CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Sep 1902, p. 2

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tàpB NDEPENDENT PUBU.SUED WEEKLY. CO~mIINQ mATES ON APPLICATION. XMSENGER 1S SLAIN. 'VERITABLE REIGN 0F TERROR AI LEBANON, PA. il Nlght 1i.rlsanee Reanaits ln Shotiug of 17-Year tiId Boy Yoth Cslazed by Cigareta 8stale andl Kil. Girl ln Philadelaihias. Lebsun.Ps.l'. -as la a tatp rf ex, te.* ment ai] Monday nîglit. Iheri' wa.' trng et pistola for houitin th, vicinitY If Ille .Aerican iron unui] te'itorka. 'oh.-,' a etrike 'as in prgc.Th'eîcc,,i'Iriln-nt wto ball ju.,t arrîîcd ntt tle m-it-tr terrified. as s, re coorî'd c,, ens tintlhe vldniity. About miîduight Wilsm 11.6f- iman, 17 yciirs W]l, vtsî shot. snd he adi I la the bospitai the tient taornitig. Ilie ansa a mesenger in the ffice of the Ameiricntu1 Irait and Sico Conipsnly. and hsilattlend- cd an entertainnicnt in the opora bortse. On his way bitte he iras strm'k lty a bullet. EMAN MATCH MIEN RUINED. t AjuerleanCompany ,atb !lsden'M.-T chi ""Y Capture. Trade. a fle Gernin match mon.king tones 1. ahîch ablit .5Jttt ' f capital i taypated, ha. tuiv irr,ight wihin t t 'rabie distance of riti lis ti(-nt'.rtlut (If6 tbe Ameicun Disnio,îd Match Crniînnysa new facorit's nflur Msnheim. Thbe Dia- coud!compas.! t.aca nnchinery front the United States. Forty tustcb nunufactur- cMrsrtpreostiifg the enire matczh inidus- try in Get-tany. tact in Blinrhsanido bated the ituation. The pooanhlity oft lln-dting the product<,n if inaach,' dlseuased, but the re1rscttitive, -aI'flice L[)i&and comipaso saîd the îîtî1% Inuiît to their production wouid lie inahility t.) adI the. product of ail tbciric îthiie, tîow toqailld and that of nilte nirihies that could btin istallc,1. Ih n prrtbsbie that four or lire of the larger (emmo n Eatch uantfaturers asiii make a IproPo- aition to be takeu i io the Diaîiioiîdcoat- Iu'ny. CRAZED BY CIGARETSà STARS. f Ireuth Cuise sd and Fae, f Ton.i C.1,1laluPhilld.vhIla. Crased by eigarets. Barton Broiraitski. 4L youag Philiadeipitia l'oie. aîtaî'kc. 13- 7car-old Marlon Bsrker. atho ran tan heri w" tu echool, asanbed ber tbrtaugh( the cheek, la the back of the ne'ck anda tubout the bead and face, util elle fell ani th. grossnd, fatailiy anndeti. A croirdg laihkereal and, anit about; of "iynchi &"lu," thte Pole iras beateu touiche artb.1 ItUaining ie feet BrokwitFki coiaii sak ed the. moli for a cigaret. A aorkiagmon la tiae croird, bowevcr, tbrettned to thrssh amy one irbo onpied snîîh the maaquest, and tbe jouth wis taken ta jai. Foiiawingins tbe sanding of the cluis of the National Baschalil league' W. L. W. L. Pltsburg.Affl )34 Chilcago . Gl. 1 9 11rookiyn .. .72 601 St. Luis. . 56 -.2 Boton..67 61 Phbiladeiphia. 53 78 Clainasti . W4) 67 New York.. .45 S2 Thte clubs of the American Lonague &Uand as folloira: W. L. W. il.. PTlsdelplla SI FIi Cleveand ... .68 65 OaI. Louis.. . .715 56 Washlngton. 58s 75 Clettgo .... 73 57TDetrot ... 50 82 Bouton...74 59 Baltimore ..50 83 Labor Leader la KîlleaL John F. OSuilivan, lainr edittir of the Boston Globe sud anc of te best kîitw labor leaders la Newr Engntl. waI ston orer and killed by a train ai Ltiti.Mas. He hbit coule ta Lyon toadstrî%s «a tacot- ing snd on leasing is train fell acculs another tracktipon whir'b o train,î w as maklig a flying a'wtîcb, and] he mas li- headed. Preasidenat Operateal Upon. Preailo-nt ton>svet ,aa operateti an at Indianapoilis for asoranon lcg tdue ta lnury nuslacd l In taî NIi ass., uc- c'deut, a ha ntilii,îîî.l hlî imt c tIrtur, ,'tunting to a ta'iiigtoa. 'hîsictutîs nuy %e la binaodangîr ..dlcxp,'t tjiirk rc ,povery. - - Chîcasn Wima A silliciler. Mm. Lutcie'n An irr-rit. al,îhiliiniler, Connmit Il nititlein îttitîtît *0 irlng bouse. She loit a 1i,îî r utnlîiii tilt' "d: It"licone IInIt itriko titi tttilr labout tlîît. 1I anjti r- îîijttl'ln WMliiRt Ait an Hsy's Nte. munis illi-11t ti ii' iiî,ir t t fornis, titIth i,' trin ,î teil n, ,rîî,d stîspectird StaYrcîtfsss the rniifi Iî f Mtr, 'Ant, Pla t, lru New 'Yîrt. altir I tri in..t~l',r ldentitiet.n i em Iii ai i-,, v wmas ar- ziested jain ecli) , ('n a. Cous 'h ictau n i Murder. enna onli'nt-n 'f1'f i.....r'd-unfHa. htte lire. I.. B .' minad tIlih'-ii~n to'tie hanat't. Paima AsSis of Tranas. Preairlent Pl'niant'sýurtis sthda.ttsaI Of rn'maiturng t tut11 i-n Ht,tcn opn froua Cuba, sud înrutu'rhta li-n areterreti to Secretary httli.-thn lu rte teattut Naval tiotl nf mujirinr .nnatta Admuirai 'tî 11u1,1unithn, f the llrootlivmn mr aî'ui'îu ..hiýc rmter tdur- Ing rent jîumît uionnr"n. Ohi M ruin ,llaFarmner. mont. Oi., hua itî t i mttiit-uimi Bort, a immnin it fri near. 'lPlammii.-ir lwa.edar it untrret Hrk8un tua tw vailattiîrftntegaine latu s ahea i te gaen "sahed iitte rth ascrmnisuier andtheilatnter ht iiint.lf-defeusa. PsnerTri. l.Crash. T.ati ha] ai î uren rtra an u1lie Plttauug anti W-ati Itlitimiai i ' tdu Dean 't ter, l'un 11. 'iitratin uscre 'wrectu'd ant ij~z, uer -tttln' atai ed andi four ter tratiit-iiil itene nm la.i i Big Fonrtrain Nao. , uunh 't't'.ir'î J. Bn-an on ttar.srît k a yardn, i îguutt ai the Ner Jersey iret-t m'miiniti nlut- di.atipmtiia. The his unfi)in,,n.rte mare stsuise.]anti ti'; us urc aaint tt' edop for repaira. The aruc, rtu'i ru ableietelay. Mn. Be> tus s tu n- jured. ____ Auother Oi0 Psstofflce Robbed. Tl'ree masteti rolabons beirap tc taut- oco me afe ah JeffersonS, Ohio, m'tb dyana £[Lit. tohe $2M10ilcash anti $SM0 n stamlts. iaardod a mosus bounti trais anti asaet. Night Walahmau I,&mroiac JO5m as bOUmD, blndfaled and gagget. TO FIRIt ON SEAL PIRAT"S Ruanîsu Ordert- uii nela Poseher o îbrinCast. lu a iesatch froua Odesaathe carre- apod'dent of the Landau Standlard sas the Russian miuthter of agricultutreAnad otale dousaina. M. YcrtaoltiT, bas Aul nouncod ha bas no aa'tken ftectii'e menuoes far the supipression of tite cps- lonutie foacbiug oleratitina of Aniticîcna anti Japaneffe amoii egc eai and ti ter sas animais con the' aortheaternic..nt of Siberla. Atbongh sn'iititiato cnotiy wtb the reiteratd roprouu'tntiirni Of lusa. the Wtashngton andt h ititgat- erfiments avue fatildta put ait cadito this illicit fihing lu Ituasian woattnt. M. Ycrrnoiuff. centinute the corrcspondent'ft. Doaw givea forniai notice th&t Anuriran anti Japanema poai'bers rtipturedi't ithia the limite of Rugaisa maritimue jurisdic- tiou on thue Siberian coasat alli b liittli ta tbrec utonths' lnîîrî,,amcnt sud Ibeir sbipseand cargues 10 cutfisatiofi. This order au li be ettforced bv the rani gun- hot. No discrimination 'stîl be muade. The commander, anti crews of poacbitag vessela w hI[tie subjecte.]ta the sanie huit labntl. Iu case of refusai ta aurrendet' or Attenapt ta escape, the comimandier% cf the Ilussian gonloostg are empoa'cred ta lire upofi ant i nnithe -"aaipirates." MILLIONS IN CATTLE TRUST. Combine, Neariy COmapteed,l%'ii ave 050,000i,000 Csptalization. AIl arragcntont arec cîmîtctcti for the organzasiton an Newa York of tihe ctiic trusrt, wh bnrbtt ild bure a capital of $751. 00,000 andtt 'ili înonopoliac theîcnatie bnsness of the entire WNet. Pior anti posibi,' six af the ]argest catttoisnioa trio. lu the Union stock yards are nogo- tiatIng foi' the comabinution. Cato groirera niii e advaticedtirufficent maacy to feati their hcrtis asti narket thci. In this annncr ihe 'onolitiatcdtlris t'on control entame setions of the countary, wh'bch meusnutting thc capenise of op- erating aiment in haîf.Firma tnentlotted as certain ta be partie« ta the cambinatîrîn are the StraboraIltttin-IEana Commnis- sion C'oiuay, McCnriattt, lHong & 'tPtr uer. i'toith. Haat & Cu, anti the Evanal Saptier Buel Company. l'ue tw aitera jiatiinctiArce eDrîîm Flîto Cornons .tan Cnipnny and Gt'i"ir, Miiis & Co, JILTED-SHOOTS SI'.EETHBAIfT. Unrsq.ited Lova Leada M ia...uri Touti t. Fatal liaca. Great exriteuut utrilin oFuirparn, Me.s, tin arcotinutt ft lic tr',ii i fatal sbolung of Mautie ('lusautui byhcr laver, Marton Luas. L.ti'ii, sho is a veang farmtr, 'ItarrelA i'u th Musa ljissrn. a lasndsonte young 'oounaîî of 16 yenreandat iredto fur mhato froit a revover nilir, after their reuurn frotnt a drv'c andi troil, au"lehhlasticoanttcud froint 9 aclockî tiI rnldnight. lu is generalîy believati in the ueigbborbaeti that the sbootlng resiuit- ed fronu a mati love anal the gin'. refusai ta marr,' ber lover, athough Lucas, -hob 1 now In jait dafIms ho iras dtimien ta deapeaîlon b,' tho girl lmploriug hinu 10 rnarr,' ber. Mies Chisam anIspopular i school. clurch snd social circlas, FINED FOR REFUSING TO STRIER._ Former Presideu"t of Union Assed $1,500, but Dedine. to Ps. Tho largeat fine cuer impuseti upon a unionîNîî.kansafanr rfaalng ta obe,' a trike anuer bas jiiet bccun asesd agaisi îa iaî Mcarrirk, farter preni- dent ai' the biileroatt'r' utnion ai' Hat ss C'ityKa. He hansht'ctifiaetl$1,5415) berauso hc etîtutti et uw ,rt sica the hoiierrunuitî'rsin the îUitonlPacifie llaii- reati soops vnttînt a trike. Ni' irrtut saya ho 'll o ii t lîny the ite in the -t',ci cf a setticuactrit tetw'e'int oiIurtuakers andtithe raulmrît ticontpantu. "If It'sve hecona uenacanary fur irte iutgo cisetshure to mort." hc at . *"I w il laok tgude tif uniton shnilta for aiuiploi tent. MY tfaît- ly cames lufore 5115 utniou oncsth." Tno Deati sud Ftrty'four Hurt. Th.e Royal Blute ilveron f the Balimuore ant i îo Seuth'oostrn tuas 'areccit't et Lt'aburg, Ohio. The tratut rat intt ut apen ma'tch ushihe nunng l,' uiles unt hour, Ttc engine înnploutirandthle vngi- neer, Phmip Rite, ant i rcmsn tCharles Stuodcn.boulacf Chmlihurthe, 'sera kilîct. Eter, cosch ou tue tratint lett the tran., ant it usaserti fty fouir lersouus have been injuredthotbutghnue fahally sa, Pleade Guilty tsalBig Theft. Moesa -. Haie, ex-Cuty Treaaîîurrf Cooradoa Sjuintgs, changen tii tnhea ziemnttof $h0i.Slt of rîîy tutîma.s itit dretu bis plea tf nat guiiuy aout it'dedr guîllîy ln te I iitrict Courti. Jutuge Lies suapendeti sentence. ss>iiîg that t ap- teretithat the shortage, 'ohmch wsla - iuurredttrtith the dtfcnioîî's generos- iîy ta friotuiha btibeeti uetleti t; hua br.tîbar. Bi. 'e..eaa t. CosI $1,1350,00. Otue 0f the motii important aditionias tu the laie ftrots ln years -lui he the resuît of an onuer tiacedti -h the Antîclo llhuphiitinug Company of Cleveland b,' J. . iciriat. !The cantrsct rals for the contruction otf ix freight stiaters of the isrgest type t a total casticf St,6tmt,omi. Guru .1 . FI 'derCrae Trip of l'reuudunt itauttuorcit came near being IIIseet ty anîntle trsgedy, ta'e uitle dimnis narnos-iY eanting ticath iati tien hlta a rnage aRtietit. la rgir crat ow ilesi thc uitrn't'ttandtîti use Il. iay s-îtcctt'heevvr thlnr grte'ttmade su apmîearance. Acuaittea tf Bilg Theft. At 'tin xlatt Iltlic ajuy in thclýicru. f Hlarvey S. Rogers, tht din tel utniug drt oui triali fur urie if theîîrît igu untirt-,as- offico eiuru's cr kittirui thelî'Note' t ireat. ret-tirtid a verdinct oftut unt rtlis afler bî'îug -oitn uru ris -eainns psuic A-wNu g uro 'Vt'rs1il>c.. mi'gai'ttngunu iltin i ,cnuhr it n tu acreftt'ought atm]d altt100 nn att lIntr,' ta oser 14)hti h ilera uS.mia Ilrreesu, fruhhrtu d t; ce> t "r s cu the disater. Flftet'tiîiîir'Ifacintty rpruî scm- playoti hp thc Atînt r. mu1Imîtu a t li Compati;, v'o,vWulni ti iike on A. 21àl lit Letatittu. l'a . uni r m rtuu il tuto at tua sîruke bat mîg icita tieuinret unit Peary Elipetitiuu ]Retun-us The Peary Arctic Club mteamner Wind- mard, Caîtaîn Samtuel W. Bartîcit lias 'arrived t ISjdtnt',,N. BS. tram Caps 8s' Mlne. Alu board are sac1. BRIiTISH RIULE IS BAD 80 8AYS A SOUTH AFRICAN COR- R ESPONDOE NT. Great Disatlsfaetiou Caumed by lua- tory end Inconsistoat MetlLoda of comipnsation - plan- ning Irrigationa Systanulu Nebrsska. The Jobannesbuîrg correspondent of the I.oudon Timtes says tiisatisauction le ci- prosact in variaus parts of the Cauntry 'autl the tardinesin the award.s of com- penisation for the basses. The compensa- tion commnilons appointe.] la settie clamas for damages tiane b,' Brititb iroops bave pali oni5 a amail nunther af ctntnandering notes. Out of 45.000 claim, regitere.] bat 10000 bave been dituposeti of. The cornuisalotia are con tinuatIy lhabla to change of personnel andi epate.] iucunsistenc,' iu jutigmetits la allegeti. The correspondent saa,'s houn- ticratanda that both the civi u'daniotlit', authorities arc anniaus that the miitsr,' cornitsniona hoabolisheti andi that the ,nul@ 7rk ofcompensation beturlietl wb . of-1---- 7h ý MISSING MIFE FOUND BLAIN. MYstery ln Deasla of Womusn Taken frouanitch ln Nesa jersey. sMr. Anriie Pluitzer, svlfe cf Josephs i'ulllaom, a Isiior of New York City,, sib bas bicau missiot for tbree days. msn fauna dsad lna s tîcb rbich a t high tîde ia kuowu au the Morris canal1, betwcn the Hackeoaack sud Passalo bridges, lu Kearneyr townnship, juai orer the Jersey City lhue. Tbst the usaut iasmotier- eti ter. lea buaauiit etidentce. irtra thie mutilation of the hody, there being two fractmes or the skittil matie b,' two blaws, wbile a gaah ix luches long bad! been mnade lu tbe sbdotoen. A icather trsp bad beenu OOtince arotîndthe bbodyi,. Aitacbed tb the ndftihfie trap iras a btchlng irsiglint tiging tweaty pouuda. Evîdeuce iras dist'erered tending 10 sbow tbat tsso mon 'ocre caticerneti with the dimposîllon or the bodly, lriilgctendera Johin Rane and Johu LIyntcb gasittbat Ita 'rucaday igbî o cioseti rab came niang irom the drec'tion of Newark. Tiro Young anti 's'leu trt'sd men at togther un the front seait. There irere nto igbts on lte rehîieesud Katie 55w thut the rortains had oct plied cioseiy. IROBEER UcîtsE inYNAMITE DOBal. orer ta the civluritgvcrntocnt. luienetats>wreke Buiding and RKilnlai.uef lu ulitu this usintuset by the Indecialon Trryîag ta Loot a Bank. of the boîrnc goueruiment. This, Saya#ti Iu Skagtaay. . aisoks. ait uuknown nmari corrcoanilnt, ls ene of the cases athere tualked luto the Canaduan Bank, of Coinu fntnucîtul bc ,,bniatei b; aIiulig a merc,,aàrevotlrer n one hand anti a il>ta- fric itantu th e coîtonial gouerniuuofit. mte bomi luitbe ether. snd tiemsuded $2100, tbu'neiag ta iîlaw ail inta ASBOESTOS TRUST PLANNED. eteroit,'. Cashiir Pooucy sud 'relIer - 'tWallace mereîthc uniyt ta aninlathe Tiret.agest Propes'tle* to Be A--lsnk, WallIntc ri1ked te gel hi, gîta qaireol b,' G. Frank Allen. snd railqtaiitlr vo thc uciorf the roonu, C. Frankt Alen, preident of the New u'sIilng to Potrley ta do the sane. '*No jitu Eugland Ambcsto's %Milliag and Minina da." 'cIcItiti tmint, atnd lpîclthe Company,, I oorttng on a acheme tut cotane- t.b Te ct'rihatijutigaýtn aîtif bine the asbestes interents of Anueruca hy the windoir. T1he hank ira, srcci acttiring the biggcstnAbetos Pm'1'cttit's. The robbofr', hetîla tuas s sbdanti ane Inlulting tia Theford, the Johbnsoni 5t arDu 'sas tru tilt People living above Black lak'e asdthie Brouehtin P. Q. mine. the batik aero i1r-n lto the air, l'lieturchase price ef Ibese in $67RS, of s-hurla lie prascut atuaiera ii taire RACE 20OW IN IIELLAIigE SCHOOI. $30000 lu tock. is plan l. ta tan- creusie the capital of bus conpa, frita Principal Farces White Girls to Kims $5ý00000 te$1'u),XO acqiuirng thise the Colareti Putil.. niandot suîch othar plants as are[ccs- Indiignaation exist aai Beliaire. Ohio, sony ta the coimibine s-tub Uic prtaeeeis. oTer the aliageti.atiens af J . Deafen- r augis, principal of the }ifth W arti MILLIONS FORIR IRIGATION. School. Thore bore been somne dufferencas - betireen nine whitne anti colaret i grl Mausmoti Canalin10 Divert Waters of pupile. wirîci annati:d in an open ligh.- the Loup 1.iNa sbr.aka. The principal gare lbus ultimtatums that The Nebraska Central Irrigatian Com-ta' ei whte girls titt ail tuas the coiored panty bas euaultuuced arratgernents for the girls or talle a tshiîpiag. Frgbteuetl, they conistruction oraf s$3,000.tKt) po.,er mati tamploe. .Thetparents are bugbiy atrket Irrigationtaal,.andth Ie s-rt etbidiing upo uer the offaur andi theaschoo board it wiîl begttu ii a short ime. The canai 'ui rai an etra seaion ta inveslîgate wiltl direri the s-star rf the Loup river the matter. frounas pont near West Peitthlroing' the cantal ta an immense rtvoir nsar FAILURE AT IIARSHALLTOWN. Ceolumbus. Front this reaerruoir the 'saler wi'li bave a tailio niuety teet. s-tb an RodsCra ug ous, oulet miat the Platte river, anti beldes Forced ta Mare Assignainent. turnisibg 20.000 borse powrer wml irri The Rh.ades-Cermeu Buggy Company gate sevoral thoussoti acres of land.t of Martholthowta. lowis, one ai' tho largest ________manufacturera of carniages lu the Wost. Bics Croit Wili ne Large, matie an asignamout, A. C. Price aud A. Au etimala of the production of rico A. Moore of that cul,' s-rc nametiunasnas for 1902 ba* been csarpled b,' agents signecs. anti the farttar,' lli be closeti cmployed for tais aperial parpos. lu tetaporanily unatil au tavoîra li taken. The bas been fatînt iIat for the total of 34!%.' assts are scbotluied nt $266,561766, autd 242 acres In Loulsuana the experttd r,,.- he liahtliten ai51.2.7 There are tif 178,737 acres lu Taxas the expere. State Batik taaflac largest credutor, ailla production '-ilhe 1,086,916 baga. rnsk_ a lainatf 40.000, -burb the lpresudesl of ltag a grani tloual for the entire production the bank says a 1,fîîly accureti. of the iraStates af 3.1m,.019 haga. - Cr'iner Bucconfuily LaunseheaL T'he crui"sr Des Mones lotit ber Mt dtplutote ue'oser at Quitry, Mas,- anti ,asa cituereti ausb ealittifroua ihe stars hy thotteantis af person. incuding s dia- ttugniaheul îîsty front the city fer uî'bcb nhe is naîoc,. Misa Fis'tt a-mlhor f tDes Mainte s mashedthne tradituanai bot- te of chtampagae ugaiisIt tcen I clpros ai' the cruier. Jess itan Sbont. Girl. Daid NI.t loughaor, a w eh ka î art îngmana. shut anti serieuauy s-otiuarit M ios I.crcuia Wnnebrenncr. agel 17. Maar bt-m iîîî in Cmneraugh, l'a . toil rbea -nat a hiîîîlot o m iehas a eart. tit ng tstanttiy. .Talrrisy ad a estre tir rt-t etuge are gimen as tht' t uiiaefor ru t. Th- eFîre.e nuad 'rhrce hretnen mero injttrcti ani tiren- tie Ir onacs humne. to death un a fIre ia a large lurery stable et 525 Eont Sîst-t emgiuhh imiet, Neiv Sert. l"ao îof the Ilu jmtreal an ioeetaten la tue inospitl ushere lu 'as feare.]their inuttriesa 'oouiti lurore f , au .'ne'hcfinauds1 alos sus tial. Puistoffice HBuildinga Wrectcd. Thne piistoffire building ai Minet, N. D., rellapunt anti la a total snrecc. Couumy Treutîurer Johu Lyncha anti N. Daivis, a pratmunet tattontey, 'acre acrieutat; lajur- e.]. anti abouit lfteeu peuple arc elvt ta bechîtued laf the ruina. The lots tit the building ia catimatati ai *7,000. Gaos uffocalos unArtîi. J. Charles Coclins, ai une tirne saIlgb ly socresaful artist, iras founti deati ln lais roont et bis boarding hotîse it Nes- York. The coroner'. verdict la Ibal death mas diete 1thUe accidentaIl umîtisa tif a gas jcI. the ecraping gas tilling tise trtial as ho slejit. ____ Istauders tanBe Traaslerad. A perition signet b,' 1 .033 persons cf variouns classes on the Ilandut of St. Croix bas heen sent ta the DZanisb minister cf finance prsying hlm ta use bis influence te empedite the traroufer oftfhei Dantaa West ludues tu the Unilted States. Boit of Lligitainir Kilis Tira. Turo boys, Frankt Zatocak atudi Tmttb Ranttduao-a wre khlluti b>' igiuunîng near Belleville. Kau, Thebo hys mere tira talles apatnt aihUi tinte, but botb more kilîed at theeanme matant iîy being stru't in the fereticauib; the boit. Change Printer.t Home Naue. 'Te trinatees otftc ('hilda Drexci Inter- ntuanmital Ui'lonu l'tinîtera' Hornent Colo- rnrhru Sptrings lhave fatsardeti necesaary ialras tota he itt't'rutamn ai' Sîtaof Colo- raou to shorten thceu'arîuonmte narne ta the " Union Pruniers' Hîumc." T..o Killei iu a CollIsioqu. At Ciotahw, (0. T., an east-houai fretght train nan loto the rear of the Ss t showim rtrain, tIint'tiro per- 1 uis anti 'uuundlng tus-nt,' aix others. Th'e tilleul are ltarry WiVlliamsa anti au iunknowin tiegra. Riz P.Chlnsa Bouse Burus. Tbe big psrking bouse ai Chihuahusa, Mexico, owfbet b,' Mexîcan anal Kansos ty, capitalst. mas partI,' dotrogat b,' Ore. The hom a L$M50,000, parlly oooed la InuwAnoe. People riing lu the PI'snt Creek taLller arc siartunetiorer thc inaaic of anie anti aullîn.tou. fanes front Capperas 'lttaîîrr usluîrbcrin ho 5mefront Bain- hntthg, o,ttir . Erýrne the iratî,,p- tutua of NM. ni iclpe ian'Martinique anuite hias tucti frtunt('aîpraa M ouain at intrrals. W'tinatht' asut css'day. the amaoke air igag havehotue ncill urturet vu, luofnin lî i, iiS t-ieri 'Vur lutrg i t .t e oA us$iu. and "heire sas ca 'y l;thecîtrl 'frîî a s Otihu ,h u rt n -n crii, ettîîi f a iarrl.,t f itnt tii0 >ili -ruin a n a ahuýri m' tueetrub' unidinig -itnu liiw . idian 'I'rita lun't" t. "h.' N u mîloini ilu u nrtr. oni. arce nri'î oltaprtmarhtrnt!,, tte t.urrtitt turuiri u "lra ua mris uni uitmrendeiretd thituf -.1iulitîtar it mats if life ili . -uit. hV. 'Ia1. n tie- Sient- i. îla r n it>-fur the t' i iiînt tas ta ther't ' nnlmt Fatlle, Killeit ty 1mîs Chitti. Mnu. i.Nuits.. 11iîîg n uthn l'ar- 3litue amunnt. ditimitnetIra' at, frita Coilutt Stuios i., t iii d ti as th,îr-s mit tf a 'nilet vouinîinruthe lesritii .y1 'neit tf t1- sctit. Thorn-îa utuidu'tiN nir tgetd 12 aud 9 y3uars tsIt tinsut. . ' lîttys sud the ntthu'r at". Iiurt inu a Trolley Accident. An Aira, settant i tavînna ctire carnr hinîen the tract un Walcr triolet % Ku-ni, (tilti,atti ranltoa atelpopiae poli' A tituzet î,sengara -o nnthecar antd iolhi ht oura muore oun hi',. î.ritis Rîrirs rKilt aOifficcr. Nughî tîrîrahal Raie sas kiilIn a u biaile mîlu btirgiars ailit odfieltI. ('olit. Tao ah)tt- iicrei lis bénîtm, aflther au- tere thetic iutîtband titilneother chai' tereM bus inft bandi. The burgiars et- capeti. Pririe Fire lu PauIh fDakota.. 'ne nust lu'oructlre tPrairie fire i tt' bistory Aui Itadle ('tutuit>, . '1).., ýtae- purteti. Nt a grain ur ay snack la lefu Stidîtua toi atS t'a'elsn toiles longffby ire x1ii. M'.th.usuShot ta,'Thieve. Charirs t'eterson. a tnîthasafor te Chivtt, ii întF,stertu PliionsrîaItalinuîîur, ma. a 1ait ut ni iadl itinid us hiii- a rn,'s isg Caiuta, ltut uhe Utatuiti, 'sClit.e.jugu yard. Twa ioys Tske Elevateti iid. Ti'o lu.nacit the roiles holdinug s bau- triant an i ..miOhil i, utni tt neo six nutileshuaut tue blsIui landl r.fter hait atsun ilindtîithe blaita s ere utthurt. Traite Heies.i Ah.-sActislin'. Wu'ctiv reu c'a a tf tritie nuits-ontitu oedlnrtuouîy, uutrne,' atrlngency iuartng failedtuta hectlidutrial tiprratlouua or sitate cîrtitieuce, Queeft of Belgiaus Diu. MariaeIHenriette, Queeu of lthe Bl. glana, dieti af heat tiltealse ai Spaafter a long Ililuesa LAUJNCHING 'OU TÉÉCRUISER DES MOINES. IItE NEWV CRIStER DlE, MOINES. The hnnlmme np t-late criier lies 'Mint's uas lîîîcice t ai Qîtîîîî,Mia, to tue laccanipartnenu of te ibe itiiut fa batiles. the muiac rof iibrIaind itulthe cheering of a large i'ruiwtiof nptttra llrî'se't i s Ititî- trtiîirl'ti ois t , , lubill ncvt'rvîl tt-'. l iitht fheldlin plii iti(ti' blockt. anti the big nraf gi iui il t unttiittt'i tttt5tt ,îc s. Mit s i M Narounber îtf lit- 'Iiint tu 'lînitenthtii'vtýý-ttI i ltirt'îikui a Wttia of .'tiiurit'iuu hanteptagtm-tnS nr the la.-' to te cuvti. Th'bre tuas i itrgc and tiltiîîiiailt'i hum, Iy risvt. i1-v. îînîl finyohî'î'tmen no t îî"îîr.nîîtu itial1y, sis'i.ily Antli! itin ta luîfe . leltugtr'nt. -)lhcD'ies s la it'rf thte.usielt'i iand pr... .icrutisfra. authorieueIî 3lu eatnutf l'nigt 'i- tnt MairIl 1. '1t! . I lier length u tl îct2cu' liap30-'4'nti-ni t.3 .59m) i herse 1--ue, 4.74X) atîd iî,insi. rîtant a hilaiýts.uT,- i Ruts tiAr-rtati tain tenry ili c"iitst tif t'-n urît, ioh i r ,amir 1-t- li lonita tiî rapiti lire gns andttl the 'iu'aiî,iany iA ttenry ' it% iti t e itran 'nx Isutitiilr rapiti lire gtis, tar it ttttitrraplîl ire gltus. fnî,r i '.,l îîî,îî gong anti <tacthree iuo i.l tnglîn. Thec ctutraet Irici' fr iuit att]ndint'hntt' y la $,0lO0 TROOPS AWE STRIKERSa DIAZ TO GO TO EUROPE. Thirteeulh Regl.aent Gostio1to C-- p 1rsdu f lesenMiII onn tpart Near Sr 1at .l'. ftîri'r irc Viit. Nine t'ittutlaiics ai'tue T'irt,.curiîi Gtint C ilra, lr'-ultttif'iisXir, ii'l-. mnt, otiilroti ot N'te1ruinl iglit,,i'1itegru.if ti I<t'uit< .,tr lita tittî m nt ir- camtp tnt attdit u, Sorantitul'a. i ivýtielaEirn, tséý lu, ulie t-tl -ti îrtu (litimoi "litc.y it ui' touih, 'd ritanti aluni n it'.n11lnr,în î'r tht' sttutitrîn iuntue illuirî"rr ai i t heini titi ii t tla- extrî'taiy fîîrrituin auti: n ir huit i'uîrttrr,î hit itia ret îlt -i rattd tiecaclliuuu,'oitt f.idl i iit,rUàti 'ci'tilt'ttt Me l e i i- la~..î trîttli. Isti.iandl iut- îitsl -tI. . i îhn,',rrr - utu',î -il. "I har- nreit ren en i ne l'nih tt 'ii. 'a ith tinhr.- n itut'tftn teenth rt'gimeînt t t-t ie É l l ; I ait o ietun inn' ai ...t.. tt ho ut rî u for tue disrihution ai' tr.>,Iîîîs5tallie ine ,ehi ' "'tr f -n.ur hlin i Twcifth te, rcîîuis at t4iucnaiitiaaitnitt Mania POrL an ut prent. tîtil1 ratthei, Foîtrth anti pinte ta stuitnnt itY. ibere troubtlhe lmapat ta -cour ai auj loint ute, the Eigbtb aItirnarliti ai Shetian- doala 'olli be nuntu- t ,,lu ".iii' i,r rt' iKheea1 'oil aake nu; hadqaart-' W'bcen aslindi% bs pinion utu r' tr the ordaning ouItiof the 'l'hit't.'onth relli ment l'rcatdcnt -'titîchihsRai; "Ihave u.thiîuglu , sny ai Uc rist ti.te.n Sîrartnon tui liai% e s taadetiry n t cncsatirage tîn-tt-lii i init cd in the itrotu ItIe, for ait (l'ut1t cnt'tut attheeniii ' / mlenfiun tti the ritr"uiiare Ihîse t -e trk , . i ln unthe. lnnt ue tru nturie elai The iti'en tsil. titis tratstuas trio:ut11i Sîste. andu.thîs utu tru 'ui r-, -O,fu ttt teriai iteneâitt)tht' srtkern' relief tînn I' Th'e djtatrratie'c' af lM,'ttdiay ail i1-titi10 1 'tIlS?7 day fight an tuir tbreak anti as if mn coticerteul. "lT'n oee titta îtiti rf ilniSrilrcru-. 'l -nf ttiner C'n. a wilti order up thte ruileY. It .tnr'.'rl litz as an lîîîî 'inaiii .o a îîrrîi aben Etagene liiityr ans taicibitiala itir 1%r ti nti ue t r etltînt tutfîttiuet luir I .ztn haps fataly lnjturati by fii'tu'eu uri una rnstre,# et Atitiru, a.lie ta u- tili bus Doput,' Sberiff MeAntirew% anti nrtiuîr Rtvn'ty'thtii yu'sr. but lmt.-sut1te, uua man atoern taiiy assatuitetian.] tht' tep- ttri'ui pîisicai stri ti.ta iîs ut; lunself-defense siot a utruker iy the iruu anti alau aa miiil] lkem sLînt a mime or Taylor. t abie lth ic tîaarawi,t'sui i tltn nuie Ftuitwing is G en. (,iilsfanliaisltttheueîlîanî tto îtr atLttn shoot tuta ili" order. re n l 51, an'ai unluh aîn it.t "Shout netîki la ucartîgate Cit er- itmpttuwait n tn, ii, ntth!,n utu i wsamui. The tinte i'or fttrioeaoie ns utltiu'tiurl'rrln. e.'. rt ban gune by llie nîo snîr o ntur buîngîuîta otriai. lieis aat.ra frîttunjuil the Itîtutet ilieu anti assol ti '3tt i i in a i fa i att'tlnuu aind iltutlied. sentrit',dti tat thîtkti hmUtitarliî'î wii » 1 hueg'von untr ttati -11ian.c tlheotthinrit Ifr- eutit YOUNG DENIES CRIME. Say. tira. Pi'tzer Mas Eilet by Ct"iarl S. Etlii. Ad.,i t iln4 Ilu ti, utIunt nittteinui- tienrtf M'le J'lnia rluN - "e 1,,'tnutr lliinltr j ig.ftt rruuin u int, pernîr i'f tIent lnE un'l, 1 r'na'i Deorhy. ('aît.uts e ltuto ru tljitt tth, Gotunu iun ' ia tIul tilt i ni,It 'titlt,îi s lii ur i.l n u.u1 trt tary ' nriing t' . a itnmgîtl t'l, ' thros iliiun 1u1iI, Ir sfuif ti aieOit iic't. f-got n f a., hi, rou In, lh i ntie , t.h. s-a thenit Ilsrutuiit iad letsa'tri thur.tint-cani'o n'ui, rr Ilireti the unrnr i , 'titiigi unt,sie' Yoauug hltfiilotuit t iilitairîtuît'ui linog gays tinnt It.iing. tltitttt'niuied tom] ii i lia.11kiliutitte-,t5 riil ;lu ,,î in ie mr , l,rtl Ilrtnirai'inta aglî lrt, taIli- at, r nîîi dInn,liurutlitht' I-rlt but ttt Ili, o iiiru'farilluth iianti lic nuil, ,ouaIî(-Ilt r.u,n uî'ul it Ilin a t iuit unI <Iii ,i nu r tire 'tIiturrs roai Sut at, lu tniltt ir, iinng Lt k i tmi tiitiîru Elirtng la the -nle iii,'o hi, lu Xtrittg tIi tiu',dtieti'rurrk multutui,nlr.'nu. 't InuiaJ a53'st it'e iu't'IFig i igui t, 'l uar' andl tlautt i rt tn. bie-aof i- lurNote. A iholditig aitiany is te ire fîî'ittd tir üatu tl tîtth îutditimnuiuada, It lanai tiat lanti lias lie'n inigiti for auni lie arc tract fuir îu. u tas Cty. 't tuinent'fIl li9) fui-t dil a.1 attute nha tt at SortiauI liii, A'tika. antit u -rn kilu ili ILutit Islad intt'nts la slthiiii a rcoar frot iuhtr,9i.T.'tt)lithoas,'Tuenus, itut thi tuar future. inltt His arti tf ii'r(at Bituain la rn poritu' o a4uei licter licahîlunîwtitait for scierai 'tuars. 'rhe miliutern tf C'hiî'gs hate lascar- cred sut itan; gricvncis tisat t',' batie u'onelI1u(ultsitafuri auniona. ("uiuitam'a haveet.'n susorloul for nieui for the nets' ata gitc ip Uacciut tu ht built au the Scaw'Yortktnt; yanrd. An fintietenient parking compotr, witît a ctapliul eof btit) as beeua incuin poratat initIllinorisanadui tuill tatlrmhaln tIlanlt uitthe t'iicir'audtrainage canai iiiuti ositatde iat I't3 'n Iliita. Williv.m Il. Bldin. formri; unr tary ouf the Nationail Stou'l Ccnpatrt.lut dtunated I 27,09s.i for the îurchîuse of' n ilte anad the cnt"ittn otufs,. thc frac tiriergorten uof Soultuni ou. JtoseplaSanfutril 'aa killeri n the 'toti dalla rosi imine tutar Maxico ia.'tn. Itu auas about 45 yeus A d. lie wsas ruab- cd iuy ointe andui asl fallntg spcnhuai. Ha beavas a widtimandsui mcchiltiran, Tboiaas Pcrkhus, a yaung tiniwter cf te IHoisuesChurcit. commilteil suicide b,' Iauegs ulnself mi't a rope ilu bIs barin ai coUege Mound, Mo. FamilI+ tmobe Kmned for ch. deed. 1 tinuit uni' tIr,' ttttili '711,îta'1 1 ,rlos I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~; mi,:It't.rhuit' gru.' ut, 1t ni' tutI.; mi ru", t.,ur;r :1,ent t 1-r1,mi.,11tut, m iii C , N ,IYria.ti il~~~ ~~ ut' înîrmi i.un-tilUni u, ,tfim .'mn.m ', b lu nî t uv 'ftiun t' o i ur î ta n IIrt,'naîorthtua rut.ftiin',titttitlit-'li i,'. i nn.aniutmî .1 îîîo, .t 1,11,l. -i-.'nt S ' .,ImurSuI- 'I',a ruta fr n 'n i 'at nur-rrri'. aun rînt;rl:,' I Inhr , r. ' St.'1 - I l,- .ih'irnut r ti. ,ui'- u ail ru-. ý n u ln'ri, 1! W, n. l t'lt m'inui. Ir , ,lu li'tntg ttui i.trfn- 3, rluo, J Iii . nmr 'ui ui ýuî ."dhai M1,1Il tlt1-unIt1.11 t. n r u-1.t.,. itpntti 'trul 0u1 an n.'ua r I il trt- 'r' u.,luo'S u,.'t..1murE 1itI ni, .t i, u-lonta'1 A'.u î uuia it mi f t r,'.' ii ii ' i tuttut Sthnti iith , t iîhu m Arc e o Str t unt eIt' Iru'.îu ira I Iul- n,. - lut uit- o ur mliii r usî qim -. or tslll you tuoulut-s chîut u a uir l-i 'ttn't iîiru'e ýtire t'ttu-u )' uY' ctiig jour ys- or-ci î.u-'îcîn uaiiun ,ahtni-- ttu-irnii' If suitotutacl, lisen. ltta ta fl tutu m in' 'tiof tiabou Vit ir iutt; anudîi tus a'i-t in tgito lo tul ns- nt - îr 'tInt- i ,in ti nf the.'ltnt' t1-ea It.u, ' y'uî1uîle't tnt usIll tue t1ll riglît tî'srn gr. oactt t n o ahurimeîtt. lDr. Cllstl' Th- SSuit ihcrn Iim~ iCiip.. n s ie- IlVi sati ro)5tlu ~ t'lt'.lit u'guat-a the tctttnititg fuirthe tir'tn,'of tt Ji u Qgtitfîlu, "" l mtatnd secrr'ion oii ll iud Crenu-c Ir t ttnf. 1','sinu'tt Sp'r n.-mI y lt'i ii uggr siits nthlite tuoacttitrcrme nrf ihe o Sithirui la lit Ettgiour, ati t s guuna!lu'u' shuichu nulIiive tht' st teta entnuroctutu t)ISit'rt'li'artti t riui rnry Nuit utn.otn' tr t in rust ma l in- tt- lim a nitlii tic. tutintd. ýtutni rose tt hem fitutti niarryintg.anie .,titt'hts tf iur'.îrpuurauiu fuir tht' "mmm g- tian lutu an, tloiîan'îî.uîni l r,' thas, s fitetiandi tentrai Ilinoitis Ili-itrue ltnttil- uu'.Y t'ttltpiny. su nh riltuti titi. i f Its fuiy te 'utffIr fritaltthorrible .u'1i.istij tandtt i nruerîuaî îîîieî' uti ttt . pigut o ro te utîglt, Iltt'lig pile&. fil. taie Imms'l ilt-utinth,. atti, e , f îî t liuruîîî's t lîtttu Clirs, 'Iîiit'kiy and Su'mr,-t ami tuf Suit 11'. l'u,'mnî' ut r., ,to elîrmîttietly. At unu; drug store, 5w uc,,t'îuîi froit Sprrmcinild tlmrrrnugtueuit . the' r ititi nirf Iîga, l ItilhA 1 tii> 'Siri or S4an t, tîîtu ig iîntî nuit tiuortg lie tuuu'mBo t r' I, ta a uiir i' ,tuir. T'l'u' t- uill ait- uite- s.itt .n A- ui' to i atut n it tt o gIut tado vit ra l iunlu u'sue'Iîtnifrnt Srir I , ii It t inuit 1 .....naae,, ii a,b. C'urhintuI î tuttli Nttta rinsitrinitahý . - "tahngm.nuStairu i tu ai '.n'itgtr 'tgîuuhîrr.- WSte o.r-ut l Cuiuit- fin Cnuîîunuuouilon lus v î'u' t olu m rutut u- t'iruh mu'iuv e. ll.tiu'l, nf ti' Net tYork Crai ai l-rti 'tM i p i E. t442 1P street. WVaah' rra îl tit l t n III air r-,n rî iiatrrt Itt II. rtuu ute uît i, ,lourd (hnnîn I,q-sfortîiusta rea'iit I tutus. f tuf anIn mai cir t 1 îto utir- tIt'e uutr States -onutfuir tue putntose of trt - anduttaI t l t,hI) nJ at-ut aren,- auuii' %-, j f;utnîtd tut ut niirlitit slupnîîuug tutuiats. Ho n tueur earuîu.Titiy gît $ffl'tul.i,te.i,> ,malle itself tîrîit' loular wible hors it usactntutiruer $2iiti>,i'Ocar,- ta t e atos r;-îc ag'u i taIRhain testeul. lie gai d0ailorotur lent' nutîte uuatî'ra aire selinîîg Usir otpuit Trite bum ott; helueth ue uountil un fareign ealntriea. tcures the pult tir. T'lîuas, Eiectrie __________________ 011, the bouseluald retinedy,. Kannas Cty pubic hicaratlamore f4- iThe besuben are aupposeal ta, il n -eued 'sith about 31.00() Pupins lu attend-' Milquestiona. ance. This la an increase of 2,000 oser ast ycsr. UmisAustia's Pauuisto tour. à dehIeloÇ ,seaifast. Rsadila àa i. At onf5l ROYALTY MASITS LASOUP brauy flutien tisai D.'rolVeU L Kînia anal Que.., of Great BrîtLaiLop Hefore,3Mayfialr la astir the Xingl ut his deak, dlct-atIuîg îbrougb'telep mnesages to liessciretarica ut WOf another rium, wrlting sucb IettWl dein itîlut a ntogrtiplareply and tacbilîîg lus signiature ota .lo. moenta 'hilitarcecri-r picacflt wlth mnsmcrh. it tiacd la lie lte boast, iiiiî Iv. tlîiî ac e eer retlredf tlieit iglit u:îti i lic liîd signaed eV tIting w luth aw niteîlbibi atgliatlute ilay, aîîd lie 'o oulîl îirsevcre lns taiik oveti wlî'tfîtrîcl toa alliY vratîtît iiei ls ingera l'y bttblng bluit tner. King Edwtîrd latiot less cou tioustta lîu iig NWiliinw and il dwientaoîtt viuti cxtînrtinary d pattýit. Iilî'i 'il, hi s ~îIjesly does eerlýî, tlinitt ttirlyl tted 1i't)iiptly andl wllI. aoc tlirttuI;li lil;gtiifore ttlir Peuple latie begitit taidiseusesaIt. Aften utte doctiitistîtîti i-orctiîonuletîe iVo ltî'vn ii'uit atit it ii' . I ai retel ves min- ltt'rs. tiîiiattîtlictend olItti lPer- moîigt's Iniuiti'i ltoee ay b. t "t ai'et, te itI "or e i fîtio'n 10atteud.. biitig Iîi il iitits surIfi ttlist3' cial5 tiiis, w111. nu'Ii i'it"iailii'ttlae King ,e7h tîliuii' litou all a it l irely fliti- il) li'lr.Toin iitle inpttltisix alsut le (tu ' 1 t iti (tti'fitutt Ilit tll' royal fall- Ily hotte te n rri ittrîtti'lire aiotii8a1 the ralis tf aitlt' tutilrllliltt lies5. I t s lt"îeai nuis tii ta t ute thle t-ami- tmiti 1t1t1111i, n 'Il , tir,' ti ts'115 t itî e ud anriît'nwrniiiat1itîe 1111-1tiiîuke ber ih r' iiliita t iia t f t'trii, tiome i oIeurq %'e-I ti .ti"4'11I-Ii:itrtîJt i n'itti'f - tii îri rî.r, r'., iil ia us la ,ti t tire tLa,,r tino tir li uttîtt itttof inît-ittin t, irt, hu'l u itrth. rai ti. lTe t iiri i " rî i t il w'ii lie lli5 iii ir , tîlîtus Ittatlti iltuttI îi tu atîi rtt i. tlu cut tî'tthoAiltIttg. esen tire,.ttIlt ic l -lt wei fl nn ej N- n tu' iî'r r lit'. uItlritnk lrt iiitttb -.-r t i flîi- r-ari i' tf ',tIl l a o tînyto îii.Iii'r ttirt ît, andtîitsitlilg tri'trima tîthé g.rinsi.îtiilg vn 11wt -f1ti .tid1Iî.rn krIsl iabut ti r,- rîr l.ita tit t. inn atfto ii lltI.f.i î'" p .io - frît' (etittillsîckl k!; ',îiat tht' le f-, -Nn li th' tiil tiii, iv iirt' . trriIt' X imae tii.takel iti riz it,seliics lr tî li ttii' i t'si al t oit ,,lity iv i J ii il ri iia t"I.iîf-t of I'ree. li. iII uii,'ss -lI .îrils sretn ti(,,(,fthl iit ni or finîl ltit uia.s lttit' iri yle tr unlizptihtiî iui$ li ta titile. tAt ii.,îîlti tiit iit ao à niii- r' vliet, 'aI.til hnul ofl trei t a t trco i'knSaSr i I itiii'it' t1wandla p oi Ilitli t i l ft, ttt i'itn Cî t.uia stîtit'rîîrîîiîrt atarritiigitly r itsi ti ti' tt7rt'r îrt"til tredo, i'n t't tt l" I tit ,, tv L.ire 1tîlid' Iiiuta 'i l iii I l iii,.a jIji it. grcbin ri.- a i'i'i'îld , t il .', I tii' tc t lu r- '04 Many Ili, Incideunit I spIritual tri ratîve of i meus illuaitr The airait lyrays for ment" aft Hniy Sçirii There ilas Deuteronnti of the coblit Canaa by broulgbtt ii migbl bin, out-brlnglîî gensine Ci pir. tii giassry air redeetiirai conzta il Pentai "uni ont of th't 1 cbA[çttur iii fortia ii c, ChrIst .i- darkacss ri life. Ni unies liii hila. att, of Sm noti bas irat 1, 0f of ti. l 1-1 ifnur> Sera tio., fet"dair lai. i tis do thoral Micr. B anliia K . t r'fri li& lutta sitar" t Thr, Il ahit aLt kItuyt' Il.." iii1i eItar, tii ('iiri'thi ort1:,:, p mcit i a1 n diuati thi inr oilt1 tilai nothe clîtîr,' trh,] h r Mitî'r Ot iif' ,ýlaiot tInt tl dît ti CH iiil1 Do t i 5 irii.r a biChris, ofithe 'lutho sittij citizir It

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