CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Aug 1902, p. 4

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FRANK H. JUST, Editer. frittav, Nutgulst 2), 1902. 'I iiIi cv;tioî i.itt i"o are .1l prottI. 1' r aîv ai, i 'i avoa- luti 'l'r..,iui r î t fr t-iutfi,,,tr. ub- P s- Il ti vt ul .î C%.rti (' ,'t>î 'l',If tiui iii. at- t and t ' 'M ' aà LI 1 'î r .,.'. 111 t lis a r ...tutiI, an z I tir cita itth' i r 'r. kîz, tari (tii I r.. (t 'lin t t O' nId r I I trkt' r' r.iiti I iaiCl' 'utc r et- T' 't t i t 'itilitri r t ta] ilr"r- gNt, Ilnoil t1' 'lui t'0, lieîiucut-i e re timportaDt rbn Ulth a. 'y r1 t t ien baiurlnated, 't h t.,,ý ýà l)LLh j'. Ir LU 'Iran r r i itii i. ..izr! '~ Ci. ruts ( t t ..iu~5gt îqrcut r t . i. ituug i 'ituis. 'a. 'r" ru Muas 't t t r' itii,'e t'.îi r r ut t. g a Lruitu u I PI' ate îr.'trtrerîtt %t ut'ut g gt It iain trf lu, lai u l, lo t Il fr illti a r - n I h turr tt'.Ci' Ahir Xîr.e t rlrty, tri'. ""I le t-tai t'a,,' t 't r ut t t r f r o r . r - ' tnt-r, Ail t, r r i un I. t 't. . r - ' r t rt.t a et tir. ri"e r i r r r T. il e i r t î"ru I tri t "r rir. fr i 't . t a- ut z. t lu t'aa-t.-c i a 's. iai t.tlt-aiosc; t't tSSc'. Fer sate ly k. il. Luvr.t..o,', Lîberty- Vtlie' CauraLuEr PRsaMuir Plenty of Entries, Splendid Race,,, Good apectlt Featureo. Nei Tue8day wltt be the opening iay of the great Latte Oonuty Fair, aud jndgtug frimthee nprecedeuteti tiamanti for statim Radti uace for exhbi- titounpiiposes th baiow of 19(2 lil wi ticepasa tilat nf preiviotiti yaars. 'l Ili, tanagenjent lmai ta 88t$0take care et ai] the entrîca for the racesi, many clamsacibeing overcrcwdied. thlera seems ne dîînbt that everY race wil ltI ad the large plues a ng up innrit a superior camsaof liorsas (na eaci> citant. Ioiiîawtng lm the apeeti progran andi ]lst of piise8 oi(ered: We..dsty. acemcmbec 3. rtClaie 'l'rtTi.g . OÙt Thucadat, SePtlebai,4 2:39l C liaS Teinttitig ._. ... ... t2 5 tri N'- r '.For. AI 'uoiatg .ara4011 T-ut lueLuke (ji itty 011] Y ira ut., F,'lday, Capicaber a. t'a. i'n.o eSlT g ..............i20rt I t'Fre A "rttTig..,410 u) 'N Ilî ' tér a ll' lidatifi ...... I rar TRAN SP'ORTATIbON SiilANGaEIt ENS f. Iteesitient Frosat, ni file etectrea'roadl, luformai ns that hl i nfiti l i- possill to qiite complottuasUe ln tinte furcthe fate, chlelty owing tu bis inabilty te secure labor. couse- quently the mut-h ciiertatiet tian of the fair efioers te attord transporta- flion over the etectric roaute for fair patrons tali oti materllzes tlowevelr arrangementsi with tUe E. J. t E. roati have been perfecteit. In a let. C (o Prasiaen i ltler, trstiic nana- genr i nairneci rtes' "WC taitt ra traina as pereliedfilet ierewllh, rates itaiue aasu tycar. 'The trains@ frein Nia'aîkcgau (oretun ml]i ireai days anti tUe tesain,;afrott i trri iR g totocrn (t' lai taon lava, týien,'la theaiune i .,llt B2.cOLINGOtN AN],a' i.IIRCn'ITiLr No i ftac Sipte'Tib.'r 3, 4 snd 5. i a I rilTiitlau - , . ) I tra. in. t'îl n,, i... . Il '25 11t tit o .Il 9:411 amris e Ilas. tyvl t'!...... 11) 15 tailus(AND it ObirTïIVLLEt Iti cuti-t Septenler 4 sud 6. Lt ile _i t 9.40g,îit Ri usd 12a5 t'.le. flt eil)t-lt ut ' i i S ,Sccreaary Churchill hais eoutrcted wtthte lamions "Ftylug Bltisins te gîve au exhbiution eacuiday Au front e! iloat aapbbieatei. The gentlemen are the moiti expert aietil prforners lu tiaeasulti. sud tUieur duria irais o! ail sorts, petri elo n trapar", lises anti p'rt-nt ai dzzytieiglia8 issiNProvo titrili- jw'. ant i ittirodih. 1 ridRy sail1e 5auer of ncriihoiltre' day. floira wll lha polio ponîy cai.5 'te, a ýrt le pai tu inl'y e rIt lifiithes n" ( t.t oaita i. kh r env titiMaHilue flte "big ut.î* (Lita Dou Li ît Uisa any o!f(i-na TriIsTAUE ii RUE AmilialT8. A'rt-unl ae((tiraiulcJO-îî al We'c'ip the ftitowsitup relative to ftUa hald na iiiH wfîra aili peeforienu î'c'iîdua n fronti ti "hiit('rri tr ti (i' rurutpnltitlut' nt- ira ltion Ir ie (Une -tlIt fair gruiîda the paat ,,,ak msa(lic "Flylna Baud- 'l fti" Uyj tre(Ut-ercognhu'ad lead- arasi hlnepaîteiCatii, ItotitSaai-Toro naýt anid iaeanbtuiU Criginai anti dtniug lu tuaýiraaoak um gymnis su ad lhm-in azerobatýA t aiHapeliai the avtoi'i turt rien hua. trsek aysats fla iint t aicl r.gise i Peetoiiat'e Wsa ulwuit's gre' t t4alt a aiîout aun tl rtr( l oIia Iluparia o! the grotriiilo niOe lriiitg tt gaze te lsatiiaaiul titiouti lipriai'trap.'z elips IikîtiitluLie ail. t. ueiupo8rsible, titwri ias sa -anr bliag aiteulitd r t tut t' ýI)etlr e.tancra hîr t i ii it follivg Iliti t(is"rattlafg it wii hf ai't'o iedtes î'rItlrln ot loir 1 tey ce. truIbit uttfit( i'urlnratirtît Tot I- suai tinniiera ittlrziii i1'f ttreae. masti' asotei, A Necesari, Precatation Dliia'ti iiiglict a Col I t i. . .s lith i p lcî t iî Is iititg,.rtjai s 1 tiliitg (tie 5hitîîntute igli l'ar.,yiineau ouic it autilice Aiia3 o lnttalniliatjOU, c loir, t ho Ijîtît, arotit t'au nd tngiithens the Miicoiia Membrane. ('lirùm iconghs, croup, throaîainid lung mnedlatetv OCiîllîreii ike it. iV. B LOVF.LL, LbertyVtl]e. EAST FOX LAKE. Ci.(art Sorenson la ettortiliig ber lritba'r iiigtiisi and aime a cotusiu Mîua Fanra Flatter, tror Chitcago. K3 Cto8naII a pot-a ve retunnita t, filer noit ,âI taon. Eý (oitg.r, of We.t Foi Lake,. oolii w itt lias paTelntma Ist wed.aacugit. f iiiil- . ichardsand taiily. of I"1 terî ttke, ai re I'ti'giecta of the p rt. a trenr imSaity. NisiaMaude aloi MNI r \%i îkigoi A Miî iiLait" e. on1, le treata ast FrPaît. (liii iinb t tîiifflmy mninag, iig .at liu,,'i(ît.k alî.arjîandi irt.achiig DCTORS saay Cotisumption eau be cufe." Nature atone wottdo it. Il needs hetp. Detors sas &(Scott's Emosion Is thec beSt help. But you must continue Its use even in hot v'.'ather. r icil '.,t NetaVnY. 501- -d 1-; .11 ilda'ageta. 1 Wtlt Mlect New Delegatea to Select Cendidate for Mincir- tty Representative. Tianriiay rof tast week ai the Shtermann Bonne lu Chilcago democrats cf ibis distitt met ln iiieir third session, te chcoase a candidate for îinoriiy repre- sentative ant Il twas ihe msme olti tory -noecioice. 119J ballots were casi, eacri cîmnty votiug arîtitifor lis respec- tive candidlate. l'ieh total nnmbar ni ballots taken inuichethree sessions lheid was 373. Biealzlng tijat ILlaiid bl ot, nchrste f uriher proiinLg the eaitet, the con- vention adjourcet inatcdit. IL wiit thala bc e nemesry to commence att over agauli. Dilegatea muai [ceeeteti in prînacia'î tll ni-av îouiny onvaii- tlov)a itleil, wbera tlîay wiii dacide ou the Ramce or iriler Cantdidates. lu tii rempet Lak'e onty tiemooCr ais are foctnîîîie, as te y are lu recelai sud IL wil or tietiea'asry te, Uotd pinartea anud thev Clin select iheir candidate ai their rroguliîîe cîunty conîventilon which convetîîe' at Libertyvulte, 'Ihursdlay, Septembere *tilh"le Coher conciile. are not su eatîated andi wl have tu iolt i a.w pinaries anti conventions. A catl iqisout fîîr the ce Senatori Convention. to bc betti ai the Sherman Hoilai, ilu 'ihlcgo Moîîday, Seluiember 15i l la biariltutii redit wliaithe niti- maie oteoine aîll bc 'J'lie honor belongs o 10Lake coîînly aemocratm, It bal mg ibî'î etain An rotatiomn suia if they select lite riglit vmailILhla Proboable they ailI tuidil Ih sca;evideitt they Calioko î Jrri.ti l aiiclato wilîwilt tuan'a"itî-i i tu iitht otiter coin tiai. tiian ît.î îtît Iit w iîttîer tiîey seul do soîioîr ttî it a quetion.tlii lie aune I.iiites wlho a a-il iîîfîra will again I,îi,lv ttrtiaî'aîidi, uit Ir, mo possiulîe Mt'L)cnidiii wltagiifn lic tUe mine.I tlamtruc thuaitatitt 'iUîîrsdrîy'a irîtvention lun(Chicago tWîî Lauke' 'uîîiiy riitiiitîratri tairît'feeling arîî,îud ' iniau cuIr' li t, rigaiu sep- pîîrt anti auppli nt Mei oirinîitt, bat fallît. haie tîina ilm crtain, Lakte vil]i neyer give np thea19t-. ' iey wililstand util the lai; ora Lakte afinaty nmai uti alîl coitîonNidar anly Combina- lion tai mty 1be suggcsteei or comn promise paoiosad, lîiokieg tu 1the nain- mnati in uf other tinan a iboulctmile. WAUKEGAN. Deuataith. C.niy sua.1 lt.9 ta sur It.d.r. Lasi week iformerr ecîrîroai ive 'Patrick Daianey waai arismteti, chargati vith betuogdrank. tt aîsatakieb ieu- fore Jiistir'îrhVeib8sar apeuîtivg a uilititn juil Mat yeI ite "uiiiay Ratetlthat bu tuat i i.rentiit di,-ehargeoi t'oti'emian Anieroon saint, a touptleaifsaeeka ago vassuaivpenda'd pouding uivestigation of chargea tiriferred bly theîmonma $Seet tr fic b fras wonka slît ulul dlie lhait been taiti ieeaitetl.. tUeA mayîur sain ttIt tb IiîobRrge Uast i li'tut a vi flîrnticutîrulimaaîe-wbh gasys thittpttiitrîwe'i sUaIt nui;t enfetr alsaituom a leu tuat1'luth' rA ilai c îg 8autai. Itai-lasilo toutthe weitai La.- . mteu k a .i s I iii trera- yase tti Ihartie'tiruilte au ut M întiay hi' moua bakiita, bI hî'grî tay Dr. Fol-,y fer bieattuttn, in sanî'lbt'ritut praveut Iliant iaviiug bliieaithiiuiu. Dr. k'ulcy saufidtitUea iiitidaticueeof thte litirîay woarii iio îtiglut t iat'i <i iy danîger, e. inraI Ufugi, sera, fitttitand ail attre aiuîtt Luier a iiog ai itutkov tuiru a lit-ti(tlait wetuaii arandctibit PlUî l Mrîuuuîiile akî'îî tua Cii- cage l[('r tie i ut Iruuat('rtttht 2ur ycar iii .u yolung w0uaitrra'stei lai t w'ck ui a charge of liariy fi r taliiag he i'nhuoyer's akit, petir tea ilg ira lakat Couy juil tailer tUaiT t,tue balejeti ou by friandeas taon ilit lias neyer saun but vbo litue fo-ita'il tu giva her s home. A .toiiitirel'ative sanuttîtasd ffed te tate argirnd aîigive lber agoati home. ilh bri nfouevîrlof tUe natter tht' Yotiuug lrilaier sali that Aie e vtualt rutilernotay Jii i] anisd face ber tiaul tliarago tIciJouai smoug people Abe bauth aoc c-r cran. A further effort aiila, ruatai auhave ber accepi the ni- fer ut! bolip. Mit-s Cooka asys aile bas a gout unis-tcitlvaiimg fui br in Newa York andt iat if ciao eve gets uit o! ti i dfti.ufty, suit eil go bacit sud seek forgivieems. RO LLINS. Missies Craco snd Sdilli amereat, of Chicago, retu'iuea.iIhomenalster a weut's visi blret hIii >uriîh'luit tsatiitnt iii, Iebti euîa' " ut u niil geu'inii îte i anti attier sasa tue valisef. Mitai Mandue Ltiwarsraaa(uiMoiay ant(ii i tfl ys e î 'v iffrialu lit i c rage. MeýllrH.t" amuit E- tfautir, uit Nor- w ta P 'ark, larma ii mîisy han,. Mims Mandeît lautui stie curtis, were plaattt <aitrs luira. Miss Mary luiok at muuandEuh arda satt-dti tac iaittug lit1'rinrse Lotige Suziay aft'ýrtiuei. The C'litîBalle liti 'aviîr's take sasa veey sncsatii. hIhliertis am alarge attendanucem. 'The ismity alto ia' uetu rult Fourlh Lakte worv' sîîartutt.Iy caiia'îllbone by tte iliinî'iai u!'tatelttt- t'iaughlur, leaviaîg tba le oui lureait Me. Witcn's. Miisa F,3 and Mr.uirdétatonsare the gitaic .tt'. i ' le Tatlitit liuudsy. n.. nita tivît san mouC (hartie, Whbo Iavua aiuit tflit' stunter iterea bave rert arud to tblr hlu ai. My face taIt,',, ... i rtn telTii ias ltae i sltir 'uir'uîfrt-til Illebi stonscli. t1a,' 'ni r r i (a,îttîtandtujnhi lnjetettîtîî bîuî.at titi' ciiltu ki-Pt getlmng s'ara..t tnhtgave tinliai! a teasîaaîaîuafal artfl'Uaulbierian's Colle, Chli-ru aut i brrhota Rsfenitiy,asuitlu hafitlsu oui-lie sa s atepiu nd udricn reCOat ret F. 1 VIt i igSaSbttlt Lakte, Ws. Mr.hi' lukirîs lai book-keper f1a thte SUItl Lakte Lumbur Co. For sl by F. B. LovwaL LibertyvUle; QukTe- A.l~BUSca10»U mua ioacksela early nazi w.ea, tb maure publi«OUon (Jopy mmr&Uaiatles in by Tueaday ulghb. We gogo0 Prose a day early $0 show onf force to attend the Fair. Pleau [car tht. lnmirdi VOL-O. Miss Clis hiang seunt Wedneaday in the etsy. Misa France& Dowe reiuruud home Woduesitay. mise Rose' limacewu& a Wanconds calter Friday. Maude Walioun eturneti home from Riotlilus Btday. Simon Stofi, of!IiCHeury, wasaa Votu calier 'futwd&y. Nick Bower apeut Saurday snd Stiîday lu Chicago. Mir. and lira. Harry Nichoita were Mclienry caltera f uesday. Josephi Dryer, ofi Chicago, la vlisitnug bis parents bore ibis seek. Mira. Mille Hertel and chittif n, of Êremont, fSuncayed ai Join Itouiagai. frr. A. J. Rtaymond and dauglîtoes viaiedfiaein uMeireury Saterctay. lira. L. Vc. Lusk, of Fremoul, apent Saturday sud buniday witii ber palente. Riant (Coverae, 'oif(Chicago, $peut Buiday w"tlarelsavea ln &hie iiIiiy. Misa Edîih Geary, 0f Wauoouda, la visutîng ber aster Mes. Joseph Miler. Mra. Uoruisb snd grad-hiid,, o1 Selon, viali.d At Johin VmY'aste pau waek. Seu tue Dakota Fahibit At tb#jatrt lirs. Josph Preuud and chittiren, of McHenry, viaibe MuMi hueraunue day &lie pas% w.ek. Mearea. Henry Rogersansd 0. Howard, of Waugegaii. pased tirongli or village Sunday. Mrs. William i>uniii suad daîmibier Lucy speut Weduemdaty Wii lira. E. iticuard8tonut Round Lakte. N sses Zelma Itretaystier, of Chicago, anîl Editia auer, oi Fort Hill, were Voiti caltera Tuesîiay afiernoou. Me. sud Mr@. Jus. Vogt and clanghier Ethel, or Long Lakte, vialieti wiuai the formeram parents 8nnday. lira. Ben Coqsaian, et Rolins, sud EthIel T'ower, of Chicago, spent SuIn- day wi ihe tîtenera aisier, Mra James Kirwan. MiascaMyrtie anît Avis P'ayns sud JenIeiitWaIton waait te Grayatake M'on- îIay andti tec he teachert reading circie exsmiuatiîîn. Misa Saeah tilciolla returneti hume I'îîesday altespaudlug iwo weeks with relativea i ic tiîago. She wus aei'ompanied by Miss Wattau. Coming as it doua, tu the buaiesi seaitti, tahen a maneau teasat aterd le laga tinte, a aure anti quick cure for diarrhoea la very deairable. Anjone Waho Uasa given I a trial viii tait yen ihat the quieets, auront anti mont pieasant remedy litî use for ibis dises» in Chamberlan'@ Cette, Chioiera anti Diarrhoea Bumedy. 'Ibere la no insu ofi time tWhou tla sit, sasonu or ire doses ef il vliiicure auj ordtnary attae'k. hitneyer faits,nit uveu lu the muaitimevere anti dangurous cases For sate by P. B. LeivauE., Lîbertyvilie; GRAYSLAKR PsuAMAsstY. FORT HILL. Mr, anti lra. J. B. Convergte are euiteetiuing relatives froin Dakota. Btorn, Ifunday moruiug Aunat 241h, te Mir. sud Mes. C. L. Thomson, a son. James Ryal cf Watitegau, afpeni part roi lasi vek visitlug ith A. (B. Mes. ). Watt anti daughte, Mitas fleorgiaina warc Chicago visitera ovur Stunday. ('batteaisd Edigar P'arker, ci Voie, vere hiieaiot calIes ln ibis vieiuity Sunndsy. larry '(ain, ci Latte Forant, la apeudlng a faîta tlaye viih B. A. Davis aud taimiiy. Mias iriate Amnesant iesa minuie Drury, ut Laite%'ilea visiteitiMes. P. Bowers laot aeak. Mes. A. W. F'ex sud Mes D. V. Watt uttei liheprohibition pieute ai Gagas Lukîr tuat Thnrsday. Me. anti lits. Levi Watt, of Wauke- gala,-pent I'ttiiiay viti their brother liaurgit lu (,rant towahip. lieu the hDakotta Exhibi ai the Fair! Miss tiatlti)ameri, et Chiceago, vas te gucait il Mea. C. E. Combe irom Frîlay aîtiil Snuday eveung. Mr «titi Mrs. Robert MoLaue, of Netruska, sara pleasant caltera ou lira. C. L. C('iea Stirdsy afieroonu. l'lita iuant home of Mir. anti Mes. A, D. Rilttiin tiainuavitie tasa thu sceut' of asîtetiy home veddiug nu thte aituraton tif Anguat 2(iih, it bulng the mîrriage of theioniy tianabtur, litai Louise itto oit P. Morse, ni Graaliattu. Mr. andî Mra. Merse bave a host o! Irienils tirarîghoui tbe couuty vbo join hum wimnug tuein a haippy sud peo4peous lite. The Fort Hlicumetery society met vih iMra. lR. Paddock Augusi 21t. A very plewauat ieruoou vus eljoyeti by those pret-ent. $2 i10 viis dded tu tuhi fonds. Viitera vere Medsdae Itaugits, iHumons, Wateu, Dillonu, FTost, Coînvarse, Milas Etate Smith, ni Vulto, XMra lRîbert Fultion, îif Wauke- gata, Mra iteri Pauddock sud lira. Henry limrTi, ofIiiotaui Lakte. Nuit meetinag sUt llie tliMns. Il. l"art Sept. IStU. N'Imitera vueome. Thîile Comiissaiouers Notice. Notiîce is bereby givun Ihat persona bavlug (Canadata ities onu ibuir pro- Purty, are muiutieti ébat same muai bu cut air lu'aroyed anti iot lotfteipropa- gaili ar gto to seeutnuter penalty oif a tInta it leui itan utannr more tbaîi onî(, bîadred dollars. aThis no- tice applicma aIite te public bighvway. andti tîilroi lght-i.aya lu tevu of Llbertyvileý, the btghvmy commission- or en lilitale fortite faibrut par- ranîem'tuttheir aubordiluantea &long Iblmisitîs litapenalty for nouobaerv- sua', tuofi'th atain suci cli euspro- vida- fi tilrotcauilaemere severe, tbuy beiug llîu, it a flne o! not tuas ibm uift! înotTmore than ira hundreti dollars. Du8Nis sLismsssay. 'Thlatma <'imlaioeue T'owuship of LtbertyvitNî'. AgîlI. WONERFUL are the cureby are simple sud natmual. If<o<s<I1aarsa- parilla makee PUft« s.@OD. items of 4 * ~ Interest.. MisasIDella Bidwetl, of Gunaice, is itiet guest o! Mes. E. J. Itigley. Mes. Doyle, oi Wankegan, apenittis week wilhliher sister, Mra. W. B. Iligîe, Mes. E'ddy, e! Litiertyvillc, la thtegoosi of Mes. tIueneeanti ethen trinoli.iiis week. Mable Murgatroiti, ut Vesper. Waaý is aisiliuig lier sisier, M4rs. Jo)huiiacuiîlf a eek. Mes. Stone, ut W'annoniia, wau. be garai ut her tiangliier. Mes. ilitîcaoser e rennioui. Me. anî Mes. Alber-t Cliiin,î, of Itlas dale, Mutai., sçerc on tlic strecîs tif Grayalake saiveral ilsys this tari-l Mr. sud lira. ;co. ltîîlîr and Mes. Eu. lînher anti sou wcrr the giestuf Mr. sait Mes. Rob. tHarvey V'itî'iilay andl Ttsîrsday. Mna. Ingristi. Se., lias lieai ue ill theic pai week wih ninje'siii ofuthlactiîngs blit ai tinot wilîng is soiîîcsauii ti pro.. ci, sltiotiih lier caîîîlitui s ah1il citiica t. E. Il. Stirniai ad J.t tuatk , jr irsal t-store-bilings Tliwslî t iP'ts- se.sîin wîIltac takeri Ot.t i xi radt Mr. and trs. Slicrtiîaa asil iiisa' io tlac appair ruiati, ti s 11 ili atlinag î,i Uniat date. A very îîretiy sswallig saIs lli soleuinizcat aithe suuîuîa- r tne laithel îrite' a tlair, south shori , sala-tajolin a rk, cot Chiicagoa, wasus îaatara ina iî to Miss ;Lauria M , urjicaatt-n, ' . Sica ris ,tliciiititux, Nir.' a *fiiîs ai ilNI e' (i arg. t ., il ii liiîo a hos tatk i- t J.' Nitrllit Ci lIe Iliti I t,,iji i a t'iitzt'rt t îîtisî-fi lt'i. ii, l amt i., 1,li ii l.' mon .ilfNMrtan itimsala"r liu iia autt.-inig as i.a rIai»ltr Mrndual'iailit Il sail ai .ta buiaa. asif, thiîaaaal.NrmA. iti-a NI ns, 'I'lts -'atit i ait-. )11 e.ltf i t hei- If i c. %'t h t i ii c ii iîjî'-il Iiîîîb. iiiau-ilbit h--,' ki. i. Ait ai..uat, NI i anda NIT. t o uiîig l.'i îîri ti iita'a .1't. ia,' ia' grIu."u tt il "ln iat~ ,pai ai a'lk.l andlîf i'.'dilt -- , mitu tr îîan ainl NI. ci Nglisl E ltuigI-iCia ittî ,rT 'i llt. kawlat LIuIIiWii-1saut i Nt . n - il.. fi- s'4i tlli.i(Ialas.itiailîîi'lt i" ttitit.Elh r a rl u IcItIY 'la iit'Ciia a t ag- (etha Niii liwIitl S4.1 Reunlon Camp FIre. "iht veturmas f the G. A. Rt. of Latte Ceuuîy met *roundi an immense camp tire tai eveutng ai Whck'a (irove. A crovd of perbîpa 20isi people farmuti a large crete arotîndth e tire, tisiuulng (o the thrililg talen enactet durlug the civil wr. Prusitieut John E. Ballard couduictudtheutmeeting. "Iho speakters rbo eniertainudth ie gruat ibeoug et people vee.Eti Drnry 96t1h Ill., C. A. Pariritige 110h, Orr liseron 96ith, Gle. Waltu 9lt, Jutige 'irimible 93d, Duparimunt Commander. Jutige Fitch 41b N. *î. httry aud Liant. TrImbie. As vu go te prous thia a. m. au Immense centatinlutevu, vhtcli bas asaumoti huilday attire sud took@ vi ry gay lu varlegaieti colora. tiei John C. Blacktvilii arrtve ai acon to-day aund rumaîn ever ritb the vetoails l'o- morrov. Ai the business sesaien huiti Thora- day the ioitowiug ofieurs vurue octuti for the eune uing year. Fremdent, Henry Davissîitht11. Cav., Watiionda. Piativice Presîdent. John Murph1y, 379hb111..I(ut, Shieldsa. Secondi Vice t'resideut, CIhas. Sliî- botta, 37th tht. !uf., Chicago. 'thirul Vice l'resldeni, W. M. Rell, 15tia111. tuf. Wauttegan. Seeeary, J. R. Blieîhr, StU M iascuri Csv.,, (neue. Treasurer, (Gae. Wait L,9itb li1. lint, Grant. Eteuntive Cemmitiru, Arthuur Coouk, Wa'ui-iida; Chas. Pallein, Atiloab; B. La. Fiagg. Watikegan; Huey Dituabaki. (Irayatake: J. A. Muaon,li Pîrairie ie w.1 Net Ove- Wise. 'have la su oli aliegericai pi-taire tif a gilacareil ai a grasa-bopper. buit ln ibhe &et of beedtessly ieuading on a suaku. 'l'isata paai'lioed by thme man vbo apeudea alarge Oum cf mouuY building a cyclone ceuser, but neglecta te peovidu bis famtiY vitb a botte of Cb,êmbelaniCollc Choiera and Diarrboua B.umudy as sa mieguard agaluat bovet compilat. hose victilmaouinuîmber thosu of tbe cyclone a buudred teo nu. This remedy la uveryriture eecegulsd sas themost prompt sud iretable Medicine Iu usei for thas. duaemme. For aie by F. B. Loym.L. ythe; QESILÂKUI JO@ VIibeut 'WUa homes B w d&78 Miss Maon, a deacos, will peak ut1 luai wusk. the clinrel Sunday nigbt. Thoma. hcClure wua home from the Mes. WPI-Icim.of ('hicagoa, wtums a viitor, clty Buuday. 1 t Mrs. Jaîrîr§' Wed»emay. John Farrell, ni Cuicago, tais lera Zera andi Oea 9Sheonîbave as n guet tbe tiret ni the week. tet, ofltRogers Park. Mr. Osagmu vii bugin acheoet mi Mati,,'is an aggle.taiiemsalient Satue. Autioch nezi liouday. dulyluliiSiiiivla] Cfiii'a.gii. t- (;@rge JPerey andii Wl!- schl t iii uoi begin unili ihe li.a tier front îArlîîîgtîmî Heiglîls.' second week lun Sepiember. Il'lIILy-,liwnealmena A pair of twilus veru boru te Mms, t alI%% iîîyîr amI uiýthgsî,aput Anderson laut Frlday night. jti'w imys aa lt lî r tieti a nwss.k.0 H. C. Haines ha preparing to put % ifi-r triýna-t iia piciliiînt etlles Lake funudaien cnldur lis bouse. W..îtiîe.îtay. Seu thu Dakota Exbl ai lb. Pli' îirt MariI'Lîeab'r sud it aPîe tlttraed Me. sud Mes. Allen Dtxou visîteti Muîîîiîiî t iîei îirnein li Mltasuti frîcuda lu Newaport Suuday. alter ax a u 1 sstit %sili Ili$s fatiier and siat.s'i'liene. The fair ihis yeae promisees te be the baut ever belld. Arrange te atiend. oMn. aiîd Mrs. .iirga-iiîictispeae liase retunîa'tdtIiieir liti lDc'i A unmbee ef men btaides ithe te- iadua n liihig tJii,. auiiuiii'-r it lirpjarent, gatis atteudedth ie convention ai Mniiîd Miai Jf.,rai. Grayalaku Saturday. Te'rob.. t.,,î,;î ,,i,,,,' . ,- viio- i wan l Mme. .J. Youg foonusei eattte Clevelaund vhere ite wilii peuti a week wttlirelative@ iben viii go igo New York tahere ihe wili iapenu the, tttr. Look Plesuant. Pieuse. l' hotograpber C. C. lisetan, of Eanu, 0 , eau do suo ncv, tbcngb for jeea buh utîIdu't, buca&uàu busufferedutiuuoid agony feomtihe vorai fortu of Iudiges- tion. Att physiclans and modicinea imtied te hulp hliMIi bu tried Eluciei Bittura, wbich vworkud auch vonders fur him tha& bu decises. tbey are a gesiseuti te stîttuers imom dyspepsie satsomacli troubles. iJnuîvaied for diseasea of tbe sbomach. Ilvur aud kidueja, tbey builit up sud give Dew lte to the whole syâtum. Try tbetu. OuilY 5ac. Onarauteut by Y. 1B. Lovoet, Ltburiyviiie, GItATHLAK5 P HASES 'y. (To Buy No% litýre lfat "u alllim(11, %voix t t4ik 5im u i. fotiîiigfi ilî'dîa' avoixIt aool. A guodiv ti iif-elit t'iileai tial enjiiVa'l ii t t ife w,'îg u isimi fî sacsgivs' 1, fy M r e. t t.l)ia t îuîimutîbai iiiw-.'i's frntmi W ^it were Saveti. -Füor jean t1 ufferui mueait niid mimery foerm bronchutim,. vriieaJ. Il. Johnson, of Beouglabon, a, *%bat otteD t vas unabie tevortt. Thau, uebun everythlug uts. !aiiad, t1wvu whoiiy curait by Dir. Klug@ nata dis- covury foi conanumptin. lMy vif& suffereti lntenaely irou estihme, tu]tIl cured bler, aud aIl our expeelrenîte gos. te show Il lathibut eslcroup madîclune tu the voîlti." A trial i iii ouvino. yeu lie nurivateti for Ibenai aud Jung 'J 4semae. Unarauteeti buttesz60eandi 11.00). Trial boittes iore atY. D.LoviLL LibertyvItte; UBÂABLÀES PEAEMAOY. àke Room 1 wilIîdirsposte of My stok of buiggies-i, slirreiyii-, ruait wagiml, Pî.,tt a v'mry close m targiiî. 1 flo ntt iii faî-t nilttu' lutili'eth-te mpilce tht-y (Wctipfotr mWtives iaîîd witite'r giiodua nîîw arn ihaig. Nv and Save Money. If yotiî lave cash to otffer ylJI seactiru" ia buggy riglit no1w uit a lowe'r figluresi tan yout wiIl agaiti 1w able' tot. B. 1IER, ile - - Illinoi.~ midsllflfferUIlearÏng Sale. Boys W slats a i... ........ ....... II tStandard Binue Wrappers ut...iO htriaw B ais....... .......A( A lotioflie w Remuants eheali. A mui l ue of SI' ne@ of the hu asmaes. Miensé andi Boym' Suite ait a baLrgaîn., Groceries Crockery Fresh Bread Cakes. ....GIVE US A CALL.. Wm. W. J3dwards Crayslake, 111. A Silver Dollar buys 12 ,Boffles 0f the finest essence and purest extract of fine malt barley and hops. Physicians recommend MALT MýARROW as au invaluable lonic sud healîh builder. Tt brings vigor ta fthe stomach and nerves. Tt makes people strong of bodyt and mind. If you would have healtb andaîi-engtb send for a trial order to FRED ENDERLIN, I Exclusive Agent for Lake County. I LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ~- 1 LiE t'KA.BMAoy. ' Lit Ma

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