all." eaus competition. It id to this that 1nicely. Tlhe. crop in both regon and the architesOkO m heet o S ih @4this beat them al. What do The hand or the gypsy maid hadl been. hie left the roomi. i Second, le God's way ln the moral would have Endeavorers aspire. Washington hua., however, sutained COU- raoigh in t o e mee àande the dM- g»M take me for? My life is certaly creeping toward her bonbon al the while, "Curses on him," mnuttered the old man' ol eretwy Let us ask fnrit, The up-to-date Endeavorer posselsses siderable damagetrom recenit highs test. The arc• t B aluesethe i Taylor .uaMet to me et least: therefore, you and at this juncture she fBashed a shIigdeeply moved,"hie bear@ a charmed life. la God jout? Mosesdeclares, "and.with. certain characteristics: FIrt, he has winds. .rectiont of ed aire ltl- 1 a .g0m"a me if I decine toisk it in stiletto lnto view. Roger Darrel caught Batan protects hie own, but I willye out iniquity, just and right inslhe." Isaiah an experimental acquaintance with GOd. Spring whe-at han advanced favorablyIl aaready commenchedteof i@theý[o,ý' 'ds-MPMment with one with whomIn h er by the vwrist with a grasp of tro. burst asunder the bonds of rate, and tdeclares, "He isa just God.",And to the He han at somn e ireldhie tel- ln the principal spring wheat 8tatut, but neessary lands fer the betieo n ht e 1 ari àm od gearrl.""Girl," lhe said, sternly, "what would then let him beware. sme effect testify aillthe writers of the saved condition. He bhassenimnif sahas sustaine.d injury in tcaitetee à buings te i adle bgto tâ 1ale S .Meiace of ,the youth reddened a trinie, you do?" (Teolbe continued.) lOld dn New TeitamentO. Mad instinet-ias inner in the nght oftGod and reaH ties.from badittormt. et Green , Aitoughtheraie of the Captain, more "Dor" she Ilsd;"I would kill You, O d airNe es tenty. ofnjusti n any IO epesns.-He hal]Rumblly and Othreti iihdi teSuhr h oenetwillfaet t •b1 thUme ords depttered, ouchd. omhsake inssthe ligras th urd m fom GAG FLAME MAKES MUSIC. at. But how anythings cme in to fully confessed hi* BienetoChilsuad nOW States and islanprogress in the centrab a new agfricsislut l&g.heicea e aeý,1a M. hrddesiei hat hpes toubalivngeartwt hth. wuld - re ent stice when the laws are ad-reailizsthat God for Christ's sake@han valleys. and while lodging i eatensively $2,500,000,the Plans oer wl bae& -Aa» sre to understand that You refuse svryu lc er ihti rsyA Sinsutar musical Instrument& eedbyManHow anyl times has forgiven him and accepted him as his reported frome Ohio, upper Misissippi ready benadopted by comptItisonl "* Sgh, he? iqure tehadsmebld, edcaedt&tatp epse.oink signed by a.n Eminent Sceitist' ignorance sent a man to the galHows who child. These fundamental conceptions Of and Missouri Valleys and lake rgionbuilding fur the nationa Museum, tfr-n.. dwme, nDot to escape the terribe vengeane f Few men Who dentluinscience train ws nocent, or let looseUPOn the wo.ri Our hlyreligion are deeply in-wrought the general Condition of the croM co- peref s @" al n Ditacnt8.SfIr etil . heurethe tbmy foeman has beenethe gypsy girl.a Chemhaslfollowed youed tdye. But Gad into is inner experience. tinues satisfactory. a muicipa building fr. .««tWenough te tend some one in his aoer land and ses, waiting for te othe hebtatsadon vreov n-ac im l fthe ee ofustice known al1 Recond-He seeks continually for a Although genernlly improved Inendi- Columbina, wich wUl ncost flX», aofga 1 n -to strike, the hour when you would beatingpractical fromn their theories, but in his adinita o Jo eljsty deer experience of grace. Lire MAnI- tion, cotton continuo'ufe fombilding for the new war college, te o 1 beuxIl e ,Ld! eleth ouhina mtaglymost happy, and Whon life vwould be Prof. Ogden Rond has proved an excep- the facts, ando i bet entrfers th est tel ngowh h tu ndoM n oto sftCo ltenaioen rctdo h asnlged yM- I oc,"ayno more, The genle-most dear to you. A ohort time ago it to. e Yraechanie has com. 1Againà, preju ie e e hrles Werileydaoe alyesrsfobeoestrihenrt-enraiorinso te oto imtedAhe itreato ost $250,000, neNO er sentM«au answer to your chl- seemed tat that heur hadl comne, and structed, upon the professor'ssges. human Justice,hs amous revival meet- Christ-like, to know more about Hils 1boit and in extreme northwestern and and »ernerther buildings of lesor ta. j1 ý bn.Probibirthere will one come t-- Barbara Merriles struck the tiret blow. to, ulent instrument o dcdofscod g b dsrye hehueswrd oeno mr f i pii, ogowsutwser exs nbuhihtretepraeei tedstit but I 1meanto place yos in a cond&- New, when she has helped to blight you edly nove description. Until informed, telvso1om fhscn n rc n nwledge of the trutherprt of the tast mentioned State1 the l~ piietbbre accepting lit will beont of the lire she comes before you, ready otan o n wud vr ecgi heapa-and toTwet-e igheosiions wereipr- ias itisudCrit.Heisalo nxou toroPai omJ dvlpdad ah-0DretrWlot fteGolgclBr qoo lit vas mi friend who wrote the work withlher, dagger. Yeu aeàt-a tDfOhecOndler n 1hevets. ntyh andejro the assse be- fte o etrsevc.H a i ted, wnith mlemoistred fornpresentl e y haswita long ilette t te iIl Ie,and 1 am hmbatokeep my agree- doormed, Roger Darrel, doomed. atm.Iua. parto h hndlenteseatedtathe grad utofthe eallsympafitetior intersernieery membesà r ofned. A mterniple miprorenis notd y sericeComisiakIng fotr erm ivsinar .aI oton are a eewardi if you do not "A dg for your threats, Barbara Mer- owne'sdrawing-room. The basesofaginst the offnde rbuy e remark- mthescety, nesialyin thy easite O n pomrtions oaf-riluisianaMissisippe nd torvie mply iheseices of a co Pmpetenti ii me"adho wispered a name la rie&. True, youreame has Often beenthe affair ls the so-caHied musicalfgane. thrown out, adter a dehihstllsa ends ontmembces,ad s eirous of thelp@sogialel Alabamatndthe ouis ontMsius ipnd en- han y thwil Syerviegg Ofday oretete a a.i m id.btIhv1nvrhd ca Wengsi ure na yidiclal resen ad which declares: "We those everywhere who know not Christ- 1erally promising condition ln Georgie. eurvey. The egg isn eeded for makings éble sflyacmHhdeyso o eryu oecoe eea himney of a certain length and width the city rco Charles W«e lie a Third-Hie conscientiously keeps hi«s Over much the greater part of central 1the albumenCatingWfDor potUthograph- ý ý , te d. Who you are, and what the look me in the face. Theyou uMay It produces a MUS-icalnote. According AdSnudfaea aabndad pege otinteretesolsutiitean eser isrit tevlntcntne.c ok.Thfetersatstht h 1r 1s a m nd w an e ee er o h ngeatwih h aprisei- o disturber of the majesty's Peace. spirit also- sMland blooming to top in extentively Téy is in immediteDneetofan egg and le Ihm ys r abuswerds with Iiigne him for the sace of a minute. ted front the jetLntheewl be either adwàra hth myh rnsotd" The patriotic soldier endures hardship rprtdbaye: "In making a requisition on th alii o ýý tst.thmm " hen autred a sharp ey oe oudo -ne.Asml ontrivane This i, what prejudile Win do in human not because the army rgltoneur_--_nee eatmn o n g ea- it. ý ý- I1 neIl »ne ofthe W efeired to lonasud hisgrip 2pon her writ, and the enables the cowner lyy touching a button» ourS.l No oe e otimengtfor a M- it, but beause he loves his at 8 WHER E CUSTER FEL L. ways empeiencemorts y L etg i *Wqbset wthout a thougt, and tried hand bhilding the dagger dropped to her to Changeethe dame fromn musical to ment, diturb. God in his amn tio uslawou dthe b dene tr ha e wihe U3ge1outhofJuy elbrtt n ndthe goodile» ingotothe bmeth-clv "- 49 ermhis knee. They WereOf the side. 'ne-non-muscl at his wil. There are thirty of justice. God làa elle i n theni toss do and wi gladly andicheerfllyUat- uen Hisr Bat leOf ld- eds of pMa1d rchas te96, e n tbeys in. prim 1 u, ase mamter&l,"ndthe ey«et ofthe duel- "WiRI you strikbe Dnowhe asintouhis-lampe in his chandelier SO arranged as tare of all is creature, and no admi se- ttta o. n il yado.F i chat euyr- a.SHeia, ., neBate btel d e"dàoprn. t, woneuld mwis, thre g ghed up wtatsfactlie on hnh wie astana oogomSt mkefurocavs.Te eyoad s thsjustifor. the good aowhich (luirez la not a burden. Hie does his duty. of the Little Big Horn, where, the ga"ant fure, te takle some defnite tep in thée , boyavelRUtnfirhelve agode restheaven! what have Isen?! NO, in a corner of the room, where It occu- 1 ot l er qunetrin thaecharacter of bcause lhe loves to do it. He loves to , Conter and hie commiand of 277 tTrpers atter. Theoheeu of the United States l e ý4a fiven siga the long swords your lire in sacred fromn my daeri.You pies but little space and might esly be God' administration of the moral world, keep his pledge and recetives a blessos werelbtcherd by the confederated 81 louGeologica Survey ahoutid be capable of a 11 l ,.«P« d, and the duel hadl begun.The arnotRgrDrr1 u hemnwomistaLken for a convenient shlf On tele hi: sGod merciful, as well at just? in doing so. IndU ian n e 5. 17, imcnt teady daily output. Ont egg per day ilsilg ý «l bladesvwrithd twisted, and saedmewenI would have leaped itowal. The muic produced by the nlames IGo'a way in the moral world be per- Furh-He will kee himself informed fearfully lifelike imitation of that blondeak-btter hul enoqe- Bhe s man serents-andyet h ir, anýd t wome wemuh!isy pleasant. It lsnot as loud nor as feet, hie muet be merciful in hie adminis- onEneorwkadwllbrdyt cudigvntasnaedntetonbuttselerontm. 'e abl» matched were the two auntao ha fI $a lin You; my own lire ta rmenier Wood or tration of justice and 'net in is adims- h elpi hi&society, his church or the cause1 of July this yea. Boldiers from FotCivil Service Commis ion Il gI ive he dathti see1ipssbefo ih wld hveIfollow eri nevrtcudbran ads truments, but 16srfuller tration of mercy. Paul, In speaking Of Of Christ at al' t'mes. cIenze rpeetd utrIaa eqetcrflcaieain A acompa he dsire reult. havesuriend ch bae ingrtitue.en b ras ewndseul me w ieorathe Mercy and forbearance which God The uP-t-aebsns a so h ee omn.wieafreo A ke lightni nally the sword of teFrwn yfin theheps. W admr ooru hnawhs raexercises toward those who beieve in lookout for the bes t bargains and the hot Crows and Cheyennes carie on the part By direction of the Secretary of the %tranger pa through the Captain's 1shaH m-eet again." fiute. Crsdcae tt es rne ht ehd favriighswrs oteplayed in the tragedy by the blooldthrsty Treasury warrante coveringthe salaies oobd and at alumostthe same ma- Bere.he Ould restrain her she had An odd feature of the instrumentisaGodristil"justILt adlte gjusatidofhitmEneaorerwileOnfhewatch for the ' Sioux. The shama batte was one of the or the commissioners oftheà*Imisiaao augM a n lade was plueked fromn hise a way.vaIshn mn h hd- that playing on the dames does not varyGthat;hath fa-iutind Jeus ferof bia .et mehod-ofli be studyorcommittee mont thrilling affairt of the kind everPurchase Expoition Company at 8t. *" by a neat twist of the other's wrist, w ftetesastog use ythe .mount Of light prducdthe Mu- 1It je important to notice not only that work.liIe làslan intelligent man and an h eld on the American continent, and tho Louis and other government employezst ; lad sent whirling away among the gras- faires' aieal being indlatiniguishable froma the God in merciful but to notice also the aggressive worker. NWe get out of En- 1makebeiev salping by thé Indians af- willlbe issuedatonce. Thle payiment aiof. ,I aMdgravestones. Roger Darrel resumed is walk in thea ical gaame. Al thiat the specta-1 many forme wihich is mercy takes. deavor work about what we put into it.1 ter the troopershad been shot down te these salaries ha, been withheld for two mn ý Ne4whie the point of the stranger's direction of his homne. What thoughts nonmus dl tu eoyolhr smryi h omo ops The Indian tegend that a spring on the -monthe pending the stinmg by the direct- -M edtouched hbis breast, lhe saw Im were suring through is mind Just then tor notices la a dlg frlmloyof theil Werrn the terrae tofJssad ieo Pk' ea ie frhaii-.o ftecopn-f h otrc9id manehi atan dxerusy eov teIt would lbe hard indeed tosay, but lhe unusuxal timbre coming to hIn im lmteer e thLord, ftouwilt thon canst1 crae1routo waee'asbe ngteo epteexoiin1lsdo smine mustache. A shower of ringlets sSeemed to be laboring under somne pow- chandelier. mae e hlýý"1 "Jeans looked upon him, dropped into It beautifully and faithfully ,, ý1 ,ýSundaye. The withheld Warrantsa&Mount BDl il" about the white neck of the man of erful emotion. .1h wehsfeunlyhdcni- wth compaon and healed him." W'h n Illustrates the reward o f service for 1to $8ßil.. aystery. What was it the gypsy girl had said? erable fun by Playing the instrument Je- a h wdwo anwepn hitan h hrh CaputinGrfant. aedmaly at h Nt RogeryDarrel"d thisIlbethen? when somne one was in the roome or hall for the los. of lher sOn "hie wasmoved BIGTFUU FFR AThefirTrearyde n rtment has Ioed . AD ý Toiu' face What Yu mockery *d core a, -that knew nothing Of the affair. Where with compassion"and restored lher son BI.T il FO A RN.dratrealer• drth ev PiipiesI'Ln "Youl" he c.ied,are you ivSe and How dared lhe come there and take pots- e dio w educated he was puz- to life again. We read s, "And when n) ReV . .r - • ser civil government act. That act provide 11cri j e? WhatNightaWre! h re siSek en o Drre haeihsaintted auditor wdaout the alora In Jeasslooked upon the multitude hie was The first eight verges Of Isaiah xxxxii. that all taxs paid upon articles subject oe -n el-efNraWre!"te rehergled anmuoedabu e bar o oed with .ompassion " Jesus who are a brief sociological poemt. They are to initernal revenue taxe. shipped to the - a are. - vasin for the new-fangled muiebox eamete arth to reweal the Father wasl not a prophey of t.hat final stage uf hu- Philippines since Nov. 15, 1901. under CHAPTER IV. Captain Grant was an honord guest at believed to be at work. Weeewa heeat fcmsiorvalnteman progress that ha% commonly come toh elso fth ertayo ln aillhis life Captain Grant had Richmond Terrace, and is Word seemed gnrtheualyManifetdsm merc in the formnofrcompassion which he know-n as the millennium, but describe Treasury of that date, shall bie refunde . M enever suffered suchil a defeat, and what to be law. The servants aillad their ferIlngs with hic bewilderment. , God has for all manInd a condition previous to that final culai- · WEEcsE'sToPn . to the partieswbopecld b the n ner ý1I ende it all the more bitter was the tact. orders to obey him as promptly as they - There is al- mercy in the form of gen nation. HB C'ZUOTS£ UXP. rgulali alepecie yteSc thaut it came fromn the hand of a womn'did their master, and between the fiery A Trick of Florite. tienes. Andl here, to, Jesus la the re- The churlish, the hypocritical and vile t- --mn--t- hude- troghth retaryhof the, Treasurs edThose regula-, whom, for ressons best known to im- Diol man and the whimusical oldier they 'I ave enough rubber bnsnwt vealer of the Father. "A bruised ree i aire ingredients that are still in evidence. thpectas tions baTe now ner sud . . sel.fohelhadt cause to hate most heartily. were kept pretty'bausy. Wnm aeIst me for a week or two," said a he will not break, the smoking flax lwt-Bt they are held in check.d They do e Novetfarfo. tesptwhr hemm hesatmn o heWr earmn Eye looked into eye, but that of the !Lawrence Richmond had enmre mn"lloe ede nwl ntqech" We hewmnay more drift like the sandstor=m m ex e ereswrex hed s t herath inl eh co a Cua's ome Wreuina ten 4uelist could not stand before the mad .moody than ever. lHe watched Captain Young mn 'Ak wrvndro in sotqiin was brougtohhe di te esrt.h t1h .gare in the orbe of his vis-a-vis, and lhe iGrant fromn under his shaggy white eye-- Chestnu.t street gave me them a s a t allu inatsroand chargehier withdi-thrhe et rsthesin o ettr ery were ret tth astio ixrmnhperiod ofba' lastmeyeadrian is 4ethisgaz fal. t lst he Spoead ·brows with almoest a glare in is eyes kind of 'tr'whadoecrntnsnIng against lher sex, against the family, and truerutimes. Men shal see higher tellwith otetee nusuofhehdadvwre s anincreasevaof nearly a million Iler ries s trembling with deep emo- and Donce in a while thereanmight have that 1 bought. Each carnation hla a1aganst soiety, and all the rest. But truth. They will mee what the race oould burgiedasl they ayonso the aeldlotl as morat vn000 00 anexortaImorts , 410a. ~~~been Seen upon his face an onunou band sllippedl over It just benleth the with the deepes,,t tenderness in tone arnd bec if it were not trammeled by wrong hasoe ubeunl eigeetdtPteUae tae aei'reaeu "4Iand yo te, .amalie gadehere, cu- seel. aybewenthesetwO blossOM, where the stem ts tblekest.manner lhe saidto her, "Woman, go and fritered by se16shlness and ithn g athehegagsrLtrthiemlslfpr et.Teoofinepot aeen- dr eie ripoter.aThebograe coul note. Ten ecet thate tadetweenes oerThe bands were an agreable Surprise gin no more. When Thomas was not fal« coneditions. ' the troopers we'arermoved to the oms-fne otheua and tobacco trader &Irrmdme norbthe min ad houeonanme.menhealtt o withnte st aih ungrimtoie tok tem ffaftr te Bw-wilingtobelonvnceeo thrLod'sre Thre hal cme fierexpesson f it f teuhllanda lrgegrnltoshftsufrfsipmntofalin of aout$6,00 :Frto eath I have Icomedolietrandenowtehaof e lwrene.RIchmodai ershald ded, and they will come In urrection e1ýept he could see for himself the social lire. There shall bie a universlwseece yte aingoenet astthsewhohae njredmetrmbe, nie f te uiloine Eer dy ta rrIfto visit the "the print of the male." Jesuis had lto lf-revtantion. Men shall stand out for Cuseteby twainerr vmed n the mil ger my heart is turned toward vengeance, passed served to increase the feeing ofhandy. I promime myseiwr o erah o ibu aete htteyae vryoestuevletr cemeteywat Westint. n. YheCharles-. Jones,.popuarlyknowna 'and salli never ceasge until My wrons mingled dread and hatred whichthon vender agaln'" disciples in that upper room a second will be krown. The vile will no l.anger tr etrynWstPiN.YChlsJ.oeppuaykowed uf et the past are righted. This ls my firet bore toward the other, and. Lawrence "You are extremnely ignorant," eai Sunday night visit for no other purpose fr able to hide under conventional good- -hortNew--o-s. Buffalo" Jonie%,ba been appointh.bu- Mr ý gion." ~~Richmond a atbcmnt i opanio. Those rubber bands than to win Thomas. And attisevisit n-%.The abuse of morality, makingit Jse ue artie erchant, was Il as e otellowhstone PariMr "Fo te prcaesen te lfr qsutur A orhedandote ardtt capthe eCU. were a confemison that the Carnations lhe gave Thomas an opportunity to "put ailoak for villainy and fraud, will cas. tabbed to death at Catlettsburg, Ky., by rentser vtc teto ath"o h rln e ilcyqis u Ad ntepr of the American biison. and Rle are-ied',- h tmewil om i hefuur wenfo i agtef bisterrible temper and You bought were dying oneg. It 1is'a bis ngerinto the print of the naite and ,Alen and things will get their right deûni- Fred Burchett, a timberman. Dwaselargely oastru meta nbcing an goet.sha ber ed forhis, curseson max. Irn tetions at times which would common trick to bolster up theseflow- 'to thrust his hand into his side." And ions, It will lbe hard toailunder false Ms lmwdwo haesntoraporatelInstduinthelastsesinof gemwomn orfied, wiebver ou is trtobelie the fact, this man sincere es he hyar nteir tast legs, 1after Peter lhadtcommitted that sin wbiheb elorm.s. I ilPealeooumie o hePu b,, ieasiw orth $2,000n fo rogria fori he estalhent sofsaogoo- age" e gatd btwen issetteth. mied is child.frtebns odte akes im easily the capital sinner of the fraud, the charlatan, the demn agge. teCenge rrya mpra Kn rmbfao rthesachen teYlowst one ý; ýý Thebhalndnoe man uttered a sharp Aoei i irrytemse ftein this way akerthemdeok l md t N ewTsaet Jdsntecetdntl Tepohts inebace hea.the risco rad as Epurch, asdgn ak-Ti sabihenilbel r ery a i h ha benstuc a .lo, nd T ac aed to and frl like a Cagdtgthral tebnsChrist's attitude toward hime and 1his va neing reign, of the true man. If we atnFortacotthKaneandawilssoonnreuild Jone' charge . e Sping forward. would have slapped the ercleddntntc h sne frelh But If you removeth to mto ihhmwsa etea htpttepohc nistu c nds theanForgec ts ar.. shoplSalthere l Jnsca-e dckDtain in the face, but thatthewoat He i m o h tinutie the r t-ohe crain alaar-al , fath e withlhernbab ee. as hatu il.ry ohuma n deelopenithsu e okct fiiashv ene. Drn hefsa ereddJn 0 4adis heldhim bck. trg eterrac.o omealcshpls, rgld hnsatoc.-- TefrspotuiyJsu'afennes wir o hn beoeloanietus for aned1fromcarryingotu;ta nrac o 92,tebrauo aiato eot 'lits is not your quarrel yet, Jack.- augh hilcadealhia fulRecord. Peter'sM denI iforaeriae cnesainmghysrvigtwrdter accod e wharg rival of . the asphalt_ trust, th .at eseso 7,01gosto. n.

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