CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Sep 1902, p. 4

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FRANK H. JUST, Edi,or. &DfVETSI94IC. UTEC MiAE NOWN ON iPPI.1- OATIO Prlday, Septeîîîiwr 12- 1902. The Fair. Ilsere hin ai cmmît hI riliscin cwf the Fuir, thmrigh te%, r, iiediet are auggested. Av ýýracov tneetug the Agrlctitlii' !SrreleiJ YS ii(îflllvent la Ineresvîitig Iiu ii t mn'4excellence, as a Fa'ir 5 l uicil, 1T1 eviiîlug. Thie tanin'e irtîl5tiîîià lo1eVlll wtin 1the imajoit.v îf F.Ir-.tbrouiglisint tise éatlle. The ie IC igiirg 1t3e7 ,.ooe ty aud lit l ll uî.iloumtier of a hew yesrs nill lue gî ri lId l'hnu.e aia Viii la, a iii g 'îl thse paýt, nuîett VîguýrrolO ii'! t r rf tale 11< iy l'air dlrv et(r ruiIl ji lial i tue41ninfllate coîmpetPliý l, 51 g exilbiulrs. 119e jui rvi ,vin l rlteI ilî te bate (uiititv'r.uieVcompare favorable oilin Ibis i, f thlr cnufiy 1Failr-, ud 701 tlu. y are 11no, ii i'îtt,, ii uce exniiuIror 1-, Iti -I,1lyuiilit-iv wlrt' or stokt. Ericli y r itînhetI,rr (.a 19 i n o ru race9 art'lu 1 'iil) lu,6ioclt uit a bettcrv I pur1ogrti, iur 1ai> usururuid 11epîrevioîîv l'or rehunif.. WtAld 3,1 It'ermuie endl obtalu ahouid the premîcnno ho iuclroased. LMatheUic eîetonîi psy for ,peclal *ikiilla auî kth1 0 1e Norths Dakota displaY tînin Yeur, farm ilipleiOt dssPlag sud the lIke, and add tub. b9antinlly to the prernni(im l staock aînd agrictiiriil pnod net8. %%WO woil uîggir-4a litho moare Care Le exerclmed niu the clava ufr choya aliowed on th1e îiildinay. Ily s lîtîle diligence good, dlean. attractive enter- Momnets conuid li,' oernrett. TIen I 'Votl le ell ol1tDucover lthe dliug bal priviieges lt. «orne Orgaulizialon of ladies, ,,vûil nt greutlY reduced i-emuueratîli aiid lhnulabautaretu Parons of the lait gi ramesaisi reuauable priceu.. Il i imperative tLt more land 1e secured ait the prebeit grtienda are toc ami, sud if ltu do Ibis it beconmea bece"ary 10 select a new sile, asrmlse traok abould le eonaructed. botter berna. Sallit aud buildings bulîland a larger ampbitbeulre ereed(. Wtl the uew eleclrlc road lu opera. MiOn sud the îiULOVâiiOnt suad tuiprove- tuonts intlnilprevailîug cIgLIt tu twae. thieiitull'e i' uill v rIL 1te lFair dally el'A i Ioui tlreo t(, n tbulînduit. j f-lucîîuty would hlu the bsunner 'îuuty Fair ofutilte bte. Ieatli's Harvent. t bylu2 litnjtiii >LU iii ledat tisebouse 0f Lis p îu ente t Utiu,iîri Ute, sept 2. fliaI Le 1lîsef imuiliJ.nilary la wnîn'l Live i" l1h yeuiruiot age. Lyle 'tu P. ui' 1 C)Iof iaremarkabiy iovely ( Iauieter, txtreriiey aliection- aIe anîl gntatly ttacbiedl lub189borneË aund fîluTaul. Nt mît a îoulîst physi luer he wouellîal,, uud relirluS lwa>8t trulOuîti auîl mujet e. lic Lutufaa lorkcdt tamub.-fu, i u,ioîlluinu01e v,-cy îroficîeutt 19 ifur ,it, -s'3v u1Sîg. i bat death should l ciiun vLeofkâfoIne.r yeart, no gerieroaauni affale, u eema indee lier I fýie liipalIets, *Mr.- tiiMIrs. lliuiuv i i ne 1. lroicr aud tbree altero rats iv'. Iiu Fa"îiT-fv1c,'it w, e Iii ldinlutbe iIaubatilL bu,' cii1iii i Inlsardayor 1uit wt-t, Dr. IlLoblîi-u,onmlofibertyvllle, rnatîug tO tuT ddcoo irMeut 'tasIlu DsihmiundLako ei'tucntery. Mi, Li.iî111CI1H 1'M,îkb1N5TON M<lacs1)îr- in Luglosnt un 1819. 50e çaa marîled lî IoToi5as 'ootlînugtou lu 1810, ctuuirug 'ith bita 1,0 Anerica Iu 1153, rt & Ctlîiig nurth of<aI berty- vleau linon periauoutly at lilsmoud Lskie. lu rariY ]life oh.>becsmne s cou- sistetinmu met of ltin M. E. csurccb, citinlllg laintLhiTl untîl îLe croîîl nu4 libI ]LA'nti 5aclsilo bus upeut voti lier ebiiîfrnh.r-lalinîluf ail ber nieteil facultîco miiii ni 1e lunttbbe dîculFit tiseibolne Ai er 1oiIituîr i inrsal. banL, Ioimîî, furnil biîlTg inI iiouu Luke ceLu(eîlY. i171 cblidref> Vire brui to0ber, D, oiî dng nigli ufauey and au- otiser. trun. Geuorge ]lartl.'lt, 8tanne vears s40. 1I1omir, 01%l iTg lre 1 ioas, cf flpriLugtlITli. Tiliaun, of Evansiton: Mo-m Obsý a i oloi,- JiMursrthllt0wu. laansd br. Ed,urd Jomeqon, oI Mrîntlau. Dr. Rtinuui eflnttiiid1the limerai sidregs. (101II THANKS, W 'h l<-inv to thauk Our neghbors stud lrlrîîîIo for tiieir kind amotîtauce anulf orlpthy dnring Our recont SafilclooU. I T.LILL ANI kMil. say "Con aumption cau ho cured" Nature alone won'tdo ItL It ueedg beIp. Doctors say Il"6Scott's Emutlsioni la the boit belp.-* But yon must continue Its use even ln bot weatber. if If 7 b.-e f-t tr.ed jt. -.d f.r fr-tosepW SCOTT & BOWNF, Cbon.. 4011i»hrl8t 0 N-1 10.Ynrk HALF DAY Mim.e liEa shapter la aaylugvitb ber mstaer Milile t ilitaood. E. A. Shapler lm imp3ving the ap- pearonuca of theotoual suwlll ouoot 0f paul. Mfr. suc! MrIq E. A. Trlpp vliled uI C.B. Eutool it DeertIeld tIhe tiret of 51 i'hurmday evenîtug oecurred th1e d. th 0f Frank ebioefder aller a long ar . paînftul ilImess. The funerai service, vere helint aithtehubireli u Suday. 1,oyd Whilte, ofI illbniru, vas down' 10 attend lise fieral of his friend, Frank fichroeder on iudsyv. 1'ey 'vers achool mates sud intînsat,, frieudo aI vatparmiso, md. We nnderstand tintt F . L'rpp tis pnrchamed a bous1e and lot lu Li.t)ty- ville, asmo Ibal Mn. Wiigsni las pureisand an acre of land there on whiefi he Intende to buildsoon. W, E. Manu bad the risftrrtuîue t have bls leg hurI quisee iudly while shoetng a bone. Il 'iii incapacitale hirn for vork for a litue. butI be lope 1 scenre a mian 10 belp lu silo sbop TIC Fair bai corne alid gone. On Tfinirday a large nnber atnded frorn Ibis part of tbee eunulybul 1the dusl muaI of been 10 ranch for thi for notsueary sas many atleîided ou <ARD OF TISANiti. We wi.îb 10 exteud out lipartfell lbaîîks 10 out many relatives, frieude aud nelghbors, for tiseir klnd austoance anuf tpaliny durlug the lonîgand sevore Illuea O! ourtIrciovetl son and brothler. MR. ANI) MS 0 HSî'itOxR,îuiANI FAmutn~. Obituary. Frank Sti ParJlct iroeder 'tas bora iu Hall Day, March 17, 1882 aud dled Sept. 4, 1902. Aler a long and paiuuni Masuea, uudergoîng two opertilous In a Ciob ospîlal, amputations of 1the Iim, ise fias atIIst been eailled fr010 Ihists11e th 1e ret aof1he better ]ie beyond. He stteuded public tctnoolunutil 1the sgt of nlteen tien hlie lred coliege where 1e ëooed s brtllaul and tans- clouaelinellect. lie 'as Inovu by bis, olastmates aos 'everybodys frienul" due tu lits alabllty and cbeerfuluesa of dlaporllou. filethome find lways Ieun ut HalflLay, wurcho9e ato uw go a large cîrcle of Mrendeo adu Young, Who lknew hlm oniy to admire LAKE ZURICH. Busse bail nexl Sntidayq *Oaylk '(Vus lituai ru ade oa trip te (liiego1! Mondîas. 41 Itffs of Frosît lIons-,y tinppoil a csuinhof * nterestua. a iscugnu froînm ur 'nuni"$ Ai Mn$ %evo.r YI, Od y n. n1, ,il Liuiî i 115*> Lek COnulty t'îlr mtt wek. Mr n. oi Nvîr. <o eilu. < ialti, vliied ulîti relatives 19,-c,, i-uiî.tⶠAr i' 't'COnt, .1 SVaîîCoýe,nla, a plesosut ceiller lu OUI village 'I'netsdoy. lirs. Tom DaSYley, grle nFuJI River, i8 &tylug vvltlfins ,l,,lîtForluca lor a 1ev dAYs. Fret Thies, Jr , 1954 biR t 111obY boy Liaptiz(eil at fise Lut, iuiriech clshl l&Mt Siiiiloy. Il. L Prelien, mudI lOr)y 1Fisher %tarte(l four lîuwa lafit w(,îrk "iliiadaY 1<9 viOi 9111110 relativem1. 'The larners artnîllîcIre are busy îsrobiing înno2.iuy. Oulo average about 50 bisbela 1<î ail fOcre. ECuill Frank and Mi,tennde Sip weuL lu o Chicago. %çlllituY 10 virit their iter, Mmr . Wlniuefýr. mIr. aiui M ra. J îutin Ilodiige. tf ltoike- mrl ,enilt Ibroughli lure laot Sattir- lâon iîitlvil y 11'touîIuii(. Misa Edîth Selp 'tas lu) tînt, euPloru Cd. Madolv,,oîf Llehr11,lest wnek, wiho rim il fruit h1slut ohIboFui r. t'u i h îno,-ler, of C'h9icago, foru.eriy a rebuilett in Ibis village, '(itlted i slb Mir. anti Sre. liil I ral îuove' Sun- Ernoat l'alla. of Cdiucagî, niv,utor of the. Latnulran. AntornaîluAetyline gas imschiu.> asIt i1,011lu<î1Weduenni day on busns<. Iredil 110611.wiio 'ua wutlunJg at lIn. ctrpetiteýr traule witb Ernestl rlriig Ihis iunvnImr 18. agalin n te ernjlroy of tù9.> <oliouuietunI[ce Curupiyý CiitJuurientili hmli il <t nWltonds ofuthtIn tîntit olnîgs iver sk911,10.1fr005 iner.f, t tbim towil 'i uieslay for Frauk Roney. i'le average we(g191 'vas 2501 polils Gleorge and Louis hliigge, ot Wbeellîîg, vote vimitorli ln toWi l nat sunday. George told theo uewa of th9e arrIvai of a uI glit poutîilbo<y Mtaishl bomne. George Graver, our oin tîie thl*cmlior, bs doîng îLe 10051t trebhiug aroand ttblevîclity. George bas ouneof tine beat lhretiig outfitît ronUd lbre sud b19 blutîtied 10 your patrounage. A g5101 of bas-e tal wilI lie>PiaYed bere Suuiday, 8Su .14 l, betwen1the Americauss al Ubleago Lotus. This vîi1e une of 1the iest ganies piyed tt. sesotu. Dont fait taattend! îetelilng clistacter and P.,ity of 1 sIxIVno3ýrs'ele out lion.> iat week hia Ilfe, thl emusory of wi .111îl be 1 snrveyllug theo territory 'viere the fondly heshd Calleul from tIbis 11e jeat sa be vas unterîug manhoont. there vas apparent1 Lu 1the aSoi tgf bis lite mnch thal gave1 promtse of a ItIe 'vbcb vas te shed brighînesa sud render heiuluens te aIl witb vbom lie migbt 1he aasoclated. partîenlauly te tboae viso vere@noaret and dlearent bu 1t2e bouda of love and affectiion aud w Loto sarrow nov ta9 greateit lits badl a iseerfuli llaposi. tlnil sud sîthaugli at limes bit auffar- log vosIteIns> yetL1e neyer coru- plalueilbuthIole ilrailtvolts cbrtstiiu courage andl fortitutie As hao wa borne 10 tise operallng table thse lait tîme lie fbnmmed -nNoarer Mly God la rliee ouad -"lIed he vltà yen MIii'e uuLeet again' Sbewlug bis truee bnitbsn spirt, f ilsvoords dnrlîîg Intense eufférlog vere 'Hovv lad i arn ilisIne uneo le it.. teel tise severe peins" sui bit appeal toe e evenly Faîben vas ."My (ibd, My Oont vbat bave 1 dons lIat I shoulil entier asîliî.' Bs realized that b.> couint lino but asahort lime aud 1he loinged and prayed ta go 10 bit norn e byoud The stroug love than o l elentf oî ii a mny frieuda vas blionn ven:uitirilg bis Intense tuffetlng whien lLcy visited Llm hoe %ould try 10 cutertahu tiseuiliu 1b0islun nsd pesoanclrmiuner. Thse fiueral ttrvlcet'*eore boid t the chTîrch ounfunday astcroou. Bey Shsort, of Jefferson Park officitdantud gave a beanîiflînI lait.appealbug eapecllîy ltuIse Young people 1tu le exouipîs fioent sYoutng lits thal bai borin cailed lhcine thone Ihingeib tat vou for bîm tise hlgis esteem o! bie msny frienîts. The' choir of six singers, cf OlnIcsgon sd Prof. Hertel reudore<t sevaral hesutiful slettona. Tise conceurte cf Inanda ttiss folloved tle reuiins vas large, t1e ciurel bing cîowded to its unîst. SI% yotnng lyfriends caried 11e l(eamttut floral tlecorations, eue large piece InThe Gates Ajar" vas prosenteil by Youîng trlendt and seneral other pioceit 'teotise lonlng gIfta of frlends. Httintes mini relatIveasuanti rlenîls the deparla'd leavos 10 mouru Ibeir lots is parents, four lirusîbrs, Fred. Jo bu, Henory, asu Ernent aud eue tiater Etile, Il of wbum have lthe mmpstly cf tIse ccrnmuulty ln Iheir nadsiaiton. Fraut vas lise joungeut 0f lis Iomily. The romaus vere lid td 1resl lu a iloyar tîlmmen grave lut Voun ce metery. Oh tluuu. hi dosîl tlaimed àa isaowu. Thoun ybo ta farer votIs bai l howu; l wors. lu ulia, tIr cocurse lt rua. Tu lI-t nîrGad 'ii ir. ay,**el doue"- TOC tatb an love Il nuer dîd lpat. But rigised suprano îitIi ly earT: Tbose vbo ortronoa tIse tuev Ilir b st Long e'er thon vont t finlairosI. Ht rorrov v1t ttose loftfl leind For ont vho vaS o ood and bled. Wr krone 1h momrr oftu vi war To lesI ut lu that perfeet 'vay. Andit t, m'a ou îroulgh futunriant Vo tilt hno orow or Ilebais. MLai vo lis luire. 03.coueoruau. Fli, 10o wîr (oI unulher-welI dno." A FaîituD. Mleeting of Tîreshene. 'Ibure yul be a mo-ellug 0f thresher- men aI (Mimer, sardsy eveulug, Sept . 20. Tîreshers are reqnested tu lue promut, as bualîneas0f tmponisnca ta Io ooma bfooe thse mettg. Rum u a RoSq otT. A. Chicago electrle rosa i tteud(1; o 1 n lhrough '(Vo arn infst ecorlo f bsvlng a readthtreîngb ihure in 1the neartf uure. Helpasgood thluR alorug. John Forbes 'oau valklug faloug the sîreel Tucodai orîth a bnoad scallo on is face when Lie vas, acconted witb ..Bello, Johu, voLaI are yen arnlitng about?' Johu repîlof, --A Iwelve pouud bsby boy arrIveil aI rY ltis lait niglit.' No 'toiner 1b uieî Letu.Powero. vlb IdIt a CottagT ou a lot hautise lin mcc subdivisionU lst s1pîtus has bougisl a lot bn tise iillinan subdivonuaindinuovint bis cottage Ou th9e asmne test 'eek. oIr. Poyerosei the 8mrai sellIer lun1the sittîîiivisbtou, but ve expert 10e0ses mort, cottanges going up thore, lu îhe o, or fulture, Henry lteip 'tas grcatly sinîprsiat labttilouday moriiiung lie watked op~ to110 b osfi<ce ut hi. l-vl theln. same as usuel, bi ut ltbsîîlrp rise fonun a lino 110w nockIivchnair iti front 0f bis office d ,ur. %Vu îil- atandt11e ladIes cof tise Lobe Zurichi church madeMi th11e lîatmeuse probant. isi always 'telI te stand lu vlth th9e ladiet. The stockhîlufers uof thîe (Viucutuda Telephace Compnoy Ladulà mn eeting ut Wanoouda ]RatISalmnday andf ti3cy old tbeirli ln ino i he ake Counly Telephore CoMPipsYs. whIchtlu ompanY Intenuls t10 u na [lue boto !Lake ZGricl and counect voitis tLe old wauscoeds lino. Thia viiilueha agrel Iruprove- meut lu onr telepbonc service. We eau then telophonn auit over tluecnnuy v ithouit gettingi connecttons lu Cisi- icago. We nuderrîtand tis e upany Inlenuls pîttiug in a swttcblîesrd at Lake Zurîip. EVERETT. And nov thse farmera 'vîlIlegîn 10 get azbbIsts teadj for the naît COUmtY fair. Mir. and lire. J. à. Magzady vislted Mouday vtI tirs.MagrsdY'd moîler, Mmra.Vamgbn. Joseph Yole wbo la ai St. Anthony's HospitlIChieagowistîl su attof typhotnt tever ta rapily recoerenug. This toyn made ai gond a ahovlng sa nsnnia athîe fair eapecili on Thnraday vhen &bout sîlYsttended. Bsse bal cbsmplcnobip gam- Evereîl vs Waukegau Wet Euds, aI Wanîlegan Sundsy, Sept 14. Gtune elIed 51 2 p. n. 1h10i i lu e 119elieut gime cf the9esasnml. RenlOL TNOTES. SclioolI ipünet lMonida! wIth an atoudanea of twelY po1plluibut ta number vil lie iiercaseul as taon ai harvest ln oven, nus a large utimber are slaylng outI eilp. Bestis, wbeel-r lbas gene to Mîisouri vhoe ie bwolil makr tber home w'tt ber gragidnottier sant ahso attend Thie scIentL oion luu.ebenuplaalered sud tborongliiy cleauanîsudt lots& verj blgîl sud liuit'tlumg. ls neediema tti gasy Ihu lise pupiia sendi bcher are deligbted vîuibith"chanuge arnd viable oller Liseir tIbeugtetothe direclers. Min@ Claire Tonnier. a yenng lady of Breskshîen. Texas, giros ber motheras opinion, spoaîtlg frem oxperlence. 819e "s:a-Ky vmoîhAr ttnti Ibere la notbinlu Ike Mother'. Sane for burnes and acaida; if spplled lmmedlialy mober mya it l ylIl l l butn làb sud wtisOUllesviag a acar-.-Prboe . fisale by P . LovurA.,Llborqyillle C.M. & St. Il. Tiane 'mlble. Oô 9u :«) at I i [ 0 Il ni 5345am1 i1 ' tit59>il -À 3 1" 045(l)5"t ib i '4i54ep ii- 9 r.u;100 î aOil __ ,;Mo -7 e6 11111110 t05oa ni 150il nii rn 18 ', ilai1titi m i 810I 961, ni C. ou StTUIi'lONLO 4 (. '!Dun W 'itconsin Central Tinte Table. 21 119 1510 2511 il 1~ 1(10011 î 40" 01 4 319 91 60 1 1;570. 148 451111 4901,1 luî h tut inithis plac, .iiiluuil1-tCC ai >41 ir((i(ail .%Ir. vlcker iut nuel liu. lu, îluer ivîlSu 15 11u1130, thinsstk WIi,.\ lntnii.iv'.jo Ti ui l i t i..ii ca.g.î, the gue'ît i iNI-u. i urlev',. .Nlu auîul lors. Nu Iiii ar'eueitc'rtaniii 111" i îîutier, Muiktu.,u rîu lis hi i agui Mii.alnd Mr. 1', uflirdl. ut Jiet, ave iii , T pitgaeti, -.u- M' ril,' tii,". ouk. NI1v aundtMr-.. V, hutkuii 01v, lin i U iý'gu.Satnîriloî uît îiîug lii-fiîuuv.,l ,f MriiiilituE Sh.-Il ,e , Tru> is ai t D rirTt iv.lite giir'T r! 'Mis. I)aiuli uc a tcoîule' of 'eeks. M.vanud lors. P ij,d o.rf od jell, Ill., ave thxe gueuit of thi vsi-uv. '11m V111u. I1-1,au (en e 5fr-. \Wll i o ulitt. i'.. B. Slîerniai, izilia ual ies hinliîg v.isi-.ei Is we-hn .out 'itli ta-.e a us umenit put under, and l ti lii\e i nu.-ior aufrie (Oct. i. N i-n i Jta.î 211vh.ici t viîiiet 1<,t liev tioieu in Vo -. ,eu, W t-. , ani, a few ST et-.' visit tl, ii ter -i'Iev-. Mr'.. Nieruolu andl lirs j îluuîsuuu Mcv Ricinih vlris %tiu' at th, vpeselit wriiilig andti 1 Tlmot - 'CteqI to lise froin dav tri (ly. 11ev îi.ughter, Iare illiin ahteOuîallce at lier I remime. Mr.outildlor-. 'Shii, theur soIT andi ilaughter suit vo verol otiier frontî liuvliitou, Wr, Sere th9e guestýofo, Sha uirindWald Tuesily. Mr. Flarv lovh ç1aite a valoatile homse Ibis wrek Tusday. Abut o 'tek ogo (mouhi. îurt intolin s11.le ut aIl Mr. Flary cou, i-i'uilie ihall ta.lue lleut ,lIe '-ttIni 'u I ,11l ii i l a-t Satur. ir,,WI, ,,i r, 5011 l -rI i]l.ot l -irtl- Inn lîly etou',' t 'a' ut'tlie kîîîî u eI u T L tv ' itlosse se ti.e Mr.uî O' i' Ti ll dsujmy'l tl'uf,t a e' ,uiti rîii îî in oithnrriu Illîinis, ii tne o iiîlv i iuuiiiui..uuui vtTTiilivu'iliuiil aii il II Siiui i r iliîg lih, Suîiiî '.1 iîoii sniui.,v ,'Ii iîuivvii mî,muuvt iTitui miîrti-ch u1 ýi lîpîpl liadIi i lginrii a fitlfo irvru I[il 'tiîtin iu o' lviiilîuuie%, th, u ili , ... îîiiiit luI ll". gTutil a, . Ilnoiv 1cuilitiulîîutiîîî i t-anrl ut'e i mroli ris-.iig. Y Aboni fg - \%s - duoii.teli . 'thîilî iTîiltuer su) tri lerulfr1111 J,\ V . j,,11u, .f C.Iliiagîî, N'il spioaka tutCrlt u ii,,ti liuîvî î ixItsuîuinday ulvîurnii. Iiîifhe o'soiuiuug Nr ..iîile-., ofni. . ivr l lruigiuut s,til t.rsn Th,rr j,1v1, U1Tir' îi g ile uuulues %uas1 irrait uîul I15 ghth, uo'inuit iioTT(i li ilît i îld i itîhlt . t llIl,un Nous bi (u,,o.n'ivlieted at tIc SePtte)r home Suuday. W. t' Fggeri, of Chicago, vlaqited ber. lesI t eot. John Voete? speu l l t voieson et htome lust sPek. Mn. andf Mrm. P. b. Jorgenson spout unuday lu 1Lincoln Fart. Tliero tu-le 122 ai 1the station Tisurs- dsy moruuhng Y~I bound for 1,ibortyvblo. b. I0. hiockwsy sud family, mif Waiîtegîît, epeul lIundsy aI1B. M. Vantîs. Miss tElho. wiinsot ilaecllfug Ite primilry i îorn fer Ktle Hole wvooilu Wisonsin. Bovo bInl cbsmpionship game- s'. SVike<sn West Euds. si Waukcgatu sunday, Sept. 14. (lane calhed at j p. m1. TIfs wIII h 1e besî game of tfhe sea5on. The Lev. Fredit FuLerat lia relisrned tram bietip 10 Germtny accomPanieîl hy bis ulece. Bey. and tirs Fuerst are ai the home noflira. Fuerlti". parent@,tMr. aud Mrs. Wm. Batituuu ii ulSept 20 Mr. il1) 1% Dugberty. ve3lu tuozit thiau>g1biuit tercer and Sumner Oouilîhie, W. Va.,mott Ittely oves tIf týt hIle kinduas of a neighbor. Hie 'tam finosot bopeleasly affllclod vîtI dtacliiî,'a. vas atlondeul by Ivo pby- ùt(ii l. gave Ulm 0 1111e, If auJ. oelIef, w'tien a nelgîbor learniag of his iserions condtion. brougît Ibm a 1bottIn of ChbmbsIMa iColla. aboIera isud Diarrboea E4@»dy. wh i uffl bin nleu Ibsa *wety-fow u = us For nBa i y . L LO S 1 IUISI Bora, Wediaenday, tu lMr. and Mnr. WiIl Oaabmore, a daagtetr. litella Dîxcu vietlfed trilndsi atRi 1.1- sell t196 latter part of Iî,st week. liorman Ilitoliîîson hît- IwAn o<n 1the jdiel liâItuin.,mm i1936iîrf.riing wlb rlseumatlsom Joe Viiàoeist returued t> WVlaooiîtu lit week aller a few dnfoV vît Wlîb bis faiialy lieme S~ciions began monday vi tii a good attendauce. A unîmber of uoii-resident paplsa bave entered. W. D. waalibnrn made a business trip jo thne ceintral part 0f the aîtteI1 the Inîterest <of Mr. Iliidier. mia Nlly MoCilire, Who lia% blu ls I mevournl 'vonkm witb typhold lever, la flow abie 10 loavu the bolite. 1frs. billim and <tanigltor re-tnrved tu th9e cliy Suday after aun xleuded nl witb 1H. J. Haines and iaiity. Thiorn and Biedman, wbo, have been painting, utaiUriaynake 'ilsstimuler, ÉislsedIber work there laut veelI. Mauy of our people atnded tbe fair llÂree day. larry k lood secured a uumber of premulla on eattie and jonin moU3Ivas oi.l bis 'vndiili to C. Il. Brown Iest week. Mr. Mct.arra 'ai nom, une,, lit gnulniliO englue for Punnplug. A Boy@ wiid Ride For Lire. Wllb familyaronud epectilug but Iodle, and » son irldlng fî,r life, ls muile», ti; gel Dr. l{lng'm New Di.qcov#3iY for ecou9iim1ptiou., nisbt ad CoMw, W H. Blrown, af LeAVlle. lu1A., *.iiîurec deaths agoniea Irans sattumâ, but 1191. 'vonderful medielue gave instant relief aud Hoon cured hl.lie writt,: -I cow sleep aoundiY every nigbt.' Ltke marveluicures of cofIAuriptio!3. pnelu monis, bronchîtis. cougbu, coidni and grip provo lIa onatchle- mrlstfor ait tîroat and luug Ironihies. (nranteed bottleas 500 sud SI (I. Triai bottier firee ut F. B. LovaLors, LlberlY ville; OIOAYSLÀKU l'iAiiIACY. Joseph Frend, 0f MeUlsiur!, vas a Sundai coller. Mir. aud Mr$. William liuiton opent Wedneaday lu Chicago. Mfr. snd 1fr.. T. Wlukle, of iIcfenry, Bundoyed aI Chii Sables@. Paul Avery notuned tu bis seisol dattes lu Oak Park Mouday. Misa Beoule Duntîl vili attend tcisool st Grayalake tisîtyeaî. mient Amuie Miller le apeudlnga weet's r&c5tIin iti ber moliser. Meanr. A. J. Ilsymonîl and Jobt Myers @peut Mouday lu Waukegau. Mfr. and Mrs. Chiarlea Parker vieil& relativet lu Evanstou $sleurufy atý Snnday. Voeter StIadtteîd li. Iavliig a nev barn built. Johu %Vallon sud ton as: dolng the vont. flamryGraham reîurued 10 19f s bout lu the olty lait veet aller speudîîi several veeks et George Waitus. Th9e direeloro have very mucb li. proved tbe scbool grouud by uavi aà vei dng sud a uev foeu. uilt. 7 rn. Hsrry Nîiholis dauighloi- EduI and Lavn uswvnt tu (11910.1 Mondai 10 viit îel*tiveisud friends. 'lhere 'vill 1enu aervice@ ait1theM E. chnircisSuuday alternoon oit 5ccont 1 f the Ifuu.ay icbool convenilon 1) lield et Wauconidi. Hie Life. Saved by Chamberlin'e Colle. Choiera and D(srrhoea ReMedy - -B1. L. Byer, a voîll rv eoperî Lb910 tovu, amyt 1hebelleves fisambe lattis Calic, Choiera sud Dlarrhoc Itemedy auvent bis Ille lsa ummu: 1Lie lied been tick for a monts wit 1wbat the datrs eil billus dyseistelý r ad could gel nothiug to do 19110un good until lie trted tisa remedy.. gave hîm immedîste relief.' says B.1 Little, merclsaut, fIaucock, Mdi. Il tale by F. B. LovreýL. Lîbortyvill SPEOPLES' CO LU MN.1 HA iNi 8VI-l À; milan Eama VauMatre. of Moniroe, Adjudication Noie Win, iiitil rInd hrs ecnty. Publie 1Notion lteIiorbyi <ts t lIe " Wl., v9ied rinid bra ecuti. ubacriber esecutor 9 é. M' a lira. C.J. JWigblman liai)beAn quittestmn arh dog dz li fil. De. l'almeor fin. bucoO uttet<ilng a terS ni ieaof ble bil..n aut the>~ Bloune la Wsnk ega n ld <J unIy on 5 lier, tirat Mondat of 0-ebr l119wui- Rehîu.l begaU NIShu-uy 'vtiltwfitnty aaId helMae uoLiidZnd e t.a<1 pupilo lu atteuttance. Mro. Louise Pr utthetia 8s51Eout yrjmAIu. Mlot" li Io leartner. Wu> hope the Execuitor of testvi su ad Lsaiamout ai Serat Madole decu889d. 0.4 paèrenta wil tulle tii luterest ln 1the Waukgau. Illi..ÀAux. 26. fuel. acbool andl viit P, occmioluliy. Caacer'v Notice. 1frg. Caroline Ferraiid, of Stumner, steof Ilîlinois.' Iowa, IRs ahI ber inolfir, Mrs. Marta Couny of Lake. Itc wWLOl ery loy. Mia. Hiendee, ClreiullCourt lif '3e out. it tni Ditoa. n hnu yt.Y 128 of Wanlkegan and Mrs. Münzer, of Lake IF-r J. oiîtaivo fHeury LAFranm, Auf Y,,.&, Chrmtu&sr lotI sud UMarY Xost bul Villa, are ltI lier RIO(,>it,.Auna Mabllr. Mitiail mbdei A. b RIt Inal 19e msfî.tuIe toUrîdrotol md Ilîni miers lutbi A. D. ich hal theîtefortrs torage i-e Vile. «u n tîrainle Rs utinle i.îiday. He wa@ FrauCl9 llnpport.I(torne Berl rama ieaîllng s teain river 1the railroad crons. WagiubiuIHeur unrîiMbai. lite Nîthorlanuland Fîdelia lButliriud blt v ing Wiieu ttieY Ueame frlgIt1ened at a Mark Sutherland, Chrit% LIllsIa. han cr ad rie t rt âay 1.. hUitin uwreueasd g Su Ia Wr-Zb.. is bau cr sd rltl a îl awy.I.A . vile, Auna Goo»t. Auna Joueil. Anaatl. Fenton lma ais,utuirtrilug w1119 a gpraiued Chri-tophbor louait. (.lrttpher JOoI Urîstophor Jfont. H Mury Ocomt. Heury.,ot ankîn. l~fieir Un,u aGoost-Bebedts Jousi tebeouaja ot. lCatheriue Rock, -Uukno#n A Sad DiesPpointmnent. boire sud nlvimee ofrfHeury.Gooti. luelfectivo liver mtdîcîne tla .disait- Henry Jied. "Unkow oi, sUdkdovl:meaor pîiutueilt, but 1yen dont vaut teanduIdooloneaof fl,nurîJcilt.. doeasel" purge. slral'îfiant break the gians of<'f U,îluîwn oweera of pmi,,rrnta tlu ll 014t Ibe tonicliau4 ovei l>WitAt K'Z11i.fw-t, y aiuiavit that there ame 3Little Earlv flOueraneyer dîsappolfl n rîtêslot. rtsllu thilt tase"uaknown 1T19ey cleause 1the tystem, ni aili pubeto i,flnrlO olO , igmles lu thil 111of eou. ad putrid malter and tilcit ni) gently ii ofi ,.,.ib.isary(ost. nnoaudboia tisaI one eioyis 1the pleuaimt nkiîov bei<' n sd devIseof.-enI ry l'bey are a toule goth 1e lîver. Cure Ju',î. enina ilsu "unkuoWuB err 1b)llitouiionstorpld liver aud preveut andth nm 1ud %iot. 0f,dnotM fever. solil lîy 1. IB. LovELL,, Liberty. Raiiior.out are unainovu sand IaI fleur7 Vilaleroua,.Ana lotit. Cbrntopler atmu vîlie.Mariy Vott lit vifla, Auna Malienr. Mtcbst¶ U nbiutoiuk ud alue .1'madeuttock fnia FOX LAKE. tire. Mluhae ' Utnierntnuuuk sud Ialouso u.ndertiîck hi. vîfe.. Frautin Support. "lise Atwell brothent. of Altioh, lieorireflerrragtlîm aloSiuma Heroprs. Mirlls Il, usii F. WaibiUr l rtiireRld Monudy. Hutefuil iaB iais, Sutberiaud abd l'ideiL dSuthndI'If. M Sukthnierland J. IL. Olcot aud faujl, were Eastiaclriotîsn Crabba. Clirîtianii Wroiie anti Foi Lake vtlora ifnudsty. Suî,a oe:iswIu.. Anus Ouest. Auna ,J., t,.AnsJeat. Cîriotopher (local. MIs, yrti Wllln.ou of oun 1 (JriOperJoomt. Christopher .101tuery minemyrte Wikinon, r Rofld 0oâ. fHenry Jin81. fleuri Jo«l. kliee* Lake, watt a caler aithIbi place Buudsy. Goost t lbeeca JoolIteb-tes Jost aud Caîberlut K(eek. definantln IbisBanaou Sebciool commeoneii Septeunher 1 vitbîdu., fluirî '-anuol 1,. foiud soif bat auion MisasitRlTdî,T l n Charge nof1the djilgent 1nuýirr Dîrir phi-il ,f oadeure counot rtibe 0 tinî1,rîýt.ïeUiot pupilo lue arv.d i n , u r - tiî.-r 0f Iben il uplmhavieug 'ton 0ý'1 bàlutue ' or I ut ii, rkl"f Il We unlerrîaui Ilere .111 1e a COn-.quid Coînrt: d Niulerlmte lî.*r.l- .'oy mtlt..î iiaili tn, lest ait1t9e Fort I -111chturcison 'fuenday sald aoîveiifltlandlliîiIT.îWnI, f"darte 'a evelina, lept. 16, ilder lhe mouperin- ibtrthfted bIs 111 ii e.i.' n urad(01 teisilonîe0f the W. C. I . onth. .ou 1CsSeYrid T antud that s 0910100110tber.uguou, 1-1 1 îtut o s aid There vril be prenebiug et th9e port rînr,îtu ieîrot day 0frLt rmdaut.e a Hl etl reb un M nda nl(rul g, S t Cureuit Court ot ak o County t, (m o , i a rnî chnci îîn undy îornln, ep - tînt Court Hoint, lu Wakun In lusalI bae 14, cormmencing Il 'eioek andl alto lnu Onuty on tîle rsI Mondai ofuit eobnr A.) th eenin nt7 45 Buday ebol 1%-2 àà ltiI lMIv rP.d. and vICIeh slt la A h vun t74 nda cOlsb odn.Laaîs 0. flaocaway (fierk. comminlg ai 10 a10.M.iharp. BH ME. Oii lpinalflit SiOliltol. - Wtukegaii. II.AguIalaYA, ida ed ad idt ba Is of ,o- 5e. lut rît '-t For- lle F 8ALE-A driver unis gouil or'niîuu. Folunuiru, ot A. MCEvi. Long OrIs.lii. ',i lead o c atti,. ýlu,.nP.iuiiuù tr ,tJ..o BoussatT 4,llnîm 55 ur'.,i orihLuf .iti't). W At4TF.i-m i usinu'ti.-A mili1,'005 'tAiE]CRPtULTRY rAsUM triil i 'W. 49-2Pi 8AE-resî Jocuey eow. tliire.' r Fod.i2 J. A. MuA,E. bileri>vitile. BtENJ Il. MihhflR. Attarsey. Adludicatlon Notice. Pulullu Notiue Illeei yglvuil himotthne uurbur adalulotrstor of tîlu,' tate ut Lousîs iusdýelesowili alloilI the Céuuitî Court cf Lbute Conti. uli a ternu. tiiuruf to ble tilosn sitho Court Bous luaWaulbeg'tu le sald Counîl. ounlthe firsî Mouday ut Nvomler eext. 154.0wl-Tu anti wh,,reail nursous Isvlng slaientsiiglutb eold ceIde aire uotifled mati4 rrnintuto tiri uro<ct tihe samo 10 taid Courtl for adjudicationi. JucoB P. Gias. Adminlotrutor Wsukegau. fil., . U . 1. IO. 47-4 Caihoun, No. 14315. The greatest sire of high class carrnage horses SALHIOUN sîceul more bigi srictml carrisge sund rnsd bonaeo thIb aujsaalilon bu Wise!Oujtn. Be bu ained seventY-five carriage sud roant bergs Mast bave told hem $300 te $1200 eaoh. fie la aiso the ste of E'utler, 2:14Ï; Francen, 2:19j; Seniatuir Mtchell, 2:19t Irottirug enud 2:12 paclug sud mal,! more good t Oie. He 'vîl bo bned 10 a ev manes tIblo fa.11 $20.00 to IbourG. CHAS. A. APPLEY, OWN ER. Libertyvilii - - Illinois. sire t O . A. WrIgwso mrçblsgtair fer l ~ uslip si If t. rE Ic Wb sao on Ibreen veakaaller ,praiung mdng . Cicae. lsa sule, sud lain iially tac tir sBute of Illilols Count.i otLab.oa. Counut bren moenins before hoe bas felly Court of Lab8o onle ltine (.hti, r Terni woveroui. Thia la an uuueoeeiary A.D. la. C. Frant rattY. Adisntlrator use~~~~~ ~ ortme orlth. csR u0fneestit or Mary J. MurIckdooeaiîou sa oas f tmefortu mny ame inArthur Lb Myrihmb filn klriubr. Dal rbîeb Chamberlan't Pain Blam 19s8 Myrlo snd IFrank aciu1otn. I'i,îiIn W1 Lson prornpily aud treelv applied, a teili r oett to10pardeite.' oînpete ureliaibee elfct.d luesC Afidavituof tI"(nou,-riesiu eot ofArthurrsi. bau lune week'. tîme, and Inu tournedftl>dSlblS ibore nament. bavinai tenu i aies witiin tîrce dayt For sale Ilin luthu, offloeoth11e Cklrt of lheCte L o 'urt '.~~~~~~~~~ utLvLbbryîle avîÀri Labo lonui îoluiilus hlr. là o1m t F. BLovLL, ibetyvileOIRASL 11 te sald ArthurLn-Jienlîsk. EtbsIM., îLulsud 'HIMAcy. liait Myricuit Ilisth.e Sid uilîi.ranksui Wrlgfi. baeluittrahor o u"n",t'u%orMary 1 Mruetdeeeaatd bt heuoroo fuli.'lalI FORT HILL. i tliou 1.nutsd iounty Cour1t inulit nou it Y. aly on radelulrtforinletai"à,ot Airs. J. 1B. Converse las Inflatimaior lun.e(e.t.tllto 1~Lt entait u1 y al.d î-uoaeor e0n C at, îî"fII so Mua lm lhenmatlu.n. ne di 1 oîlt0hlai liens'tf-..Iîîdiueaoe anJd eserIu1ndas fli. omn i1A un George Davis le atteudlug scIsool t didil f1 ,.iUouUrthint,-ru--l IiteOnu> ser-, f the Woat niair tné .0'înl a 3raylste. qînartu r of tSeuUou 1 . Sandf I., NotunIib I Nrri s ortn lIa it lnsir tof II Mr. and tirs. p . 0.joviens enter-, i.AI.oomeciniuaatul. ,U thfgM£"l hue oft beotion iaotvueu lanudiformei, lailed relatives froni 1the rlty duiig ownillis Orunsi11-atb unel W. îï. utollns.on fair eek.ands runIng Norh lm radetii s ate: ltenc, tain 'veet.Vo8 'rou sàsparlîilIne alt ltieitoutil inoe of nsdtarim. 160 rodm o 1011. -ut lfSetinun JI aMyrtle paynîu iuteacblug .cbofl lue henee South (0.artobo <o thfin"ige . lu thse Vosey district, M tItmu Avîno Payne Lsud townsd h. on raij loand sul Uotad. uoh; lm ,-sot Fiait u a ntiJ 11I1rodo mtuLtn nt l'art Hill,, Mia Vea Gary lun(irtnt. 9iluet of t luilng uuonnîi it oi'... mor.Tti r luut in Stt0i Sî2(. airluInnTow'nsliip nNoirth,. haugse il Enet of heTitrd IP. M fleware of the Knilo. u tupTn iiemrrm a of' t 1 a«,elurus iovl .uuin.n"lowA:ai the No profesaioni lias sidvanced Mrt,rr teîniolouof hlItM-liol,. à, - rapidly îf iste &hall eurgery, bt i tl ilasud Lut onI on lin,, WI r'0f île Nortin ifanua îrer out i-O.tli.uîs'.t sapoit stionld mut nlued n1exept 'vijol019 1jjjusi1anud -n iuts 00o ',.. ho fe rI ObsoIltsly iliecctuory. Ilu Mess 1of Venu orni lr ofiadlimtiînrîu . T.Tim 11<e pilies for exaimpie, Il 14 sou <mii, needeil. rlim i aitSn,nt7umliugtuu, ne Ct 4lt> DeOWitl ' l'lb Hiazel lSive cibles# ia -i anui2liiTu;tO. tî,' irtit paraliel ujuictiy nuni perinsuntîy.tineq nailed aitilà, in, 'uarmT- i i,luni,. IlÈt ansd for colo, llîuir, lîriem. 'v,,iiiiss, nsîlujutiltin.t'. tie. î-LI teir -M r-o,; tlenue SouOîthehmil-gru' (T, týt uni.,f l hin,- aIlr of dlose . Acuepi Do couninerfeibu..-Iu'I aiirni S. u u'li tààlia-to th. rplaieenI 'va, go trou bled 'titislieesîl ig pijs. ul n s. luif iili a .., -. i - r tiat i luitt iii ucb bio<al and ai îeu5i li' , .1so AI L ceID tiiiIînni 't T h"' i..o i 5~u,-'t.îiî.Tur Su blr N11,inE ,eL 1. 1fr uof SAY$ J. C. Phtlltpsm, Iaim, Ii. e 'i1-1îi17. J,,a'ý rhu a bT-I . , là-i WiIIs Wtitch Liazel Suive cured me il î.-à'î.ut ln 1,îîit 'JO'utàtdI, ndIl ii..Ira ashabrt lIme. sooutbee and î,'< - t .'i thne dNitniL.fa 'i-r-r1I1', -id > 1'.ilu17; t I.riNlu orthInilutoi lu1 F. B. boVEL., Lib)ertyvillti . iL,;IreisiO' W"étt bO oltii . -.'l Si huiS South 41-Xitgre'.o .'-t 1,îiii'42ui WARREN. ui.tritis iino, ~9'lulne of thie Si(ui iuLent cunurter ou it nul f4,11. n 17; thenoe Uînesain n uroy o1MIss Cura Ihck, Dit .:ain. 410and 46 111, k a elie aofe who died ai ber lhome in Waukegau L ti-eTotn of 111-iSI.. Lite C.ouai. AuWii,2li, aed 2ofuig. Slon.pOlu>-dtinst .5ro,',toi ai been AnVst21. aeul20yeas.819 lso,~ t-i'ont o sbiCourt înlîitrionre- a failier, mothier andt lire aisels tl i 'n, .Tne otlher I-i.A. D. ilm of .1 à îiIIL o10lie bolrd'" ln ,,- 11u1ra1;Md ai moulIn lieir loit. Inî ( I T'î,-rcA. W lt-y2unItIC T'uni5 t-bouse lu Boy t-u,i im onuavlitr Co'ra thiILi l u Tsbgaui Ilu ui l. ake .o CunI. ' vt 1 ioiles- >(inU 11eiuil AritrLu, . Minak, Sli- yoiv ,uV.4rs1uul fnb> rartlài Rein,' t'r, i M. rt ml boit ,M) rloln eali pli. To illot binauil utliglul. wIT( us1, ,.IaIfole. îanîd aPprar brIo?.tad Oonn who, ro jainor oi ow ita. 1 or LakbeboCo.àày n c01 in,, Iru -loy of thé Vu,,' iio ln nu 001,W u.T<. lnriun th,,iîto10ho hî,lilenut Waunêanla- IfuîuoV10à lu vs f Hlm Wl,, ceuàl-,nîî1',i Il. u-laîiCountr semuituraidluth 111e rottMondar LoviilJiln wtl it--Irlsiiii à.-rt; i10 (etoiei A . . I2A. sohir Iead. setver en ho,.. I llni vlli l luvotaunl'rT, iimur t,,o thesai d dlulutratolt petlon 111e yl lTiu't h ul - In ellHia,,aoi fima thoîeiu tîr saine ,a ithe mnaUter aud Whiî,uu sou, uu'r, aiMn sliipari. tlinigsthrrelbiii5l'Sd asttedvwilibetak- CARLU OF uTIbANK. couniceîrdlngto lhe tprait ut said iltiton. C'. N. Dotions i&tornutlr for Adminltrator. W.> desîre 10 tnactfth11e fiend l'iso s7.4 ALiaT L. ficti. fient. assistted[ (uing lise llîîî-ýsi auit doal IDEENE of our belovent altier and daisghter. NEENETAND We alot iukthtie chioir and tliose vina INTER OCEAN. brongint tiovers. Ticz FAMILY. Bolb onea yer for $1.73. ANCIENT MEDICAL TOMES Speak in most glowing ternmeof fthe highly nutritious propcrties of the pure juice cf barlcy maltas alto do tlhe lateat îcientific medical bocks cf today. Thus' if ia icw an indiaputable fact that the best and ableat phyuiciana arc daily prcacribing MALT MARROW. fo the weak and anacmic Patients, because cliemical anolysls demonstrates bcyond a shadow cf doubt that -it contians a bigli proportion of ail those blood creating chiers that go to build up and fort if y flhchuznaa systeni. It ja fthe conqucror of lauatude-the food for starved nerves. andi the natural baniaher of insomnie, FRED ENDERLIN, Exclusive Agent for Lake County. LIBERTYVILLE, 7ý 14 1 -M 1 will fee 1 wtgll mati à hed

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