e -' Sait $b-c- A . a y-sa large.- letif l iliP li'tr aîîythig iii ti- Iiiiêe of Frvs,.hî Fruit eau nmi us. Wer halvil-' îothixig blît the lwit. Triggs &Taylor, Libertyville, - - - Illinois. JEWELRYiO SILVERWARE , Ithec Must keliable Makea "87Rogers Bros., r.wt FINE WATCII AND CLOCK REPAIRING r VIOLINS BANJOS MANDOLINS kGUITARS FLUTES HIARMON ICAS Libertyville Baldwin Pianos.... Piano 'suning Promptly Attended to. Ali the Latest and Most lPopular Music. - - Illinois. DEALERS IN AU Kinds of Musical Instruments. The_____ Lake County Fair s going to be the best of 'cmn ail, as wili be Smith & Davis' Fait Stock of Merchandise and Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings. The Celcbrated RADCLIFFEB SHOES For Ladies. SThey, arethie st-.e NEAT AND NATTY. Prudent housewives are already planning their "(ail sewing." We seil the famous Florence Sewing Ma. chine, as good as the best and cheaper than Most SMITHI & DAVIS, lJbertyviIIe - - Illinois. 1POSITION OF ONE JUROR. ô PICKED UP HERE AND THEPE. leexleli cma uVuac 4Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. * Ieane Carie. ic.':, lmt rtlIr, ~tirut; TO CHICAGO. D.oart From New Depot. Litas" i.ll.rtitsli. Arrin , ît.'iIéctt 18 .... ' I:Le M. ..ni . . l ,,a. lm . N ,140 ..... '. i.a. ni . .......... ý, 15il . No 139 ..... ')ILcMa . 1 ..........i-1 l1 tit5îtl . 1. 7..itt. 1, .. . ... i5. t p I Nîîw IL le the -rr y huin, -ofIthtrem t ing mattiinem. Mi" iin re" eM alil ]FI viitîug lbei fater lu Evanston. 13ivcixe Warrieni, tf Highlantd P'rk, meielîf le pat cek itt Maliei ii 'r iela e18 ronfuer] id 1w liii i'm an lite recuit of faililg fro10 a ia1010ock iaet week, at wivb timit lier M1tl111.i aff leiî lied. N mie Lydia Saîili r rturned th ifreti of the vital fr10 a veick'o viil cxiih 1ev, M E Dixi anti fatiy ai hEtigeft, tltie tate. 'rThe LadieAid Society of 1the lties byteilau church viii meeat vititMr@. Allie Davic buraday afterunon, Afguci i4th. Wholte cacof lte village aganiietj W, A. Deane wae caileti Wedneeday Jugtire Citurchtill poalpori il for one veel. 'he fulQnarterly Coxfrenifa on Saliirily uxaniroueiy and entitcas- licaily invited the reloîn of Dr. Ilob-t- Ineoti for Iezt year. Oeur Libertyvilie restauranlt pro. prietore hbave taken to vrting poetry a" a meane of adverlieing. Note ltaeit effotsinluthoe ecolumus. Thte fair directore have engaged the fiberty ville band for fair week. Titeris wiii bie butonue baxnd thii year, and. tat one viii bec flicent. as lte boysi viliifurnuit îsixteeft plicl. Mr*. 1). Ct. Ltoimeîr rtelflrftlnm Mimpaniîlsnnday wit bher 11111e ioy, Whto le lu very porir lîcaitit tire. W. Wfi aiys, 0f Watertocl, M. i). le4lte gucel 0of Mis. Loriruer. -i w or k in tiir rav.- 'L 1r l ii' day, Bii uti. lic.,-- , li it'i antid .-.! W i-ef <roker icmnlctely locateif in lte taltreiîop îirt.itiy cnduotal by Win. Stevencon. lMat Wil, vWo cas expiojeil ly Mi. ittevencori le workixtg for Mir. itroker. ILlmxc ,.Id Mrx. Sievent son hmasa poito In h icago, viire ha no RîWl At Ibeir meting Mouday tlglit te village trusites pfro10ptly tableti an ordinance to repeal lte secion lIn te saloon ordinantea îeqeirlngsloon@a o clince on publiceitolldaym. Atorney Miller vue ilanctedti 10continue te prooeecutonn of W. A. Dine for violat- ing lte orolînance. Dr. Tiaylor and cife retnritrul tue latter part of lae.t cek from Winconen LATEST ARRIVALS 0F' SUMMER GOODS. Iilio' ttoîî tJxîdtrwear-iii wh~ite- .kirL4trs.ti.teîvertî and dr.twerm,. 25c to 95c. Nec Ribboîîq iiiail cotors an iii wiolt!s. at 10c to 35c. FROM CHIC AGti Arrive mt New.ti'îî li ' i ,lit. At, t - m i l, p. 1i4i':1. 14i1, 6tItl, p. , U. t It . .aTU ""A y tl' i t. 14-l 1:I25 P. IM .i 2: t' 1 C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Elfect Sunday, June , i, e02 t 12:01 a. 1m. Io îîldyit lut-i- nii twîî lt lui IW or t,,, t.ln th-air ttlî,i 111.,tO k Iers0fth,.t. uIiii 'iiC * t. tiîr, w ho.'Oüitt-1i,d wI:uiIot l t i Ir--i tht!t inmon itt S I-i tc,' Lt.«tfirth '.om.,tof lt,,',t ts 1- - lin' iîîll ur,lt.j-,, ho tiIII ".j, tîr" c".IltiIun f inrat-. ,r o... ri ...iîity -'1bat ititltlî,Iîtîlxtg th' I..a. t, L!tIi,. nti-of o!an rltiî., th' illttlia IIe -îl or liuoiroin pubi1t1. I I bu- 'i tr tii , 1lt I tr tIn Jîrlo diii tir u,.'-Iîttt. wh,'r",tporti tlir tîîLlim t r UItrîti t-lroite-"lais tnd"rrlliiant.e" tIlotnts. bu t tat 'à.tt nan w,t t' y' liI,tulsîitig tl"tfor better tr t,.-.tîîu ,ffotrt. o ictaxa the, wui"f ,!hil. ne élit,nr. teîtl,.,ethut scciii iii' 1 tif tittat, t,-.îrît ,iate a i'neaUlr Ii r Ltt î'î l y ifIt-i aUtittrand mititie tit,' lt ut! . -'titia,'iiliîiitAit itt.',ia r,gcu ttii onwl. lii Lbthic' i atnidt tto s utt tii I)'. tBatirrow r-i tl t:li- LIt Iii ai i. amdIt. cttnttiior ilotiing a.- rti IIt i Ittc inakera obtir tiue iii5 ttî ft-itiingIL, anti " te ordinallte lit titt.eWIii htL, flacw i ui s ufera cut.h ttîligmiLti xist. 'lit,' tati.lima grand inttu. titi. wiih.lt tt dcte jpirit of uuItîtli tit li oîîîî' tattiute ýtilt,,and riulît ilnt iauiriiînc'Whith la repugcriai&t to tii itniilght la nciitatiliiir,tItitgiaitt t' ic autioeil, IL toloce ,thiti Liiat r' l LI, i -ttatra GIlIiahiiuaii'e iit ti t1 1 t' Il tit ! - 41't,' . ili put a îtî y loto o tfe 'ti - t t 1 t -eIf. It wisc otr ptain i uty tu- ti'ittrMr. "ttne ;W .iimlcd Loi Ii.l ,t t fItilîai , l te tuait-of i utt n a Ittl iitia NUL a LgO.L ltut a PUBLIC a liai. Nuw t' ýt-.rrals l i lntoi. t tt.îss-on, atiatrtlea LU t1-ht' itau f t t--i c1-t'11t alît'y -, Lo Lt th uUltr-itut large. iir tBrc tut, IettteoftLth.'rtyirItIc o- aî u-.ltbt N.w w hat lhî i a itIIai,," iiy-. n or.tive of! amthIteitn or a day rst 'tvity anidnuirth or a tiat ut exemptiont tcîîm alb"' or uilte thi', x.irtse'c, 'yn-iiî tî'utilay ' in a villagetîrdi B an-r rveratut ltii.., to thio luigai tioildia h uit to &ni anti ,ti it a. mcititudi of! 'lay est tiity anti mutL oorr 0f t- ,tin lifronitlalini wbitit mltght o, ittrIlla that I.artiuiiar norgora- tti!. o r withi I"Il tiitdictalitia, u teffI-.-L tiue î.îticterc,'n 'Il 'iias <tIttnlt fair. c.tiiru tailon. largeiy itîtendeil plinit., 'orlt-ýr tni' litiinga and a touud andtioit- ()ttî,-r ftnntione wiîlth uaitiîrcar uIrtcu.t- talicu xngitt giVe tIitenfoin, andl auit it do tlot ofeutt Lue igitte(If te noxueiat ituhl - in geteral "aurutae. Ulliusiliu tI, 'tî ot.'I oraLlon8 ,lm coutnrued the, ti'eei- ut 0 tit iî.tî ti h -11e lt m Ce ilanu A.le , ,tuiien. înlîr thii tîrd Iîate tii1 fini 87,W aunnaili ifor a iii,itne ,t ratait lilîtUO7WlLItin ite village of Libterty. ti'l -. but otI' . IIU8 nts itsdoorit11ou ciay. cttlnia. , -gairtOlilday. andi on unl, Ittl.-r lui Wi' .lilaa - duy - -f fetoty and ILIi tth - irimayli lîrn 1. cdtu li, a puitt t-1,a iiî.ty iiii l 1staue. c en."fiaiL aIl ,î".1. B~i utDàg u rii eciitItYattd uuIrtb l) 'tii tccolua liet ot ittI, r thi 'I', CUlon tiiii.](l Iîîidai . N i w thiIewauttiil llrutg,oti aipropositlin. tiio.-a ilit, ,tt M. uitîic tand 'an w ;,r L i wI, t Ut n i' i , nu 'w ', tt l .I ttia c l,' i tg t i i g L ii O-t.LawtIin1 JuIit. WONDBRFUL VALUES 11i. e. i.iUahitandii it'1- îîiîtof Chiciagot, am- itvttiflg h' t i lt-r, tire F. 'Ib ha l.iîrtyvllfe li 11 sitlîtîfl a dative Iut ihortyvillu'1-u, thall Fi- tiay uîgliti Ailgumit 22d. 'iTtir-mlîxy. Aîlgflt 'îit'r' ira thet anilhuti fl,'itc of lte M. t 'îlot t'îifcay eeitiiiti1It ail be hll t ut-tiLtake. Pir, ioltiiofl' Slttii' îi.niiigmer- MOtn1a11itla onîx Rîci ti tii(ie' anti Suonîiay is nigon -A .1t, tittllie and ittitî!r %% hec le.' Iii ilgît i'gîtiw, of Hi ittly seho lice jnmt cmlttetlplaati-ci 'v iii barri llnlcbing te adîlora h - llater- lng 0 .EChitîrcbillall'u1xîtJt-t aînisoh c niew itîtîlec. Ad(I. Fred Almran, Liber titi'mgentltfin lte lit l'aîi omd îeptrtc tht argeaI business for tia ti. lloît i rii oonlti f Jîiy ltaI bas ovur bîctildoue.'Te aggregate am2onnit-ttiîî reiglit RadpuNetnger receeiple at, $;ti. Tisa certuiniy apeak- ltîi tirtean corde îof Lîberlyviilî- groclt and pAePEriîy. lb ite unilt lt t$tVtt0more titan lte reomps for july 1,11i. W.CNTpI-A good Ilve civ'ldent agent to canvase LibertyVIllie for a tea and cîii!ae ioîtea. Addreuc lt',tîfce. 11-1 Miax Khlner efxtertulttrtl dîîrîng the, veel Mr. andi trel. Koeîiigsbierger andi Citarles anîl Selxns Kaenigeerger, Mr. and lra. faoldnuan ant istiisOttelle Ifiaek, of Chicago. lire loltinoan pur- citacatiof R. J. Proctar tlico tsla artti of Mr, Kitiuea property, wtile itîre, and illiihuilal a moitern reailecea 'tiereioxuanti iovi to10Liborlyvilia ut year. 'l'îl ilitiirtyvititt ecitîol ti-' all ainei c irîiiit t, lte Village 11111 mne garni',ibaleetei t tiel îx a i ctîiîn lte nlmeroîl', cil -t cf. 'Iwtt eeka Qugo te garntdWih %%aneoxide ine vu Sto1tf>itl iy raxa iiilitecuIxt îirnuxg, the actre tue t-i :îitî,iiig illi to 2 m iLii,- ertyvitliàcefîîvor. i -icI alîîrîiay Liie bocys lilayeat uGiraCy lake andl con by a sctret tf 11ile i iglaimt1;lîiîy iplay lte Walixtîiia boty., igaîn ai Wtttcolii'ia Dr. Stitiit ail t iy Mac tittii n tlrxneitiWe inî'ei:y froin a tii l aye Vacation lu Miciitîgan. "bey ilude itti pitiatem'euaiNt lii maultitt, andi chuie ore itatiai]î t'ting t'xleiirence la t-llrpaily cîit -tinO cfnîcude they cbartereti a sleawt'r ttale tliînsi t Lelauti. A storîn ecaît, ntîtlmule matterit cordea tetranI of lte ingine broIe. T'lit tIle crîîft t riftt iteipieat' iy for itnnrs before, tiuig towai lotot port lty te Manitouîîlîte cavlng t riw. 'Te Demlocratit- rt'natortIuicttn'în- lion convoted ut f iuird 'lhtîmcday. Henury Caler andi G,u rge Lynci tlex> adt. Mci)erniolt, ilf Waukegan, bail the soid Lake t'utnty dcuîtgatloxî lnuceatifor bî ii ml norlly nepre- sextative candidat,', it ail22 vottes. Hle ueeded four moire t, clu. Deanionti of lifenry Rati ltt unor, of1Iloone, cera alancidlîi' We go tii iuece totetiry 10 putilisii te reaulit. L. B. Morse a uic tiroue tylîta cwagon aloil quite -ttc unîy iii tirai liureday mîirnutg Mi. mîîrcî lait duîccî t,, Wrigil'tî t ýiîttoî for ettuie faitll, citen hie ictturued tidideuiy titcociîîg hlm forcati tiis th1e ltiiic. 'Te itorse ruina a i-c rode anti Mr. Moiuefou 0litte gnutinti, oue of thle citeels paselng t sr hile.lHe wac iiekedi udantir-tu sd 10 hIclbttrte le cut burt iLuliriiui1y, and whte iot kboiot ufotr a cerliityit 18ILlefeurittii, rlitîcarc îîkîî. Mi. Morse e7,- y-art! if Que amiiit-ticiix I liii ceilîleol l liqte iii',Hoeriotns. Li be rty ville - - - - Illinois. ICE CREAI SODA riECRax YOM Mil f114 l aity. B. Lowl's Dm§g Store la ail tepopour Ummrs Miso otber popular b~ot. Weatbe riotlus, sucb as tine 3.ice ad Loa, coca Lola, etc. F. B.. LOVELL, Lîbertyville - - - - Illinois. CN wuiost isfluII For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Yotu ge-t the iîcreased and growing service of the, 1.ik Coiity Itiep)lîone Company and connoction wflh th. Chicago Tolephone Company. For Information, rates, etc., wrte- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT.s Lovqlire 1rug StQre, Llatieý4 Short anîd Long SiIk Gloves ail Mitt- wliite and blaek, at 40c to $1.00. TU CHICAGO. iciji Day.t t)epart From Olti Desoot. 1,w-nit- lt.-tyslli.t Arrit'Cu anii NOlil rt28a.M ......... a746 . M. No.t... . 6: a i, 0. .. ........ 7t:i5 a. t.. AI Hast. Mia itanalitMutijolie ut Mî(ilnigbit i bitnîaday iiilat ceI, ant i dt ber putalug auuititun bLake cîinnly îtîounî-r inea ut . Miae. Madutie cîutiti bave buoiii yeara ctl te 23iliof tixuoutit. w It bier huabanti gu ltiocated lu Lake colluty lu lhl.t and itie at 10Liberty- vile lu lot;. Mi. Madoloied Inlu18e,7. l.iceaccd wmea mexaber of lte I>reiî)yteitaut (titirLit, a tievotntCiribtiaii ahdîti itî1e litlte ork of lte Ladieci AId tiftLiti îrganizrttioin deu but Ilîalilu îtili Id Hî.ri is eeitge induitedtheit general i tctttlue citihitreaitifetilu Lber deat. itUtivviug aiet tree loua: Leciut. t1fEvanaton, lleury of Orlanti, 111 , tand Eticurî, nf Llbersy cille. F'ttieiai ceurvicea doure itîtîtiSunday at te itome ant i1ev. (Cadwell paiti gtmsig tribale loilte eztimpiarylilf, latut.tn'tieu. Neigihtura anti friands ntt,,Ld Itour caltienifor lte departed lîy Lluein ttoudallce aItltae uaI bati ritie, andthetitrenmailue cre laidutIcireel uiit iakeclie Ceuletery. i'AiD tiF TH4%NKS. We hile tChia meittid0f exprecalug luti gratitude tut lte eigitiore andi iîî wi.,iO 80 hludiY uaelcted aud ,iytul)iattizeýil dt ucn riug lteeid- îî,-ceaudti tuaIt DIuronbeluvet mn lter. Tîx lie Commissioners Notice. NotLice la biereby given Chitpersona titis ~ ~ ~ O Cnhaaoatia soultir pro- ituirtY, are noiited ChtI ame muet be titI tir (latrnyead u ot loftIgo propa- gati' iir gî to10soee, uucer penalty 0f a Lite if nul liutstian Iannr more iliau n 1e ilirid dollars. lThie no- lie u pliiesaaille 10 public igitvaya anti railroad-right-of- vaye lu lovu of Liiterly ville, lte higitay commi&alon- ira baing Ilable for lte falîblul p«.- formurtce 0f thou mnordinaulea uioug tie line. The penalty for nonubarv- milce of te Lla b 80h caues pro- videti for ralIroada tg morte BeVare, titey bebug fiable tlaàafine aof not leu titan ffty nor more %iban tva hundred dollar@. DWRIçUiLImauSET. Thlulle CoMMluttaU., Townallfp 01 làberîjylfI. - AU4.S1. andthit doctor di i ont forget te luclug bautk @ample@ orailltxe it l ." Wel ver, fuvnred asntg otiterm sud en.- lhualustleally pronounce te Coroner a tlna îîdge of tist. lHa calcites lthotue poeeeaiug fuel lte proper llvoi. The b endurance telt ion of!thie Chieago Atomobile<Cub, chien île poolpoueul frout luly 121h occurreti Matiirday over te Libertyville Waike gauacouhcea. it cas In 1îîoeueia arace, Ilhe tact beixug îimply nofte enduranct, of te macbiuee partieipiug, anti Iltteen miles anuitoor cai te iigiet speeti allowed. Slow rtnnxg chaise- terizeti muei 0frte trip aas terouda wcri- ln liau condIlion. Thte machines postxed tirongit Libertyviiin e tleen 14) a. m. andi '3 p. m. anti ail cere griig ai a goond clip. attracteti a large Crnwc of obeervere. LOne machine eaîugbt ireaiutNothlChicuiago anti accorn-m piltely riinati. I FROM CHlCAGo-. WEuiDA)t Arrive ut O010 itt Cn ,' lt- . . Attt- ,1 ,i' 141i - .'i ' 10 . I.ri . 1ic5 . . Iii, F.. M . 7 FLt I.. 11. ceeuI,à --il1 - 9 waU. . 'ia i 'lhree pjiecîrs Imported Batiste, white groîuîtî with pinik, bine aund lavender ,.ilk figures, the finest wa.li goodm that have ever beretsoldinii Libertyvilie. Regular price, 5oc.Now tlhree liieces Lace Batiste iin soîjîl pink, blite aud liiîeîî color, very __ fie 35C values, 110w only 1 $12 iBatiste 1'uckiiîg at 30C a yard. The Pair, lathtitiarticle ity o narf te Jury - IIFcw FacI-mSi xl î,ered lesn rit eiiior 1 i tiI ulm ofI uîing iauglilîgve,,ro-I- titis Oi' tutt" ..,i fcnîpiying lte cii n jucroea i bit ii i Wl1tirruml. a, t1 1-i i ii.ijilinti, fatvorat i sequiittailtu 1t e viiluage Ditaxi ii!tlt'ili illi t. t - t -ii4 6iltt Li tmtL cae wdierti 'plainiy tierîuict Ilurir Whtaî r g ht t Lt.-n W lftit .e ccîrru itLY."Te factofrtae malter Ntofa','l-uîi' di tt', rxtu" lm te eîtiilîî hall iotiig wlîatevnr 1 t- ttttt îti, uu ,- fr. eh fciii amy reîgarduîg te verdict of te 'I,'. imt le-î'utili. "tut. .-,'t. second jury. NI e dit say lu a prvitîtiaAimulwait lipoltt l , -.rî -ir'y tîntulyt feane -te ordiiancîe chlotihil bun uuf miît.îrî'iii -tîi t. u.,tî euforceuior rrepîeieti' snd til inttaiit mil . Ihat position. Wa fail. itciste obttig!titit r ..eîn i, see wbîrel axîy (if lte secondti ]ify t-ailn talte excepîtonbtite talemnexu. Wa Look i'eo Piet ieuse. doi Dott fosi cal lot ilpoîs te rriLlc i ztrte iîotrgrapîuîî.mC t. larlaIt, 0f li.îtî, incerity itf te dlittentin)g jnrortlu n 0, cati doi 80 xiursv ttîIugb fuot yea iei quesition, and Yel ce aie jlnat asc ducreaCt-illi'tbtimuitlhi ituloffertiltlul a gouy tram Lii,,lurIt form of bu ige ase titey 10onf opinin. if te ortinitttu AIliiai'îlsanti uteIficnc soie in question fi obuoioîuestidte falled toliteil) intiltLiilie tridElactrit village btoard believe lte people do BIiter, wciicit rtka(t ancit wnnier uot favor le enforeemeuit, ten let ltfor hM itaIlie 1 l,,'iaren llley areaa godeen t b etirritifroin, dyîpepcia ite repealeil. It cailnt longer remafu nsudelm"îcitlronuiles. înrivaied fotr dormant, avlng 10 Precîdeul Coibys diseuses onItlio ta îmacit, Uvar anti sttennonsacmtion. Suxxîehng muâtI hidxueys, lhey bniiti up and gîve nec nov be done, andlltaI somthing la if fata lte vole cyltolIt. Try %hem. OnU I500. Onatanleeti by P.Jif. jl"an. a1 Ica llifnge-repeai Il; Or Lov&zL. Libertyvilie, mxig Morft i4. PRMUOX. LieVllosiery-plain anîd faney Iit- iii whîite, anîdblack at 10c, 15c. 25c. Apupliiue'Laces-large assorti ent of appiliquet- laces ini white and black-ît-r y(. 7C to 23C. SLadies' ,Slilppers-latest styles aind s;hap)est at $1.40 to $1.85. Fancy l)imhes a comnplete line of Crockery and Glassware in plain and fancy shapes at lowest prices. .-S04 07 "t os os --- 40 ttt la as.1 là 30 t 01 t O 0f linoflin tai eshtt u-t aLe fintyal ix- nul viiele letutir- MNs. m a17-also îng rud us goo4 ýGtorIn4 uttera. gable.