CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Aug 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT Vol. X-No. 47. WI3LL DRFSSED ME3N PATRON IZE FRED CROKER, LIBERTYVILLES TAILOR. 1 inaki îî.oîùt'gtîrîîîtits and'îtiuCîît charge extirbitaiit Jîices. I lave, a stiflioio'it forve of ili-il tii 'i\( ali Itoîrdr prompllt atttentionl. See iny line of samples before ordering. lt's time to think about fali apparel. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, Office over Trigge & Taylor's. 011V 55-7 t 114 , DI. 2 t'. I4itA 0. tii p. rU Libertyville - Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. - U fico r(A' r La3ke ; luty I.r Liber '.ilr iS D r.C i ÙA 1 W AY Dr. A. J. NIH(>LS. 'AI( ,1- . - - ý - ' 01 rN iAtO<f i ,L GRAND DANCE * .AT ... IIERTEL'S PARK PÀVILlON, laif lDa>, litI., Saturday [vening, ALJ(jISI'30, 1902. licago Orchestra. DONT FOPGFT TI I. DATE t [Nery accommodation Lib( rt yvilie 'n .. D. fi. GR3V'I R, MV. D. 1 Iîýltt i"îe Iîhy-tt ti L alw i>atten'îd. Rockefeller -I os Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG, PhystChlanandi Surget)fl rLJiJTERING pl1aste rl n g 1n central Dr. 0. M. GROVER, and western Lake Hometftis( ~ î.'Cou nty on short ttttt t- Iguar:irîtee my work. Rockefeller Liinois. .... Let me estimate your BENJ. H. MILLER, work ATTORNEY AT LAW. IciSNCK 5Lc r TFrtîaeo'r .0o26 MY PRICES ARE RIGHT. W ill Attend 1l.til t' 11t-. ' ( ý t i I s t st Libertyvilie - Itlnois. t(eferenceq furniaheti from promninent ~ parties ln I IbertyvIlîe end ther sections 8Iser. PAUL MacCUFFIN, I 1 have 'done Attorn, ý0a.tnOousittroLa- vork. NOTARY PUBLIC. O)filc. ovar Lit oik. Libertyville Illnois. 1 HUGO PEGELOW, ___________________________1 Prairie View - - Ilno. MISS FLORA COLEy~ ______ PHOTOGRAPHER. STUDIO IN BULItLEY HLK Libertyvllle - Illinois. GEORGE P. FROST, VEtURINAflY c.URGEON. ~tt;Ett.It1 ake Foi est W.I LJHFJFRIA~IN~ [~jj~j~ - "ran .. s f urnisi)ed on -ord ir. Cake CoQ. Bank, tsitn WRIGHT DYMONO & CO, LibOi-tyvlllo, Illinois. Issuie Int6rostittering Certifi- cates litynllo on Deand. Individual rospontsibility, $100.000. EDW. F. STUENKEL, F-un eril iD i reLt or. E-verett - - Illinois. To Janf1 p . F. BAIR MANUFACTU MRS. L. A. DILLE. MODESTIE. Libertyville - Ill in ois. FLirîIes- 'Cottage. Sur Miii St. citatoitirH a.t ttrilas nî'w itrîro. Latest Patterns and Styles, Libertyville, Lake CountyIllinois, fiday. August 29, 1902. REPUBLICÂN'S NME TICKET. hery&P'u Convention at Ormysteke <One of thnatiar ebofc Halrnlronv. 700 Premeut. cornmitee menul~ FerJufe riIs vwu doua For Judk. ... t>. L. ..,W.kagan. madie Up u folleWU',, For oifi..... .... -Pewal. wmkc. . Etl.inam ... ForTroa _ ....L. G.F.'IC. WaUod.. J. T. Crawford.. For Sgt. '0s Sca .S.....lP. N.-Gatiat. G.reO. 0e. Webb...... L. J. Lobdel ... Trhe aboya ticket vas amnod ai the E. Itepublicau connty Convention LadJ. . Smîhe.. ai (irayalahe Satxrday. , v as a con- E. j. ileydockir.». veulon marked becau&e of thte E. L. Clark .... hsTmOn prevaling. . J. Douglas ..J harmny pevailug.Long before W. 0. SDPO. convention hourte varnons isucceasn lE. H.Jackson ... candidates were coucded tbelrir pl- Ueo. Breen . nations- Wlth Site delegatea Il vusDr.J . .Taylor ...: only a [natter!01f 'goting lute baud :F. .roayne.. wago an a.vîl besee bytte IM. T. Lamey. tables@I>lov, vhere titere were coun-Afig. Froclleb. testa, îî vas alilOne way. J. S. (lrldley... It u usttw o'lok wenc i. M. Vaut... h W jul io oîlok vtenChar-Wm. D. White.. 'an Wyuu of the county commtt0e Jamesa illly ... ealled te convention boorder. lu the B. <. alen .. large hall over 6(Ka) vere seated and a A.the rd bundretiatood. Socrtary Webb reati a@91o1 tla o te oeil and then J. L. Svayer. of and colis for . Wankegau vas madie chaîrman and B. L. liendee and 13. Miller, of Llbertyvliie aerelary. and in1ai17 Chàs,*ý A cormttise ou credentlals compoaed platforut aud a.dopiad lîy uit. ns idrat cijorce of îLe conventIon, LIs Sanggeâted taI ~fne deegatlons Iplenibr of ttec larsloItrllons.1 the conmmîtle .Bauton S Newport r; uttocit ... rant t.. ....Avon ......Warren W,. Waukegau lai Waukegau 2d Waukegan 3d L.Wankegan lt ... Waukegsu r 5t Stîlelda lei Saii 2d t...... .Cuba1 let D...leertleld l2t e.. Deertield d eommiiee vas becanta îîneasy vers@itoard.A. Joues dtitneti N. TlaI~I, cfII 0 Antîdeh, andi H. W. Brtxks, of Waucoutia, va naieti bY thte chair anti relîredti o prepare resol niIons. Afler a short petiot] te raoIutiona commiitae reiuneti sud prefonlth ie folovîng rcaointlottl for consîideration of thte convention: lEt.55 tbtît, thlant 2of iti Con- Wihite' for',- o- ot.Ir itait! li thall anjt th lienrrt.'rt.rhIouuM it tftt irai tttti for t. rrît-arttl ort adI h.' I.I titi .rI,ittfl WatKEA8. ta Iin"tr.'ette ti2i f holdingr anti tuLlnî ai0o1i trImant ai,Utlniusiti.8 a ttatieriytti10tttitit ils.trtiamongrtihttub- IIarts amii realifto. Uor witin I rtntîa and 'Frank N.« Gaggll. Ne.ala for Crtuniy WHERRÂIKl.lnins 1h41 a PrIrttry Lav Spt of Sheolo by Large Maority. r..suiring te Ausraiiau lt ytexOrf laitot___ dirict for te candidlates aiou!d bI' anaClti- or vititont sorti a iaw. a inIl&iarîan shonItd hîKaelf vîtIs landing bouquets; to tite tia atoptietibr 1t.li1ubiittarrIlr la farmera, and hea preitiIl ounthk. Lakte Count Y, Thte redential comhtee cama lu Terazroaa a eInl ovad t'yilBePu b. andi lbetr report vas lîstenadto. ii.I Lewis C. Pîkce, NatI County Trmaurr WOri a Easy Vctory at rylake. 1 declaratiori reîelvîug ringluf applanse. Wliin Il came go sherîf? a Vote bY roll catil as takien slter (George Powell- Wm. lialt, Fred Itudolpb and FiaUk Fritaqcit Lad befiu nomînatei.'Te rosuit or thie Informai ballot la sitovu liera ai ti ..... ...... À Wa 'w ... ...... ... Avoit ýIý1....... 1 Wt.ukeatmnt id 1 .. ... ... W.Ulagan 1 ..t........ W aUkagan tl1.., ... 23 .. ....... LiWtrt Y'111î.. ..... 12 ... . Frirîstt. .2 Cb........... V..rt .u....i .. 3r-1ltti ......... i~s 1 OuI motionîrt maile the Informai ballot formai every delegate lu thse hall actjuesced. 'Tan lcame onominationa for Connly $1.50 a Year in Advance. Tite caudîdatea vere titan calleti Wankegan.Pox Lake ElectrIc uThuforaneites autieacthrondled Wue au- unrLaed. ecr vlth aforeecvhsandle itcittti on e ha tIMonday nigai lb vet adjw ourus ferti. wheco- Asnkime tingcll on aci b.ieni veton doSurned. tATLAI.eauCieycolile il i rd thfe WSang Urayalake people vr cou 1ede ta 10 maure lbe ostrUc*n c& o ryaud feoer telr pleudad lank lean-VozLao eltrl c.d. o M arrneebndtaacofor hi paed Ite reus -oI Lae elactre rond. b areangement tvisîtors. Tte thie ar lo ovualof the Wane aal ciao. dolnlg randm iteors.ehal uThe lc re llght plnr thv aneri iai*les- Lanndlo eord(rInertfhe all ln lae tildrancplat ne. oramOved a ay Raol, served eal, of teoredale undr vUhbetau road hi u t-" room aud titere vas plenty and 10 faInlyguatlfng lnorina*on t10ros- spa. for aIl vho partook. IJoolttle & dents adjacent Su thse termllorY 10 ba Whbites& Hall ia oertaliy a redld 10 penetratcd sa vel m 10 people of thea lte owners and G<rayaiake. Thora la conuty sati. not a better hall lu Lake Couuty. 1%___ com plote in a&l Ia arrangem ents. e v tr i s a d f t M e b e Grayalake dld hersef proud i itLakae nytaaatifu Iehv county republîcans boy lu ack- aronaed the raîtrosda 1to te noeccail Toowur l'airons l1ri-d vak 1 ttI n tcd he c Thte INDUPINDE'T yl MantalU heatiquarters ute Fair grounudsneit veek a good place to pay your ub. acrîption. IVa stal be plessed to meet Jou. Elgîn Butter Market. Butter vau quoiad ai 19> cent. ou the Elgîn Boardi of TraIe Mouday, viîc price va. declared officiaI. Chicago, mlîankeasuantt.Paul. Ite construction departîment la nov ai vork laylog lOO.ponnd a"eeoncmthe CJimcgo.MflankeUlne. Witt Bbc ativent cf lb. Pioneer Exprema Bme ne noltonna 1hey mus% have a mt oid truck ansuinemea a hMeb velgItci ohé arail. v»e deteuiac upon sau one o01tthe necesaiths 01 tbc bualce.. TO CLOSE OUT Fanry ctlored Dlmle-ihst aoid ailt 10 nov (Jolored Silk or Liste Olovea -50c vaues for 31c-26e value hautin Shirta- Trlmuied and vaahabie-any skirt we bave Collai stocks -viâte pique wih oiûored enda-reduoed b o nly o 41satin TaiTata iilb)bou -lai1k and lu many colors per yard . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .1 e Any Wlaie ShIrt Walt-wliout regard t0 former prie. t0 Dowv..........................................$.0 Any (olored Shiirt Wait-thoae tiaotldfrom $1.75 10 l JO nov ............................................. 71k SnBonnet.Ihe35o and 25o valu«a go nov for emei 11 * tYiia.uly Nomiuetd for 8and.. * ..*"» *..*..................... I,,......... tim for County Clark. mon& Negigea Blrt.-blg barglna10clone ou-ai 790 and...................................................49 'Ironrerr. L. C. l'rice and 0. N. Situe Bargalni-hort Itnou adeo« miao-beo cot-ailmUm 1 «W ci. rldley vire uautcd and tle onuven- tIon proceeded to a formai balot Villa lte ftlovlng reanht: ..... yfr nsetin 181haea agerrottnto I.edSor n L Caioussmhti reti app&Buse. naIlior uperiteudeut of sueel t Dameâ of F. N. Oagglu. M. W. marvîn and W. C. McKeuîîe vere presenieti George F. Powell, Neminaied for Shtriff by Ortrrwhelmat Maoriiy. ,STOW URER F lian larîor I,îakr.'Cttirlt la Cttîlsttit at 0ttealitltI i oîrgantd art informai taken sasfollova: asseathi'sI titi,19 23td tai of AUIrats19Mothal preinits vare rr'prefolnbad bY titti-1e Marbie Ilgth MKnatora di.ifipî. natviis'n rsthe galas vitItproper îr'deutleî,and flitî anbl Egt iara ia DIty rîîat. d10s th iilnlte4ltrof cotitemt lu 2t1 dIhtrif, annadar hr ayreIistdauto lt trstthn the MmttDerlll ie eoniait an nactm.'nt o a rotfflr nPItDeted hYI"ouell G aieVo.inu Lawv viitoh il .'uIrss aI Ott'îtttt sealîug otite delrgsîhou hea1e îîy G,1 to- vorîin, lL itttiialr rina'anitli Dam W.* Taruer. ' fits let out the lisithar 7 tii'ià MO(Nt'MEN IS yoirg tîtrs o li, ianda ani it' itîfl'9Atliti i o! u alidlduil.afor rOtiiiatistllt t'g atîar lai.e otnat i ~î ipor, s-reraI' balots, tiar t i r rlsitstt lis. Aler a nmolsf ttion hRd leI rttit i tt1 t' s.o ... beaic n hbalot ts, î.rssar.tI. d t e~'- î tf t , Il C E mani tI ttii Elarnii îrra tti t laklnfg lte teuoloralytrgît.titt tîKltiti. 5 I 3 WOit îatssut ,o rIS..sttItl. ttant ittiî srîXuttantîs te real i hsItti m of W tgit l , f bt.Y :it' e d tiiopptttSit [l.'itmot of att triro coventitl ttltta Nl lJFCitltiO. andtiw tatifor Ant i t Lfuthr D.iL. Jones litas lio)ifml'l titir t .... iKoLY5îi. 'bat lii, ttiîttaltittt tartl int ug ) e m na _ oult."r foooisfront eiltit.oitt.Ii i., <îiliy t igi iy rclin o s itil Liti ttts7I choftn by t , ld faa1itîttttil, I totailiein voeasisA Vtttiit. corraspoulteîtte aiit ite cOurty orn ilai tba tllt v ra- L. Hentiee for CoîintY Clerk. (rsG Solîcieti. Isot.1to.a iimffaiasiooui "ta u ta...ton t i'n' applanse follovet ltae nemlng of thlîai lttta .... oralcI tho itetairinan rf Itheoltlt tttfl. candidates. Ater Mr. Bendee vas w- trfl "iii .... mil'a. anti forrnoiat. a prorittr tii. Land r-' nameti W. B. Lewin, Of Newport, arome itriii I ...... ..... ptorlt esa@âmloniOur meenartoitae Leglas-asd secondeti bis nomt&Ulbon saying Ussrfildidd.. ii6 ensea St. Inca andt 1te nazi ragniar rnsttitiiauion. SIa lsha as autlhortîselin vyhbhdrsw 'otai....... vecfl Ion.1incase a iav stiaI nul have ibeen lbaana cfJ. A. 1Mollamu. Ne aporba -- . -4 Wakg u ad h %bat tmo. eadIdale for cout! lakis Newport By- unanimonu vote thse Informai 5 IIL TIsaremuecnilnsWOU ~raclOM* tlth Ea9iad 0 acciUl UY te theballot W&» UA* mdc ormal. Wooi blatnkets in bright colorff and latest 4* patterns. . ('ore iii during the fair and inspeet tÈem. My s'tore will be open untili noon 4* eaclî day of the fair. 4 4* C. H. KAISER, OKCALER IN+ 4*Harnesses and Horse Furnishings. 4 î-Libertyville. Illinois. 4 Igh Quality. Our sîioei attrrtct attenition liecatise of titeir Iigli qtiidity, etIeganit ri1pt.aiiiil, and rea - Vie ILssatint-yoI ingood fit, tt)ot titt I ftis nisi ofrt. > Wint olitit îîîî ins'pectiont of 2Oth Century Cash Store c E. W. PARKtIURT. Prop. scbmab*. - eqmo Bluff the lin@ our grade round nui b. 1I~ i ~s 9the, - 1 1 74 wý, 4u i - - - ---ý 1 - 1

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