CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Sep 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COJJNTY INDEPENDENT 'oic-j M ! 4q_ Libertvville. Lake County, Illinois, friday. September 12, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. WJ3LL DRESSED MEN 1 PATRON IZE FRED CROKER, LIBERIYVILLES TAILOR. 1I ilafke'111, tti'iIfltI' gatfllellts f î< an ll't (chafrge- exllîOI'hfIit lifii I. I;vo ' fi fflti, î'îît force', See my line of samples beforeo ordering. It's time to think about faiu apparel. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, Offîco over T riggfi & Tayl1or-Ji. OURO 7'f0 1 a . LI . 4 fMfti .H Libertyville -Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. Office ovor Lake County Bank Hours im f0 12 a. im, o 1'p - , fA 1LY Libertyvilie 1Ilînois.i Dr. C. R. GALLOWAY' ROt, t,. il, . p 1- Libervyville - Illinois.~ Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, .f uhIc.M. ~. 1,a . -d a DENTAL OFFICE Lbertyville 11iln ois. D. R. GROVER, M. D Phys1ian and Surgeon. Rockefeller - Illinois. iGRANDATDANCE IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILlON, Saturday [vening, September 13, 1)02. Music by Prolessor Sflh's Chicago Orchestra. DONT FORGET THE DATE. Every accommodation Isir-t el.iit-s tinîi-e fis,4iiure<I ail wlio attend(. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG, IA, Physqcan and Surgeon. PLAS.Ti.' ERING 9urnee - - .lampeprd odo Dr. 0. M . OVER. and western Lake Homoopathlc Ptivaleiuo.and SurMo tt a" l n .lj-.. 1 W. ...i-t t.. Pei tc- 'r 'ffJuniî-, 11-I f l. Rockefeller 11 i nois. BENJ. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. %CI4ANC%5BLOCM LFPiO"ff(NO 20 WiI Attend 10 in fhi. .uo Libertyville - Illinois.' PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney a,d Cueu at L-, NOTAAY PUBLIC. Office over Lakt.(-io. Banko. Libertyville - Illinois. MISS FLORA COLBY'l County on short .....notice ... 1 guarantee my work.1 Let me estimate your ~w o rk MY PRICES ARE RUGHT. 1eferencemi furnlahed tr-om prominent parties ln LlbrtyvIlii sud other- sections vhere i have done woris. HUGO PEGELOW, Prairie Vicw - - [inuoji PHOTOGRAPHER. urrmln rin ST'rUDIO IN OULKLEY DL. K ~Kf~N M Libertyvlile - Illinois. Dr. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON Assistont Stite otrcs 1 Ltbertyv ille - llînois.i Caj-riages furnished or Eake o. Iank, Lady assistant If desti WRIGHT DYMONOir & Co., :EDW. F. STUEN~ 1 Funerai Drector Llb.,rtyv h. I A nois. - - Il II45ue2 lIittre4it 1If-. i ng î.Certlni catesl' mallî'tiDa'mafid. Ir di .d.lreqponslbility, $100,000. MRS. L. A. DILLE. MODESTIE. Liber ty ville Illinois. ý * Furnaw - Cottage, Second St. $hSiallI f ' I lets'ilV, graîftif I ili dtif il-es 4wr-l i F. BAIRST9 MANUF'ACTURER C M ariz ar G rsi(NU soli ni-W OUee Latest Patterns an dStls l - pi.if. FAIR ATRAcTS DIICROWDS. Raceig Goud, Thougis F.hibis are Lirnited. 'Tisafair oaIff1902 à vu a lsual1 uccesa. Tisaspeed progrm aich (LAYi vu gaedsud allractedl large crovdi.1 ih ho xhibita vare, geuerailiy apekiug. nos up 10 staudard, ithar lu qusititY or quislily. Wedneaday about 25W1 peoplesvele ou the grounds sud nsevia lie CMs 'riuraday and Fridzy fuseroat cantared In the racea. F. E. Mtoue, 01f Mli- yankee, atedai terting judgo during the veat. Tise fesuit of Wedueàidayo races ire glvan heravith. Finit appoirs nameof aias, thon by vhom eulered and reaidence. 2:25 Clama Trotiug-Puraa "9),0 Allen K. 0. SuflVais. Clhicago.......2--2 Man. toc. L J - J mntecas. t,'iaicag 6-4-4 'l'ime 2:27 2:21J 2:22J. 3:(Hi Clina Trtting.-Purae $250 iazl (ratla.O'rt'nFm.PrsirtieViev 2-2-2 Josie Patlihen. W. l3. Racket. <Chigo i-3-s Bir-die Robin. H. ilermuai. AnUioch.a 44-4 -2:19 clams Paclns-PuuOU80. DestasMarc-et. MJ Devine. Chiago ... 4-2-4 But 0 iteif. <iVouet, Bolon li . ....... -1-1 L',tl I>.. .. .. .. ..... .... . 2.3-2 lime: 2Ài2i*iM18f2:21ý 'i ho -,ling Baldvina" vero a mant eutertelning lbitureanail Irea days o> the fair. Ther vork la vcry credible, sud von rapeaâtei applauaa. Tbursday provod thse bg day sa ln previona joars, about Omo 1people elteudiug. Neyer via he course in baller condtion wviiciswu evideuced isy the tac$thtie tract racord vau lcvared trous 2: 12*1 0 2.09*J -lManger O. gela crof411 for lisegsi. tesullata Thurnays race follovi: i:27 Trot-Purs. $176. on-titude, Gratais ar-m. Pr-AJie Vev 4ý-2 Allen K., 0. ulilvin Chicago.. .....-1-1 Chstr D.J. R- Daaly. Waukotgaa 2â4- entilter ......................... ..3-- Tîme: 2:24J 2:24* 2:25t. Free-for-sii i'aclug-Pursa 1400. otranger 0.. OU4toZaPel. Chicag.... 1-2-1-1 ltaby KIej. Farter Bros.. Ciicago..---- Col UletTbomson, Deviue.Ohiea<04-iý-- WillisaMac................ ..... 2-4--d 'rime. 2:09J 2:12J 2:12è 2:1t.~ Frmere aco--Puram 100. Po.ileBell,. <raLliZi Ym. Prairie View 1-1-1 Belle W .. DLUaabeery. UÀbetyvllle.. 2-s-3 J. J. 19 'Jr... 3 orley.Aioch ....-- Birdie itI6 JIl. Hrnie. Litic.... 4- I Tine 2:34J M2:9 29J Fciay wviaua ideai day and Mome 4fi0Il people ver-e on hiid. There vere- nothing dolai" Until f*rnoon and a& tise fgras ap!f tise bal ummon- ing hors" ta tise track tisera vi aa r-uai for tise grand tand. Tisa reaurt of itdaî'a races appear babyw 2.36 Cla Pacing--i'urse 827& Buf, 0iRoll. Geo. Vouet. Solon- .... 1-I-1 Queen lliai. .W Acter-.BSalom ..*22-54 BLa'k Gratt.Grattans aY .P, ev 5-- baIl le L).. f. Digais. Gemos Jt - -- Lady vondes-, B. W.BRtir. C(fliao. - 5-6- Time: 2:18J 2-A9 22t. Froo-for-aI i rot:-Pur-se $41. Humbrntl ad. E. B Benson . ô.i.-is- icaetalL.Leonrs-d.CrretlLake - is-- Tirne: 2:17J* i218g 2:18J 2 ll 2 19* 2,19J. 2 4f1'rrocting -Furme $150. WaI face. F. Il.fuberrY. Ub)ertYVIlaI.. 1 - - tiame> Ora"-a. Ucttin Faim F Vev.. -2-i Jofile i'attlaen. W. . lisetet. ihislago. 3-3.4 Axirial. J. W Joisuson. (llencoe.... 4--3 'rime 2:2»j2:29J 2:294. Theze vere n contenta for sy o! the offcessud Ka U sa iamony. Tise1 county utet falivu Por Judge, J. 0. Jamau, Autiocis. For irk, Abrlaoz, Long rave. For Tresaurar, Rnuy Bip, Late1 Zurich. Fo or Iff, JohunBeau. lHighland ,park. Vo, BupI. of Bchooia ,,"o~T. Rogers, Tise deacrala bave amed a gond tI8cket, une isicis avary voler sU liiled vut Iisai Party enu conaientloualy so1ppert. NEW RAILROAD FRJECI. St. PwftI ta Penetrate Lakse Shsore Te7rritory. Northwesterrs contemplates New Spur. 1 ait &a cc th u..aTUE MIDWAY. l h vwai a llvaiy midvay. Ta tisass us nual feitures vu added a show undar St % causai calfledthe '-Buteeof Oiro." co à fev suclessi dame& in ablreviad w stirla ver. the attraction, and visile u &hotis shsov vianost actly Immoral, 79et tise Fir management vould have doue s aiveil ta "coul It out." Tisa minsîrel a shov vu sm orn tter. Both vere veililà patrouleed. Stands, sirItking machinés, r ciao aud dolilract@, devicea o! chance, a n.order. etc. ver-e mucis in evidence. It ila i proalebo t it11e money vu cleaed t red. liy tise midvay proprietors &h1s jeal IS es tisaepeople did not seem diapcod 4 K E L, to bits. Even tise legItimata stands t did s popr-buiness.t >r. Lund's diaplay of Dakota producte Ilinoig. vaitse finait speci a xiibit on tise 1 groundm. Bchsick Bras. lisd a good t' Jun I P- dlaplai oft arin machlnely, opeuated - liy Fairbalisa& Xo o prtableo gaia1 W lino angines.1 0 w Thougis tbe management luaisted1 tiser-e vouid ba a large dispiai of bsottes,. OFcattle, sheep ana iofi, UliStock vas uaotisher-e, and lunail the adspartments )le. a very llmited sisoving vaa made.i nd Tise aime la true of the poullri. Au Granite te exhisbilain tise min u htey veon j nat fair. A àfair lise sovof 1902 UbgEN'TS via hardiy a auiccesa, but sa a race meeting Ih eoelled, sud considoring tisaieach yaar Ilega rovde continue f ETEIRT toattenod Itla15reAaoiabld 10 concinda oliE bise races are visaitishe people vsu$. .yEIIy Lacis jeartise fair altracte fever ltlTO. exiibiltrsansd tisa racing pfogram grows steadily uettar. FR024 À FIôSANIAL STASNDPOôIr. 8îî'udeuce Tise total gale sud grand stand ielted. recaipta ver. 83,771 25. Luat hey ver-e 84,073.70. Prom privîleges tise Income tlisa ear amounla te, about tiS $1200. Lat jear il vas 8911.76. aaugaExpossver. geaitar tlisa Or- lsai lestma, oozssing visb"tvo slifume bthe neo visicis vilpouetrate tise vestern section o! tisaI cty sud deveiop minutacturing mRes, as thea territary long lis, lite ahare la beooming too aojeated, sud lu tact 3no deairaisie ites can nov bc obtalued tisere. Busiineaa men o! tise City have for sone lime beau improased vus tise adilaablUityof inducing tise St. Paul Co. &u bnild a @par fr-ar their road tb ha faxe. Ai a recent meeting of lise Waakegasu mprovemanl Asciacation plans vert id for a raad ta o adit by populas subacrIption, te bc oper-ated baiveem he a tansd 88. Paul railuaad, or fi tiser varda cannecting Wautegaui wils tieSa t. Paul ndud t rher open lui up a very desirable ierrltory lu tisî western portion of that City. Several routai bave been suggestec and a numbar of large proporty avuori bave offered fr-oe rigist-of-way. Tis, novernent la for tise interual of ever2 marchant, properiy owuel sud citizer ln tise tovwnsip and Il aeems proisiblo tsat a free rlgbt-ot-vay viii b.cais tainad troinlise Bt. Paul ta Laie, Utchigau sud tisat papula, aubacrlp lions for stock lu tise uav radvIl isulid sud operate tise ame. Event nally tisa @pur yull doubtiees bcosold t tise Bt. Paul Compauy, If bouut. N01151WESTERN TO 51f ID. Tise O. &N. W. roait proposes t bnlld a short lino Ibraugi tisa Counir trom tise lite shore trin M lyfai 10 Lite Bluff. Tise pulpe.ilat rellave tise conjated Condition ofthi Wisconsin division. Tise nov tract viii bc. ud for Ibraufis peaaeugE servicefait trains rnniig tromn Lit Bluff bc Ohiioovîtisai s top. Tit routa piannad vîlI cul off about aI miles from tise prosent ane. RETIRED FARMER RUN DOWN. Peler Sebhlo«o4er, of Wadoworthl, Kilied liv Train. A ftrisoulh iîound traiu ou tise C. Bd, & St. . 'rairoad truck sud lu- steutiy killed agod Peter Bchiomer- hait mile sontb of Wadsvorlis Thurs- day out at eek. The aid gentlemau bied beeu lu tise babil o? vsiking toansd tram bis borne alaug tbe tracts sud aivays made it a ruie la vait au truct uned by sauth bauud traius vbeu gaing ta Wdvartis aud ou the opposigt r-ck lu rtucuiug to his home. Ilsus faeliug caufident ha couid ual faili 1 zeo grain@ approacis- lug. On tise day ln ujetion a vroct at (iuruee caused seunti bouad traus ta uceotise uartisbotiud tract sud tsr-ougb Scuoaer doubtiese hoird the tr-au camlugma confident vas hli i vaou tise other tract, lho dld ual lokarouud, sud.,va&8 iurled suothIe ditcb aud luatanlly tiiled. MIr. chiasier lied ived lu thea viluity of Widavar-tisfor many yeara. Hie vas -,0 70575 a! âge, ovuod a faf m sud cousidarod veil-te-da. A fsmiUy af grovu chilidren sud vite survive hlm. Thse Coraor-'s jury did ual censure tiserairaad campsuy On lIa verdict, sud tise facta deduclad ai tisa inquest vere lu accar-dance vlis ilioveseccai.t WAUKEQANFOX LAKE ELECT RIC Roud Sciseme Up lu tise Air-. Not Likeiy ta lie Buiit. rH le e -a k-z Poreet, permaum viso teir- tiser evory- day pieaaure, Bach s 55golf, cbsaIng piper. etc., viilb. iubter-ed vils, sud their reaidence ditriet mrrred are ula arms isecaria tisane, roain l to pb attra, cluai Rugil sua society vi lair 8811SM or S811>04 Lint jear fouie $1400 vaa cleired. WANT MORIR 010f ND. 'i ber-e ln onideribie agititions rela- tive %o eniarging ltse grounds, The directore say tb do lhia l wil ho naoemary to aouftesuotiser allaesa they ara uuîble St oireisau addiioni land adjolilng thse prooeut grounde. Proident huler fevuri e 61Iiugt a praient groundi .Md purchasini a urger tract laevhbo. lHe Isa nuit- geala oonsqeuciiig a Mile trac. One Party offers 10 adiîscO 104>0 loil %bila doue &0 lia tato ont la routai or stalle sud truct prlvliaie. It la aaid auother min viso dboues 10 femove hls hors«a tromOChicago Vitiido a Veil. What viii cot h1 agitation ouly lime vii laUel. Crti l i atht with the elactrie rond Dow buildiug lu operation, 1h. praoflé grouuds vîi lie entifeiy Inadequale. A mile tract vould ureiy bing LI btter ciam of boraesansd iluue glet alrcing ovaula. Wh&&t provision la te b. made go stimulite other festUfom0f tise fair le nol enggeaaed, bul doubtuas arge sud better ibuildings and talla vouid slie erected sud mo beairsisia facilitiew 1 àffordad esisbiora. Puy Pr-ensimeBaturday. 4 ecretary Ohuroiiiiviii Issue 1ouchers ta bosa Who on premiuma ai tise Fair, nei at ay. ai Liberty- ville 'rovu Hail. Tisay viii be caabod by E. W. Pirtisurat on that; day 'aihis tstore lu Libertyville. DEMIOCRATS NUME TICKET. Rie-inatruct for licflcrnstt for 0 Legllature. Ait i. flarmony. à t 11501f county conventiou iseid la Liliertyviiie on Thuraday of leai veek tise democratenuamed a full connty ticket aud alao ra-iutructed tisecaime delegatas vho represeuted -2 ther n i the ratient osuatiSia couven. li ton, 1e agaîn vota for Peter Me- ,Dermoit, of Waubm, for mrnuoritY liera Welb lujured. Mauday moruiug of luat veet ile liera Webb and Eldora tHorIon, of Antiocis. ver-e bauliug a losO o! irunta, an a bayract fraci iaby ton bc Atiacis tation, and vison comiug Cdovn a bill ss i ftisai village, a seviug macine visicis vaou tise load, star-led 10 camne forvard, and lu tcyiug toalstop h Mr. Weibvia carrled vus h auto tise bar-mi. Tshe rses started ta mun sud ha vas ticowu under tise vagon wviic ve., averilîiau caualng a compound fractura of tise log &aso iriklig is grm and tearing tise flash st;tise sisoulder- sud other-vise bruiug hlm. Be vas tatou tabisahome visais Dra. Amos aud Karr set tise broten meruhors. ir. Webb inInlua critîcal canditian. Sllsaio tise hove vws vritteu tMr. Webb bai died. For Waiwartii County Fair. la o b eld at Eltisarl Sept. 17-18-19, tle c. M. à1 St. P. raid vîli run a speciltraiu, laavlng Liertyviile st 7 10i a. ru. sud arriv..àg ai tisa foir grounds aM 9.16 a. M. aicis day, top- plug ai incer-medisle points. One fare and ane-tisird for raund trip. iteturn- lug train leeves fI Argrounds ilS6:45 p. ru. or afier- the race.. Cider Mill. My eider mlii la nov open reidy fof matiug lratelais eider, 1 mile nortis af Prairie 'aev sud2i mia ouiis- eait of Pamoudlta. itegular daya, wednenday and Saturd&Y. 48.'2p. WMd. A. BOCK. mm lisronii s sme o! tise muet Lîniger-lfg Summebr Colde. ittve mammer placaslu tis exo- Pont lot a cld rmn sM tbis mO&Ou. ivnoiti aar- asuhulis. A cau- Summer colda are tiseisardeat kiud bu so0f ctimues met vths Presi4eu2t cure and if ueglacted may linger &loug siU and requasiad tisaitise roule for montbs. A lang Sioge Iliete bî kovad a hait mile furtiser veat. vwîll pull davu the mrongesi consâtitu- ____________lion . one muute (faugis curevilii ISCRIBE FOR break up lise attRek t a(me. Bale, 'I'h Indpendnt oîds, croup, ironcîsitiai, ail îhrcat sud nung troubles. Thé cildren lite a. -THIE «ST pApER. 1. B. LOVELI.. Llberpilla- FALI 'MILLINERY. IlurI iiinery Dept. lea o v ready for fail bua ie s villi a large sud coruplete stock of the aat . Mllinery materlals. Business Comprehensive We do a ver y geuerai millilnary buainess; mail matariala of alluids for bomne vork; re-trim old hia; aeil veliat, aliki, toila, rlbbons, feathers, orisamouls, re-curi fealisars and bave materiala cleaned or dyed. Expert Trimmers Our trimmers are Usorougbuy oompetefll ta axecute suy opaCÈal ordere they may receive. Our nov *Rlead Trimmer tu avwoma 01 abillty sud thoroughly acqualuted vith «"lb. latent fadà" and tihe rnillinery busiunestu genorai. Wa guarautec, Ibat ber vork vii ho matistactory tu jon. Street Mats redy-t.-vear 'b ecorrect lbiug for Immediste vair i.leh chic sud ustty Otreet Hat. We show mauy of those eaicby affaire at vary reanouable prloea. Formai Opening viilie10 auuued ae 0f course e a iihave our big formaI opeifg, shoving thse euPatteralima sud artite copies of Parias tyles-vo hbave morne of lisem hore noir sud viilte. dvsuce orders for 1h00. who viish lise ao a a, etonce. Waik la and look sraumd. lIIsOyIp. Us1.dfer GUM» RJpt.oQseeWfl' Telephone No. 109. Vakqm L My toc offall and winter blaIIkots is in and My tot <~ready for inslpectionî.+ 1 have a large ameortment of lined storm and stable blanketm. Wool hlaîîketm iii bright colors and lateat fit patterns. ('ore ini during the fair and inspect theni. My 4 f~~ store wiîll be open untili noon f. cd day of the fair. + C. H. KAISER, + f. CALER IN ftHarnesses and Horse Furnishings. + f.Libertyville, Ililnols. + Tired Feet. Ouîr customere rIjOes fr-an sut lire îlîîsost uukr tht-m. XVe fit the feet fîîlly, with the bes atnd yet stYlish1 tsat yo'!r feet arn lît comfortable. E. W. PARKt 2Oth Century Casl 5chan àck att i ay that un buyxng tirad feet tg inown ta )t a car-e- O et of easy faatwear, k re mure ta CD IURST, h Store, LbetsrvI s. O D>o yotfi take the INI)EPENDENTI If Dot, subêcribO iut once, for through it you ean get the MOST, BEST and LATEST NEWS. Bluff JuIy. best nag@4 the line our grade 'ound ili be Page noie. very dar- tions. ma r- iday. day. end. Y Wr% Vol. A --INU. A Waukegau piper "gives it up" sud tuin a yiug a gon-l deai ai Wauko- gaut papors have a faculty of micking for oulorprises tisai hoenttbisaIcity aveu sf 1er they are oonceded deid isy lise goueral public. Bore la tise vay the piper puta il: --Mouday nigisîs cuncil meeting proisabiy avthe fniss o! tise Wauke- gau.Fox Lake electie railroid malter ao jir as tisai boy las ocernod. Tbe flumai demanda o! the financier 'a a! the raad seomed lieyoud tise paversansd poaaiislitieil of logil actian -hy the coucl. --one desire of tisa company vam for fre, vater. Lise original ardiusauce granted a steted amanl oftfrea vaar lu returu for visicistise ciiy la te roceive a miited smouui of elec- trio ligisting, tise arrangement betng about su aveu thing. iu value. Tisa 00oUMaI Wvaa b%0sigrant valez te su ludefinite amount, bslna fif 6' f inabillly ltu ruisi i9. ."Auother malter van tise grautiug o! a rigist of-vaY &long Wamisngton street betveen Geuesee and CoTuniY streeto wlaefe tise C. & M. eiectric road uov Operat'es, vitisout tisePr- vioa of amicable arrangement vush tise latter,.luib is tuse Couacl sav pos8ibllttea cf a legai tingle aud loi it mioue. After pasig au ordinAucffe exteuding tise ime for tise company's acceptinue of tise arranugements as uov umade uutii Sept. 15, tise nexi meeting uigst orithlIe douucil, tise mitter wva passed up y .50 tjrai tise blont lu coulroveray la 0coucerued ti la ov up ta tise rail- eraad compaules to mate0 au arrange- meut bebveen tiser. Wbetiser or ual ibis ciu ho doue romaine to ho scou auddau malteril nov ar-e tise building of tise railroad le tot ansured.' i ýp 1 1

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