CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Aug 1902, p. 8

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- tt> __L U"-ND'S 'A GE NT Lie always has something good to telli about, the North- West, V L Rockefeller Items. Ars. L. SpecbI vîiteti relatives at Palatne over Snuday. fint, Van Horn ia lu tovn painting bis #tore building andi bouse. Jian LeursI)ooliltile lavisitiug frientis et Wautegau tht. veut.- . For sale, a velI erned vacation for vhiob holbas no une.. APPlY 10 w.-b. »Ach. several of theuutIle foltk$ titocte- toler bave been on tbe iet list turing laitwveut. ica Emma Caudruy came f rom Girayalakt 0viit over8nunday at ber home bers. Born,>ou Salnrdey lest, Anguel il lb te Ar, and MAr. John Rouse, Jr., a baby daughter. Mlle [Aura Ilartisît, of Evanelton, in thie guest of ber friund, hlina Anna May roibite Ibis veut. Gel reedy for te Lake ConutyFair. Tare aomtbifg ta uribit. The faim belongs te il te people. Meurs. Elmer Roder and Hrman Kublan t ib Ieir young lady friends vistod Fox Lake on Tueday lad. Mr#. Jesile LIII, of liaVensvofld. 1a vWctung ber mother, Mr@. John Ronce, Er., vbo la on the scetlit Iiswveut. A. J. King anti famlly vieiîud st Wan- keffl Baturday. Tony and 01tnt peut in tbe bell game-oli tbe vinnilif aide, of courses. Miss Fiarence Vanpleu, Whbu bas eun visitig ieuda bre andi at Ivîànboe for mveral veets, returuedt 10ber tbe vandelng teacbers anudp;ipii are retuning to tatu op their arduons dtes once more. Tbey are always velconie. Airs. BRttie Veerlanti vbo bac buen rlsiting friends boe for came lime returue to1 Chicago on Wedneday. mics Florence Laîbrop accompanied ber for a fev days visil wltb friends ini Austin. W. L. Rlqb. Our satioan agent vent la Wanpakt, Wis. * on Tnecday te cpend a part 0f bic vacation vltb frieude thure. 1B. Ai. Mann, Of timyvillu, Wim., bascharge Of the dupaI bore wbile bu le sae. Tbe Royal Neigbborc viii gîve an iec Cronan social ou tbe iavn aithIe resli- done ofCbas. Luet nt Diamond Lake nuit Tneeday evsning, Augnel 26tb. A good program bas been arranged and a braIe band viilfaruil anugie. A cor- dial invitation le extend0d 10 al.- 1 buere bai been no need i oftbe veed commieciofler enterlng auy complaînt aganet car citizen@ for letlng noxione wunde go 1t e edon Ibeir respective places. Nearly everY Place la veil caret for andi uven Ibe aides of the streete are tept mown down.Our door yards and gardons are tept cleun and neat and are lled vitb ilowursi and vegetableo. If tbora ie an exceP- lion teta Iisrnis filbecomn eury naticeablu and 14 an .ye-sore ta al vbo are forcedt 1 otokupon it. To My Priends. home a& wbeton veduesca!. ;.1 inwilb joy 1 tell 70e vbat Kodol ArufBrghoru bua S va eeta dit for me. 1 was Iroubleti vlab myI vaceton Érom his laitore ln Chicago, stomacil for suverai moths. Upan and entlen wek wth ie ràn L.belng advlsed Wtuse Kodol, 1 idinos, antnd woeut laitoveetll thehie drIndbL. B. Thom"i a& Jonction City, Wii. doue me. A neigbbor biti dyspepsie Severa &MiUedu connectet i&ilbailsno Ihît be badtlried mont everylting. cigar fatery a1 Pitzzerald & Cauteon tod him te uae Kodi. Wors of graitue aveoure u m frmbim bave moved their ilouasilolt gooda bucance 1 recommendeti Il-Geo. W. bers trom Ch cagote lait fevwtiay a. Fry, Vioia, lova. Reltbanti treuglb, Un.Wm.ShMer etunedrecenlly of mnc anti body. dupent on the Airs Wm.Stiuer ulureti slomacb, andi normai acivity aifte from ber visit in tbe eua. 1lObsru- digetive orgaue. RodaI, the greet porte enoouuering a emaîl poz acare reoonaruetive tanin, cures ail tomicil ln Ohio vhlcit aomewbat aborteneti ber -4 ibovul troubles, indigestion, tys- visitla ltaI eaae.pepaia. RodoI digets any goot f ood vffllu tat aute.yen est. Taire a dose aller muais. Sool vacation vili soan bu cour anti F. B. LovuLL. Librtyville. PRAIRIE VIEW. Fred Gisbus bougbt abs Lefreniz farta. MienMabel Manon epent Suntiay at home. Cbhu, Sturm ebipped a loati of stock to Cbicago Frlday. Anule Icley, of Chicago, la visiting ber aunt, Aire. Amann. Airs. Cbae. Vos,Br., wbo bas beeu very Iiitec lavly recoverlng. Airs. Herecbbergnr caliud on ber iiaugbter at Lake Bluff recently. Our farmera bave eilccesafully stactet their un noualiy, beavy crop of ast. 'Fbicbidren or G. Ai. Weidner are viuitiug Ibeir grantiparents ln Cbicago. Mica jekie Mitcbell bas reunrned from an extenduti visit atltavenavood. lire. lernian Mieyer Sr., paiti a lare- Weil i viil 0lier son ln Cbicago lait 'WE ar ut Cataie Cuialer ti ivi8itlifg ber listr Mr. R"bu. from aiYvOti, saileti Ou frientis iDe Sunday. Ad& Loo"isapeul a few tisys Viciting relatives ont of towII. Ethel Knofler Io visItIng Ara. LiWe Wagner lat Grayaiake. Mr@. Debrger. froiD River Viev le visitîug relatives liere. Thomas Moplnu. from ul Gee., v ou Our sreets tatuirds!. jessie miteleili ha@ rslnrned alter an extended vietin lu OicigO. Air. Burlingame, trom Winconau, calleti on frienda bere Sunday. mabel aud Ada Loamia calleti On relatives In Wheeling saturday. Blanche Mitchell bau retenend from a viol i vllarejat veula ockefeilet. Clara Tripp, froi m as 14il itng 14k oouy loair bept. 2. 3, 4 andi 6. Pv:ail hinàdiof fruitseaUIlat ull yank'i. Johmilcbu 11»k aBride t0 Fox iiver Monda. .1 semrr eip sud ll Prut W enss 10 Ohicege on bu#nii t MUTuesday. Wm. Buesebing. St., sud Loulis Gue tout00a "ils6 O01mev Vriday. George zimuet mad rrait 1pke, 0f Long Grqve. vte ébnday visitoa beos. A are"Onumbe; et Our people attend. cd alasielvus et'aYMiton Wednusday. Fmoise,BaflveYsr.old bey boras; gond raveier. 1Cali on Rery FiPlaer. Albert Lyon, of Libertyvilie, celleci on friends and relatives liera Priday la. The Modern Woodmen of Palatine viii give a piente boe.saanrday, Aug. reet.ber parents Ar. audti Ara. J. A. M8son. 30sh. Ars, S. L. Tripp andd anghter Haret Ar, %ud Ara. Henry Knopt enter. Win. Eleblan, Jr., bai bean vorting Lr epundiug tbIs vues Wth relatiVea Isineti relatives from Ibe City lait veet. for MU«ry PePPer IT1tléteblPing Éacan Il <ienvlev . Ar. Bu"sciing anti iaiiîll enser- grain. Among te Oiego vîisiors tIIs taineti relatives fron t1he City Ou nday. Beven meunveon laid ofa& e I.con- eut sure Mir. Muselber, Win. Stancîjîfe Lloyd Aaether ite returneti irom au 2méers les Plans on accoul of tant ai nd C. MitRon.l -extendeti visit wilb relatives ln Pals,- Orders. Lloyd Maetbor subo ban buen mpend-hUe. Ar, anti Mr%. Geore Klepper ver. ing a part of bis vacation aI Palatine Jennîs and Fioccie Knedler visiti viiting i vih relatives as Long (Irave bas returneti bomne. relatives lu Long (irovu a fev daya Tr.- Tnsdsr. lDr. Louis Ilertel and fatutly, ai Lake ceully. fferiUâfl ielfer lotk a bus loit of Ave, Cicago, spent Suaday with Ar. Ars. ilerman AMeyer@. Jr. visiatieempevs te 80Fort Sheridan Aionday for andi lire Hertel, Sr relatives bore Friday andi Saturdsy of an Oniing. Ar. and Are. l>id fripp, f rom lant vet. Ars. Mster and ehildren, of Prairie flerringtan, Kan , are vigiting rela- Tbe Coon district bati their sebool ViOWuve visiting vith Mr, andi ira. tOves anud frienda bure. bouges paluteti. Augutus Loomis diti l4 in os, A gang ai Italiau laborers from, te vork. OVieil H008 was vortinifor Wm. Cicago are vorkiag an tbe section McKinl.ey muaon bau returne t rom Deessiing, or.. thé Ilis eekaapating a coter section foreman Miller. an sîfendeti viMil vitb relatlies lu ne* icSorilais hem. lirm. M. Routier and Tetdy anti airs.. l8brmrvis. miss, Mea ip retormed homeé S. E. Kuedier anti Willie anti Floacie *@ M arytorry 10 leamu Ibal Fred Tuesdaj trou a f#v dayiVvisia .alb spunt Tneeday vith Ar. and Ars. J. C. andi leny Babn bave been vsry aint relamO tae(Chicago. Wüsling ai Nortîbiild. vitb dphtberla. Louis' PiekuWhe vort.d ln tb. Ar, andi Ars. J. S. Gridluy enter- Mi Jennie Ruedier apent a fsv creemr! han,%%m tgWiter te tainet Ara. Poeeandi Ars. Hafflîan days of lait veut viitIng rienda la tate lb. place Ct Wm. esshlg, J r., and daugliturs Luis anti Erulyn, of Nortb Norihflld. dring the latta ascainon. Jeff.rsan lPart Tbnrsday. Mra. E. globe, dangbter Mr et Logis Prises and J&soa iymond, oi Ar, anti lra. Gridley ere enlertaiuing son Chartes anti Forence S'mons are Traccéeé, vets bore liforAiona&y Aira.Faotu andi daughter Leta, of vsiing the liprague familles. sbams hinde vitia frienda. Wautegan,sud Ar, andi Ars.Aorris Tb*e dance girven by the Barriengton Muaon from D etroit, Aieh. Juil Loobc at Hrtr. social Mnd Aietia club laut aturday Hungaoleglov bas completeti te Wb«eu eme that sprIghtly step, IR thé pevillon wvis ieuded by a large foundation of the school bouges faulms atmi, ricit, rosy omplexion, orovd Wbo tr esr a gaod lme. Apttiieani E Babn iiibeinlie amiing face. t3he looki good, fuels The bailgave. sa unday beavue Aptkiican EdBrhmwIl bgi go fnd. agr,,, ber serat. Be$ - ah.0Ameicana and AiiJlsi .gii eretion of tbe frame vort as once. Dr. ings MNew Life Puis. IUt,- vsavateay foutouAilg=o Tbefamer ar tatag a oranziu ii Ogafi atie, igetin gota 1 liighstbesoefeir te iaei - . 1benaahe,.n chance for tbinssj_" an aIuime vigilant committue, obleet Try Ibea youreeif. Oly tMc at F. B.I GILMER. FREMONT CENTER. bIlngtooseinsinjnry 10 reetîse Lovimt, LibertyVllle: GRAYltBKI Wlll Morsesvisited relatives aI Ar. Frank Reronimus te sîaYing anlombilu drivers ou Milwvaukee Ae. PAU~ LlbmtyVUIlelI&M unday. vitb ber dangbasr. Ar. anti Ars. William Etivarda @peut OT OT FE D W. Rail anti A. Anorae shippet a car Frank Heutie anti son Francis, of Wednesday sitb Ar. Dearlove and N RH'tRHFED csd 01fbeige lait W etneetay. Wautegan. seru Fremoul catiera Sun- family t DosPlaines anti Sinday vitb Mies Hattiu Febr bai gons backto tf Fred Grole bal the mictirtune la day. Ar. Layton anti famiy al; Liberty- acbool agalu. i omiton.0f îs Iumb lat Ar, anti Ara. Trier are enisrtainlngM orm on 0 hi thmb lât ritiay. Ar.and Ara, Jos. iiarbmaun anti ville. i Ahfreti Grons bas rulliruied tif00 daugblur Margaret, ai Wisconsin, are Ar.nt lie rs. Hennin Muyers Jr., Company froni Chicago-.f CihigO vitere bie bas bOeu vorking in vlaiting frientieand relatives lbse. tpent a ew taye sitb Mr. asudlire Ar, anti Ars. Mentzrr esnedthe lb Sgrocery store. Thuore ull bu a grand baket aniltIice Meerabue butorsIndmana. fom ehoMr.adom itet. Oecar MuClara Morse retrinitet from lova creem sacable aitIbfi Freinant Celer ChicagotttLiteniidla.W ArntArs ossof(lncuae liatuxtia! vere ah. baibeen vsitlng Caîbolie sebatîl Tneetay eveuintg Alig. nllewbtm. Mýüf l il iin itdy fotl adborne gi. f relatives fer the lait tva moutche. 26tht. Evrybady te corliali! înivited ebol.MmLdyokinh eiignatr A dancvai givun t AMr. trindt's ta attendi. Quito s pleasanî famliy runnion wax a lev monîhia atay lu the City. lat Friday eveolng. A French barphittid i te braie ofi r. antt Are. ira Bubert le alet vitb lyphoitin antis violin turnietite mune.rPAAINEMarou Kuetloiron u Sîttlay . f . lever.]lie lt under the care af Dr. Fritscb eut famlly, tf Hgbwatt. S. I R.betRcebahrtre IVANHO.. Miss Sobierdlug enlerlatneil friendeSmHitb andi family, (tf Sberîuervillu anti i r A Cibeff B actba ruîre fromHarrngto SuiilaY Mr.ant birs. (tutzlier antdidaaghler ,abnlbai.beau.nunder a phyaielan'e cars ~I~h Frmon Tawsbl Snday Seho omenntaTowlnbuhait uthe Miss iarmung hbllfûtrliter guestIaI Calle, of Nortbiled vere premenît. anti eu operaon periormeti. Schol onvntin wll e bllila he robnt ise1Naier ofChiago M#iees Millie sud Florence lBach., cbnrcil aIt tîe hpla~e nezltsnnday, prdeJnt ieNpier aI (t te. [bu suit agaiitîMAr. Kammer for tbe Eua Baxîan, Ar, anti Aim. J. Bachb Atiguest 2iib. Tva eeeeioucý-2:30 at r onuitftpe ttetie.slnon.cutting of tils t iti ne1camle off andi Missea Myrtîs anti Bach vent 7 30ý p. m. Itla eepcled tIhal bth veut viilh ber mother an Plîm Grve Baturdiay as arranguti, the service 0f10eNepervillie Part Suntisy te attend semions vili bu of mors than nouaI AMr. satdArs. Seftan entertaineti the paleprs by tbe couctahie baving te Camp Meeting lneldt tbre. intfereest. Il bam been the &lm to otatt frieude Mouciey Attg 18, il t elng ber been foulait illegel as the Coulity ClertReux sot irs. <oeu, Ar@. Baian the ragrm Ar. et Ars. irtday.badfalit tarî*ieîîr lte tuatble ndutMies Baxman veut te Najeer- tepor practical. M.adM@ itdy âifielt fttý h 0Kal' ville Part Tieuraday te apeitta Everett, ofailghland Park, the pator Ar. attdArs Chtam Smith.bof Chii- cutficale otifolit. fev tayît ai Camp Meeting. Thone oI the Diansont Lite AM. E. churcb andi cae, sure visting relativeks ta Palatine~ Froni Anth.,r Cresowhtvo bavei beau there report exoellent othors vili epeit lu lite afternooni. ovur ilunday. meetings. Bey. Pfautieitl, pastair ai the Prusby- irs. %Vm. Schtertlng bal for ber Abert Sitîh 1l oaithIe ie kli&I Win. Hall, a leader aif te Coak tlrea lirei of Highland Park, wiii guett ber motîler, Are. Druesu, of Air. ips sucs a pleUtutcilur hure Connty Sunday sciool association de- cbicago, Saturday. 8,tntay. livered an atidres btb e Evangeliasl1 deliver thue ddree luinte svening. Wm Aflgîimeant ihcster MiiteSundey sobool iunday. Thle addreu j The untirs Convention viiilie s Ireat rturned frutin camp Saturday vi S. E Lonatitncle spentI a vaut vas britif but very Inatrnetivo, thte vhiceuv@ryonu la inviedtota ejoy. tamules is varkt Ibiswet sith niai. tapie heittg: --The Sunday Scilool." 1 il Ne"*e a Tenlo. Thkere are limes vhem Yonr liver seeds a toizio. Doua giv pUargatve the, grive aMd eakn. DoWlIta Little Marly ls era ep AU01poison fromlb th e a anti Md MtaseIoule te lb live. . att. 531,litslond *a. DeWitta Litles arly Misera villa me for several years antivoulti not h. vitou lhm.' imaîl andi eay te take. Pnrely vegeable. Tbey neyer grîpe or tiuitreas. F. Bl. Lovxr.n, LIbevtyvIile. WAR REN. ire. Bronstisu la enlsrtalning ber itiece Ales MOOluru. Ars. alle Johnaon, of Chicago, la vicittug at AMr. Bvanaou'a. A ton vas boru hteAir. and Aire. Waltu ea et at aîrtay Aug. luth. A large crovd wvsisnluatadance uI lte .srvles etDrnce Lake ilut Sunday. crauflet formerly of Ibis Place la very ilI vith Iyphoid lever ai ber home on Butrict O., Wintegan. Shattera AIl Records. Tvces in hospital, F. A. (lulletige, Verbuna, AI&., paiti a va"t Oum tu deaeromatcure àasevere case of piles. cansing 24 tussors. Whou H altilet, Buctlena A&ruiez Salve soon cueu seben, tilim pains.Met Salve Ill the vorîi. Mc as F. B. LovaLn, Liberty- ville, GRALÂkU mPEÂAMAxCY. , Liberi The Page Wovu Wk Fonc 0F NEW JERSEY.' The new electrie line now building from Lake Bluff to Libertyville, will have its cars lu operation lu Julyt Everything lertainlng to this road le of the very bst' kind, road bed, rails, cars, etc., and besldes the manage- ment have, fenclng the given orders 44~ entire lin@ to our Com. ~w ith our pany f or h ighest grade of railroad fenclng. Pôsts set extra deep lu the ground and atrongly braced. The fence when completed, will b. a ocredit both to the Railroad Company and to the Page Write for Catalogue:- PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENTI V..P., 200 Monroe St. Chiago. 0. 1. LUCE, LOCAL AUPNT Uiberyvile. lUluea. ~jr. Liber iDr. IL Staver Bui~ides ~I' - w - The name guarantees the ..quality.. kil,,, Li bet Dr.( Lih.-r- D r. Lb D. Roci Dr. Pl Dr. tU' Rloci BI ICA Wili Li be Pl AIle Libg mIl. Schanck Bros. - - Illinois. ,-Arc you plnning to attend th-..ý ZE C 1OUNT.Y F AIR Libertyville, September 2-, 3, .4, 5e Prospects for this year' s fair could flot be better. Neyer were i received as many entries at so early a date, as this year. as good races promised and neyer have so many classes' This means a superior race program every day. Q.A famous troup of acrobats will give performances daily before the amphitheatre, consisting of trapeze work and acrobatic feats. They are the very best. Base bail every day-Lake cou nty teams only to compete, I If on e may jude by the demand for space and stails the, for a purse of $50 with entry fee addeda exhibuts of stock of ail kinds wilI excel this year. ~.THE MIDWAY«...m Will present ail the interestin$fuatures a midway should, aând, none will bc obiectonable. It It witl bc the Iiveliest, fünniest ànd best midway 'Ive., A m m WRIGHT BROTHlERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials 'and ail Kinds:::; Hardware:... WRIGHTI BROIRERS1ý LAI< GE t C t t t t, I ti ttttt à& 1 -l . 1 . 1 à Ae'r nu N6.1dr ib-ff - - - m -, RRIHT W te beat the fair. 7't

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