LAKE COINTY INDEPENDENT, Vol. XI'-No. 1. Libertyville, Lake County, Illiniois, Friday, October 10, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. edJ for Jonn TH1E CIRCUIT COURT CONVENES. CAPTRE KENOSIA MURDERER. C. A. LUSK TRIES SUICIDE tui odW ah ra dn ett(1r xue ni ake u01ieaRfs oSy lie W n@ Trobles.d A th res range isnc lasrge.e I hejtatw utSu-__A, Nov. 5, When Many Came@ Guve up Thoir Charge. templeto lolEn d aTulii the eflecls range clnc foarge.ea 1~u h l ~Corne Up. Saks veve ,Vlvten 1 ae-l-fr.11,tliCniinJudge Donnelly oonvened circuit Dan Avery &bot anld liled Mise RLay Charlie Lnsk, of Rlockefeller, took Sifs coloras la lites-""« gcorn if' hy ni le i iii W p. v., r oourt Monday aflernoon. The Uraad Devin ai Kenouha Baturdiay nigt. Poison1 SaturdaY In lthe wâlting mont0mlr l h Jury wug avoru in as foilova, B. J. Bosh vere members 0f lthe -Old Plan. of flic Illinois Centrai railroad depot stapie Coude and blàek goods in lthe di fiaient vidllia sud quailies. w -Nelson belng chosen foreman: talion' Comnpany vici showed at thte Chlcago, vitOi suicidai Jutent. Lus1 k We are nov diaipiaying the lalest 1tinua for mmliBohwsfoa inoaingo h Inor au ormm i -fl dresses. BiIAIDS la ltae ring, zig a« leikamp W inïfr Suit, ve c a orT o s s J. L. <Jadmore, Bonton; John Mur- carnival at Kenosha luIt week. loiwgfsn nnsioso ie loa bnia affecte as vel as tubulaz, herculeil and terfoka~~~~~ay ~.V IIM U I; W I U I U .ass U -Newport;0. Thayer, Auticoi- H. are oiored ambulance hnrriedly snmmoued, and narrow fins hi-aida. FancY bands, vimpâ, gainons sud medailion effacta. Steil alpei(fFl 11ilvltrJ. Nelbon, Antiocit, Lee E. Nelson, The ahooling vau the Onîgrovîli of a e, re oe< a0 l Mt hnl »opti Aer omprehienalve dispiay of lthe propai toe G i " îe rant; Uto. MoCOradle, Avon; C. W. love affair. Avery la fzrnm Chticago aud by uen 0fa lontace pnmp he va Accessories Ihinga lu buttons, ribitous, blndlng, slieads, tnva jee \Va id1-ri rvs 'l i nr Tueker, Warren; JO@. Dunniug, Wall- kuovu au "-Uluge" aMd Il la ad ha relievait of the poison be al laiataon, etc. slogan; E. W. Upbma, Waukegan; H. vau infatuated ith ith1e girl and hâdan acn gied Fulllne of colora lu @punl glass, sîlegs, percaline and neBI. Pruce, WaukeJgan;ý Adoipit Ander- mse ber lo marry hlm. Thtis atie i-e. Bunday morniug lie vas discitarged LiniIIII tiie slk, velour and merceexzed affects. Linen canta oteU on, Waukagan; Haury parmglse, fnsad &0 do. Avery wau sean, Coing bc and relurne te,0 Rockef-eller. suY-ad crinoline, hair elot and skirt laffeta. a band - - - - * MWaukagaua; John Pattermon, Wa.ka- lthe womnanso louait d a moment Jater Lnsk la a cattie buyer, widciy knovu g A new corsai for a nev govu, las good nid roie. We iknow CofI M ~ ' N~gn; 1). L. Neal, Shields; John Austin. lte aboIs vare linO sand a muffied llironghonl central and western Lake Corsets sbov manIY atyles of the famous -Royal Worcester' F R DU -RE Y Libertyvîlla; J. M. Deiniein. Fi-amiont; nagro rualiad oni of the. lotel Int lite Couny and his action ln a surprise 10 $ 1 corset and olliers front 50ca $2.5o1 lu pries. oDE wok[I fE[iTYVILLE-'S TAILOII. K. M. Ford. Wauconda; H. H. Chuncit, @tract. The vowuai a sLol wice SillOf bigacqîantanceo. Dvgrlleda oslosolfgrs ___________________________________ Cube; Win. Quentin, Bia; Hienry titrough the iesd and dealli vas tu- He vent le Chticago Taeday of luti Milllnery Departmnant Now open. c)nto, Knopt, Vro;Bart Esbon, WeaI eaataneous. veat. lHc daclares ltaIt ha vas held )uC.,Dr. J. L . A LOR, Deerild; Y. Ciow, Warren; D. C. lia Davis was a clavai- sJnger and up and robbad of lis watch and vitl LS A :0P AND SATURBY.EIGBTMN Office over rrggF TatylI- Pardy. Deertilj. daneer. Blbe Iied vil li er sinter- at money lie poesessed Tbnrsday evenlng, N AUB. innt. OUf ona lq1 .I, 88aM« Attorney Taioîtt addreaed M0 Fourlth @gros$ Milwaukee, and ht.i all lirthe Tvelflh Street viaducs. Hie Ipenny l -, t.I .. ý, I b klt uysaigltIn atairybs nKnst bu ak roodad oven bis fil fortune, and il, la (jJj of tishe Lîbertyville - Illinois., important Calai vea go coule befora Averysaucceeded laacasplng. Mon- »aId,vwent to ahtvierehle angagedL i cause ________________ htti for oonaideration. day Waukegan police vere gîven a tîp a room, and vien lie ltoughtle hava ply ap- Judge Donneily sald %bat as lte lbt a man sppom e bc h Avery vas alonle tnrned on the ga, il Jesprenumed c *Lr wp u lmasud Dr. E.H.SMITH, uaaitar liad bae bad sud Indications comlug soutit on the. lorthveatenn wtbi ltae intention ofdying. In tis e Telelphonc No. 109. Wsukegam DL E.H.ieuîîm B 0I w voir tiat Il wau going go clar op truacks. Cits ornais aud Tyrelligot :15 frnst-ated and lthe second attenipt e onOfc ve ao- -o lt aatatim i nitiasmsi.'yrol ei lte depot folioved. Wjî't ACT A l' conabidelenui fermeai- hll beenau 50 tlthe tracits and Ciif Oen cii-ciaO Lumsîs frîcuis Incline 10 the blee 115CrdeiaYad witit tir vont, ha vonid lu ttack of the fellov a& lite cay limita. ltbaI fi vas wvile luloxicateit bis lo__ -aggoal lte petit jury lie excusit oul clite! Tyrell go% aboard a nandi-car, altemnicit soi-de occnrred. sudit taIF- Ubertyville - ~aller electlon ln Novemben. Hes astei vas lagen 10 vitere Ave-y wuand und h li fot been un-Ici thte Influence C A SK \ SR imnv ~~~~~~ I Drt.R A L'M Y Cion o 41. aihe jui-orsoflhtllmndlto ilansd salaud hlm bY lte Vint». At tiret ofllquorhevouiitnoglbatcettertined E' luuD.I.RJG L O AY ahon o.135 tey ara nariY unanimou a hihar Avery vas obeinais dO voulit nos ai- snb an Ide. F O T T KI Ofic ve LvllN '19Str Th -w r eaes sir of iil epression favorlng diamîusal outil lowbiftll obeaenailed Tte ofblcen OfPc 1ne oove 5.~ gantds sire Oudg nogs ordred ..dhn oee b.V1 u Lake Forest Citizen@ Proteat. A littie early, but as they're Juest ini 1 class carrnage horses The case &gainlle B. H. Andarly, of itad itimuarmed. J3a founit a 38 1*ke Foreat cîlisens lurueti out the assortment to select from is ......H - Ilini living ... Liherlyvîlle, for aiuling liquor to J. Calibre gu, a knlfe and aile 0f Baturday biglât to voice temr proleal large. Now's the time to bily. F. Mlfînyra, vito la aiiegad S have knucklea. Tvo hallai lid beau dia. againal lite Citicago and Norlhveslen _______ ______________________ Dr. .fJ NICHOLS, Alilol N si-cil mire dleid from iM affecta, vas Oonllnued charged frin 1he Sua. At tirsI Avery road'a pi-opoaed culofiI ieSoi 'Y of. Ch c. . D r . A.oe J ugi lri-l carniage un ili te M atch ba , Mieurs. W hitney daied ail kno viage of te shoo îng Valley. John M ay ard ailau, peai- ç > ot ii a.w . ,ts or ned~ r~& Upton a it Paul Us cOnifn, repre, but upon beng prauout. admilld tus Ilg I- bla brother, James M. Baran, l)tsStD EN TA L O FFIE ci a il r aId hores titan aifntne i. a k n o l m n ls dt tal r a lunra ofe Por o ll ade lultlI-r11e , &1 n r,- t-. alv sisllion fl Wisconsin. pitnun elsku o i i h t.patrely oberi li ote ie n, ai d e iliage'- when' », , %Nr -î. I, - ii issrditetvfe hicit bc pirapare ltait dote"". REFUSE ToOloa tUr 11,itosiaE. rptyon ithVal,»IteG a S n t lic dais f nî w ta I.,,flbnmrdmvnylv Wednaiday lte défense saired Judge Nov il appeau a misi la vantadin rcad abouid nos ha bulîl over lit îi Libertyville - Illinois. carniage anud ronI torses lJonnillY fu au order ensabling ltai- lthe Es vbo sitioalItaivll ith pnaenauivei aven if il vexe Daces. Im itation Buffalo 0 lrtoi b101a ch. i e Ifiui en.0 doctora 10 examine te orga taken Avery and dupite deoeied effo sr y - Y 0g rlu9to 10the lIv go pi-vnt sit D R.GROVER, e.Dý ý sci. lai Fuue, so1ï fro etn cltynes body a nov lu on part of Kou@" pele lthe Wauke- The 20 pensona aaambled lu ite h" gradui D.R nF.D îorae '2 Klit elr 4. POaasion Of plaintîfra phtysician. Can aulthoritigea ruma1 mition u ao nil building passait resolutioua proteaSlings - .. rotind - Physician adSurgeon. Fmtches., 2:191 tilntor The Jdge rserved bb decialointhe over unil a repyl M »oaved fioui a Cotae Ciy counoil gala% the con. i at S I Rockefeller - Illinois. alitc'2.i,2 ni anoîîîng malter $bt ho might sfy, imelfos communication 11àey is senl Euet. etruction of the in. o tS i PaeMore good one. Lie viii Witney & Uplon, reprbsealng W. log couoeled. veapees tlrd lte Company lia made fo- lthe W om bat Page Dr. H. . B. YOU Nw l rod uto al B 1e mares A. Deana, aaked lthat the cas. of Thea man vanted la 1*0 Eu a oua cutoff frisu Mayfai- t0 Lake Bluff- "a- S I and YugONG, tiii fal. vIllageo ai bbenlyville spnal defau- John Williamls, suppes Io te a n- panaiels lthe nidge ahboni one and oneua- ki Phy.,.,.. an ur. Sire o! 0. A. Wright's carrnage tenon dent b. Pcelponed sol alto, lime for lIte of Norfolkt, Va.l, wed for lthe ift mufles veat of ltae Onveulais club. 1lait 0"îl wo which bc hasl refusait $[o preparalloat. The Judnga took ltae crime cf lDDrden. is dolal. d, The- T li-sta urvey passd ltae etl ad Corne in and see themn. Gurnee Il lin ois. 1maltai md« adviliemanl. auniplon fila te sla73t Bay Davis of lte club gronds. On a vigorous $20-00 to Insure. TIhe JasIga tho céigO te colluson alcaeiy and ble lm~,1 to #ho olait a aecond sunvey vas rua 1,6We à",~ den asl ma how ' 1 peioe c »«,l fant en , but lte c"PMnI C e____M ._________ Eaou" vaMi pb in up for triai visan la tai-y closeApotgai-la-fn Ii l il f» iIn 111ma u*I je~tfe E, 'Dr. 0. M. GROVER, A______________________ lacis. îî~fî:,' ' OWNER ltai ltai-e vere 44 i-esdy for tio]a, lia bien menl Bast for identification. a third survey 1,500 feet vest ofli - For tir-"- )-l-i I i r 1:r Lîi IY iloa llinois. wici magns lots o! vork for tle Photogaphar (iodfi-ey vito to ltae second, viili viii sagragata ouae! ofg. j aod 10-1 Il I, - _______jurera.________ pîcture belUeves titis mnan tob he let lita ot beantiful scLtons o! the 11 i nos Of o!lthe 53 citancary cases, M5 are subjact o! tle pictuna In possession o! Valley. flcef I C IehrJ divor-ceap-oeeiingo. lthe Police. itisOLi TION9 OF RTE. I if" LATi ILE \ll1 APTES DOWIE. A fu-titan coincîdence la ltaIt vien Il is Ibis last survay against wblctb Ancte o! -Dr." Dovias flunCial Aey vas ari-aitei lie gava lthe barbe the cilizens pi-otested Ini thc foiuoeing ae a g BETNJ H. M LEW R, dosbal a u tad Weduasdsy viten O! John Wiliams sud ha aniswers reanlutions: b.prjcti r ATTORNE AT LAW. 1 arn prepared to do itreaciaveeIitvttt a ici rmtyvtnaidaed as Johtn. WESJLEAs, a nsiiroad l rjce i.,ac..BOC plastering in central Clark. Theeli-st cule la hnougitlhy N. Fui-ltai-, lia loaid lte police tat lts ttnougl te Sk(okia vaîîeY, 14a,8811g cult Wii boru misard fatellve aI.n Nofo. 13-l. lthrongli a section lthe neideuts ou 1.Faranth apcncrn n e-fthrliede NrolVa hich lave palillonedthe City oonncl-d.* Libertyville - Illinois. and western Lake K.a-an ktfoa$M) pcTh erlàmine Notbwlhsatandlng île priloner de- for anxalion te, Lake Foi-est, a terri-orSlg al r Co nyon short itrougit by Jauavay b apndr ies batlng avor beau aM %bat place tory lu vhîcit titis City yuli huit mucit vatd bis-- -..-. ~O! lie Most aIl-active grovîl, andi MacCUFFIN notice a corpor-ation vitici demanas SW.whr John Williams ta vnat ,s«04 PinAULMciF ....n tc ... WliRs. bte constnrnotion of a i-ail- idAre nd usirtLw Tite ollien case ta brought hy Gauin, rasamitiance 10 the pictura sund de- road in lthe Bkokie vsliey viii dealroy Lumbard & CJo., a corporation viîci acniption i6 close enougit go leait Sc a ira natural tesnly andt procluita lse NOTARY PUBLIC. 1 guarantee mny work diemanda $&K) geueral bellef ltaI lia l lite man fnture use as a puace for Tecr"aio 0ffi-lu o-r Lake Co Ban.k. w auted, andt for vitosa capture a andt a site for auburban homes, titane- ~ Libertyville -Le meini Isin t .ou ,s Il Fisd uaaîa rvr aol Resolrcd, Tt te citizen@ of Lake - - u Lt eetmaey u I vo vaiks &CO a stranger came toFoi-est In mass Meeting assembied, do ur I _wo rk _é> Wadsvoilth aud for nme dsys wu ORGANIZE A NEW ORDER. itareiy protesl agaliet sncb Invasion, bae a*o as s-MISS FLORA COLBYI 1ngage in lu&tkig odera for euarg- suleignwl thtteCBUIain f 1bv s n.PI4OTOGRAPHER. MY PRICES ARE RIGI4T. log portraits, luoeversytinsance maiig Lake County Men Launcit the luimical g0 lthe beat inlereas o! ltue SOfUet-all relable STUDIO IN BULKLEY 11111.'K- collection& a IDaitance. Dnnlng bais Ki$igite andt Ladies of City. Ta i oîvn ot aeada d Lbryil - Ililinois. 1 make atpcily our lu .the vlciuilwyle hina aI oslftteRdCoe milnes W appointai by tii Meeting Liberyvile a pecilty o Rd.LuI.basIveakWeitneeitay bc Ao evf-inlogîaîo bs10Carry int eeci tutespi-it of hae f410 asICU Dr. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD Rearn .precelou prvailed tbal ltae failow hits bean lauctait, and liy Lamle County r!e rpsdrlrsttyn ie s5etyc u... VETEFa NARY SURGEON -dacampeit for gooit wiit the outfiI. mon, undar ltae Dame Kulgitta and second ilge, and Ibat a copy o! Iliese 11esy Liii~'F Bannda Mm bo raelvet aspalalLadies o! lthe Saed Cross The order in reeoîntiona be sent le tle mayor and Asa s SytMr. Lui retvlved ar spi dcuivanyclatterpfrontdliteofalevtveîlu- clty councui o! Lake Forest: HUGO IlEL W ilieyeteto th lelo taIcoprae Stoce it u Louis F. Swift, Alfredt b. Baker, - lîlînoîs rairie Vmsw-a- Illino s. 'noadii l'tho ernaau dg Dr. John M. Palmer andi C.C0. Eitwards, Ueo. A. Mclinuîrît, Fri-c-c Aldricit, f &U 0 th phoogrphe he genthadOf Orayalale; Citarles Whtitney, A. L. Joitn Il. lianilune. J. V. Farwell Jr.,., E r photographyoend8.D.Tacot Delevan Sumlith, Frank liibbard, - - U~~~~Ua fl c~~oliecleitl la &iug ni-tara. The liue,( .Lo u .D aotDavid B3. Jolne@, Calvin Duranit. io Bank, barpeINbas itae-par escape vîith a o! Waukegaa; H. C. Etivarit saud IT NIA AN H LANOl. LbfyIl lhos (~~o. h NII>ERTftI(IN~ ~ ~ ~~pett gonit va- o! money galboeaitlu Oliver Hook, o! Riliutt Loo. F. _______________________________ UWRG TDM N Om i s IU MN ut mîiiue Suud the council aunez lthe section WRIGHtyvle OYM ioND . Th plns ,nMR ______Tt o fer as tey itave b)eautrog whc trd survey i-uns L 7bÎr-.viÏ.. _0I3oh Autioch'a New Bank. pai-factait, conteauplagethadisote Olfl ilbvheane obiec- litsues Intaree;t -1tiaring (eùrtifi- Monday afiannn lte stock itolders of mon anid vouten on aqual tenms of lion Il lied 10 the second snrvay, and p gr s of lte uev oage bank at Antioct met membeasip vîith a graitai asuiuent thec tîzons belleve îthey vîlu basta no M en 1o the~ P-eriou calcs ayale nsad organizait by elactiug E. B. basei upon lte age o! lte indîvîdual duiiculty In conviuciug lthe officiais W......s ergD.Pd kW.suad upon standtard mortallly tables, lthaI a foui-lit linoabouiti ta lu 3,000 olliamGog .Pdok .M t i-dn lipodte, vmaole o!e luinîtti fotak titet rofth hid liteh auti vitci - itaeL De bstee Individual resp.)fl. Il ity,- Westlake, Rl. b. traug sait Josephith or111 posath1 e le oftUnistedtllonfe the rof Ilie the-t vlawii-i vouldeerbube $1i00,000. Turner, du-actons. eyaes uintopnrvItc. __________________ ___ t.rriages fL Lrnished on orter. Thte abcktoidans by an aimentlbilan- Pouain a perCanat Ogiatb eiches auxis the cosructint of an limaian Irem uneue- -imous vote decide to 10 amect a tvo- Plduinoraaloraia on Seca ainsl lie ete osrnto o! V -Lady asAistant If destred. stony atone building on lte main Street lthe fouiowlug temporary Ofliera bave litey uand alsovaremadeliy . F A R o ievlag npoet pniaa ai ieii:Fai-veli Jr., the llcv. Fataer E. % --r - -,- beauiu Citarie iea i- ad o npc D F.~~uî i oia- iluy treasurer tofei tueivalo vilfg lit tailayy -e toest valtnefr ute n ey Morbr- equpmnut iucludln crhei itpst S . actatny byteilY ert M.1 tay lite mO ILat