CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Aug 1902, p. 2

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PUBUSIED WEEICLY. £OITS NO ATS ON APPLICATION. DYNAMITE WAS POOR. TH4E TRAIN ROBSERS' EXPLOSIVE FAILS TO GO OFF. A Ws.tbon4 Nothevn Pa,l& .Train I&toppsd in Idaho. but No Pionder . Obtainsîl-This Cootrye VoIrirue of Traae wth Cuba Ia S--11.. T.he wcsu-bound Nortbea a( aîi. i train was beid Up t Sanîd Pint. Idaho, wtxy- glye miles t-st or S1okaue, Wash., ut 11 *colock on a relent nîglt. Thle roblicrs. et whoui the n', -rc ar, forced the englacer t,îuî,op therain. after wiich th" îmcoupled th, c laggagî' car. Tlen BIb"compelled the eugnet'r, ut the point of a revolver. to ,ul] up tih' traek about tbi5s mils farther, n-lerct fic>trie te t thec baggage car with dynanite. l'h. explosives failted tia aiort. and atter MMedlng lft@en mititto- wirh the car tbs rolaber dccainped, allong the en-ci gifleer tu go backto theitrai) %itihbi. engue..Twe <aller thug8 ad iaigarîled the train, keepilng tie pasengerta uside hi ITrIng revolvers aloug the ida-o. No atteinpt wa made to niolestthUicpaua*n- gui, and atter tic cungine cauie hart the odier robliers lIed and the train went te Spokane. The train Wa& beaily Ioided. __ TRAllE WITH CUBA 18 16MALL. Tbf" Coautriy Fait&8 t0 Keep Face iu Latio-A.serleaasLande, T'h inalar division off the ar De- partaietin Washington bas publiabed ia la"t summaa7 of the commerce outhile ldand of Cuba. The ounuiary ahoWà that the totlIvane of inîpurts juInCuba 4uxfng tte miltary occupation was $225,- 4871M sutad the exporta were $45000000 lmu than the importations, a tact artrili- uted ta the detruction of property tad damge tu agrculture ransed by the Boer tirr. rT, United States furuislied 43 pe cent ofthUicimporta and ot 7-5 lier cm to the exporta. Pracdically &Il Uic = Fr ent tuthie tUnited Sates. TPhe ofaceu trade was decidedllY in tavor « Cuba, and litleIsreuared Ibat the trade o the Unted States bias net kePt pece lu any ut the Latin-Ainerican rotin- triese wftl a ilwanderfitl strides in )ter parts et the wrld. CIMAIN OF PACKERS' COMBINE. CaM1e Baisers Plan t0ret .a" Op- *.e sIn"dmust Housse. le mursanre .large coue ruserado- 11g b.ahwaon dis Omeatiamarket thât a Obis or the packing bouses bas becu .stiated and tht the prce ot Utc c" uwMfaUiwhcau nly uoneflirtlàbuy- èW *01 they have praecellY finldcd plu»s b erect and uperate Iinependest Met la usca et Omaha and Kansas Gty, and po.Wbly St. Louis. The psa lain lue.$1 woth of stock for eaeb beel f et e stock owned by the catte , 1 .lM'fty-dYe ver cent uft1h11 stock m« W sld la th treeaary, has prevent- tmg Be trust peuple f ront sccurnt con- zdwkuUS 9a5flli Hace. luwmg 18 the taàdag ofthde cuibs W. u W. I& Booea...58 51 SL Lois .... 48 58 CbiaWo .... .54 Wa3New York... .38 67 Tii. clubs uft h American League stand as tuluaws: W. L. W.L._ PhUldeIphia 60 41 Washingtun. 51 56 Bouton ... 5 46Cleveland ..51 563 (Cloeg .... 56 47 Baltimore .. .45 0 St. 1»"ls.. .54 48 Detroit..40 EL) Woan 1(1115 lier Huabend. John M. Wright, a fermner uf Humphrey Couaty, Tenn., lied fthc top of is head bira off wth a doublil-harreled shulgun whi.lie lept. t was thought that WrWgh aid ben assasinateti by a nelgli- ber, hut Invetigation iîîcriuitated hie villaand she was plsced enuder arrest "É% ri tght contcaiid o theUicaberiff Thieesa Take $3800 lu liii er. l'he FinIt National Bank ut Aberdeen, 8. D.. was rubbed ut $3.800 lu ilver. Ut mrolibers entcred thc basenîunt. thence Usni" upsîsirs, and Cut a boit in the vsnlq tbre«% te steel Ride. 'Tie chest -vas stt pened. the s9ver blietg storcd In caeks in the vault otalde outhtec ofe. Tears Oyster ield Large. Au inspection ofthUicMaurice river cuve oystcr ieds yl> homaz C. Coing- ton, meofuthti largeait wholescie oyter li dexlereln Pilsdlpiia. show-s tt dig yees yleld oct oytcrs ahi exceetl in I numbers tiat o! an>' formes' teasont for IU a tuli derade. t Julia Liasont Passes A-.>'. Miss Julia Lamouir. daughtcr ut ex-.Se- retar of Iar Daiutel S. amouf. dled ai hem faticru 'ollage af Surreuiao, Me. Mi«sa iniont hlisol licca h Ioor icuilu for nm m oe.e KIil dlu Penie o a Cr. t1 One person us dead sud eveu arc njur- f ed au tk vesat U thraitg of a trol i te> wire andlas ruatettp.nti. inia streel car at Metaphi. Trîîa Es-tlone,uss- Bodi, Iîi. George îioiaill>* y.tforuer (loi rmor out Oho aud aidel> tucta n es,.a rctiporatiunb Iaarîer, dîcal in W tins, N. Y., agi-ol74 îears. Hc lad licoutiifuomeOOic ue. Rafis-ad President Arreeted. a Preaideuf Burt ofthticUnion lPadeb 8..1w-a>'was arreaf cd un Omaha on rom- plaint ot ten arrkuncu ciii alege falue lmpriborment. Rev. Robert Nourne Strickeu, Bey, Rotbert Nourse. Uic ccli inuain Congreugatiousl minister and f ctuoreïr v«a trickcu alit let ftlre w-ile ilu the puieloutth irst (ongregafuoasi Oburcin uWashinagton-Ia. turceovMrla hoped to.1 Tliomas. Toutscnd lias fini'ht- hi. 121 voumoaes, tarmntig w-at le tnow-u es "te 'Posnseud litrar> ut Natitial. Otilte andl Individual Civil M'ar itce oed." Tihe autito ha. devotei t ,t> neveu yesa lutîuatniitrtatlu>' Xzpens.of Auihrsite iioirntora. il in etaoated tiat flic -ual ctîl lt.. polcemen gnarding the idict'ilein i tsar coantica utfl 1th nnaylv a ituiliru ste region numtwr 5.0050. 'hicteip.> met of &auay apt'îiai guastîlilia, De eessltaled an eo,ii,Iifcnt it,,it-- ou panles f0 date of Itol.ts Wamao Mut'd-eei--d Ilidd-n 'rie body' of Muss llme tlt',ao 'ii dl.-ged somtsu a'o ra-odealouU le aout sista ut Cornîia, Mî'., oas fount in ia I'lemp ut busisca sifi flue tttlitruahu4. l'h womau bai evidertlty been muleter- .1. Te motiva in theuglit tuhave heezi gobberY. FATAL CLASHI WITII NEGROES. Ilirec Reported Kilteil lu Troublte Due to Th.feaoCr. le Misi-ilil. Sheriff Long o! Titoli. , , t ttd s felegraux fretinDc1tty Sleitlit ititi Youtng nt Shannonti atkiîg tiat it ' otOe Ituicdiately f0 iliat place. A rptt'mCta$ eurrenuthUaf flirt-cnegrosliad lit-ti' ilui' 1., and that James ltaudolpti, one ut the Pest kuoson citînîns of fie counlY. chu ad sssted i0 tic rreat ou thetir fe- becu ahot and at'rtoaslY woosi- cdi. Thc troublc grî-îvontothel teal- ltîg of soite corn by a ncgro a autit Dan- euport. The folios ing niglt tic Mesi",. Etîlants, frumt whom the coru was stlin. veut te ttc fild ta lok out for thienco. aîîd on returniug wee fired on iY a 191tiîd of abouit fotty negroca. Messes. Itou- doîpli, Rogers and Ilarnett itere delto tized te arrest tliose implicafcd. Ticetic- grues larriraded themacînca lu a baru. arnteol wi hulgunu. la sttetnptiag Iliir arreat Randolpi ras abot lu tic lics d sahonîder. Il is reported that flirce ncgrucs w-re tilled liy the 1usEo. Deputies lrougit tu jail igit ni-graca. Evcrything la now quiet. lINOS A CAVE OF CURIOS. Gleluglat May Unearth Relica of Frr historla Ages li Clifornla. Su important srecthc recent disconcries ut the Unversity ot Caliturnia getlogictil department lu the limestone caves on fthc McCîoud river, in Shata Count>', liat Prut. Johna C. Merriamn, icad ofthle pai- contiology work, ahiljin tic atîdî'nt as- sistant, Euntare Furiong, wbu lm digziug ltot the depsits for bns Prof. Mer- risa believes that Furlung bas discut- ercd a -fissure cave't and that it bas tk- en tbonsands out eresta lufIl this creire lu Uie cartli. If au the successiver layera ut oliand gravel w-Ilprave sasentable trchounse ut geoluglical ecdullels. MAJOR G, A. ARMS SHOT. Wouuaded bî Fomer Tenant Wlti Who.ssle lied Quarreisd. Mai. George A. Arme@, a retire arroim ffleer, was abat but nul "eriecal njoeed s bia home, a tew mile outade Wush' tngon. liy J. Doland Johnon. Mai. Armes was abale ta go ta Uic atmI bus- pita for an operation tu extract the bol- let. According ta issacoueo Johnson was tormcrly uneoutbils tenants. Wtil whom lie iad "ome dlfflclttY and w-bu tireateued tu shut hlm. Mai. Armes gays he was slttiug on tic prri uthils bouttswheu Johinson spproacbed sud fired twah&bts, the Seast tatlng efecet ln tic Aglt breast. Tic second ahut w-nt wild. LIMITED TRAIN la DERAILED. Unknoova Fer-o-Wrecvk Shu 'Friso ..,« Near Po't Scatt, Han. The Frisco syste'a saouthen'n Umted train, soulli beun<, hcavilly isden vIlla %asaeagers, wua dalled at 54w-arde = near Fot Seott: Kaa., w-leI , 0 #ai t à .p.ed et t"frWmiles. Se dfead driven a *Mik«be-en tise swlItch real and upened the switeh hall w-e. Tie engltuer and fireman a ere lnjuid, but noue ufthUi passengers wast hat Thle engne w-sa derailed, and the baggsge car aras thruw-n acrrosa tie tracks, botthIle cuaches and Pullmans emalncd un the trark. Triple Tragedy ai Bae-, M. lWiliasm Ipsliaw, 20 ycars nId, arbo lef i home at Sais, M.. alter a violent quar- tel lait spnîng. retued home. brolie bute the hotuse sbat bifs fatier tirougi t cheart, fred fwoaos intu bis stepmutli ena ibrcaut aud tien lilan oatbils lraini kon the iralroad tract,. ucar their bouse. The uniy attie fiat -au lie aatgîîîd tut tie tragedy i fiat tht' ion -t a polttsre ta bis faticr's second îîartiagt- Rob, Arkansas Pustoffie. Depoty ttutuîaoter Sot laid c'a-m blci op, liotitd snd caggî-d lt>'rulbers at Stuttgart, Art - alic tiaibout to cloat fie ottite 'iTle tttlbrs ttut $6Win>)t emone>', aioul $348] amrîli of tanîlus utd t Sclandi cwatch and escapu'd. 'Th. i man's grîtios atttricted fie attentiotuoo ilpanserai>' aaibout lafer sud he wns, ir leased. StarývstrsAttend s Rennion. Ticeanual reunuoa ufthticsurvivora of Quntrell* gucrrtllaa cam lAut Inde- ,a'udo'nu-e. Xiii, 'iit of mt loae ut-coco toot pat n uulte raîidrilion l'as nrt-ud Kan-, tit-titit cars agi', and a mua. rme. iîlî n uulîumug',atas inîmtîîu thc rviiuîn- asral. Neck lu a l os-.. %its. Janre Neareli, agced 65 >cars.n îîromimîrtît r(istrt o! Springfield, t)iiit ýa. akilîcil in a rtmnawnya>acicident. il, carrtagr oit sgotug dt,n uî illsuhtnanmitft er rîcin mb it troua tic riar andi tartte tic liorsîrs. lits. Neme tilmjuminîtag tt taîl ou ber lcsd ad irtte lber ucb, dy- lut inutaiti>. Tw- Kiled lu Druke So.- Perry Oule>' of .ysaîud",r snd Ciorlî4 A. Brown of Gllipuli.4ne-e iliot asu kilit-olin the street at (lîc 0fî.Dii b>' Frank Smithi. Ticheaen ere umore ot lem iafoxicafed samd qtiarteltal Smuith, aho iad s shotgun, raa f0the middleeat tic strecf. The others fttiiuSn sd bt sliotfia-m u otti. Smith gave iimaarit ni Anesi-s Yacht Wln. Race. PThe American auxiîtary yachti Ufoi. na, oancd 1>' Allîson V. Arînîur of Neý York, w-on Uic Esri ut Crue tîrd'a Coro nation t-up la the rallia1 rame waii atarteal troua tbe Nah ligbfohip nf Cowes lise ut Wight. ta Checrbiourg sud bick around the Edd>'siuue igifinuse. G.ea sAdusîril Relgu.ý Adriîrai UNon L)îcdriclis las reaigu.ý ha. pool. cixiet of staff tif tie Gernut rîatti lie hum been saaeidi'd h1,' i, Adtiuiral tuî',hsrl. Empt-ror Wailliamui aci-ng Aditotal Von Diuedii'i's rezsî nation c rft'rn-d ita ihîgl> fittleiug tcrt ta is services. moSnt Pl'eeeAirainActîne Olh of c ttUi t 'ithe Da'lme- poi. îtcî i ttu t fa n t mi.. t ai , th Ie. niA tiiid uc 'lle ti tiog. j titai to ,-tirhitccetf l,'u - hit r--cinsuis.0-t -,f lil',1,ia, l,,..- huit Mca. IIu>ct- aîd lier grauudîaaghlcr. 'ou thurîîîie ofuttin' fatail; os-etut mced. Riol Vigler a Suicide. Henry' Kulih'îaac, aigier ai i IDWet.d States iltin Ncw (>rlcnaI l %ent>' icars an enpluys of thse L« ml t isiana Sfsfe Board ut Healîli sud a arcl- PROVEB A JEI<YLL ANI) IlYDE, ni' tnownntian abouttt toan, aent a bullct sou tiroîtglî IiIrin nt ie resldeure. As Mayroi- ot s Missouri Town lia T "Q the soun aso ficie,. 0sf lifitsuicide n-ait- Wlves nolnd -d. t. jail. ceiveid, aithîe iniît Superinteîtd,-tit Aituter Jetili oî,d Hyde ha-m lien fr Suftion pu ,fotrce'ofttnuet airt tîund inl entlite in fie petsun uf John Pro eheckiitt mmli li-boios andtî aiountt'. A Peudîcton, Mayor ut GttittY, Mo. Hei 1 77 shurfagi- ut $7W0 vas discttvered. la inu lau at Emporta. Kant.. tu sv'ait trial Boni forhiîgamy sud tut> lie prmseuted for Iry BRINGA THE SÏULTAN TO TIM. attempting tu s,msdlc a lire iluance Company. About ao wcedkeaiuo, .uder S Lelabassn tae Amerîcan Dlemande lRe- fie usame et C. S. Morris, lie marrîed ne, gard.d-To Milssion Rouse. tirace Oblgy, asbltlgirl lu Oklahioma, NY 'Ple sharp remîîîder uf tic United and auddeoaly diaappeara'd. tla&Oklahomas ty Sfates mioîaîcr. John G. A. Lishmnan, irîe expected tu toun juin hua lu Wlclii- S, 0 at Constantinople. tu tic Porte laoliar"fa. A telegraux troua Oklahoma into3rnl' Ii( iigthefacdesircol recet ut hateulugtheliced lier that be cas dead Butiertsusislcins 4(X earryiug outtuf the Sultangs engagemenit@ clrcutaue« autî fat @aie liad licter tor tic setîlemeut f utPendugQuestitons, bave tic coffin cahtimed and iaveatlgate. 1 One outhfe miuur Anariran demande The telegramua-i', fenui the alierif utf $1, licretfoore dlstregardrd-naely,ltehe r- Orlando. Oh. Thebcroffin vaa astken nP 10 furu ut a package- ut insurautre poicictasd round emipty wiv'tliefecruPtion aOf la oaized iy flic authonities-as conîplica fwPud rie llncminell nifla tie otber dii>, ahilte indications a5bout forond ritsc. Tenwactriucnmd hf point gte (e' en eiri fpe entry and csptlîred. livng viti unotliet ta ucting furtlies friction b>' settinq ttc vite and seral citdren. There be c'ssthe ther mattera, lnrludîing the rclinildiug of fie American mission houa. t Ki ir' tound te h. Mayor o u t och sud ec put. Turtisi Armnenia. destroycd aft te Inown as John Pendîcton. Hcelroke 1 fiimeouthfli Armenisu massacre there. dowu sud mye lie ahilpiead guilfy to 55. and tie grantlng ut permission tu Arme- fli chcarge ef iigainy. v rien aumen sud crilîdren f0 loin Uieir IRULES SWEAiIING 18 hRIGT. ( linabanuasnd tsthesawliuare naturrul wa ited Anîricans. Milwcaukee Judge Hld* bian liai He MINISTE13SSWauaOW KILLED. Profanse if Kept from Sleep. Polic Judgc Nî'ileti of Miwiaukeieut ai MareeAuoinette Hopkna,MarchioflSe rded tiat s man iasa srîglt tu cvpar aC antd Barons.., Strssck b>' Car. aIen bisaleep mu distnrlicd. Tiecroin-C Mrs. Marie Antoinette Hopkins, vldow- plainant In tiecai-se aas hies. Bert Cal- gr' 6f tmc tc Earad A.Hupîns.forer ins sud teUic'iu,.eeuil>' noises" auligee~am of fic dlttes minlstc Lu Argnine fore'r a>'tic detense ivtclier attelnlts a nt- a Unied tats mniser LuAgeineb' Rep- iug sud tie raîîlîig of tic dîshea <Whte 41 publlic, c-as kiîcd ln St. Lusb tp getftng breakfast. Gleorge Duorack, 1he plug in front ut s street car golng si defeudant, ila arcfîder gerbe vueke et flirt>' miles sn bout. Mra. Hopkins wax iglit sud sîcepa lu tic da>tlme. He lIves pl lioru lu Paris lu 183W. Sic aras a mar- i ii donn la fteClis I maiae in 1860 bun aBaronRentsel. ber Because is tiecrsignes et Uic dooir sud 9 Hoptagin 18 leber snteon luMrss . dc usaore vîolenti>' aren Mra. Oalkins wa. te 1894.kiv er condhlîd.drei e aluotgettins' breakfast and eulivnalg thé task tIl 18o. Fcve et Ooisurviten e r, ail of i vocal music ele bil hlm arretcl, lu who, eoet CnsantneL. vuun uct- lut tic lndge decideal f ast the language of tiel. arce reidents et ther contries. A lie ose< vas nu mure than tii. occasion tag daugiter, Helen von Itenthel, 'is Iu Ode,- demnauded. sau, Russa; Alexander. Uic eldest ton, la in Rio de Janeiro; i-Ranty"'nlas real- WAB MISTAKEN FOR BUROLAIR. I deut or Buenos Aires, and antier son, .M eàrr.e hr«tlt I Frcdcrick, fa armallent t Austria. à.,"los-i0 Cuietn ____@ hot and Killlcd lu OklahOMe. Ca PEASANT BOY FOR THRZONL J. M. MtiMorris, an aged and wel- Co knuwn resaldent ut Charleaton, Il, vas Gd Sen,.is la ig lasDileamme Ovees-e.mstaken fer a burgar and s"et lu theski tieto ademscee.r. borne ut J. Pt. Siaffer st Oklahoa CiGty,mR Ticre ia s sensational tory aflat ituoda belni luflirted trou whidi Me- Ne ne about the - soeone uthe Serviau Morris dîrd. Sisifer recntlY lucsld Nu Ilirone fiaet King Alexander, recogiizing Ihere tlrem Dixun. IIL MeMorris entered or the tact fliat Qoueen rage, rau neyer thie houte, thinkîng hia daugliler. 'des, g bear an liir, bas been considerng hoar Fred Troutonan, stili uccupied ili. and wa 8 f0 aud a candidate au as ta prevent bis beudlng over Uic craie ta csress ies sp- Ut enemies froux seiziug tic tirune. It in pused grandchid w-len lsiafer ahul hlm. Vi aaid tiatlie lias declded tu sdupt s Mehlurria dying statement extuiersfcd W healfli>'Peasut bu>' and educate hlm 10 Bliaffer. lie hae ucreasor. It in thotagl i tl i -doubtful ifthei Servions w-wi accept tihe NTiS XRER LIFE AB PREDICTED. aIdea, dcaptc tie tact liaItitheuugndcr Ge o me uu nmne oi u fthticpreseut dynastywais a swlneberd. mGIrl C m is uo idi i a" iuuaaiitL m a Elta Flîlulg Proves FataL A fortumt.bstu Jenie Falk of e illam D. Holdredge, 22 >esrs nid, MiansapoUi thst h« lever would b. t or Medina, N. Y., metlbis death while taithissae te besr and that the wold tolie ti efiylng s kife. Hloldredge mouoîtcd tliclher ow-n lite in osder te hecome a spirit wl roof of salbuilding oc'ed b>' hie fatber lu and vateh i oer hlm trous tic spiritlW urder tu gef the benefit ut a .trng cur- aorld. This. prediction made aucli a ti e reut ut air. ttc cas payiog out fie Lite great Impression on Mise Faik that ailieB mw-ien a gmst ut niud carriclhi@bislat brooded uver lit and Uic other day at- %s sway. Ili lr>ing fu catchitIflie telli .îd tempted fa drink caurbette scid. Ilt as os aras tilled. taten as>' from lber. butt w-o dais later sr t Flerce âtorta lu Nebrasta. @lie secured more acld sud succeeded in .- A turnadu. acrompantcd by a terrîic ending lier lite. Ir * rain sud bail turux paaaed abatg the Paefges-s Disas ts Desili. *Nialirriecr, igif miles uorti of! Uni- A cable car crowdcd alth paaagenîcrs L iugford. Neli. Il passed tirongi a fluet guIasi troua tic gelpman at thse top of l ly t>settied coîutry and la thounglt ta havi, fli NinUi treet incline ln Kansas City, m donc a grelat amnoUnt of damage. If id ahootiog doaru at an angle ut 45 degro-es. e ,r tuown fiat a nBomber of resîden(an. îd to tie Union station and daiing t,, fie d otier buildings u inte poli orthe tii ofrm boîtomux t a terrifie speed crsshed mtoaa ai re dcmnosicd. train gliat hald become stallcd there. bilt i iug one persoisud injurigug îtar>' a tuaya Mine for 01,000,000. score. 'flie Norh '.ericau Copper 'itcti. WleSrLIrCdr anhe.t tcapitallzi'd utnt .0lfi.00and f,,rracd rC.ii ..c L a recentIy iiiftic East to purcisse andl op-fTle I%'iite Sfar Lmîîc steamer C(Ilrir, %v n crate ail outhUicleadiig mines., t' atrîil of21,000 tfons, tic largcst ltuer atotat. i iltraitàtay anal anacter iuth fe Grad Eu-no,. succt'uo9fully latincd et l iastIn & tî ecampuacut district, bas purc.iîaocd lc'u, ilfî>'rt a. fst lcod.Se î-',rrs'îîeggorty copper mne at Battle l'as700 fi'tt long, bas 75 fret icasu sud!o l.atc. W>o.. f.,r $1(ii00,000.3 drawara49 1 3 ted or aatcr. Her crry- îug tapacît>' ie 18400 tous, asae lias ct BeaîtuBat of l lqucat. accommodatiou for 3.000l passeugera. ,f At concusion ut inquest un body 0fr Parisaes Fie. froua FlocWL i Mts. Anu Bartiolin in Chicago, tic cor i if .e's jury 'declared vuman was tilled Hundredd. of farmers lu Kansas hlldto il iy lier son and ieid Oscar Tliumpsou and flIe frona fie waters o! the Cottonw-ood- --Edward Counnacmanlas accessorles atter river. icsving bellind tliîr deluged farine the act.sud flooudid homes. 'Pie river rose tesd-9 thcfac. _______ily fue a n-cet and grent damage neouit-a C.rnegie Gels Rail Contract. cd. Sonic farmns acre atîder vaster tht' - 'iii' Wabasli basawîarded a toufrcact ty-uîx boturu, ranainir certain destruction tu fliîc'aruegie Company' for 25.001ftonistu cloep. ____ of sf,'î'i raias tu be, sed betv'eeu Zanca- tilleaud idarete. The valne offlie or- Proîht'i lHal, ct Off. i cde-r h i.aotî'> A maimîamed Pertîns, an ailcgcd di-a ____vine duc leie and propsef. w-ho had tieent h- Drowued lu Conueaust Lake. potîug as ou auget ut Clrst, wasa takeng tI )r. Glenn 8. MeDoweill of Franklin, out of 1'xarkana by 'ahltecapa" and t if Ps.. sud ltas 12'year-old daoghtee Lanca was floggicd and bis liair was eut short. yawree ,r,,aned in Conneant latte, tiecre- 'Pieu lien-as ginen flirt>' minute. te auit o!ftuir skiff being mun down ly a lea toton. A notice left: on Pertine' utasîîr. dour reîl: "Saine fate to Sympathiîsera!" esB. & 0. Marero. Advance on Pas-m iIMPIeMaiîbi d Baltimore and Potomasc itroad mcrg- Muattrers ut pluas and olher taem b "o fil ai tie Plilladelpisla, Baltîm,)re and Implements have advanced tise prlce ®rWasiittgton. Stock of tie new- orgn-o-fu thelr îroducla frumn 5 te 10 per cent j à. rastion ontrolled b>' the Peuns>'- over the prires uftelst year. Thq Ineas a Of auala and Nerthems Central, la caused Iy the rapid riscellaih est ci , c P emlastm's Nut Suicide,. u armaa en aelcdLadwod Aufopa>' su tic body ut Robert Itemng- Wii opes-ateNea Linit.. fou.,unlia as. aupposed tu lave cunîmit- 'lie lKansas City'St. Louis liheueta!iti tt-d suicide ut Neaport, 1. I.. shîîacd RtockIfislaud sysîtm w-i 1lie in uperation thfat tic blliet in bis liesd dot-a flt fit tIce viiti a >ca r, acrording f0 G. A. Guod- ru pistul round besîde hlm. nutîn . gitîral manager. Me. iioodntu ru aucid iliat the offices of fie ue W lne -x. PilIlburyî's Saindron Captured. v'onld lic localcd st Kansas City. ,k Admirai Higglnson's aquadron csptoi-cd the sîtîpa Bâider Commander Pllaut>'off Rustîn Octroîcal hi Fire. New Esglsud rosît. brtuglng tbe tnaal 'Tie prinipal part uf IRuskin, a ltle ,d maucouvers tu au n ed ativictor>' for tic tuwnu sc,,mmiles frou a Wa'ctiu. (Ju., andetetudera. ____was ititut'l.'Ple tus-n vasforutert>';lie ti- Preaideot as a Gutfather. home tf lttheRskin Commaonaealthu col-1 la i'resîdeut Roosevett modce na peisi <ny utf ,(iitu',from Tennessiee. Tie ýg jîturue>' to Newport to net as godatfler urigutu(f ftue lire in otutttiN'. ns for Rloosevelt Ward Chantler, son ut Mr. miv. s aaraufrHuaba.d anmd Mrs, WlnthttiîtChauler. Mrs \ 1). Schultz lias asird glial 1.Vuk ut Ohio Leglissaure. a guarîli un lieappolulatut lirer hnsliîod, Olt Theiî-Ohlio Iagimiluiic cnneid in ex- tht' nullotcctre soapmaker of Znucesville, [ic ttnidiary Nssitin fur fie ;trptae outOhio. c, nac,.ting a coda- tf titis ftuthfe gceru' 0-setNeryli lait Million. titftutfîticîmîuî ttlalitiu t thfle Blte, lit. 'i ,tmFy"rtvurtt. predîdî'îîofut t f - t"ortt a - ludctison Cotiai lyu>'ar C' ev-1 . iaterWll Bfild New store. land,îl - rit wixnalyhl 1 1,iium'i"aiiaiali'r lias borroaied $1.- iilictii tut. uautcredittît . I 0r,5m) titis tthe flcerectittu ut s new min rît-v builing ii Phitladelphie. Ituans Abandous H.Bl',for. i-r. Senatir Ilatîna bas aliaudouethl et- YEÂR'S METAL trELb FIGURES ON PRODUCYION OP GOLO AND SILVER. Ttal Falla Short uf Thîtou relu Ye-,, Though (b.ld l. Al.,..St Up ta It-The Tal Valu. tif thse P-oslne tI.. for 1901 la 01 1l,7fJ',l0. Geurge E. îtit. dit,, tor outhUi niit. lias issueîtdlti,finail cfltttat,' utthe ,otluctioii tf goltl -dit litii flic nuifealStaftes iliritig iitth ai-iîlîr tar 901. UNir. tobe'rts',ît,'îîîîît shoîns uat dnri,îg the t-ar ttieUteîtd Statcs rodnced 3Ntia tîî.. ,ttutai- ed ai 7.itt.tiof . i-'t-'î-ît$504,- 10,or 0.ti36ltircetiis tt toîpsrcd ,s Ith ce yicld 0f 11<06. 'd'c of tif fi,' niiit-fi'i-i t tatt-t at t erl-ri- rie-a ýieltlirg gKoh li t'Iattni'cie Nevada aiusni'd thti' naterlitl gain ut 67»1X). n hih tîii icirgi'ly froua Itie àwly dicrdhî,,t *'t ii, i,îtf 'ltupati. in 3e (unit>.t liitighii tîati cnt-r>' conitf- y0 tnte Sf a i' m tait'dtaprotl'îtittoa. imthiDaktfal..iiiao iiita Ogain ut $101.- M;. Idat, $144,ticsî. aîd (Ore'gotn, î. M]. Abats 1Fboss a aDecrressire. Th lcgreîî 1sfit den'a a,' aiiotîtting f0 l,21i531(l. iti, iin .tla't.'lai. woadue flithelaitena i. f tIi, 'easn, a.hichde-ic ayed tiei,' oîî-uîîî, the i,'liit't.,îand tu igafltu. aauihit'tft'rt-dit ih the' de- rloptnciit ut tht' iiditi'itt> Clotradoi d- ziuialid $. a5.a0. act enjlaineol ly te decline in tIi' grade o!fuorca extrait- theli tournage i' fainîg iiceaasd. 'fl i liar j iti tîîr 1101 fanooî,ncl 5.214ji)0 t,îî lu-, otheit'commierc'ial rane ut $2.128410. a it-i waas2,433,- )(a) ounce-s, tr ')liert-t-at.t'ales tata il was in liSIi. lTe gr-aft"itgili .43- 30 îîîî,t -cattIttlt I tai. ailîtiot .il ot el ra . tîS i Ntg if, -, irr,-'l t i h Clradot tra uti tIe f. Ir f 2- ithe ne osuces, ts lieîtto oa. iIdtîitlitu bcd i.003.745tt,,c. ,îi.'.tti24 jud Suthi >tfas451.2tNt.h Total Value 1. Lie-a Thle total value utofî- th. 't-l.ttis it-taisf produceol h>'the Unîite'd intitt lio190 înuuted 1 $1.74'iIti h ioli van $1, M.4,100, or 2 pet ec'nt, 1-t ilîthe Il,' îld (r 1900. Thle foilom i.. otaciti it msitîtit the appeoxinate distributioan lty itolte' g States snd ferrift.rai'ofthe tîc roducf of goi snddsaliter iin the luit, d Stitea fr the calendar 3eur 111A1 fit ver. Gold -..c'lai ttt Alabama .......... 8 .,10(js <0 lAsa ......... af. 71.Mi 00 28,740 Arizoa ......... l.1,687.44Ut aliformia----------- 16,91,4(x)t f33340 Colorado ......... 27.fllcî.0 rt 1 ilu4 Dear ..... ......240 ld&& ....... ....18.a it a8.x25740 miettsas .........:t.Moi, 48110 loatia-------------4744.fial) ltl.0q,20 Nevada------------..... at l.i11s't.500 New, . i%3X.40 North 12.180at 4.ttt f~b South t'et ots1.-ifri.'8,70o 12(-0 Texs .. ..5K) >3,440 Utah ..t...... 6, i4:*ý,c480t Virgintsi15 2 fsshiagtoî ittrl 211-1 W'yomlingf....3.f..84 Toalis---------S8,G66t70D NEW flASH FOR POLE. Mr. Zieglers- lisAnothcr Pas-t> la the As-elle CIs-clae. Tic nurfb pol- us yet te he made lu give up luts occrets ai>' au expedition ot chia-h %Vjllta.ii 'Ziier ithe- bacber sud ohlai ',",,in tu1" rut mus .1 ciscLand, liat bu' leasdet- tf tltthi ti-tli fton la nut E-i n B. Htîtmi NIr. Zuielr un Nt-,U oc ëtitedti fit. oile Baidiii lid nul l.ccn .UPplsititI. lie blil1lu-fi li i iahmbiteitith i rctic rt'utt.tti on tht,' triti jof aun 1 1sdi- ioti cii iisrt-i i-tii' tuittrnctiou.ito ttiui'ea i t utthflicf't itrlader. Tis i iî'ltî,n satietoiinî'u l> 1 fît Camp Ziegler, Alger l,,iîiid, Iratnz Jtiif Lîand, v ti Vailluat ift'i Caîîmp, Mr. Zîeg- eras tormter secri(ra nd su d uîîeutisl onI am,' ciîotîl N\Ir. Champt has i tro ut ti', ii) i-a t mitii, r Itt'dutui ait'anj Ziegler ttlititke lue ltitiof bl, ht.,,"Ifr. Zct'î'l'tgave tic toilow- ng tt ît ii if lic -itUation: -"The-trcîîlî thelii,' îîsté,r lthal itald- S ii1is t .oi>t) c oi'. tti'g 10 u>' ltt. i alOs>'s tito have tmot l)ntie Fruttbj'f .0 i f'imp 1i-tttta ftli t,itîpt-tlpart>, 'titrei" t ntl tlt'f îBaItldwin. f gavc cii-ti ,'pluî'ît iiîsfrtmc*tî.cu,î If tic>' dittu mold Battuit nthte) t-rt'to gotitrajrtf oit trir oti i litti. t lut'>arceîundcr m roui peltt-ader.ii tit ,Iî fhan cctifi dent-e. 'B3aidmin îi.ili 1i ugn uNurSt. itîtîf if 1 ani cocretli> cîfrmîud. tl t' ,to i .-t inu Uic sesufor lim tiit-Cii i l'rau Joset Land fliis faîl. Hecbs plinvutttî go bat-k nexl aummen aid itiat,' li itrîîl iu tie sprlng of 1904. If t-ver> tiiiig lias gune arel with Ithe Friflijof parfy ti'> arc tiown' uFrauz JosîfLlandl. 'lie wl pau the v iîîfr there. aft,'r eittiliii bug tiemselvesaso.fur aortlî -iittim> ,-nm gel. Tic>' aiII notvnaît ffornBldfwtin,mt viii mateeflicir t-vp-d, ttui îtt'î ue uderthe manu i have t-lin t tî c.d lieux. If tt-> rîae flicple, a -Il sud goudL Tihenian abo gt-tlUire urtlma tic mann'lhi asII gef tic giory>' MAS NO BID8 FOR FRANCHISES. cl"selund, Ohio, VentreTh-e-Cenl Pure WtIl ol MBesaliacal go. Mayur Jobnson ot Cleveland Cci',,ta haut! Mondai nuai lu o-pentt'he bl- fît- franchises for cleven nen 3 ictit fa"c atreel raliwaairoutes, but.,sa- th-n- n -e no biddeit, nutlingaras dcîîu'If tht' uie- citai session ofthIe Stcte li'-gi'.aturt' takn «tic payuant utf5at'onsi.dtrable j1cr- eentage of gruia reeîpto 5attrcreiiut te all tractioni francistes 3-ccunto-rs t,. l bu praic-al> desdto t, ts genî-rstittnlie' caîuse tfi effrt-ett t, tip ulatitton-,îtld icane nuoinargitiifor-mî -lt. Ntfhing cau l'eoe tin thle rmat ter tt t irce metat tita so .tecaiuse ticfrainc'hisv li, w-cnt-tuaviste enu fud ultun f tiis ime are dead. anîd it otil[ fate luinet>' da> u lu gel fresli ('iil leigloofltineua"tcd. ASKS 81,000 FOR MAIL DELAY. Recipierlt o? Delajeal Potal1 Card Fnes Puatiua-ii' . C. lia>' uffera>'.Kan. bois beeiu oit-mifut $1.48) domageut for F.N- CoIetult-gs taI tunJue 15 s card carr> lit lug utt-i o t f the ptîc fo ils ftler. liccarIotle.t,'ismmaiiî'dlut Btitgtim. uc iv'ltu. lini ltt I.t.t>, Juljl' 19. ait liotugli lit ' l nll t atlIte e.o till i'tti-1lt :i , . Ni liai Ni. Cotle llîiit d'f trt t .tîvad t ttasfo Iittt'- hiutua att "stl hlutheutr'î tumuirl. le Cibatît". I iiiia4ui-t lra> iii ici mut Speaor fro1a- te Wts-e lio., ltîut1I. tLymatsn. town Uiroîugilu oultt-eîunumtry' au sae'nter upon agricîlI lursalîu.'cto, died ai Exeter, N. H., ageal 79 yensra. A mixed railwaa traliw-as derailed sisar Merut, landn. Sîxteen native.sver. kilIld and thirti natives sud Buropsana w-sns njtred. MILES GOINO TO PNILIPPINBS. Trip for Inspection of Mini CondltlIasa Th.e lia. I'resldet'.Approval. (.en. Nelataxi.1. Mles l ixgn tue ihli l'hîi1,1ýte% ,andjoltiirItfîr3-'orttcly.ti uîî,îîthflic ,ntitve tatemenut,'tîtfitt hi' agts n i ti thfull ,'î of-.. i t helii' l's' dei-t, ft inIpeîct tir,,, -t.ndfitto ler '[liii atlei-îinu,. ittî,-fter Mr. ('or- fel>'oi lcîd Cîtunîlf,',l NI t, ii t', Il,- itoseect . .t.lcl for harîf iti f,,'i (Jeu. Mite; . g o dito ithii, Wnitîl. fMr. Cortelî-ou would auj iîolhiit-t,, liiifor- mer ait ittincuc'îni 'Peotilciatlmoif tlic War ltîpartîîitnt ln W'ashinugtoîin m'r,- ui' ciiiî-îrrîeî over thé- report tiat Cii-n. Mlcinftdî-d lu nIait theIhuoe tîtîit. untttil fhîy Icarne i t wSa i tIiPreiidî'ît Ittttnt' i to i ifttaf. (i-tu. Miles la aow irtivîlisg lu New,.'Eig- lanîd, and h cou l lt. ve ëadîîlt'd itat lil i t mtifou or' ft ta ,lci rttfor tuiler ti'cthe.tverî' i , tianfor p' t ntmin; MIi-i tr,îagtiig ami, wlm' SierIit ut h' lc., hili, o-l istltîi i fers fUt St.t Ii- ttîan ti-f Mil-i' ,rI,-r- cd 1,mluif Iltît.'iiittttttltng ih-Ilsr Nttcîftîîiîii-dg '- Ii't tut (;,in j Slati'r tttîit t he', li ' lttîîî tnii nn ,tiit Mi i l- f ît fi,' tri' îî , i n'f tht' Sîtaruîarda a nil im-ita t ih ists. ftivlttas n Washingtni tt ate msyî'îi-îr t,î iîîfeferî-saf ithte poli-y of th ilt,td St &tes iu dealing v-liflathe Mtrt- ftif itt- dans o. Ribaîttîlien. %iliesv lue itii fht'litp pills nceenvor '5 ânî r fi5aîttil-i stf ficit>fls coliatnltaît fi'îiiral '-f tii"arn,> if utla> rcaullti)s-iourtiscmptiitatittis. NEWGATE PRISON RAZED. Loodoo'a F.-..ous(il Ja1 le.oîhe hy Wreckrr ' la, i unlttî"tf tic om, Il', ,ot N . gT ' prisonu. Loundo,,smas tilzn the lioîthc do>. T'he faumî.,so tilplîte, maich liaia cîui r i. Pisc utotf euubuettotf lit>' perattus tf rut s, well as baf,c -,t ,tuiiiiaiés iw c 12), strool on thevs>' o!fItemtlriu i',g ut l,,,udn. uilîluuig tfeid 'teing ut itiIand a sordi-reutdoi Thelii atructur- date,'-hla t 14) ytars.Itifprcal eressur on fie s-me site sere dIstr.)yî'd b>' fine. 'Piere w-as u,,îtanLonnîla smure' atri ing biîlding than fus ofd prison bonner. Tic higli atone valla, ruggcsi and bllact' cncd, and presenting the mes-eslt sUIfor for w-ludov's. suggettd the many tfrge- ~m Ai 'Fuel escarclfy lagoil the He & ne actions. industrial baudi- ca. lrotracted idlesil aithîlracite ruines lucreamedl fice pres- sarc for aoft Colsuad coke, and, dcaplt niiw rt-ords of ufput, deli're s are ,* . tive l'relgbt blurkade ut Okê' traî'na lias clomt-I mnîsY furuaces,fwiî' the inrreasiîîg rai for transpoctîngt faclîli- fit-a ou cropt avenant gitea Uttie pei-t of carl>' relief. NotwkthatoLnding congestion, railwsy ecrulage thos fe r e ported for Amigiiof aow gains ut 8.4 par- EY.9<0 Weaîlicr cotîdîfon avisten 1,;»a. iiiiformly favnorable for agrltrtltursl pro ducts, yet nuoct cere lou .lm rcported. Cor reuf tratie lamîf gouolumeta tfor tfi ema0- son, whîlc Uic otlot for flic future f.- briglit. Bayera arc numeirous in ail theC leadlîîg imarkets, placiatg orolcrs llbet5iiy at ci-I eitaiucd quatîita. Plie forer- Cg m f rontîflicwî-kly trade revlcw of' IL. D[uin & CtO. Ifconit inues: As fli ctive bhast furmace i'S1tttitY ur tit coun try d-cresson liriugli want ut fuel, foretitu pil iron in tiîrclia#ed mon., fred>'. aîîd tti-,,îI(warrants liave adnanc- cal bo-tatise ofthi' tal>'diianl. Do- mestic îîecdm are nw tar lcyond 91.1çre- "edent, anîd ct-civlth flic stallable home caps ,ityactive 'thlt-re oîîld hoic l porta. aithongli 1-m than re i.*arvlvng. 'Plire isn mact-lhft la gratlfyiag in thua stte ut affaira, litt fih.rt la aien s dron' liset. i)srng tii,' rc,'ctt pcriod for ri- ' ceptionidi,iiic'o ,ili-mraod many expoirt ordi-ru have bln savrtffii','lrilci Germai.' and Belgian mate-ra s' Thel. uctsput ufthe ('iaUnollaî'ille rcgîîîns countie alo,v,. ail rî-ord,lobut afin-to ai-'cUmiilatc. l.Ix lic mil la arc wtll oruiil' h luasi- ut - grîî.ltîoitn,'roaolng l in ttt-tou g..1.mliia 'iit ' l- 'îoýaolvf- qntiik îliliio.ri iih- tiîîît itcoarc 1-, Ne-r lin oî' f I icli t o. îi t o iî , a st, n uw r- t.ýitistfo rtttc Si-nuta,..'u-iafu1 fi'i od. aal t -,- r , da'ig iîtiîtli,- gioa tii-o fi, ti'f. ri-t trai . a'. titi..t hith.r t n tat, r' t I ,lItsi,1oî t o psi li it iftni he rincri r grai-ic ii i if ifsha. lin fi' îfIn btîî.. tti,'. i,'. told'.piutaftt ail. Jy bi, bng. csp'e,lin tîbrla aonis Ithe . rex)rnl it fouryvithin a lyfr-u1flc 'l'orat poiii u r ,ftrd.raathr u rio ooemngOt the'tes dojctb-gi ailuthre forlie v et niuarctl of - lu flic, t'cat-t-d fuin Oklahoa. Co 211-,i loes ud iit ola c.nada. msortit 3'i ycsr ag pli. iu ftr titi h , e k titî i Aîîg 21 m'r7 liai -cet aitln(] "ltoPin titis wv cclisia y 'ar. Whscft trfs since Jl>1I ggre- gsre 32,M14.767 litinit-I.againsi 50.67M.- 11547last axan. (Xtnn elftirti saggregait- 51,641) linaheis. again.t 93,423 sur wcck snd 523.tol3 last year. For lte fiscal y0ar curn exporta rr 703.493 bushels, agant 9.751,0.11 last scaaun. niu tuat hane en eoacnn ,witiuiiitOi mi Funasriai conditions and Th i xttur> of the str'ingiold dates froni t"ahcao, %sy moncy everywhers-, in- flic rila tif Kinig Jou a n it a in>aist-ri'ssiug ac-tiu'Ili mil 1423 Uie nasonry wa a ttî'î u,,ui sn'd lues. expansiotn of trade sud fisc dail>' -lsttt'lciug î,f uea busine-s venftire«; tii. s flic stur>ofuthttcpoiat aet lu tic huai- S item vorît.I lu lxa line tif confidence, ut pttcîpct-ity sud flcaf>' sud sieaing the - .ct . -utry as a v'ile.c.onditions ulght b. - prînîtuntid ohuutrot itîcaIere If not for lt-iii, iii itg u i c c. ati> inuner sud re' - mauuuug ai, a landiicp ft 11-91"6 as55tfe- ,.tunitry entet, i tftti It tir-f ll c-i "ihe aet matit-ml the rt',iofut tus que-- flou if tUicorosi spply inmtu fie place ot firitii iptrfmi. 'lii fas long tara a iot gabrt'a-i iitt'ititfmutit'f idtraI d* tut unt at Ii,' tart. )t thrfiurtttheti 1 t î f- - t u e e , u t i f ' t c . . .t r a t i o nt o f t h c srîke tioe- us- lcan alos> o lîe Of - sutleuci ~Iitît'tlîtte at laxtt ea'h- ed tht stage' ,h,it-'th, t' ottcnitlu be- ginning fo aff,'.-tirfli ,ut al world sî nouxlai nd atil t ryI)ia-inno la> muittia'cs flic feeling iftir.coc- e' itghcr prtc-ttair,' ittditi n morntc omn- iiiodîties oinîg o1,,re-11 ti-asOfoa a uture In ft quit,'- t , i iroiliii-n-,cit hi-precediu; ne it. lits ttio't-,tra igifigures, fIgIEaOATg P111t().1.and lesîhîýr al a'iA in tonii-tcquee. 1 Lurrimai tisu-t> icii nut faite td- rlîîuîlt. Pie'lut' îîor tif ii sa tkiti , 'atIc varies lite îtiîi clîim-ate euolit- ficu tlord ttit .fIituutid oti 1,the fut!îc Iiti faIltiitt-o Sur ltiîrîmu tiI VWlit cil ,r Iii t l t tn ta,:vira hI c eaitt- l bis dclîuyeî the ti ît t i f Ii'n ti ,,,l,-i ', liii nmut m i" tlt, t,îî mlî,î i i.,,imîu. L aI Neit ga t- na-ixt ttii mfri agiîcîlii11,te )car ft.îtuutimir1 i lugoc22 ra-iptt bere saici nicthe ai reî ad.jâat-ni.uct 17. 1 it-. u ihie for tic The lî I tiiding tai, c-tftr.1 . asii' etlot mticetrt-e itgures abow stîali. anîd it sas dî.'o rt-cl h' thuc cru t uni>'2 3748Iol,te-i'li itiil Ilu,' tmade ire of 16414.bat ee e,.'uf.trethtit], teti tp Inter n he tcrf' iitetfgrtfa tir- iti t-i-ls. lîtî ltî i utuî> ut' t a't u.i uit-i 1>- mnîlr -3 . tt it uic luit' thit mat- stîl iv,- cr luthiir untryl m.ttt trof lîglit r-îiihur~'--tu enau impur- Sihoîqiite nwaxwnttto t tit Nctt iattctartt tîfset to, lî,'îîr en ttimntîmîfanddmii for pîrosca îof rpei-reit.amnidttmcr 10-ts fAit urt'fî' iu-i.mainîttenîance, eipc- knm-i ti luttes miian ftd-t ItMny tu-tu tiali>'iii tic S, îtcnîhîîr opthou. tif hterar>' ad religtoat ifîuunairemr,'-- m--t-ut- Ihi tIi ii il imrtgeons. f(tn t',.f i t-m,î-,- liati t i. I.ili ýtu lrmufil I ofi o frî,'tîtlm(ifIticlt'>. T'ls acittif r.. S at' lity iut'aruertatetl Johttitii. PTEAC 1)raw St S1 upr stacet- ing IFoi rSNeward K a- 4Illg g lîtiu ert (1'i nrn, .OR non J.a lit ' -tou ee s. lrgn toiintil DEtIti est a>'. Sou li- tt- lia an $141 100,55 a Wîit $4.10ft $775; ing.t, uliiîpiug grades, Cardinal Gotti#.ho RaBecu Apnnet-$4.25 t a $770; sbîcp, fainar tcolcc, *1.i50 ed Prefeet of île IPropagsnde. f0 $4.1W;, areat, No. 2 ted. 70e lu 72,4 C'ardinal Gotîl, aiho hnbaslioursis"d coru. No. 2, 59c fit 60r; oafu4, No. 2, 26ec tua tic iight-'st poslittu in tic gift offlPopec f0 25e. ryc, Nu. 2, 50c f0 5ic, ha>'. tim- Leo XIII.flic pnufeitrc uftbile Urtapa- ofli>'.$1100 ta $12.50; prairie, $600 le garda, il ,Ictfi-ir $9,50;butter, <-oice crcattcr>, lc lu tetae tic uc(a«rdictuti 18c; egs. fresi. l5c ta, lie; pottocs, f~IN Leduchuc'skl. ha-m ea. 4)c t 501- pir lîiaiel. J~~long becu o,,edI ndlaiiaplm-Caîthe. slippiug, $3.00 lu àmtutu asa.;ib4- intui$825.;ligs, t-boie lgit, $4.00 1te$4e90; ai W proîsîf',at,,t-mttsbeep, n-ummou t,, prime. $2.50 lu $4.00: lIff sud of waihte, 604e b(61c; outsl, i,. 2 waite, near, tbe greust t urc 1 -"D lu 3fw. men of the'ulcy. lie ttuls Cattie. $450 f0 $800; boss. a ireflo A lo $3fl to $7.40: 'i-v,',î.$250 lu $4.25i- i U 'tatifooft-d Canuteic v lat. No. 2, 66e t' ii67c; rn, No, 2, il(-Or5', i.t..1 Stu5 c tatiNu. 2, 28e te 29c; ryc, lADNLGT it, lfrc cttNaiti, .2, 41b.- to >MeJ. th glrît1 f thecN or ranimuthAu OOtinieo ic Ke i.î' 'untitliti 'tt <'î,trc $450 tii $710: baga, ttht a tof te !tuhe-.,'ii'i-t cccii -t a .0 0 ti tit$72 u-I.$300 te $3.25; tcf ~ ~ ~ ~ hog fil trl lt tnl,'u îît ln .t. 'N,.. 9c. iittt70vc; cora, Nuo. 2 las -i l u roc-hi f t ifmre ron n 514, ii ttivi, *t i itt-cîî aNot. 2 :nted, lait lioiti h> i gitdlc îcf r ili.. r 0 , t.29,; t t,'. N. 2. 51v' t,. 52v. hi, ,it atduttI utitth e ti*trcc. a 'itîtifl, . :0X)$ti35; boga, tii nuti titi ' îî,'i'îîîd o l îtt c$3.X;tel ii Olt h-tt $2.504 to $4.14); -,c,,d 'X '>! li i ar tcf all nîltla oi, h*ai tat No. 2. 71,e tic72c; crnt No. 3 iu-ilt cio. t girîtI lifa. e, 7t i , > atinlaG-tt f. f66,; uti No. 2 whlite, t-11ii o a tit, , a i .c.rî li' St. Frai, i ic i cha,-4t tht , ' ~N lt, N. "C. t- cl-cil,,crtt u mmlot.stenfatltio No Ca r N.2ncten nalite monkinlaail the tvorid fi-t t 73vTf ft 74e,;cri. Nît f. 5tiif f0410; ont», vifluI a tsirlilî ,irtitanlie.uuThîe cr- to.52c wbanc, No »; 69eluNo. p1,0 ut a dock lbuterlat (Cenon. lic in te- I iaitss,$16.80. nuw-ued for bis pleli, humihit>' sud haru- Toiedo-Whiisf, Na. 2 mlxzed, Tic te 14g sud bas hsd diplomatie traiuing. He 78c; cocli. Nu. 2 mlieol. O0eie;c:oute. la one euthle commlittee ut cardinala vhc I Xe. 2 Isixedi, 27c t0 280;,lova: aced, treatied w-thIJudge TaftI rm,8.7

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