ERED BY FATE li @Y ALXANDER R fToSUOe 1t ..FwLs rge.. 5eth. st e ig i4" paia Il ieb ~- errblepunabuNett&I*o tt. lu ii - -i c uîuuî. X inleaos n tisesul tienatth rcolieua-1 ligte btJc ng h, al, geId b' o lIrI'-- ui- -r' Ibe acS &Ptru th it ac MU kuewd Ihat the dint ha t ' - i I -ipz uî lui, ihen hid-'rn lise thse ai ,*#ffowrth da I iponor u le il-hfi- I '.1 le.îiî ua'igie. tcaille! ic. iSeb.rîlenrh rof t ad f'uc hdi, il i en, irii?" ot-: tbs u it r ~S ise anauehas 1ihti i- i <c, ' theau tic oiracbedhu urus cdhI Me klewC the Ltar eif5 cii-i.1naV " îî bn ltilievnrtheidar. "le i o Khtha te dsd. n-i a% ar, Ii cf ua' ri-s'l, tii. Itruwides. i C e odV foîh int,ithCliiai l'" 1' :-i' t' liIismudistMsleet. ý1éete heteribe o ir 'uandu'c a % K -<i t i '>flct or.ethy', l.os 8rft tioee swetter Ilon 5. i 1iu '. '1-1i1itit as.o li.Ir oli, s tili ut trme et otieibads eleusiî ea g,~u 0l il lîote h, o rr. isdo.cloer a- ,W"rk. ,igmiu n uuuIu h cit 'i ulaoma u I l ite othet' i--uds. i pe ttchiic tî-me, iinliethe orc uSenoi kertehad mfaleliIl Iiil it g :in t1-c c-ui 'i ., les ened terbota r,,c b*àad hi us ofemeiyfr >!i tii uai e cul-e rP n-iul1:..,bînscî, a td yeucd hadw te pans lu îmeid, 000Nor t i 1-lii rcîdyt .ýýif t trip h arsSse u sutunr 1 e P la fiaI s a i , oi ti c1- ,î1ini - tto' u Ls uut..ley ca N gU0k ls doclur, vis nytusio lC IfILiu, wlas ii ii, ec.9 ant -mere rcsdc 10 h 'S'emaeU.. geîîe i l c zlu 11t io te uie msrefic lusesc - b En as-altheAnis'thul:lIl.tht irei l 'ae ., hucour.lia a t lri W fa 1gid ober mplansuin clv t as oe îhci, lir rayi , i,t-kieptunhs acmetiont. l'îr hi 0ýV lt sg upn ise andcog u u i bails l ie lsdcsîcl ieronmgj-ces -oputhie sdoct beeh. n csrueied "tI-- d,î1tnlitofeu lutins hum. rAdtoin ý'4btsI bie lat tuoht u u ' it, au hme pauoIogin nthsafer ut, îuuî 1,ýwEsapie wste hrauî. ui, asthgtoCuill Irad ou-' efoud sohuug 0 cînuîwmîsufo, ý hessbed mid l a sterrib ea>ul Lof otue tiunhi bisuu art t on s.e dd iaI1aC $%kein e ' u tieematruhi' pacdo i fiagui-e it cah i he nil'. of 4eeyfl abittecPladng eâles. - Solréas rirer se nom he nsu agn'oft ut -Uxasinalion ilio-ciitlulber tht thece ncispen". Suie teoreu rthîre satets' ut o _w no 5 hope ut escae seanfac au frcu n; aOberov .uer mach moce lisuasabcubâh-adodune S'Sway outftise ass'iutnrasi c<iuern, i',, ocherself. 1,1 '4hates'er the diii 'outd lhave lte e Theeeetie" v-bru a fierce jus' 'AXciabed lis'suitets' sud cunuof i -urotilures ovrrbler ai ulie reliSlir on- lu Tbe doctot' Lad been carvîni ioit,éh Io0lucarliemas hoelier, tbis noble mn o i i -ave thse bars aI tise usinluiis S111 io-,red ler sou cil usai Lec bat] taten sîdes di -nn tegi f resit tis effEorlt tse sudeit 1 o us lier againt the une te hmailoe '(I- 01-mi1cand lier po'utsrecis hwould uv- uh assdebttouthaîrcd-31 -bve aviied notiag Truc. elle bt 1b itewatcisd tac iloneontinlially. and gaI bttie ut aquafortuss --roici suns't guaaded wecl ber feuliucs, for unless cil lm perso. isiai lie hadlli-nnod e-len sic mas caceful bus tetruyai mîc-litcouse Gr 1 5res au tu be eadyi>n cse of riicap- îcoogh lier. and simusou eis u Ue case, thI <cea ad tîcarreralion, liat ler cehI e-a sbce old due of sueorro hi it, a distance tram tise grouni, and XVbtrer passJacS liai formed Ilie v elleoeqId cosceive no waj- ts fluverinc bati te be so carefut in Iheir crsioc ot s" L.sdt.aecn ahoudatise lie setotunrale tisi time paoîed lis'; bal Sura, cunscionus te « ti break tise atouti ron bacs vith due utfubistreur;presende. sud tise tant tlst i-î « 1 tiese al& lie e-as riskintg ail for lier take, telt lier kn mm i S'as te. sw ncensoualile ssiriis buuyed op.à #& «ubefoce lier bj mesu un s o ic-h sTwiceagamu bail sie euferedithieter- fi, lu t--cae rous de emons rible torture ut tbe fatling oaler uipuur tkat Rir à u ai yas, seensoitresult migît baye been bultffor liat uneSe 1 tue eiuf lier. thougisî eser beture liec-the tact oftPu Meswtiesoan enkiug toe-scd lie Jac's presouce undier the saine coof. tre vI" mlngied feelings, sucs aa ca On lise secnd occasion ie hsd taintiei 4 éWbuexperlieed and appcecated lis dea se-as', sud wben Jack rame ta vîsitaa 90» Ostands behud prison malt, tutek uts-eeuglemnae abl U t eeera ionfa r sudari-sdtise keeper reniae is în-be same froni lier UV il ia sororaot tiirae md'pale tare tiet someting e-as wrong. e » Udltiou, vere lterc"tea. Vise XXVbeunliefinalîs aagi ofoc h of a kej lu tihe tocS brougisl alec!frous ber, lie nas fihted ifiththe Io ber te imueiae situation, aud greafrest brror sud Indignations, sud -ug»ljoint lu titais, f0 ose thse door vowed tliat net suother nigit ehouhîl paria - - Su li. air uta mn ule. iadvitoeut bs mait u nattempt lu saie trdteSiran o f ild-an eatae lier trous tlis place utfliorcors. p - »à c ees mbun-for enaugithe long Forlunsteis' for tiseu dues' spokelhu, fa 41 eral eta! n tbtie asyis. tesong sfoc just outarde crouuhed due mad-bouse i at.rheen tegaged urung lier donlor, and bts keen ear e-as lent tu e t t- ae- neggaduigbrkes-hote, He couli unIlicbar the tule- MttMl ha S'as rathuer tell, sud bis msur utfo'ices. but the ver>- tact ut bis - 0 ooki poclaiised bun a rut- niew keeper, the blooitbmtsty feltue- hmisu wIlie tier. vas something about be bad hlced especiatîs' for ans' eork ut tisaI spulie f s preresose.c au extra sesere nature, beinr engager! lit - ils tise Green Iale. a conversationu -tii Nora Weruer nas s - fane vie dirls' sud ced, lise latter enougi lu excite is suspicions.S tise resoltIof deliaucher>-, sud Ttese ci-ce partiuuty allus'ed upou eac- ft vas a iaf-coricat teer in une oft n the curses bunesl Jack gare renut teî - ,W«.that would biave maie suine Peu- c-heu Lele eraed iha torture the e-uni jalh ad thes huderacordngaulise luved hlad already sauitiei ta, - lugb disoten. udoarumgtisougb. ut course, tise doclor as nut -MM çould Doul uniertani the tirera un scuîI to uniersiauîd chat lu ,Mmtkat seiseu t pua ber as shie gazed brouglil henifrcnmt tceîuts utuuîsd t. titisterrible Iooksng resioce, %N'bt cul. I misi Wall intuition telliut lier Tise mod-bouse doctor e-ans a mon farm tbtSite VSa tÔi ueet hiiercaîls at dueaulore the avrage n cining. anl, ourule1 baiqo et iatin? He advancedi t, bis s5-niiousiun tireardui thie tri tn iraed ber aud the miss-sut bacS, acptahlld. eepor cece arooseut, Lic osa lite a usger Dcv ss's gytem utf torture e-sa aboult mu the Niatei. tu ha applieilta ber? Alhougis Jacki ON utoa-ftuthîs' envoioimmu -8 vatched lsîm vrilh sisrihcd eyoî ai oft limat-iid, i see onpu u euelîrîîu be beld up bis hand, pressei bis inger tii CiPtea. le ws e-ireri4aul us bus tuuii la lijia. uttereu thte use uori "'bist!«' oandfearful test ail mîglho dc t th, li us Ubea, glUding te tthe diar, lent lis hi-ad ait mnutoe. taa)séiz tiue id Lie miou tae 'The tiglit tii rol iuts'theni-e imuarder ber, and we-sabli itenuug tu riaotc f te ulu lcît(lied INNas, foc Ieieluicton Imre tisaIne une approachi-il? osasseîenî in hli rule',. anud if buhi. - Agaa lie tunmed aidla dvaueed. IlViasi îniity Patientis 1Pesse(]uin mailing tiýtIi tbat s grin ut triumlii on bis face, or hîduuhîum oh thuir ou lit slickî. lic quu t- 4ddber horror-stricliea opes icceure ber' r* vdiii unrumi o ece Iliir îarcuvlar tri- Obls.triesi t0 rs'out, huler longule don- ui -ani Ieateul theni 10a dose ou t un- 7to lisetootofber mcuthi, and hur iuIts tiI lmîr yli-aceu te olier. m .esned parsijuiet. le sild eîîre her Jank etierrî theItIr l jut allier the tpowt h-is arma moVi4eu. Ali, whut «cl buur ut mîlauht, tulth> îueparued fth le teste vaslis e about Io prdl mututîcIe upîu a vnture. le tiuual Norua W'ner nouI> - eledShe liai beoi-n lua tes c of iupatiu'îui ,Norar, sudi ouunet vfu'acuCg test sou c litle thung CItA1"TLIIXXII. miCthi, y hll aoi chaI ti uwoi cnd oc- eue t-m inue uhuir vos c-ilihud phîli. When fliat ose vordftell froîi theiiptlS duîm tLbd oliairu id the ON Oy o-cii.aou etdthe keeper,Nes W'ornu c mtr-iOd litcin cai-i a comue mutkeysu î Lulu meut and Jus'. She l'ad Eei-eu o'uinu- eaut tuId'u.mtgitiaroatgle oyoardluth thsssg terrilehe0iapuicen lit n thoeuPlace lat - l h retgr ol tl offt if ometiing Lîmh-raîthiuhul-icet-bar tîuîc ir Os, anti-sathes' codula oce Ileser mouli tise Lait ie hum , tlhe-shbre the te>- cas Sept. diffgise asoameti hp tiu 1h, n. I-mrît chun Suls'tîuu->- chded tcuum the coland 'be apukre a lglt uiillt- ur sori. aIlong tise corridor, Sudenîs' the deatis for culs' one.'nn i X iuucl Imu ile iilenhee ONas bliren lis'asterrile agies5lber rnu ie tuui.,'liic c.9os one madman av oSe ftramLisi Il vas Jacli' i% ilfuIdreains, and su highlts'strung oece wisen l heotî th, isiuioandl Cucoltise lier iulen-citisai Nora cauhd net but uller Imasnhadl mmout;ai. iy Iur-t P, a cr)- tess'd tise mai lintt - -ithe t'. 'mlle. liiof thenumad-bousethIes' passei. and Wbea lite az aroîtîp l --< i . ciitise yard. Tis eun as shinng, ganA saw hue'aln-t îîu ....- i - <tiIthetrcs craergausi abadooro tîpin b. for au naimiti>ir ;hu..l.,. ,hue ribte gconi. 'rles' came te the vilisontountoude ifo ui-i-iiitai,hut saisurrueul acarcis talled f1 duo- deaic. but, remu'ihrccii b <uuu-<nIelo Imle tes. X,'at tiras luho doue? vorkiug foc,.ilie angs.î-i.lm l iii n c. t, mfohile the> uîood Ihere. Irrosolîule. XInthe end icsaicclîdin h.. il; tucuçd a lois, moo tmag ilgmîgs ue onu Ihir cacs, by tise ductr irn theie 1emf a.ln, ', nil lîmunumutlko a flashi, bes'sair lie boa! been cocctîs' disi .' hor il1i iiulioîie doctor standing citiitn aee- ilwsethse foreoisi - -k f 't h-e j r s nut î cil stale on !lis fane. beesser that hld ti <n Ii, b' lu-i ru nim.', Ai uhmost tise saine luchant the great dation lu the i-ur t tfmt lî.îî.-i. iibI,1ibe toiser choii'cd out ita ciii .p- toriiaed, ioiilih i.i-n ihh 1oarni Fm -.5- -S- w "** é aûshd suln hbssa* %Ob 1HZ~IE~U~ 15uU515 [?LA] Id bled been bideouataitanadd b np' B common with othere, Laiirencé SPEAKER DECLINES NOMINATION FIR chthond liad heard of the widow 'wbo FOR RE-ELECTION. mpieul the old catit, but he bail never IdAny attention to thse gossip that waonîkîîaaf!n i.Ln ii 'ry P culated concerning ber, and the tact TikiinefNti i.IhPri r kt he never Beurrie]to want for auj- -~iCandidate'. W ithýirasvalt>se titAdO- ng so long as money would boy It. y 4merica lu lay no fluger of i<pproeiit in f"N oo1i-SblersgTu le was enraged at the idea of bis child i ou tuba.IPourto Mn Ur tie Philipinesi;i iff Plso"ii .skl, hyMs1îbliaant. EX earried off in the audacious manner \ lit cries lutcii ry cbi net of Erop le iot ta b all been, nnd then kept se close to permit dismucnbernient in Clhliabut to me. lu bis anger, hc forgot tisat Carol Icave thlut u iii't peolle, iii cpi te uOf Itcllei lei i îîsl f ou t ofr o ly witli F sio urt eand that thie law could Lot their little boua sandt thiir iigîilry, a talcr 001' i iif lepji'iif Ii- holiti 't îid ot de ci would netotli eu in the matter. ulotiiybcs utedgiyu lorUcSsi i lcilolii.'li i 00 C Wlicnlhe rounud lîlmîct face te face naotioniyt iso ta thci lutuOf s li the tti, 1Ii il lie weliooiiii t I if i vis-e k ha bh the oiyterioîîs i'idow, he grill, ith natonalreos inyite ci'inatthe botta ofetoriDaidB. Iel I' u titi--Naiiiiic aslis a ie iati-facticn thrit uhleç ideutty seeni- YOUNG MEN AND) LABOt. rooni v. l In ret alîluet iioacubeInitheedrofelcler-î orîîiiitiii.iv, disiturbeîi by tlus troîcce, sud the tact B routierr . acCO.D.X hil Itheo.cad.bietls sblutinthe dTline uroijiiiii tii'îlt oi sli1î- c e bin tlesouce. Te rejoice lu is laber: tbis la the gîttPresident, tient ilu tire nuine otJeasa d ly li-t--liiiitthieiisieullie on ti *Ïos. itin l.aWrc5nîe fihmond, xmad- of God. EvneeK!stes 5:19. Christ the butrions of living inuit bc e u ily 30 ,asIl le point "it elieni ut tl1.' Ihi.ct lii I. At 1laot 1 have foundl you out. lfy The duesiof 300ng men lu contnortlinni'scty as can be etuaiilzed foc the rices lîlhuî i.tii îîîtn li i i-tîîriîola of iking cinffîgDaccel t have stcîîck thse with laboc agitations rau lbe Iiii rstiûd .sudpour, for tire igniorant rend eultivuted, iiiii.lie heIIIei ;I-telin it,,todilrecion, Boa %er Io e hidi liecacried lier. 1)0 Lot Coty Whounive rlew modern -uditiiîliif tfor tlhe wcak sud thei' tcong. uf frce il le [roi deli tingtu oiti,tehie gr. zùnlpt to deuy it. tonat;nny cild in laber in ilîlinwitls t<th rPuIio tf Webelie Ilihat tienîtspirit tbhst campie actyc iii î',i :vs l, lc Ii î d .t i juil-uve, he yiv ! le tliindereil. God. Let iia'taid witli solid i ritii 111 bc direct fcont Chist, l that ciick lith i 1ter deeiieil tui r(iire. tfin At irst stue hltsîispeî'ted Itert he had main faits, Lit uns peak of jabîîc. trout the slave, tiiot treil the sertcfrons lenessîl I..tîeo of Oitilrawa. A ceiid lier, tut ts iii imlitiîtely re' ,A. supecicial vieil, pcutu.iiiO s't"athe tlsrall cffetiîdaloo, thîst ex1ellod le- Iciiîilrîi'.î tîrîîilsii t o oic-t o ibs îiiii <yhiso ods. source oft niuory. iraisting ti httit u etcrlii bm lîy tcec istitiutin, titt iiilii cd iii tli,,fi lIn %ii iii,- ru- i tc shl tîilnot stteip1t lu deceive you; taillsrelaxation; Itietit hotlduih ' oiiît utof euaiîîîîotoihie pî'oîîe, tlitotnt thre l'il- eti C. E. .ilhl i, k i iuîif i i'thîîùi' ril r, ba liii i o îre. She is ot tfor a men doreiiltiiaiselesa nijtni i,l; t'luIt lot iili i, îul ut ofcicry lui,Itint li-i litY cationi cuti uil i t i ibuî[îo .1Ik n,)-.lent o iil he liaockssti, -ben Itlie rItttîsthe ho nd sud brut lIls .t hi' fout ~rigeliki'e a gi t.but as yi-t i iifi-- h7 t îlieur Nir-t1lhave î h-n oîiwircuî big i coai',ier if jou i e h. XIe have ad îtrî'tceî'the iraisbit nd i uýt' t 111-iii"-tiiuîy, againut Ille arceid Itueir if the' kinîl liit vci-i-i iiiiiliîi-u ly 3,iad Qil Ihing 1-ii I or troute yole. Lawrenuce Ricli- ewR sitdbreaks îîoîî'îthie b-lI-N, iii Iiit cîrein, îîillyet insit î,î the' anieliicisttiiiiyuiir ss.îoia1vs,'. oiiiutlof i tî ,oîtîli- 1 ond. 1-r he girl es ut Rue. suitno long- ing iratroicîî rash u n thse NI""i, <i i-iîîtiiiiI f th,,îor îîîtsîu iiitiin. crin aitIie nation fthe 4clcjti it.l.tieils-t c ubI-- ý(t i' îîîîr altl'iciY. (Ou our down the nature e 11h curace ,ieY ud coat otsonie losua i ctcls.iretion. ayh'I 'iiiiai uît -la- t y. or rcinîiei und sulec lier if Yole will." dresd. millo,a's theîrl' ililiat i iniîii',ii florti lie ritucid ti iluitniof utber vruice. as Then thece Io an intelligient ii, de- WHAT TRIE WOIILD WANTfl. fohtif li tîi iiîiiltuli i l, nioich hi-iuiliait iren teint a stlub. claiug tittoitllipesesc Ieilliiiîlni l Dy ev. Fraak CrasiIl hie ltIit. jililijeiiii iliii-i euiliiliiis 111 y"t 111't tc-1in hoii' "I'ld not coumpre- au cxaltinig sentie ut atceiîotli uîrthily ut -thunho at.'tt utthui.dircted, tsitil ffeels the -u] i i1h lier- John the Baitit e-as like a cannon lie iliia îîîîiil îîî' tiu iiuL.e tiiidi' 110 Iii 1t,"on ri-i teenioid ta saucclilthe eptîun ut tiwhiclacuonious' - --c ci t f i it ienîît ount ftîîthe i-t.otisusedutflbey. Sinvi n i>c-rie tii t.liis l-trit 1Iet eet ttil o- o o liiI-ii s sOalit ter- noble fatii'u, that i br uî ihui t 4 feuil in lto the iconscience outhIle peoplte, luire iadei'a varccl il it il i-i toiili sets- W ltchnI il frontîteî,iiiîe tenbd toved, jet e itli 1h' tireious esults tîîi v.uit on ced bot. Ilic iiasawild tîrophet fraia tintenit ili tu dilitrii t and i nut.i i oIt1 ut ftni 1tuar-iii hie fîî ltest glm- wigee rt- luIwild countrcy. 'li ant lii cd se long with- beiere thece us il. liii .- ci ll-t-sied fn tec oft tritîîh biueti isiirirel. "The NMan elihlie Itue" tiiin uont auythingItint thle weiat.tise tcacef,Et '"oit taittuiiieîîd.lm.Perliapis'on opular terni. Ithe taise ct- ',ii.Let the ambitions ot the v.-rld bait nu power o iret the dii erenreinoloirc station. YXOu us rallier coire of toit sa, uic of th, e to i i enltcuite lits course. Itence ho i re pocr sied fctietî I tlie ichsud 4.lmnigity's grelît métliuds tir c'ralting wusu ideal pcî'achcc. the unis' Slnd tht et( irertiLIaswcence lii htond, ut Itlih en-i t bielg <lods îîill t tia in bouIld otîglit ta rech. 'iere are onty twoth ted Tecrae. Wliicl do s'on thiluk ejuice liiibis tahor-an lendîlît ois front kinds ort îîcshîetiii ioulîtit ta preacl-U 7od havce tlîc most influence lu cout?'" the loicar uthls conditionuetiithe iigle- tliose Whîrire irt'icit'ili esor Ilsose Fr The qetioîtcun Wo cric. but thse widow est lei'l <f gracions privilc,.'casd Epir w bo are ind(I-i'nctly po0ur. A lv suu il. o- tstiouch ocudy lteenct ILt. Itualecelli-ni-e. Yùt .1 ili uithe alit iîas just ltre nirta "in Cii ivolrclcrets 'are uknowum Ntlinla iîcrewnodecfiit n lutItlie ther Vglio ttc cîîîd lot oscape troin01 iL'.awsirenie hilm.nlThe Tenrace range ot se-ialiiil ithoIbn ttc- undant. liar comunio utniaity. Satowbi'n lie was nî.îigacci e 'ItitI ul vie.ud eny covofl'uowin eleuuiîents out îcrY oii"i'uo i-it bpisonul hoi-lî'an lu have doubta i tth,' rti . ni-c tunrtose. I-luifn eo-ri. ; ndl scarcely iii> thing eisnuit tlu saS hiitîîîî'f hîtler lie eusata 'Cii. t liailii'on as s.ili'e of iWonder t0 mure niiîîrtîtiit thon the terrcitl notaci; icothet oc a toîîl. aa nuitîi omes-age -tu tir .1yesr îîc t ii ile lias nut duns emi aexîî'eîîîî'-d by those o lia. lis'tisir lir a mon titlieheoil,.No luinuWittea . 'Thiîs Nas iei-ressortii isly yenoitsh- cen feailior b> tire foutit uf otliirs. ire gcî'st message ecrcthccw lsîmself againat i -or doîîchtec el, muîrcc Caîtain ,ttatulabuir ln the lowest p1iîii-of iSaiS thc Preiidiei' cf the îî octd, lualie târonn rani Xiii lilee d hini 10 lie sealtby, ual effort, tu sueur ou tise biii"labo,- liiiiloily turik. tlut Ie did net doulit o ho heic tueiast eltscI lad 3ii let Bay flic tnning of CORIinluihIckie"sa .d htuicîf and ll, (<,)id et lier kiîoi the tctli ou cour side, liebeart in tire hou ls of the eactîl-and -s-bu Biit Johnlîn itI iraiglit ta Jesn . wlth c iîuld no-rer tiave troubalîtd ou sbout focrdtilletit v.ill getonuls' a ptîsure. The ierbs ioulits. W'hi'n ve have diolîtavie goeCa Our doîîicltî'r's iaod. for lie beieîed lier aridst, Witte a croup uof ac-tîllY dceased lu learned bookus or te Wiscenien. Thedé i te aun iir-u persuna epresented on bis cairas. wiîll roait s tisatve ha-ce oîîr doulîlts doubîr es "Wuunan." ca-ped the old manu."lsow lie paid at the rate ut $S0<J tu $1000 a damineit and tbrice cunfounilei. AI . o t Ic tutIFRsuar. 110w y.en thil' t upposed tisere wosnt figure. Yeu connunt proute Chisiaîîly hy the ni- iseul in th, wocld ucqiainted i vtls the Labneuroffers uts immediale unît immense ebureli. It la truc that at tiLs'respects' a groWilîîg s, îtîîîî-îî. Il. -uc iblit unîs C 'ce "ure niEly seeansd Lionel Mars- rewards ta iudustry, reflection. lvnrestiîn.rIeispeuple are lu the eisîrci. Tise eisurcl irtaiîut 1i,îleu tout> rri-l-iit uhour Nu, s t len. ta e-liunthe mocîgage betongi. auahsticsl sR'uaientoe lie genccaliziulm sasurespectable tuent a gceu mass'oruthie onu tihetariE iuetti. s X'hat citchory s' ithisitArn1 ta lc lieli- tscults'. t0 the powier of comuîand. T1he greatest seoundrela in societs' are lu it. î.cuinelt the Norinati.. e is' sa bsbling longue? Suroly hliaven simple demnand ibfor the man who worko But this lanuoproot of Cliristianil>. "1Ieiinu' Ilîi u-.îîltîîîîri, i Nuit rsud e iunîshesune tccilty foc that mad âOin ut lin uprialeval forest or ou tise floor ot Yeuucant prose Christianils by the knoeîng tlîien I il-1)lutu iii' iuitli miuiri, ,h pfist.', the modem excisange. KnoWlestge musot Bible. 'Tle Bible la tise king uofbooks, ot My lctliitretîudits. tu1v t ih I susam lie almosi greisuci these tat ords, rise abure ignorance. forethoîgist above but isnul tau instrumient in itci'lf h0po nitach-- iio'- .culc ict i uîd hiekne b hatthe' rferedforaclessni'aa. tact above duttuesa. facilitY mte Cbistianity. TYale (au (toute the the îeîîîl' ,ititicibi r',-cîadint.l se' exclamatonu tll trous, ber lip. abie awksaritnces. abuity aluioe tupîd- ibîle tlt s'onare uackinthfisc ie sud -uîi rl ial ouu..- u -a--u (Tu lie coninued ts. Tise sicecssuî ues will beli lted nut taire une singl i-l'iuirt.;Gad n"ee her il nuîî'are,îil iii fidtu- ruîîu.t> 1111 it cul otsa ultiude ut difficulties asatctintendeil for us ta meiumb<i)the Bible. If lu ti utyuîîîhc STEALING IN CUBA BEGINS ed atri-aliuon a icher plane; the utusian- la merrlY s Vehieli'.-Ibe eiv fthlst u cesîsui illiegrîîand by tforces tientte 0 Yeu cant provoe (hriîtistniis' byloghc. Ihe'l'i-i ii-i u t thteiscTopaeIrninatoa sPo-ursebrutal. bliuutand t- We Orteilheur msolie nt nu, licori ut Iii ui ofienl iree, h 'cilrei.f Ii! i 011i'fer Townsi-ensmndnationk1.du'.-'nd o.u tîî- iil Tii iuilltrci, tatdIfi-i.tliglît queisîte Of Ma.-0. lem. Su, in a âeuse, ttsey are. but Jeho- ers ot the faitis tise ssu'i Woo1uc, iattle fîîcrî îîîît 1tii-i ciie t1. .-- i tr e "The er-ets orthflic .Nomnn,,,U vaibas adapted thernttathuîie tisaI cley witio the ugno-iuScu .It is Un-se detend C PatirietCbaar bin apdl e-are mesut ta incite. The mores' of i il aters ut the tath îWhto thave gitten us lit ftatet, tiries lul.îr c I iltu. Amuucsoi 'aeed' salîl a man %,houtIl rct' -tl neer lin his.thut me-n lathus lite can ailthtisctrouibli. If iî irere nul foc thora grati'tiiî ,t,- lcîlsltumtiuelu us '5cr N-8l onufthlie Offiials help lng t t-aîvr ul go lbetliat an liîlut ent le Cinsîianuty si-iuld bai-r'no lattllca 10bo'n accicilî- I c ullul eitl.e h .uuîc t us'1ý nirinete th goereme o e ad- progresosud irosîli andiexaltation ls net fighl. Tiscre usm01e sarnalent tutoce desia u1aillllluri egruiluit lui Icithe C nîn tre gierneut ofandh ciltd.atoaysbefuio e Ir. ishicis nu agnlaRtie eau stand. 1<at la the nrayifttdeoon 't dot prdtetreîottionsud Ivil lu aetiung itnpossihiliis' ut the ais- argument tif the Clristly lite,.n-os i htdiiuui ciar and ailt tiat sorttofthiîng, but 1 sounte dming a-tas' vifli te lair utrompe- Yon Connut prude Cisinitts' is-a i i ml ire alec liiiui Noreijeil.t ii Bay liat Cuba wn-ltnot be long la Ution. and jet witi tliïs purpose ut Ood ciet. If heome men wece to cone round v rus atud -onrîu-lionîs îîîlicc-fulii-n forgettlug tise tessons se it lsat the laborer sboutd rejuice in his toit, lods! pulina op Icees wilh i wordu oranonpbiqusonor]Wi ae sîne Saî goce siyte tie Untedlobi*t becompeathe duls' 0f yoang uen? A working other miracles 1 sisoul futurs,îo toit'realsutis isis'thélîieliliulin partir States A god mati>-Ofutire suustary ynng mnuwill bi-nt discisarge bis dues hlmn. I aboutit iuspty tistk I -tas nt nulsd ls poite lîîl -uilucssI lu thse loisir aitations Ifuthte prssent dcy on ta bts systeus. confidence of tlt.i lîcvrs If t1k.. i lî'ut tmp)rOiemeuts and ireplregîtla lis' lirng just ideass uflober sud a rery The c-as' t0pro-ce Chrigtiuuitj'. 10rak e unneptStatesi sit e-ho theiu,ctrine o 't thu' iiu t tioens lire disappenriuig, and lu a 3eut'tendter regard for bii fellowm en. ttresltueme-n. lamlti live as Christ livedt ocrai-s'ould fitultii le,:>IgIu. it 'luIlle, or INNo ive éluîll siethe gsame old Cuba, Endeior l is' hte mens ilu or unselfiahls' anî fuir oîliers. lo go abeut do' fiftî atndhteaillci f lueIt.tiuilî.11 , lIt mlice suoliflci. trie anudlidc'pcnd- powver.witle s'eu gi-i yuuîrselt witb tise iug gond, eariuug tacthe ioe, hlelpiatilie pr- --y rOýties.'ti cutgreait cnorgs'ta 10 iu-hiest ferun of pour. uouorting ilie afflited. Oliret--PIl EDRSN toil t f his s'unu lire ls capablie, lu tianmty conistaeuit diîug gond witls ioti l'look si1i.sker >h a .r "luit to giN o pou fil, exampte ofthtie nacuiru'the rnghiî ui t lii'caS. Ithe Vp- banstu. 'lh- taiciff 1tuiuk ilitIetIl a c0 ýn l ' t mmigs aoci- gin ug.1îî lItrelate pri cii-i, tlii' horibilie. Cil'ard thie cts Thou.trouleh.'itl thehueciirnisto-Ils!nla el i Mr. I -il--i li-ti5c ii -i l a wha luilppened in oa lis îm ot ftrfrtteo of ti saucevtuaiu rceupecilhîs'for tant t lias iltuiuh ocnptumne. 1tonmlubc i usfuillois ulialî uii t urîng .irlcuu unnulta- ahlri o îuun ilit Ni ciL i lisai the logir. ton uanns' uieolt-s W'hst lise "X'.'Itistnd tic ili,-uni Yt"f ril,île tiotu Ilei' t nu-î'îsoftthle Islansd c ece iencuis tiun lt hou cu zvîn s'olefiglt eorld ivants la a satellie of ('heustilunit s'. tli'lttillit. i 01pii ct> lie i i ~ In 1 a htghed WiteiOilt nullîlsîet ruport, Iaue niqmuîîoîus cinliiiisI 'f lahrliSe telleand ose bave vers'-y uv atu-î X. 'e ralt lhomeuiiniluuirieoi uij--uit t ces uta e tli-;iic ui uiiiy rnplIsiatl lait. tiocti otr heurt rieur the ltis meainnî'sî test, rasculi> - hiuc cihiuid rutuulitiita10thet x rurluu>ru:'. .ya tuIsil hs(suie «v ortr art Tr prytil potier <i iImakle a great ucîs. molre hleptiului-so.murlctoive.'l'hoce "l undiiiiipi ht 1< i ut r il u ci t tueir4 Il-il <h' iNuIi ead Weil- msike ifti t ii itii ît-' contry ut1 10 butonue priurt ot Chisutuatuts' -asndtIbart iWiIi'i Iii îîttit t"ii--I u1't XX%%t a- lu i-Ie ýt(cii :eti ut t anud ve large stIl longz vit- lîit l, fui i ui oii'talles' i. s'our lire. Nîr oien'h ihalîgî- lieilii t la Il t ruit-ae 1 Iltuitiglit Iheus-> lsit t'1ui ., il Q i o-i stoun tiat p4rhittiaht>l îccig r:itu lIeu--i l,' îroîuîrtu ine au,- ai tiiiiliw ili i.- Ii i tb t 'ulto1 our îîîî-liotîia that tîle> vouhId conusan,] ev-rhlaiuîiuios erusis o tlSUCCESS FBIM 44SEEKINOui-i;r-if ut <i îîu.îuî-î -u nuiIt Ii. .r Ilinue t îl<llu i lil n 'e ift. bih ng. Ww sait liiet <,'i ofes ut- cti fDy Rer. To sJ.Rasto. i-hatigiig lg r' hu is uti ii... . . c. I- iflui' "Bi h ilt nIu onW enu curNeofu îî.îîî.I.Letot man 'uli- Stan Rse-isfoc the lui-ilandud uuirs iîcuIl u.un.lue 1-ti i-If e i "Itittli-' îglli10 h15ttuui'lorepuse tuatilwtI tti - îîii tioiiai-the tu-or lu iai t ilat woihlill rut hng to hîîuîîîcflt îucuuu'tyi a., i litthe l tt iiit ut h n.I Ij' fo ll-l iiiuiitttht ei'u tiglits uîtioche nIlis rtouf n tur tc hi-lie iat the'-ut- nod hi.a ,I-i-eutesiu'ulIe ho t ptlruNpleri>'. ti'itiin. IdUrgeit- --------- i. iW i- iu. j'an Iiutliait lii ltuiliiil Cii i-c thle tests ut theî' thr. fletIoing. thoe ihatInluour Saviuîîr'î ltfwo i(iutn init] iis chb> osontu tlo' -il Tnt-u.u u-l f'ulîaîuîi tu iiihutit nî-urlouîuor o11 are IlIii ruare 1in dangiier utfhî-îug sut-ru- îuîply lckitiuelletuiultss mle îuurd. le. ciiuuci.tpio-lt III1'. lu uit cl uit ý1 ;t tiies îoiîuu ni v a d ieu-fiii lue-uet1tIi'-, the luorturinis, thelueluour Sovi.iu icslufi-v -i, iivc ie catI tir tee itufîuei c NN1letIm mtot ipis-ri, an.ueIoh .B, l.'tt.c prohuuîiiiun ti îu uit but nil thuîi fi-u îîuulî-il ci itutato ENORMOUS DEMANO FOR STEEL. toi, otfnul, a c,'i lui-cita tutu'renudbeaii-nt tai>-hi 'en icch t og 1îci hit tîuuuu .l Itu> alle lu-c~ ~ ~ ~~~'n (,lceitu-li 13IN-tliti Ilure ho loet WhyIltuerose..rrî-.-u lu aýLýd-il ea-t.îulet i-ne use ît tli trous eurui,ity hicailse tluuy il-.ii-lli e Enrupean Manufacuîor- Nuisellii 'liv ii'i l tn iai sh'appen-uri-Il frita theie u- cu.i -utn,. nhu-uI'ui a îîp titst'tvigil. t'. iîl lited huuit-ar ,Ifihoitun I.'ui- iit>-IOlis' (leui. l-ui la 5 ir.,ttIu ii-h. - I nc - ,eul lt, 1plI surmeîiî' huitt 1soid luntrou- 'tunî-.iiiti iuchili lu-t 1out tice elts ulit crv noliing, fuir litut ailditub k -lt)i'er- trIiuu u-uîuau ni , u 1:11 EIt ~l' îile tri li<'tilitg it ut sî'cî'at stores, lc uîuyîcu t -, rli-nl'i-ýs liuesti-ut ihue iiltairu<t u i ut . hi.i iIî elulnirii- 't> I - .-t le- hlpcîpitirir e îhiulî sujtltbc i' luad Suri ' cr. tîlttc < puaili sharpuvr. tu-uc 'Theîcr>iîg ii-i-ut.,utthise iuIl hi fouts'duliet <uie ui .>luiili I. ttogtit the î' iielîîîuît troun the lualîe1h -j-S eiu lu n-trvigsmure intu1 s ocil - tflou-ieni-ied ,ho.,ill uit instîs' uuuîîîuîtou-t lrî-.*raile11;t h il -1 - 1tho tti-litltuI tlutle-Ialle anditexpeited eaui.r-eS tut lied('lîi-.t oandl tuiit- ele Ntill it fit il ie lho' , ii Ilint t- i'- îtr u- tii e-lic otdenl- ofeutIlnstors' tcld li tortu.nhi .- -c ls'the îpros- î;îd intoiuit itlu-iif î î..f t nuIt un rie-anti sit( iliut, li-1--ir--i tus 11I clliti I1)teutc ofu t ltîslie "ettris111-rij ihi. l liAti'îr>'ltai tatiihut uîeesioual îcîîu n theli-i ui rl, bîere II lu l-iui.andlllttt', - 'il Il -lu l-i u -i lenit. st -' t uiit.uiî if inflationu. tiretr- tIi-> u'uîue sut t îucli ituru>Ioiihud liu iii 11h tititiii- oruit e-tlut lriI.-":t,>l iui uteliutilhigly aluitiitcl lits auppruprîs- nIutii le usî-î-.u td'1rnii.Tiiteluinsd oit elb- ,itlitfluit. iut t-ui ortilti lii. sv-îrIuj ('tbuit; i-- ,'ntu 1'1"'I Iulut tonoteut Iel. uîî.l uuîluttient under' the day. liuii u piilut.niie. (<rieC unuî 1 suply id frelui or citucucc the Ini- mdisuletit ti-c -i <ut> i l o ..1u Spinlilî i-gutîele t îî ulîl bave been agi t, uis-thui uti-eb-nrua-îuou1i-r orfronlthiChcoi,r.largo-tirtlirfi Nithi lu uihc,pnii uîuu Ior aile Oft l îeittllxtes. aîîd tue tsus l'e- tl. Iiii lîuur Oui h-ý-canditfroîn gîudon lTisire is a loch of huîîîaits'in sR ic sr ahstland and i ttht-i lui iii gardcîlt.I t Irî iotthnlills' rcîsrted the inul'îî i ict - I-bmIIi tta t ILb hî'd n cbîmccbcs. Men'uarc eei t îî hei c <iiin rial iu cxi îuc'ctu liaIIitclc<ii lle tti it mot er. buti îot tig-uil te donc about .ils i tit ouî v, t. -1 i rills aîud cou- unil loslîg Bigler otf thlic itertio1 lie thec cicr tîvo tuîuth a. it.Th T ahfee trgrueruiibe' forin ,1aueosr ,seri.,'per..inreulsglteretSfiitan hs onta In ie o te ItIeui fon EnevrtuIi -n--uii te atilcalule rels- iria eur hicis-ît utwiol rig a tetmporal for h luetr pruxi i. b. fýuco izOitutliitu' i goin,-ho tcialse troîuible lus C ua, tnt' tiiii-tcie-n t h. - raotu-tcapital. Boitllas- teSing ud a W3 fi-iwir- etî ncdîs'prosl -ns futru-icura ali ill lii-clangi'ulul e au1 i JIl iiuit thelir -uie. V ti e iot h-e i-ssit.,iun t- e> 5 y nilmurais fur pecil> ty tlutii-bst - "ho nuau sWhboieeku chu-lt-rof tlhouic trout c., îîî-ît tllui' c- tuitu rosf. eers' rch uuîuuu1-. kt <-î iunself hlieiody> bd carunes t 'îîotes a cnusiieiiisuaes ut quiruun ofui if.tuiuriI 'liti Oui-t ru'iuull. It il and spirit ilutiu,îuu t'.. .i.rkrs. XX' -uglit bimbu eed of biun. Me'n, in c. tral do t -t haver sul-ulnec porielu-, ti t'leAiti-r- WiIl neks Are Cautions, te denltnt uuîhilu t-ts, but geouoily, regard Gud. Tise moarotofîur ouin day ce- il-au and Chiago trotte. Aîîuuclotî m'en Itsaccua alttnt certain tuient te witi tise lahiiriiuc IVie iiîgis teluavert uIndcs me verys' sroagîs' of I5huraob sen strcinnt stealel aloiltrau ia îîuîuu-hîllitclr eluckhueatnge thîcîr lIneofut tlgbt, avold- ttriki's lis'ticrc-, ilthue conditinsa Ibat lie dettes minîstersuit pole ut (.ad alike ilinu tismt osei aliîruaut. utiti.ii,, e'a, hn o 5Borne cxteut tise tînes wtoere the r .maie slribu-î Asîlit a a liing market, sud wlien spolien la aboutthtie oiri itluu- lu order ta suplls'th(u- detoituiii t'tiiiitf luZ ~~tise befft clfr'- . i.uîi in t itute eence he im exetlng aud wacucut ufthIle uIts liave reiiici'd ilie vou ilutlif-uthiir danger ih gccuîhîst. Il Io certain, for case fairîs' -itui.niil swrnutfdecreas- wotra of (;ad lbe cahunîs'fihls bis armna ouput. instance, 111111 Canada toue beltet about- ed mages. Nsu ti i i -tuumarketlcaitaiiil and lasSa. "Whio Is the l.ucul?" Ing thon Mlicihgan lu tise Lake St. Clair leabhon n-ut <h t1-i - i ait bouer, batlin Ifthtie butinmem-n utfîsr colîntis'asd district, for the reasun that Canada tise tom gruitiil f i te exteutd ti la-thse laboung men souglîl tui kuuih',ielitI j; CURCH AND CLERGYV. gives six weieks or taure protection sud bar locri-suiil iou.i beture oui'Clle i f God sud lu do tain lwiii-bsîeouming CH thse dîîcks are not trtgbteuseit iaayby irve detuanut s lui cul.before one Inuitlte aChistian peuple wei uid have an IL , ,.K ssai M RE DEVASTATES PART 0F BEAU. MONT FIELD. 'opes'ty LOO* Eatimsated nt 0 100,000). .nd mas'neil, Mch (reater-Xire Distlrict in Uagier of t>estrssctios- klaus' Weilioanti Tanks Arc Bilnid. FIrn lt11e Beaîumont, Texras. cil field îlhros'îît a laurge itiuher ut derricks sud rocrai pîîîuîîulg plants aud thusanda of crela of oih. il iN as ccpnrled tisit le-o es ovece bu, t' hefiaitues started ln aI'tl aiug thee anouiSabine useha, di-toyi>uîg a juit îg un-Ie before us'y <son' cmmuunina ea n '5umiuitil'et liu' ai-t Il iîg tanks emuttalin g thoîîîau ,fia cciii tuf p-euu i il .iile aplaiei. 0h01 riii.'the ln'lieoer as ile oria. iThIe îîîîîîd Nuaus t turtl itni]buansd hlte tuull lue dotue 1 to s' the pruigreaso cfthie At I blair, e-ihch ln (lie statton nt the Ii-lui, hm'ivhiml rthbie iIiXX'arb miel, eus luuumuing -or al adre'.sud con- iiug s a irgî' tnIiiii ir 0fells, mas ,rui dîuîr. Thle lire tien reschisdlishe g tiguuua tankliNo. 2, froiawirilcsheb ti ceasei bu tuuv.but horst-illde flie Mlnnthng lo hal l rriss out lansistise yi guiursiirti-d Dei'h'.tinse ehautis )r bnui' verurclo>p- lie t<citis XX'sd t.M tuttili-ce andIthere the elceais of haze' c.îud lue duitirgiisml.luin hean- lune iv. 'The los eas 11r'sllmfated Nt tIIift'lit it us bieee'si f gture 'hIli bei ha cccl> lui cc ascii Onu SpuiuuîhTo'pîl1 tiigbbs.,mih In h&bout <lic iîiulus feou BetIaiumonul, there art more Ihuailtu tu os -<ru' <iispuutcrs. nans' of tue-tugustlu isi.mj(XO b harceti 0f cruti* il a ilîs. 'lhmse -11îalssoi their tanks, etc., aoc ralaci aI t B%(.hO forne s-t theu -'ils ar' si) elois, tigi-tse-thal tise .usbi-ra ot thi-ir uturriclis nescîs' aboi. 'coo i plithle Toth, iIomllesent tu Port Arthsur' eiter thmnuîugr is 1<itnca or lu tanS cars. 'l'hli rdill'ufruI t issdis- oIl fied-ht cvr isut i e-i, nlx texnc-Piung FOREST FIllES ALARM. fostinar-s, Tuicer tock Ce.' Forient tire" sce r-mgi uin tise ichuiîs ot Sturigis otr, lu,- I lioole <barass sud luirk are lu, uug hiunulist thte e-iole country' aidivaauî'il Iaiuy caIlliNe siuight lu he umiluebr suit huraul le Icath, 'lhî'cu'aree eas> lices fouruaille@ smnolis frîsî thse foreit lIre" liclieu îp truinu hue 'ust inutsa s,îld lisais oui cansei anuuiomuael 1tbeuuuuienon 51 As- toria. i <ce., Ihue scîttiuat un uuîruiug te s' a sohuî usgroin. Biucs îlriuzh' out the its' goucrl>' iss %tOiw(eOid nd evecyvisi-re ii'hits so-ce Isue ilou. 'Thie girls -ttliiil mai5 harinug bus" e a"id wonk i. çinayu .A nslc.snlc uthe Coumn- bia v as i (î<îîIo uusesnetarillguit t Il s. ui - sandthi' t'iiriliand Oriental linec CaO liil tir tut eimn tr tnp. A'fr-n isu Xli iutîsoasbuts tiutuer tir- ilarutil lundtit îuussn are do- Ing greai ilaina.u;in ,'rt-st. nui]t tirs's etsuug s ilîcs hm a.s nuid tiict!. Tisonuanulo utul(lac' i-,ili ut prouti-cls are alcets ut-îîrur,-In humîlu'Etibura ccutry lurt- mro dlo,r inîm schoute limbec. i-u tus ri matmi us MARINES HURRuSO TO PANAMA. Aihaci on tistii -. Onu 'citas'thle.i -iiitecilSta tes icuiser prautIl.. riýs I o,1,ii ibU, itklion borulà hattaliuu ut mantii.i:Mt0min, soidturo- ceeu wutis aIlisante Im Colonut. Thue cenilu cas gis <'s uriecs luprorent tise bî,usisrdinîeut t of fcuusuu triisthes lis' due rrîmt-sc'gouuboaî.tiandîîu. Itensd urincuo t ieuf îuuytu îîc.t-t îLe rail- rusit Iul-c> Thei,' iilluiituaimoi Ihair oir-l f -c (sl, itiiiî lut lilu 'ia t, aîr.cutatruil points alcîngthlcsîluîuuuun raitu as'. 'lIes' baie catuiothe' tis. pu t-i ,erailiti'zt foce ai-lut ug:mmit I nui ut Au Iuml.'l'lie ii,- ouith.m, -îtuumafi-l1,1 i-uc huuubade --kruli,', u,. '11-ii, lai,'--s v'rai guiti.- li uiiiîii liuu. Cihmf aigis t' .11 11115 ENGLISH CROPS DAMAOED. Mes-esttîca- Rain..(si.- Groin Sa A,,cm .înug i. e-1-,tri-tii1 aIlprt' at ting.iiiulil,- r- u-mu r--iuhs irixu un iopii Ai sn 'u 1 --ticisaommer, lis" du rcmi.> lii <dîl i Go<roin bas umllroîimulu iîîîc o lIse eaci> il.<titu, t a liii 'it, the usîack-t. XX ii i tii i. mu thm-c',lr- Vailil; ii lien- <mii u. ht.< il, ilst cat t.- i ît .-l ui. lthe- 1lue't tii-c c itc-Nl i Tllhe Ctîiaafli-ti'huis sthiized au abuuo, emical, Iolubr ailnd -m m 'nle ttrit-iî It-,h I al m tul .uuaoeliat uo scontimi <<h ct1i-mi -ii. li1irtbc ti' ou txing tduuoid and tuoî hua remocees' la comptble. lu a buuigit<lu hillu at!cnoar t'oki, Eunur'pauTumutu>',hu1), cl i'urtiob In- faut r> san1 humgarmmIima<-oîirermolo- tioniest, thue lai ir--eusiucu toluipeures. T1he S1uauis -ililouhli ush i- i-n uch alarinci b>- the r-m-rtt i -îeuricities ut Ilir souung King. Ili-ria sas'lse le wliusscal. i crutit îmi dand uî mpmtei. Il La tearci tiiuii lis ii t dhicus utilahuinced. Chlets Iuî-uutuy, Jr, i;ho.o ls sedretars' or tîme pcovi ii gusmcîoî IntluChina, and lise son<f ci Itiiti'd Stateici mislur 10 that cuiutry. liasn I ut-n aplioiatiiian chief toreiguii lu user b> ilhe vi u'ur.îs'oo Pchhi iprou in, v. Thlii St île lu,î oct usettbuan renelveut froi tu lIu'ra 5-uiariciut-fuý'uni glatis- tics ut thue ei-oiiýýu<uihmil ind,1tintcia h condi- tuons af tb'rmîuîy. lu i 11553tise total poultaionuuivot hiIt'1,5. tal enaigra- tion 2,3(e); , 1071 ,tritkes laist year, ut c mili 21)(Ni-ie n I--n-fInceasu iu cua I an(irîon tcrtieLii Ievc-O inbbeet. iuriaiu'ntinittulandîi ixportea. Tise Caple C.oluuuu> li uimiit asAemblet et Capîe l'owlu i umul hiiinitnat fer urar prollcus In deal svith. I'ceauiec Spcugg depenis oui tIi,' .%Xl miuuur tbond for lie maschs iis no.ýexptictîi utocS 5 ra o- lenircI cumuumssm tadîousjht toises claimed sindc martial oie. 'lhe sair probleus le g-'igBtiali ahî suitisIcaSlus thssIsAlrica mach Anxie-ts. NBau>- of liese native slm grueesoeaumesi and threateî thse Doses y e In le IF k ai la to