CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Aug 1902, p. 7

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'i.. 'I Ray Be Avoldo&. *mhs x& u.Pmuàu t -I sersi woib for uver mi eamtadarlng aches BU an iilcitne can dream of but =the e ibail tin amns ep. go500. Hendse"dtllImwmttotbS aleemai =th iruggiat. I1va. almply - alln edikine dct ansdia phys liiwe .Myalanter re4idlngin Ohio sotsme ibat abs hait been a-ursit 01 womb traruhis by ualnu L4rea E. ]Ptnkhaume Vegetable Cern- Poundandasi advI"ed me te la-y il. I the iseaaotinued &il other meal icine andl gave your Vegetable Compcatnd a fl aosougis trial, litin oula nr weeks nearlypll pain bai lefct me, 1 s-relY liai beaoiaches, anal my na-ve. aicre la a naucit better condition, uud 1 waa earedith irees untiaandtkdsaaiodsd a terrible aurgical opertiai.' - V EaisS=YmvaisaSMû 0.SeState St, Sat Lakte CitY, Utah.-UeOe y.lail Fýee:berevery wI-ll Plukam f thre a nythlug undewsat Mm lia.PtkhaM'b oddreas in LYnUD.MA-a iI\~ il EIWRUI[S SUflOOL flOUSES AND IIOMÈS ris annt a-decmratea waln &LA3AST1NE tu iatira- health andl permanent satin- faction. Write for free suggestons b! Onr artiats. Buy oauyin l packages ps-up- erly labeletd "Mahlasoei." ALAIBASTINE COMPANY, QUAND RAPIDO. micr Il M o om .p ldllars. ,.b - ta r-= t -Mobile *saOd.p (CitA four gallons of gasoUine 'm,îaus150 MILES P Atouts a. uassasda..eto'y iRalph Tremple &-Austrian Co. Pt B.bah.Aeaaa tiCHICAGO Educate Your Bowels. Your bcawels cati be trained a-a mll &. S your muscles or ynar bs-ini.asui- a"carets Candy Cufhartic train yo'r bowels tu do iigbt. Genuine tabicîs .:samped C. C. C. Never sold in Al druggists, toc.. Iilad thse masnaibo viii iear flie burulen out JurnaL #My8TERY IN $28,000 ROBBERY. Eape... Agent &Bd AlegeafAca slilt.Arrentea in eK-ntucky. The silegeil theti of $>,O0 tram tht' agent ut the Aierican EapressL'uni- pasy at Fos-dale, Ky, bas resalted inl a qsawsrcompaication &a'out whih tises-i I. MU& EX m Jts . JW. Boatuatr. mta ahîppedthetinsuney f0 Fordxvilie, le un ter errent at ts-vlagfas, anal J, C. S-i basin,the ageni t ftise cflisa ta -c-Id at Falia u9 Rouitg Seaersi tdeys &go a man gvlng lits namsa s J., WBatnerutfbMeminsas.Tenu. aprisaresl aft the office oft mie çresi cotapa>-at Deaneielal. fine ile truas ForaiyIte, anald ati id e icaL ý tu tend tO4JOse the latter peit. aAt- aer tok a seceipt fer- lisaum, andt tnt itse agent rauembereit that lbe mas SI- Isaical tu Ihi»oly $5,.000 at eue ima, anal made Beatas take the cash back. Rosi- mur bept the muney uestîl tise other nlghi. isen if mjrs~ ent ta Fardsville la>-ex- pa-es, aibere ih as-sived laiee flcMme alght. Tlhe exsseus agent, formed a sarts-et pepe chat the atone>- liaitarni d It asnefotput la bati. as Dttatuer senl mural tisa lie coulai Dec ther e ari>- tisesent muratng. la the morang $Sliatzaailii s-peaced ai FaIts oai tougiýt. ,n Miles a,'Y. He sait! liemas belal ap, rah-b afandl unp- ad darng the nauta le fi-su elieeadl ta Ptay et the lpot ail niglsf. lie sapa, busf nlty gt nenvatia, ana l sartel ta lb, betel, mlicicntaonly se square saa>-,Be- laien tise rmo placeslie vasa net spou andl robiesiofut tala. ane>- b> tbra-cme.. The express people anal tie oicers a»y that the whonir uSais- mas a conn;als-acy le defrani thfliAmerieaExpress Gemn pan> t f eM$28000. Bcster b'Wa the ex'prssau mpanys se- salpt for 8Mu00. Whez rreted the money ira@ nultround on lisa person. Boat- sar refuses ta gise any bisturu atfissus @Wit os-hi% tamul>- other than flet lie samsetrous South Amesica, anal fIat lis tather gave lilasthe =,»),000, sali e aldson un baise sare. TARIFF TREATY WITH CHINA Negea lations. La Proese.,fer Monl. Itasi ntu es... A ,ispaicis ha. been rn-v-evdrei T. f. Shsrresthe fictreaur>- expert, s ha ans -mi tiu'ib> the t-Safe lieiiun mninl Washuiiaatn tu negotata a tariff t-vty bet-ees the UaitedI Stnw- ad Obina. easiug thetreatyvwassigrîiinia lbe ififit vtant niaIdluai li' asatlî l ton humte unithfli ruf tauuîur, The anuouaeai-l anainedtial u Mi Shanrettu' brietd haî 1,t)lutvatie Star laP, pariuient brînga a a1cieafo ilalaj alionnegofiatiaîns ta i> ihhave e,,licci çiragreua forn-ouaî îu,aîtira fur a ti;iff ts-satj betaa -t', Ct'iuta southi.s aaaaaatrn [i vas i tat i I . aiia' f the iîi" of the pane .-r, II!I iý,a'uceîu Ci IIi' stil nuhe firrita aii Oic- '!"il-allat fleh its-r uirt k itatD an atlatua ne, tululi il tra1,' trutes isluauluif iaule 'rhia a-uwii tffie purlis,'S-,1 retan>' Hî a>- u itia.el i, auod ai tlh jeealu diig a-gîaî,aîaf-aila"ts doolr,"th, 1ini e i i tu p-i o ua ' Il,,ta sign couasnuniiatl ivailthe îi r air i- China andl tlies raun aa o tai -' 'i narkeis et tuee canule, CLEARS Up ALASKAN BOUNDARY Lieutenant Owen. FinalsMonumets Vkasd Y-Aau.gaby Mu.i. A telegrata fnum Skngtsay ataouaccs Ilit Samuel N'ettmnua, a mercîtat ut Hlaines, buasris cd tuera s fic uhe ewss thaf Lient, Owens lias een ucecaitul la fanding flac launnaar>- monuments a tablisheai icars ago b> athe Ituuians. li- tound fais monuaienta lu perfeectreptur anal defisnlly locat h e li-spot aluni flic flara izue ban been retreuti>- destro> cd, Oint et the monument, ailceveresi is &bouIta-a tales alune Itainy liolaiand the oed on Talikeena river, fifty ailles fs-uta Use cossi. Lieut. Owen s eaaw ex amlnfing ther portionsioruthflicbutta>-> anal] -isec-are the satefseuts out niuulî. Destrayesi monumetîciasare levelail lu flic graunal. On flue aumnt t fClilkat Oit 'li tounaian oid Storms boause bait b>-tlic Rassias anal calîss b>- flicm tise bora- dsry bonue.'"It allns are taliing doasu, but preot asu obtuincal ut occupation t Onme fime. 1%'ese discoveries. if la staiesi, prove be- pend doubt tbaf the Russiana uccupleal the entire dîspuf ca teaTitor>- now aIlîeai b>- Canada. and that tise boundar>- ilr., accus-ding la the Rusiatreat>-. la exs acti>- s-liae the Aiiericans cdaim it to lie, PLOT ON KAISER AND CZAR. Details ofet ieauteal Atta-npt ta EuS Ruitualn ssadGermosn Emper.. A et.rynf i-ilnttted I tntitisal a " a alla-geail tilalat alias c-aaaouute Iurlle nasaliafia liersataIltriuil ,i di%-î lu psaeL deilca the tory. tble origitnl stor> says anc l'a i-iui whetî thet tt a nouanehs wcno dîiiîzi- gether alioa5litic- I.lphc-zoIornult i lat uo cataltiittcfiv encf ull" t &idi . (lai' ,are thea- liafot-if ut 'a h -iui navallu laîuîîfai1 theo atîrru lI aI ai isa ataarelijctoThe pacudo oai iea ' la' a il tlie Hohezollern anal sali ho rai uthe heares- C fflapteitesfor fIsc Cour. 'The captsln et tht Czas uyacht Sfaaalart bnp- d te be on hoard the Hohenszollern, n ap1, apa thut l a uasas a tde @dsmiu n tb rosaeoffl- jýtb* M!eq- flý ic Li-oal afnake.-3Minueapolis LORD BRASS[Y. W - 1 rat 1, ,Englisb huron, mbo msy Le ataw oue Gisernor Genes-al ut Aasts-aia. SCHWAB To QUIT BUSINESS. ton Ac'cn.0t e.(tm i. ai A Lor-ttoa, s- pecn-l tthIe Pittsbarg Diaisi'h ay» Pi-c-ident Charlii. &abat aofathie Unitesd Stateas .tec-l Cor' puaion bas a-a'pf- dtsihe avîce ut is - -- -cideai te retire in- deiiitfely fts-aua active business lite, - ' He wiii leave Amer- ica ta aeek aaiMe - quiet notalin a fus-- a cign c-lime.,mwhe ssnt an eccho ut thie streunuu lie C. M 5CHAU. reach im. Tis in-l formation la atbentîc, IDr. Golden aev- ar aves tihe Sc-a a, houle ana lte il- .PUZZLE PICTIJRE. HANCiEI RESEt. LOUIS RIEL mta- Who Ca.-sicafOuf theias L s en. tee- uns Maivetent la Dead. JohnuIlitularaun, who caried oui the su uhotne ut deatb upon Louis Ric-I. orlgtintarorfu the Riel rebellion It Cain aiLa, lmanut lits ranch nieur (iiusgiaa, i1v\iîîtif -ecentiy an olai woîuidlu ltiî la9g reca'Iv-d b>-llitHen rsnn t-earsagi as lit- a governiu-fît scouit, hbit al la round autmbers, 75,000 poatauasteru a aaîsîuîg huai lntch sumueriug ad lt. heip Unu'le Sami la canryiug anbigubhuai-pll»i> ari al utoaputate thelii liti nes. Nuneteen thowAsnai leka la ut- fllt'i(lrsatî neyer racoverca fi-onu flic ficresouthflii-t and seconai rîaa rendier ntu ila î vtas botuluScotianaise, a a flicir assistance, and 18,00 ty rtacarrier.s a 'I-lt 'iu'-augo. ne came tai liii dastni liate daiy the mails triau bouse te ut lida-i t afi- vhtetil o o mai- >i u114 bouse, mhile 10.,000 rural carrmera pertorm l s ,11,lt(.)if ithe II ittaci-r,'tIaol- fti dariiy the sanie serviceslanflc-heuuhi> lpop- ulatcd country districts. Tonti lotiand 'tiuaie giilu .sulisgcaituiela, railmay postal clerks rover fti' country ('111iia.lo 'as a scout dîtrltag liulu.uu iiglit anal day oser the great iran spider caiuipigus. Tlin lie wcaf to ('îtuia, mcli ut rals-adlines,, gatliering ait dia- w iTat o iialgo servetiama sacoltitliv friling the mals as they d'.An aray iy atattfa-r, li-ariglcui filue Itlel r,'l- ot contsactera anal sb-contra,'îurs, op- Itîti tua Inla lgiti, sle au'fing tus gui, erattag datily anal wesbly na duala a.pelle- arîautîaguaea-tf'lbti îe fi-utc fthereittan d muait ui lai ruit-u t ýrlta'gttîiang s, w"î dLois ie muinatues. dîalnîbutlag theri linîther army ut tonrth-clmuu posimuasters, Oane t'ilir iit îd a chaitatarttt- hle linareai anal sixty thosssand, in round ('attuill uta goarl' rt ftoi- 115îatsi fia. nanilers. couating evea7boiln, trom the lis maira tatas Thic ilai vaas i-e'-if Poafaisater Genleral dOwn t)the Ponf- ullauîsa-l.The- iatouitwaIlli çasohiall a master lu s tuurth-elaas nlluu'e, mîtis a noic-é w ldow, wlao ilses rau tfli-faily salarl of $1 per motésut, or iea ri5!s, la rarlu It nar Glagoas' the nuaiber ut Uncle Sama 'aiiluye, la fthe posalaisarvalec.About il laXX5Yis the fli'alic-tAirain. nasere laail the etbaa bravi lata ut Lis VI "'a 1 ri, - salailte bloinde and ipetite civil servire. About 271,0l th te grand licroune rcatolafttly, forr ae hullai aflent total. > pli'c-iI lila allasguisa- and Luiw tit Amang the long liaI t fgiia-rvaeni cm- 'Loa tauat paslbiîa ap efctually or ploes et liidraw pay trutain 1 nle Sam, lIae ilitiaapplly c-aer lifter, *"jun are a the distiarluion ai beissa tleienilleast %aImi' It liashî-sps ciotliung" arical ai any tallu te Churl"'sHienry ' Itili"' Raid file ic-slalu (4iilh. kecewrutthebaubg u aIt'n Nan- Buttiîs aîî-uîp tu prose blaunclt a tsucket, sshu annually about Jiuîaîa 20 se- Oita-ala didiut landl. for thse leroine lic- 'celves a chîeck for el, hI. fi arý a nas-y, Ing R stage lîcnec, wvas nut bs-n yen- Wlist in kauma au the *"bug Lgltliuue" la utuateal os a bill neur itouaatoy. taras or c-sen tva tt tiiee years fi-ta hisa,un flic soutb aide'santuckeft a'c--tt-naay,suid ahe hua-w a vlisin as icî bsrbur. anal nt fhe amre t.:, heulienib nîe nom ue. Consc-qncntly the haro isianal as a 51the helgbi au1 t'a fame ae caufuefor licr iiflic firthiaut. the nudl- a ashalung purt, mas censidi roI, an inval- efWe', lscl the s llaîn oITflich stage, abut- gaude ta neasels enteruag flue Iarboa analtflic rafl euoi thelc-union ut tavo ai aiglit For îarenty yeara t hasnulot a'îrta tîtat beat as on l-Postland Ore- biea tiëac alil, bat the gîonîaiient smlli setains thelilglthause anal la a ilîang fa i gitlan psy a mnan $1 a year to lise tiiiee The Caiadn't Live Without Tiseua,, tokeee s anmo-k edo. Lîf lo aig New YorkCity. Aug. lfth.--. le eephesa aal resi -nt ta a ivig. hales Backout 64 Rue de la Vicfurîe, Paria, France, relates a mut inîci-esi 'rue Agrlcotural Departruintha ne- îng expertence: celveal a cupy ot the D5w tarîtal regii "Evsi cl-e I mas about thi-e earu lalions tas- ment Inspetion iaidiuîpirfa- etage 1 have auffereai se-arai>- ifli tion, aih isays that treh ea cinKa 1 dney Dijsease. oniy be iiarsted ila aiole concassa-s:cas- "lasî p eas- 1 spent aome tl ft athe easea otcatie ad bon may lie aplît la batisat Carlsbad (Bobeauila),, litI1 hait, bat the halvetameurt he letffogether camne back sites- ive weeksa treantient anal be accompanleit by the heal, longs, mltb a isevere pain etîl iIn otaid- a heart andal iducys. Ceai leet mont bave as the udaier attuceei, andl purl fmont lan I- doctura ln Paris anal flatiaurg clude the fungue. Exeit huals bac-an col, loi do'nolblîîg toi- me. andl inteatines, ne place oft amokeal or pre- -I wasgoblîga-altu tarit rouaiParla ar'eed ment aieiglisa I- cas isuKiS ta o treal. 'aniaia, anai wlien 1 an- pounainl aliuaa-d, anda aidm utail hIndi, ris ca lliste (anadlan cii>' I sans laI as preuecivatives, are prohlhta-a ticad. Tise Siste Department finally lias de- " --a nfavrleeto bdi ccai how te treui the people outhfli Phil- KIlueYlPIlle la a niewspsper there snd ippines la relation tne ther coîitties. The tatgau to use this s-c-ntal>. andal fc-r first preecleai la tht case ut Edmard two da>-s tsetment i teit tisaI aMy Fancuna. ut Mouila, wo p ýo, i.Ait palins acre lcavlng me. ana ln a week bannadur W'(hie t Beriusftr a Gecriii i bail no pains at alL pas&,rt Th Ambtudr«,"It> dl I£ dney Pillas are the mouf mas that flic man abouill haie liratao-t1o odrfmlriîyl h ol.1ke asua Philipptne native loyal lt.u', nitt-'d tiietui nIas a>- asa i ne toi- IbelleeI States. but out belng an Amer., an rîturan co' lo le lhutte- lci laotafentitied te a paaapurf Great Tvsaing Suahasasi -ý> liohit,Su lin tathe diploîmatie corps. Uelpseentatuie Llttlefield. outMhine, eh 't 'Weil, lia-s eaitaetly bt ta-aril .t ýwho la expe-ctedtutareprennent flic admia Ilihî B.",a ai lutiraflon la tise furmulation uf an anti- louedlt R ntlube stage mnager trust law, bas confalea ta si aWsington for an amateur aiamatie club, Philadel- ,ors-sepodenft the main testurea of i plita ec-oral, 5Ian, as tallows: Fedes-al contrai ut eus-- poratiana enigaged la latettate rota- DWI YouP Feet Anafu anti Bsrn? ,merce; power given ta the geverumeut ta Shahe loto your obhu0 Allensu Fot- lnspect tbe dolna oretcorporations liav'na9 Ess., a puwider tus- the leef fit mskes capital stock; reguation hy thes gavera- uglt or Na-asShues Ira-I Easy. Cura, ment outcesainlaCapital tock Snuttîgl'e altruieguot anutd -' -- thîeStores, 25c. Simnple sentf 1" lfElr,. An aid souiers asociation, intendeal Aditra-s Alen S. Oluasrd, Lella> N, Y. te upruad aver tise country- anal to lacisle BABY'S JiELIGHT MOJHIIR'Sý COMFORT FOR IRRITATIONS, CHAFI NGS, ITCHI NGS,, Rashes, Heat, Perspiration,Lameness, and SorenenS' other application so soothing, cooling, and healing asa bath with ÇuTiÇuRA SOAP, followed by gentie anoint. ings with CUTICIIRA, the Great SItin Cure. It means Instn relief for skin-tortured babies and teet for tired nmotbms No amositfpersasin an iinducet mottaes aise bave onoe i' ta-se greaalskia pafiSersand beaultiies te use- any altatee fSpw8- sarvng, purit ylrg, mund haauifyîng ta- akits, scalp, hait lr, a h" of infants aussicilideai. CUTICIJRA 50Al comabine&, d.aibu emollia-tlpsopa-stes dariva-i froua CUTICURA. te gra-at ska cur4>à with tlie para-st et cleansing ingsa-dia-nls, andi ta- meat peaing ci floaser odeurs. ToWa-fler ta-y forai ta- unly spaedy. ecossoa.-ai andl iullHbla- ciraetfilciing, acaly, a"ilcraaaled iumoussabs anad iriationso e lia- siacalp, anssihait troms nlaacy te agit; Guaaraltea-eshoiutely puire Sold aha.ssass had. w Su Bissai tisauF. Iuas..& ea.àrhssusm 5 -2..C.Poses . nsCssss.x Cesee.eses, las3P.64Usm. art nature outbhs patienta ilîne"s raunat el dieru et ail wars aud thel nus in 1 Ilu-t yar tiiere were ira'alaîa-lin --.'c--- lie leurneal Ilroug i ha. "Mr. Schw"'Ilb national poltical organizon a, baihen iJafI)ai 1 15t0 racoiea ut the s-rliflrtaTHNAN NW i.,ait confitiealtaehabis-a1.but spetdu siarted lu W'aahington, 1D. C. ltwilli e libfirfy y3-an agit he piiîilig :Jiii N NW n-iof'tha iOle oaîî the vide verunda. moaieled atter exiating tiolteal parties, i ofr 11uthible-am wa prIai arI Traa'eTo-day Ceu-_aaed- With Tient of ahi hl afîîrds treoli air anda a ava-pîa g but mili net Intertere iu party plnctOseHsasdred Witar Thote o air, iith nlifvai scae ie-au lenept la the effort fi, outrol nnilnas ai'.1taehA gentlemniiîu usmt core home ta mas iah iis ii.afe ur lias parents. The tiona andl electiona utfaira taverable ta ' ossalitjnaterrhne,a. hotutri a"or yteSor """"irpart ait Mr. Scbsaabs lrlnea saoîdîar,.laaStwi. er, 'i-à îs BýtofenNwYrkbthSoe fbat lcie a aeuaa' ifhlu a fean ulthuaeilue Ixprems. wlli tîkes ithe run ot vil, cal t lifs lî,,aie. etlie aili 00ft'b1*'rhe W'ar flepa tlm.ablas d~e,j a l =nii , (~l ailles ia flac houro lia aîsttelllug it iuîp'.aat app,aonbliaut. eantîert Chickamatiga lPark Itutuan îmiria- 2 ua :aJ.jaaie.aa1 c iilitiiiiabout tflipfrl, saya t lta- hua cria-aod tteuvering grîîaînd, and as s irai:,it ,ia i l a $(:!mi m 00,tonarficuîrl1ît. uî l-and riing fIha.won- tep SeretaryRot liasnltted l 45,(MOo 1iii ,ifi-s *J51aaî ,a uli' i ,îiî.utîîlî3 a'ahil'b via fr a tir flic contructio utharracks andal uatue ay illliade.î îc-At theliam ie quarteri; lu ternti an arnia'pont witli su' ili . a rst- o rare au3a' tiaîa' lia' %%as lîak inig 1h rotîgia a ilnale cuoitttatins for une ra iment et caivaIi-'iof ot ld aI pnera front itlîs gritidfatliaý'" ry and o ne coiupany ut fi'ld artillera , un tî,1nfi-atl ii etr ar î roîery nhjuain th puk.A N I OWAA M A N ai th.,' top flic date N'lziit Il27. 10,It I.YULtl,)a.lCJ Srrelary orthte Tai-ayShaw lis l>laaz'avesuthea'Itiglat Thlii;at thse la.viii nNNYr ut 'nurite enturceuîa îîîi f the lawa'de- iîglit T[mie. 3'aa go fliatlily. w.dinvîg ausaeru b> a1 laota ali t 0ut "*Nly Deaut1\ ife' il rand, Ilutha tain, io'Sîîona. aithout aS' i itian ot nalin Mr E. Sonna- ofii]g vYersnt aattIlaraa.a-ilîîgN tfat lraf -alleal c-va-fi III - - ~ ~ lî,'asengera. ÂAthe jiýiirins are aery ïrî'leoraîlgial reportierrIiîiug ai Ogalea, th' los tiaitpccommiunicatlionsu -N ofI?4 enaunal ad omewaluîmbarrasaing, .u, a s rr i, k tutai m tliehtiestut-at fua isNi lufrrni yati ori uy iiueli indignation blin s hi ow, by pas-klie.a. Mr. l'ivre awaulproatralealin FLAVOR 'i'geru cotapelical ta sut' .. ttef0the urd, ah f l'ic ,itmeriiOlt l anltîall)tdeaçîireîl, mare arrIvai lic-taflttr passage rif four Tri h.' tibuhianîd Sulthera Raiwa'y .as ail neavenstoiiuik the trioble daYu M'e tnrIa a i t lProvidaenac u Comapanayhahen aiirîicorated mîith$2.- Serretary Roui, arnlîidby Adju 1rîîia'i f iio niail: jIit at tlie danger Monîiîy et ellig, uadlooîîk tlparlaI gt OWJO.Oalo rhtal atock.îant General CbCujha 1ti ra Wauadpointtoft uanttr ,ii lie cfi n milaredY butinaI liiNets îort. aalian'fia iria'i The lu, rc-usd comtirt andl safet. with Coulonel Randelph, madi, a trip ea eveatn lîtcîra hiîîl n aa îtd idn T~uesa-ey ai nuon uIntheii' ifta'riiii uslataue aa1d s aahlch asuluen mrandera ca journeyihî-ae tmiles teanad truao e'amig Va.. wliere ofusd thetaillife aîay fae laaok îpassagelin rl aeWsasama.Aku daya la chractrenic ut the age. ibey weni ta laupeel the Iistrictet fCo-] LOOKED LIKE THIS-' Itarai a sloop abaîuîîîl airat- ia New' IBYMNL&UU Yacl Annuacemeit lias ha-c-amade hy flic lumbianatiounal gîtard iniip auanarmy LIkBBacYxIciiiiai l nha 0, îa'. Or.&taat CtUrara Nortiiern Pacifie tuat durîag Septeuiher wagoa drama liy mules. Yr.W -rýJjý aeWds6 ts ae»» and (litoher une wa> colonîâsarate" iii:i-IDo giala- tn 'Va'aIIcsdIl.i but il1il iloi îr OraaI0aa-aMa~. lie ta fore-. Revenue officers'dwith al'mp, la re c- c ae raîika'î Il :it eI "iti uafaafuteu. 11,rry ofthe fienr and lare taelie tatlened an \rw Tork piera, Nrlrs den Pas rr ut flconretfrlau rder that Incomng at tîeageru brîng- a.The gentlemaîn rendaili lttic- tîr fte constructiunof it ceen miles ufthte log cigars lie this contitri may pur'claaulaIle.-hi etr o lu payaient ut internai a ietaxes. -d" 9..-' - rri~tacon."alîlh jîa tter i »iof nî,rad ieading loto theunntainIou.dy adb, *lq fe Colonitiiirates lueflice7'orthwest iuetic- The Postafre Depatttaîînt ha ' VIis gruaîthlîîruaiarril.'l'tahen I ïï aI isfi tiî,a mîl ent au many set-aai ed plan tu have un '.îireled and saIfdyî tav-aykde rliaae u airiadliu i.fittîlal>'ItîlIeau' aautpiir arc ta lie put hlIoi rffect agaia in per cet ut face value, t' t able In ataapi senti te ls Itii our name and addreaa ha',,, rttiiiieaî. "Ma ii 2-7fli î'll on a Sc-itei-iîîer aud Octuben liy p îtmaatens. pinly sritien, wî ii mail yuu Tiiirsay iii 18102, julaisa il diii-eis'o. Wb('ile nu passeugara aa ire killed in la-' ' Tiio ldagaîtilicti ltî eft fin Maiulay raiuruad accideants, tha Britishi rund@ Colonel R, M. OI'R a ihan beenap A FR EE TRIAL. iioriiig anal arrlva'd aî,i iiurilisy c-yen sliow flat eîgbt truintafan andl thi-eg pointea saurgeon genenal ut the army tO Ing- four daysat nd tite nîglils. by oflier peraunu nul paaaa ugera were kîlisi auceeed (7eneral iForwool, wbo will re-TeInvrit 1Nte0 in accidents in the year. tire. T HIS COU PO N senansd land." h 'v3l f omDn JspH.oin agadoofBi-I gantSfera, irae atal ofutDOAWN Jalintile was allant for il long limeîte c-NqT D4mE>INOIAN*. bapi H.oung, , agrudionut Blg- A fiac ot $M andl one mti's suapeni- i ai)E Ia tu.e Banka kidu. y oelesooaNod hlkidri, alihouatstesatile Hk, O&N me . - h.. iceanad à.Je vacucycauealby hereagnasiea n , lon t he penalty fîTîja' slc on Major Pis e.ayDseas iaaa, er gao thea' 5iy yîlr grauatthir %avent.'p&mmai, Q' 1*., .Mohk'at Glenn tor toituring Philippine natives,. itrstau Isad .lau m toth. Ktssys b al fniy. *SEI.iL, Abkhhuým E. Welby 'as generai aîiîernteadeatut ani tSaYie.he afatit alooeiupl om u Caa flic iaGadWetrrod l» PANAMA MATS ARE SMIPP(D. FOSTERMILSUSN C11[iC..,Battis,, . .Y. prm.Thss togt en. .Pm e .1au Il studet. .hasausns, Itailronal contractera in the Nortliwest 1 Moft e e JIhdt.,de o -tlaiabt are experienclag greant ditliculty la kea'p- Ove avoulal bardly fliirili flat telube ftî orly mile rîn hy satge laiProvla idne. unoaruorSenior Year ot asy outhe îug thein men ut mark, the teadear cye uort flua"haie out pntRias' ,la $14C0 vath.'liangeofiiilirta-islit 11111e rollin R.ata Rat. IduiteehseIl ta atmèe îng t lu leritaethe barveat fields, hrre Yet sîtilainIsthe tact, f-itifcontainqnos as ' 1.ueuFaattBai.bul av sue .idtos stri lais;lie aimifia hc sai.irai'No Lradaaa rlaîelinlgà.Cuu the puy and mus-k as-e more attractive. lenis than 144 listas'hiimeana I&10t, I on.. eîlpa 1Bail 0usd, îsiausalu.raganst-il Bay frontithli eii ckotf aIftsîaiisatsiie usvdtbaala., IL La f nI sMuu.rfaiFaoy&tua& tlesrqmuI Wiîi luaper, ndcatuiiarcaiat pice.Th bae ~ lmiairn unmt as l sr tui 1-. butannsau ualal îckeî uandllie a' nithet- iloopn,,1 t Uwr.Hl.Iefsssds8~ Yn * .h tsis "utuasua. tndah. al. ahiluoins laotfeaemptatesaThaefblaieqloimau 1iaO i.iIbualiels ut cra, or GOllîllpar f '~ 'uoi' nuia. ta t h- s.t, l i'î u slr a bo iat i n i a lieltenatiilluiriIr 'ave Inthe ,- avi s l&e . p m@t ,h.., f ... f-tbal). AIs59& . a, 11P. q 0,,O centi miore titan atyear's, ni iil ~Nalatsrerln tr~~ iJailuiir:l lia' ui'id u1 RIApMrR>SSlr. . S .. thec- niuaînre of gînerai prra-perty, c e- ,. . , ad.1 ...stA UsALU ii tie rClu thi,' rilroads shiuîid iiuteriaily ina ease i flxsauisa.. ..~ hea.D au. tlie r oîuiaaa"aaraa a aPOCIET MAIllAIFOI SCREW BUT- C n ee s'u'Ialila.'î ig8 î~. allie,?aa Fr ,cinta renasagrauleda n(attliic-, aIi., 1 f-s.. ----- Itu.I,îu. i ," Admh5 Stuaiudaa.~..~ tu tIi,' Chîlrnyvale. ()k,. andl 'i'a,' Itui .'a n iaaa i hetd.,ae liv.~a~.'iiEi'a Mi. a ihLt, iz, ~iA d 'PRVTE-l a ad. kle j - l t~ aîa 'eugali17, tIp, IME 175. aa5ta waiy Comany l'ta baillaI 900 ailles if mail tis fronu Chrrîýaule, Kait., tliroagh iouleW ANTE D tSý;..eai.lale,14I u a , .1trau îaî .al. iiFEEvîa..uauîsCu iii'îîii'ce ad Caaey, Kan.,.sud tîte Cher- ..a b-.a~ia fWt. a no'..îava oaOssge anal Pouce lîhsiraio.5flbissen th-aaaata n.Uao fla- Ic .'r"a5fguitaatkis.Puitu3?jI 1 uiri t>alerry, 0k. 2 e t aauutaib.,,f I..-. 0aic,î.-.u,- i,555aaa.îC,îtîaii -W.au5, -ori'lruing fo fIle mirou ritihFa ne.c iet,!, h " lt iflu i Miiulata1,-u 'li1,ao. 1. __=_ -t re'poirt,'of huearualities (tua 1he STR a'iRl $100. I W sW Rui.tIaaaum riîîîî c teî . ' ,, .. -;£LP.MDRS HED é -ads af the lititirl I tles hase lilîtafrateIcdîtroef .Cha-Se w o E d n4~.ja&ats12 aniaa ,ut r ,13 al lSaaLaIP-01 1.,555 ea the tratut oîte cuntention tuf railioadu arrlvedifot ai r t h -IF!ta.LUH. à yMd à 1 pnd.haIls, tbat theelaluleasdngrlulie aps- borago, Beunador, W'iîit appears m -nul la iiu&l oina' %in.îîa' ___________ seager trainasIbm an nparsuisut ordiaary gis bat la s-salI>- a part ai tt faur, makln 11WË, al sW* vocations. These reports show tba n grecsa lueacb bale.Tlie liats ae" asfj 1uasasaasKI Stockh.lit ias r rurluraîl ,naettihn e5O5J55fS5..S...5~ 1t:47ewaapot a mnib 181i 'o lr r heAudi bis ÏA uaM Pm ) fuf~sa 1ar very 4en abiants. 16u. U. q t t.ia*uu.tla ~ ~wkjind atrcdandelIbn~' Y M CONCRESUA IALDMIO ENDORSES THE TONICI PERDEI Says: "'Il WIII Build Up a Depleted System Rapldly." Hon. W. F. Aldrich, Cungrev"n I tram Alabamia, writes from i n foi. 1). C.: U-This la Io cartity tuai Porana, man- - I ulactured by The Pea-ïana ediclne Co. of Coluniuna, O a, «bwa used la my famlly wfth auoea. Ikla a fine tanlc and wM bheiN ap a deplèted syutean rapldlv. 1 can reSmmnd It to those Who ueed a aafe vge= e remedy fo'r debilhy. "-W. F.A rh Il. 9. Emnry. VieChar -and Master ot Armaý, K . 't tiobnhaNe, , rites trrni213 Noruth iataî' 11i-t the tcailoaa iag wordsofutoIIa o, r.- t'ruas -- as a f irle gays: Catarrh cf Stomach. rala ol tauaa ett a ih pleasre 1 reommd le- lON. W. F.ALIiRCU large n nm ber of prormineai membero;u of _____ -----_____ -----___ the differeat orderas.ilt hihthv heen roaaected bave hebc,. d y he The only ente course lu take la te. eao- u"a of Peru n aet CaSea Of 'arh of th, the loii pare, îlig-'aloa god, ansd udnq mtomnci anal hesad.also in hidnry cn-i egialr. YsuNo amcdy maoisis in ml re- plaint and wea kne as uft h, Pelic or-.w- - . Prua tor theepurposes.If' gans. the ayntem i-i rua duwanad W"e-ue "Ilt fuac up the svoofem a i-a digea hby (itarrh'i'erîia renevaltes l»" w» t uidue leep, and .a avell wurfhy jivenales the armestad braWe the aoiî îence ot auffer-raoutthe abu.- A hook an the scaarbal i dlsu.or c-uipluiaîa' -H. S. Emoiri summer avili ho taiailed tu any addemm ipun requcai. hy The Perune' MdNu Nervos Debility. Go.. Columbus, Ohio. Everyone 'wbuo anlan the least 1,-grec Plie ahove leftamea2lale a"re nly 1 saihjeet ta servusaca, lelanes ttor.50000letters rerelved t.souq 11..g prostration. mental fatigue or cerausffuernt. uf Peruna as a catars koei * .0 debility in apj foria, fanda the bot avea*lli No more useful remedy tu tou»Ur u 0 - ofJ une, Jaly and Autuat very ha ral f systeni haz ever been deylaoed by àm heur, If toat dangerena. medîcal tarotesuien. L'bon. Pi1, Que ln the l(ai the je. ut lse- lîhait iLe c office anisae- a court e, un'- Wut b, ei tîme w prs- e Newi la es- grealt 'fs lito- a New twea et resfu s-si 4e, ftbe mertea tkint of a grsah aiber ne mv. a& Wtas, Who set ahmin a" e~aa mue@r la , Rqaub eralIy thr.ssg s'a-vit. aitaer et lie w»g ot Caoa- tes DU.- Distriet a"a la a Legwas. enteu.4 il a a maste aI hi* pou )r, Liang ctara te lutie, in quaegl e esbock cf OW!R es hebto A.J. TOM ML. 050 MS the a tler gen- «the USe& la lmN Ir. fouad lu rot Amser- bis bous. scisg that r in soulin siurs ofI offiria or- - ru Cansé i conti - alîsrea AP, en expert ut hiîu un ofet o. le is inex- ansi taio

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