pIMtED WEEKLY. ?VISIUO RATES ON APPLICATION. WOMANADMITS BLAME PUSHEOYOUNG MAN OVERBOARD - FROM YACHT. Reorat Sirsad Ibat Enet Lîttien Felt iwlu b Bot and N'.ales ebut Coaeiencet Citasai. Coesin Omahs Girl Shcot b3, Jeatoas Liaer. Mes. Kstc Jerrnst. Itle riiugoifc cf atravehazag iii.iîe 'lt, (',railcrr Richard in Ni-utui u.,luiat, ii'e h tests neof ti' n' i' t ît >.iu.'ii iilit lt tt met.ul '1 c ia, , rtuoftu the New iru- ,h ,îilf tit'he l"u 0h asi titiilu, Il i h. r hurt ini tIeiifftcr wblclt rüautLt'tt. u u lo'îeatht Atti g 3 lay ber c-utci,'ti'ii ( itilhatl Ccotittt.u party hIetr,i'illtlt 'iut hlini. tir a oeit don uthe iter. tuth3, i t', t- tun' t 'ietit tti,,'en-1ti t u tîu ,, ite uccidenal al; fillonhet iris rd aicd i ,iu later. At thti ute il ocmas îeedthat the part; un the ya chtl v a detitt ilt)tf men tuaI>, 'Irs. Jerreît itenIt (ilt t,-yi that e a li o Liiitu teid1 l tIut about tlita aitr aun lthe iughuf f te drowuuutg, Lut ihalluta 1lreu'tutd lu; liaul teig, a tithierr tf thte ai> ., lic bad 'canard ccur>ixsy tati n jctteco ber good usine tht'; tit uîld cil sittic lIch .Medcu lieory. Ilmacs tutu ieartud tat Meig id leu a consttnt cnt aller eof rs, lakeus, 'iffteet caud matn. JEALOUS BAIN 8SHOTS GIRL. utters 'Wnan'. Hone ssiI Fires WIlhonl Any Warsing. A patticînni; sîtracictîs suaruer 'u, emmniited in tOtaat ohic'e'îur tiltn wualked Intoe thc butrne ofli, sc ethî;lt . sU a-tioiit ao-d w,urdet îruîîug, ht ti te girl, isfllclicg s fatal 'conu. Afttei asofing île aîurdrer r colt roiite boatuansd dtîcrThe PIclrlie,. faon &e bas cmnttld euicileids ilsrec ue tee isas f thele 'îeen girl fur soute finie, tcccîtlathe 'ciiifcehîi liae the boute, As M1ary Rt rcadtuugho lieur ftther, 'sic isa aparalytie, chter 'utd motlser, Oiacu aaked lu sud fred'cti- outatteriug s word. WAITRES8 KILLS JEKALOUS WIF. ""Loouiostoa Gl ÎShoote Afie, Hsvlng .,. ffecçived a 1torehippInz. .Delay Carlton, il pretîr youag 'ttahfrMgi nt a chop-bousc lu Biovtmiugcn, Ili., dot «" Insfanft klled Mrs. Josep1-- Jstlie afe tis te latter had itorsen'iipeut ber, lims.Leslie'n insbad ile employed ase mic" In the restaurant "shere Daiey la Vmltasu.Mes. Leslie la ssid lu lave UUuTtsmId severalt tite, 'iti thte yoeag 4We for etouraging the ateged ttion toua paid to ber by lienrluuband. Vollo'siug is te, tîanding cfte clebs sf the National Baseitali Leagne: W. L. W. L. IPtabturg .,StU 33 Chicago .58 162 tRoooklyu -tz1.)557 St. Lous. r .4 G4 29*ston... 57 lthiiadclixlia. 41) 70 Clnsti -. 60 60 New York... ,42 75 The clubs oethlie AmeTican League as follo'sst W. L. W.L. INladelpbia O8 49 Ceaeland ...01 50 » L ois. .. . f6 lit Washingtion. 58 66 O ston ...,-66 52 Detroit .....46a 09 Cbimgo.. .64 52 Bsltimore ...46 72 Ilarry Whiie Tri. Wila. ]E A. Rase, a banker ot Fot Wortht, 9r«x,,sud MisseIllirotit 'ycWater ftifhie @ma c.ity 'ere mnarnleti b; Probale Jadge lkafelbact lu tic baggoge rnotfIhe 11«k Isand sataion attWNeinigltn, Ea. N1e te train on oiicht tieyocre re,- eling stopliel tti-stutuý1tuan. T1hecbride 'w»aunder 18, lut lad lier.mctiu's cuir usaite 'seul, sud tfl i ottiiliio~f rmaie amblAses 'sas irctta'ulvt'd lu; sategy. t ~~Kitled hy is oii-ae 'iJon C. Lcbuuemaauîu aa ht inatic abdomen drîng a (litret i)lii,,ti a 4w, Jamtes Ct. huant. a îuoniunua t h 1~m an mof B-1,ti1'tajatti iIuoiili nt' ud disd 'dTehe i i d utotil i. inh'ein the otcuuuuu' îAfa svrisAof tuitilquor" Die. Ref.aiu& Itedical Aid. 'llisaN ti i uuatil ittiinl aChriatito u î'î'î'euuurhu at lu, itr, a'cfsig inclitalai îtu'uv tt', thil' te esgregattu , a'tgaýl ir fouultr te aud for st ui tf ie ui t. tiet te thse 'haimut'oa- rut idlyimptturo intu. lowa Farmer Cemnis Suicide. Behcoting b.c, tluru'aau itl in- unil" S'ists,îî î Ut'rur ii a -e t c a shotgtuc, îe"ilticut1tre hitiors- Itead. pîuiIu'ui h i Iciforctli. t e1-, anud ble's hiâbuouff. Mblers (etl$400tin nt... 'neseafe utti' iti..îîltu, I-t- etâcew'ssdnll'it ut, t i.r;i'ua. fhuy secured $-i4m)o îrt, ..rf,îtî u,î,. $,0 trc C@ iouey-rir le',cnri aîî urifi'ate et0 detteit 'unlic '"N, ltý,i ul lied nkfor SM00antid itui oî cte ittit ter, W. M La, Fo-r M..enIt Trtins ain. Pour t,,nt- . ' l-'i uaotrain rear OWeffla. , Ar. t- tte rt ,o ti-gra's afteinpt t,. rie ,i t i,,n Lsven end Autsh«,tr tes, Williii iAlloniie lftir> I.- ruituî,l a Cbor, l ia u,'tiiien , Big Aissit,, ihi l.unRock. 41:. i, iiIl -i, t.r l cuu t1, i t be.]a,1. î.., Ch bnssIl ltltietl iunsder tf J,,. , i -i , 1uT itucuc, ou a .ü t f olta:'i t aius iut-a of ruist'ul fihttuiit laftea Tîtussililen(il,, tu Wonk. The Consitut',.cM-tut ,.iîau u ama ew c i'u. t '.- Ct A ' u, liu 15,00)mucr.ii.tt" , 1- bt', ,mS suit'-luin, ti.'ii u 4M& Esul Pla t,, tt' .tg, beet 1 'sork rut te ,etiît1- uu1ail 'ifbtut regard uiit, ai . -îc.,t ,> li ' Gertans tint htitt. 118a ganiost' C rle' au i'acrtOcitcl us a luthe serviceouithfle liruiaul t I, -6»bea e suuk t thcetene, u,-f tue har- *c etGonais-es. Haytl. b; te ileenan ~abt Pasalie. Ttc cre's cf the Crete' ptWullseft tber betore te 'senrt dw BANKS AILE NIilt StMEROOLS. troiler ait tlue Cor rut,,'>(vytstIllIt lf ruoin netioanal b -tl.,auîlu aii aggru gi i tal stock of $i' .4Mt> ;e 'dut' il tha tniuinlîrrIl(; ascitita titt aggrcgalc capîilif $iii.5'1.uit, ire erertiano cf S'tiehaI , i3-'ittt on azgrgatle tpt l cf $0Ciitt.ru uirgsniiatioiiaof tut t tant ivtatt utit Aud f44, i 'aliaai, ltzguicigutu' 1)fl u F34,614,50(, ptir uutr> uY uatIîTlhe aiunbî-r ot actr.hullttav 1 118iiet*tisu' fren3617 ounMarrcia 14, lil, tai 1,t61t on Au. ti,31, 190u2; aittl,,ruzîul cîllti.l shuntk, freon $616.3Sl09,îc $707,774.696i, ievnds on depti as oitn;fur ir, ru tli tttti. frcm $244,611.5t'70i tut$d2hiliS sat] bond acccetlcrculationt, fruiti 21,- 374,71)5 te $319,407,5MSl, Circulattiot te- curud iuy dpoits et a*'fui mote it tut-a rCul cf aacv nsd iqsuidptitg asolit- litnsan ud l tote redue-laittheir tuttI tandinug issuei sa uteratîilfront $38., (r27.1935 to $41,S875,105. tiurituti Aîgut frt; twocualtioal batiks a, ee tuttiiize,',i avit au aggnegte capital sockta of $1, 430,0S. AID 0F G. A. IR. -OT 'tAANTED. Confecirate Veteran at New OrIcans E.pii.. iips tu oiont Fond. ilit is grenat uoppoisituin entuXtel New tOreanas .'uutfeerale vettrains ii the propositionliorf (In, Eh TcrratiieadOM mtader-itutchut tf the Grandi Aruiiy ut the Reîpe ulu, t. hc'p rai se a fuinitifur the builiing t M'inCreet. Alî.,to u u uîîed a, a bctrne f,,r Cufdcrete t etaii. Col. J. A. Chalaroa, ecrefA'ry cf thte'Ct'ai tederate MNicunial Associatiounoîi:'I amn ieartil; uuîpott'd b Gea, Terrinceas propositien, 'shicit oaeld be duaoott ta failure frein thc begiaing. Sore tiar ago ficre oa s arted in Mobile cireuf titese bloc ad gray pence ergouuunatluuua wbiict 'as filal; diîiusuded b; te Cen- federate presîdent kiliug te repreocutta' tisa, of thc Grand Aria;oaithttc epub- Lie,I THWARTED IN PLOT, BE DIES. WalterKille Bit.sefWhen wl?.Finda Be Plsnaed ta Wed lOch Wowna Deceioptuets iudicsl titat (Georige Courad, itesd 'ailer of the Gîbsol Honse in Cincinnati, Wsho coutuitled suicide ou a receut aigiti, was premîtteti b; the fretI ta thie 'site hll discevered a letter lu 'slci le 'sete titat itehad a "pilan10 rsacey uty 'ite te the mniddie cf tiie Ohio1 irer.,uset thee skiff as if b; accident. uilin sahare myscif sud leste Mns. Con' rad to droava," The iculer 'sas address- ed t0athe 'sife et a 'seaih; busincs sa, 'soiteluprouineaf la aocit;. Cosradsa purpose. il la aaid, 'sas tcaurr; flue sta' cetey womaa as seau as site cotld oltain a dv'orce. Thse letter troua Corsd oas obtalned train the malla tinougit ics. Co'ad's appeal ts the postai oficials. fii URT IN TROLLEY WIRECK. Victime of Collision on Fort Snelling1 Li.., Star St. Pa.L T'so, elect rie cama ou the Fort Saclliiug Une coiided aI St. P'aulad ten purauas acre laten fa te ciit opiiel from ita juries reeeiu'ed l inte onee.The'licteai- dent occurrevi oithlIcsngle Inack lac, bî'l'eeu te fort atid Tusrariins avenue. Il s Sui kuitu a'ut uu otla blame for te accident. Thc mutcn car and îrniicr froua tic fet ocre brro mb ntosplittero, ad îlth setugin tinud anti rusha d beneatia tIe debrua, Nouti.%tafatali; iin j urrd, MA il! 110 th' Largme.t Steamer. 'l'le %%'.hile tar luar has enuicreu au cter tîaîîuur f ttarlsîud & 'oifftuf Bcljfatst, ,o hi cil i s tu.bt i0cut; et-lonatger and o fr0 feet t, tulr thue the soute tin pan> 'a steamer n t'dru , uc uth liteiirget hum lu int o Te tC uiedtiici s 700 fiet loncg, la, a nîtîtcity ,tf 18.400 tous atud accommoduîia tiota fur 3,0M p uaoeui.ectai Thiriy'tlay Fiee on Slip. Forcthrty dut> s daung her truip front Londontta'iitue t utrlriua.île cargo of tictteu it i msi l'neuîuaie Lauro oa c ou fIre anîdthe ceco aas ilu trmof t' tire breauiitta'out atuuî,mome'nt. 'te ýpro- vieo 'us re dtt ruaul t- i idte cecîc fi e-Itere aa lîcdw ua titi'; wutled the decla, Boston Shaken liy ttois one tf tii'h, hur tituuatuta t t uid ututitr t.ttiu htrlu un, léhut" iii tIlta de- tolatiicia tttaTii, uu'rî t insiit t,(t'y miljes atui ii,' tainaaitt ti bt'eil j nred at crs tlhtii tut lîcat,,i lu>theipicei boat, At,'ltinou, thein itt. uiNuit yirit frcun t'luttia' l'il>. '!' ii' e cluidy tuf s trouthe iii.,sîd-utc(tf 'ani îxyrrsorait gueugca t te nate't ffii ii hu thour, on te Nia' Yunit 'tentra a luu~ td 'sas se iadly hact taf hc ciii di Expinsion Kilim Many Men. An explosion accurt'ed i hic '1 t'ut-g.r Iron Companys celier;, ucar itiyîtuiey. Mcnuotahshirc. Engisui, ohile 112 mn 'sere ule-rgnuîtuud. T'irlecuuare bses'a tceh letan st evcîtcî'a arc sertousi; iaj urcd. oterlsnd Train 1. DDuel. Ovcriauui uaacgt rsanSo. 3 ntuati Nortiieru 1'acitc OaO recd at Trouil Creet Statiunasthe Idaho fituutaaUne. Engineer C, S. Owenu osa iuîcd i tutli; and bis fireman anti a tramîp arealug s ride 'sere liadi; lujureui. Gerunon Pthologict Pa..".esA'sy. Profc. tîuiif A intetv, leadler atuoug te ocnivîscsientisîtandsude of te rrealem ptathlgi'ste w'hu cNerlilvot, pas.ed ao 3 a i Berlin, aottr a long smod asefuiculereer. le lad reabethîe ttc of 81 î"5ýa Atempted DostIle Sutîclule Georgec ituitand 'ilitu'litzaif-l 'nte'r- cd itl aavittte tih lluuuîu-aussît iuru'd ontua lii' s05in tieir oru iîtt ua Cluu'ago hlîulîl. 'lti'; toere dioî'u'.rrd aîud un, ti% d aftcrrtuula effort, aut n-ithle îoa u s lie-id fer aîteîîîîtcd aaurdur. Bandits lita.i.luBttle. lita 'Aniu utliit i - uýhnT uilttt, i t to dur, vuCcitih'd, sud AWrigt*,-iuasa vu'auîuud hica & ss>'gvt or I't; file men l'dyI .>Jue Mess tle Cily, 'Va. Cîcinuati 11as a BIa Fire. Theite tlcrie lMusie hall la Cncinnati crarro'sy eacapcd detructIon by lire. The Llcof origlu 'sas under te stagreof e d ,a atructume adjolanug Mue Ial la in e r, Ina nu heur te Olcon ias cniltt'ly uetriyt.and thec outili on of e ýMnuc Hall,waihi hanexi te the UtWijauta da- u tguu. te tuaina hoillag or Mtusic Itîtiil îmol i tegreot orgau üci cait-et ljîîry.The loaa ciil probablY reaci thixO BAI) DAY FOR TRAIN WRECKS. PeuyvnaSyste noBs Fi-e Disa- ter, Tvvo litliîti.6i l'iv reingit wv o r" ,utn u'd the elhîr ii; i ltt .hciîuouuîîruî îd tHarrisbuirg, l'a. on ticlie I'cuîtîoyleauiia itailroati tic teoiTh diteun set aI 2La,.ut. sud avas 'oiustu b> a runta> yfru'îbt train enrait tut it sacitr tueighif ot Nletlartt>is statio,titrer init, u.t otf Alttiiia, A iil lu'eru'r otrrîglut irutain nticCressoni 'andu iiearhceld ruiad ported uerrFIrugal- t3, anud lteea asectionsîacamuagtOlgeti 'ýr agtin o t grial fuince att cmi cars touemc 'cud, Itrakliîau J. E, Gut- stulhiot a e eufroin t uderthe lt-brio lut1 ani Brsluuuien C. E. Stele iid ait lits 'taa lthe Ailtocune ital. .A o ni I ucccrrudliaicr at Pont 1Royai, cais eutb ha elturnnd journsal.Situe cars lotti ed mitut reutatle tieretondice are uuaud lc liai e lea dî'ttrîuad, Siotrlyaller- su ard ihere 'cas a o ncket îî ilicrulitit u, and ic elu'dd caca are soid le uhave bit i uIit ttItelthe resu1 t tuta Ir ut 't wotl. Aîuî,thur vorniel oeeurrnt llR>de, sud ecierel tan, tîcre bnotcu ulp. GANG RIîS AN INDCIANA BiANKt. Si. Mcn Wreck Safe -td tuliling t a Frenuotl nd iEcape. 'flic Btankitut lrueunout, laui., 'aiuobiucd ly a gang oitf sux a lrgiurs end tueoauti and ftreulof il,-buildhinug aereaiu -c b; dy snamite"lThe nuise cftich explosiont ew okeacil luenoita living utcar thc banit. auud 'sIca ttc atartud te invcntîgate liai-; ore utîbn aiared men and atetIhe potintotf revolvers quere tundereil to 'la; un their bouses. i large anacant of car- renc;tracs iîlte i.afe, huit lteroblers ci crlouikt'd part of il, anîdsacuerd cul> a ,uti aitount, 'tt'ieu lthe robints ia ishe t feur o-on lte; eutcred carrincs', driuiiig nortit fruisatteaillage loo'andt lthe Michtigan Siate litai, fuîluîrnuib; a large numbier of the ihbaota. liui liey eucaped, FIVE Wî0RKMEN ARE KILLED. Gas Tank, lu Course of ConstrnctiOnt C.Il.p.o. w ,th Fatal ]Besuls. The totîctmetfa ituge reccivintIak i lthe course of construction for the Brook un Uniun Ga* Coinpany, lu North 'rocîth titreel, Wiliansburg, S. Y., col- iapaied and Ite mcanIvere instautlY klii cd, Titcy'sere tliaatansd. togethc vrstî t loe oer Itaians,. o ominaculcus- ly esraped. 'sere enaged uaderaealth t tank lu rivetisg Ibhesiteet Iran sections lu position, A great numter etofcnritnc 'sere empioyed on top of the tank eut lte lasa of lite 'sas titougit 10 le vcr) mach grealer titan proced 10 be the cabe gsaab for Grand fluke Borts. Grand Doue Boris. cecipleat of atten uans ln Cicago aud Newport, psid ai ofcuiaI isit lui Preaident Itoose, it _s Oysfer Bay. The Ruesian nobieman Gou nof meef the"'itrît lady or tic lanul." & Mrs, IRotottltloklusclicon ait t borenteorthtecl'nusîdentla anale, Jatuno A ltitoscceit, and dud nuit rettîra uo Suit. mitre Hill until after thc grand ditîe l'a depacteti. Deslth un Cininnati FIree In Ciiu'niaf re brli~e ent i, FIt, mynlenuts manter op te thinut l ir t ih pctlant offit uuthe eauicul Bruit et tuutiay snd lIc plontt ost luslniu>c l'ireitn MCartes Jesuiiugt utmlto ilîilils o c estil utler a f-au, tua' u atnit seecnl; itt arî'd. Jetnintut, 1roiittl fatliI. Tb,- litas ic e.iiitold at $litt (mtI, 'sithi jucrauce coocitit i. Msny y IossetteAnon.ý Taveuty are ulCoi sud cvii 4111 i. au iu 5 t sajiuti. i ei'uas lii u tl tii. breiîiîtg fortfi aonasl rui'ga tîte muit insiiiair lthe 'uty.TheiM ai a' "fthartetnh. s1iug h's uit t 'uli t City 'sitl drnuiiiiug n ser atutt huil ttc, utiîg re.,r iris oaîd iél'e tii utl lnnliregliuaIi'd vuith asntnau I'reacher la Shot 10 licaht A hIîudi lînîtie Oas tuigîtit, t t, miii eastof Duraînat. 1.T., 1hiC 'il, iii Wti, t'. W'ialey sud bis toit et-n..'tif ut Ernest. on oui- oide. and J. Il anti-1i. Rtichardson and Ihuinbroter-iiliii.NM 'tNatuherttr. on tbe etli'u n The titi INhale; was tiiled anti Ait, iss-1ut,11 hotu anme Hhtf 10 ieces. Biss4 Off antI Geuns. Stintritil u l e iootiug lte rc'ai,lruî'u '*,t'ala>' Kinag, a 'seaitity siicltuic'n lu Cicago. an tigra hhief leaped 0,cr t stiair balustrade frotlte seccatd ta 1 gnîtuni flittr atît made bis escapie o mare- than $41000) ocrtia of jewcit. Gale Saneepa Great Britais. A greaf gaie hasiteen prcvailininluIt land sud aunlthe ocal Coast Of Engisu' lu Wales tihe eropai have teen sertiuw ttanuaged. Li3burn. lu Ireisud, 'sas i der 'saler, sud the houseitcid effecis thc people fIoatauý araund ttc sîrcets Si r Fredercki Auguatus Absel, eauh ocar; secretar; sud directuir of the I pemisl tîsatitule sud former presideuf gccemal scieutfii bodies, la dp-ad in L( dotn.__ Dis oh fFrank Toase,. Frank Tousey, lte faitider cf Jut sud a nephew of the late Sinclair 'rouoý toander sud preaideut of the Amenc News Company, is dead lu Ncw Yc PCity trm pî,umis;._ hep«bilîcas Hlat, tu Mal".. Bî'lurîus frontte Niaielte scltta lu u'slc a Rc'tttthuitun iinutnlof 22,1 prohibitionustiiiui tiiual.ted tle - u'ug. Nurro' sEucape for Odeil. Gev. (hdi îauarow t;escapisi deatit Duni. ,N. Y., teint Pulcd traint trnk as a ssoutuhitng(tugine os a 9i duc ututianti, Suies Rut Cleteland. Rtutht Cic'eciaauta s aved freinblun by Assistant ltatuster lred C. >;t of Buararîl Bay. 'she caaght ber pu us il is sunn nasY. $715,000 FiresLemutdbHartford. Col 'rie pant oai 28e Hartford Fouad Comtpany at Hartford, Cou... 'as da aged by are 10 fihe sstlated exteni Le ýll 1. e - - - - - - - - - - li u iMichigan Utricken. ; Judge George Il. Duraund. the Demoi.- crati candidate for Governor of Michi' J- eau, wu@ reporter] iteur duath Tîîedy Carrnage Contalning Hits Party le had bien tiii for ,kweeks. aithoagit ;lie tact a kiiown only te a few friends. l'ut by Trolley Car. si il i lýuh htIeitln"aos ________________ O'.,ive p.oii îty te tire mîarrer. %ton ddy afterroeîonhît e ic ffered a ..S ri>~poreoi T NOMEN ARE KIlLLED li,1,a t 'cushis iitl ii iunad tin- â' ýfN ý YrY. pcrlirlcd o o iy grave coc,rn. A t ni gh t i was gi vea haîils t und, c aila1Iaiftystoute .,I 11-,2 the pautvre Inonilericg ti,,'L t r i',', cr'Itîi talrtainerd 0 ccrcirailihroit.iîoi,. or a ilot of liciniiii ii m i,îîîîîîî. tii mtce'1 Presldet's Injuries Arc Slight, but He the braie. anii t tu nco.tirag'iié; stit'le ur iîit" fangdf tonca had lhtiOfieltrgeî t itad a Narrow Escane. Wr!, oa ight thit condition ofet f- l ATTabiPT TO BLOW UP HoUSE. Jtidgi' lttraed ci,'ia radil il 'ha' ontar,, iaiiinu ,,'itr ii iii tt'dur eil fejr tir laitier n 1 is trfrîi ttîIci a te h r ,ri or ý DYnamite. Piaced lituer Porch, Doec ralarîtin hil, tesforci, eivt lie plilm c t, apptr ial'ciinoîvrleoi Grsa ast uidn. Coach Cot.ining e .Chier Eaecu- , îII. Litî i,,ecd jîrcducers A fitek or d t iaiicte waak placet ulndier tiv.'s Party Str.ck by a. Electrie o nrd- thie front porcil, il l'rof. Lt. S. Lchir'a reai- Car Near L ... , M.., with Fat«l! deace At Ada, (ki,, and explodcd. 'Ileh. R.s.ite-Secret Service Man and the.c lini , i.hge Ioa explosion tore ;iii y tie frontt Ilips, horst Niiiiio aiydrn n flic ca»Ing, andiii iethe liiteîeîplate frein Driver of Pr..ident's Carnrage t>Ieý the door, daiti.,,thii e tueeitoie, and Oovernor Cran. and becrtary Cor-'Il.Ia îr,&ii' iI>Rveîe brirte fourteen li,,',,y lpie gitiawiudow s 1t.tycuaBailly Brui.ed. %*i[1 eiwo in diffeçeut pot t., if the bouse. Su great T-'uia-trsieO h was the force tf tteCexplostin litai iii erbeacietoeioi h r clown in ueigtliiîi at iiti ou es Wure %ill erbeacihatetokteP oi f ýIt "I i-fl) an tered. Po itiex1rsiduti ot hedets coach a short distace froita lut- til-li oe tillaNormaliit itiy, ie;,tt lntire fied, Mass.,shot 10 ooctr Wedticstl.y lu, >i' telaitt iigt i h chrgein siiety i eîl îrtl ttet'I mot-ning. After a short isift teltehaine rr l h crahrg oasil,,. Iriitc'l, hy lwe ofex-Senator Dawes titi'Pretideat mstart- Ag-Ifauui h fte hact staîr, ta s iuglit clatîes n'id ed on the long drive tat.enox. lie had n.h' 'rlre1" awakeued te ',trî titi,. lirusli buggy -mtotnefar aIenausoeii'tric cor Irai u too '. ret triieks were ut it fronît cf te lbotrce, han itoio eiriut ta itIliua aod these 'ret, cnt te trehomeneUrtem rovn crIitutegov [,lhlsap- uIa'rI te I legiasPagl lx it denîîîîtutndsaitt- and wreeiting the coutah. zn i aed l in i' ,-i'rch. and o'leiî tiocli TIle Premidertlre, t'li ct e on atheîr 0055 arresied ilt îîî btîî and i f tif 1t- head, Ccc. Crone wmas buitr att. W iI nfliii X t t ,, o p t vr i raliift krtach'ted dtîts Wa riîs t, v'ct îti, it nî. Cralg, te seccrct service marki,. mas In. ii ttnid r iici ii, tr ,, itLtrii'î Ifo lehr flnterfert j 'o,11wa talita ta0 the tautly kilicO. The tirsiideat was able rî'dii t . utlt itiit cui1f lckp ,t el'.tu resuimeibi.s journey to enoîtti, ittl a n tiîîî'-i att lra>itr,, UNCLIE SAM A13 A CROEIJ.tS. word aitead thâft teüre shouod bct no citeer- ft 0, i ftiili'iiît,îls. at ut iRecord Set by $'i73,1,10lt4, IMore th',u t Afler leso'lug Senacor Dawesi itotte, 1 jio- O-i i --- t. -MI-Ir t texîglit.utilire y'tijj itt l 'lt su ii li d tîeîv oin ie uti dent sud i Immediate iParty trere trin1o ie lri 111 i 't.tt ii , cl' ltt ' -, i Itti,'r. ut"r.t-1 '. \%Il. aite is tît t11 .is ta c ii treaIll, Il o titt a t fi ittia Ititi'1taii i llîs tan rî,; 1 , hII 'l ! i tti ii'- ' i t ,, i, iti . îq 1i I ;i II , i i rt L i îre past rttIft .'tie Ioiti l'Il î uîîîîîîa. tt, ittt, ii roll. Iiil4.tr> slow~ c n it r'a e rncr .tttury iit i $T lî,ui. St a * i'i ti iîi i. t Il'. tit.,, t ot I l' I ii t1, tI ýcýIl. f- ii t ti e 'rdat heoc oanli taritonhe uit, t aî'tilt tîtîti' t i î litîttiîiti o io la i ls iitt 'aîr m i'.i ut lt e ae ffaim$u.ry colt$3Cta lii tii1 r ii lîr u l ,',ii otar'it tiut il i.,u, îtttim a a pd wheru , tlotioltto ît' ce c i ~:îl t i iiio. i ttt'tit ý I-Ut i"' ,idi l , B ila).5* ae$2 D ud ci, rmi tale îvaaîî,li-e tb iejîaîi for îlot g ir 2.oo t:IbzItt ta-iliie and EvrSO SEei.n,îî'icîtî e"l.i,-,tit-I f., 't In ti1 t>11 iiiFur ith iti do'wu Seuti ecreef, to carnage, uState'steldoliii1i ltiiitr i'iit I-'tnl ma ' I MIii itt.et a vrr tion a tsn i h, Caust nreAi uno,,,ns iie ie I iî trte i tty C u e t , ii , i î,îîî'i ti I pi r 1., 1titIlli- ir i iii,,.i,'i li' a sp li d etus lFerrc ine ati ns . udwutt aîrcdciticiga eectre ittiiotfinoua i l. 'l ire, ' uiri's ,, it gaI.'t14), 43 14.,i ];,, t aefliclasng i h aîd alie Cee fep .te mtit itieîi trit t fu'(i't t;tliI)e-l rie rg« o ie ii uitir tf e îtiru rnt Am'iV t har ide.notî n rieut heai oa nryl ub ra e , n i IlIl. h,îC l t I. ,t ;iI- 11 r t-'i0ai 1, R nat . l'yîî rrîîîr. IýeTtin tif lite the, ai lrnaid te liten oaa rmen ftic 2i ilargest compatil tari'etluitIhave sueur- top. but he spparectin paîd noa ttetiontthe i c ittua cf theIi ta Ur -t7 Il s f iiriri, 'ttitikti 1 cri control cf i, tluothtai ii.i444. ii cres ftute warnlng ad ticcar came pliirî-g' firucid. r~ tt i ,*, la 'li or 1-ean d ta IIIroil n t fur anlce; lng on lils ,oork cf di'ati. iThe lîresi--ti iittr'tit , i ciiigi1,i1 Ir others are man,,1tu ctntroi trota 20s,000 tutadents carriaite mas lîlerîîlly sotti t. l i LABOR DAY GROWING. tiiii'i ' t.tîîr.lîîes- 9 50,000O acres e,î iIl. W' t h Ile oitiilpkiIiiea pieces. 'te un oiletot, Nt. ('ra ir ai d tie. t i' .it ii tt -iJ , ev- te Iatend Io do o t iti se extensiivei raîls Secretsry Ceirteýlà u re piied ucy ina aMore Genre, sly Oiellrved This leariiii . ttci,î,rittiri iii tfatr Ili- kg lapuzzliig titi'r, idécrts If te errifcry, 'heap. th..n E-r iefare. -i Itit r t.,I ItrU tii't- iiA ihuat ne- ri A recelet repotrt cai tiatIfit itinlaCralis I,,tally Kitteil. . a , r tiy a. lith , îritIi' .hidi- Ulpts Fh, gra in i ý,r'itt tiiit lin a Id tention eto nec 'mpao3 li lierak te lsnd I 'rie aoe-aliicken croo'd ,ohich wiîaeai da ac n""', î 'rli iir th iis bot itt citiiti3 i ncv rt'ur'du fY luto amatirlparceis and lplace seuthera lie-ed theaccident rumsi tu, ithe l're«idcni's .'-ar titanuer hefître. la ali'lredyo r. làthri.Iy h ioeati e- grollsaou fhieuiawith the object of grouiuasearetage, but aiitt ano expectaflon titaitcitisz ofthe country ait anxuany of the stiliftomber. Sttzila of a ge'nre was crotton on a large scale. Titis pau lis hs wouiddbe fournialite. T1he President asmiller ones the day uns Crites clver tu o'tîrkdcd in ar i tiitoui> liv lui t tuper- vigoresy ntpoeed hy the realdeuts. wsj eut on tite rîghf aide of bs hi, disudaithe toilera, la l'iietî shtts tte ttr,, îî it',uthe 'l sirthese i.' n-s ace. tîîar'hî'd thrcîtgh lirete .pletsa tthc ntt,ic iilj , tati "ti it',ii ieetr't tr Street Car Accidenat in Chiesir. Sce evc gn Wila rî u nayhni it i uiiiittfttt 'iiîrîîîutî i iii t tii.' ae ttx tîi lu t About 1w eaiy persoito ;,re itjutred, ýkIli'rd vicef g en~d f t'~f lt iîstif aim t it r iiiai IiOfî'toric aide" ndotireut' gri ocItou- , t h. tr, Ûi i ii id somi', ilit aughl. faîîîîly, in a atre 4 driter of the ciait, osatacd sa fracture i m il, siiar If th. it « " oîîîîîr Tif ,htUIil. d as saîiilotMitiadan lte- ite akudliwhicit later catîaed dt'ai.i. treortg'ifi 'itsit, iits t, is 'ii î. ti k ...tIIatirl utiateS nc green avenît"t Cihicago,. ýtkarry ottrS1 The chl wiirlic as a regalattîtti lai il ,,:i t tu' ii lu iiiir-I iiil tait i trl u iili' ii itt'tlr A- receiceci liglî bruiss . A. taltîthîirîeevr iy-ta relit,lc, c'a, stroutit hy an ce'ti' intt liis I t tcaîîîa Iîta l thii's.zeirtI.g ,,rîîît i tti i t O5 C oa hli îîîîrîdn I t l, ie Itrel 'ifthie car on the l'îtîcfî'ld atîtiLeatix , ,,ret IItî -I f lîcI cifliii, 3cr liii,, r"t'!"t;-' r.. 1 ' iil t lia1ii fttii tru 5 d Streetit c l iotîg t h, lit e îctlîatîîro f if lwattay at aiîtl 30 soo',I, x . 'leL e vi lthî". 1'.îti.i lt iiitii' l o 1î , rtr I . i, iIitrv,'ýI'I i î.o'rti a griil r liar,t ic tlt t .,tIi' tii. da ap eL î tnl iofa tile iivi y c ut i ut i c ,'o îr'- 1t-c Ilt l't'iî.o rititi, 3frittaictru, titre, , iti lo nier t'y tirtia sdt a etJffri Lecu iu h aras c I-ydrtcii'nt'iptt iiu an a i ltiîrîr i'iii ttlili .'i ,ii îî ,Iîoiitl a!ia and pilv the car cliciint tvreck aillir 'iit 'ftitît ahîîîîId do oa iiil li ar î~îleo rrittidCountry Cot itocse t ile thi lret iltt hi urie ci.t:', iii i îI.t t t., as at Hutt Glen 15Realred. dent sud lis parI> mocre ctijttc ttg stUA,' laiuliiiirt'm"l 4 t l, II f~etil1tlIt >i , t,î tî'Irl i.a.a 'Y j uîtrd t. UlGIti uo thle titth ig trip frottatDaihtu.. (jet. Craae,'s 'i' tl, uilond uutî ti . iîur stt Prs. ailit li î~îii ',t carttiîtî hi n îr itttto. tiid a.reiii uur î hrtî *iere fte i'rcideitt alentthte iight, t Urio m. , I ,ký nles t.. ouiiîiiiuntg le ttt e lieu a istlace of about toeîîty tiiet ici, it lTî t,' tr-».et.ii . ttik t t :I ! Iiti t alr ira . atir hi lti fîotaîl gittît> n tihematerc orer the Berlolitre Iils. 'ne cm r wCao tii 'lie Arti,'iî.i ,tr ,, iii, te" 'il.. t 't i ri i t-, * r itulizit ,vr 1f y iltiu itcicil ill) tirf- tue îîîîîîîîîî su ho la charge eof tturm n Luke J, Niaddl, cc'ui 'e ueiti .' 'i ts r'. O ýr. u î>1 t - li- ," ii' tli' t it t' if In-. fîrtî ett uf1 iii iii liai, Ihu, it rî-tred ou tI front plttîorîn. cciii, tnd hila. rW. ii"i bt t >. ulicu ut ' aiiui lyý tiiIIjiiflqIeui ,'.trnrhi W- Tecar sîrucl the ~ ctaýhInitutitere-Or ItaleIf tlit c-,i> , i oilii u l),u tilt-1 it0i. I tui,îl tt. et'. tt lit utiu ,ir'i t rttiuakklcî ai'aaed 'i c le II, ctt-ud.,lIl i' i tii, ' ..'...Il. t , I- pî , . il- U 1 1 lu n îuzîîud it ]iiîaîîuiîctî; I liii.oba t f he î,u'i' tir, p rkii T hU II, t, i. tQ' it. t O u i i ! l II , tt Il'vQ j ijtirrti taîneeae lin itre. tilîtttg iltu"r ril u"ltiI. t Ilut tar it i :u'tli dlit î t iut l.I i , intut, tii,îtîsl ,îîîuii'itriit'Ii'SfI c lrt g l ci I'l i..ii ] iiii tttitA t -i .,Il ttii tttn'a i t ~ tIitîire tittt St. t,1 , u o f I,,gî,, lui, ipun'i ir,t ut h g, .... gt titi ' if _,l2 l 'au ttut. Itîî , îi t taht iuiît t'i t 'u ' i tts'icon- le, ud ci pr i "h a , ,,(f 1iiis Illtheru-rtt1,Y tîîr"uy "f-t'a t rîii hat :laey i oit iI'lt u'r. itiuute i,îî u ns- bcea h all i, d. NI- cf Ili,. Ch J . V i' fi t h l, tt.ii l", -I i i i li'i. ri gtirîtî ite lod)iIft f- uîiî li t il,11,tZu;aid oritîa oilit i Ctliii', tA l .,iý» k Uir u , "1,. n t, -11.' î . i t ir tti rtat trutîe 1 g1ratti- in, i3 I . e- rc]tîl oad u tai,î' 1tî 1ide lI c ,î J.î'oIl ,e'î îid ttu'r' I .t..> AIcit. i lu iii, a n t e îîuuî' fte a ý'ý y lire1-ly III aU IiItud ) trtalgeituthetitdi r. i'i,.uiI, l Iti,1sa 'th Il'ittfieil Pratt, lu u, ittr If t-il iiiiil.-c lIirtholif Comnlt. suititie. ' titi' driver fti e l inswt t, ia mt'itittu illtI in luti tI Ii. r , t '1 i: u f.tit '.i' t i ci th e t' WnitiJ.itrttoliiii't Id3 v a, fouaîd lacoacht, is. Wtasi ilbhi1,a relad , , îîi,î',r tlur,-tIti 1 ic-o1, t '.u u a 'lTue t' gisîî agrowut,ln. t id buillet lu le trîtîghlis livai, . lIie 'd led la te i'îofe, itsitilTe c> ttni IIIrv hi],i lt 'il ; t tutik IU ti A.suicide,. t.rtt'r tilut, tutti i tlu T he îreinth b, c n fafling facin ft.0 ti,'ru'fui ireutsciOitk I, tI itr li citi r tîi t teir flu te r a- enuin h tb il-lIii coach ausaiited cuuîy tîigîîî fie i r l iratiite and litutuI .îuuî. u I,'i.,tI t tir tott ier ut ii Minuleik itche ll. i'Theibo y 1a feu, acra ut , an d S errla -ay (Ge-orge uii'aily tuîttertu i Vi tr li-e . utii'rii k. iio a rtt Cnt fut1 ,dentiied b> 'litant-ca'(Ilc.iItiui B, Cotteiîu, 'cho puuitrî'd liatai rtwere gutieis uif ic u l r,ts If t.iiii ' , t ii uIl ty', iti e trt titi Us. uiiml.rf ft icl' i'ttc at 'itilits tittire Cao tal cf tirtu( titi t tut Iif titie '.li.rder.d ib Mnes xcpiiliet le oasectul n tîl eid.grest itsinIe.,tauthtetrti ' i' Diii i i'iprciuiihy tutul iuuirtes a,are 'avit tIcthe olîcr tacltrnhe cf f ahe arty, itaotr uac a tt ia ,of aliitc tlt.liý t diatltla l t îirut ,t Iail ttt trikîin ltug t iîu t , t weat tii the (Cuntry tClb tirer by, 'uiare arhîtrIcîc.it i îh'tu i t ei iîi. i0l~i f t ~ J " u ilWilitt 'ii, il'a. 't'htaet riuctueudtieir sioonds ocre tireintui irihl.Jkjii i/i<l'-sIl he iv îîu'î Who igaturu'i Ilir >i iiirua, o Ia a shortt Iole they rocd o otaheteWall, v tire uictt le utiutiit.îdçree ie butiotibox, ;IstitiIg t tcitrirer i a d US >L heatii:ti,, ui-at tirer.i dcw ltuakIs Curtis Ilote1 nt t.etix, arrlcing titere ut te colilecionacf a lîitui tIetimi ut tii îucdhu i clek. Tite Premudeut reîained i, ou .ndi, at, upie MiitrKtsHi. Witc. crmpoanre, aithotigit e We olti tAt lKanssCtytî ixiv-.teta tuiitns $4.,X) tI, $7.iug, clitiig gats The Ii. .Morris Wisoc, agu-ti i0, Woltte for theastc of the psrty. mrîeltili .î,u 'iîcpt te e$,5tt$ t.tt' .fi i 'tte 33 ne" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-u tc tivtr a t.'tt ruisutBp 'ieexcitetlieta 5intense. and rt-l itu lietuIin te ai tuti n tttiunînute $.t,ut $.1m)u t, "f. uit, Ttri' ta ic$3. ýid. li- tc ti t i n W 'est Iirtula î~îîis untrs fie,,'thicit and fast thai the PreIçi- hlie o -r iX) I'îî'r voire aouti 11.1 ti) ar, ,, 2 ..T I, S t';tts. >;ia. 2 aI; Oife Ia, i tting her thrcialt ii crtairdent lad bhuinkillii'it Afer rctanlatugIl225 an f , i lî 'c bt l'nîac rnIc; ttc cn e u cdrt a a tur tarchrs. Ail buiunesstasao auto tatidit,,27'. r i, 'suI, -1, 49,tii 511,, tiat. unli II h ls-anecaz tiruaate*Irsiele of thecientt olanhu bs ad publie builings tocre i husuIt. i lie titi>, $ u plura2~i iruie. $6,00 10 ý fcooaturadiag of tic Bible. tentiidutdbraticn onin bsreriti'u a climax th Irîieyu- bl Miuttelir, i htii". 'u-cil .17c to et Journey 10 Storkbridge. Aftec a brief n, tirahlienîniel'ark.in ile al'titaut i2,.tv". fr,iu hic iiiu.'S,; potaftee, Cartacters Win Adn"ace. stop ai Laenax lae war driven tfi the train. o îîch Sens tac 'ai ritank aItut le theitelutf:luolet ,,iiih' lce tr 1,'t EiglitI îhausaad carîtenters et New CHICAGO TO THE IJLF. speech. tiiiutîti'iitt.shiipin $3.00 toi )on- Yerk itvîm-oentheir stine fcr u d- _____San l"rauciscoa itiuternic lad tle $S.4); g. ,thtti'igt. l$4.IKIl tu $7 0; uin- vanl'rt 0cents s day stien flic Nîster Thse Oid Proleetof a Deep Water Chazu' iatgzeot paradte te the litîtory 'tf te t il. cAeli ,îîîutiinoimeîu, $2.7Â)i to $4.00, t fCirpiruttu rt Associatioua. mattera conter- netBetee Theun. Cieveisnd hald A PariiadIt miiitlh t; h i. Su. (2, IIIu ,;c ionNo. 2 ' ca-ecr ui cc nuhoua. raned tc ematd. The favor with whlrh the pour-hicias pit'aic.'.%bot 1.R00 meut-a ore ta lit'e. whiter. iii ii2,oiits, No. 2 whte, uew, . t7as y posle wi r). auitîlto Ii routui ii lutxtutiiî, r"tilicy il rol'.t11, iil lit,it tie liii- tNir l, t a lt tuaI rtu ,of titi'i evel t,ý tu]tpr., t 44 ti ,7ý lte. Ver c'nt iti-i ifi bitluit fretin . ,er$37't7, literiv n lnt'a ui itat.>,!, bavle b' i coati nlu Tutti' ,il n3uit uuI 'i Ited t t s,,gave