;;; a Q "T 1ýSON APPICATIoN. Z&D TENEMENT FIRE. VIVE PERSONS CREMATEO AND OTMERS INJURED. EêMOeuMIt ln Ne« Tor-k CiirCauses UsVeselflthm aoi Mos-e As-eRepust- " i Uinig-Thr-es iehes-susu Ciir le Baoy tla Lake Es-le. B'i la tenumest bouse lire t 35 Essex Laui getiit. NewXcck, two wouet ans ibtre, A gBixate weree isrnedtou deati, anotier gito, VOMM ai uma irned severel>- about lie body a face. ansi a man liad th(irr '9 bteê u i jumping tris a wiudoir ta o! *0 pvcilnt. Tii, boditteo! the deuils .T sema. Were bitrned bcyond r,ýogoulin». 'soti A woausesnameel Mca Ilsasnais tnk S*tIilcoulel not be found after lie th s 02 g d 10 au ielieved tiat une 'of lie InM ~dboie found was be-s, N taa i.Cut IiiSbcUttm cepurteel Ou h police ta:t lis giue SM d4lires, Moses, ,luliiîa, Louis asid îhe SeUle. eepeetlvel>' 3, 5, 6 andi8S, Ceus casu *8i, eeiulsing and c searci f tiseTh. *ddlug reslteI n h, inding f lbe guis lie4ly bucnd bodies urt tio childeu,. sip-bene poibad t bc Liebowitn's. Tir body cf an stIc, Mll' Wonsan ao asa lourd. ton 500KoeMIN. teISESTRAINE). care ia laduacti@a Agfaiest Areau colin. Bai laa laIseci sa .n... la e Jlge Pagan of tise Probate Court o! ai1 auuem Cent>, Kan., in bbcI! ofthîedr Tkadégo and Laisor Unions o! Topeka, et. ganti au lajunction eutahaUngthte Aién Book CCompas; aud lie Kauns p B diodtory, tise Kuntsas Boki ComnyN>'. blialasupplying tieshooba utftasac sr en« àta contracO ulthtigte Stte. Cous- tr &ttarwey Niebls lu prtrnttng te1 bl irtat det the contreeit tb tise eteàmnd tie book Company Waacamade lu, beflte boeitok Cmpany oas legcfly anu- tbotizMtOc do business ln Kanas, rosiM *M beouore lis contract la snt gond. tht and 'P1LIJIG TO A BIJOY ALL NIGHT. tto 2IiUmas Exiserieuce of a BoatOusa ne Parti on Lake iErie. bur Patric Botia, Miebeel Demmning anS ane VIlmM D. Rtay wece reacuesiafler dling- doi b# tea gas bue>' la Lake Erie, off Bu!- pro e ht ,aI ail usit. Tie>- werr ishing ansi iX. tBila boat vas capsizesi. Tie> 55,r Wl thauvu hâto tie water, but isanagi-alta but 11s%111911the buir. As gon as dawn broke gt - o g swnc ink ouut tise buaI,îîblrb uas etd * sisils>'. 1e Il w«draggesipartiaiby un t10 Os' th<e biss and amieided. Botkin got min w' St ai tarfici ho drift u Buffalo aithout var OM S o'sali,. Tieitoae bahngontOu Ohe 1 IMM ntil rescaed by e pcssiog boat. t Meavisie-Botkin reached shore cafel. pu Leue te a-Batl Us. VcllOWing in the, standing o! tiie clubs Wi e tthe National Bacebaîl Leagu,: Cru W L WL. wr Y' ?ttabur . .72 21 Cincinnati ..- .46 52 for Usskl ...,5745 St.Louis .... 45 rA til -OM...50 dSPhllaelphiie. 39 (SIha Cb~luao ....,51 49New Yrk..35 65 - ti .1- é clubs e!t the American Leageoe ha leu asfolov: lis W. L W.,. e Ut. LseA.&.. .54 42 Wiehîngton. 46 54 no ShOMbî. 5 44 Baltimoce ...41 58 p. Cholcff .... 3 44 Detroit ,..3)56 e- thi mmearetos Tranlus coliio. lhuisuettià apeed of nearly fî>' miles su bons-, a Ionoa speciui train cAccylse Mti o bUinesscollege- tudents froua In-T 40@aafoils aid Cincinnati casied itutu an »M. freiglt train a mile iseloutHum- mam. lIn., and then jumping thse rails, O k dsiolialled a Monion freigil train stand-ie Ma on an adjoining trak. On, man Waa tl Mliiiandi tour oliecsaerloual>- burt, it Od Boton Museum sDoousad, ti i' Bouton Museumo, the lde-t theater lu i Boston, an b> fatrthie mut feulons oce, to la dooaaid, 10ai b, torildoun at onceK bmaie -m for a mammoti aky urep- Io ce uuab oI beorcupie-d b>' huwyur's' géiTic deaîI nvovesi outne -ibIy mmn titan $2,000,000. Brother Desdi Houne.Bus-net. WatkiiaNewman, a ma» agesi 24., s i marderi, rubbeeland nsean>-rmateS in f Uin bosue, six mles frouas Jefferson Cilty, tINos. Hiisbrother Iehais, arriviisg home ait MMaiigit, foansi lie-bouse- inSaines «M bi brotteer W'atkun .iing uit a l Pino nknowss origin estruye-ubPan lml 9000a ndth a;a:: ra t ftr Un. Sea-e Marie>' died sear Ponter- slPcL.,a tb recuit o! cntantBseres- instible todoajtigfo eree. Ps-houseVnetsLLa . WIlim Botd.,, a hansicuffei prisoner, dheioff thsetriigsi otan Holl abrd, tJefrtun t din est so bis home-tunnEvantaton, àtrug iRlaensat hois ev. DetneDole, athOi cal mun Wilim olbrr, nn e ithrIstu tbwnyug opadcsai tewsterhiry-lis York, genr h; oe in ai ronbc oit: 10G PIRE AT HAMILTON, OHIO- 'ge Dl-y Gonds Sitore Dests-oyed sud Bouà. Buildtig DaMagai. Most destructive lire stactesi ettI1aMus s, Ohio, about minîgit Tiorda>- end t nuit unde'r conîrol usd1l 4 ocloci the XI nuocnbag, The large dry gonds star, f . v. Huuell & son, wirt-Ohfistuies insesi, uas dertrujei. The Second iiial Bank building, edjoiuing lie ai-il block ou the weai, usas damard mlidecail>'b>' lice anS Water, but tbe nk escepes i uti aigit damagte. Wisile tn ire- Oas bucsiing another broie (ut cunosti wes aaied for benp, Twu en- es sacse sent la respouse. but '-sen ey arrlved tOe -c s lieder central i tii,>- er, net taien front lie train. le Wat ut s-re-et u-e wus a eilY exîlo- iaeS, Hucka' statione>- tore,' in oie ensent o! lie Huuel l och, tas de- tyed. Tic large carpet stoc, o! Crigb n& Huee,, djoîniag Howell'a, usas ved trois serions dsamage. The bsqes ,estimeted ai c qu arter o! o million, aib>' HowelI'a and tise Second National ai. The, lois ut T. V. Houel & Sos enataed aI $200.000; Second Nation- Bank, $4000; Hoirook Brutiiers' r- gonds, $12,000, aid Heci, stastion- .$2.000. Seves-al oMees o! dentiste. ,airias aSdarchite-cte uere, lt lIt owrtt hlock, sud wire,draftroyeti. Noi .lemrsit uf the cuotuol o! lnistuto iii ird bas bren made. MYSTEIRY IN OLLEGE PIRE, vwa Age-ieuleus-i Institution et Aune* Baffera lOO1,000Losam. T'he Southusine o! tisemain building et ie loue State Colîrge a! Agriculturen ni Brcalical Arts et Aines usas de- 'oyed b>' lre. The sorth inrIeut Ibis iliue us destroyed inl ea imibaîr man- Pr bn December, 1900. The portion itou urd hec bren condemned b>' the State chulte-cl anS uaa lu iave been torr uwn luniaie ronsfor s oea building rovidesi for b>- Oie lest General Assein- y. Tii, luie to builing and contents lb net exceesi $10.000. Tie valmoable lenîcal collection aSd eqiupment, lu- ie-hr wltth le Museumisud Oie oufine udSche siobfuralture, o-en, saved, The igin ufthle fir, us c myster-, as tiere vas nu lire about lie building duciti ROBBIED TRAIN PASSENGIS. us-tes-and Bea-ber on Nosth-ette-5 Ltrnitsd Ar-sented by Detectîves. Lewli BuienutfChicago, a porte-, »d tayne Sioup, barbet-cn tie Union Pa- Sfc-Nortiuwestern ovenland limiteS train, rPre ars-estesi a feu mileaPeust og Omsaha or steallng f rom peesengera. Thé detec- Aves wriamaie the arrests Sa;the["en cive myste-iaticcîl>' robbeS passeogeri hile in the barber chair. The pIansse. te remove trot pocketbooks le!tt in cota aaging one a ici anci an amlusant ai tie>' bellevedi ocld net be mlcsed and returselne tlemul Oite pochet. Tise de, tctIves ici a pockehhoi full ut maried sone>-, anS tfier leavlseg Oh, harber alto art o! it usrosie. Ticerr-esis foIlois S. sud lise miosieg 500e; uae round in se mens possession. TIDAL WAVEi WRIOCKS CITY. Town of Aiteta, Mexico, Repos-tel Suep lonto oce.... Ti.huit mc puuîion tl o hi y oI;Acftuta ous lie tacifieCoîuas,just o est cf ('utu, eln, Mexiu-o, bacsluren desîroyed luyi uSdaI wave, aod rotlestuhan ift; pensumý une inown ta hase luieu drounedi, 'l' osa o! lireuns>- le sies eaI lims tht itunber. Tih innhety l"asa as>1 sa repos-ted liaI neyerai sinaltercoua' lit os situualed aboie .Otala Oece mst - -S sos; b; thue ftudl ausain tusiti oe-., tf itere lies, sutinialhetir uan' Asituter isaussas Oi-s Guhes- 'lthot utu a itis 'if c ccviof val tuai .it tatd cia tsian t nu' adil i 0ti tha ceaS!uîuuuuu,'thaîîîufî. Kus., fiei1, tbe ifrikitig cf a gas usell oui tic Battît tarutn, six miules test o! Chuante. ni oeil le lie prohueni; ut a syndiclte heac cul 1, Cul. S. V' Isu-t cf C'hanute, lv- dent, usfilh-dt a ilei il îî! tilui ttfu<ifi-s- a day. One Puiuist KIlc Alotis. Roy Sîrever, a cuicces i lîtoîsu pIigiilut o!soote ntfe, siau shutt and il uotsutly ktllu'ub on theurPcet ut Cuat. 'if;. S >. D h y utit li t er iuutgi tlit, .1.hi tiirttuit, utu- niuuuuutas "Kidioigit, Tise udnqi et andrelt-tu tI a fariner qua rI. iatdi tornuiti mptted lie contets( a sluîh'îtgi iitStreetlcns bady. (iiru usitult reot. Futur Eleel i tie Stos-un. A terrifie rcutsed foturn ilu'iv lle, N. D. 'lh, boute outl tt, 'suite naine ia unkuow», wsa loti Susie sud ig ilwmue and liree vilum uere kitiesi. BiaSson Oaa hiticedilotaIs 1>- and luis ,lfe andi hitiledaugilca mi rauîghtIn tic ruina ansi so luadiy rtt4 thuo thOic>lui-sibot s tiorlttue. shoots Wl!.sand Bues-de- J. C. Surbes. a Kansas Cil>' blecesutul remise ihume unexpeeted>' ansiinsi Albert hayes, a hoarder, lu rumîuuu usit is i, lfr. shtboi tb svitba aiotgu Mr*. Socles probabh; ouilrcstaer. Bay ina; die. Sorbes bcd prelendeil tu flahunit, anS relurned Outaiteboisa, quiet Burs-ssoeys Bis Beef Pleust. Nelson Morris & Co. ut Chicago hi purchasesi lhe business o! lh, Unil DianiBref Compas>', urinami b>- llehtnlng and dealcoyesi, At Concordl tihe Si. Anidrewts Lutberan Church use iiiowU dos,. The Odeli cttua tailla were damaged $6000 uecîh, tise L pbard inail wag unruufed and the Cannoû manufac- turing plant uasa amaged to tie extent et $2,500. NO WHITE MEN ON MINDANAO. C. G. Sone, viso tniîed tise Islandi Races, Toile Wisat e Fouadl. A stur> digputiog tise existence of a race ot white men on Mindanao Island tvas tlbiS an OFrancisco b>' C. 0. 8006, sua waes ecentil à amember of lbe army eaglueerisg roi-plu In heOrient and iris celuirnesi recenti>'.SBoune ias commis- sioneal b; CapO, Baldwin Ou maie s loti! ufth lIilad witItheti.purpose. la part, ot cecertelunie Oth, truti cf the reports obat a race- ut peuple distinct trois the typical Mot-os Inhabiesi h. Interior portions ut Mindansu. Stone acquined its, dialecte of aeveral t1db. sud vas affos'ied un- usuel opporlunîties for investigatione. He SeclacesaiItihetatemeuts maie as ta lhe existensce ut native-wilte mes on the Ilaand are net toustied on fact, lHe met usîcu>-peions uboas facial 'cbes-acterlc- tilsv euoted Caucaîa anceits->, paticu- an; n the malter ur complexion wmes cuntrafteul ihIhe Mono skia, but bigi inqairues leS lu the development ibuif fie-se igter-hiesi people uer, descended froun Ca'uililuns wbo baS long agit est lîril ou Mindianao anS baS mancîrd es- ire 0omen. OFFERS $100,000 FOR RESCUER. M.imeeui Ridanes lai>' Piesisfor Soule O.. te 1S.ve Hia LIte. %Vealth cash sot gaie Johis Henry, tIse fichent man is Carnegie, Ps.. feutta desth, Crassiesi sud leedine ie 1:1Y on Oie- patfucm of tie Fourli avenue Ile tiof uthOicPonhandie Riroai In Pilta- burg, pleadiag for hueI!,e and olte-inn $100000 if suis, ui, wou Id sashm- Hie wase ccusing Oie tracks usien a train conduit onut oie tunnel toseslhuas iulu he ais-, H, fel betoenli e train and lhe feisce, uere hseaniseoasut, bisu es teoff ulanSdise ose lerril; cruaied. Another train folowesi, and sihe inslis- esi mais wass nabl, to lîrart theil t- lion o! hece-ut pasîed bb is. esidise te bis injus-ies and siffernlga. Mc. Iten' r; fial; rcrawled a short distance uand atcciefolycailesi fon ielp. GREAT HIGHWAY PLAN-NED. Net- Tus-hkuand Chicageo Aaoci-tion Fos-ata u Iprus-. Route, Tir New York sud Chicago RossiAs- sudiation bas bren formeS te prumote tic building ut a short cué, iigiway frotte Net York lu Chicago. The lirea outhti associatiun is te redoce tb, disanuce o! 987 mites lu 850 miles andi put tise rosis li good condiion. The- ascuatiose le coin5sused ut represenOativea oft he auto- imobile, cycle and roai-rnaklag amuetla flons. Col. A. A. Pope la preaient. The Intentioni lu t0 bave- Oie- rusna tiruigi Newbr', N. Y., Bîngiestos, N. Y., MOouira, N. Y., H1orsine, N. Y., Jamses- tuun, N. Y.. Conneaut, Ohilo, Clevelandi. Ohio, Sandus;, Ohio. South Bend, lsd., adHamnionsi d. CHILD BLAIN ON TARGET HANGYI.. Traaredy Puta Stop ts Gua Practîce of Minns.ota Reilienl. A Iragedysituppe-sei lbtrgel pra "luit',,oi Comuupany Fliret regumtent, \tîc t kNutional titisrda, at Coiuluba Iltlgeý lJohnu Kclo 3 yearc îlul. oo tîreil oi l', risige, -s sa lytuteclose- luth, lit tuof ire. Captai» tP, A. 'Oatoniinst-t- titue a rifle oie» be swo-bal apîuix:ii,lt tuew a s-t o! pspectiloppîne troina il'c turar the tarct ieBfineS t t. uimil the tunet Instant the but; aprane op antdtsauIk shackAsiing. iff>- yards, ton oCi-'. Wtt ton.'l'h, uliu'mc s'es uOtacresl"il Foi PLot On Wrt5s Train,. e Nîglît O(tpinuir Cuitne t WolfS'ui Ii nut W'. Vu . trevenlesl a disestru it us Nreri of! aiutore andsi uo -as-o t, gcc train. llaviifg beend tsi5a u îouuuliuîe on lie ruila, be se1ti ildatnger iugnaltansi topped the train. lilvetug.î ti e raIeS tiet aa iw'tclt ock luii lc bun. 'otfle s, ilh turnesi uandu muinný m tii thfe fnoe. Chatn MailiSaves Lit,. ,t Pitishimppers report thot Prince tilt, cunit. Goveruor of Kharkov, Itoýsoît ibo ,us utsiot uit and uoundcd et tChar 0r19v. recemised sosie ime ugo a fontai l'sentence o! diti frottintbe centralnev.ý r-luiliotuar>- tointittee andsi fluor, alt ti If c prince bas wirc a taisicoul of i hll] arritOr, whici suveSbils lite, FIlndSkShl.tosas of! Glants WVhile Jacob Ban utf Broubey',KI twas aIt onk la the tend pile east of 1h.I Cincinnati aîîiucb, ic uerticîl thue kel sn elon o! a issu of gigantic pruportionu n Funtec excavatine dieclosesi twira ou akeitons o! lie sales i!,, The ekeletoni o, es-,in au excellentt aofu prraIervotiou ýdWas- aDistyMoue>- nClievelandS. Heabtis Officer Fricdenici bas isetuni o'sr sgalntt the O.,, o! dirty nuone>-i Cleselands. Ne gasyatipelusmore dSmt gi moue>- atiat lu Cleveland tiainiau: ly ther cil; outsude o! Neus Yorkon Ci es choses Sups-enleCaueor o 'rare; B. Bans o! Grand Foctu, ' [Y D., for th, pesO t-o yeara atîpreuts' vice s-ancelier o! Oie Keigitu t 1'yhiis, ha bsen exalteS tu Oie sutpretute cîunssceibi e, sblp b; lie uanisotas vole o! Ilees ,àprenie losige. _____ nt Ssicide.ofIR. R. Resantonus. bs Rtobert R. Itcingtu.tu, hessi of Nui Yonk ilnsoftadrerliaine agatansd ft. ner flanero!Mitas MayVan Alun cou xaille5 siiSe ahNewvport. Breakin unI utngagement ti it teong w5i'055u'Suthuil as tu, hase a hsaring on tht' tragu-tî. lu aluis-s o! Biz HBottes-Mailer. A . n'cu.vec huis lieii flittti',l foc il Iihaulualu liaudc i-uttfir h 'înîuratio shi ieutIabiitt u t-a u ttI$445.(1i51. us-hi îl e lii usst.arse $fflý0t. C(onict'O os &c- $155,u.01) 10 farmers fur nîtti. ,Fisstsh PCsilutus'Voyuage. t'vîîtý Newmann au) sait Esis, ansi ard b' FalIuauuthEngIn îd. hoiutirt' cig us footi kenctuene lawit it, alfIer je clotta s ýr age euesAtantic.-- Waroska o! Art As-e Bsrused. l'ire ln the Bi-cerman building îsi Puebla, Cl., canard a bugeso! $751() bre. Tie loutino L. lormcn lus fine èucturq piote and usd1 papes- la ne-ar>'$50 OW Pifea Zes. oy Ç.Ais-us ni ~W.S U e.iQAm o W aI )r, a. las 'o' 1t s>' l- te- VA gt- un- nt an- ies o!. b 09 - ri- - Â1iDfWS ISoliq DETROIT BANK WRECKER 19 CON-. VICTED. P. He Ont Awny vrlt la$,576,OO-lione, Ir Belleved ta Have Bacon LoatltinStock Specul.tion Plungeog-The History Or of a Fe.s*ationat Ce. m filFrank C7. Andrewis, former vice-presi- rem dent of the Detroit City Savingt Bank, sol ha@ bren Col",i eîrd Of loottng thiet mati-au tution o1 $1576000, wrevkiug the bauk s,, and sweeping away lbthe rings ut huis- h dreds of pendonsaln muderate or pour cir-ou cumetancea. eri EMPTY GRAVE ADDS MYSTEEY. When the verdict was anuîiunced An- -drerwa beoeme deadly pale. "lt's a ter-op Qucer Circumeuteuces surroi sdDIsant ror," 1er gasped. ~ILl e unjust. I ueeer u vea."ncs of a Kaussau . ntended iUt delraud or client anyone. Gd th. The mystee anccouidiug the oaUpp05i(iiknuwa tL." ti death o! C. à., Morris of Madsjon, Kan., '-Me trial bail tienu in progress four te, was helghtenied tise ,îier dey wiieu bis weeks. IRecorde'r Murphy gave the case rel grave near Orlando, i. T., viras opeued iltothe, jury at noon and a verdict was 9 in the prenence of abouît 5M) persono icr.d reaciied ut 1.15, lout was not brougbt in n rountd to be enupty. Fricuds o Mori until *-o oi'k. Only two ballots were . who beleved that be lieu broen nirderoi, takes. 'The- firsl alivd ten for conviction 13 hadl requestrd the aiit lioritiee b exhume .d tv-o for ao'îitul, but lhe latter tIf, u the body. Telegreins of inquîry bave uonujoi,d the voajerlîy. au been receeved floiloMoriscrietwfe, and Attorney Kirhner, repreenting the de- ha frouaineaurance orders is Madisom, Of fendant.,înnedargly noved for a ata te ssbich be vrall a uenber. Morris ap- li proîoîucing sentetice. announc that lit praresi a week before in Compasy Witii a an appoal would be tàe,. Recorder Mur- res mais who gave hie cnte as Col, "ladphy, gramted a etay of lity duya t per- to who reprraented himscît aa a lua agent. toilthe laking of an appeul. d A day or two Jter Coi reported that Liv.d in PFi.. SOyle, by MorrÎ8sbaad beeua killo i n a uawsaY tC- Àfwmph Aetecrs ael rident. The man purciuased a lot in Ra fc sewmphaabltfrtue as am et coutry cemetery fDentrOrlando and'w.c setaa kafrueudit bouht cofi, wiehhe ouiedvrih humbina a a foiean ili, Andrrwa w.nune kg bonit con, 'hilî e bric wiis heof the riehlest and mount pruapurous nrn th assistance of a colored min., The coffin ln Detroit. D contiord a coke of cr wighlng about Helvdi ngfcutsyenahol d two pounda. Rvldently it badl ber»n fll e iivWodwnardîavenfiustye in st bousend witb ice when l was borird. A man giv- $*îl,oo; ho was police comumid*ioner, 29 lng bie namne au John Coi wasa arusted be oweeed stock lit haif a dozen baenian. at Chandler, and la helsi pendlng an in- In severai elestrie raîlcuads and in nuis- ni vestigation. erous vaiuahle prolertieia, oaa he vice- at FOUND IN YATHERIS BARN. president of tiie City Saing, tBank, con-g 1rolîrd a leading nets spaîler snd wiss the ri Chatham, toi. J.. Dis-lnitir Sudent Dis' treasurer of three trolley uineo. T cuveu-ed la thse Itayoft Readifli. Witloin six mouluos be bail bat everY cc Wilbrrforce Ogden, the young divinlty Ifarthlng if litas ailansi lu red ieet tudrut who dlaapprored froin the, home passion fuorsp bîtiîila) roi hiý, others ef is ratller, William Ogden, ai Châas of ver) iavt$2.tji0.tt(iý. bain, N. J., on Aug. 4. and foc wbum a Ri.. W~Va i «dd.N persiatent serccbha bren msade ever Andrew s' rares-r tnanat illustratio t'!tt stuc,, was found in the loft of bis father» the proverb cueerantg the, hegitar un ri harn, whrre bon was cuîsfortabiy enogconc- borsehaek. He vas boru about thirtY ti ed in the bey and rngaged ia eadintita eragintelteloarRwro 0 ook. You ntg Ogd"o r tur ured seul e an ea u i, tle to s o! O o fio intha ago froua tIieVermot Tiieolog- Dot enablu-dd %hl mtl risc lllseabiet lerkship F irai Semnary, is helth baving beoute ila acountry mdure, s Impaired by bard study. When foud Ila 1890 ir enttol Detroit witb $5 bil b, told bis failler that lebâti dbren hilding bis poket and aotereS a job as a ('leTk is tiiebarn ever mlace bis disappearuece in a real ratate firun. tis pusb. bie tirr- and liat be hadl li cd uts food whicb be lees cnergy and i bs trdinate love for otaiurd in nightly visita lu bis home, lie work won him quii-k promotion. ai, i et eppeares u be lut gonid pbyaicai lheathle end eoin lirai year of service he but bis md lu stili aff"eîd. bail$M,000> ia aunk. GUNPOWDER SENT TIi PATTISON. -Then b, weut boite, msrcied hits aweet-d -heurt sud returtîrd ta Detroit lu liegint Infernal Macine Mailed lu Formser "real work." <.ioerusoV of Pe.rmyiv*nta. At tie end o! th, fou yeara Andrews An allrmpt upon hlie ! of Ruobert E hasi cleared $5,iOndS wes stili win- l'aîlîaon, former lli,îccuoc of Penusyl- ung. ltc isas li n'ta the hiid of thr iata unis d the, presentl ieocratlc ,uinl- lan detteartuitîtît o! tii, rvent ritale ilvu lis- for that office, ms i made it Phîladel- anîd hegan bts third ycar ini Detoit a, a pila a few dey& agi'. andi the aewa bas fouit parîner intahei houoc. juat 10w coln to lîgit. An infernailima- In 18145 the risîîsg young captalliat and ichine conlalnlng srieraI poîude of Cun- liiauci,,r irai frît the fever of stiecll-J powder in a contractcd andl ighly I1mw- tion wc sh a, îltîmalely lu proie kils erful forts waa sent to hlma by mail. 'hb atmin. Thns far be busi wuaely lnvented aendrra badl nrglectcd lu place the menalb»s avinge in batiik stock, and waa 00w t of ignition lu the parcel, trusting to tir- a power in the llnancitil wird ef Detroit@ eerumetancea toc the, workiug out of lb, Hie fortune wale'1 large, andi larger. un- daslardly plut, When Mc. Parttîsn ce- tiilu 1900 be hb c uired su mu.ws ut cevrd lb, package b, opened Ji, and was tie stock of the City Saringa Bank ht under tbe impression thlt h. bai reelv- he succeeded ln gettîuog himmeli eecled ed a %ampleet f otenulia. whleh sa bin# vice-preWsent. The. prenîdeuat q thtie Irrated iy a company or whiichab.Jlaa huai as FraejuC. Pingree, a brethee et iirector. the laiestaes Pigre.but tleie'ctua] SA!)ENDIO ~ PICIC PRTY.management of tihe institution wa. large- SAD NDIG OFA PCNICPARY.iy Inthtei banda of lie daritu e yung fla- On., Killdeland Iight IsuaeInlus>- c funtoeo isto.s Jths Eiectvic Cas-. M.thodé, W..-. Opens. By e collision between a Page avetnue Atndrews hasi iyibis tille proved lino- vîcetrie car and a furntur, van cot3in- self a succeaful aprcuiator. anS be vwss f ig eîghfeeu boys and girla reîoruing open in bis advosacy oft hat methoal of troll,i a julcnic is th, counry Heisrv King gstiag icb. ie specuilatesi frcry, l'et tia killed end l eght other occupîantsaoutonit oockeu wtb lhe cooluess of e velcu-so, lii,'vas ioitccid In Si, Louis. Wbi-re thbandl.4usStas generuly 'beleird,trol, iso tjîoocciirred there s aiep ,i,e11. fusi n uitions lu hie ventures. Bottlei * dît-tno tic ioin îurned loto Eluc(il arede ii son iuch lie iras dcci n loto the, i-et- -ue if begiîu ;o raîn. À. page avenue Lung ou Amalgomated Copper stock oas car aine arouîid tiie curie aui started the begittuing Of i dowtoaîl. dooue lo-iiînclinîe n tir direction thelii TPle baîir playesi cupper evî,an vit .Jit vas iioposshhui' for the driver by degrees le adîlepd rulertY affer l f t.iollbis e fvuiont of lbe lracks. sud erty lu thte hiriiiug loi le-. Hi@ isl ruuul ti ursriw t aooerîrîu l tocks tveut. thu ubis roui <ette. tien lita ý'o)îuig King fr11 on the, radielsud bosule, îlî,'o ieisstock io tue harduto cli î.,îî. rut and ul ou amivSe, eol off. lee c1i-., nolnu flit>heaavram tai îag oloo,] .ilri o t, iithe bospitt.i1 hum Ib lhe face. on0e dey usn.lanunry lat Preuîlcnt loin- soeli. itiassf to Puy Dlît. gree Loonk a litIle t, il, to New Ysoikt l .rrry Logon, thei aged negro janitur ot ho gone a we-k or no. 'he iraI dtîy (lie Ste iuîr'oeCourt ut iCoiile,,thalt Adremw ia, cff atone b, orcrdreîv ' 1lia- .t 'i hîmilrîf ta (leratd ituart, lits ac "' lîut it , batik for $1.l'tu.tu ci of tiie ,îf fr $1.000. For ibis ensi cantlie c.r ht-, e-k for $i< uu cr uin be agru'.".in ilivrilleti cîntruct t 1mare. .crie a',îd .1".> Stuart as hi, leuol mouler1Tiien canlmeithe Xî,,ion. brut lie iii,,; f1,0 ciii tiiuiiiti t eîlnîr cf ii'deiii. ant yotîngfhiaaci,-r dif,) oit -m 10. u' 'n .Logiittliasiitiiv i;(cin oorricdI ly ilelts, tHt.cvas eherfitl in i.,iilon cclli oit t,,ihio i. t t.y tiolifroîithei, vto udidhsct w orry abulî,t tii-' toron thiog, ouil 1, paio iuihni tir bis liîrly. o f hm uniiepapi-". Althotigb he liait ni any fncundo; hetor,' i fail. IL m0 iit a, Re.D . Ni5~~~. Seenus iii o f theiiwit i te grealcît difiullciit * ytiîot b',i ,r elveMo'tluuuiiut EiîAncuîal Chtrch, dbnwefrth$Io0aihv ,n b ail was flxd. resuldeasce blu> i ung ils u ciss l.eblient RECEIVER FINOS BIG ASSETS. ont i itiiî.'i M.ui foat coUt butineutaconduiltionvusa tiscov tours te gr-lîutl'ltjtiWK ennui. Dm. Su;oi--tut;sffu'rn'ula sOrtie o! Elglin Creans,.-;Comipany Watts More Rait iMa>y ite hi astibv iitutie npol,]i'xy tsi uîttaagitains i u t] tiitit Capital tu t umtg Oueatious. b; bI ut!,. tademsss ki tatro thic wva u etupococît> dcrangî'd. Lackng capital ta carry on tie exî,- seans o! gnardhng againat the enno;- Ne. .Id ieldinlve business Soin un-to i bauds. ansi aneru Ouo'bvie , - as caijeetesi b; silI'n Nr. GtidFIeS l Tsnseaut, W ith asarta greatl> exceeding bic iabili' uussen. raîteciait;Suuinog hils final loui h.Amnwo' i1 e,! bas licenstovoictbtien, Obediai Sanda, heaS ef Oie Elgins o! Oie-Unitesi Sta. HBusu Ilecul;y n lie frnnsu nal, uihilta id lI (cavO Cresmen>- Comapany-, 'ihch openated Iî'.3 moblird b>'toc Imupulsive wume» chu erse s angu i-lent ufteIuitlor>'. tacal creamerie-, lu Illinois. M'iscuosin an osfungit amona tiemaelves foc tise pris-, t"ita ! Iue ikthe'aie-am s ua ciu sre Iow'a, bas peitionrd tise tnits-S ttes Iloge of iissiug uns. lTh, presence- o! tionof ho itwaersandmainBoresCourt to put hua corporation m ti te hie 'sife- aibI put au ndeuStuIbis specie but lie ns, unecers deibrv fie; buse hansA uttise Ame-can Trust and Sas logs of iysteria. fotunS uew geu5 fieldssthat mIl l e lie (-qutai in sio un! lie Wbloatorcttaod, i Banuk. Sui's! iîpues 0l5,J oeMISS HAY TO iWED. Sitevad ofthue Choies-raetlr. ooth; fermiera, but he Se- Wti Be Mars-led touJsaesW. 'sTe- Cbctcra c'iiinuestOu apnucasinluMa' -lreo t -saoc their beat isterestsis -ud 'vo-Oh,Js., 8e-pt, 30. csuiria asuS ,ilted cases baie bees re- eest at erer; nesihlorwolîl heptiisi Mus Alice ls; ilîl be useddeul t0 porteS lut Sii,,ria outside ut Blagoret- i- n futll. The- receiver foc the Illinois in- Jîuîiîu' W. W'edsivurti, Jr., ton of OOep- ciensi, olure il bas a fins bolS. At . uitutions, 'sas appotri Salons;y. Atu cesu-oaîve Wads- last reports tht-ce hal bren 274 cnses and ,tocs,; W, W. MWilson, acting for tise cresi- wmmdi of New 170 Seadus uat Blagovestcbenskunsi 445 lhons, ba be- lunles Moines@, Ioirs, InYok. Sept. 30. at seses aund217 eatis at Port Arthuir. petîtio>n lie Unitesi States Court t ap- fie rels, Newur>', point auxilian>- receivers for thee ceaia- N. Il., tii.. gummrr Yonti Conteuses Msmsds'. entes lu that Rtate., ne soin, Sut>- matbuse o! 'Mr. Ho;. Levil Piclai, aged 19, aItaquit ovvc tOu h perforsued ah Madiso-n, Wla., b>- At. Oni; reletIveus aui buSo! ofMrcus Rogersa e i e-nînglon, Sortie> McNabb. The Elgin Ctruine>' a feu btimale Vst confr-.dtsitit, assists.d b>- Rogers'1i Company itas a close corporation. Mr. tniende nIll bu pres- oif,, hi- huuucu ber issabanti, chorotormed Sanda osunalise large-atlutesest and iMost eut. Afler a shunt ibis ansitres, bheipleas man loto the-ofutoh, stocibobsiema are foeme» lus change-' seilding trip Mr. Wahooioii iof, thOievariotus buttemsking planta. Tie andl Mca, W'ade- MNMat tnLte. accets are estimtalnt $850.000. aenueusuufl ilgo 10 ulso MakJ. Rsaan elngtu aque-oi-h arse u Iti ,eamer'es§, whichs are (ri-sN. V.. for inlyîhieunill Brat, sepficaiaetaqea-in cîi Ou b, o'arl $20000. tbereat ofta!eiau- 110e sas e011 tot bea Cudiatela ISS ALICE RA.Y. lutes,. tis- uC't"î,'n bpt ma; elterîan a NO MORE TRAIN COLLISIONS.' catI t îtîî tute lise. BlG HARVESTER TRUST. ini~ wiuis i MeuinPaih. A Souths Daktla Cles-g;aaa'sDrrtce Maies isaustaupoelisa cPatch.>-'Iuscos-ins-ted, sitis Capital 8 As îdre) Nu ut ttn, 5 ld>t5 iia l I Iaitrassi rollisimos wolîl hucuîne a lbiee of IV 20,000>,00O. sas ith mii1'1- Meln bet hyofs gtjia.si othev paît if a tueir invetioun ut Bev. A humecter trust nis been ford t>- I-t lie ii rîucoopniyuTn! ju. Kurtmuo.Siisn . htiof thOe Ger- i Oheie aompormtitui aI 'Iuoton, N. J., o! tie Kisuun .. i î Jefiroas ul; Teu, nuLuîîhu'n C Oiacct H tartford, . Intercnationail [tamvt'-t-c ('ompanyttiti a à I1ufrubesi -est 1. Fre'e. D., corneaiuto universel use. B; 10 twoo capital stock of $120,000,000. 'nie cool liGon S-t,, if a!Nebraska ias laroard Otrins cannaI, it le abezeri, gel uitisin pe13in.tordiug thtate ci'arten, Is i0non- lttus, t Il , o! Blah,, a formter Eîls- 2,0010 fret o! eaci ollspr ou a singetnack. uflluethuru' iar v,',-iut Machinebarveat' ,oîuuthuinuit.obas ersed s tour When thc trains reac-ba point wobrrcthe>- ers,. ituders-, ntitis. nieor,rakia. treno' 'ii .for ilgan;. arem,"8.00 eet spant a dangerr signal 1In sc5ireýens tatdil tindlofo!agiemltuinat Ps-c. lepusiSehei îu.d. tir form o! an ciecrie globe is ligites inlumaý.ineu,ue.tut>, anditt ipleinenla. The Prof 1-oldOch.k ean, Oie euinte cab iirecl; lu fron0 o! ûc. e cl Ois unniaîs>.acuondise 10 d'e beshin» Prof,.hI-spold Scieni, atior ot 'De-- eneluteer. If Oie- engc:er f0'>, ais>-Tesson fcnn.ttiittbtuiuuahîs, la ta coasolidtate s. t-mnaatuittu o! Sex.'" iied at Sciwi'inberg, taîls totoopliebictrain tir cagine Wviii su-. uus tlt ag-arcîlrlmsbn Bos-la. oumeticail>' stop lOseIf. Thse tzain moi-.. okuns ! e couttr;. ebuet assong vies Bots- Oceraevsotê l; dagi. 2So0 ft affie tisedaseg samI a £js ane those o!flthe McCornelcku o! Chicago. >9 BORTgeleraisa ULt Iw <% pyi 3We.Rae tse ie 1à1U 4ITie MIlvauke-, Hatventer Compais>'et s.a s.,,~u J Is - - ~Wis., Ibas rLoolf ta l "-sans ge Roes 10eIalcom . Veuti.. e t e s vee e. ft bienulal coswattlon of the Knlghtu 9PYthias Wsi opeaed Tnsday -lu the. >siace UntIl, Ban ]lracwso. Nearly- 50 suprerne cepresentativee wece seated ses SuPreme Chance-llor Ogden H. etisera rappesi for urder. Buptrenue Represcutative Walker 0. laves of Californîs, in behaîf of Oisalc an Cha-les L. Patton ut tht executive Ommlttee, wcmeel the auaeuaslcd dighta. Guv. Henry T. Gage sent M-a egreta atnt bing able lu attend la per- n ta receie the visilurs Ou Californie ,nd sent a message o! veleome, wbicb e.s rend by blyren Woilfe. Supreme inceller Fetiers resîua,îded in a bumort- lu speech tu the welcoîiie o! tie Go,- aunr. Thie risiturs who bcd wlîuned the Penlag acen, tien witbdrew andi the iupretaslouge we-ml hao secret session, he tient busines hring tiie couferrine ut ec degreeo eni-t>' delegates. Threto- mnaou s-alit tuas devoîrd lu o eub 'ports. SupreiirChance-llor Fethero in bis an- ai reportgaoid. "On Der. 31, 1901, tii ocde-r bai 5W.- L8 affilitîd menabers, 'ru thews huueid >e addesi et le-at 15W,000 wbo have bee iuspeudeel fer son-payaient of dues or lave takes wlibbdsawal carda, meklng a taI o! more tiean 1,000,000. P uring Ifl tii, figures w,,.. Inlîlatei. 55,202; lusftxtted, 7,733; admîtîrd by card, 7,677; tob&j, 711,6143. During tb, sais, year 4,915 ied, 288 wrre expeided, 8,378 wltbdrew by card aad 32,'857 wer. suspended. Tii. net gain for the, Year wus 23,194." Tise report o!f1H, V. L. White. sopresue kee-per of recardesuad zal, shoseed that se Ootpl seumier of subuordinate loiges on >ec, 31. 1901, was 7,002. th. net gain urInetishe 7e-ar iig 142 Iodge. Tii. et gain inlu 190 and 1901 combluesi oaa 2f2 lusigea andi 47,632 membera, The repaioru Mai. Gen. JamgesR, Car- Dalian, commîandro! the unlfOri rani, net forth tiiet then- arr 87Ms compales la good standinig, organizrd loto nlnety-niae regimueitansd twt-îîty fîîîîr brigades. There are in sîaddittio -tlt ly-ive seaa te Companit-s, and m warratlhave bren in- oued foc tsiet" thrineeni-ire. ElLsfr. trai sev state iii tiset'nion gatlered in lthe re a ecrntacle ut the sMormon Cisirlu t SeitLak1ee City lu at- end di, formiopenine cf tihe nnmsl 'euninit ortie granîd Iodgeof Elki. More bhas 8.15>0 tîerausa slarge îproportion of thii etu toîlintht- v-hile sud pucule sni- uorm o!ft th rlr. o-e ,prearut. G.-'W. Powr ut Suit Lake as master of c-ce- moules ealîrd lie meeting tii orden and ntOs-uredsi l, Wells o! Uteb, wo-b de- livered the, p.-,.h cf welorme. EXTRA SESSION LIKELY. Preeldent May Cmii thi eusate ta Mle lis Noveunir, Thece la a ulcusg prubabîlity tisat Presi lent Roosevelt atîl rail the senstIele traocdinscy scaiin earcinluNarember Ever since it herame evident that notiinj would ir si-nc155 gise ceciprori>-teluboi ai therc10cnssuiltouitiogress ramoru ot a moirt- or lems dctitl nature havi bren in drulut iii t liat lthe resîiden would rail an extra session estiec urt ti enlîre tongerss lu eus--t Caban reci prurity lt gislation or ot the- Sinae tu loal if>', if Posiblle. arsuiri-l treaîy titi Cuba, Ducing tii, lest week il bas oee statesi inWashlingtonaa t ilbwcs lbla tenîlen of Presidi-ot Roosevelltu r ailii sPeelal scasioi uofthliiiSlictIseacin lu'Sep tember. A correapoudent acys, ioo'eser liatItlb an be slsted o ith anîburity tisa b. bas no sncb ints-Olion. HIetimse an dico Of Maoy umembers ut botis poltiL- parties onu b, occupird dus-Lag Sepiembe and October, ItLai.uaderstood tO be th bellef ut the t'ceeidentl tint a se-salon o tise Se-sat, lu catit>- a reciproci>- tresl would be mucii More llkeiy tO le fs-ullt of resuits if heiti after the November eW lions tisse if bel, b,! are. A treat>-oih Cubas pcsctlcally bas ber prePûr-si It csquîi-esouly the linilio touchesanaîîltle signature« of Muuitial Quesada ansi Sevretary ut State Bs>- t maie Il ceaS>- for presenlation tu tà Sente. No Sale, Iî le anuiu-t'tood. bas bren fixe foc the ses.sion is Nureuiber, but tiiol 1ahut; certain. 'litee im-tintIl le uni, Tir en, t bas n r;eus a- nattiinlthe - ta it11,1 litme iba s'en .u guad .s.aI resi. Tie total i neflu uiît ,if ii, yu'> iiin il,htM.l a l 9S8 iuv .'let rein 'tt eare 4, n a tiot ibuuku tu-utsini ttie ciii try - iunar- ut cuti 4.M5 on -uit ile17., 1ii)ltandtihie n, cicii uI l -aitcuiiar îcati situaa uuumýri ryt tf tthe- b' lui utl,r udi- titi a. re-gardlutou! , ailits btuan lte îugucto'tffthe cutI, iii,' 1~itt-.' tac. l'Yhe ,' , 'f i ut th.. îuiil,>'tO-t tI dNitrl i 't luSt tî ,- itiu $Z'.it iel tir sie u-eisiý,e" t- lt' Cnt-t tith' tvuuuîuuucuy a,tu, usthiiant u97 itottut u and io. rtcal, u lte ruie. 'T'et-eu',iîf t!li' 1t us t-t iiýn-r bs-es î. ,i. AndtiI--i'- lutt.u -d it -a-'ii fire' s rutl!> tur it itounrfitittits; ium tii tîsidu rîtiut. i luI i -uu.ituiiî dit- u.seryt-iug u!i'ittof i lituito oa Sitti. tl icI t. ih to timarrasutnt"l.a 'Stan; fa-rabulle felur Sart- tutt in u Insîlu. csiie'tintty n ute .itih lin-, wlture Ithe fuI1l titit ta tb,11tu e tl iih lucres-une fore, itIn drygîtdcm. siomaq, bard w ue nedtîi thuir lu tic, Oie tenta t gains mere tuaS,' os-en liat us ciun tir rouis, o! loi-it'a. Struitlirat ins u stîllbeing itirmue ont auder greal ;iec.ure, ansi lie i urtitlmeitlo!ftue ciro diii lion se- main.,t a hand,hicp. Theigroin niorkts O irt, fîmuuu'n sad-a vantes ocre lie ruile.v-lit-aqt giinint iao u" nls frui rent lus,'points. Wft us ulther satitIfer otf saius,'uring un thse quaity o!fitie uheal haq lires trugts- tulue, tlbl.e -pedul l u, retondtegu- u,> susse- mhuat sutaliur î-mtinîafî's o! Ibm nôrthweat- cr0 rrop Virîsi. thoun maa geueýIrittlex- i ted. Chicego-Cattie, commets ta prime. 14.00 to $7.75; iogff. shippune grlade-s $4.25 tu $7.10; sieep, fair 10 cisoice, $111M to $4.00; o-seat. No. 2 red, 69c ta 70e; crn. No. 2, 53e 10 54c; oati, No. 9-28o ta 393:c; re, No. 2. 49ce10 Oc;6e; a, tims- uulhy. $11,00 lu $171.00; prahrie, $6.00 te' $5,botter ciolue creainer-, 17e te 10c; eges, feeti. Mec o 17c; pototou, nir. 40etu0 OOc per huasiel. Isliasutiolis CaIlle. mipping, $3.00 te $8.25; iogs, subuier lilgit.$4.00 uo17.1à; aivesu, coumto t prime. $2,50 lu $4.MO;. oheat. No. 2. lixe fo (;(le;rtr. No 2 ut hilu'. 64)c to ;o . tua a.No. 2 t ' t.ucw, $2 uf .,$ti77.slu' . $2.50 fa $4-25; tCu'u. s .I., o -t'crnu Not, 2 t, 54 ,,uîîNu, ,2, 261, lu,27c: rye, N , i -', 48,' uni 41)'.. n'oýi. unuutu ui . 1ZOtut$7.50, Ilcg fluo ',t ; 7i. stîn',u (o27 li $25: ltt.Nu, 2, CS,'u l, 'tîon. No. 2 itsu. 7.8,'. t ibt, . t.N ,,i. 2 ti- ' I nn 2Iii'. et t' . ut 2. , - 4,'1. lit fu(uiluifte. :uu la t$6u.3:i5, ogt, 55 lit, Nus. 22. 011 to 70; coco. No. 3 telnt, ui tu66 c ututs. No, 2 o-lit, eo, Hi e l t. cts', Sic lu 52c. ifîîwuee-W limta\, Nu. 2artsu. 78e Ou 74c; cocn, Na. 3, 59c lu 60e.; cals, Zc. 2 whitei, 3e tusMe: 6e;-, NO., t. *4s tg ~ 1;bsl>,No. 2O. ' eto 7cpg 1! ne ec Prospuecs have grealIII Ne o~ impcuved thbcoozb thse ad- jtistnl.'nt o! nuuieuous lahor' ý ci t raviraies, yet tic anthracite coMl. atrîke alîtîstion is iiiehangeui and sup-i tlies are Ils-at-litut ilet-tisn, l)ibntion 'if iirrbuinlisulias mtOwlthbsoseSlie-' ti'rrottîlln iv-ing lu freight iluskades, h. volumue o! busii-es e ha-tue vi-> eavy. Statasti r !plg ion productiontOn un i. 1, as-rning lu the Iron Age, are murse sstîuutactocy tisa» mlgbî bave bren ci- 1eile-d. ins riewofo!theigreat searcity of fuel'. A weekly capacit>- of 16À-lOtont$se le 15,509 tons le%&an thioehilgi record of Mayi>1, ItleIstInu-, bliai'nrea taylor- aîlly ailli ail cacher SaItsandssowl eut ofi riso!32,438iStss uer tlb, uttut a te:ir ae. 'nu-se figiulu, nu messie cîîggî'tat ersecuos setback la the' Indue- te>, but,,îtralier emiuliaRizc the alîsornal contiîon o! deîotu.d o lîîrbfuSas Acb a hii-vy .1y14 àliadeiliute. Mottitte-cs fat- usiies have i'aitiau-t-d su tac is advance tuaIt lIn-Y tiravti.-i'siy bave witidrawus fronît the masrke-t, anîd ail dates fur de- li-ries ici-- reiMiexerr-lt it-ce forelgus arrivais arc afferi-di. li. G. Dion & C.aWti-kiy htrîteci o! 1'eeda- iaken ifi, fcegiiîe eutinier>- of tbe trasle ituation. Continiiing, tise ce- vlew vaya: Prcessure feror teel in unditsinied. And lie urgs-ncy ut diimetic consterer a l shows by additlîosl nemportsa!flager uite-, Structural siitenial il sotigit by arehope andl bridge bolide-cu, waille may office building.sud other stel structuresaras' planid. Coke pcoduction la lb, Cou- sielleville regiru» exreida 2W,000 lune ai-cii>', and otttide uvens are 51.o unr- îîa'sine ail t srds outieitî'. Vet ihif)- lîtetîts areunosatiàattunt. i 0ti4 !ri 4uvt-itIdelsys. Sli- nsaaîfactîîrcrm antlteusa%!bave rrpectilpraetîrailyt hie tiltorîlers tat viilli' . iloe d ior - itciisi.. "W rt-t rit-tcu eu itui' ie rlitr-i iii spriug huers . catiî'r lieatgain isen iii prive andsisae trt-, ît-iy durng tue i-1 o t-sk, n'A îîoly iii usoie, liau a aci- î- stoc'k etd belting batte. Rlier-il slît-rit asirsues.Ilahidi-s have Os-tu fully msain- lain"s, suid large" tanasi flue uucurved. oui, braslTexes teers n-acheS a ne- riaord prire. Foîreign dry bides teumi- tii l>' eSvs nirul, witltoit astuai Iru i ig. Ii-ptei very faivorable reosuntA fruit dry go(itlm juits- regartbig lthe vtliine, to! butsine'ss transaeti-dandtîîhle briglit ciiîI,îuk for fîili Irade. (i'titons laIni- itan;nmarketo andai ethte tlta are î,îîw devtuld o! turiieît. îlty'r, are stlgos erned b; ith pe sathtua a largece,- lin sruaItî»easuiriti atît tht- riiltlng 9liai-r pni'u-e fin ra-liai n i;l i httg Oettrîlnternis for i'uui l itilersulitktusfac baviietndefeus ' '-ei t siid Oasn- e bietiytl,à tr i. u lIt , usit setll t ' sie il't.ltoficieal relu cI îf v'n-e roi)uitiullthle irllilisof u t tistD tuiring the aest v-i-ik bas luetn sain-wat F silticea fuir tlche i- i utineres i 19lan tliei,-t ujO t- lo- a ît108 test year. lt-satci-taMsa>: Wus'eat, itýIuiti, l utSitr.s for s t-uhle uit-ik ettie Aig. 14, aggr,'eîte 4.Ol. 85>5Ittiliel. egusus 4,24.Mi lau ocr ,d anSd 9.W9i,761 lest Year. IVirat export» gi ins-e Jais' t agrgeti-26,Wil0008bushela,4 Sagalusaut44,071,995 llait tesson, Csim ex- eports ageregat" 193,423 bushels, igaioêt .0,611 lest sse-k snd 5081> a tst Yenr, yFor t-e fiscal year sornu exporta are Ol.- al-I tuîcels. cauanaI 19,=-é,168 flasO zec- *uPiera - Edwar beaus arr doten Or dz>' are- th pieve n e»u met lenti>' ja- '~ biasasfel cauldog tu-ted a t veut 0f sre b, starteel1 tise-Val luatheut se-idenes sen s-htin byàsai ODD PFE eW Thbol Thse ha &&WB' teus 10.9 lip chareat, tivan, T mere,,1 <h desil-ti arn. 'sj tbn, bd dama w s êtew oseI aie. if temptla ter isaà fo bi pu te fat-ses, lempleCa eevela alnsen. pl dl etrangij etst olis igised a 'i rni tersaute joiuse au gra de 1 »orce dCI mrran eu. li * vandaao! AflWiil wen làv Cosut 151e-y. ti Ib the Il vtie dcc je- *brerlaié ofutsu lOe H a 1- lit ý-, 1 7.ý ,1:»ua tue rolla y*ý *&-ý e ý"Mu 119M pAdar pie W, ihopr t. ha ,,e e r-milquteintiar citant-,]sway ' coicut> turfîre tOi en'gfiar t a Auinu CstIlggi. -- TO WARD OFF BILLY WOMEN. Mmusr. Plder'e. iis 1mb15e-,fse At- rssitaY Be- iîuuuad. lal-tfsisfînnîu' usa luatt tsv conlulie> u,,'rîîsdua ~ieveryîhin-r 'lieo c<nttil ,',ed i s i b ill, fuiat t., to cri lu. o j unit; tuf A mau ,t It is ol ký tut ..n l ut la marrlu'aI1.'Luta, ar rb iiig ' tuff dh'iaf ai-t lfr.