CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Aug 1902, p. 8

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1, ILw '.M4 V SLv i- RockefeLler Items. bgblSmi 09 aOu* Park, la 1fl g f beh«former lamale and uf»a Ilitlatas OBîde. lb4W»taor Case, af Chicago, stoppod »W* adav ll biseiszsly ai G. M. 4bAplakkesdo cottage M i lmond Miss Seraih Sua., ai Chicago, sud IU& l5tte Vrenlaud, ai Tapeka, Kan., MreVisiiln their cousin, Mrs. Anua Uis. Emmna Hetschberger sud ber dsugtrs Cors sud Luela vere up DiMaChicago vialling thoin relatives hm sover Suuday. lira.Lealer Burdict sud Um issLda *094, cf Wauconde, vlited at the hom.eflUr. sud lir@. fHenry B undict me .nistepait ai hmsi von. 1MNu" mpies ai lb.premlum ista af Me lot0oany fai bav. beon dis- tMbul.nluibis nelgbborhaod. Msuy ~e. h ram ber. vifl attend the far. Mis. 1arry Fineborg hua eturued ta Cékefflg for au extended viull vllh tgmoraiustil Ur. Fineberg cau ind sasuitable place ta mauetbethir rosi- dansé.hae. The inierlor af cur scbool bonze la iéeeeving a mreuh oasl ai paint on the wals vblle tbe vcod vork .111 be eismed sud vsulhed. Bugene Smitb, * t Ivnho, bui the job. The hum aiflb. lbresing machine las 13.0 board vesl aifns during lhe Mue pM l eot. The cal cîap la said la 1w dlaaeîpiatng both i l uanlity sud q»1147 oan mny ftim- Ur. sud ia. W. E. VanFallon Ont gWbrber sud vife vlsibed nt Fox an OSmsday. Unr. VauPatten's abb. UmiSa" lleBrawn relurned W" Umhonfor a ew day. iit bote. The aflettllmenatai tbe aca hoimufl Usauay evelng vwas ual laigni!aMinded. The prograsa boy. -0e- va u teresing and eaeh parti- uijînalptiaiid bis ai ber part Weil. love cg the beausiiul sud lbe gaad l al~ysIndicative ofa shighaider ai lmlnlilna aog moisi chaiac- a tu and a hoarlthaa ain 1bc louched 1by lbe appeal af buman ueed and sympathy arund Ils passessor. Our.Village abaflnde ln dam, yards and gardons illedil liIthe mont be&nUini faovorisuad lage. (lad plty thesoul thst canai appreclate 1th. Ilowers, bird. .and mule every- Swhere la thèse 10,617 rlpeulng summer àlaya. Balaie'bas doue muet for our Utile lown. What eau vo do tale ip Il alaMng? iasSaabM ao, vue in vlsitlng 3 friends here aa 501.4 abave met villi quit. a paluful accident a 1ev d..ya&go. A bammock lu vhicb b obevasrecUgolil 111tbrowng ber 10 ztbe Ilooroai Ie porch vltb sueb farce aatc ta Ous. atempoary paralyasio the lover limbe sud tender ber nearly boîplesu for meveral deys. She la rapidly recaveriug bovever under the cure af Dr. Orl. M. Graver, of tbis place. Every collage, batsi, iarm boase and jslapping place of auj sort &round Dlamond laite la fuil and runnlng over wllh City people sud mauy upplica. tion, for baard and roomoaure turned avay evory week for the .5111 cf adiquale accommodations for tbe crovda at aut la came. W bore la the man vllh a few thansand dollars vha wvat laImprave Dlamond Lake and resp a haudsame profil on bis luventment? Ta My Friands. Itle igt lhjoy 1. tlt ou wbat Kodol dId for me. 1 vas troublid wltb my rstomach faf several montha. Upan belug udviaed ta use Kodai, 1 dld na, aud varda cannaî ttl the gond Il; bas doue me. A nolghbor hud dyspepas so Ihat haolied trlod mont everythlng. 1 laid hlm lo use Kodol. Words af gratitudea haveCamte laome ira. bàlm bocsue 1 recammended lt.-Geo. W. tPry, Viola, lava. Heallb sud treuglb, af mmnd sud body. depend au the alamécli, aud normal activlîy of the digestive organe. RadaI, tbe great recoAnaticlve tonte, cures &If atauma and bovel troubles, Indignation, dys- papal. Kodal digeste auj goad food ryou et. Taire a dose after mea1. P. B. Lovnn, Llbortyville. IVANiIOL .lth bereaved busband. aiso te te gboyoumgPepie l e .poyrlg frI.DEPEEDEU sud Bayal Nelgibai Ms entuhinnoni a e wgiven lu the 'PafPl Itubee abnek on Thuvsdy eveuiug, Do vo chate Liat vo cauntin buman concoit t l e luflulto problem dise iase? jAti" lh1 The apeolsitentures.o ai wenotret ssre 'tepqm viii b. à drilliOfithb. Wbere our vinda. failashort yeme POoti, by tvelve gil lu (lad nua.. OOUUU; gi.elUg sang by ix girls; v«M mailo ly Ur.& A. G.pafaord, ai DIAMOND LAKE. »OmiflM. instumental mulie by a There VilI be au lee cres. social an gomM n oloist, snd a senoSaiDaY Dean Âyusley'a lawn Thursday evon. uxerekeby (eo. B. Eldertin, esu . îug, Ag. 2. ,for bouaillI ai Diamand 1*2.d: O-God aUla Amrlos', by Lake charch. Il la experted that fne twobom youug people ieprosliig1 musie vîll be iurnlshed. feMP a ountries vith 115gB a l.f________ OOu*y împomsnat.d. Pila eattend! 1I r eedcus aTonto EE5OLUTiMOF R SECT. Thoe o relimes vbeu jour liter Tb* iailaviag resolutions vero adapfl by Baeaca Camp, 2464, ai lfuus, VBebsecacamp bas beon eoiIdlb.meursIhadeatb af our be- lavai md saleemed seigiboa,,lits. NerF O«Ii'e, vbieb cauted the irai roches u n aaur chain, thorelane b. ts, Jtmsiftd. &btlnluthe dealb of lira. ûOUivMileva bave laits varlby ocer Md i nigabai 8e.ela. ,Tho "v ezleud out heurt- MeU ympalby la tie bersved bhusband ft hie bereavemont. Jlusoled, Tbsl aur chater be drspod la mcutmlng fai s period ai lbirty day. sud ta spageofairreord bok be devaled te ber momory sud a «W cg tlb... iolulloda be seul la &bat gripe sud veaton. DoWittIa LitlIe Early ilisers expel ail poison iram the system sud act us taule tthle liver. W. "catt, 531 Higblaud ste. Mlton, Ps., says: 1-1 bave caried DeWiIIs Little Early Biser@ vili me far seveai years sud voluld nos be vithaut &hem." Smill sud easy ta lake. Pareiy vegtable. Tbey nover gripe or distrae. F. B. Lovzx.r, Liberlyvilie. GILM EN. Thncahlng la gaiug menrlly ou. Born, ta Mr. sud Mis. Wrn. Smithi, Aug. Sii, s girl. Mien LilUsu Ayuley la entetaînlng a young lady irom Chicago. M. Marn. Ia building au addition la bIs barn. Frank tlrlch sud H. Tokamnpe une dolng the vork. EVERETT. Aitho'tic veathora unate&di. And fillod vit tin18lathe air. Sf111 vo bogin ta net roady Te ate.ln the <oufty Fair. Thos. Nolan la again able' ta bc around a(ter aa ilgbi attack af lyphold lever. Harry Strllnop bas returned ta bis vont la the clty aller a tory prolonged vacation. Mn. sud lira. Kluney, af Chicsgo, have beau vlsltlng the tleldy's .1 Ibir snmrncr borne ai thla place.- Lorelta Cunningham, o1 EngleVoad, apout Sunday vlthb ler cousIns, the Bradley sod Redmond familles. Ye Everoîl correspondent bas re- turned sud la again preparod te, chroulcle lhe dolugs af th[@a mnil burg. Misa Julia Toamoy vho bas been enjoyiag ber vacatian vllb tbe Dasaon girls bas rettirued la ber home lu Chicago. but Il la vltb regret Ihal vo sec ber go for vo bave onjoyed ber Company tory mueb. Stella sud John Carroll accompsnied a largoe eowd frani Boudant la Long Lake, vliero they were ta hold a pien le on Bnnday, but the piaule vasuao&a succs aunacconul of the ain str. vbieh carne up lu tbe alternoon. On Monday eveulng about 6:30 Jerry Murphy, one 0i the gang ai men vho are ongaged lu puttlng lu nov lies on the . M. .1 St. Paul ralrosd vas bit and luslantly killed by a nonth baund train. The accident accarred about midvay belveen Deertield and Everoîl. Tbla la the third doatb lu tibI gang lu a short vblle, 1.0 other mon bsviug been kllled lu a similar mnnor vilbln a radine af elgbl miles. The foremas af tbe gang bus takou e tory prensu- lions ta prevent auy mare accident., en aIl traîna are now complled t0 slov up sud vblstle wion appraachlng tle vornmen. IDEERFlLU Ente Vaut vent la Warkegsu unuday1«.-..0 1 night.Mr. snd mira. Cha". Johnson agiter- ie aelVu. JIedlnHihan uied the& sou and vile, hi. sud MUn. Parktîis woo dM. to J. xn, Gai R ee adlin. The Measens. LeCleaor &pont Sunday 1wandMe . zmyf talenSthation. el A. Il. muhlxees. W »sryt eoatmR Deerflid iioens are begiuning golMoore, ai Diamund Lut,, bui dis- talk sbon&tIhe flotr. 0costinnod bise rvies boe..The yauug peuple sre axna ta gobave Sun. Mr. sud lira. Henry Sagert vislted day evenlng aervices. lu Lîbetyville Snnday.AvautvaIs.dpn mlin Mir. sud lira.Barry Tionue speni 0A ai 00. erbu, sfada n thisl c Sunday aI P. a. Meyer».f0s. Gsiebe rt, C i e*&" tn l ua.a Dr.Keniritt nd arnlyspeut a aithie people ai the agtie of Ill., day at Mrs. C. F. éuîea galat John Kwamneansd Berba .Mies Julia Zain la entertaiulng nome Kummerfolai stovlng Canada tiblalo relatives iro. Chilcago titis veet. la mature their ee~d on their property. Mr,. rossa, sba represent. the Constable ChatehiiUs-yoed varrant INDF.PENDENT, vas lu towu Tneeday. sud btaugbt dtendanti belate Justice Mm.Jâk Auos .4 isiingberTrlpp gaturday evenlng Ang. 91b. brathons on the prairIes of Wlacoualn. asta fanta disis --naot&ecai.e. la Dld you ever notice ho. quiet oui absence of the presulion. Justice mail arriveu aI the Poasafllce? Due ta relusod dsmll su ad uuthonlzed Otto Kua sud is bicycle. Constable ta biblal plainlili sud Mn. sud Mr@. John Nehoan and Ibro, vllnesae. A casiiuuace Vas then, of Chicago, speut Satundasy asked for by dofendant sud gruuled by lu Deertilld, vîalting aid fInonda. Justice unlil Baturdoy, Augusi 16tb, ut The the eveingthesotoh-bnndone aclock vhen cofv iliihobe lled. faIg mail galng thbnrgh DOoniiletaiNat Over-Wise. 5:18 struck sud killiod a man near Teei uadalgrclpcuea Sack's cronslng. Undrten A. H. a girl scarod a% s grsa-happer, but lu Muhîte had the body lu charge. lie set aifbeedleaaly treadiug au a suake. TIhiè le perleled by the mas Tueoiday aI tenuaan s manri nug on via&pendesarugeau aiofmouey a Ieiglit car vus lelnred lu nome vsy building a cyclone coller, but noegleots aI vbîch ho could nua l le ime. te protide lia funmily vith sbolie af Au artery nesn bis unaseVas bron. Chambelanua Colle Choiera sud1 Mn.Adaa bd hm u Ie pînj boseDiarboes ROmedy s&1s afeguard Mr.Adas hd hm a te pmp ot ug atrntaibavel complant., vWho" sud uearly succeoded lu stapplug theovitmemsugumber thon. af lb. cyclone fia. ai blood, Whou the patient Vas a hundred to one. This nemedy la givon Dr. Ensak'a praleasianal cane. evenyvbere reecnla.d as the mui ____________ prompt sud neliabie medîclue lu usae Iar thon. disesse. Par sale by P. B.1 The Indepeadent and Wookly Inter Oca., LovuLL, Lîbenlytille; GEÂTaLAXU b«ae yàrjer Sli 5.8s. 1PRKÂECAT. t2ake PRAIRIE VIEW. ira. Voeu, ot., la on lbtetkU11. Rubn Grauvua a vlcome caller mhcday.' Leanlard Brans, ba been Ill for a few day.. Miss LIIsUM Puîdy la spendlng s voek et Park Bide?. lierhierge Bras. shlpped s car- lcud ai hopa lut Pliday. plos matnons, of Cblcsgo, ln vieil- tug lU«iAsaura Spruge. Mian L. LandaU. of Chicago, las vîsît- 16 Mr. sud M"t.Welàner. Mr. sudliamenry Ochuler are en- tealnu Chicago visitais. lias myrtMe Blebarde tlsiled tifs. sdewar.u ev days lust vee. lir. Mimons sud daughter £du&, ver. Buuday cules as Mr. Spiague's. Jura. lHentryKflopf. lud non George vwere OhIcago visitars Thuîsday. bMs. Wsilao sd iamilly are the jgeofetli. Md lira. Altenshocb. Mis. Wbtmav. là makigau extended vTut vllhbabr dsugbter Mun. Pardy. W. e re« la se.John Uchîceder faoeed ta returu home au accout af MALF DAY Mir. Kammer'a sttatney vus la tovu au Maudoy.1 W. Wlumot, af Waukegan, wv al [lovnu ~ay. The douce ut iiutot'a Part Buiurday eveulug'wga velI ultended. Mr, siud Mis. B. L. Tf ipp eutaitained frieudaif9oM Nor Wood lPart lait Thurs. day. lira. Muie Y eldbamx visted ber braîher, W. E. Man, one day lait veek. Mrs. Pegela. and sau ns nertalnmd s number of finonds tram Oicaga aver Munday. schoal vilI commence on Monday Sept. 8B, vîihG. Il. Baillatas teacher. J. 0. Mhroeder la home lH it lh typhald lyer. Dr. Lockyer la atend- lug hlms. M. Gtesson baugoueio laMichigan. lirs. (liaison sccompsuled hlmm aifui as Chicago. Lîtîl6 LUars Manleaspendlug a week .1mb ber sunt, lins. Bochelmanu, nt Libsîtyvllle. Miseam is.Smith bas returned la ber home lu Chicago aller a tva veeks viail vilb MIs sauate Msan. J. Richards la vlsiting his braiher lu JanesvllieWls., and viil vie. lbe Dakoa slade beore reluruiug home. Umss raltoosEsdahi sud brother, Fred and UmssDuunulg. ai Jefferson Park, vlatd ai B. T. Foot'. on SUn- day. Mir. asudlira. licRuzie are lb. happy parent. af a baby girl, bain Aug. 11h snd veighig eloven panuda. AIcancenned are dalug .011. Mir@. J. A. Hulcblngs, ai Glonvlev, reluined home Monday at.r Vlatlng ber sMater, Mis. J. Richardse5and alher relatives lh. puat Ibree veeks. John EcLauglillu la I11 and under Dr. Taylor. cane. Bis 11111e dAughlen Mamie Iulured ber knee quit. bsdly and la slac under %b. c cm. cure. WE SELL TIE-uaw- Staver Buggies The name guarantees the ....quality... Ilinea. M111 0. Wakefield, tramn Park Ridge., fplnt bond&Y vitb berasiter, lira. Purdy. UmssLois M. Pest Ia spendiug s ev veau .1mb ber cousin, lira. J. a. (lridley. UmdsUl iNcterabelu, via bas been Vary 011 vith typhald ferer, te nov con. valset&g. George Rutchlngeaspent Balurdsy uighé Mmd Suuday with A. C. Richards and iamily. A gacdily ompany ira. aur tovu attanded lbe dance at Menais o;pavillon fluiday uigbt. George Riepper, ai Lake Zurch, la halping big fstbnî-iu-lav, Mn. Rave Vila1mb svelng. lem u Spai., 0f Chicago, visitaet her grand-parent., lMr. sud lir@. Baitsa, leimveot. liraPlise aud Infant dougbton are ep.ading a vont or twtv Mr.h lnsd Mia. Webienuog. Ur. and MmiBerarad Klein sud iaînily, oi Obicaga, are vialtlug Mn. .ad Mr%. 0. M. Weiduen. MUn. J. P. BitaMlbaer sud Mr@. S. X. InOdl speat a fev day. vith relalivent nt Naperville reconly. MaIlle Stanoliffe bai been entertain- Iug her ousina, tia foir 1111. ie imsi Mli» an sd brothur ftmChicaga. Wi1l Have, ai Long Grave, vbo las haut blond poioianig lu hie knee, la r.cavering under Dr. Iockyoi case. meur. Cari lîlrdley, Emmn.l lier sud Dr. E.- W. Pointietoer entartslned by Uri. sud lira. . Grnley as linndsy. UmIssFrances Eesdobr, UmaAlice Duning snd Fred Eaadohr epeul sandow vllb the formera cousin, Miss Dora]Poo$e. Mis. AIma Halterion. vbo bas been stajingetai Ur. sud lira. Butlers@, re- turned la ber bome et Medina Junnc- liaS lest veet. Uir. Wib. nigit operatar, for the Wisconain central B. R. ai Ibis paint, bas becs promaled ta Juonctian City, Wisconsin. lie là nu*îceeded bore by Ur. Wenchovail, ai Aruet, Win. rhe pistai af the Diamand Lake cbnnch vha for nome moutha bbaen haldiug sevices e allifDay Sunday farenoasa, basdeaided ta stop the service. 111 further notice an account nt the imal sîlendanoe. Prom July îati ta August îlot and September itl ta loth ezeuralan tickeýts wl Il be eald ta Duluth. Suiortor sud Asblsud for tu round triptood ta returuuUi (Out. ul cver C X. & St P. railroad. Libertyville Cýontity - - - Illinois. Fair:*l A lie always has something, good to tel about the North-we,% Tho Page Wsvm WVio Fonc 0F NEW JERSEY. The new electrie lune now building from Lake BI to Libertyville, will have its cars in operation. In Ju' Everything pertaining to tijis road Io ut the very kind, road bed, rails, cars, etc., and besldes the manage. ment liav-1 AIEfencinàthe, givexi orders m ~ 7 j t entire lino$ to our Coin - ff 4 1wlth Our pa riy f o r ~iIt1±~ hlghest grade of railroad fencing. Posts set extra deep In the ground and stroîtgly braced. Trhe fence when completed, wiIl be a credit both to tIhe Railroad Company and to the Page WoveniWire Vence Companîy. Write for Catalogue:- +4 PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., O. I. LUCE, AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P., LOCAL AOBNT zoo Monroe St. - . - Chksgo. LihonyvIla,lMinois. WRIGHTBR IIR Cernent, Sait patronage and as- W, RIGHI BROI.RERS d.yr iw Libei Rock Dr. Ph! Gur Dr. Hamec For tbr Rock BE A Wii AI Libei PA toi LObe mis s. Libe GE, Vf WRI uel Ca The -Great -September 2, 3, 4 and .5, 19020 Races Fxhibits ,N Special Features THAN EVER BEFORf,ýýEu 'Watch for Full -Particulars Nxt Week. Iitemeantime resj assured that aI previous fairs will be exçelled- tîwu LibE Dr. of f 0e WHrid,- Liber D r Off ICE kSaur, r Liber Dr.< Offi,: mou] Liber Dr. Schanck Bros. 111

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