CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Oct 1902, p. 8

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,:.ýThe GreatestU States of the Worild-oý..- Rich Crasses! R OC KEFE LLE R. "Y. Ânderaou's farnîli have gtýnv to lenview for the w inter. Unr. John Kugge vilited frieu la lu liiver Vlîw a ew daya tiis week. lire. Frank Iluiburti, of Cictago, ta vistlog ber rougln, tirs Doolilir and farnily. lira.King and smon lorace rturiied trois Waupska. Wle , liai Frlay aftev a two veeke st vit 1 friendes t thal plate. 8. A. Cramer andi famtly have tnoved tut the PUsrsouage ulicre ibey will renflde during the abmenre of thte mnlsera famlly- Prof. andlire. John Hodge viii make thelr home for the w inter vltb Mrs. Bolges grand-parents, 1Mr. and lIrs. John Bouse. r. The oldeat Inhabitant (douagni rernember sncb a raluiy seaon lein'ep- tember, as we bave eîperleuced lu the locallty the pust ivo veeks. Mr. and Irit. W. B. Cronîbtie and daughter Dors and Mfr. Hiteiglof Greeley, Colo., and Mir. snd Mrs. 0. T. Barîlett, of Evauton, aud their dauglter, Mm isWloxo vere vîstors ai tbe Cronîkbie borne. Tbey vüe bers on accoont of te eth of Mi lrâ. Milles lu Colorado aud vlio vas brongi bers for burlal. Wauled- Wnmeu aud girls tonisork la paking departinent. Llght,, deau, teady work. Anericanli Maaronti<Co., Lbersyvîlle. DRATH OF MES. HAJIIiN. Tbe sad neye vwas teiepboned l ere lant Tuenday mornlng that Mis, lien. Hiarden hâti diest aiSI. Lukes hospia&I, Obloago, vbere site bâti beeu tiSii luit week In be operated on for maalold abeeu. fil as almoat a hope. li8ma ae frorn te beglnuing asud grave fesviee tertalned by lier fieuds $bat ber lfsicould not be saved, even lira. Harden berself feeling ihat abe wold never retoru 10 bier borne ailve. Yet the neya of ber dealh carne asna besry blow in ber mauy friendsansd cast a shaddov or glooni nver the en- tire ornmunty. lMra Harden'a lire Was nearly Il sipeni uithits viclnit7 aud abscvwu a women uulversally lookid op tlansd reapeclei for ber a»ay auperor qualîtles. She wulli bi greatly minuet,nt ouly bere, but bY te traveling public wbo bâtd luarued bappreclate ber nan, litlli acte of kinduesa lu mlulaeriug 10 iltelr VantEa Md comiori yhcn they vers «Butea of tie botelover vblcb sIte yaeid.d for ao long s land-lady But te force0fni tesad blov tallae e- pMicai!hivy npon ber aband, lMr eom. Mardien, ber age pareuie, 1Mr. and Nrs. Puata. uho reslde vllb ber and ber ivo dangblers, lirn. Wilson, cf Oak Park, and lMra. B. . Bou of tis place. Tbe farlly bave te carneat aympalhy of the entîre communnty lu ibelr great alliction Thei body vau brnugbt homne un the 3 P. M. train Tuesday. Funerai waà Itld Thuraday. Amirtas PFamoua Beauttes. -Look wllb borror ou skîn sruptno, blotchem, son.d, pîmples. Tbey dont bave teor, unr wvîlIanynne, wv ns BUckiense Arnica Salve. Il giorifles bfoeitI. Il cures sors lips, chappeul bands, ebians. Infallîble for l'îles. 25c at F. B LovxLL'.s, Lîberty vIlle; OaAYSLÂKVu PHARMÂcy. LAKE ZURICH. School booka sud iatlonery ai EnIl Fraukas. Wm. Utekuase vent io Chicago on business Tuedsy. Nlct Leutien, vto vwu teîîdtng bar ut Huntie>', la &gain vllb us.m The bail game iiled for lu&& Sunda>' Va stsponeil o1t aceUnut e! bail roads- Heur>' hlesblng, oi Chîcago, pal a vlst te bis hrother, William, lit,, ibIs I. B. Foi sud 0. Morrison, of Bar. ingion, vure Late Zutrbhvtatlors Monda>'. Mir, anti tre Audrev C. Itye leit la8t Raturds>' for titir (alun,' lomnit Nevada, lova Heur>' Hîlusan receltel a cariotat of eholci buls last veu ebîwhcit lit"îi Bsii cbeap for cash or ou tins. EnliFratnk vînt to Chicagot Mondis> lo vîit hie bror-ii.ttlav fueui e ifep, vbn le ver>' mv vîth ltyplîtîtullever. lire. James Iymoul sud lamtlylelfI thir aumnien home bure Tîiau-lav huit veul bart te Chitlagti Ion tbe atîttr. Frank lions>' etl i él 7.' brai 'f1 beitera, bulle sud us nit rcows aI Zuricnh. rîa' ii1 a .1 We heu in hIregret ni Ibe deatit tf Dr. mai Mufat, 0cflalatine, tse day atter hic lebrateti is biribla>' aI Lake Zurich. Leopofiiliras. & (ldberg viii close their stores f roui Weduesday lu Satur- day ou accont of their Nvw'jean vbich tbey yull olebrati lu Chcago. Mazied, ln Chicago, Thnarsda>, Sept. 26, Mima Ia Koppen tin . Enuesi Pott et tbe age nf 22 aud 24. lit paLrti. are veil kuovu arnunil bure, bailivil lu ibIs vîcli>' yfroni ettldhood up. TIteir friandls vîsi %hem a happy mouras>' tbrongb lire W. adesad te Young couple wvihi fteide la Ch".. lppera bouma ou the tue tot IVANHOR. The Christian Eudr'av,tr Socety %t Ili gve a C..<C. social lu tle Woodmau Hall, Frlday evenlug, Ociober lOti. Supper serwed tte cot tif bclIlil range from 3 cent@ toe25 cents. yen tati 3your 01101CA sud psy your tact ey. Coins ant i fnd oui ail about i. SCtHOOL NOTFq. Thuelgbtb grade li reathttg I'totvb Arden. Riaymond Patynie la o1) a ilîrti' meuili vgit in- Motanît. The average daliy atien,ianeo bacsHo far been ver>' gontd. tir. Smltb bas baneI tîs tîvi rai more moianted tîrde. Tbe îlgbtb grade lias b,,gtîuWrner Bo111 IIlu arlibmstie. Tîhe aunuai Ainunut i atitt i'tylliio hoed December 2VUib iis year. Bila (irabbee yul attend yvhotti ai Wneateui. Ste arrinei atirda>'. The general Internai anti sturd>' vort ci tbe tiret few veets bas been ver>' ntîcable. Wanied-Prfect aiieudarice snd putîctuali>' dnrlug the cboot mnotb begnung nit Tttesday. Scbool openeti vîit au eilutîiieit o f 24 WviCtebbas since lnt'resaîs1ti it2.. This la a larger attendatnce tlîaiu a.t year alt ibis lIme. Lest ve forget il> payteg the luniiation ion ant I tguîng tht vîntsilin lien yen bevome a umltt' r t ib Ivauhoe Alumt Asscatin, pfoiredlng you are a former papt1 or teacher. The improveueita thai bail bren made dnrlng tihe stîmmer on tbe achool grounde aud achool bouse put every- bodY lu gondi epiisand vu liaita .app loo0kiug cro v te irai ideys of i Domesi Wlla oflaî,i yvrragradtoatlng 1seAleW!aiiendhîîg OberliluAcadeni> suad ile ejoylng the voikthiere. Ada . Kneber te ettrolied &Aa m iember of 1 be Sitankegalti UlgitSeboci snd good 1reports have salndyreac'led us as le .ber vorkt bere. !The lent cop>' or Hipti, the trgan of the Lengue of Stîccean Cîtubm conttalued a eut nf Ada Kiettknr, the candidate t09 car club for scbool socreiary of the 1 Lague. and ubo secureil recognition tan oui 0f tbe regular candidates. We 1hope te announce litas Kuebke's D liellon usxt veet. r The oMoiers nf the Suceuse Club foi 5the tiret terra ibis jear are: Pria., Op&l Smith; Ni Pris , MantIe Fosket; 1Bec., Bîrile Chambirlaiu; Trias., Bajy - mes. The twa parties vblebù have bien organîzeil are called Llberal and .Couservative. The Liberal part>' won 'At the tiret election. The terme of tIte .officers are three monîba linalead 0f lvi .nmenthe as lut year. Ast i e Inaugura. ion a&libehev olwcer :ate Inugurai s peeches, the presideut and treasurel 1especillU>' ingug nerestilg lîttit 3taîka. a Wbtid-Womnuand girls 10 vonk lu Packiutg depbrtment. Lîglit, dlean, ateady vork. Amrercan Macaroni Go., Fnrty ears Torture. Tn bu relleveil fnnm a tnrtulng diseasi &fer 401 years torture mîgItI yuil cause the gratitude oi anYnue. rhat la vit DeWllt'a Wiieh flazel Salve d11 for C. Bans>', Geuiva, . nie raYa' "DeWits aWitelt iazel Salve curid me of piles aler 1 bad snffered 40 years.' Cures cute, humae, vounda, atmu dîseaaes. Bevari of counlenfets. Snld b>' . B. LovuLL, Libersyville. WAUCON DA . Miss Emil>' Bales veut inObheago Satuirda>' tu nîmalu a monub lir. and lire. Saufor.1, ni Chicago, are vlatlug A. J. Ulinnatta veet, J. Taggart viii nove imb the bouse yaealed b>' J. Hfentoansd famîl>' ibis yeet. lira. Pbilip Mainian and snn Edymnil returuel uotfiier boute lu Wsukngan Sunda>'. lira. Mry Latlulmttvet lonbler nvn bouse, fron tehA &afteellîtel itis thiqwveet. 'Ibeore vasi a poscit soial under the autipieuts cirflicKltuge D.îugbtera ini M. W. A Hall, Oict .3ru. Elmer Ford relurieti frtum Idsho Tutesaa' vere ho bas s@peut the pasi yesr vorkiug lunte mnîtîg dis-trictis. tIrs. limunsetasd litsEmma Sutact baye gene io Kauosa levîsiti lre Suact' audtgter vite limslatel>' rut urued from liexîce. 1fr. sud lire. Gonv. Hîiike lhave mioyed lutte the Lateside itet, Patronesmili ibereafter llud evî,r> L)i tî under excellent naiagemneni. Nule W>'îîtoîp buas nl bis htuuiîtaloi loi la thil vilage le M. S. 1h11 ubit viii Itne Possession viten Mn. Ibyn toop motera 0 t/odaioent, 11 , u te Rprng. Wanted--Women anti girls to vork lu paeting department. Lîgbt, ean, aI-ad>' vort. Amerlean tMacarouniCo., Lberi>'ville. He Learneil s Great Truth. IlltaId et Johnu Wesley th&a& bu ,ueeai to lilsîreas Wesly: "Wb>' do you tll that cblld the saue tbiug over sud oven agalu? -Johu Wesey, IeCaise once teliing la nsenougb." iii0 oiIbissa&mermason thal Yeu are fr11 agaîn sud agan thakt Chainber- laîns Cougli Bemedy cure. oulda anti grlp; tai Il ooueracla au>' tendene>' 'if tbes@ dîseaea ta eanîmltlu pneu- mnola, sud thal It in pleissanud mife tu talte: For me b>' F. a. LOTULL, LlbeinllUe; ORÂAILÂKE PHÂAcT«l. The Dakotas. Cood water! Cool Nights! PRAIRIE VIEW. Mable Loonilsepelt Suuday ai borne. tIrs.W'uderfey is vil itng ui Augui f lilt",. '1'.ddy hurdler waki n tu 1h ck iistt for a dlay or ive. Mk ili K ui er attîl faîeiy aielt Sut, tIi nti(ivût'go uii,. i. tmd Mra. .1. H (itlcty speni Fr1 la>' anti SiCtirilt v Iti'bli .gî NI tas L,.1 ouson antt i t rlr'n,.,of C'hicatgo, fI)(ili.t iiay iut h, ('iarlem .lîiicon nhto hlias il'îIli a t Lbnttrt1uh ia la lmRA tits tri ut iiagalit. Cthtms la titk anti EntgoeeWorztnao .ptitmttefa aymaet tMr. Attisns lam ne It. PansyC e lritir b8ha e in tîclalucîl froini citoulltnsecitîtn of!auatt atetior trote litti. on uiîrNday sept. 25,tir suemi rs Frank Feole nelcontur'tl a lnlv titîgli ter te tîteir borne. 'The maîîy friontlisor ci. ira lbtAyrea lu thi i tcttity vert' stiritîttirti attd grievrîl ai ber sidýilen deatiî 'Ihi ver>' rai>' veather cf Iat ncek caaloý1it i st inel ittrf aictlinsalet- alii tii ris LigtIll itIis 'tvicli il> blm.s lilto x%L]galn a lrt las ieetu IN Mill. a mUltitt îtark tf typhelil18teocut vtaLenu'log at te liomne tiflier pareta Mir. sari Ira llî'ruaît Nyeri, tSr_ atientiedth be we<d lu g tif het r tii'uIt' , Geotrge Mvytr8 t teiri'ti iNIch st wVuliesday. "ie oblttiîtiys of M r.sudM rn J. S. Gidley and litas liallie <ridle>' vere ceietraled lu a f.amily rettîlon at the' (idluy bomesîraîl. We regret in hear titiAbert Ilnlt baLl tbe mlfortno te Crtmb thtie fore tuger of bis tefi baud tu te cog vleel o! a cern iluder. Dir. Lockyer vas conipelleti te anpulate over bal tbe llug'r. 'Ib hoWetldltu tf oeeof ontraiua" Young lad tes, Ni tasRti4nule Auna lieyerm,I tisughter tof Mn. andti Nrs. Icertuanf .liyerm, te Mr. Harry Etivard Boles, s weilIkîtovu young busites's min oft Litertyvîlîn. lotk place Wededay Oct, lai ai 1 P. . nKa t te resîienecf the bildes parente. The maila of honîoveisitasAnna Millet sud Mites Emma Webruberg.tir. Ornas Meyer vas the bent mon atîd Mr. John Hans vwu tbe neber. Thetoye. Schmidt, ofi Long (nove perferrned the ceremon>'. MIsa Leua Scbmildt sund lilasladys1 Lockyer pia.yed the wîddlng marcl durnug tbe ceremon> and ater appro- priaies eneclonus dnrîug the grand dilner. tir, sud tIra. ilis lefi on te 5 ocinuit train fer a short tur in te soutii. t pou Ibeir retîrtrIe>' vili ho ai tmrn n l berî'ville. (li>' relatives snd Imuindiatte Ienut vere preseut. Waulud Votniuandtuti girlste 'se' t lu psckiug di patnment Liglit, Citait, sieady voek. Ausrîcan Macaroni tCt- Libertyville. ranie *sOTIltltOtt Muu'trONI>ZTE. lIra. Augoatlilat lu oith Ie Si Ita. John Dnuiusumeyer c-led lai birne Bunda'.* W. E. Mann enlîrlatil is tistire suntia>. lira.lilelrger uîimid irelI,iIs here sunla>'. S. E. LotunIte is taIt1 ttltJi wt niiet maiomn Benjt miî sud Carroll rt île>' viiteti at homne Bonis>' E Coot froui I4beriyvilep,vansceeu onour trareetsl1aI veet lin. lluesctîhng sud faituili> enter- taielu lrelalives rom te rit>' Sntla>'. Nathalilel Nelseti bas goiuttuoIEvaus- ton le attend ceuirge. We vîit hlm suceuse lu hie îîndeniatiug. '.For elgîtteetin meulis after first usîng yonr linîbera Salve. I iste net biail acol iat amounteit to auylhiug aud my Iteati sud Ibroal neyer boiher me. For nîne yeare 1 iehd auiered consianti>' froun calarrb cf te lead and throat."1-M". S.. P_ ALLEN, VOC04 Texas. Easy te use. Quiet te sel. Pricn 250. For sale b>'P. B. LOVELL, Libenlyville; (IRÂTSLAKE PiAIimAcy. lira ole bas gene 10 POshb Vote fer John Sîtuaan flIr count>' 'bc Kent Isml>lishae mocti dte Forest leîî. Wllilus aggis vîsileti tenu a fev days lasI veet. Jennie Votter te laking s ltuîsînira course ai te linropOlitau. Mmr. ioodîfeiitt'v siitedtihttisPut weot saut . A.iParsnts. Misa Mutle, of Highill landPrt, rielteil F isfdys viit lier-ralabor, lire. lb. M. Vaut. LasIl'neqay aflernoon ocrurrî'd te niarrnge o! Nellie M. Pellis t0 Mr. F, J. fiaggle at HiqIjisud Part, Thte Chrisian EndeavOr tepie for Sunda>' svening le "A 8BesrchiDii Question" John 21: 15 25. Lenli âHubuI, leader. Titu social ai F'. H. lie>ers Monda>' eveulrlg vas a 1su0essa i tchas Weil as tinanciali'. 'Tbe Society' learil overuit. (Oue ni the teatures Ofl911e eveuug vwse te coulest lu vblci F. B, Mieyer ot firat pris, the pris belug a large cup and saucer, the CtUP holding &bout a quart of iloffee. Water fiolmsîrou teck te booby7 pris, ooueisllug of à box Of coiored peocils. LONG GROVE.. %V, ittt iiet .'i fnl,> îale la" ' rk btt'li ou li . v., 'ieesriliglttg utt') %ili sooti ring îgîtitl. E i Il eyer, tfi iemt irtituotil, vus a tti~ tiiCallor tl'ri 'ieiday. t'tr iN'cit. "f Anlîtonttî ligittm, 'Vi"'tl Ci 0oitOurtîrsreI.Mntit. NIl tutLvtits l .'r, îtf Vil tîttu, vntttid itr t.l'fv,r Mtre tt t:,i ýit iii i "t-raf 'ta) s titta vo 'I tiii Zimn.r -1t1ll twtiv5' tîggy te AXliiitf SIahi, sltiltnov raclugr acrott t le dc,rtttttttt Sa bat limecau 'Win. Ctims Erali. t I Chilcago. vtilîbis wtft' iere SVel iitîtis', aist taking lu flic tîtetlo iii', s. tîî,t ia t>'tuMr. 134tivkei.s Ws ilîî' iitttl ias ftmleft ibe vniuîIoy of tir. ltrt'irt- §ttend vlt î.Atiti V,1 icile îtîvlilllug te Sitýalt plaice, ctiint 0te hlIirisotio ue utitteer t., arrive, tet-tut îtf John Hei'knta- ti( flitr, us iîlvb nma, ttt have Ibetc u belti ou1tititt'day bil t tm .pttsitiinr'i. lun F'litratit>'.St î 23 octitrî- the tîntr Itgi. cf 5 ii Ltîid,tiiî le M ts .5 ig icla Fuît iu. i lin>'hbue it ,,lid ', týittîttt îf ail.lVt1t1briîdesUir grotom airt' viii tuowtu. ltvltg livet i ît ut Ciit,'),il'ront tl ictii)îd tp l'nst trthe 11111 ti xv ititel W t 'itt' tautlgitrlal.t wt r t il îacktlg l'1 l'rtt Itghti, 'ti 'tvttiy w.îrk. A ittl'i iat Coartttl L.t)t't iille, The Worai Form. miltitiudes art' aiutl g ite urîti es tof Inclvl, tIhe new tteitvi'ry vitiich le aoakiug se rny ttvk peopla veil sud weat peuple strirtg tîy digestlng vliat tlîey est, b>' cleattnttg antI aveelentng the stoiuacb sudl ly lranisformng bier fîtot lutn the liaiS o! pure, rin, rmd tîloodtîl ltimates yen fuel gotîti aB tîver.lire ('raii, o!f'rroy, i. 'i' vrllos:.&-Fer a tîttnuter ti vears f vat ntsîild vht it gtitltîn t I ys- 1sî'îmnl a wh iclu rev lu t. lthe wvrst forui Finali>' I vas iuticd tu ose Kodil asuitaler unng four tîttllua 1 sna eîîlhrnlyr tîcî. IIteertil>' reenni- tnîttiKodi o a it t ffrersfroin lu- dignoiîianti ýýi,îepal."l'èkesdoe efien mesia h t liguiismwbslvt o eut HO0CI by P.BI) lOn .LL. Libertyville. QUENTINS CORNERS. Geoirge Biaker vîsîted lte big City 8atur ta>'anti Sunda>'. MIsses lier>'sud Clara Baker mpent a fuv riaye ait Elgiu reenîl>. Chas l{ielusitbt, ni Long G(mo, vas a Mouds>' ealitr heru. cetnts ftr tîte ioutit tf .xugutîa. ttatttrge Wagutst', AtfSouthi Cicagot, ilîttît ouutlay wîtb Irie)uda liure. Bus Mur>iQuentinu lias gtî uto bb Cilty Lo t luita Course au i ired I .1 ti, il.ak,s vC'tr ni'rc, it tn tuit' t tttltlto:tLi.aiLL l)cktttuta utaithe crvtim' r3 île <tuai lar titeger. tif Clu agvt, apelut laà tteh n tititg lis ai4ter, Sîra Fredl Ktetonbuith tIrs N. lister atndl vatigier L.ylla, tuf Pltilliî, are apouftliug n fewu' <aya uaitli relitîvît,8 liero. Nîtiy ti tmi r youtîg p 'stpit alendt ts tht Mystc 'Workorsidatnce ai 1.tttug ùrt'î ii t tporit asplendid fimet Look Out For Foyer. Blllttuasttrss sud liter disofilars alt titis seauaMa>'lte itreveuteti b>' reaiiattiig tht tOstem ati DeWVLtf'8 Lttle Ltrly lîtacra, 'rilese fanons littîle plilla do niet gripe. The>' mnve te btssuilsgeniti', btlcopînnal>', sud b>' reaettu o! theto tnte properîtioie, gre Otmii anti strengt to tise glanda. Soid h>is . B. LovELL, LltîertyvhIie. PA LATIN E. airs Iti(tfnittant mi tî itetitneti fienîls frtti Chicagot ever Stintis>. Mir J Wlliams ant i sîter rettîrurd frem iitt.'tr itp te Moutrîel Stiuuisy, sept 2H Wte are vér>' glal 10eanmilsue otylîbol lever JitieutiS are re'ii.virtîg, ihongli amis 1>. lila s rab 'I11108, <if l'Init) G (rove, MatdetVerrs lemiai colis mi i renuls lu 1'taitni atirda>'. Mins Elsie Baker attethue wedtiîtg ofi ler irotitîr James 'burs- day, Seul 23, lu llgati. Dlavîi Paldoet la receverltîg iron bis a,'ellei sad seul ceeu te vel env 1gb le iuratîte B0 eiorti Mine Illatteb chlerdtugnd Mise Lelua Cttittw, etfE vatîîtti *vinit ted vîti ienîRlu tBlarringtio Satîirîiiiy, liarrietl. lu Aritogttît lieigtitîs euu'ti7 Sept. 21, Mitsn Autule tieytr,, yeîngust dstigbfer niflieruttrd Nie 'r',tttFred Uiir Mlsa>' iljo>' MIr. anti rs. Letersen sud cen Wt/rn of 1tiunîl, brovesandi Mr. sud lira, bt/ut Auetion Sales. t'05T1'ONBD BAtE. 'Tenud eraigue iis tpui miction on tueI Citas. Kiepp.r,~si i. mlles West cf lîrîî le nll miles uoril ci Long9tiret'e, 'Ithrada> Ouit. 1). kilt>0, ommToncing Mt 1lita. rn. shlarp &bbufoitlloig property to-wtt: litcholecu cov, 1 witlbcuati ybsie, tslancsa@Pt l ige-sý; bull 2 yrs odl, 3 Rood vork i normes. 5 soya vîit piga, 12 britsatu, asidie, 2 sets double Itarties, atugld baruies, lumbir vagon, truet wagon, 2gsed lbuggy, top buggy. rosi carl, Deerlng grain lîluder, neari>' 0ev; CliatupIon muer; borin rate. sulky pin,, 2 haud ploya. sitovel pioW, sulky crltlvator, baud cultîvatur, .ieeder, 2 set barrova, roller, bob sIlgb, ligbt slslgU, ha>' rack, vood raeh, corn abv'llutr, feeu ttter, gîhul- stîtue, tico grînder. 18 rnllk cana, tire seller. lio> fork. carrier, pîtlleym 14ud 110 fItroe, Mie1 lb a-ales, 'tir. vînîler, met dowup buards.,:I dOZ graIn tiage, abt 2.5 ionslumtly asdudtp land lia>'lun bïrueansutsack, 18 ares i-uni lu bshorts, cooisikClve, lieatiîîg ctove. watutîng machine, laddtîra, l10 fl eiebien table, vater trotigl, btuiier cuver, l y huis, borse tuaukei, og chaîna. ledge, iahevela, forts uit îîhrr atrilIes tto nurnerous te meiloln Ilgtar terme. JOHN 1il E' K T' SA' Ellt t,,Pr tut '.HAP'iLEY, Auctiliueur. i lie ualerigued vwillii ii ittulic tucLiOtu tilttuse ce,,. Wittnir lainu, t' t m, itlitiles iotintr Rllin its t,,1k IAutf, rut auui1 mile situtît e! Lake x tua oI iis,&y))tber 7, 190i2, cvemutu log uti10lIt )a. te.harp the prep'riy, b vwit 26 choutescitvs, Bonme -li teitu t tln.e er bale. or sRotn; Dîrliam bull,'2 yre nid; 4 beifera s w11 cu, cou% oernng 4 yrs od, black mare cotl comlng 2 yrs olil, vnrk bores, 12 3r nid, velgbt 1460>; ha> mare, Il yra tli, velgitt 12501; 4 brooti soya, 14 sboata, l1t aprîug piga, tank beaier. narrov tîreti vagon, vidu tîreil vagon, ptilverizur, neari>' uev; deerîug borse raite. neari>' 0ev. ueeng nover, niearl>'ne.; seeder, ettrît eutivator, tublile sud sud pie., ha>'Trit. Mie- l;îrmlet grain broder, dotubtle 'ittrk itarîtes. 34) atrita of cernu tii .vtk. atout 15 tiis ttf huogarlan, l.î tîtîs tif "-lover asdti tiy. 6 ions lrse ia>', 10) boghteis e! rye, 284 ttaux, betai log asiove aîîd msuiy 011cr artitiAk Mttt uutîuereum 10 mîtution. Ibigtlar 1cm W, E. MgsttIC, lfti) WVALTEC %%'ItTE, AuctioUeer. The undersîguet i vli oelst.' puai icit auction le lte higlisiess c5petssitls tîider on trite C. W. iaddle farru2j marles soutb-fflat of DiamnolLakeu aud '2j mlles nortt-weat ofifliItDay, Satur- uts>' actober il,1 U4t', ctimmeuisg ai 12 o'cloct sharp the ftsloivng leecribeti prolterty to.vlt: 22 busd of choIces mill c cev, ;9 îittaris by tbelr aide, balance islrltigerm sud suelfure; ,lak mare, Il 3 cars elîl, wAlgitt 12(l0; bey mare, Mt ycar weight 10t50; blacke cot, 2 years oItî; brui colt, fi yeare ci(], datm Jewel, sire tiarabîonu o tyceti Stock (an, ihia lNe usof!thib usaI oiteont of tih fittîimire. 2 stîckiug colts, 5Giriod stiva, l'olanttChina ltttr, stv wiiIî f; îttgm. 17 l1111e pigm, :3 acres cf cern lu tbttî't ttîwittitbindîir,21) ) Iusbhel limai mserti veai, Iiumî,r sutlky plitv. sutlky'eiltilator, lttmlîr wagton, valklug plow etdc arreva, rmllt wagon, top iîggY, ne. set belii. grhuding 4toue, dserlug ia>' raite, loi~ fi. nean>' uev; deerlug coom binder, neanly uev; sud other articles tone uîereus to mention. liegular terme. E. H MAtioN, l'rop W. Il. Ai'tLES', Atctîoner NORTH NORI-HFELD Miss Nilaitlititeni ls vrkltug for 1fr. Albert ltenbacit. Mimes Elen Kttnbllu lmst(lrtralning s frinul rîtintiie ciy. *l'itu Misses Adelalîlu sud Leura Bubent are gratinal> renverlng from thetr receut iiineas, typisolt fever!. tIra. 0.. Arnoland ber daugitter, lir@..Rapp, mcom Geoi'seo, are vlaillug frîrutls sud relalhves lu 1his cicinit>'. Tbe Normal Clau oftif li Evangolital Alliance titulnelot met t niiy on se- count oft!hie asence tf the hacher, 11ev. Kolco. 'lite conveution of te CookCon. Sonda>' ebhool Aaaoclatioo l wiih vwu 10 bave tecu lielt inluthe Culiel Evaugelical eburet Vi'ed tîcada>' even- hng titi net meut <su acr'tuîo tf the nain>' vesîbur. 1ev. SehmldlI, froni Naperviie. lledth ie puipi 0f the Evangelcal cburch Sunda>' mrnIng snd oeeulug lu the absence ofte pamler Bey. Koten. 1ev. Schidhl lm a talentel speaker and hIte dlîveredt io excellent sermueusRe aise siîroseetet tise Yong t'enpfa's Allianeotf, ue ,lui ebaracierît beug Daîtit.I Lb vu an luterecllng att vel ils instrnîtîve asdIr'ci., [T'ereniai ut tf (, f ilu i t '.mc' en n' tlv tI c l,~ n i , i)reýs till tîg ,!diun tf titi Chtcsg'R. [ liîncori te Et,î, ...... ch intli erre inter red lit ilb" Nftri!ý, titi ceni'lry T'bida>' unîîng. Thoi tuerai 'sas brîl luituChiagos Monda>' aflernoon. Frienlît anti relatves gaiheredti ogeiher lu, pay t' lutt sti V-âusd ainitttt ienult toa'edlîîîg tributs ,0-lut éeus vitohhad l Ilvedi l of tieirtephe. lu Chicago 'l'btîrs- lbilr mIdat. tira . Slmo vwas su ot day, bu pi 25 resîdînt o! -Nortlitilali, bunIbati spe 0ees.Lie Mot CaKes. l'bi sicat.tallliig article t havis lu my sttr,' srîlea dmuggleît'. T 'Smith, of Datîs, Ky., -1s Dr. Rings '&i'ewDis- ceven>' fur couatîmption, couglitansd colla, hbîranse it alwiascurea. lu ni>' alx yeara of sales It bae nover faîleti. f bave luowu Ilte a ave autTorere Irorn ltreat and iluug dîseases, vho coulti gel D uti bîljfreundoctors or su>' ther rend>'." mbure nl>'ounl, it physîclane preecribe l, and F. B, LoVIILL, librtyville; OBAYOLAKS PHARMÀCY guaranlsi satisfaction or nefunti prIi. Trial bottles fris. aulular aia S500 sud $I. ber latter yî'sra lu ( icage anjtI van videl>' tuesn as a clirlitiauuldy. lire, H. Slitaufen, Ws abi tîiben con- tineti te ber bel for nuore tbau a >'ear dupartetithîs lifit Salurds>.'l'lise ltuersi w5C beoll 'euVesda>' le the Noribtinlil Lutiterlajn eurcit, sud Irleudesud neigittone vlevutithe remaîna of one vbo baiS livuti s long lime among theun. Aitlite last vîsit lte vnhler paid ber, tIhe deceasai ix- preased the desire te recover or t0 be spanmil te pain sàd be et liI, fer vict bas been fulliled ud md ias obse n el ti ukît r lier ote 'it parttru. 'To Iettes i l"ltent'îtanti Myrlle Bacht inierlaineils an>' cyf frieude et tbeir linviutTîttiroada>' itveutig lu honor ni tite lrrtlIiys lite oenlttg vasi "pnt l th lîyltîg nt'a, te of te speeifll atuires beiug, when tse aplitograpiter IrcQu Iberniervilie toS the pîctuire of the group 'rhl î vas ludeed -"a ver>' slemnu occasion," au nomeone expressed i ansd&fiter the photographur did suceel lu arrauglug the gonp, Mien me(t ai the fluai Momnt Ihe lblug voîtiti not vork sud lte ask bail go be performeil over agaîn vIlh heIenstruction@, "Sot to0 lond sasunîle aud n Oneyes," but tbe second urne tIl d ork aud vital a Rmile ibere vas ono sit ae aieir Il vas tous laie. Algr a midnlgbl luneli aud sente more gauces tbe iorty-etgbl goesbls telarLed, ibanklug Ihelr Sylvester Dellis, vhn vorked for Fred lItma, bas gone te wîrk for Jouit Wagnîer. MissaF.dli Thomas eutertaiued a young gentleman from Fremoul $nu- day ulgl. Tho recent ralus ve baveliadt have toppsd tbe farinerm from euîting corn wIlIt bnders. ,Frank tîlieitasd Hrtnry Tekampe built a pnreb on Janoi Frideriek's bouse Mouday. Mir, sud lira. edder 1Siduî mnvîd lu their bouse lu Waucouda lut veek vhern ibsy vîli Ilve lu tbe future., We vonder bnw Bd. IlIteato wvaît bons leadlug big horse vltb one, baud sud a girl wltb the oLber. We kuov be trled fi Suuday ulght. Wauted Womeu aud girls 10 vnrk lu packlug deparirnu. Ltgbt, cleau, sqteady vork. Amerîcan Mpcsroul Lcc., Libetory ville. hostenses for the pleasant evenl4tg ibey White npsciug a be, J. C. Monut. cf badt bid. Three Mle Bay, N. Y., rau a lin penny uail'ibrongb the tieeahy part of his hiaut. -iltbnngbt aitfnen of aIl the J WEST FREMONT. palu and sorenexs tht. vnuld caupe Ch irlie Nordrîer leRnaiing utoiaes me," hl. paye, -andi op plled Clamberian' plu PinBaim and iblI wvek. occaslnnally aiterwarde. 'lo my sur. 'Ibc lils', sFrerick ent,'rialnerlprIne h remrved alpain sud torenets aud th.t litî,reti hans vite @non ' corni any from thflic rare( Sntiday hébeld- For sale by Y. Bl. Lovz.L, The Page Woven Wiîe Fonce Company 0F NEW JERSEY. li 1w t-il -rclii iw ilililîg froiî 111 lluff to Lilitrty vil h-, will tax e iti <'ars iii operation inîtJiîly. Everytliig çcrt.iiiîig t' titis roati i ofEtile ve-ry htsit kiiid, roaîi becd, railIs, vrs etc., antd hesjdes thiji aliage- ment 1lia v-fteii ltg thet gi xcii ordî'rte citire lhuet tii oir ( oli- w i t Ilî oîiîr )a ily f < ~higlîemt gradu of railroad fî'ituing. 1I oste set extra deep iii the groîîîîd antd rtroîîghy hraveid. Ilie fejice wheîî comnpletsA, will be a tredit l)<tIl t4)the' Railroad ( 't fa a ndy 11t,) the Page Wîîveit WireI t-îcr' Companty. Write for Uat.altn!iit-' PAGFL WOVFEN WI RE 'FFNCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P', 200 Monroe St. - - 0. 1. LUCE, LOCAL A(IENT Chicago. Llbersyvilie, Illinoi.s. We have a complete line of STOVES AND RANU that we bought Iast spring before the raise in price. col( Win Dr. Of fîco Liber- Dr. office Èittuls >1 Liber' Dr. C Off toi Liber Dr. r.t ln lîtutIer d, y., he Liber D. R Phy Rock Dr.I1 Phsu G urn Dr. l'om sol Forth Rock BE A* Wtll At Liber PA Alior tE Liber MIS' S'y Libei Dr. C VE Assa Libeu L laoues cali F. We have the right prices on Acorns, Stewarts, GoId Coins, Garlands. COrtE AND) SEE US. SC1IANCK BROS., Libertyville - - - Illinois. See Lorirner! WRIGHTI'BROTUHERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials and ail Kinds: : : : : ; , Hardware:::::: Coal, Lime, We solicit your Cernent, Sait patronage and as- ti t fi li 0

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