CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Aug 1902, p. 7

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Mrs. Sophie Binns, President Young -. People's Christian Temperance Union, Fruitvale, Bal., Cured of Congestion and Inflammation of the Ovaries by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "DEAR MRs, PINKI: ý : -Eighteen monthsa go 1 was a pnetty sick womaro. I had feit for some monlhs that I gradually grew weaker, but finally I had such severe pains I could hardly stand il. 1 had taken cold durirîg menstruation and tbis developed int conges- tion of the ovaries and inflammation, and I could flot bear ta walk or stand on my feet. The doctor recommended an operation which I wnuld flot hcar of. One of my friends auivised me ta t'y Lydia E. Pinkhamn's Vegetabie Compound, sa 1 gave i a trial. Can yau imagine niy feeling when within twa months 1 felt considerably better, my generai heaith was impraved, and my pain had entirely disappeared. 1 kept taking i, six. weeks more and arn now enjoying the best of health, thanka ta you. YVours truly, MR.S. SopRstz BisNs.' $5000 FORFEIT IF THE AJJOVE LEMTER 18 NiOT GENUINE. When wolaasn are troubled wth irregular, suppressed or puinful o-menstruation, weakncas, leucorrhoea, dispiacemont or uoeration of the womb, thst bearing-down feeling Infammation of the ovaries, backnurhe, bioatIng (or flatulence), generai ciebiity, indigestion, and nervous pros- tration, or are beset with such tsyniptomau as dizzinesa, faintneus, lassitunde, excitability- irritabjity nervou.snesa, sleeplessness, melnncholy, "al- tWq rnold reinamber there fa one tried anti true rsfnedy. Lyda El Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound at ance. remoavets BUCh troubles. liefuse to buy any other nodiciiae, for you need the bust. SHAM BAI ÎE OFF MM ENEMYS SHIPS TAKEN. MAir ,Na-1 War- Enda ,.ith Sane-- der- of Pl'l.bnoy'e Sqnidon. Thinomiîtonavai wîr ou the No-w Eug- land coousf -uo'l onday 00000010Il' tii tio0oo .the floll.itonys o bit,-quad-lo Hl tstut o le.1uK. roo tfootoy o! tii, figshop t1-uoiut irafsing ininopesero- ooh, nc-'o dloliIIiooyoas a o-olto 'no nod-r. i 00.- ron- h olooothc oigoo l 100 sas. iiloiooyi a ýbooo amo in othr do no-ctonut o uo 'nho- so-oran-go. oth Ils 1-ohuort..fine Alsataaantoo he- ioaa sacuaot . oog no-ar hs. 000 O îinol-rd close lu t. I bhtho-r's Isanol andl cea tinuthreo- mil" off -Riockoo- Ptish.or ,aasho-adiugioon notoea.t sud eaa aboot lift-on noues ho.tho- soint ward outhtin- eanaarge. i$fao-ile huew tno eno-mys ainips and gave the- alarm o- ndbafo-iy.lunho-n minaies teo-Ko-ar- sargo- tino-Alaboama and tho- Nhagaso- sa-o bil anîoora op and wCre heado-d * ~ -fonrOu th .ootoi oql.dron. going if s clip- oagr pOd itins.Pg raie 1Tho- big fiagoohop got .aP a Dange lu ld'armn Wnather MPloflphy. loftI-o-n ot x'loi-d itin.a to-w aeconds The spnead of Ioprosy lnt théîo- tidaii Ilot toscheor has ls compouenaations m &iero-o-t sasa -iCloseo-behlnd rameto an.d otia.- mlré-glonus 1laattributal toi voil senolawhacka There la no botberthe- Aabama anudi hassachasetts. théo eutoon of boaitus-sou-J weariruo< o-o-o- i ovrronts i .iraboes and sau Commando-r l'illabory saw thie gain- avîoar.-i front personi foi Ienson .5tig onufloth ugs ahd ud a hir loltaare not wmas utand atoppo-d bia englues to osait tu h.- seancty o,! Moto-r. both, otoo frozeiicto - i or buorm.-o-nunua o- If ho- la for lbta opponienus to draw Doar. ho was of ciotlubug lu alinost Impossioble-. ai too u oît oof-oooie iiod Itihithore emotit4'>20'o loch asho-n tino- hito- iinuron la uisiont ty for -théiino- ltootIio-olase000-o- fliroit tandofté berrvs aHou! the greenh masaxtitel Aitf 5'o-e.k tho-cro-ma o! ofinbgu iii oýýrth ie n[i,,tino-bbllet.% ¶aon-etomntnood ho qiartfen'.'At otIflnos.i'f tiihlrl'o w o-rtyfhieuilnti oI0h0iIo-ou'hu 1oî b-slti boîttau cate tond 5:35'lieu-anAdmira]I llgginson oalho-d ou Il oeoooxeeunoo-aohiy irl. s tioh 0 15f looit ida o,! tliolioga fat tire enoog 1igh lbory h, urr-ndo-r. Five minutes, gl'is o-fi oîloltu oule h01sors 00h00('r ioneoraoooai -io.btt-ittioît 100oesther lan Itrho-o f, cmma adr o! tino- siua-ron ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~: own fhto.I.s.hhnutanitto ie.- t a a , ooî11Y eliJOY tino-ui as graco-ftl oiiy coiod. endung up a tiig ig- Iliade noltde0 r to sofal.-une0e Cili hi re tilt . o itO ut It'-heflic M iflot' îomie as it n tua btatbaeoffeo-î pria orlih.-tl. sud îhuug paussé. sirimig tflic14.lîo, .%as ailouI -Ouoofr3i 000000outsoirel Tin-ntin-hé itie eInusdrau bove to and 11i1o-tuthé fia-bgar i' Ir co- lb'Thll11) Iiso- thé tt-otiu.r dom -' It la fortu Commandern Pilshoury came ihoird the câlinaof the îoi-uiof bn-stnitno tirin uro o,'th hat nio ui, otsbu..thé- making of tho- Iseansargo-. uho-ro-ho- and ReanAdmirai rîtes nolIb ad o-llaoo-hol. uei io o o-lla-r to I la lii b oo~l ha ~ Hlirggtnson said piétiant thingg tu excin er che n h detsmn-me ieturfri d hwodtete Othne,. Wnen tite asover the Ko-an- thne daly papers offering theo- igbest on1i11one sIfed wlithl; sehole, isil niose srgo-. the Alabama snd the Miasacin- pri-es foriat.ff ciotlting. oId foafler u. a arge najorty of tue people are sela went hack no Rockpoa-t to swabl bcds,.oto. rt-mInI ns tuaI more bughlKi afattd os 1h0If mot e of thi- f mo- 'theo- ezasaambng of tineonire let, li rlv ilizeaI-o',uniinutOi t les arn- not fro'a- fronto llié, - i'-o i,' liiifi nid nomu-b fu fîît Patch boîtasha-lag o-ut oun at ho-meo- tine munie o- ur e of lufer'tiion-aa foff 0f te %%coieorn o rfooabi> confo-as hlcr tinte te gatinen in e guard and 1icoko-t a pra ro-i 'nYat gtooiaoi,- ui.s tiit, ot 1'o , i-.t oi00 ooffi,-i s oa o i t vo-sro-bsstrang out aiang theno-cast re- lie. that t i c bofhIlig îorbos -r tIllo tweo-ri 'ort la nd and Cape Cool olI oIithes dealer liais boe-oîruo.'ri3 bdi, 0F UNTOLO VALUE.T RM 01 A S IU8(çKit a - s nie n O If 0050loo- t'. tare tho- trailtstotlas boto , . obf-tsl baud beddinog tht h h basni-. 0 000 thbaf t iia tti . 00000-ttoos-i... oro f l Potoo rto-o' tfjo chod boatio oooo oit.i hOoilfo- iiisoui] lotloo-o- frMl - 1iol1:og llst I l jooatt oooo l o%[ 1 i 0 1. bt il et lî-oot ile- futo'gotgfs .00luoi'l- 11- T-o 9. le or uî1.boos jiol-h-s at .0 -0 11 g. 1), o -i Io hoo -ou. t N ,r :o - "Wloat îoookot. !oI iI0o O h t Itat'sa tsrh Cer-. ila aiensIht,.Uby roe.. j ois, M 11h a luaL le îorr <I'rtti- iO.'oî--o So'roio'.r iOh! Y"-. it -7 . ai Th, Ag -aAnswo- KgEP TOUR SADCIL DRM X PUOICT5 NTN % 5 . -MtAIPADL Wi ,a% HARDE3T TORM 4ma CATALNE3 5PRe ,=,ULL LINO ECGARMENT MIL MA" %VAOER CO.BOÎTON.MA» s Uwrd's Btg baqalu o hol@uIng goods ter. .rth a dollar. ilafo UV@sac Youm aydollars If- d11-.tah -ke toof0*o fi- eha The C.oaat . t'taloed in Ihis Stat,.aent>. ~Spacul Sessi.ofut h. .-e Lallea ILt. Odejr. 'lie hâle. tino-heaty, Othestt'oug o:000 Th'îOb'.Uhoo Lgoulaîno-- ooon-nr-oat 3 af.orI toi tostoso papertOu 0h10sale- n otdr00etarotr eso - 0013 oatlj heu tiet,,»ofol- p litîuoîoboaYtoi otacI isoarfu liestti 000 .0 it .ny03 uooforor ntu s ohlotj1,tto-otr otooiooot ai--aoorou t erto- 00v "o, lot'oilto-tosi hoîrs uor orroýro miliat î-sîooof 001 Tl(io- soondo ri.'--oro - .otoeiotoitirtit O Cîurt au-st ti bltin o liida* Oiit - -tots- oOoio- bto-,-oiobAo 0 il --10 r iOl0Si it Ifhlie do iioot filho5 o te. o e g tint'c o f000 O at ioo e- -1n3 00ilor l rl. al- iiHhIaio i e otfo eol o. ro- tofouu-ituol nooooihInga o,! 7i ;C' b m,O[t ioo-itîo ouf bo-h-ti-rosi 'o.. nd lous lodir. oooher nt 'at'torrcol]-o uI theio ts-nror s 0sa.rO oi r0o ili no. bOooOOl, ls fo try ilîlis o- -oi000oos to-oo irod utio-r t i.oo lioool rio rl i-tci aud )ol otoooinood looiti ' l'o iiri Bellt I .. Ooruoo o-S coetlrs 0 11 ý,tei tte ato- al001 v0 t [c iOor i s do-bO a m uo 0000 iok ix ' v3 crs ago lifting f0 0000, bhro-uf lbo-he l00os Adjouoroottoriot oas If tioooso lieie jured 113 boohîoo-o for fin. o toLeto Ioolooýs mrsge <1000 Soo. ht-ooginýad lowa Jr t ilool afottroon to theontloio'l 000folloos -i cil 1 tile suO1 tfi mo la-t 'loy obo-ru. oag thr tioooo-o-to- outto iii 000 i for ocet-uiitottho i0o il A rorrlw 1 o f iotrnoly al the A'o uIt.ltijoindo Voooo a too.uiit.- rio~sel o CnOo--to rt, tn.oor-iy posserso-ol i03 theOcocurt. ITho- bible andolI0-as roniiiotiOitut' h-I for rteto h r . týýiiedd :, i o-bs.Dur.oog if ,- ooo.- 1 . r otil Ob e o n-gsoooavnd- it-itlo-il y loofoors ui too.,L aHii:ii ois oi of ooedclue. bt1r sw ro-ln, o tino-hat laya ut lune bot' S îoo-- onu bu geC uor lt ire' Shaf ba ndo-d torai st-o-ro of beiîotor.The- plinlitinbick h o'h 1siruoiali d xir'osrtono.sfiaetoo-nnypractocalir di'vo orr os ooci tli tioe ofoial] wse0 ti 000- sen- oark anod loi, k. Porto-t t 0h0 l, Il ift o oîoor-rot tioat oboos o-o-oaoo- 00 trtioi'l ttieruf o-arts ,ocre osu.îd orooniooî3 itttoaiîloc .1'-d o o bouc f1 coo Iscitoniely miii. frotu 0,liel o-diaI t boo iio-ti îooro bobo- utoicor 100 rl..Io o utinît' ;coul nort ansd oi- tnlgvrtie lusbceto rao- oiio-e 10 tiii- conclusion fit 1 ),as001to ooao-itooes ttoTheli. in-laboroie- an tino-advîce ofiy rf .i l 03 zouoodu 0fo t 0i00 t Ioo-loa osorL, o! Ifriecoilois 1procotreol iloons Klliiooy ott-tiîoooscorrdootion. hiI ai 'VoeoIz Bros - drug atoro- auoi - n u- n-ton f000 s îot s. at meo toiok fout' boxes. Tho-y cureol 0000 * thini. saould bho-anmolt-i muuicipal gor- A frco- friail! orrons KIdouîPols.eroontufbut ohat mesai- coin o-o -sod- ftiro reonedy 0100 oU ro-l folr. houete 0. o-oin tg tieno-o-fltîotofIloiiotatona and >11 lic liiod Ihv'sy ritIhtg tino- pjorlt-t os tO heb- ircuotanro-v. 'litoak munit Oie.Ip- to-r 3hoiliurn oî ,01 Buffalbo. N. Y. 'tfproocfuo- di0h1spirittoft'givo- sud lako-' tiio-aadoo toucotout 0and in e 00,- er. anI sd os tii a ibotoritioti 1t u ocompli. Sfio-o- Lo-e. min a..sCat. Sortio- tioog ioh o-l hrlng arIen ontut i 0tguiii000 lhive 000 o-s tratoro 000003co-bou. If o foe nteotougin toittempt ho oîno.oooro! btaltya itIat'- bardn ti ave uîho- favorit- itoea nregard 1 tu i aaioiii ofvititt, an ar hade iriali ifooooýrprat.-d isto la. afoor Lol thtn snoy ordltoary cal. i once bal rî adoeuroroladano h occiboon to kailt a large irîl auoat'otour (tor a subeninin oaandpe tie aItae hlbl. oth- Souitltlorh Cross, antd makiltg egular aession to dsculis and oonidcr ise of tii,' doira .ni xCt t-mi, a nil01 t tbî-m Irroso- ou large apike squtîrely tbrouigi FILIPINOS ACTIVE IN MOUNTAINS the v oreootihri-s bead. and Iilsbeol the clieratiomo h3-nallig It fast lu the do-t-k.Ntsa, Acordina t1,Malli Adle*, That spereel1 makhetio-job very 0ch10- Are Caninz Muein Trouble. plie., and t1oent béiow ie--s for (diii- The-'lIarola tuaiti hnga Intellige-nce ut ier. oinnutp at otobor Inter. iY asIte armoty o! thin tsurgents in theo tonihutnht osas Pro.ligloi.s o bhoifi mttutaoaooo disti-cts of Tobaco, foIji bng Oi-(, ooouan. bontool reo.-hMillioers Duu snob Tort, iu Aihay provincoe. Tiie o-o'uo-io notber3010 antI tieno-titue conto oînî sinoîidllhig tabou,tf.appanntfy sili sOioloto otoriy ouît f luogitof 0!te apike. m-hulolistibi'1 0 t, i u -it. rintives aae-o. buiod reooooîbooedtthifiiltrInbulitbs orafobuoo in0o'.- 'ooi'o arrieddoff A i. s.k Priof.1C. .Borcbgrvi to.. tt.siîa ti. li t'loiia si ltnoo d 'lIooo liihibus ,-onoo'o oooIcbgs sori- -t oi of 1l1, So-anro- Aaor 0oi- -oiioo oooorir0:r- ullid h, fît 00003 i fr000 thie 00 o- b o W b a t 'l f o1, T -i SIt hîio~ tio îti LXof ittt t . in. h 5 CII/CA G70t Oitý llt. ,ýt i ThC bou s tfltoiho Oruhs Ci- fo , l0. I 'es iîIOWIi ot~t OMas oo lu G 1 1o 1:1, 11i . [0. - 1 t oroO, orejtirt.-oi If -Oloo' I0401' ootio oood.r 0' r i ho . llor ailt, bu o,,,rk for the civil * ro~~ý.ti o loir ruideh.o-salo-oas u athtîotîî-sini Whrar ~ien miitary rude nîutif th-Irpo-de.waa di.,uionted a band or Dioadeas re- M.&:g 4u~9 .80ar7 c àwwta Oid, vimted thoir rende-vous. They were ,re-- "tu N. P. varnna 10 moye against the ivil authori- whqt£âme40 P- -lto lay 0 ds whec Guevarra sent theni word 10 YUl bqt£In? d Ph.~AV pii al odaband unie.. they wanted tbe "ctows o wor ta lid unOw hb earrcasam," TIoqobvelL K"eTelAl.arnuValue. SSACHIJSUTS COASi. 'Setha ar. Japan-so monkeys? 661SUFFERED TERRIBLY Weili, îliry cost $700'" .la i sookoep- er"sh w1s howing a visitor Rome fen- ITH F MA EW EKrS ; tt,5(tfh-gardens. -Titota a bac- triait cOarnel. %%e gave $1,S00 for Il. A ______ bu fa l oo éPosto a $7 <03 1it ,locioSAYS MRS. ESTIIER M. MILNER. Woia goool white bloars worth about «I nad Otileadache Coninu- $4,oRoO This oie bo-re O- ot $4.5ffl. VoU elly-Comld ot Do My work oluIdli t tlooy tlhat lion ujîder $12»)-004,1e urd. Se-alilonoh )1, a men Ilonswortb iiioutt leii-i ue $5,000), fmort- or leris. Two yooong l0000 lIr" Esther M. Miler, DeGraff wbo had folowed tire bei-er 1111011t oood Oho,, write.: bruio serIie-urd lis alopraiserintfithe iOî "IM'as&aterribhle aufferer trom zoos stoc'k loughied at bis figures. oays omatae waaknes s ad bail the tlîo- Pîld-îliiRecord. 'Tooso- rio'ohadache continus lly. ivia are ridiculouoly ligli. -.oooIl one, ' ' fot abie go do a-y bouework fur fî'lloow must lie triugirlg*lis fri(ond . My hu"«Od MWd yseif. I vrore 11hno le oi doiîî un orîtgiig, you snd deacrlhed my condition ri;l mjt doinîîan- str-illglfg. anear am possible. Vou recoin- MOIStir Il ola)eel d endd Per. Ilok four bot. bo-re- and the l ti s ie hil os JuIîlers and vis oempietely cured. quot,-d wer.- gis rot f, iiti Ytloyioo- tient]l 1think Perusasas v derful med- keooîoor sudthie î,thioor11-n 'Iho-;tire- ICifCand have recoameflded If abo ut to- tites too gre-lt, îandoi lbY t ixry friesidî vii>h eu resai-is-2'- to oîsîî - lii Mn. E. M. Mliner. sarroper oare for tire- varionis aîiiînsWin.., .011e,: AccCiot a grato- That dr-cepi linto la o 'a3is 14el 3o-l POol ,fti]go n, fihn km fur tii. won flOw keepe-r.It's a Jutoifibloe due-pdo-ofui heip I hao- OfreeC throîoî gh the- use ut Po-roorosAlthooogli f VIOCS vomen fe tlion. lîfnt l ii .r0 o-01 fol t Iheo- t oi-s okool wel and trontîg1 1,as- for nVta i o hrge If Yoou keee-ioî r îîaki-a frot4 tolo b hof a fooi ,o-ra suffero-d witli r ý>-lt0,kaho- are -ooforiog fromm of hmlîs-t whieîoIl(,goe o " 0hand otut sud woild for so-veroai dio s hate alîlo 107 female do-- I i nornai1îbutg ho-dache 1 I dlîot .oh t,,iirii rrgl-iaoCt writo- hona adencrip» ton< ________________ ni!.,0cmwith puisoooooous drooga. oîd 1yoor s nptomnsand lbe will ge iyo rIfr sm e min>.seversi of n Ocendsadvlrspcd th.. lu,o.fitof his e5perce C la~l b -~ Gho.tly 1Photgraph. are te taire Pertons i os... i uy phy- tro-atîo.-ot of womo-n'a diseaus. Richard NI liSa'w. of Central Falls, icdan what le he001onrhi .f t lHer"- Ifa odo fot dorive prompt and Mds COÎflA RZ 5~ YQL~V la enhilitlîog îriîhoto of bia îwo-nty- *nmmonded it andtu f i-Lorri aloin, am.rtoo,-)ryurestitaisfroin, the use o e Pun.. - I nUr.dnnuonwih 8an :lY wlthouf pais f 0103 hiailnos. write ai olivo-te Do-. Hsrtensse, alins a o) OF "J~-il II I VAL Fn - 0 oiaîllsr.uonwic aa Mica Mamie (iro,:h.ful qatemo-ntotfutour ocaie, and b. wilà ________ - otiier plîttitre lie ciiiio0 reuogie as Dr. 8. B. Hat-taooo, 1ro-sodnof T h.ho- epioased ta 500e 700 bis valuable B&- PENN8YLVANI8A COAL STRIKE. a relative osho hoa beeui dead fourleeni Hartmau Raaotao-oom, bias hal 0u5Cr vice gratin. 3oars iOSiriulititsho-noabout profesO- it),yeara .Vapo-n-er on tin Lhetro-alinet -oi dilo-essDr. liartnan. Pncsidezt et Leade, Aekno-wledge ihatindicatioms ho b0evo-tie çiliiionipluotograpit1,r et to-toale -erarohaI disetaes. Ho- ad iTheo-Haruainon Sanitau, Colombes, 0. point teu nrstiruaggfr a dlirec-t comunicbationî front the spirit Mo~hiioPOrtàuce la attuîbed olthie worloi, wbiie scieroliata are pozzlo-d. c.iiio ibîr Ilobin no-o-o o.- froot o ain1e The picture osas Indo-n li a studilo ai 000oOroaho spend h - rs o tiithî- go-to îlaoviuî-iet lest yeoor.A ahort tliîîo o-ril i0ngoo ovr n h. trkcto.tnt gro Mr. Shaw, os ho la flot s Slilrlfoal- Aft- Iilotog met s11a .-o fOborlos ".1o o ioasd thai 1-- doi ioot b-olt, dsoovened lit one corner the oui 003sgîofa settIo- - lio-aof toriior face. which liie. og in fiot ho- tatea t.. ,Io to tl CnIzed 8$a'1111t a sto oirfert liioo-i o-a r o t-rot---drfinitely t -.îu o ftit bs ol--oeaso'd reiritse. sabose nmine li; tioî- 0.00 h o00w thano 00. o lias itou hoierefises 10 gis c Sîlrtiaili8ta ay il la fis oiblShenanl--i. l'o. Ho- ko-opasa porfet as it talien by the greoit 0,0.b h the sr a o us. -il asmo- cFlammarion,.Ib l'aria, s few yoara ago *îirtor.and maY b, oodaîl.% ridoog They profilso 10 belles e thuai ilanpot' iho- lIlotus wlth 0100 os o tsrt.iff. tool tloi 00 o-rond he fo-tIt-t ro ool 00 . so-rarîooo wlh mno--s I uf eulo n- dIa hofigraplier 'iandal hello-ses fil oas iîioy a friendly fel-ing to at ro o- naerfl byt an odol comîtiroation of liglît .0unally. amd ohadlows.-Proololcoce (1<I. o loCor Thore le no il fel-ing itn Sho'nsndotoh No-w York Worîd. againet the soldiera andiitito miitary ha% bo-oîno- oo poaular tinot a îooettbas Wha£ au AlmanaseDid. ho-on aset afoot tu start a cuuîîoaomy in Ihat Mattiews. Ark . Aug. 2flth.-IMn. tuwn. Le-e S. Bandera, ofthIbi place. tells hoow Sonaton Hanna lanIBuffalo has admnitto-oRDanalmaluaC aaVed iberlite. Ihat ail hope of pergainog tino antbra- "Ihave been troubieci à great do-ai cite co-ua operatoar atito-ato- .ilh tino-wlîh my kidno-ys al ny Rie snd waa srnkora haa bec>.ahlaîoiucoj.I have constsntly growlng worae. lHanua. "I have douo- ail00in 07iowo'r Aimanse for 112 and In It en o-sirone- sud oau do no more. 1 illasoirnao fu r- storlea of how Diodd's Kidney Pilla hal! ther ittempts, for il s. oald ho- uio-io-ss cured nuany very bad! cases et Kidney Ho- declano-d there waa ao chance o.! ion Trouble. iralion ao long as only one- rode. the- "My iuband houghl a box and i mono-ns. sare wiling tt arhitrato-. He bhogin to usc them,.and lu a short limeo gave- os his. opnion thoit tho- mono-os ail wo-weeiUrPris-d and doligintod at ulot gise in as long as 010-y aro- ahle te the- wondorful improvernint nu ioame. figint. - I amn now as w-o-l as inyhody endl '*It .111 fot be a shortfight- saoolbe.f1oaun fotsamy ton macoh for Iloida *f1 wiii ho- prolonger] andmauch torooongoi Kidney Plla It w-a a lucky day for tion s.iii moaunent ouly hardahips ortonme aen Ipoked up that nlmorîac AINTY SUMMER GIRLS USE CUTICURA SOAP asslsted bjP tino minersa rnd the womo-a and chidren > eil- ]>od'a lidney Piwl 1-11 dopendent on fitl have its cure anyono- who auffo-ra with Klduey DJ CUTI CURA OINTMENT fer preserving, purifying cd beati- o-ffoct on the Amertean p-ie.. T- he-long- Trouble'" fying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for Irritations of the skIn, but e thinsreen tigues ho- re or li Aattvlt.y.- rashes, tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lamenes a aidorens> President Rooneve4lt o-ouho asko-d te Fstho- Vo-l. what bas 'Tommy ho-o- ciii a soecial session or Cougree. to tir dooac to day? incidentai to outdoor sports, for sanative, aniseptic cleanlsing, cd fiw- action 10ondthe oos!i triko- This seas Nother-Heo-euo off o ph-ce of the o-tis al the puroeofteoitbhadnsry do-cido-d al a meeting in No-w York 0f the rai.,iroko thiroeosndows. hiacke ooueroesodtetilt bthe urey Central Federation Union, repreao-ning ooks eye ani bult àa huoire lu the tel §&-Much tat ail ahould know about the skia, scalp, sadl ulie éoIila 250,000 workiagmen. lar. th1e circular with nCIOTicultA OAP. Russell Sage o-rpiaiao-d boomJ. l'o- Fatboc- le thît iai'Tommîy miost ho pont Morgau could Cnd theo-al «î trixe o- lmýtrltog.Had HUnm There. *-o Mogn, iol Mn. Sago-.'*i- tho- Weil Quaaîieoî. l'a-Exciiae me for saying il. mv chid, f&z bb gro-ato-of man ifine finincial Worioio!f -"I1O>,,sotutthouk ho-esauuld malo- a g,,i.d bftr1(uesmin thos oeiyornand1nui this c-outry. No one- candeny thoo. and o i0oirirei-to-ro-a-klana tase Counti t la thnooîgh thia fact alono- thstboti -a 0do3 -' ooooin 'l'l'Cro- to-o-to-i itoîto f I 1îgloe one . pmapfa. is(ennui: hing a no-d tetahe coal stalLe. litsin- 'Iost-illoon1îotsa' hol ohj-t o lon'tinpaa go- os ir t-oG s~s ..C is s fluenc- la go areat tinat al tiat it la -V o.s .fotund tloot ioo îooiid tot- 1tio- ttan tou hf.yon arptii apira i hs .1 Bsd C C C Nom @M no-esary for hbin edo in 1 sto-oui.. t- iraront rcf tO roiot' a- . toi raod o. olare his uîoad on tho- îahject suod if it pçarîuooîsat-ito-o- RoolorO' or itOiicIco f000030have ais.aYS ho-on partoctIiarIs .<j-daq est a 99W tvrsa forninafiof theinosorîko t 10 rtailoiuohat sort uotmi ag.-îl oo iP001 _________________________ wouid flot i>o-long i>etoro- thelno- ot r Bihrooklyn EagiolOsaen .MUO WOBU aoa woooid r-amo-emork" DoVour Feet Autre and Hurn? tho-eGeemnlt. I la looEsOuam ..Omim -- ý_._ ---- -1-- -as1 miu % àtd » arn t CITY SPIIINGS UP IN A NIGHT. (elahona Prairie flloas.a lut. a Thrlýs-gTos n l24 limona. Thbomua iy, . .T., with 2ftM0 iooî: 1otti.nasa leapo-ol tortina i cr1 sei ioot flo ior-eiininao-y atages of bamiet. %ouiatoe or 0000n lui tact, ovct'nigint trit ao-.- or oiooooaliio> -'o'at a to-w duaism go o. o vo rgun prai rieof ut Csto-r Colity000s, i il" rt-otfa oif>seoohproitu oo- tu grow olool proaper. Ailtew days uco. tino-inhalootonf-.-o-e totniig ou to-ius orougin hana n uI Olahoma. To-day tinoy are entutia.rc boumera of lieno-now cityO T'honassCity was hortu un too-b.raioo- -o! sortie Missour iland iroboto-ns 'lh-iior- goniel antI ue-totvd o-I bur b .s t-soooo o -e rn t he bnonui Of tnotinrn eartlo atol bo l.oan-cilo-tIto inioobIlor nhahitoîttofor io Thbo-latter ai'r,- 'o-i -oto-ol otot- oy00 wst.broutintlor sttiality, ru fojr o a ocal aIhabttatiton o-,o ornoerneol Lotos More g-oiro o-i old iatoo u. 'loy Thorons iaaCty bas Os duiiy n-ro Iir S fihotortii sand noîrcoootie ishiro odoo ail thnoso- foatOt'o-o aslorngo h-O> 000,. t"î A 0000000-j 000itty. in u n thog m'ut-o,îor f gui r--iiuinet. it siihe n e oool .0Ii:oti'5 ao-ns.-l uot uno-Loo-s io- ere hîs lot wmo. totbe ho-.hmvuioooooio'or ton miot .0 ii- Thuoas if 300 oua botants threr for the b rott lumo- aI Ko îoa sCity, wfui-o,- tuo-3-u traiot oodfor ti o-ortosahome. l'thoy t'a- tto ruizi-d at ou-'e. for no oune btooav saho wttalho- big nexo boorn nigihuor. A ounique plan was fafluwel bInorgouo- 0000000tino toan. ho Oas on paper itou tin ot rs subI althtito' toturnprico- of $0 'onsoigint aud unseo- Conaeqtoentio- no mati bnew wbeu lo- arriver! whefio.r ho- wastou haro- tino- oioost platlint f000 Ir ho go-f theno- ftertooit oorner. I-ho- -sitV 00nmi tfto-o-reservo -i o-try otier loit and f10oe -oo- oie ho- aolfuture svt-r anu advaucel prici- rie day tuoos 00000 ke srrivlr oforioo- aottlo-ra the Iras otoof uttin oot, Oir ni-oh auI ath.ottgi o 550o lIdnut -ai1 as giiod locant oo-atinoy bail hopo-d oui-ro Tino-sitl inom00 ot to-I itl ti-o. toon obacino arc gihlot otorapidiy. TI..o...u cpriai oit lire îototoflici-. the-o'r for h Oui' too--î-otoka. tue stockbfor lu. and s 1001 aiho. otý(r'o al on linardb ýi Ne..a of Miniro.Note. Crh00-lIio i-00 RooseOvelt s -a: :. Oiiir or fine otot'100.01 SarttiFe1oto-ournu f 1sorno-bandli- 'l'Iito'r iOloiit e toioo- Mo. The - lror00 1.00 l-. p00000ri ho ou"",Irh lb(k, OtIsuîi 0 , soi oUitedl 0.0 o roo-o it fo o, ibolohitio . Th I -Ii-c Ilo-anloui rotiers of!h lus Counlt, Ka., n iluol thinor an,[flh enouun at Ao oSo 16 IIta 19, Tlie lirst Miaaotio-ldistrict ltepulino neminatedL oe T. IRobinson o! Unlourllo- ton Cougneas hy socIamation. The engagement of Regnald Vanderilit and Mies Cstbleem Gebiari ihilson bau beu.mnoaced at Newprtê*ILL p o-O r-o hake otfayoar Aobo-na m'.- bmu 3o lil -o, KqjRR * I55 mou* MILKB Eooo- a i f.d- fi oet, f-K. tI..L.. eâ6,,e t-in300 io.>îio r0 WITEOUT A Sîwot.u fOt. tigh't an N- oc oo-if,[Easy. Co rra tin. liOt tOc o-try w o-ok. 1l;o-fl., tBtions 0Sm aien, îlot ..tod t),e y i1duo. Soooog loCh At li l r andosi ii l iidsog- If yoouîIl oa. ' oime -o-o' oa, tri-no Shoo- Storo-e 25,. Sitioiee ntolo :hiC .,osthotfiit borso otoO tibo a g500001 to ou. Adîr-sAlle-u S 14. toatel. I.etoy N. Y. T.i.ii, Kne. Feury A. Sabser oof Laî Crosse 'oVia TmîyKo-.whos- "Saizer Seeda' are known and'Fl o $ 'looel h o, hooa Ovr o r 0 0o-- 1 i spln t- the s.orid ovet' irft for Europe, tîgh o utnpanlo-I by hJ i . e Wbie fti-r- 'ronouo> 'l'o1,O , 00f 30 asfr11 Or lue s.ihi loook up it eo arietiea of fart!ç.lb3 go-sot , aRo toh. urosor- goto-sa iee a sin Roxsisa aIdHungary.iv Otuo-uorl rIoe re siool iso-l ilodaoootnoo- t if fho-000 [d rrt W11- th four gallo f gasdIa.- goits o-udO00flth,-i. or. 1 1e asut aatiiort3 yo-ao-o ago o tooo A. t a1,0 Mill"S moolblo agoo o o. toroutino-'logil. Iry os oQOtetoo ot'Anooo-aootu.gas . . a au**Uà O at tuol~ ~ 1b -uurfu 1o,000 0 e Argoooio-ative-mo-to ai%*se ttoihin>RlhTipe - srgC. ho. ooa- oo bkioow more thon tinoy sae-oot,)g.tLahio% 93 t cs.. uM-*nl, CC CASTORIA The Kind You Have A'*gtabkAlways Bought iFodndRegft Bears the ness atxiR5t.Col1taiflS liiehr OpiuYorpùnenorý4iuwaI. XOT'NAR C 0TI1C. Apenfrcl ReMedy for Constipa- flan. SurStoutach.I)iarrhoeu Warms Convtîsions.Fevcersh- neas and Loss os- SLKEP. Iran . sueeleSûgalreo The University of N*otreh, NOToREa DAME. INoeAsw. F(&LL COURMS det.Cmls.1., iosioe ad lthsanJssmm.~.~ Raies Fri te.11aIl ,tadnh. h. asss pOoî.d theuins m eao, la dlaai~ Jaim nS-Iais anoh .Bof its Mg cotmes Sr omma sait aenma chrgs50 auhr .Y.r ».t-nie o-o-prtaci 555 A mmced aube oaddalstan otbs »j" .1.1 mtos . u ila b. aOvd a4 sps.W.i 1M Si. Bdwrs îHall. for liqaja majmn Hysas$0 C',,e SMB vsr.011 e opea 5 wgé i TYPE PRINTEO ID Printers' Matriais Use ~__ F or Over Thirîy Years ",.-PMCASTORIA S. N U. o. S DON'T SUFFER TouaCanmDB.ay ý D.tal.*/ Mexican Mustang miiment Fovr MA N OR& B EAS T iL y snob o-tran- -re loV a fo-w ie laa 'eoinge ie Mo-0 brutik moten- "trah ý ted- f oe de- iater, nmkdi- se-seraI the lis- asck t0 .dtiat oboute. YORK. .d An- nies ans -ofusion le wild w York no-la et i on the ,eliinood. nuited ason on brougint to1 pUr- n enue tc2eber. mntcns tu siavwart, ýe New- ho ËMs

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