CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Aug 1902, p. 1

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LAKE Vol. X-No. 46. COUNTYý INDEPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, llinoi.Friday. August 22, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. - WELL DRESSLED MEN PIATRON IZE FRED CROKER, LIBERTYVILLE'S TAILOR. I rake uptoil tgrîietrrtqandiîi <l tchargu exliorbitdiîit Jiriceir. iHave aî .iîiîiit foiîrtu oîf lleilitdi gi ve ;îl ii iîrde Irr i j attenit in. See my line of samples before ordering. It's time to think about fali apparel. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, Office over Trlggs & Taylor's. BOVEfi1-7 to 16a. M. 2 Lu 4 Rird M. tus P. M. lildrfle. on B"- l I w'y .' n Pl't- . Libertyville - Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTI ST. office oveor Lake Cou nty Bank Libertyville Illilnois. 1 Dr. C, R. GALLOWAY' Office over LOVAil a firrir Stor- F. Libervyvilie -Illinois.~ 1 Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, Of chilcabro. l'as oLaned a DENTAL OFFICE D. R. GROVER, M. D. Physician and --urgeon. Rockefeller - Illinois. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG, Physiclan and Surgeon. EasId.DiO aipor'Ile L.hmaiiHr.cti Biti Gurnee - - Illinois. Dr. 0. M. GROVER, IGRAND DANCE * AT, IIERTELS PARK PÀVILlON, Saturday Evening, A\L(iiLST 2.3, l12. LMusc by ierofeior Snith'A mDONT rFOPGE V THE DATE Every accommodation Fi- 14' î, t i inie asiji-red ail wfio. attend. P LASTERING 1 arn prepared to 'do plastering in central and western Lake HOM0opsihIeCh Y*IcieaniýdSObuo CoLInty on short For thr-* ov Prt '1IJrn,r r rr, ',( r *e~ 4~rrîr r i .4;.gI i -i fa il tee nîy work. Rockefeller Illinois.'.... Let me estimate youri BENJ. H. MILLER, wr ATTORNEY AT LAW. ac4CH% 51. C TELIP5IONS5NO ý My PsRCEC, ARE RIGI4T. Wlil Atend ta 1i-nrIess ,in ii i Libertyville - 111111101S. lelerenr.en uriished lrom promînent _______________________________ parties li I icryiile and uriher .4ections where PAUL MacGUFFIN, 1 havre donc Atorneyand 0Cocosnor t NOTARY PUBLIC..... 0ffe over Laine CO.[Bank. Libertyville - 1 Ilinois. HIUGO PIIGLLOW, Prairie View - r llinois. 1. MISS FLORA COLBY ý --i- PHOTOGRAPHER. STUDIO 15 *ULKLEV 9LK LibertYvilie - Illinois. GEORGE P. FROST. VERlfNAAY SURGEON. Lake Forest MI. cake ÇLo. Bank, WRIGHT DYMONO & CO., LbertyvillO Illinois. nues Interast I3earinR Certifi- cates Payahie on DemRnd. lndividuail responorlbilitY, $1 00,000. MRS. L. A. DILLE, MODESTIE. - Ubertyville Illinois. Furness Cottage. Secol St. Shah ire picamad te grý'et llidinn eostorners as vîlI As uav anas. ;Ltst Patterns and Styles, HOMM - NIN C.a, rîages furnlshed onordar. r Lady assistant if deslred. :EDW. F. STUENKEL, i .ururai L)ractor. Everett- I-llinois. Tû Jan 1 p. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite MONIT MEN i M DESR .0ITIOiN. J Waukegau. WILL NOMATE TOMORROW. List of CandIdateiq Llkely to lie C hosen. lu D-orlitile & Whiteeahall ai Graja. latte asliti mnvoetIre teptulilcan Couiîty (Cnvention Satiîrday. Girays- laite Iras prî.pared for thme avant and the 9;C0 delegates, pollcians and opeetators ezpected can iind ample accommodation. l'ho large hall wili s4eat fihat number comfrtalîly and ln tha vacant store rooma babyw meala yulli e served, factliieas for feedlng Lvii or tlîrîe hundrad ai ona lime bcbng pi'j".THE CANOIIIATEU. 1 i l reviofl5issures we have maitionred the candidates apîring for nomination ta the varionis offices4. We are flot suficieuily versietrto predîci viat Waukega naid theatole ahore viii do, and it la certain the country wîli no& te unaulmouN for auy iset oi candidlates, bot pudglug frour the expreasiona va bear I;hih ouf opinion the folloviug canilîdabsmwlllbute hoaen frou tIre savenicen or elgbtmeîî aspirante. Jilge, D. L. Jouas, Waukegan. (Clrk, A. L endee, Wankegan. Sii.rît!, Frank 1). Fritschr, (rayatakae. I reamurer, efiher ltaymo nit or t'rlee, of Wanconda. lo. 5rrit. of Sehorris, F. N. Gaggin, Ourireon Frranik iritRcli %iil hava the closent ttglit lu the tIIi-RINDcINT'S irIIUIoIn. It ail depauda <n vbethar the namîna- Mien goas go the country or Waukagan, but wa bellave Mr. Fritscb viii land il. HIe la tira stgrongest country candIdate, ibough thoreaare othera. y. N. (iaggln WIii not hava a Waolf avay and bis sucSes dependsaai- togetiier on Wu&egaiis action. Which- aver of thea thra candidates for ounuty brperttendauit a goodly number nf delogatesi from thai dUt go to and stay vth, wlii i n, as eacb bas a con- sidarabie indîviduai lolloving vblclr oombined vitth Waukeganm support la sufficient. Il lookn easy to us, for Jouas aud liendee. Asr to treoiturer a peculiar condition maintils. Wanconda bas tva candi- dlates, and va opine vhlchavar vina out lu tire prîmarias in Unat township t>.day, viilraceive the conventions suplporst t-uorrowv Of course ibis leaves a large fjeld of poilbiligtea, and ti vould bo surpris la*d&. ~flaIS M'te. cmaddates ahouid prove sorrect lu Ili aîtirety. orle or more oi tba fjeld mary riveloji treligtb tf)a a srprlslug dvrc rri andir c eeed lu winunîg ou t. John Acker Deui. liîi Arrer, a acii kuovu rasîdnnt r!f Lake cuiity, ied l4iuday ut flr lîrrure iu <rayviaka frour paralysis. teeessîitv ah 6,) years nid and icaven a id oasbuti n r chiidrreu Mir. Acker servad im corutry througli tire var filiCo. 1 , F2uî lii- nlois infaftry, Capi. Willietou's corn- panly, teiug orue of thaeanjuad vWho vent frour tthir bornaslunIIarringten tir Doudoeato ccii vith the flan of flint village. Afar thre var lha vas ecipiiryed for a nlambar of jeara lu the Elgin vatcb facory. rventy jeara agir ha as appojlîrted a ictar carrier tri Elgin, being oua of the original iiuurber îelcted vhan free dellvery waitituted thera. 1iI healt con.- pelled film to reaigu alter sioune une and haovsrut to (trayslake whoeaha engagad lu gardening. Ilire frînierai services vere heid Tiries. day uai1ioclcik aut raysiake, Seek Ni urderor Near Liberty ville Wm. ttarthciin, accused by the Chi- cago police cf iuurrderiug bis aged mother sud itlIis weethaart, accoinita of virich doubiile futrrîer have rrccupied Coluinns <if smca inithe City dailies for tva veela, vasitirîrîroght fa eIral %ie viciuiity of Lllrerty ville auni! atuir- day .ihreentetectives arrivcd andr lui- medtataiy prnceeded to Addilson CascysB farm uorth ai the village, wvIrea hey leatued the man they voea aekiug aund vbom thay snpposed te he Bartholiu, haIt beau eurplayed, but laft tIre Weduesday ireloro. A man glvîug bis namne as Tihos. itcPadden soogit vark ai the ('asey larin Weduearay Ang. 7ti and the faci ha vas vail dressed. unused to fsrmu vork sud seemiugiy vithout ressort for daalring to vîrk ou a farm cauused suspicion. Pl'tuures lu thie Chicago papars brore a lilght rasambiance to tIre man. 'l'bu (tetectivem traced hinu from Libertyvilie tir Deeriieid and tIrera arrexted hini. Haevastakan ta Chf- cage, vhere Ihe Iaîl no troublIe in Làproving bis ideuîtlty sud ihat bis usmae vRa wiai he ciaimad. Christian Endeavor Raliy. Thre bale County division of the Chicago C. E. Union viii hold a tall ai Ivauîloe, Frliay evaulug, Angusi 29th. I hae foloviuug prograur bas ieen arran gert. 7:o-S.n6 rsi1n,(cilrt lîr 4tc "nr. Iiraysvl,. 7,50 r le-it itoUr Sers i... ili il,- ir l. D bMiut,no. Pros. rr-nRtirItlliCal]. Sîuseal Muelr,. srte-Addrrr-Mr. H. H. VanMate-r. ChiIago. (Savi. Evang,litiu eWrk. Chinago, Union.) To SAprend' VoWleimitî inLake Coulty. t>owla ha. decidbà to i.ry more at- tantlon to binneri lu Lake County. An organization hbeau parfaoted te systematlaally apirud tire owie faith. "ie heo DuamJunaer gIvemtha follow. Ing an a partial on"na of thre vork locally, and Its aaai41peîrt Company No. 1. éacon E. ifau dali, Capilu; assged t,, lilghiand P'ark, (Company Ne. 2. Digon .i. Il Paxton, Captain; asignd 4tAiua liiiîI. Company No. 3îMlbOu (0. W. Farley, (Japtaîn; aussgned Ste Waukegaui Company No. 4, IMâeouLhs Panasy C. Mascu, (aptin; 90)gued t" North Uicago. Company No. il, Deaconueno Cie, Cpti.î; aalgnod WSJtigh wood. Conrpany Nu. ô D# ln I.1.Il. Cdîna, Captin.u aaigned Sp fort Sberidan. CJompany No. 7. -D" nittenry Matin, (apialu; aguignait " liBe lorens. ht wlli te ntioem at central and western Lake 0 lnusot tu Lio covereni, jrrbably 4wîg te the ex- freina virtue cf ithe ?Sidr!uts thereol. Ijencon Starmtt Suicides. Coironler Taylor was arnmoned to Waikegau Fridy Mfnlng tant go bolt au luqueti over LIze gfli o f Deacir W. A. litarrett, o! Ziol tCity, Who .,uicldi ai tIue Waukgac Hoube IbturadaLy y iskîng poisirir. Evîiauece ai tbe tnqueât W"s te the et! ecit %ai tarreil SiMUltu tba Wan. kogan Liouse a liilabefore fuiie ocioce Ibhursutay morang a»d regitetrad as (à. W. beevat, BS. lacnin. Uce aaked for a quiet roUta vhaili e coultni seep mas ho vas tlred. Tho botei clora, b. 1. Siornan, sbowed hai tu a room on Lie thîrd Hueor. A& 5;30 vren Sthe rcgistar vas elreckerl il vas nOW dtiat thre mln vawuitt bla lsrouta, sudtanl efforite arousa hlm Was vIt rfl rl'lit e door vas broken lta aMdtit e n iound dead. lie lad removed lila outer ecting and gone to bed. A botte contaîn- lug h anauounce cfi andluum, a full four ounoce boitle cg *htorofcrm and a partbaly Illi itee ounuce botte 0i chloroforiniatood ua by and a iaurulkrchief etabei lunithe band and bol a% thea itrilm tndloated thre admnistration of ka aaehthetii. t'ira body vas laSer hilitied as ihait ai Zion Cty aud a doeon n l owte'a liurcir. Hts operations as a Irulder hiave [)oein xtausîiVeMle ad aeuijloyad rany lmon. lie siecurod larig ciof ll of hi,. forainen 'lihureuay moriing aid drove te Wrrikegaf.l.liîtebiug in front cf IJyer m rrg torrîha ircught 0f A. M. CîriUs, t&Le aminîtat phiarnracisi ait Dyer'd leuroneci U chioroforui andt wrronUCes of lardaninsayugbis lrae vas sîcI and lie wanted tihe drugru for the borne. Ie tran htrad a manr Lu retfra thera rg ta Moan Ciy, and vut tO tueie ca. Afgar rtirring W Ù1Irourta lie swallowed an ounce ana hall ci ihe laudanum, aud saiurating lia@ iaudkerohlef t gb chînroforiniapplled IL Lu lita face atid Baank te Iis ilas sloop. iliarrett ilved ai Oak Park but laiely bas been roomug ai ZIon Citîy. Hita lamîly cousista rof a Wite and a daugliaer. IL la thoughri tairat iit htui loeelug money aud vau lnanctaity embarrasseet. The aday on is ie ltiIv vaspay day for la@men. im ray roi ofien wa as ig m as$7o pir liaihltien art) aircut practically no aSsetru. V3eekî00 wt Wreck on Central. TIre Minneapolis mad tSi. lanui liunted traiu On the % ruonin Central road, vas vrecked at rire Ocloci 'I res. uiay moruing nt Irrauiýnt, Wlacansini. TIra train vlas goiig at a rapid rate ai speed, vhon ioasauei rîits catîsen l te rails toaspread auri iirev tihe train tram the tract. Eight persons vera severely njured but al i iil recover, DEMO0CRÀTS STILL IN DEADLUCK No Choice Afier 254 Ballots. c, lerinott's Chances Btter. 'lLI NîrRi'Esîîa'r la lia issue af ]est veek gaveaua acconut of the deamcratic senatoriliconvention i et ailiarvard. Thei, convention vas in a deaniock and 130 ramained up to 5 oclock lu the afiernoon, vimon an ajornrment vas taken for nua veel tn meet at the Sherman Bonse, lu Chicago, where they ra-con venad ai 2 oclock Th arsday atternoon and resumad the batile. Each cointy stood by lia candidate as ai thafliarvard convention,utIl the 137t1î ballot vas taien vhen Bonne county gava ihîe nilia voies te Mciermott, making is total 24 votas or tvo short of s uominat ion. At tii change IL leoked very mncir as tbongb Pater MoDermoet vas te bc nameil, but Whou the 138ib ballot vas an- nouncad the sama oli Lue vas ta- Onmed, Desmond, 22; OConnor. 7, Mciirmott, 21, and tiis as kept up until 254 ballots vere tairen. Than foloved an extendad controversy as In vhen and vbere the matter vas ta bce tiresbd ont lu a f urilier session of the convention, rnltlug In su ad- jourumeut nutili Thnraday afiernoon, Aug. 21, aitlime Sherman blouse lu Chicago. AR ais tIre Case lst veaa tha ISOLrEN!DRUST ggoepreau vhile the convention la in session, but IL seaurs reasenable go predici Mller- mnot, of Wankegau, vili receive the nomination. Mcfleury county bas givanunp, as viii becsan frofi the following clip. piug from the Harvardl Herati ,-Itols as tiough IL la ail off for Mlieury counny, Boona and Lake bavlng entered tuie a compact by the trme of vhicb Meflermtt i vli be nomlnated for representative Thurs. dey aflernoen and Bonne la to havai ho Place ivo Jears baucs. Doone and Lake bave eniared itoaà iai go freexe MaHenry oui. emothlug may happen Thuraday afternoon to change Inese plans, but ILlobolsas thongh the bars vare up and netbtng can Lear ibeur Itavu. Before Boone and Lake yole np Mcileury vili bc givan tva altern- atîvea. aithar ta voie for OConnor or McDerniott, or iutlivan or Mcbarmott. fI nha tale te de ibis Bennes ylgo ta Lake aul nomînate liclermott. The feeling betveen Mllieury and Boone laeoaay bI~j. o. viii Ome M cHenry tir alaternative of votlng for OConnor or MoDermoti and then sikîivan or Mebarmoti." i bu convention aud adJournad geâ8irrn is the fmost remarkahia ever irrdiri ii ibistlsrict by daînocrais. Nro surlu derminad Iugtitieiras ver taitan ptaca beretefrer, and the nut- roulae18ucertatuà, vlbirdrirrIlui favor nf iictiarmott, cf Lake. leputicau County Convention. A ttepuhiican County Couvention wiii te hald in Dooittte anrd Wita's flall un the Village of lrayslake, Lake County, Illinoîri, oui Saturilay, Angumt 2.3,1902, ai tva iïriork p. m., for tha purpopa of piaciuginlunomri- nation candidates for lire foiiovlng offices: (Jounty Judge. (Couniy Clark. Shariff. Irassfurer. ltuperlutandeui 0f Schrotls. IL aviug IreaurersoIvad ai the meeting oi tue o9unity lCentral Cour mittee tiai aach votiurg prccut lu the couuiy te declared s prîmary dis- trici and ihat prtmary lectious or rancuses Lbe calied for eaah cf ther saIt priîuary rilitrios. IL laithera. fore recommeuried ibat primary ea.c tionn or caucnuars bu callad for aacb 1rIrry dlisttriri lusaid Connty on Frlday, Angrit 2nd, A. D19402, at the Usrîal horr. "ieh represanistion for Cenchprinrary riisirici vîli bcLen rialagatu fror each 27 votes, or major fraction rati for tire iepuirlican candidate frîr presîdontIin 19004. TIîe severat prîurrary dItricts viii thums bc antitieri Lu mentid6deagatis Inuai Crruuuy Coniventiion as folovs: Vite Dlegaiem Fort Sheridan Ble ElBopes. BouLoir 83 3 Miss Loin Millerr, 10year cidanglu- NOvîInýrt Imm 7 er of A. P. Mller, uanager of Fort Aitiorci :194 15 Sheridlan Park, elrrd ih John Grant 7:1 31 Ejurch, a soldier ai Frrt Sheridan anrd Avon 298 fi vas marrieli in chfivagr sa veelâge. Warren 20r4 N <lue reinrned tnî lier home and ber Warrlegaîî, INt. 4(G 15 parants did net learnr nf lier marriaga Waukagau, 2nd. nu1Aî2 umiii Monday vheuî ame eueonemalled Watulagau, .rd. :344; 1:1 thoea a paper vhich contained a notice Waleasu, 4th. 347 13 of the marriage irus.Waukegau, th. 2418 Miss Loin, Who ind been ln a Shields, Dti. 368 14 boarding school at Milwaukeea,Cama. Shields, 2md. 1113 4 te spenlt the gnnimrron the north Lbertyvillla 313 12 shore. Church met her and Fremont 129 5 the acquaintanca anînru ripaned luie Waiîconrla 192 7 love. lier paraun t irected. A voeelC ir a 157 é ago Chnrch anggestani tbay b. marriei.Elia 1V7 ( Early the noxi mnrung ibay tool a Vernion 1644 6 train for Oicago sud vota marrlad. West leeriiaîd 108 4 '[heu tira aoldier returned te the Deeriild, No. 1. 215 M post and the girl to brrr home. No t l-Ir. Dcrrtini, No. 3 1467 Iug vaa Araid aboutitire marriaga anti nohdykna o h irtilth clppngTotal 513f; 193 reachail Mr. M1liar Mndayth. hpin . D. Wynu, Chairman. reaced M. Miler ondA- 1. 'T. Webb, Macrotary. Trhe Mîllira are promîineut in Fort Fred Schaforb H. W. Cool, Sheridan and tIra Young lardy sa (Of the Executive (ommitee described as a mosi attractive Miss. Bar parenis lîîrmeiiaialy amrnged te Ellgi i Butter Market. take lier tu NewY ork sud Oiluroh la Butter aold mg 2ft on %ibm Elgin Btoard nov vouderîng vllen, If Over he viliiof Trade Mondar, wlibotWvasthe aggla use hib lie. oISelai quo*ton. lmahl deatj. THIE FINAL EFFORT TO CLOSE OUT ...ALL SUM M ER GOODS..... W llI fot carry over any summer gooda If Priceacutto the.quick- willI seUl thern, but tiiere la àa imit tu price judgeuaent and If you dont want themn as they arc now prlced-theyreouotra. Faocey eoiored Dimitiee that acld ai lue now per yard..................... .................... CJoiorod 511k or Lînia (dovem 50ic values for 39c '25c vaiues 9 f or-. .. ....1 1. ............. ............ e Demin oSkirtm Iri llmri- and wuabhe-any akirt va bave for ..................... ................................ 69c (ollar Stocks white pique wltb oolored end@-reduced to onlly peb .......................... .............. .. ..............9 No. 41)Matin Talleta iilîbon &Il allk and in many colora 5 per yard . .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Any White Shirt Wýaimt--wîthout regard to former price Any Colored 8hirt Waiât-those tbat sold from $1l ô,5t $1 2'79 M unimLhb:-( and 25c values go nov for aace" "le Metis ogligee it8 bi g bargaîns to close ont ai 79c 4e Sboc liargainm-short lines andoddsitzea--to close oni -atithoibn OM. Telephone No, 109, Vaukegaan.D FLY TM 1have the largest and most varied ln ffy 'nets and lap robes In this section of the county,' and arn selling them at speclally low prices. Colored Mesh Nets ............75 I ..with four rowa of tassci........ 1 00 Shoc Sring Nets. 50 Lah.....................I1 00 Round Leather Buggy Nets, 50 lash -I . ..875 Scrim Fly Nets. per pair ..........@10 Heavy Cord Team Nets. per pair.... . 3 00 Celcbrated Wagner acta ........... 3 75 --LAP ROBES-- 1:have particularly nmcc Lap Duster, I....... A good Iap robe for ............... 35 Stable Fly Sheets ot ail kinds and sizes at specially Iow prices. Libertyville i Buyr .C.- H., KAISER, ,,lnoie Make Room - k Iwill dispose of my stock o)f buggie-s, surreys, road wagouns, etc., at a very close margiti. I do Dot« waîît tai carry them over, iii faut miust tilize the space they occîîpy for stoves and wiîtter goods Dîow arrivîng. Now and Save Money. if you have cash to offer yoii secure a buggy right 110w at a lower figure than yoiu will again be able to. tH. B. a2E R, tyvîlle - - Illinois. STYLISII VOUNU MEN. I'retty bard to mase notb enlia meSs m whan a Young mlan tisatu reconcil. a -amai ncarne vigh a desire for "awol elothea. No need te vorry ovur till quentlon, tbongb. We ca isolve Isforl yen, Young fman.iva guis vay- jKu h, Nathan êýFisrcher Co , (~~*5~ ~r , c un vi - O ur.ur,. Cn jut ts tU iis roquîrsment. 1%hmla ail tira "svellnass' one coud bope for tu a oosily suit or overcoat; but theo pricas ara the same as for ordiaiy ready-to.vear cloihes. Btter salb, il iras tha quility vithont vwhi tbeIia. - eist looktng garinentinavortille.a. To« eau mate beib endasi ietre, a" iOb- tain the desirable, Jaunty stylo. liaS cosi go mucla vhen yen have Umma made te ordar. Try 1%, sud e. CRO1WELLSACK Fail Stock Ail In. The 2Oth Century Cash Store, E. W. PAIRK1URST. Prop. SCHANCK BLOCK. UnrwY"0,1 à tE 8 c w s pIl ti 0 b M 81 ti E - 1

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