CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Sep 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COJNT'Y INDEPENDENT, Vol. X-No. 51. LilýertyvIIl8, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, September 26, 1902. WLELL DRI3SSI3D MEN PAàTRONIZEF FRED CROKER, LIBERTYVILLIE'S TAILOR. I make iîlo tii-daite garmeîît8 laîîd dol't charge ex1orifat îî rices. have a isufficieit force of llpi ~îtii gi vê* al rders prompht attelitioli. ~TSee my line of samples before ordering. lt's time to think about fait apparel. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, I;OffIce ovor 1riggý-. & Taylor's. OU -7 t 1, 1, 0%inin f. 10 m.ri Iii. nn o ,, n Ii n ,, i jwa, l' l,r. ~LIbertyvhie - Illinos. Dr. E. H. SMITH. OENTIST. Office over Lake Gounty Bank Hou": R t, Il n. in 1n i - n n lAI!.!1 Libertyville -Illinois.1 Dr. C. R. GALÈIOWAY:Ciou No.135 Office over Loveile ODrni Store.' The greatest sire of high nnnîndtt il, iiiclass carrnage horses Lievvle -Ilinois., Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, .yALUOUN ared more 01 ChIoaMo. has ooened a hfblgh priced carniage DENTAL OFFICE and rosd bOrmes than l ltiRk tinnot.ov.r initiî-4hDais, ý t'*î aiiy taliofilu i s Icoiilu. .bel. h nyii 'itiî liy-ii1 în., H maîrd avnyfV iayo from KOE ani-iii 1 . linhi, i.evnt-fi Libertyville - Illinois. carriage ad road borses that bave iold from 5300 D. R. GROVER, M. D Physîclan and Surgeo n. Rockefeller I llinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG,ý, Phyalian and Surgeon. Sealdence opiximt" Lebman liotel Bide. Gurnaes - Illinois. Dr. 0. M. GROVER, HOMOOPathIC Phy9lolan and Surgeon For timm.iyiarv P-in' tJ", ' rii'titi' andl Gi i l i ...,,i1' t,lit.n' Rockefeller lnis BENJ. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OCI4ANCR UB.OCK TELgPiONE NO 26 Wlit Attend (o linnaiesn IiChicaiio. Libertyville -Illinois., the aire of Esther, 2:14t; Frances. 2.t9j; Senatur Mitchell, 2:194 trotting and 2:12 paciu nd aimanY more goi aona. Ha viii bo brai ta aa fevumres lOis fait. Sise et 0. A. wiigut ea stua fer vOicI ho ha. mfuaed $80. $20.00 to lmeure, CHAS. A. APPLEY, iOWNER. Libertyville - - liInoîl ,Ip LASTERIN( 1 arn prepared to dc plastering in central and western Lake County on short PAUL MacGUFFIN, ..... IIotice. . Attorney and Counselor nt Law. - . NOTARY PUBLIC.I guararitee rny worl Office over Lake Co. Bank. Libertyville - llinois. Let me estimate youi MISS FLORA COLBYý PH~OTOGRAPHER. MY PRICES ARE RIGHT. STUDIO IN BULKLEV BL'K Libertyvllle - Illinois. 1 make a Specialtyo Dr. 0. F. BUTTERFIELO E)ilg VETEMINARV SURGEON. StteVeorflrlr H UGO PEGELOW, Libertyvîlle - Illinois.PaiiVîw - - ha cak'Ne Co. Bank, ~ IkN-[BLI WRIGHT DVMOND & CO., cate lay::H 1on (di inn. indiviîl",al re05111 ',bi1iny, $100.000 ______________________ Crriages furnished on ord, ~ê1 R S~ 0W Lady ... latant If d.slred. MANUFACTURER 0F EDW. F. STUENKE Funerai Director. - Marble Everett - -IIIno Granite _Ta___Jan_____ MONUMIEN 18 LINCOLN LUSP x AUCT ION EER. i IrnETIAIT Wiilîi P. 0. Addreii, Rockefeller, Ill11 IiI X Residencu fleur Swan Sohoolho W litoucotomplmtiBg makiuZ i cali l iound or nindrems and 1I vilI U'iiri', l t eeo oill.ctî<nn. sept 26 3m, For Sale. t(lonnSie. s. (mod u re lo noghuîn. Liaveo \Vaîlnvýgmn.nIrr iordi-ra invit, lefoinpplj b led 10 E. E BIaTu, niautac 0,1(1 ng eniîg IL $1.50 a Year in Advance. .LINERY OPENING,. COURT CONVENE OCTOIEl 6. ML ENJOY A ifr OLD TIME."THE REVIEWERS ARE IIIROUOI. M I somie Importet Casca. List of Supervîmora, Couinty Officiersaend Refuiee to RaItqe Amae.enft of Grand sud Petit jurors Friends Attend Annuel Wire Worko. Our (lame Dinster. The October terni ofciOrcuit Court- The Lake County Bloard of iteviev viii ba au nt lting one. everal linbreke Drotheratomdoieto0Lake lait veek ilniabed ls labora sud Ca fmore tMan ordinary Imipor- Oonaty Supervisors. co»t offcer- adjourned iuhilect t0 call of tbe Chair- patt( tance balig lafla 0corne up dalai puat.preanmt amid t10haManvimtationl Man. luDa tht. teNu. 1u pertakaé of a gaula diazarer t their The village of Northi Chîcago, onr pie I cet cf the PeoplesCaaa5s are imply Rune hotel at Fox Laite Tisais. Tbay tbrongh ita Attorney J. K. Orvis, made for lmrceny, but ln UtheliaIof Comn re rsto -coine abi bricaitheir a bard fIgtb Ze have the Board ofRe Law sud Chan eamre Important friands,' and rmapouded 101h. bnmber Bel a neruse total peraonal pro- R a ou. of morne hnndred a" MM1. Aitbat peil! valuation of the Amerimu S iteel aona tg Oonnty Treasurer Ovule! brin"gao wm m essivu t.a moiVe.MUiebrekai aand Wlre company froro $300,0Oas coilecil suit agalnt Laxi. Oouuty 10recevez ditte rami. Bumus umOU bandt Élied by the asseasor 10 $4,000,000, Clot bi malary due biem for actng an Super- th. tutvaln 0 ake thelr gueste lo the The agitation of thia enormoua raie g0 vill vimor of Aammsntm. The amoani la botel hlcb for th. dayveaa sur- via due 10 the factth1e Companh black $516. This point vu laken w by th. reldersi vilh ait is belonloige le the fougbt au assasinent evied agaînat 1n6v re hoire of lage Trèssurs, Foat.emailthe visltors. Tliere wua»orestraint, il by the village for the vals? ysteni. style. board aioved a portion of thé amoiné everything trocan n perso monaj Thie board declded not to make the msked for. Whou aith"r luti metng »acptaiuiider any conditins. raine to 14.000,000, a asked by the tie Bupeî-vlaorm roadjaat.d maias cof A courme dîna.? 0f1Bih and game village, on perional property, but the oconuiy ofora the Trmua ul m iwu vservait about 1i celooL Il wva avaluation va. put ai the ame figure an vas made te, inelude h. uork of ipreed 119 for kiagi. Dy t1h. lime $bat made by the board lu 1901, or Bupervimoraof Ausements no lau teic oUe and cae ue Iaemrd said touta $250 000. The ra]estateof 10e factory future Shere vili ha no diaIm. for pay la order the aasemblage vu, 10 use vas laft as iixed by the ituprrvlar of fl er thet vork. 1h expreaaou of oue caffl d pon lasaaaeammeuta lu 1902. 010cr iew auita of laIerat are thons respond,, "10 full for utieanee." The Obicago, Milwaukee electrlu oif Edvrd P. Biancard va George TostrnBter W. B. iflle t rot aked asasamment vas flied on a bauta of $6,000 Joues sud %v Pettla for aliliOOof States Attorneay Tabcoléfem a responae, per mile for single trackla and $3,000 vite'@ affections sud 1100e cf 0. A. aid got 1.Il. v u aiU &bout thie addlllonal for the second truck vben Mses, cf Highlaiid Park and Levroneaeilaner. Tilcott vwu 00 plesmed over Ihere are double truck@. Tbe total viii Oieseau of Highoocivs W. ilogan snd tbat dinner ha could'utft i ayafroni malle the raiese ofasissmiintabout Rloger Moore, of lilgbvood, for fais. the aubjcct and hurriai throug bibs treble that of liut year. arreat, egc.*'ak te renm atiang. Judge Joues . Twoossea.thatamract attention arn »Il 0. R. Lyon ver. mcxtla lu der sud uîcoat Selaries. Condamnation suits fot right.of-vay alltem m t wv aaybodys amy. lbfougb ZMon City. The dcaseare enICu RIGHonium nAD lTe Supervlsors at their recenl meoded as follova: . Chîcago, Thncm eiidsmaîoogt meeting by a vote of 10 for and 7 Thonmin thebedar Il dg fghtagaînât decideil 10 gîve county officers Wauffn ndNorth ShoreaB, . TB vTime keepers, referote and itake amise luaslary. The Increiae leasa John Ateanda Dovil*an d -The Chi. hoiers haviag been appoited, L C. lndluated herevitO: caglo, Evaimion sudNi ort h 0horePrias, republoananndite »for Connty Conyuge$1010580 Eloce ua tlay Co. va John Aezander rrellagur, wvulngarel10 lot oanty JCie, $1200 10 $2300 Doute." Bath suilt BeMOInd by 1h. badges. a~ous al 1 a32 AlazaadatClark, of Ohiefgo, »audeintmle alnficefrag<rapaitarp 0 Tesrr 101580 evldoEIi.Sat botte campsnauls hils &%- vhlcb vas fasenoaen bm bger ad Tue '2eereram lucreamad salai! ins under difft amaies, repfems i mnounsi 1.1miiu vu reaiy. A baill ipeclncaliy includes bis salaxy a. Su- the.amre project. doS, talaed le, a nas«!. aited vltb evsho aeaina Calais f th aOeb sud etoit or s avage imatience Rlm Puce ta pull The Sheriff, besidea the alary men- caled or b. elbertera fllo: orib 10th er~'WM à mlmgbiy ioneailàthe same sa.alwmys allouai 03"1) JURY. ef o ha laii onsuai , but 80 60 cent. par day for bordlug pr iscinera. J. L. (lailmors. Bouton. ltu4el$ sineele wua» mlook cf ___ John D. Nemy. Neuporl. soteiansfthe I til1MIhbomme 0. Thayar. Atioce. ieu etLkFon. RL-J. Maison. Antioct. bglisaid.Priceasgat e badger freiaat aeFruti Lee IL.ob1. . ract. suikaiMdi the boylliValet alc n Lait veek à tire vas tartei ln Alfred Osr» ons e" di.Avon. vUIalcus.Ail hais wusederoiff, L- Baker$ fine stable at Lake Foreat. 0. W. 1'uika. Waren. »Il Prim vatel le Wemi but the Rardly bait the lire departaient, ai- La. DB8u5* Wakasaaihauhea vould »Mt bla lthey ited by grooms axtlagulalîed tIie ?dmW UaB . o am de ,e a M M heirpftle U a r ivil. - th-a st a r-aim va. tuin ed 1lu AlolsI Aaiumo» p M MM sséAnimfi cm J. V. Farevel'@stable, vbicb BarIy PMtU""M - T» gem. hats, ahntstd for %h. hurmd ai theba round dempile every go"n § leue. y vr n mia~ effort ta maye IL.Four splendid biooded il. - mui @» M maa t i bon» vuburucigo deeth. M. 8. Ford. Waamdà.mati1egai.Rm vro h .MOi»mÊî H. H. Churcli. Oubs. E u ie Rois! veiconia %hem vitb a sudOhou the blaestartei Oaa neyer William Quentin. El. Henry Knopf. Vernon. ueBl spech sui made Ihefrtvaaety beau axplaîned. Ail tbretirea vere 9. Brd Boton. W. Daerleid. . minute m"&y llvely vilO fan. A boat doubtless of incendlary orîgin. Gleorge Cola. Deerfielil. race huit ta Muerebkeà blped malle D,1 C Purd. Deerflid. qPETIT JURYT. Ibinga Interestiug. Than supper and Mm@. iHirami E. Oleemon. - Phullesinser. Newprtl. 10 the traima Tuesia! aIet lem home lu Half Day, Uio. W. Btrou,. Il va.--hurrah for Mueîebk~ail&Hoocurrod Iha dealli of Mns. fllmam E. l"ien. AcOan. day long mnd cheer alter abeer va. (Ileason, &fiter a short lliluesa vîlO Mihael Burke. Anllooh. Sliven by the deilghti vialtors a a. ey typhiold fever. cha Maolntir. boarded the home nouadit rain. Josepiline Elzabeth Churchilva. Chai. lRichardsî. borailn Anaville, Onedia Co., N. Y., Gec. Cabei. Avon. Convention Wes Legal. ileplember 29, 1852. S0e came wast tiimniehanler.Waron. Itla nuu generally conoedoi the vith the famntly lu the sprlng of 1855 Harr Price. Wauiegan. recont demnarailii. enatSorconveu- 10 Higbland Park, loter atlling per- W. 8B. BulljocI. lion beld lun(Chicago vas regniua ad naneti! 112 Half Day. (Mo. Lowe. ' legal. Hovaver the question la one Bornis 15 yearî %go obe va. married Fre Woth.luvolvlng legal niceties. 0f course ta Hiram E. Uleason. 'otoam vm John Palîfnt the point vi. ratiid by Lake county borD a daugbler, Helen J., nov agad John Nelson. Shieldis. demoMrtà. andIil la boucs the more 10 jsaean d uho lies dangerouiily Ill Cha. itoaenmlal. Shelds. lnîcrstng 10 knov 00W It la regardai vith 10e aiMe diseise wlicb cauaei M. . cother portiona of Ibe district. Here ber moliiers deatit M. Baer. inoi. . hat the Beiridere Noriiweagera hian Snrviving are aueo the busbaud, M. A. Vauderkicot la 5»Y o! il: fîther and brother, uho luin la is su Harmi lason. Libetyvîlle. The primai! election lau pa5aed by aillîclion and enmnentl poril of thit DelionAmn. Fremouit. the lait leglîlaînre ba. 10e folloWiig Young life vblcil toey are nov beudlng Fred Converse. Jan. Watou. Waîmonda proviion: "EaobuOmitlflg conven- every effort to Bave, hava 1he deepeat o f BouWagnem. Jr. "tion],8111,aHbcha ld vighin kio bound- aympatby of i large nircIe of friends. une. (lia. Vernon. arien of the munelpallty or diatriat for The deceased va posaesaed of a Lawenmea GiiAeu. Vernon. uhich île nominations are la ha made, gelmn îteba uv u Las.enie Do Lray. emli.and et the place iesignated ln the appreclaled by lhOne wilh vflom abc Jas A. Ding. "cuit."' If the primary eleation liv came ln contact, and 1he regard lu 0C C. Chaumait. appiei 10 thladlatriet, the nomination ubich abe vas Iteld la evîdenî by the ýo .B rden 01o Deamond ucuud i e ciesniy illegal. expressIons of nibiemln lu vbcb theiie H . D . Davidsoui, But ilioesn't. The prliary election naighbors and frlend8 ,peak of tOe N___ __ -lau lrovldea Uiat lu ordar 10 secura deprted. IG Stock Holdera' Meeting. I' advautages 0f tOc llau rnUulolPaii Notice la herehy gîvan thal the leusend districts muat fultil certain de netCa iaes annal meeting cf the stock bolioesof conditionsi aid tbiieves elect tloî K tineicndcnt Cukan ites. - 1te Waukegauansd Washligton MIiiig provision& of the liv &hal appi!. Ti. . .Scarulo Wuegni ,r Boaabnrg, Wasingion, onCet. 6, 1902, Intervews i vilB ilvidere iavyere nonnocs Iimseif an indepandent si a3SP. m. for the purposa of elcting a eveai dif!eriag opinions. Soins tbluk candidate fur the ieislaiure. board oR dîrectors for the eaauln u il the e.. vare carrled Iuto court the A. J. Riaymond, oR Wauoonda, la almo aud for the lransctng cf auch otber judge might deaie the mtter on Its ont as an ludependelit In opposition 10 - business au nMay coma before Rai mert. aud rula tOit a nomiation L. C. Irîce, the regulîr nominae for meeting. ontalde the district la iluisfIS regu. COnUty teinrer. -Wu. 0. WALLEE, Director lai and omiar B uev convention. Lewis ChiMberialui, 0f Waukegan, fer.AB Kaulfian, , Others thluk tbat an! luige vouid bs lned a petîllon skng go bc placed R1AER.D m, asrai ueIa u1e bec fo h Iket as an Independant eau- ISAI PET31, the positive provision thsl the cou- dîdate for sberiff. CHARLES A. RAUGHT, veulion nuet bc e lel n lue district, >nITHUR E. BTRIna, à a lechuilt! of the kîni shonli 001 A Ramarkabie Record. 51 Sd JAMBO MOITT, ilerfera vith aa clthat vWunques- Chamberlain@ Cough Hemedy bOa lis.touahly the vork of the regiariy remartable record. filha. been la naa Arthur Mser, âged eigbit years. uained delegates la tua convention, for over thirty yes, iurlng vlitli lima mauy million botiea bave ban 1 p reailung on 'Venn Avenue, Chicago, Thie iicof the niajoril! oR thue eg- îoîii mniusait. Il bas long beeau the la the latemi "-Boy Wonder" admaicfro 11u&aidegbte asU ndOntedifly tbat standard and main reliance lu the OtntntpOiO 0iliehhtbse ta i n. Desmoni sbouil bcaondinled. trestmnulof Croup ln thouans ac R,'lis tfstnrcork la glvlag the days 0f The provision of the primai! lav dos ermes edrngreaitled 10te nimnu- ouy vamk that mraychamentioaei lu nual appt! lu thedilstrilot anIdtherafore fburer beevbreport"faigdo1tfectena sayi!yea* dmùerd. Th&% la, ha vlIîthe Iecbnlcal Irregularity lIaI voli cure. Whan gîven ai oon aitie cOud oA. prnpetaî,IM lm dayoSn. le MD otherviia aulit vouid Dot ct aonîi- becomlis borsa or aveu n onums the aColnuaa of Ivo aid 11MBfigures ered. If a conleit vera cailei ta the croup! cougli appeanail viii prevant >U5C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h anoiarpdiasgvahm Hao10baattack. 19 t. plieant 10 take, To Make Roomn I will dispose of my atock of buggies, aurreya, road wagons, etc., at a very close margin. 1 do not want to carry them over, in fact must utilize the apace they occupy for stoveiî and winter gooda now arriving. Buy Now and Save Moncy. If you have cash to offer you secure a buggy right now at a lower figure than you will again be able to. Hl. B. 1301R, Note the Good Points. Tro Be Comifortable, shoecmoat ha sof% and plile1. To Be Durable. chous muat 0e of goad malerlal. To Be ileêîthfhsl. ab00s muaI afford protectiomi. To Be Economlca, slioes muaI 0e raa.onabla lu price. Ail Thon OGocd PoInts are coninci ln our Mayern ilvwaukeesBous., Eduaria. Btaauood & Ca. 81ho0, M. D. Wells & (0o. thoews, oulbman CarpeuIer i& Pelllng 8iloes. Wtll jon examine %hem? E. W. PARKIIURST, 2Oth Cntltby Cash Store, §chu" wkMailas and alter tOit tbe Deariment viii 0e open for aI kînde ::::or Millinery businesa tiü We viii dîîîpay many beantUifu pattern hala and terri EIGoopiea of lthe laleat Parla atyles for drossa oecamlom. uobera, style and attraclîvenes iiiae bats suhpaaa theflneat Bt Boy of wevîona exhîbite. dylt-, toWa as~every day ue idy toWear -Yonil vant somethîng for betveen leB- i yon're neot ready nov for your vInter drema bat. We dlapl*1 a good tion of thesefnet expenîlva hala. Tbey are scratcbed fait, or tough liat@-trlm and aimpie etiecte, juaet the thlng for nov, and juM irght te lb the nav tallored sulta. Feu hli&l white or white vlth B dasb 0f tor geeen. inu nusually îlrtkIng shaPea are ilthe I&t9--athough 1he rde, oxfordsanmd the grays are cimnîgiy amart, and lust a. gond DON'T MISS SEEING OUR DISPLAY. MILLINERY DEPT. lB ON THE SECOND FLOOR ENTRANCE THROUGH THE MAIN STORE. Telephone No, 109, Viaa.DL My 8tock of fail and winter blimkets la in and ready for inspection. 1+ have a large amsortment of lined Stormn and 4 âtable blanketsi.4 Wool blankets in bright colora and latest4 E' patterns. 4 Corne in an~d lnpect themn. C. H.- KAISER, ORALER IN ~êHarnesses and Horse Furnishlngs. Libertyville. Illinois. %4++ô++464+4b4646464&4b« er as CJ. y. cagi la mnthiue rangfes noiveiy. in ber mId alan igetbar Bhîif J J illy ilini Ilir gradeu round vil be Page E l. 'j, i Libertyville Illinois.

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