CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Sep 1902, p. 6

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- ý . 1. ..1-- ENGLAND8 ,GREAT MAN. .1. nothing secret about this matter et " .ý. 1N burial, and the people living in the Vim. DDl0lewd Kitchener Looked Uponx as a Q Seinity had little ides of the hotbed 09io A Moer Uyses A T E 'uity t'hey were fo-terigi hï ,.1Lord Herbert Kienr, thre monan1 o %T Emidst. was at theC headt of the B3ritishI army It sieerms they hadl not given Nor& War- liwen the Boer .war came to) an end, las- . - ner credit for the sagacity she possessed. regardied by Manly as th, strfongest man ---- In el She hadl escapedl from the huie and ' in Englamt.K]ite.heneir comnes back to - ý _ .4 l f ate hadl assisted to throw them off their 1 Londonl withl the. British Public still feel- 1 guard by sending the poor girl with whom .' j fin ht ILi iinhis deb.It. There has been ýi Nora hadl exchanged hber shawl and hat, t , 1 j May yours thus bie traced-hy the mnercies considerablle dlissaisfactionr over the full X "to hier death in the river. h 1 le bestowe-d, the tiowers he set a-blooin- ta nsedofahlfm- -nbig-oe The Doctor mwas tenraged ,when lhe r-ig h odh oe oahrvest thoim by l'ear fliament he iorecingvditv Formial annuncMent of the- tenne turudbomthugie did notc show ,t.1 where the ficid is human lives, the seed half that soum, and that instead of an411 ýwhich l'residenIt t( Roosevelt would approve rt to wich huma Inudhed, th mreurious hisnanger as a Wisillewords and deed, the garnering our earld.molsuchas was bestowed upn llor od for lthe ,construc(ti,o of ailale between in my heurtell me gen-al rule, the imore smiling became his epoch's end, thre routiers angels. De-lRolberts, lhe mwas iven ail beggarLk v li te l'nlited Staite.sand tins vular pousse- ,mherisda face., ,but there wvas death in that smle-' scend a pit a mile (of depth, next crawli counltr-yandi a rai- in .-1,rkfrom that of ýýions in, theil'aitie ocan %was made ate Lh blamec. 1 iv He realized that by the escape of .Nora a creice hours belowthiat, afterward lieutenaniit genera l)to that oif geneL O11 yster Bay. The only puraticable Offer breathe thre r 'l Warnier his institution hadt been Pluae cleave a crater of subigterranean volano Tels ae sabgalacm to construct this lcable hadl been made by ut there is nloth og in very great danger, for lhdabhegoe HOW TO BE POPUI.xl tad enathtatifenobuy heSa a a maiaýýl i bnit ýli eeneerne,theCmerilCal omay'hae . bigt e s othre proper auithorities they would have or Rer. S. Edward Young, D. D. tncugetontatmgnfcetopoý h dfeeneinpy engte am ri yth at oh .Maca.t1 Th-) re ro-s hen~~~ th y sds djudged heor perfec tly sane and then be- Frh ovt u ati .n, and lhe hath tunities to serve fellowv-mankind are pasit, $27 to $39 a dity. 11lowever. Kithnrpsdcal pn ut keep free fr 'om n wvhich It fails ai- lieved lher story, IwhIich w ould have meant bilt us a synagogue~ -,11ke vii.. 4-5. none left for you in your humdrum exist- Ihas hlooked the mainut trlinthle faicewithfore'!m'ýign al-n,,sor Imonopoýlisticcmb- So i isw h e,nrin. linancially, to imii. Ile trembled Shall you lbe people, favo(rite? Verily, enee, over-wecighited with disadvantages. gre-at equaii ty, knowiing that with the , nation., fanit touc'h olt*y A mlerilan terri- trien umb 1il Iwith fear land anger whenieveýr he thought when you bcome theliir llovers. SMvet Geius to love sand look for humaita- pubIi li diisatitied lwith his rewa-zrd delay itory, thegovernown-It t aviherghlf ricken ~ I dubwt fthe narrow escape he lohad hadl, and In- buton, bestowed by pulie ,ýpress. by quickraurasernt-ngcnbz."Yrwololymkitrat. rbaetaytmertoauefll horrr. Wat a ,rd1y swore that it should niever occur pulse tbeat of ourtin yalcassChance" golden on ditoors ailriver ur Iebricee i a h a ontrol in fine of war. EIlmployes most ti have been gulilty . nthinking for themselvl,,sweet booin toctis ad ounry Bfor yu deCriIlbmAermn Mzun ndeube atehra- li ou thscrosm the .'INr.%Warner vwas the, first sanie person believe that, should Iwe, lart eleepdown die, for G<>d's sake, for Iman's s, ake, liet's 1 son1.lab li atsped of not less than pokrhmlen a arosnd t'oesc.apie from ithe walls off his domiain, for fellow-beings, aset 1 ournparteeeding (do something t'o dimn'ish diourtsallme whin .twenty-five wmords a Iminute to)Manila. nger~ ~~~u hi.II adadshe should lbe the last, llefore a well, to us vwill comle :a gý,utful recoigni- ,w ereunowcatiimGaeThtatimnnrfteCmecal hardy sffertwie tonth wentlby lhe iwould cause lher to tion, earlier than the 1e;aaph, dearer getSvnrlFoetn omnt' 'cfcCbetopn nune ht ounte lta ig . ieher reasmn, and then if she should thani sorrow after we ar, gone. BC9gm'benelfactor, vwho wore the red hut of tmat- his compiany was not satisfied w ith the ie i,lad, m site ng ogtouhrtlYoldb ers o.tyrdom into the cuhoial glory; Columbia, condithmis proposed ,iby the Pretsid]ytand bled lieatih no inchlrent jumible of Inonsense. Somewvhere war's ravn:e tore n'a lad out rescuer of Scots and lPiets and Irish; An- "lw mould maea colu«iiiter ipropxat ( ompen- ,, romi the, glowinig descripltion of the of parents' arm. Dicet, ,t hrew himi a schar, deliverer of Sweden fromt barbarie sto rmtegsrmn ilb s- re face to fac,. e, Il md-house door,,of fthe "prince]',l ome" slave taonourtext's hero ito carry his spear, honilagel: Luther and Lincoln, Whittier, , cd l inwartune'. se e and s oc lires e preidedl for his poor Patients, one burnish is helmnet, tidy his tent, go petty the Pet em iancipator: Garrisn, the jour-,1_ -: beoe u e l 'ouldiagn Iuclha acpesat rranids . Sympathy f-r the little, lone- fnalist emncipator; WenidellPhillipn, the 1. The part whieb ,<,:i employes are te Soinerflast weietfrom pJadded cells to elegant furniture somne fellow openled t-' b earts, thle orator emancipator; John Brwnthe ..bel Ipermlitted to takem ina 1political coi-. wodrfly. ,loidBrussels carpet. slave's, the master'san d Scrip)ture says ,man cipator foring the issue tIo ciis gni u t:ledin the f,,1,low,-in« ook" wihaerinTh el of Nora Warner wras a fair hie called the boy hi.s rchihl. loward, prIson purifier: Nightingale, . s tructions wvhichIl Acting Pos.tmaster Gene d"eaosilaltr samople Af those in the insltitution, with Sickness sotethe lad, and lyinrg feyr- sweet angel of the lhospItals; Grace Darl- 1eraliyne hab adesed .ýiit, a 1, ,maa-, oce. are the t h e lt- ,epetion of a few comfortable ones .tossed he seemned to ih a hIis imother's ing.hisiration ,of life-savers; Horace 1 ter who sent ai enri-r f inquiiiry: *In ra. ture.~~~ Fobtetie tat ere occýuied by those w-hose rela- band again. No, it wa, faithful like 31, beditoofhecol;Gugpytoorltt.y arinrm<tat hadn loed, drtilove t ives really cared for threm,. and whoie had her, though only the rough captain's, and Frances Willard, kniighitly defenders1 you are nlot hib,ýite-d fromn joinring a nr b er wihar hi rot sauspec-ted wIhat a den they were watching tenderly the moýtherless Captive. Or our firesides against alcohfoluiam's as- ,liticail cht, nàor from makling vlum- cdre her wihbare sending the pooir unfortunates to. Then through soldiers' qiuarters and city sault, -, tary inanc(ial Contribution% outside of a date acrosshihest' With the exrception of a simali iron cot, others, to, were tende(r. A fountain of Shall you bhe popk's favorite? Verily -4, goivernnt ofli,ùe or buihding, nor from fastnlebtd pon ho fastene-d to the floor, and a chair, secured good wishes went fromthi., bosomf every verily, verily, whien their lover, serving acigaM e.aetoacutSaeo whe hddeev i hesm wa, hecelwaketiey hihe. omoio otd.Th at heir Ietinteiirsts nd apriaing cogre ioal tconvendn. you should eat ths poud ex- esitute of furniture. The walls were arne!Nazrene!" 'cry populace atrNh hit .tmme o hit's pin- 1 not, howver, serve am ebairman of a heat lacertha <amp and cold, and fromn the barred wvin. 1"I'l ask hmuon ur m drling.' ex- naling faith woith this captain's?! "I 4 Saeo onyomtenrtk at ýed Ye hae sildow troecould look down into the groundlos claifmedOur .stoldier,',iien(idingcover bed- iha've not found sou great faith; no, not inn ctae,, ondcig a polii11.convlennPanr ed;y heave sarid of thre asylum. aide; nor was there heathlen or Ili-br,ýv' TIýsae." ionEt.1-N-. ak orlf:llyronetnlca MaBevnfri e leond ithe great stone vwAllthe pris- street waif or sanctuary elder ,who did AsthAMginsevr sudin sar -- - - - porilitical. matterus' oto. itinl ie as yon did," shte <>neCr could seethe waters of the Poto- not w·ant to bear his imessage, Israelite trAskdtemeert etlhm the atdin t risen-in the army-fas r than any her.:.:. ro?"b macd rs glistening in the afternoon suin, as rulers rushing, supplic-atinlg, in his behalf' s hepherds saw the bediamonedl finger of mnan ever did excep.It N\\ Ilin;.:tonI. I\\ it'r h an.reotofteauio o h Oro?' her.echoedpu shte stood thereone, day, lher wlte hands eulogizing a Roman.-!the sky pomit downri at Jesuis' manger 1In six, heihelotsu, ,,,huoiist 'hyI3 Tntr iio >eprm.t sows haltoothéis ords, cl sir cI il put'rosse d, ndita strangeilook upion lher face. The devil takre your celebrities whose cade, a allanfhrfokme heminsregh, r u.Btofoher Imtrr nwn fritheaporain o wis-baelydeciv-(To lbe coninuiied.) famne rings loudest farthetfo mi ate i ot n etec dn ost ofwhimnen.d tl itandno bterarmy¡won- e s f,.r .the yea,,1rening uneo ry night after youWhat do vwife, husband, children. brotth- 1ing hýr Ialoghslnfwok hstecanetabet oabe"the g 'nerwy M. 1%2. mux f-1in , l - 1335&, asun tL wicked wedding, ---------e,1sedmetcepoe, egbr tin , reacco med toicam ando m- hl te1coma.etnih a.. .The fl- th t go f rivos o thlMe!ca'an raggedf awmay bythe SRR _HOUD - 8OE'testify? 'Don't troule yourself, teach- mands and absolute obedienice, conce-ived ha".s adanceý:,dt so raply i, itakl nltuoumant 'Ladian uCar, :ndltheiwar ,of 18. $!M;3,- tc famdh use suesttve Incident Following the e, to show diplomna and directors' Comr- of Jeaus generalisimo above the uni- thait here ait lat is theinai of lt othl r, , ()L); 9 wido1w,, ggg, ) urormiery anDorack- E..federate Reunion in Te..., mendation and ancestral pedigree, Let vreaddsaeadhat n otl orfr h a iie Mhsiw f8;mnri,$,11.3W:;idependents r ford1es. Dnte "Rght after the renion of Confed- your pupils, keenest, cruellest, kindesft ki nd l se ndto his wordMfal ama rjo tomhe lafrce.Ithr \\lins ,ley oý r>548 ulreltve,$,00,1.lig hlpeis ludren, err, frIcnsete, Critics, bring verdict. Your blandish~ kallan set nerauths oryIhavig ufneraRoberts. uachene &"r is absltely orper- tis,3 $2,my44 e,M1,6 3,3 tIj . The ide. cent surprise on your erte veterans at Dallas, Texas., I nit- ments of gutest», eh, drawing room host, .fmel d ierad auto oavnG ,ndrvi osto crýitý-icimt last apparenly bursements fi-or av n,,.s ions for . The er to a living death, nessed a rather comical, and yet a are given the lie or else clipsed by ,wit- 1hne goideh;and toanothrinCome, G and1es ond he is ali coi-ere g ardlesssabume peirisfD aynted on3M4,r2,tae thethgypsy girl,, Bar-ierather;apathetic thingC onmonedofiethe ness lofstheiro underlings. The roofssaof[Icometh."paBaylintai wordnandf tyemervant tofrthedefeelingTheofoasybf dyehighgayrin wofollowd: Iavallis.Rail,.17,i90i ; widows,70$1,- hen, with your face tannhc uld u ftect ome families' servants 'garrets are low shallbefheaed.ling tss tofhim that anyogstorlo-na 11£939: minors ý$33,t.m;depedent reil- ,ou tried to lure me on the day after the celebration had] enough to keep the whole household out s Nl o ate h, rwhrrwhtyu ,a neds'tobe done.'Neiuthr t lberttl nor lWl1: rl; s hlr. ýi1t,) den, 1,77in. elosed," said a visitor fromte Texas. Of heaven. The man mwho says lit imightarNo mtet hgoakin to God st ty . Wot,l.ely asn,>ado p"r oros in 11lr ù,ý 7l4II i 11 scidv,$,7 1"All thre coaches were jamimed to the about as well first pack his baggage for andc.ig ornehim. UkneayanG d etil n.a %ome, alnfnddt e bi.rfully exin e ic-v heUitdStte- ovrmet;a-d- om thmClike waspiftolwindows Men and women were even leavng own; ut eto triea emplgedetasticing, snoundis the sailors' legend, telIling 1ener to makle fthefeathe rit fly. HIlfl cide t ines te umero itbran do eht th ibe mw s- ift - edIla· h thr esuswudmutedstie ndtee-how off Brittany's Coast, underneath thej do ift, to, if, in hi, judigmen.t, -such aridee t rin Aaska theni15.,of9heaTh wat aerr iblCems-ofackedinste a aila erwa erstnlwoe--gting servant ques- wave, an ancient village lie§ overwhelm.. thing .wil I.lwit matters. Rev. She,-ldon i jakso,educational agent ad fallen.bu His eny eoou rsea hayuspfriklin of thelldtio-e, its church spires standing, and eve T'O - IGSANAL for Alaska, obcitaim.dpermaission to exper. truthlow but i nyfllw ngryuior.We Mngt Iens of equality now pervadle Ameri- and none the cmaritcer may hear bell, ring- mntSinthisOinS'n E31Gandsincethat bloond flo me r ap.came on the veterans began to miake can common classes, and bright, ambi- ing far down the water abyas. Oh! to ,1ooliguiteneta adanah- timeanumbr of 1 1iprt:girl haben n n ne. thems;elves as comfortable as possile, tious men and women will not engage srkeabelpelinyurbin' dph - bound orgaiz ail on sh .. mae ith great su...ccel, ,issLapela)ne tu ate Me.?"heeask- many of them pulling oft' their coats themsnelves to bee put at society's ve ybot-ethe long-hiddpenla ncteuarxwthain g St. Iz,1 otil pers atlat to hve:t oMavee imp gro sil to c a or te and shoes, It was *some time after tom; will rather work for less and arde o eerelf, to best self's Go. t he blii i.Lo tm of rut1ce ,lebted "b l,"mahae gul-hrid- .Aing, tarefi,annot- Roar that yu e r te midnight when a gray-bearded and elsehere;ahencefthemiande itchentoil or Ring out the old, ring in the new, 1scandal. The lperson wIlhl. al ted als "buisiwithstanding imany dificulties and some Rogtaer areluis the s ed lma ouffronhbis 1 eand hge a rm igotthe false ing in the true, 'nfegssagent" for the corrupIonists in esethehe a%(nimls hq aveTmutiplied faut cIfte toeoft asyumtosted agos rm ae Roeaacyadgodfrntigco- Iing In the valiant man and free, municipal assembtly ha, tob[llwhat lhe-ndl] become , iindi-L rnable as be-astsof lyth ureofhev bgn to look aretmd for his shoes. ery. b d Rigi1teChitthtist e. kow' oa rwljr."h " ies "ure. tman forever; surely He did not have on the uniform of the Meanwhile the lowliest ong tt oe iginteCs iat toao a -------1agnstasrsta tir. ldhenueriicsm of - ri tim ustwasend oCo nfDala eercadh ooen.tothe hist onta h rit p laesferor og CONQUERING BY LOVE.1 the municipal aýsserabily ujaoý it a buii It is reported that the Grnnd Army oft geyfrt white throne.,Dlla eu.n.paiseto ert.,g - anontrainlnsear Dy Rer. Walter 5. Vassar. in ess to, ell their votes i. Teco l1,ratIion )the IlboubIlic ,;iltohave permanent head- Yeu yuth reely bae Up and down the Coach lhe vwent In Richmnd nd d fusinnatose offeredýhim That love will achieve everything in a which desired anrimpoi,,rtanit ordinance quarters at Washinglton, and that the loe whom you havre his sock feet, looking for his shouen, immediately by officers and privates, lhe world where divers otives govern men, iply in 'fornwd llthe "'jl"uns agenIt-"organizatioi)s to be plut on a buinenssla. t I ýOuld almost ask but it was to no purpose. He was protesting, "G;entlemen, if there was 1no and the cross-grined and Perverse harksI placedà a large suýom of meoney Il a saf ý s tead of a .so,41ialais. Owoing to the lad- u, broken-hearted as about to despair when a young gentle- -st for that tired womna, there can bie back to a long ancestry of evil, is too deposit vault amd gave the agent the. key vanedi age ofnmembel-rs, fthe spectacular man, who occeupied a seat necar hliimr- none for me." mufcha to affirm. On the othler hand, the to the vault. '* e --d not k-1, I!,, feaitures olf the yearly gatherings will be on er ien wh ak mrke tat le nd see anoldgetle Additional crown to Queen Victoria belief in love's ability to conquer is fair what we did as a aerious crimie, says abandoned and rthe material welfare of Asfor thoe who askmarkedithat epadofseeholgen e-utthat she never discharged domnestics for too feeble. And this is the miscief of it.i the agent. "a- itinoýl goný.--l Il " "ng its lmembeirs will Ib-e made the main object bAs forenm I dontmant pakelte a air of shoesufro aotedgetting old, merely promoted lthem, as He who said, "Love your enemies," He 1wmithout iinterupiliýtma imit ,, noT r- ofthe. orgair.zation. ackén uponry at ht laeinte le adsugstdMiss Thornton, aged 82, invited guest in who tlked ab>out heaing "coals of fire" !gardied Iby th.,ýose h, ariiat-l m ý it il- . an teventris which forthatlhe had probably gotten hold of palace parlors at jubilee, served with re- on the head of the determine, d nd gly nas moýra'ly wrlng.The governmei,,nt . ulý letin en irrig.tion t ou blus.mAs for the wrong shoien. lHesaldt further lhe fre*hments, spelctator of lher majesty's antagonist, believed in love. IIe came to F'ighiti.-Tini membe4r, lof 111w an in tho invesigatIions for V1901 reports the resuilts cyoacuemtethought lhe could fidentify thre man.| triumphal departuire, escort and return- tell us what IHis lathier's love wris r-nd houbon,-f ,deleýgaitl-hal,1-,i n a t.11 ofmesulrnn anIn U'inmay ee you hav mde, anat Forthwith they went in search of the , Grandest pneyic u, vdÀiin-whItmen. a ,r -ILt fi a-our telliln by b ,,i, - tion. I'gure- Ih w that the average heaven to cover your man who wais supposed to have gut- atone reckon idleity of Susi and Chuma And conquering love, to whieh we turn agen ft h, 91 r1depth f waterbemg aplwd to rrigat ýud M'in, and from id ho H andthose black men whorwouldlha.eas a latresort, might weIll be tnied first. iMurr :a1, ma or dt-)1, l fieillds i nære tIa four fee't. These rauld n, scviasand ro tote t eo. 'Te foun m.nde known and despised his vices, fidelity That thereWilare'mfewto wm'bilove can jgate, and ,o ftiw glan olf Intuwtll-enI nwm 1. flaii(-mie ,an-i,- wqn ry tn determine rs woui hGetoatu. a gizld'ldCnfdrte :ndh'that crved ini'ri)tion On NMyula trPeenever lbe appealng, mwe are Most Of nustbers mwh, ,old hbisi,,lon.- d 111hw-nh1:-l : b-iriaedfrm h nowgon to fr-to, had been plaiyinig Inbadilluck sO 1where lhe died, ,buried hi. heart tee nlndtobleeLnihenetk hs av rae h oas esnnrserýh v vi alwi lhauthe irgate rnmenthe t w yi cece sekyu fos ofr an i; s shouest were concerned. But wrapped his bdy with Calic, bark and feTn.aete tnl o uaiyItehstr fteetV ub yinoec;seek lhe thoughit he hfuround them. *Tard- canvas, and Ilater, for disguise, mapira indgener ever w s tdfher agrater Mu1l irllohat1b-en a fit,,, ,,) in Me b ý1,1 t I ever claimed to e; ' y al fdeit ha sffre veytin Ie ad adtamied-fot. .ar hat it wias the taint on neKa Id the old man who was mnt salk; a t- ýi ufre vrtMmistake. e leili:,fad ý, iia em ffa t. 1 l..himl nteepriet nwreestlg feared, fnot because 1 uniformedl, 'you've got my shoes sho's rnsked everyth iifrom Atine angle o Of olden ti1me Itwais ,aid, Olyun(iln e ti-s - omb th n, a1nII..1t ibut rInphcond -iMby in w vy1epar tent t that could bring dis- yo' born,' fand sure enoyugh, ion closer tut dalceise n o nee a g k i ti h torn, dl ined toli., e , 1,, oat A :nn z.I i thfir-t of four sytms or the one I loved, and examinatinon, the ohldConfederate sol- grae te dni si ereemerike love iso that twvo eyes m'ight not be taken or 1Then Murrettn ae , back, nd surre,,jntested reju ted i the succes foisfu echang wiltrwyu oedier found that he lhad made ia miistake, err at n,, 1,ever will be, neverone.atButiJesusiatrti t iuitivre wa uindlred unconditio.nail ýI.ýlie et Ibefý.1OreIof "signa ls hWashington, thity-6ud tered glov, for it was and he proceeded to uusheath his fee-t. can be; royalty nobIility, statesmanshipI'this. the law s rgulationi, as thevre would' thé> granI jury and whoeni that hly dI ml, ot. V rsyeit't includ w, piteous ery and ld IIe handed lthe old fellow his shoes, ice,m ýa mworbre 'vene'ration, Ibedeckeýd be with no fsuch ros-traint, and suo He es hIeard lhi, story ii I I det e andl the besit ytm wd)ibeladopt- him tstpbuhead b ega opace up Iland down the his hier within,,...ortelles, while humraist tablishled the new commndme(Innt. When m tents fand Iwarran1t w'Ir-"lý ýl,"ýsg..1ý l1ti, o, yt., l eaot ly, for %she had roused Coaches again, In his old, white, homnesaddened into lthrCnody, wrote: 1ll we everofearn-its meamn mmbersWf t e n n ith was a hn1 made yarn socks, looking for his shoes. He needs no epitaph ito guard a name h \etl bu oebigthe rallian 1 I t ch of ,.dthe n o en mem:hettetio " Wi t-Roseel me yur lve wsas "TI'he man ,wiho hadl recovered is Mîchmen shall praiàe mwie wurt y psinit sterlinig poweNr. A Na- tlt cobi'e u t H adth rasr 3eatmnIasbe cks of the cliff; that oýn n vr, er th,ýDlcziftl. shoes became reflective. Th(ýe ecoaches Heliwork l i ovf r love be that ii os.gnn vrwee nhcn b ea vte "nfo o iL & Morre hçlà calld to ralg 1)undrvationitbs inh evil report you wouild air aillfilled plum up ,with rebetls/ hle re e n fe orlv eta iarrules, saw v it, an le P,,ut!-- ihls i YthriJesus - %,f1. i e irl11 ci]imrtalln of chIna apt,- ter hfo my lips sounded youir famne. ln the world. Every Mnmwhio dues bi1 la 1 - 'u l,!I lll, o,"Qk '1-ý Ml'tLtno hiani ot tiron s n has it comle out? At sid, 'an' most of 'em have their shioces Let marble cruimble; this be his living conlfterinlg by love hc),es etbihJsu' ieay" e"Hain bod a h rauyae )f suspicion, your love of n tlosaflfnyt e soe mimiate of lits conquerinig forc, o 1-I - al i t.. 1draefo 0000t 0,0 ivels~I up unn ota ysossol epee u hlourbe PeoplIe's favorite? Verily, If me could governrs elves and hold 011... lm:!n 1. .î m Il is your priceless love,wenthy.i'tasfie ansoe of the verily, wheth leir lover and serving their In re-straint erpry thler mhotlve, theni we 1permit ami uthor1, 1ý oth,;:.r memb,,er th ý - a tur Ithe nexst Manuponc! other shoes. Of course ilt's just a mnis- highest initerestý "He hath bruilt us a would haire the chance to see hiow love, 'ýcrblilnier tilh a f fl,.f 'l i ir.. t. 1 am going., Miss take, a kinder Curious Caper of faite, synagogue." L-kc hire, by Gennesaret's which ià the Go)spl hare 1fsitsfe ha ,y hoa1a.,; onu tr Ptn-hve fate t"rea oue tilydub?8tgusslha anoldgeblesoulalok ebaed hor,.hr parewhiepsran, oure ad b ghriled.It , otonuwat utindlyibdyrai ntith MeigisennlinthtwDo o ce mlore, and when you ,1I tumnble nir- cornices elaborately love has faibled to dIo. but whlere wie have ý ilver, e&,ven paýrt,,'r ia wireles >toerlf appar- ýn I ami, and not inilthe roer the shoes of bis comtrades, an- carved, capjitals wrought ,wondrouisly, failed, which makres love go little est-eei-a- Murrell conh.-ýl1 iitat tum zan wI r a, sum It i, mindrs:od that .i 4 .Fes- wh-hnestocog e yaelettk a pair that belongs niches alnd shattered arch--ruins of the ed. It is underesýtimaoted in our praciLce, f ormnally orgizl-eiinwt in a conouÏttee senden hiaIo I,ý a plel!te working sý-Tem, 1weairs my name, then toa afelier on the othersidle.' Anrid hosse of God, thlis Romian captain bult howvver much we may praise it in our irom adjoiing thlhom ol-.f ,de-l iit ,are nd1win :,nat once the operation ci d"ignl to offer nme your thre old fellow, who was on his way back yonder mw-ll-nigh netoeen centries. phiilosolphy, 1chambeor, and Ithrl- pdunl, thir ,deal. actua.l b,,IuIin I lis experimenlts have toteG BA .ecmpment, lapsed Ah, me! And .Jesuinpretched therein! That there is .so little ]love in reforma- ,The sole ppose o,, ýf Ilh, cobinlationI, h, beecndbeY,;ted lat Man!teo, N. C, bitter wojrds, hie wheel- ito silence. A litle later, whenheBail, all hail, 10i,000 benlevolences gath- tory institutions is a secret of thecir grecat said, wras to onitroýl and l 1l WaI:tiýon.-' mn his eyes and Ihehad swthr ldCnfdraesler, sillered in one patriotism climaxed, epitom filrs.Ye[oroaton anotlve i ofessed lhe w-f naml to li 1pit a PninCmmsinrWrehseo' herW th hidt anger;e sldgoneillized. this is the individlual's prerogative. Par- prico fr a franchlli.- f-r Ili,- Isubmhan1, ed a plan for he,ýlping G. A. It men by ,oof thant vwas toover- In his sock feet, ho>bbling aerosthe lWho proceeds more philanthropically .tbrtestnaites eihosand 1Stettalyhmhunltwdal ensoabircpininhePson she soit there, and bow- plaform aut thre station whiere hie had than the chuirch builder, Sabbath school thie people of our chiurolhes (not the w ith I'hilip 'St .. k. the coln3mpaylilbbty- buIlding duri,fin c hecýoming enczampmenut. pt bitter tears, for the to change cars, hie straightenetd up, hie planter, Sabbath service supporter? Did churches) can love, and in loving bless. ist; thant $7,5.iX) wvas scuired a nd depos.ý ' mh solier who atientds is tO receive a lpon hier, and ashe would eyes moistened and glistened, and he noit Napoleon folresiee nO governmenit efore a brother mwas turned forth as àa1itedl in a safty vault in, the Lincln Trusýt "tatuwcard." on whil ihe imay inscribe ind noent fhose daw- siwt nlepto:' us cudedr ihu t iinhpb-heasthen mon and a publicainthe early Comipey's balonk, and itha t-h held the hi militarycord-,.l s o that clerks May de- udtewoewrde-ain't as good a soldier as I used to be, times ait Iworshli, Napeleomie rehigi>us Church, in so many Imatters near the key. For a suri-s of 'igh)ting hdills AMur termline whelithelr hie ntitled to a new for In thre 'CoS I guiess I'd senm institutions reaored accordingly? Men- heart of Christ, gave spêeife directione rell saidl the -omnbin, throuigh Cha1.rles F'. or increýaed pension. - le" 'y ~~~~~~tion ma n nn l investment thant. view%- in the treatmnent or the offendler. In our Kelly, secuired $4TM'>K, each immber bl(- ý- PTER XVI. right arm cut off plumn up to the shoul- ed fromn beyond the veil, will gratify you personal relations with Men we often ing pid $250 in currency at the homol-f T r - rn tha rdrd'h I! der before lild made that old fellmv ceaselesslylas ldollars in hospital walls proceed lwith thre most suimmary treat- Juliuis ILehmnn iiiin Ihis presence(l. Strrll Tretu r M:n a of t allte rison e home" provlided for his give nup them iShoes If they wuls ine. " nd cets, idollars in Bibles and Christly mn.rctdalo h east h rand Guam whiliiofe aenththI iof le-t ptain Gant--eherwis - - literature, str-ewn among mission stations, No*word need lh, spoken to mrake love jurer.inet h ntdSae hywl mk of Iher.vri, ad lstodAea eene3 olr n acure pakn o o-feltcieen as no utterance is required to le released umder thetfermis of the Pres- k~~n ofoc thlieadaoe Ms ewdIbkdsm ra n kidesnto a nknafe your mnygre. harden the heart. Love lis anl attitude of -- . ý -ý- dent's amnestIy proclamaition of July 4. which the water could this nmorning and placed It ln the wi n ie sasilent.und o ur monlieyraspiglh e «piri;tewy fisexpression are ,- ..' dowierto cool and a man snatched up a hn s se.Ho _uhsulmrthat assubteathe are ofrt pefue.ItwId th of -, -- ethngdak ndfob- l ftadstre t u wabtrealze e O n_«ý o's modesyAproan ubdee it, t wil sowa cqe ingmaeve ofte ry n nv mn xtrir ha sme t ai>liemn auh Lrdimt hecetuio swhimsef- pwerw'hre e1tough nohinIsae te wak lacs te oast den-f e Josyt DRED BY -F~ BY ALEXANDER ROBERTSON »eiWt a pate," "LttleSweetkeart," "Lotte, the se-w •*Old»akatr o09ELsbon," Wedded te W .," "Di.. yaorpe," "Nora's Legacy," Etc.,Etc. CHAPTER XIV.-(Continued.) reproach you, the hear S aia mentioned let'te widow the, misery appealed ini vai t that the adventurer's hand had look like death. W'ell, been bran.ded when he was sent to SI- and to you belongs ti that he mwas nlow compelled and yet do not live; I1 elas Wear ai glove, but this did nuot pure air of heaven, bu tee oc singular to the lad,1Y for the factl fair in my sight now remained that every tima, he had Met ulpon all the earth. W Rager Darrel he had gl1v-slo: .s) sh1"torted all objects upou did not think it worth whe to mnton Bsume the samne phase. this part of the story a Card eeing Need I say more, sir?" that lit confirmed thle deeci1idas Hiestood there, sti esther than dispuited thmn lamazemen t aye, with Thougha she had onil see1n loger a teýrnble crime h e mus few times she hadll n odrflyof in lher sight tocail lipeed by his Maniner anloos, and lips that hadl never s1 êehd made up her ind that if thles before. It began to al terrible chargs against him p lroved true suferea man could shbe would ne'e r trust a wnm again. in1 a lifetime', and he ce Poor broknhertdl ar anerd inally he1(ifound his but each day. waiting f-r that drearl1:1- of his efforts, it tremi terview which iwas sure t,, come. ,ldye trung cord- qwhseemied iunaeount Aly dl -ed Carol, we, stand her At the very timeuwhen theose ies ,were 1post, with ll its joym îeine in review through the wearied Lbhind] us, the future and troubledl brain, of Carol Rtichmlond , ony in the present. the object of her thoughtls, poor lloger you have changed v Darel, was pacing hbis library, like a mle why It in you l, 4gdanimal, groantiing n and( then wherce once you love( -and showing every evidIence of distress Something in his vu «nd dispair impletuýosity of hier na Try as he would, he folund it inpos- she forgot how shle Bible to think of Carol without allow- Civen then,. deep down dag his mind to dwell on love, and he mani who stood befo asnearly frantic with the cuontiue head, his arms folde, ifgthe hadl gonc thbrough. and his frank eyes 1 Re hadl promised to be a friend to She only remembered the girl he loived, adrd though this was ed her, and that bien, 4Nto Say yet when it came to attempt- terior must beat a 1 b lit he foundt he hadl before him the b in. mnt dificult task of his life. . Where onie I lov( The detective gained in strength so it, Roger Darrel. I japidly that in a few days more ne hoped you for deceiving m to leave thoe who hadl stood so nobly cried. by im, and start upon his trail of ven. "I deceive You. Car encee "Those were my wc Though Roger Darrel had not yet made them stronger if you 1 blin sparance since the time of his sep- ed mue. On the ver aradom frord Carol' the widow knew savedl me from tha, he would soon come, and hence she was Nora Warner was dr aSttnuualy on th le lookout for im,. She miions of that wret had promised her child not to say a ny- doctor, dragged off t tag to him, leaving the whole ma tter ing Pain, and by yo te ber.attempt to deny it, s Hff came at last. The day was a lovely assumDed look of innoc 1 mwith the birds singing amnong the face. You brought h tre.and all nature looked beautifuil. You ruined the Ilife of Up the foret aIsle came Roger, head- bara Merriles, and ti 4ng straighat for the old Mill. Hie face and sweet words, y, was pale and set, as though he hadl co. to destruction." quered In is battle, and yet none kneýw What' bettu than he how weak human nature The word burst fr aswhen the hour of temptation came. shot. Au If by magiý The little lady saw him coming, and ed, and he saw into wIle the spoke to him pleasantly her takte the Young girl h iWe were watching his face. She saw were opened to the, the tracses of anguish there, such as never served to makre his t seebd upon the countenance of guilt, and idl with indignation 1 when he badl gone to seek Carol.after "For whom do yot bar direction*, she gave utterance to her ed coldly- thougts alond: "You yourself dec 'i "f that is the face of guilt, then my Roger Darrel, and i ,jedgment of character lasaat fault. ]Place mpan who sent his w Bogr Daei before me and 1 should be made mad. Sure i .6ie decLarad him the mont honorable en muet follow that 1 4 mes, noble and generous. Yet houw the crie% of is vict j 'thean beles is looks. If all is true, high and reach the dlec a greater villain never wentun For myself, 1 forg v tiogarg, y teaven givesa rght, no mat- in the uname of th k 4 i t hepan aybe." wronged in the pas Mehat th e mawhat was In stoire heaven to crush yo 1 eher hdnoea ustnkingof her child. I am." end yat a criis in her own affaira was "Save your pardo r; mph01di approaching. it; Miss Richmond. Although she could not comprehend in seek - it. Looking ftel what the temptation would be, yet life, I do not see a «U knew Carol must suffer, and ler May have occasion heat went out to her Poor chiild, upon thsetinsofwi l whom BHad thailapparently frowned no dae i m a ke w bv ked no mach to have been with you will cry out toe 11' 1Carolqdring this trial, but the girl head. I am a prou 1 would not hear of it, and the little lady'& other lips than youi beaLrttld her also that it was best not Word,. You have 00. Some day shortly I1 la thé midst of her thoughitp the lady you the proofs of waustted by a loud, authoritative rap you to prove all that thmun door and, somewhat confused, seek You to show th 4M astily answered the summnons. my family namieI1 When the opened the door she attered a had ever done augh l, almont inau'dible cry, and wouild grace upon myself o have f9len but for the support her hold having done this, I1 afforded her. from ml'eElike a tatt ý The ertainbyfEt týn Years had been f edal bsepttwo who had lovedl and parted in o- u he ads for the past were now brought together over went on mercilessl the grave of their <mly childi's hopes. the lion. Face to face stood Lawrence Richmond "Once You told and the wife whom hie had not once seen durable as the ro "ice that bitter partung. through good and trust in me unitli CHAPTER XV. death blow. HIow Someting within seem et tell Carol tbe first breath oi that the meeting she had looke-d forward shudders and shri to with such aversion, and yet at the loathing. If that same time a stran;:e eag;erness, as thoughi then heaven help ) anxious to have it over wvith, was a bout whom you be.stow to take place thait day. Richmond. 'What When she left the ill she wended We shall meet one ,ber way slowly throuigh the forest to a see me as the Mar tavorite spot of hers, and, reachin;g it, guise of a villain Bat down at the base of a huge elm tree. to my family and ste summtit of quite an elevation perhaps you ill and th viev- on either hiand was per forgivenessl." fectly grand, embracing, as it did, so With these last 1 =nsny Tistas where openings occurred ed. One flash fro through which the eyre ranged far awa.-y gone-gone from 1 - to the river, and tu a stil greater el- to collect the prf *ation. whelm hber, while Alone with her thoughits she was accus- ing her head, wel tomed to seeking this spot, and it seemed speill was again ul Silber very srondnsgave hco m- haveblevdhim, fort, yet nothing cold ease the terrible fui sins even shou enan that eugged at heL etsrin. cuse im' She held a book ini hetr lhand, but It did nlot Occupy her attemion1:, for hiergaz, CIIAI vas far away, and heir minid evidently On the Potomna IMPOn the one subject niearest her heart. "Te"rnly Thus shle sat when the eager e 0sofa mad wife by 1Ca approaching man feýilupon he, andthethe insane syLu spectacle brought him to a sudIden Pause. uPon the left bani 1, There Was that Inl, er attitude that to the descent by brought Most vividly to his mnind their be reached. "rt meeting, when S-he sat by the It wasxota browatching the of the little Therei was a som, - dog, and as he gazed ltoge;r stitied a ding about itse groan of despair. speak in tud Whe- «he kno thait it wasR.gerWho containied. A gl Th# her tril Indian excelle indep careful the w-4 dren b May hi mnarie Thvalt The Dent lh Supers1l ed dir that e body. agalin. floor, î st, and hne wof Navajc affaIr. stones, smioke the sur Mre 1 grease her lo< tank 1 rivedl fact I1 a t a1 may m n ther1. Laxanart resha tie. Jit grown i taste. sin ma Try It never All Sûtes. Fr-1 an' -, said " l ame R ut tou Ral the and E

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