CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Aug 1902, p. 5

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Salt 1 -- :~ t îî (111 1 l îlî i 'Tresh rub--s~ Fort, *î îyt 1îîîî ' ii the Iî it <of Fr 1 i'-iiit <all on ils. hid ii l îotil ig Iltilt t1i. J st. L Triggs &Taylor, Libertyvle,--IIIlliois. JEWELRYW SILVERWARE<, f tbe Mot Kîltable Maker ' (~ A "1847 Rogers Bo ~I FlINE WATCII ANI) CL(XK REPA 14 Ni VIOLINS BANJOS MANDOLINS GUITARS FLUTES HARMON ICAS Li bertyv'; 1le Baldwin Pianos.... Piano Tuning Jromptly Attendcd to. Alil the Latcst and Most Popular Music. - - Ilîlinois. DEALERS IN Ail Kinds of Musical Instruments. The_____ Lake County Fair is going to be the best of 'ern ail, as will be Smith &. Davis' Fail Stock of Merchandise and Ladies' and (lents' Furnishings. The Celebrated RADCLIFFEi SHOES For Ladies. They -ire tlhe best-.--' NEAT AND NATTY. 11:1ui4\t. a îîi-, t sstý.ý Itltit'îlt of ttt t . t i \t ;îis-il w ,i i!,, fttr J i l.iîst the tlîiîîg ,r foi' the tIi~ tan'I tlt \\i îîtii fîtoni $2.25 to We have a lot of ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.15 and $1.50 quality, which we will sei at 90 cents per pair as long as this lot lasts. SITHI& DAVIS, ,ibertyville - - - lilinois. * PICKED Up HERE AND TrHERE. 4Local Items of Interest to Lbertyvil le Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. lu Effect Sunday, Jone .8, 51902, et 12:01 a. M. TO CHICAGO. PiOM CliCA vagI VAYM. WtFKttys Dear rom New Depot. Arrive at N.- 1 lan~.LIl..rtyvIll.. Art ns, c<iaugv , c I Og. a t1 1 ....14 7 1i ILtI. .............:le IIt. m. Ntt 131 ...7.4 a. m 13m ....n8MJOa. ut. ............rIt 5a. ut. 11I ..... 9:86a.1, 14L....W18 am ............ l 1a. m -195 .. :1 ., 144i .... il. m ............. : 0 .M M a~...i0 pI 14f .... :t P.......... ...,M. 13-9Li.... : 11P.5ll BONliAli l14i -. 600 P. 1rt ..... ttc . 2nia. in. ....... . Iltt t I l . ît.St '.s -14o.t.j! lma. m ..............l . St. 147,.. 8:6 It.i Iii 44 . rt . nuI. n lit 2:10 [t. It 6 41.. .:00 i11,t - I. ...... 1:156 Et.Il TO CHICAGO. vagi DAus. Depart From OId Dapot. l-t- l,itîrtynllte Arriv Cttau No.îm. . .. e2&a. m. ............ 7:m 1:W...7 i>ta.lmt. ............ 9:4t,à0m. 511 5DAT i. N, làia... m 26 .m ............. 7:M a. m. 1t , . fut, t 46 p. . t 427 t FROM CHICAGO. vErs t1,1y, ArrIV& at Oid Dettot LasChWâego. . rt -.irttvii.. 14 ..... 6:20 . wt f lit ut.B 14 .... : op. t.7:66lt. 9.:30a. Im. lut, a rm .1 T.. J. fililiteui and family, or Elgin, Dr. A. J. Nihtiaving returriei lire gutis of Mr. antiMr4. Croker thls froîîî a two mtann tjourie LI Cali- weet. forula in agean t in pontI lu Liberty. OItto M uelrrte, of Foti Lake, bas ne ville, î-very Wednentlay, ready te lok or tfio týating lionne privilegs foîr lb utallerthe ncof et tactiîtenth. c 'Iuta fuir, F. PDymonda tttany Libertyvllle Mrm. L. J, Webbthnd d lalgliter Doris ~I ttHltt vil1i Il u ith P nerce a'e alth Maîîtce, Michigan, rr-lativts 1Pleamurp that ha m istîlily lmnproving, Ilsm wîet. thoitgbînotas.8 et 4tl:g eiiugli te lie 1 an au girls were hem teutMr. and Mn.r Ito ii rom tl- (t ititago hiasîtal Wagner, wiv, live lu Mtrm Vitriîs îIl)itS honis Intht. alliage. Anjtbter hotît Ile Oc,)rhard street, I uîsay ttperalttîî vJIIi fot 1-i ettislary, as wat îtight, at rt eared, a l iii Itorerovery 00w i lie licptaioîan Caoult! (Covention memCran ttur t (iraymlake oe eweek troi CI ivago poliCe art Ohav îng great Lexl Stu ray trouble couflaing It i tttligellout Robet Elim, jewbous in ear te One section etftm-tlty. lkeoitric. ". be - 1l.ll1ue ins e neaig tîons placedon te oldtenderlole touiplehlcu linge Peglea, eof Hli Day, viii plaster lt next aetk. At the M. E. cburch sanday mure- iug the patrs isulijeet ahi tac -Tranuhguralou,' aud lu the eveiiiug *ýImmaU9abllty. ' Tuesday niight Dr. Riobinson sqpoks ai W4est Pullman on "lispand Pro- gies et Methedtiru.' Wedreesday tac visltcd Evansteiî, Supervîlor Miller prolded traliper- 9-ution teNew York for Captatu and tirs. Wiueesand tbey icft for tincîr fermer horne this werti. I tac dentale tract for the electric roud lu ccv laidâ aur saabas Ihecreain- ery juait beyoud Rendent, czceptlng tiser tee viaiutlont utBodnt. F. C.,4Wright and wife and (Iratndina Wrlgtat left weduemday [Doon for a ten tlays vieil witli relatives Ile 8t. Lawrenace coty, New York. j. W. Miller aud L. B.l.ilanby re- ceîved a car Joad of cattie, milliers aud ipringern, tiis eek, abîcti they are dlspotsleg of te farinerahereabeutÉ%. àirs ýMary Fîsher in Iu receipt of mevorul rare bagout&a 'slip%" sent bar iy a Mcilsury lady, amil another sommer promilses te ushowa er IrlîeiR nttmelhing particolarly beaîîtitîîl Iu the begeulahUe. Aldcrmae haleir vas asted Ifl'as1 pnrsîlcd the robîter abo eoutered tisj bouse atîîrtlay cltl, au the man lied.: Charlie @&id:*,Weill 1gnosDot. liej vas goleng as taitnta eceold and thut1 wax ail 1I vuod.' I vo large barns utiteccuuty faute near Oatatash. W ta.. acre baoreed lasl aet eetallilg a losis !of ittliLighIt uing caumed tuc blaze. ieupt. AppleT of the large ls an rîncle et Chas. Appley tinperluteedeut (et the Lake ('uuuty1 tarmn Chas. floyes and T. A. Wells Who have the oontract fer crpeuter vert on the lectrîn road deinot and power lytatîtîrl lu ceurse ef ceestruction are ruhleng il te ceuilletiluam rapidly as ptîssitle. J fre acets vîli muec h aliitt if eot eutlrely lulstled. Thecan Weduesdey meruleg stop. pcd vîrt onueOc cccrle road grade and wtrkmen or maey of thent, empllyed thereon, came up te towu and as mimailgetglerieusly dru. One et the Hupriutcndots ot ctîlatrue. tien aîi'ed Marshial Freheaun te "ru thei10aeud ne ttàc-m as tait as p tîsible, se they ahIiget har t)tt vrt agaîn, for as lonîg ai thcy have a dollarF tiuey ahilnDt returu.' Dl. Paynee, oftRockefeller, sccured Iît- tee creai privliege fer tlhe cocing fair. Ladies otf the ltYal Nighbors woe aller tOe privîlege. buttMlr. Payne îîver-liîî thena ly $2, pu!illg $48 for Rame 'I Woe ttng houase prillleas vîlIlic nîtîtimtsyFar,ue w ing alrcady1 tuk.1î1 ty 8, . Lîieu et Ciicagoe litinr 1rviegem arc selllîîg wtll, arîd indtntilttnnartthe l'oiing fair ahIl extel lres ît tît tttîî s iuOthiiSresile..t Myrontî lyttilwam pnailg C . N b trt,'siîitiicCaboutt illiîight 44n i. an d îetlccd a manl entrg- ho g frothe I premises. 'lIheu tlroc mir rîttllottîl. 'lhbey attemteî1,tu î Itiodd Mikt' îîp blît tac wam toc luetotfe tout ftr ihium. LaIe lîîtsday îîlgta couplîtetf men olloed aliother ceai- delît as fur as biis gie, prestînaatly viti s îuiltnutiee et holding hlm up If o;prtunity ettereti. If tItis tbiugT tecîts ni) a îigtat Ivelien ailI ii nces- iary. Il'tac îillntdigState Foîodî Commissien lm alter the grilcrs t the cilles anti the geueral merchauts tlrotîghoît tOe counetry. Fifty-twa suits for violation et the state pure tfeod laa acre inu stlhrîtcd lu varions plaaeis antcet, aud Ctmmi4sionsr Joues thrcutecs more ' thaîî tuat;mtiny moe if the laa la nett reî'oguised uad complied wltb. The1 commission bas ié deputien nov vert- Ing il over theaatate ooloolnga evidence and lmkin privalle lnopo. Uo 1auilu«esavlst4d. distrct bave seut tht ttnarids et voeen sud gambien lt ntny reildece portiens o(ithIe City and fend in thi vaîl issulzig groin large landi ovuers thencaînout.. Wioe rt,îtms arc being oijeneil as rapidiri as rlttset, and crime scema liit'reamtug Wectly. tiorderiug bu ailtuttthe place tot sinuller crimes and the porcb cliber ham been foat tu the hulle et larger crimes. Great le Chîicagoý Airain the village baineCcave vas cenlined by Justlee i htîrctaill vOeu fi Came cp tor beurig Wcduesduy. Mir. Ctni-chtl)lliigtt(l te tbc pressait et a meeting ofthlie tain dîrectoe heure lie aOuinethetOncaseutil Frlday (to-day) at i a. mn. Attorney Maller wba le prosectrlitg tt advised us il would surely ho trietl aith@,b.. l Iudlcated. itumorm that the case vonlîl be dsigiiand ty reqocît orfIhe presernliee are, uîeîrdlng tei Mr. Miller, vithont toundation. Marabal FresbmaubLid a min cult the vesds aleug the roildsides ablit leva ibIs eet vîtOl a moiver, and tOc Improvement is a decided oe, No t the fstreet committee venuIdlsec toit I bilaI varions places iu the streeis ueediug regcaveling are attened te enr village wonld preseut a very cnat mid-summsr apîtearauce. ()f corse soes aîts are badly lun ecti ot repairs, vOIle vs lght mentionu ethen Improveineuts ncessary, blit ttvuid Det de te expoci lî,o much aund realîze uotbiîng, bence lte people walîtdoutat- 1698 ie satiled villu a "littIe ut a tte." Candidates for nomination tor the varions efilces ou the repullcau ticket are tetbn seen f1051 any day lu Ibis und adjacent townships. Thcy arc ont vitta a -glad band' and us a rule have gaed cgare te elfer, ceta- sequently are alvays velceme. When ail ls salir, the average candidate le a gond sort of a telitta. We ail lite te to meet film, lmarn oetfiie auperatîons, the hetter ta sympathize vilfiflint aller conventien day, toc aut et the libou candidates litI'rive cau o ecve nominuation, anti the elbec tee viii bned sympattay. Aul wcre Saved. "Fer jears 1 auftered sîizehîîetttd ntlîccy frei broeittts,' initesJ. fi. Johnson, oft iltîgbton, fGa, "ibat orteil 1 vasounailtein 10 vrt hl'en, aben sverytblug else lallcd, I vas vholly curcd by Dit. Kîng'm cea dis- cîîvcry for coitsnmpllou. My vite iultersd iutcnsely tmom aReins, 1111 il cursd ber, aud ail eîîn experiece gees le sbota the blîtcoeup nMedicine lu the vorld.' A trial vili eonviuce yenus auarivaled ton Ibroat and long diseases. Ouarantced boëttes fileand $1.110. Trial botties trouai P. B.Lovcirî Llbertyvilbe: liuAYSLA.xa PHÂAînvAl. I rwortalîltai. idyh tr I1 tîtlltt ' t ttt.O tlitt.v vt l ,ttiItrkt Ianrt, ot ,tgst antI t p 1 Teaclucrs' l'sîîîuuatiîîiî. Au exarlualitItll if Candidiates ttt teachers ecîtili,,tleanad o e .alîtg virvtle meml)iors tttr reflevat f ertiti- cialvs, viii l fe ld it aiWategaun, itay anti Katurday, Auglimt 231 and 24. ant i a <>Irylaae, Mrtitlay, Augusl litta. 45t-1-t M. 4W.IIARVIN, Co. HtîJtî. il . aI is ttri î il t l a I 1),t i n t o rt iai II Cîieui .Itatota, N itt nutî,tti 'i t, fotr oui ft,iL ttt i K12round trip 'Jtiî tuitit toiltît. At.li1t Iltot .t2d iandti lh trtattil it1, SH.ji. IUlt iu t t. attiitil (Ont l Foli ftrtiîtc itîirtrsnitaiiît tîttitilvit m:-tAct C.M t iP. - riita. Adjudication Notice. NtlvîL otbLîle A It rtatofrio! 0e'tl at t ot AnîîBtrttti..t.tI vl att.utLi Cotiutc Court vf Laf, o Ouuty, ut a ternu tItiren t tttih,.,-i tt i etOt ourt Hoîasî. flt waateaain, lu ..atltuy. On the litmout- day o Ooef it.ani t tittaa.abý oars ail Permoca basting cialsMUDI Sit., are notlfiildauiretuested;tO Urasent "aue to sald ortoauduati. to .. au., ..lhlr±r. Wa4alt a. a.. *5 440 Burglare About. baturîay night à burglar or honglars eutered tbe homes af Chas. Kaiser anti Win. Iiowell and attempted te gati entrance te the Herringtee boni,. M.r. Rilerwam awakcnced und Iby tit dont taiigbt lilbt lu lhis rooda sua a min ulitprechtug tie bcd, pcegumably t, cille tis tronsers sa they lay ou a chair uir. Mir. Kaiser Sut up lu bcd aittl theolutrudunr lied. lHe secured nothing. lavcîtigatlec îlaowed lie haentereti by cnttlug a windaw acree. At Wmt. Iolualîsthe mane acrred tMr. audl Mima Ilîttallîs vutches. l'bevy did Lot IkLOW e1is 8visit outil moroîng. tiers aIsoeuecraucc vas gaîeied tY eutinlg a acroee. Frank llcrrlegteewas rcturulng frein the dance utslerteFs l'ark, liait buy, cariy Sunduy mrnuing and it in lîretumcd tas trlghtcued tttc rebber, ai. a 8crecu vas ond eut eut, but upparouilylthse man thad fot cutcrcd ttae boume, asu ottiug vas dlsturbed. At each eoftthe places means ot ucceës vas tic saie. Mr. Kalmar vas the euly persen steunecthe letruder, and tac demcrîbem film sa mau ut medinin belgbit, vcaricg a mtîli Liat. Republlcau ciuucuis. A caucos et the itepublican votera e tthe township ef Libcrty ville In hereb)y called tl e cet ut the 'Tovne all, Libertyvilte, ou Friduy, AuguRt 22:, 19(12, at 2 oerlock p. in., fur the PUrpone of ielecilig twuàlvc detegateasuteattend the Cerluty litpublican Convention ut Orayolake. Sautrduy, August 23, LOO.. TOWN COMITTER. Elàric liutter Market. Blutter ou the Elgin Board et 1 rauie tiouday waiirin t 20c. Salem <tf the' week Gt.,iStCpouuds. IButter s"mne accx u l l ti uslic. Uuclaimed Lelterm. Ilii. poto1teliveftr thAle Wettdiug Atîg. 6, WltsutallunArfor riteso, if-t t ..ynî tlt tUoed." Anulit stralnan. m'- LitWiliIitn-, Mr. J. Wttlf- HEAL ESTATE rHAI'tSFERti. furnlslusd by làAke County Titis & 'Jrnst Ce. Abstracts ef Tille.'Tiglles (.uarauteed Masonie Temple Bldg. Waukegau, Ili Louis J. (ittaxa. j4ccy. Eizlabeth B WoedIttridge Ie Ira J Oetýr lots 5 and 6 c r.utîbda of lut 7 biaIWah uru Park qe ..............j1 1, josepha SavugIr and a. lf, SUtrs C. L m1i10 It ailun nvW ýse 54 aen 12-Ue-s9tqc .. .. . . .. .. . . I tiabel M Pict and liuttand tre T J Maiton lotia 01k ni Lake Bluff ai. . M6 te Ada b Adams te tMartinu Manier lot 16 tît 69 doatîl Waateian Wdat... ltite' IH A Cooland aIrs te Maltei IShowa tii 42 tait17 Lut,, Bluff vtl rot.. J M Woodi & vite te L B (iIt, let lu Sitarter A iclhardson et aI te L fi Uirit- lot lu VIllagre of Atiluh 1 i0 M-a IL Silrague & tans tel L B rIes loi lu Village of AntIocta iv... .......l00 ltaullue Fisher teL B tlellottit Village ,!fAtlit tath ie .I.....t.1 a Ittonora B 8Oute andtiuttîottE F 1tt)ul muot v-4-auIl utI ...... t t t It E: I'SiIal,,r &.0 vlt tî Lettutîra B. SOi. . ti..... ......ia .r ..tif .. . n itî t fil litlani lttri ic llArCo tMaut iIl i4tttdrUlf]tg.1 ant i tI. itIllicht tfilaifites it all ., Ml lti.1 t 2rtýandîrîse tiit,. itt..t..t Attua Wl-siir ant i(t t t. ,agiat. Stan a M Vtîtrv ,t7ittt.Ut'tC o Vatrois. ft w fr,,it rtit oiS ty rit iu lot 7 Milatiitt t,' t i 'l , i Il P btii., E Hlaw lot2 taai. 'ittt..H I Cls ati ta tft to Jotîn Ai. ttnwle [artun tSI, t.. t19tîti at e J G Wanwiiatt tttJ.,t iî b-ttrt It ttif a làWtattke,t lsd . . . ý .1 . ...... 5 1t It t .17 aIi& e it 'C 4W Vitielr lotin i arit at à i tai tt.trt, latI. Mary DfIttit c( ai t, E MS olwit iIL nsliai ta ta _1.........tînt 1 t,. lt.t iita. irtttIl, tiid, ý C Liawt, tt, , F, rrî , 7w, toJto Ait D-1tt i il ltvi.J2 tti2t.-1 t, Tbisibe Coinînisîmouers Notice. ,Notiîce la hereby givefi Chat persous baving Canada Ibîsticu ou Choir pre- perty, areceîoilled Chat sans mut he eut or deitroycd and Det Itite proîta. gâte tor go te seed, Utcder penalty ot a ue 0et Gt suChan tou uer nmore than tne bncdrsd dollars.'lis Dt- tîne aJiplies alike te pubtlie highwiaja tîîîtlrailroad rlght-ot. aays N luau tîf lliîcrty'vilic, thle higay coeiuilsaîne crs bcblg lhable fur tbbc ithnlîpferý rmance oethbom sînhrîiiuialaîîg tili ns. 'bbciepealty tfîr uecobserv- ajae tfthteclaa lutunllcasesapro- vîded for raliroala linlmore sevene, theoy lneiîag able te a ine oet eloue thun îItty oer moeshall tva hundrcd dellars. DENNIH Liiiizauîy. 'IlaLtlcCt.mnlisiier, Tuîausbip et Lîbertystîle. Ang.31. Look Ploasant, Clease. btiuelognaptcr C. C. Barian,ofet ta, t>, au do se uov, thengta fer yearm Os tîltnbocanie beho ffored unteld agttuy troin M enrt brin of ludîgea- tinaAil pbysclaus and mieluesi taiicd te taelp hlm 1tac lietrieli Electrie Bitters, ataiet vorted sncb vwoudera tor int that Oie deciîurestbey une a gtndseud te sulfeners frent dyspepsia and stoaîah troubles. tUnrivaled ter diseases ot the stomacta. liver aud kidosys, they builil Up and gîve uca lite te the ahois syutem. 'Iry then. Ouly 60e. Ouarauleed by F. B. LoVrOLL, Liborlyville, (iRATtîLAKE IflAiMACY, L T-aie leit add purae ln tbm ta olttybLadbutlan lawnestu l'ioer s5 lgs. t 1h5 O LATENT ARRIVALS 0F SUMMER OOODS. tad i ( utt4<i 1 t'le.rwear-iii white~ 25c to 95c. .\ etk Riboiisî-aiii ail coIors anîd 10c to 35c Les Slî Mort and Long Si 1k Glove,, andI Mitts -whîite ani black, at 40c to $1.00. ILadies.' I1.tiery-plain anîd fancy 11t in' whîite andî iblack at 10c, 15c. 25c. Appliue claccs largt, assortnient of appliquet laces in white and blau'k-1rnr yd. 7c to 23c. Lalies' Slippers-latest ptyles~ar siîapes at $1.40 to $1.85. Fancy I)ishws-a eomplîet4i Une of Crockery anîd G1a.ssware in plain anîd fancy shapes at iowest prices. WONDIERFUL VALUESi. ~I 'iilirt'ê- Iilaces Imported Batiste, white gî'îîîtd with piîîk, bine anîd lavender .ilk figulresa. thîe fiuest wash1 goods that htavv, vvter hecît soid iniLibertyvilie. ReMpîlar priee., Soc. Now ~ IIîîec ieem Lac~n.e Batiste il, solifi piîk, biîîe ani d Ii iien i." dr, xery fîile 35C values, 110Wow ify .ý i.25 Batiste Tîîcking at 30c a yard. The Fair, 1Libertyvif le - - - Ililinois. ICE CREAM S O D A laCE Efl Yod will T flaI tY. B. Loçel's Drug SPore la ail ibe popular flawrs JUso ouIher poputlar bl Weatbtr driniks, sncb For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Voit get tw iiiased and growing service of the Iaks:ý Coîîîîty 'felepiotîe Company and connection with tb* C.hicago Ii'eleplti(ompany. For Information, rates, etc.,wrt---. CONTRACT DEPARTMENT9 LoveilIa Orug ir4 Caki .80 .o. i J niture J Up- il - id. promptil waranl.d. ont ruje guar- kars. Portland 1 fi ý

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