Re î Ivei î iy Tlimîts'lay for tiheFirlay i îrket. .. .. ..: satU Alvays aitlarige UîIlIt- u il di Camiauîed FiAhî Fo<r iiiiytliîîg il, thé-,liii" Of Triggs & Taylor, Lbertyville, - - « Illinois. JEWELRYid SILVERWARE 4, (~~ "»1847 Rogers Bros.' RK FNE WATCH AND CLOCK REPAî1&îNG VIOLINS BANJOS MANDOLINS GUITARS FLUTES HIARMON ICAS Libertyville Baldwin Pianos.... [piano lauîiing Iromptly Attended to. Ali the Latest and Most Popular Music. - - Illinois. DEALERS IN Ail Kinds of Musical Instruments. Lake County Fair is going to be the best of 'emn ail, as wili be Smith & Davis". Fail Stock of -Merchandise and Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings. The Celebrated RADCLIFFE3 SLOES < For Ladies. ý-TIwy are the best-,;;ý N EAT AND NATTY. \eliaNo a n iearîsuîtîuîett of I.:îiiosu Ill wool sllirt waist?4. mses ;,llo \iiilîwe ai- Ijîi~fuor i 40. -'Iîthtîe thiîîg fuir thie fi ,andilait wurtlîtrîuîn $2.25 to $2. 5 î ca(Ih. We have a lot ol ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.15 'and $L50 quality, which we will seil at 90 cents per pair as long as this lot lasts. SMITHI & DAVIS,. PICKEDUPýHERE ANDTMHERE. Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. Boru, tu Mr. sud lira. AnSOn Wheeler, anuday, Augnal 1711, à boy baby. A. P. Saunu u d vite, 01 Bele Plain, la., were gueula otflMra. l. Ib Egler, )ter. auborna sinter, 1h15 WOeei. %ou are iuviged, sud cordlally, lu attend a19 cent:teaat tlie home ut trs. 0. E. Ctinraill Friday afternouu. Aug. *9, ader auspIces <f the Methudiuat Ladies Ad.- 45ý-id. W. A. beaný asserte emuptaially lie wili appeal the case deidod againt hlm ëlaurday. Attorney Miler de- ciérea slie yl wiillugly flght l outi lu a iglier court, couaeuuenty there Is "ure tu follow' n(ithe Case jet. A union plculc ufthîe Preahyterlan sud liethudiat Sundlay achoola vas field at Long Laie Wedesday. Il vas au Idleul day sud norne 275 attended, ranglug from 1111e lots tu old mou snd woLuen and ailliad sa rojal tnie. Dr. tuluaou'm thenie Sunday moru- log wîli lie -'Maîority sud hiuoclty lieport.' lu the evenlng It viiilieb -ri w o opinions,', lhe doctor is buslly planning for the great cli rcf Jubuluje 1teieglu lu Ivo veeka. "ie Cometery AssoItIon yiiulmet vith Mlra. Jiuo. Ilarbour IbIs veei Fclîltya teru',ou. Bclng jour ucolle sud tiiii le, luai ju, for tllert's work on. Ouileriday, Augîlat 29titfthe rî-gutar ieutlug vii l i1-lîlvîfi l ira. AllIe l'aim. C. A. Appjley hpped stule 111011d ho,îîruulpulsto Peunnyl',aîîîaanid ý lgirîa ilîluwe'k. tMr. Applî>y'.,lige are lfions for their breedlug and lu- telligeuce sud Lie la roctiviiig ,rderm trom inal sections of the 1I nltcd .itâteb for thein. 'ihe aunual basklet pieuli 1,f the prrîlillloiiis§ta uf Lake coannly ila being field lu Wright'& grive as theh 1,,oa.IZNeuosT gOost90 reaa î liUrBday.) Among the speakers art Prof. fi. D.0 Pattoni, ou tiuneylvusiansd Ilolt. H. Patton, ut Springfield. tirs. E. C. Pelton ILia sold fiez place, corner Laie street aud liraluerd Oourt go a Cillagd gentleman Who boldoa a position as clilfcleci ufthIfe rallway f niîl service, but vliose naine ve are0 unable 10 lesa. iThe gentleman cou- f tempistes extensIVe Improvements 1o0 tlie property.a lt fias been neoesarj tu lay Off a part ut tfhe force Kt the Macaroni factory duclug the course ut repaira ho the building. A large Ivu @tory addition la neuaigcomplotiun aud tiet altie ut the main structure la being converted ilo a full ory liy meaus of raialng thé rouf. tir. Ritchardsa, ut Hall Day, la back1 fr01in a te 1hgo lu icoumln aud Dakota, andl expresses f iniself gcetly pleaaédj virlu the country, especially Dakota. lie vas partàcularlj iinpressed vîll tIhe magnitude of Iliat aIale, the Inuntrj sud enterprîse o!fIlie frinera. leaastartîers are musklug more moîîey there than iere sud bollevu a yoîung men sud luveators wouilîdu Weil go inveslugste. Aijusiters tir the German uf Freeport aud Cerniania of New i or insnrance om1panîns vece liore Tnesdsy sud pil"i te cdaims of John hBrown sud tira. 'ennlmau for Ifleir receut fond liy tire. The àüttLIeuula vere satis. factorj.idr. lBrown sald t1 unr repreaetative that lie couîd nov maie arrangements lu atarI up bis factory, lu tact&liad already ordered nu-v machlnery. Releins ul as jet deflnltely declded un a location. Thlie lilaorîcai encyclopedîs et Illîiois aud Lake Conuaty appeared t11e veek. (C. A. Partridge, ut Wauke6- gan, edited tfs Lake Couuly portion. lsf toue reproductions sud a ahot biogcaphy appear therelu <f the followlng Lîbertyvîlie men: W.E. Milîler, A. K Coo0k deeeaaeul, k. W. Waldîî, Wui. Ells deeeased, B.I. Miller, C. A Applej, tDr. Taylor, M. B. Colby and l'sut liacOutiu. Th l vonk la complets, ulcety prluitec anud bound, sud a valuable audditioun to any llbrary. Harj anI Clvîn Bolea aret possessIon tof the uili roule fornierly owiîed liy Joi Lynch. 'lie new pcoprlet<îrs proise every attention sud cemreay t0 patrons Ihst wvîh inv fer thein increaaed hunineas. Tbey vilI maltalu a ulîidepul and liead- q1urters lt thu-Ir fome un Laie sîreel. wher milii may lie obtalued auj hou or thie day (,r cveuig, vblch im a deslrable liuiovatloui, andI are exercis ig tvery pi ecautlon to delliver pure, dlem mihk. Tie satiotil bOuse rouf vas piiluted red Ibis week anitI looks better. E. Uelellisger, (if Fort Sniltli, Arkausas, la a guest aittlIax Kobuersm. lira.. il . Fisheor bas reluruied 10 Llbeortjvllle aller auni,,,'ueceof morne time. lialpli Darby returioil i îuesllay froun a two w.ek i tilp b il,., w isonsin Mir». ('bas. Austin andl 'tilîdren, ot 1laveuswood, are %iitîig W. (C. Nau- hortus farily. lirs. C. 1'3. Bnlkley j i iiit. IThIle tirs& ofthie wo" aSioe Om ic vry ,îci lut lm moinewiat iwpruvedL u,w. We have another 'larload 0f eows for sale, iilkers and ibhrngerm. MILLEII B1lA'iy. 45-2-d Dr. bntterllold aul wlfe wîo have been lu Colorad<u for sn lue lime bave retnrrued tu Ibis village-, wflere for the preaeut tfey wtll Tîiod..1 lira. Bert lleat<îr andl chudren, of Shoiruerville, and Ms. lleury fkooi and sou, of Obleago, uCril vitors aI E. H, Mufkea and lhIlom. Corlettm thîn week.j Satiurday 1the Lilortyville 11gh Sehool lisse bail Dli,, î iayed at Watn- couda aud deeed tli, I- ne there by a score (,f 12 109. i lie iligli lchol uînion a& (irayà15ii i1luîy have lest bu i, 11egaine ibisc.' P r. Illuon'a tilîr i l a igh4 1,, l c. lIRo .Green, of Wemt I1o I îoau, M rs. 0. Il. Derbîy, ut Lio t, asud la', itolhi 150i1, utf W , r>Pull man, w,'ru guelth at tige par-oîî go tliis weet. alio tfree tlr.(rc, agius lMrn lier by la 10at«Y S Veral daya. Smiiiu A'à-Davisa lave iustalled s ajutein <if Dorais an' lîglits.'bfey have th"reefut Ielvi hoîdred caudle power ecd. They are ail tel froi nue tank liy Mosans 1i1a flollîîw vIre wlich ec1ove»the 1gamoliuie. Air pres- snre lm uaed 1t0 fore the gamollue 10 the lampm. liere lm thé ml) 11 rîlit issuod lîy thie h'. S. Departineut ot Agriculture for week endlflg Aîîg. 1, for Lake county. *'Early cocu ii illie sale trom troat by Sept. i16;lieavy crop; lale coran vîl ued OUx *eks goud veatlier; apples goo<t; oabU jeldlngwel; good crop potagoaa." '[fe Wawkegas o~0 inzele of Satnrday devotadA ual! coinmoun nder large lieadiugf te the Wel receutly bored on thé Meuametstcr tarin sonth ut Ibis village, commentiug on thle peculiar sanpharie odor sud test1), thue water théiréfrom n sd its curative properties, winding up by auggesting th&% a aanitarlum niay lie estabhished as a remul t o 'the abuindance ot 1 ulphur vaer about Ltbertyvllle. rac& u fthîe malter lm tMr. Neumeister liad a t eil bored 184f)fe; deep, sud like oothera Who have deep vela aloug I Mlwvaukee Avenlue, secureul vater 1atruugly umpreguated vifli anîpthur, 1sud o! course il lias virtues lu commun vîli the vater from n merons other welis ip and about Lîbertyvîlle. Wr. trust the aunitarfum will Iliaterlal. lac, but i ins l6118tuuàns e have licard ut saitaniuii projecte lu tlie not very distant past. Ounr readers ail kuow the re8ait of the agitation. hiay 1'rotine Clii. r frougli C. I1. lieydecker, îof Waîilu kega, the wsuiity ot the Miodern Woodmen ut Amierlos lhas paid 11 repteseuting the amout of nur- suace beld lu that order by tlie hâte Frank Protine, lu taveofut icm oîlci I ra. F. Protine. d The lam hac hug tire. Mr, Pro- > uie dled ut a pulmouary troubile ialler s comparatlvely short member- tshlp lu the ordier sud the Board oi 6 Vrectors beture vhich ail caimâ comae, offered cmre objections 10 ItÉ pajint.'ITle leneficiary placod thE malter lu Mr. IliYdeckecs lbands and 1. lue appeared lu-lire the Board at iti le at meeting at hock Island, [d lbe acqtauiîe ut the IUîîulred l h [the orders mîvil plijiclaum nusîleï case liard t, loîlge sud a ceeîw c lnthe ceuad lb. order'a legal liabllt llu the promD<'u liv ti r. fRejîecki ru1-a ni teul lu tIie Iprompt settlonut c onthe edaIm. Adjudicatîioni N«tice. of Afn hlBurns wi. i,, ilI att.l i I Coiîîty Court f lakiCoirt y, îrifrin tlieref Lubu1- 1,,i r t tbuCourt 1>1,îî In i Waakgan. htri'id oilftJ, Ou tj, Ii tNilMi- lay .ortouemr ,x i.' le. vîuenitî la î' ilI er.uevv hil10 laîia sealnut -.Id -ii ar(, potJll-, iaInr'i i-Weul bme to -ui Jonu. J. 1liN na. AliIis Wîukegaîi.Alo,5,IWi. in. 4u4 tr a BOND) BROS. LAUNDRY retimrîs yiu! wash to ý,uuIu 0)d, soiled garinents cleani4îg, so the'> book like îiew: Ntglectiîîg îothuîîg ini aîy part'of the \ork, Doiîug iii gootîs ini tbe fin"et style, thîey uîr-\era (let-ail Slirk: Beuspread, mlîeet or pillo'w case, mlirt, cular or cuit!, Receive a treatîueît an a finish, xîot tIP hîehjiu eîî Overails, blouses anud sweaters are reîîuvated wehl, So they appelîr even better thian any tut. iuerchants il1 Ladies' skirts anud waistp. of cottoji, wiuiîior silk, Au well as nîeîî's gartihelts of every gradl' anhd ilk, Uîîstsual atteiitiuuîi get anîd are Iatinîdein-'I v1itli great ci- t Neyer coming hîome tîu yoth withi eitlîer a rilu or tear: 1.)4ivering iromîtly go>îdm, cle.ansed luy îmodernî skili, Requirements uf ail patronFs striving ever to fil, You'M "dn BOND BROS.,LAUNDIgY a credit to TU1E TID -JURY CON VICTS. Ammss Ful ine uf $29). Benne (liveus Notice le WII Appeal. I iw tiîrd ti lai o!f'%V. A. Ilîsile lor kooping opeu bIfi salooni on July 4tlifin violation f a 5village urdiuaurue caune off llaturday, Constabule Joice, of lvaublo, iubpoenaed the jury. uîiîtly mon froin Fremoul towumhup. fhey were, IL C. W. IMeyer, M. 1C. irtz, Goo. Rtadke. Henry Luoblie, Adami l Itus, Johin %ells, l. 1). Cook,,'l bon. Meicrde, Il W. Follett, Alfred Lamadellue, Dlekr Voelker andl %Vil Skinuner. ounr readers are familiar witli IlLe cage aud a rebearsal of the samne lo unneesaary. The third trial wss machl the saine as the former ones go far as evideuce lntroduced and argu- ments of prusecutor aud detendant were coucerned. Il19 wk the jury a hal[ four to arrive at a verdict, wbicli waNuthat defeudant lbe tlned $291 and Costa, a total of about $635. Mlr. Deane lmuuediately gave notice Iliat fie wonld appeal tbe case, wfiereupon Attorney Miller demanded the court requice him te funiah bonds or go 10 jail. FlualIj Justice Churchill insitructed liarshal Fresiman te accompauy Mir. Deane natif ho aecured bondamen. Tweuty dajs are allowed lu which t0 appeal. No justice case bias created as mucli interest lu Liberijailla lu jeares athe oie lu quesition. Two Jurien dlaagreed, aller belug îout long Into the night, lu tact ig waa 3 o'clock luthe morulug before thie lirot jury was dîacluarged. A nuilier oif contînnanceff bave lueen granted and lu fact ever Rince .hnly 4tli the case lias engaged Publie altention, anîl accordlng 10 lMr. Deane if lm fur froin setlied jet, asnlie deelares lc ieîli carry It nii te a higler court. Premident Collij sud Attorney Miller hjave peralsted lu proeecutlug the case and tbougfl thej vere harablj crlîicisect verdIct vas ltaiued, vhlch lieing lu thelr favor. tbey conalder s vîndîca- lon of thele cour8e. Tiso Preclictulilereafter. lodaja prîmarlea 10 select delegates 10 tbu9e conuy convention at Grajalake tomrrow, lrings go mind the tact tlial heceatter Lîbertyvîhle wilI have tuo votlug places ou Bci uccaastous, as thetLuublss feen dlvlded lmb ,tw,, prectueta. At tlieir 15.1 meeting tlie Board ut Buperviso'd accepted and adopted the followiug report o! thair commlttee ou election precîncla: "VYoue commlttee vould advlse tlhe division ut the Town (A LbertyvIlle as folova. Commeuclug at the norti, boundary line of aald tovu ruuiug souilli lu the center of what la known as Miliwaukee avenue 10 the soutli limita ut Raid tawn; Ifat part Ijlmug veait lot sadldinuegoe le kuovu as precinel No. 1, that eat of ssîd lins 10 ho kuovu as precînct Nu. i' lu other wurda ail resîdenla tof the tuvu veat of Milîwaukee Avenue are lu preclucl No. I aud those eaaî in preclntietNo, i AM the INI)RI'ENiuIiT underatandls I union cancuses wil liecflelîl except lu chooslng delegates to attend couiven- tius, vhen esefiprecluet vîi select thoir portion ut the twelve dùlegatesi. Probablj precînet No. I willihavoeItue largest rupreentatlon wlieu it cornes to republîcan hrîmaruîrs ami tlierefore F iîollowed tflo mont delegates, thue Vilîviston likely lelug about 7 le 5. Wltli the deuiocrsts tuie divisIon vilI douutînfasblu favor of precinot No. 2. Hovever ail of thun remaîns te le naacertained. 0 IL la Raid the polsm for îîreciinct No. 7- 2 lili e lu the Scliaick building ou eSprague treet, formerly occupied lij r lhe potoffIce, whle reidenits of precînct No. 1 vilI vote at the towu hall. e ltaîud loyuu lDance. r- thle Liertjvihle lBand lBoys wl Agîve a grand dauce lu the Town Hall, 11 Lîbertyville, FrldaY evenlng, Augusît Ls 22ud. Ciicago music vîlIlie fnrnishied 10 sud a grand lim0e ilazasured. Ice creain d sud cake merved lu the basemeut. LI Plan to sttend' Ladies free. PEOPLES' COLUMN. pi 68 U BOLES BRU'S DAI RY. ll.av ina pure lised tilie LibertLyville nilk i ote wn are prepared tu fturulnh PURE, SWEEI' nilik snd cresin to eitomArs. Milk or cers may 1) micred at auj ho r at our lieadIquartera on Lake sIroe t I t gsall ie onr aiiwM) Boles Bros., LakStLMrtyvill.1 LATESI ARRIVALS OF SUMMER GOODS. l. Co e ttoîî tliiiItrwear-iiu white s-kirts. crset c(>xerl anîd drawers, 25c to 95c. Neck bîîîaiiail colorn anid ail wilitli.s, at 10c to 35c. I.adips.' Short anti Louîg Silk Gloveis andlNfittrs wlite andî black, at 40c to $1.00. I ad1i. Iii ue ier' Ilosiery idaitu and fancy inî white and black at IOc, 15c. 25c. Appliquie Laces-large aswrtmnent of appliquie laee.s in white and hlack-per ydl. 7c to 23c. ILaélie slîu»r-lt tstyles aud sIlal>r at $1.40 to $1.85. LFau-y Di)is-a coinpiete Ulne of Croc kery and Giassware in plai aîîd faîiry shapes at iowest prices. WONDERFUL VALUES U~7U *~**~ O O~IN 'Ilree piecem lImported Batiste, white grîuîîiu with p1iîîk, blue anîd lavender -ilk figuîres, thîe fiîîest waâhî goods that have ever lus-ei solîl in Libertyville. Re.gîlarr ice<', 50c. Now 0111Y .......................... 'lhree liecemi Lace Batiste in soîjîl piîîk, luîe anîd lîsen color, very fille 35C values, now ouly m-~a 41.25 Batiste Tuckiiîg iii.30c a yard. The Pair, L ibe rty ville - - Illinols. 'a. yn %i.i l idI ly .t i' riMr JtIso other popular 1bot Weatber 4risks, sucb as Doluice and L»18, coca £011, etc. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - - - - Illinois. Dhe JO$t 1$ floluUa For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Yu gel. the iicreaseeud anid growing service of the IL Cuaillîty Tlele.pltioe Company and connection wtk (ihulcugu> '1emluhuuîComupany. For lnformatlon, rates, etc., wrte-- CONTRACT DEPA1tTMENT,. ~.vell'a Drufi Stre daughtari launele., Hic-kory, 1er C. Id. hais t*en euig com- mlias ear 'isa ofie.- il th,' uity 1 of vouug à uldu pe le buit &or a"d ho cbild kept tu'@ COUR. ,dy audum 1 iseper for Foir sale lie; (ialYs- la vlaitiug ullj. on, ot Chi- 1.11'..1 f obiaigo, 4 Davis'.- Chicago, Io r frullear tturned la3 the sertoue Cakes I -1 -l" l" ý A A . Fil" Lrvm 1 . lllirkole. 1 [Ubertyville, l ,