CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Sep 1902, p. 8

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'e you Rot the FEVER? J.iat' fever? 1 :ota fever, Well, go to Lorimer, he'11 gîve t tôyou, It's fine, LUND'S LAND AGI3NCY, Libertyville. Mev. Mir. Patch a studeut from Chi- cago Ulniversity occupled tlie pulPîl o! the Oongregatloual church i l i place last Sunday mrnrlg aud evon- tug. His services voie very acceptable te the people. B. A.Cramerhlag tbe tiuîrner on the ground snd la puttlngnle iofoqi(1a- tIon forasnov dwelllng bouse for Ii son lu-law. Fiank Knigge. lie vOtl pusb the building 1e comPletlon before cold veather aceslu. Prof. and lira. John Hodge retuned frorn thoîr trip ln the euit the latter part of laut veet la lime te tske lu [the fair. Tileir many frlendo here are glad te valcome tliem lack ai, tbey wIll nov liacomo residenta of our tove fcr . the e sobool yaar ai lesst. Angust Gedko for many years fore- man of the s$«tien for the Win. Cout. rallroud comupsfyy Ul reluru te bis feai noi sprlng and offers bis rosi- douce property, conassIflg of a good six recrm house snd four lots lnu IbI village for suls aI a raiouble prJce. Thie public ohool opeliod for the full tarin lait liouday witb John Hodge ai Lprincipal and lias Wianer, 01 Liberty- ville suistant. There la a alighlll eiucreaied enrolîrnenteaithee lIra ud it la expected %bat ai Ibe full voua la Misa Alce Skinnuer returned tat lisbhed np Ibere vill more corne lut veet front s viait tu frieuds in Chicago 80 thalt te sîtendanco vlI soon the sud Sandwiîchi.lira. James Davis, of grealor thon any proviens jesi. Englevood. sooopsttied ber home. Rockeeller sud vlclnily vas veil Miss Luelîs Berocliberger cama np reprosented lu laie exibîte iuich irom Chicage for s ew dsya vil v ith Lake oounly fair Ilut vek. Meurs relatives liere Riud to attend the fair. Brgborn, émnail, Wilbur, li». Mary Sue rerueil t10tlb cty Sslnrday Bder sud D. rver ail makiug evenlug. creditalile exhîbite of pouitr an F. D). Sbaddle returued frorn tbe fsr guidoti vegetules aud thoy see t west one day lait veet vhere hoe bon gel beir fulsitars of bIne riblions. it alent tbe summer on s cattle ranch, vas oflen remaked ai the fair lIaif Mr. sud lira. Blisddle içilimmite tbeir the Rockefeller exhîbît of poulta-, bsd homeber been thora III vould have beau a bo re l formepen ht . I ,FoVry imoager aboviug lin sI depart- lieuse, ber girl lilas Baker, Ma-. (oe.met lisidon, of BoltliHardon aud Ueo. Adjuication Notice. Oritendon are amrnglhose, Who 'have Publie Notie la berebi gîven that Clie bnO u Ilck liaI lthe pant veet. SulaxaIber Clh ii.exutor or the las t î I an(] bon ou 11testamuent of Charlffl 0. Aehemi deeascd yl Alfred 8paford, 0f Miliburu. sud Eila auend the OoutyCour of Lake Countuta atr hereef te be holden at the (ourt triind, Mir. NicIolas, of Denver, Col.Roese lu Waukenan. lu aaid CeunIr. ona the . tret hOuday oi November next. Ian yben vbo taa member ofth Lougfel an sd vbsre ail versons lavleg diaIms a"alut baycald ad stt aenotlied sud requosted to (Jol MiingCo, f lmaIprce ut the same te sid Court for adjudîca- on fiene I thl viiniY on, dy tr: SARAN J. ACENi. llxeatrx. ~aek. Wautegau. Autuu t. i. a. 48., PA LATIN E. ldila Dora Porep le vlslllug fuends lu Chicago At prosent. Miiss Ania Moyara, of Alluglon aigbts. ribited innda le Palallue anuduy. Mis. Otto Scbmdt sud nice, lirs. K ilue, asue a lady frIand feobnCicago, voie gueels 0f1ht-. Wm. VOaS recetlY. prof. ' W. L. Smyser bai etored npou bIs, dullea as prinucipul of lIe DOS Plaines Township tjighBSeblool, lu the aid school building lu Park RiIdge, untilIthe nov townsbip buildiug Iu oouipleled utI DesPlaines, lira. aryser %eachies the sîxtu grade. A PTA K ISIC. AiberI iteihuts 111110 dauglter MamaIe hslck. Frank Welsîîd vent 10 Clilcago lait Thuraday. M. Sucer bai lllaied Ueo. Linkas nov bouse. lins Suydeu, from Nortliteld, vimited et Voîz s Suudmy. Paul Weidneu vliaid fricuds bore laut Sundsy eveuimtg. Cliarley Weide's dbldren are siet viib summer compllet. lila Clara Weiand viaitcO at Sdboeuerbergrs Suuday - Wo sue sory 10 heur of th e ii of ou frieed, Fiank Scbroeder. Ed. (leasou sud chuintvialleil irlend, liere 1iuaadsy eveelug. Mir . l e g e to w ' a lid m e n , f r o n t H a llI' Day, arc plaatcnung (leu. Liakia nov bouse. MmraAdiev Stabllasd Miss Helena SIabllvilcO t tliarley Wteidera ilait Tburadsy. Fraila d anlmtd liii lest lady frienttlok a ridie tu Fort Shieridau sunday.1 lis lmPs Selar vas vurkiug feru m'Sa. GOusa a lw ayx, vbile Ibey voue1 lbueEtiug.1 There Il lie s grand pîcule Sept. il, 110(2 lu We.n-iorove, Buffalo reve, 111. ler Rleini sud !amlly iseliii. Kin'@ aislter, viilcO at Oeo. Weduer's lait Suuday. Qute a loy iront aionad bere aI-. teuded tbe Lake Ceunty tain laI veet. sud iay It vasUnue. Albert SîsImI sud Fred Scitley veut oui 10 bunt aquirols lSuuday ntomnng. Wben tbey came a bckt ey ouly haild ue. aKcdeipli Pumol sud fsmily, rorn Obicago, visiiod ber aiter, lira Ueo. Pfisl&ei aud tsmily a fev dmys lanu t haro ml eider mili lu ruun ueg ouder. Bring lu yauur apples sudi vtîl gumre. lee good voit. 9. . OLEÂsat. Bull G LEN VIE W. John Lies la able le be &boat agalu. Ed. Lanug vas seela ou our treets 80ueday. The hisses Heuloy bave rnoved loto Ibeli nov hdnso. Niet Msgner la Ibe prond faîber of a pair of Ivin boys. Anoîbor nov Ibonse lu toig. Win. MlItala building IL. Ilev. Fa-led of the M. E. citurcli la liset tram bis vacation. Saeraul of oui citizen@ sttendcd ithe Lake (Jouuty Fair lait veet. WIlI fiset has lakan WIII Tuppersa placese sation agont ai Golf. Mir. Strayer sud famlly apent a few duys ai the pait wvee t Deerlield. Born, te lMr. and Mrs. . B. ltaod, a tvelve ponud gil. Ati are dolng vol sud <. B. imilos. Gerhardt lvey lrongbit a load cf Glenrbev peoapleover Suuday le enjoy the driva ta Glonviev. School ened lait voat. li. Boucla aud llasBoa-ay, both Iasa years teachera are vitb us &ain., knoîbai doctof vas lu tovu laoklng foi à location. No use. Glouviav i@ Soc, bealtby a place for dadairs. A. E. Patcb, of lime Cengragalional eburcli ezcuangod pulptt i vllb er. F. R. Adeson, of Rockefeller, lts unuday. Tue h. E. nodal bold aI Jo"hn Appleyrda proved quit@ a succoas. A good supper sud tee croanu ver. served. uneiJILeru-uunAýAa afthns. WAUCONIJA,. ra. I. PolIelaou te[lie setlumt. Dr. Sowlem, of l'alatl.ue, was lli'ru t week. &Ira. Kate 011liert rtetiirinrd frofiu Ulion Saàturday. lira, Harrison cntertaînied RarI tand Frank liaislou over Nuuiday. lira, Woodliouafe, ofi Ilihgso, visited al limas Elolse Jîeutî' lait veek. Miss Frances Seurt lai vlrltlng rla- tivea lu Cc ago atilproeut r r Ing. lin. Mary Aines, or WallktgaU, vis- ieud chi frîrodsansd relatives livre tibis week. Mua. V. Kîmnbaîl reeiveil a number of preminumta ou lier offil îulthuK ut theu fair. Chîas. linvionr i illi huebis !amilly imt thie boirse flou oecneîldl ly r. seurt, Oct. 1. Miss Jenks vas îerItîusly fil last veek and Dr. Taylor, of Elgîin, vas called lu attend lber. Mr. sud Mli. lill inîev, of StilPaul, Mhue , avIli jte %aiicoda tlîeîr future blie. tr, sud tira. l. S. lammond. of ebieag.,, altenduit the fniiral niflira. Frecînatii Monday. Ed, Loti. wb lias apent lte Lit fotir Montlis wîth lissinteWr.,irs l.uiglaiod, left for the a. uth, Wedioeî.aV avlerfe lit' will peu.i tlie inter. MIr, sud lira. Kent. o!fi..prio lad., aud lMr 'a. ilaugmaud sou Lorin, of soutlDIakota, atLended the limieraI ot lira. Josephi (lyncli lait v eek. Ou Saturday ntornlug oceurrod lti deullicf ra. Sarahi Froeemu, vife of Dr. Freemani. The fanerai services wera beld lionday afteruoou lu the liaptiat churcli, couducted by Rov. Brnltli, ofClilcago. PRAIRIE VIEW. felrry lieier raielini, s15Jk libI for a day or vo lest eek. Johne Alibreelit, of Miuneaiots, liai breu vlaitlug relIatIvefi bore. Mli aistati, of ('hlcagO, la vlsitîug liii daugliter, lirm A. C. ltiehards- liro. Marion hneî,llereetertalfled lier etiter, Mlaa3Ctllie Outrler laut week. LeolUe IlutelIlega wlio bau beeu, visit- lug fieuda liore Il"asreturued borne. ij lie fcounty fairilt Libertyville wva iatri'ng Bttiai iont, aillOur people laut wec*k.1 lirt. Maetlicr pent a day rocently rli lier aItqer, MI rHWageor at Grays- lake. lier enbterprlelug lisy dealer Clia. Allreclit intudM hlîiyg s 09w baya Supervisor 'enia4 atteudlug thiet qusrterlytmct it2g 'If aupervisOTs aI %Vaukegiin.1 Mir. sud tMr-atoGe bave MouestW Elgin 10 attenud thc veddleg <of Iliîr1 laugliler Jaunie lira J. A. Msr"1n ho hlias been viait. ing relatives lu Deertield sud vlinity lue, returned bhute. lnio Pegloswlho liai lien 11 vilb itlg fever ulnder Or. Lockyerm care liq ille te lie ont agaun. Mir sud Mln J, M.(rldley acre euletaieed nt a tileutie Party 51 [lie Oraed Opyx s ,Iibuse Wdnesdsy afler- nionu. Gui Webruiierg tisamaids a stal fortuuD e ib e sale of aveet corn ibis yesr. 1l pays 10 live i ~the suburlis of a great City.- J. Itlotiarda alîcut Theraday nt Gien- viw. lira. ichards vbo lsd spent A veek or two viýitiug Iliere returued borne villahlm. IVANH E. litLuik sud lili assistants bave sold over IN 1gran iaiveéters tbuas eanon. Sebool began on bMouday nîornîng. 111 i4 nov out îîu3ulîîg lu brat ileIl ikilaas irou PayueIcit ou Tuesay record ou coru flndeîs. for a yeara e rt etKnox College, liaTbrotliîvao is Oalabug.beeu cârlng for ter uiolier. tir. Buter1r lira. Win. Bartlett, o! Antiorli, allen- MIr. ButlIer aul faeuily retunued borne ded clicli hyre lIsit Sundsy vitli ler vOl I TSr.Tîcitunor. stator, lir@. A. E. Builîli. lieas leus Dcker bepat arbhool aet F.IL.Tripp h.î-u purouasaed thbM oyena Dlamoud Lake sud MIsa osa»Simpson p aîcCon Bralnei d Court lu the rldley et Lithon ahoo Monay ornig. su luItvialon, llberlyvllle, vbeue tht! aI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~wl elbnacolouaroul. vî)make Ibeir borne asm5en n lils Ada Kuelikor vilI attend the u .'eesaeuy arrangements eau be made. Wankegae 11gb Sebool lue coning yeîur. Iiie yl bave for scbool Ibis We regret [o loaru Ihat Mir. Butler1 vee. Ou genlal station agent la laid np villi MIrs. John Mliklin la ling a nov beart trouble. PTr. veracilioai the platiorrn builîtaloug the inorîl ide 0e1of igli operator la acting ageut. hi. bar store vblcb vlî greatly Improve Sehaiberdt, of Slver Laits, la tlllig tl. botf the building. Mr. Werachewski'a poitIon. lira. Fred Hardiug returuei ta lier Itlta vlth saduensa o bave te bomene uSIoux City lait Friday alt[er clironicle tlie deaIl of one of our speudlng sorne veets vith ber mother, liigliteit and bot youug mou, Frankt lira. Ueo. lirahuard. li. Patrick Scirooder. wube(lied Sept. Henry Kuebker wbn la camîier lu 4 11121 sged 20 yearp, 6 moullis and Hlgleys departmeut store %%aukegaul 18 dul m. lfeceaied bsaving graduated spont bis vacation at lvauo, lait wet froni thce1,ubllc ebool bere culered sud atteudad IetieaLlbertyvoilenfaîHo AParsonsa Noble Act. -1 vaut Il the vorld ta tnos, Ivillas 1.ev. C. J. Buillug. orf Ailavsy, Rt. ., --vhat s tborougbly giîud and reliable nmedîclue I foîud lu Elecîrle Bittera. Tbey eured Mio f jaundlice sud lîver troubles [hl a O îsed me groal suifari ig for mauy yearii. Foi s genalue, al-aruetln cure tbeoy excel snythiug 1I er amy."Elecrie Bltera ara the surprise of ail toi thelu voudarful voit In lîver. tidncy, sud atamacb troubles. Don't fail to liv thein, Only 50etds. Satimfaction la gnaranleed liy P. B- LOvniLL, Liberty- ville; OUtLALÂE PHABMIRYd- . WEST FREMONT. Born, to tMr, sud lira Jolie Fa-derlets, s boy. lilas Katie Tokantpe aras boute Sua- day for a aboît l visî Mua.J. ltoney la on tle îick 11,1. We hope sIte vlI sBoon redorer. Mir. end tIrs. Wmn. Lohmun ere aI lin. flenry Nordineyera Suuday. Oliarlo and Walter ltoeey vero Waucends cllera anuday aflcrno<uu. Mrn. Stofela baby, vito bas leie le villi lnng lever, la îecovoriug loly. Misu Aggie Geary nelnîncd lu Wau. couda, Bnnday, vliere sue slsrled The uthran burbes f t--iocslIdouday. vlcinity bld a -'islon FasI" lu lMeîza grave, Suuday,. Aug. 3l. A I M. and tIrs. Eeury Rein ,au d large crovd vas lu allaudance. daugîler JeUnie Vîsîteil At '. . . - -- 1Thoma. s eeantlu North Shore Poultry Faim nîno eI Ba Bil511Sunday, Âng. 31. Score il 10 t8.ln laver or the Poultry Faim. The Northa Shore 1'oulry Feai challenge suy acruli teunt vîîbiu ten mll«sfront Glonviev. GILMER. Rtoy Joue a i aletitittypheld forer. Sehool apeusd bore Sept. 8, vitit Miss Peuil Sntb, oi Ivanbae, au luacher. M. haras sud daugîter Clars, at- teuded the Old Folk'@ meeting et Libertyvlle, Sunay. lir. and lira. Wm. Smith bsd [boir baby cbrlsteued aecanlly. Matilda vwu tIe nama e hosen. Fortune Favori a Texan. --Hariug distressing pains lunbaud, back sud itomacb, sud binug vithout appotito 1 began go une Dr. Ring's Nov Lii. Pulla." ville W. P. Whllo. ho"d, of Rentuedule, Tex., "sud aoou ton Hlitea snov man." Infallible lu einansd Itrer troubles. Ocly Mec t P. B. LovzuLe, LbertyrlIl; GAya- LAKU PuAIhtffl. Mauy etflthe wcât Fremeuters at- teudeO tbe fuir 'Iburaday suti Frlday, autd ait report a g,,od lime. Misa Neille Brovtn retueil10 Urays- laie 1J hurada3, vtero ase viIIaAY vit lbar sMater, tins. Witt Poster. By [the loot i lga the noadearae being grsveled, anyvsy lIme raad trom Hlaleta %corner go tle ChaseoFsctory. A Remankable Record. Chamtbeulain,» Cougb j.Imedy baiu reunartalia record. Il bas boen u8ue fou over thiiIuy ypsrt', dua-lng vhoicm imte mmuy mîllîn IbI bave boen solO sud uned. Il lus long been the stanidard sud main rellaace lu the treatmeut of croup lu Ibonaands of bomnes, yet dur ing ail 1h, ltime DO casa bus ever beau reported te tlIM anu- facturains u blil Itfailed t10felct s cure. Whou gIronuas seon aibecbld becontea baise Or aveu aison Oustbe croupy cougit apposa-s, il vil pierolil ltee milset. Il la ulesaaut 1 teks, mauy ehiîdreu lIta il. Il cautalus no aopium ou ollier larnful substance and 3umuy liegiron as conildently 10 s baby i steansuadult. Forssleby F. 3. Lovur.L, Libeiqvlleî GDAT5lAX= terf iiilbgnlilviedlireai a clerene utellectuoal sud hodusta-lon stuident. ilifmaroel affabillly sud love of bis claseniatea gained for lilu thIe enviable recoguitiuitof everybodya friend. Ueiurbluîg bore Lie cutered Ilie village store asa cfrk. lu mercantile file ho vas lioiuît sud truc to liii employer sud uituea Su great vas ha@ont. onîoseu b th îe care of!thee nIre bualuaesa. Hiae prîglibucman d trîeud- ly mauter lu bis daily bussansd social file von hlminbe espect sud frlettîlsfîlp olîle vliole community. Bti i seplember a year ago tle active iefuluosi of Ibis Young M1e vas clorai by vliat appeared aI tbe Lime rot, f, as lîglit accident go bis lotI kneîî wluIuengaged la s friendly gante of haIL At tirs$ le seemeil lemate rapiI progrens tovards recovery. Suddely te became voise and hliebad t endurue ail [tie horrorean sunfferings of saSurgirai hospitl, amputation fohiewing amputation. Pain and îsuftaring sîmnat beond endurance voe Ilie lotattbisgenlyoutit. Tbat Iis mluiced biody abould bave bld u sont se braveansd noble as 10 bear Ibis vas a grand 168a0D te lue mmny ktud fîlendNaltbo called 10 offer Iboir synt- pathy aud belp. The funanal vas tle laigoît ocea beld lu tle Halt Day cburcit. A perfect garden etf foyers vs.i gatbe!ed sîonnd tle ebancel sud abolît thc cornu, ang te Most b)eatitul vas sua exqulslte deaigu of .,The Gfaies Ajar' couîriliuted by the yonmîg frlenda cf1Ilie eommunily, a bosulif il l ioral star sud other piocea by Ilie famly. A quartette frenu Chi- cago gave many of tbe sacrait souga loeoil ly tle boy. Tbe lier. lir. Short, of Jeffor8on, Park, gave a Most lm- presîter sermon, axhiting lte people 10 propane for t1>0 nul tof tle grînt uld Boapef. Uagiug about ta renterber sud profit by the mauY sterling qualities of lue deceased sud go puove by godly living and godly deeda Iliat tboy vora lIte iim, resl practlîcîl cbrltl&lia. To laa-n te oudue pain and snfing ai ho did. go learut Ial a cheserful happy apiit eau risc superiorlgo MI teta lssof Iblis vould, tao Mu IblBo -"love bis 10110w mau- as lia 014 la 10 bave toyal sud gexerous friands, kied vonda sud kind tibonglls tram a&Il sud 10 dbe lIte a man sud a obrîsîlan. WhIlO l tau sablaI a youug man tu perfect bealîl and visiprospects of a lo39 and eiaini Wo sould MaOîfOe LIlUe so uufortuuatcly, yet if IbIs ascîlilce should brin g hbin tber, mot lier, aiter, brotherai or sjy mp tblzlug frieu nearer to (brust. Il viii Dot licmade lu vain. Tbe Grîdli e acbol vill open Monday lieptember 15 Mr. and M ra.F F.E. Marsh bave gone on a comblued busIness sud ploamsure trip to New York and Waslugtonl wbere tbey will @pend a few (laya l!lth frIande sand relatîvea. QUENTINS CORNERS. Wrn. Stocka va a Chicago viiittir Monday. C119a.licyesuliai pu-lihRfdlthe John Page faim. Wm. Smith bas bail erecteil s ne,. steel tower and wind mili. Electrie road mon are aurveylug belveen tierosud Pl'satinîe. A son vas bore ta lMr. sud ira L) Bans, Jr., Sunday. congratulatious, Henr-y Weareansd farnlly vîilcîl, irieîîda ut Arluglou llelgbth a st (son dey. Farmers are about Ibrougli Ibreeli. iug. The yleld bas licou very tatlfac- tory. lias Mary Quentin ull go 1 sî,utli Chilcago tîctober lai b astudy tîreas. making. Our sebool directors bave declded paint the arbool bîoge. A eeedcd Improverneut. H., Pergborn sud J. Sturm ehlibave nov »erlg corn bluders. IL Popp purcbasad a McCormiCk. The Tovu of Ela vili put lu a biait mile of gravel road thia fail, frorn the Cook couuty Une nnîtb t'wards the corners. I vas treated for tbree yeaRs ly good dectora," vritea W. A. oreer, IIcConuellsviile, 0.,--for piles aud flglula, but, vbeu &Il failed, Bucklen'o Arnica Salve cured me lu Ivo voaka.' Cures burna, lribes, cxti, coins, @ores, emupilons, sait rbanm. sud pilIes or une psy. 25o ai F. B LOVRunua, Libertyvlillo: GsAA9rT.KPHARuMAy. LONG GROVE. 0. J. Hercher insvery busy ihreslilug. ClrisPrend bai addcîl anotlicr 40 acres 10 hls faim. Herman Bller in bay ealugling bis bouse on the farrm. The laimers are le a Ilîury 10 get tboîn eurly corn cut. George sud Emma /.lmmer mlpeut Wdnesday lu Chicago. Vitoriasud lMagnus Shermau villited ai George Hochers àlait veet. lira. Pater Busch sud dangliter Clars, vere aeon In tovn ueasday. Mir. aud lir. George Horcher sud farily vere Fuernu vialloîs Sunday. l Mry, hi.ltoii elaties lie du Is WiIIllrowu atîeuded the Itailgaine at Wboellug Siutday. lie gays il vas &Il rlghî. H.g u(3.ePasdoskbusiescar f edealn day eveuiug. Jolie fans lian beon training saeout of bouseIkeu île races at Lîluetyvîlle fuir (0011 yeur.) Tom Wilson bai fiuiahodthele vol at the parsenago, huving s good anpply of valar ai 21 teet. Mr. aud lira. Bodenichaîz. of Chl- cage, speul unuday and liouday vlli R. llcbnabele sud fsmlly. li. nsd ira. John Witt, of Quentina Cernera. called ounlMr. and Bira. Oeo Quentin lioudsy evoning. Charles Stemupel bas bsuled sevaral leude of gravai for thie foondaîlon et à nov pig stable und lieu bouse on thie The Long Grove (iraceriucta play tbe Lake Zurichi bail teta muaILake side. hisses Ida sud Clara Sctpp retturueil to ie clty Weaeeday aller s two veeka riaIt vltb relaljvivosatI lsîg (trove sud Wucouda. Tlhe Misses Auna Leseterg snd Emuma Wagner cf Southi Chicago, sud Mary sud Claa Baker voie ploieaau ciltera bora Tueaday. Ma-s. Magnus Sherman wil la aBtay- Ing aI Mn. Hercheraait prnisent vas ever [o se Mu. Link't ne o lioni, u.lier nl faim, tat Tuesîlmy. (;eorge Quentin, WIII Brown, Früd liaepke and George Zîmmer veul 10 the city limotveet in sea Waddelîl ie ouîy Relie pitcher piteli. Tbaera ilîl bisapieut nle u eluOnr'oi Gurve, on [the 22d ef Sepiember for the bouetil efsI. hsrya OuCthalie eiîudla ai&Buiffalao rovo Eveiybody Invitcd Sa attend sud have a gond tInte. The Y. P. A. of lIme EvangeliCal cburcb lu conJunction vith the Y. P. A. ef North Noitbfieldvil) bold R union meeting Sunday aveuiug sept. 14, si8s looct sharp. Thme pa-grant vli consal of teadînga, essayeansd abortut laIiuerpersed l th muse. Tho mualo vili Consat ai selecîlans by aeot ehoir, quaitelansd solus. Ail vieo oedIioy IT1%tled 10alld. The Page Woveu 'Wke Fonce 0F NEW JERSEY. 'Ilîietimw tletric liîi o 1W buildinîg from Lake Blut Vo Lihtrtyville, wili have its cars in operation ln July. Everytlîiîug ertîtiîîiîg to tlîis road iii ofthe very boit kiîîîl, roaul bed, rails, cars, etc., anîd besides the manage- menît Iîav" R=encing the givelu oî'cru-' tire lino 1) a l y o rhighest grade of railroad fcîîciîîg. Posts set extra deep in Vhe ground andi utroîigly braced. The fence when completed, will be a eri'dit hot Vo ite Railroaîl Companîy and tVo Vhs Page V,'vcîî M'ire, Feiiîce Company. Wrt, o Ctlou: PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P., zoo Monroe St. - - Chicago. 0. 1. LUCE, LOCAL AGENT Lffxnlyville, Illnois. WF SELL TtI,-ao Staver Buiggie's ti The name guarantees the ,,,quality.... Schanck Bros. - - - Illinois. Libertyville To Make Rôom 1 will dispose of My stoclk of buggies, surreys, road wagons, etc., at a very close margin. 1 do îîot want to carry them over, mi fact must utilize the space they occupy for .-AtovesCn"R 10w ai Buy Now and' If you you sec îuow at yOll wil Lbertyville w ~' - - - rri vîng. Save Money. have CaSh Vo offer ,cure a buggy right ~ a lower figure than ill again be able Vo. EUI3R, Illinois iD Blorn, tolir. aud NIra. Frank Bock, a baby boy on 8nuday Sept. 79h. A number of our people attended0 cbuiub lu Litertyville lasI S3nudsyý lira. J. E. Holcomnl isla aI lincobel.l. Win., visiîlng lber Mary inondsansud relativea@Liere. Frank Slisddle and iamîlY, of lowa, are vîitiug tbeir many friend i oet and at Palatilue. lira. Anns Ltbrop sud clilîdren ralnrued on 'ruesndsy front s Ivo veeka vîsît villi frieude aI Austinu. Rira. J. D. King, of Wauptau. Win., la viatiug lier bnîbsudi people Mu. sud lim.Tony King of Ibis place. J. Il. Cronkhiltea uew bouse la rspldly approschluz completioli sud wlllieé eady for OccpancY Oct. Iot. W. L. H i-lia reAideuce Io leing Imuel lrnproved tu applarauce by a tresb Cent of pdnt. 1. J. Meride iai the1 job.1 lir. sud lira Fred Sbaddle andj cblîdron vent te Paatine Saturdafy for s fev vooks viit wviliMtr. Sbaddea pfople miro. Dr. D. R, rover reumed bis vt for the i hicago BORd O! Healili On lioudsy Istansd erlects te speund escli Mondsy there durlug Ithe faîl. I ti D.j PI- Dr Home ahi, Roc BE) Libe ms Libe Dr.( VI Ag-i Libe WR! Issues Ca' mIn F. Am 1 . 1 - 1 hi WRGHT BROTHERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials and ail Kinds:, Hardware.... Coal, Lime, We solicit your Cernent, Sait patronage and as- and Feed. sure satisfaction. W~RIGHIT IROIHERS DI 1 -W -W -W -W -MW 1 %.j

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