Illinyoisctobdearuer .10. Wrong @o, Fer. hI Eoka lie methei prophet pre- dicteul Octobor ras te begin rili ieaictionaryMalame of ram in iipossible snor. Tien wl falanw electical otoo, seismie disturbancesansd Cold gales, miti probable beavy aleot. Thiis rwu te continue up tiiili te 91h, and re are glaul Hicks la wrang, la date. Hees lie test of Il: Nrom tbe lti ta lie 1ihi nay ho expectod unsettieul mealluer, rith a rinluln enperature about tbe 12hb, mien mnan d smmm mlii bo genermi. Ausa sort ah ciai la tâts blnsterng begiUulug lMr. Hicoks Baya liaI the1 Volcan perloul, lastiug fram tie lti te the 201h, wlflbring violent and dangerous lionse, nilci nil put manyIliveu lu peril. Armatilon tuarmier reathar miih rta n d suor ii folior and tie maoth nil go out ln a sort of grand finale of snor, raie, wmmd and sets. The fronts, Mr. Hicka predicis, about tie nmiddle of h le nonli, mili]reci as far sati as the guli. REAL ESTATE TI4AN5FERb. Puriied hy Labo Connty Tille & Trust Co. Abstractsoh Titie. Tilles (Juanteed Muonle Temple Bldg. Wankegmn, 111 Louis J. Gututx, Becy. Wm..N [son t .1ito H. J. Loges- chatte t58.5 seos len Be l sec 26-43-9 t C ................. 7528.75 A.' M. WOit. and.,if wtt, uFr,,dsnut Deuman It 18, Wht-o addita Round Lake wi d......................... me Holon . Galm te c ,B, neMs lot ô bik 2 Bhorman',, euhbwuafn e Ellzaeh t Mnamantealea MOrArd fpart lots6. 011.7 IdeitY'ei itd odd taetosukegon wmît............. e euc Wn. Clark ta F. W. D. esen a lots le vllaus at Barrbuton i 3t....t... i o Jafe MeAlister te Wîi.. Sranug80osinn front ut Grand Ave. 175 rî n O! Jack- son St WauIogan wmd.... ........3200 ou W. A. Canansd r! ta E . Puteeni lot l Jnnus sub in o!rtoun Wd ...tic. Co F.»F.. Qaggfle satd r!taeOWim. K ng lot 50il t Ro2Beekeffior 9Sm d -.... o eoe Fred B. Barper ta Atigot Seltulîrz. lot 24.blki .Souh Wuegunwd....ise0oc JI. O. Fitoeh sud ire t t. 'îr L. Jongenson lot 5 blk I TrueI,,i's add te DeurfiIcd wdl..............t45os J. B. Turnt.uIl and nr t,. Sarah A. Prauti 8 lus luasvilageo a.,rWsuouda Bmrara llîdoiph ci ai t,, Mono i<ohnr neble or %e nde 1îo ss n le e ml sec t-l3-tIo0sWnil...............ia1600os Jua Mâati,'wandl r!te Ina Rogers o ut e 2aiIilîten's ut, le Lake il .........................tac2M au W. B.l>Dodue sud writ10W.iH.Hamk 4% lotaed n% lot 4cOl@ltai dd 10 sorti aide W&Ubeau m d .......ais os Rinto Jeanîmasrt de'd te G. 8 e-10 W- .................. ....4. 4 0 Auna . ttoxeu ndtîthue 70 Elizabeth Daeune a lots lu cîliacte of WauconIs W d....... . ...... .... ........17Y) 00 M. G. MIxa sui te aFr,,d W. BueI lûts 7 and 8 l0 htlt tMcl,,s sdd 1. Waub..gsnn w ad-.....->............ ue, os WmD. Clark tho J bolts lit Villagc a! Býorrîngl, ......... t1 (0 Jua A. Sutherlnde"tlsud ste E. j. UriMnust2 rfit h .il IJ.1%.iooeîl o add te Wosecgaun i------------34A (x)a MAarY A. Maon,,î La ,H.,rs y Ewset IL il teisX i 4ft, bit 1e HighlsadPark ritdtue, 0 (lias Medc loi outile christophor Andran and r! lot M 33 Utnihu sot, WoUhcucan woil-......-.......... ie5te M. J. IBeîdischî n d w! te Jeo,.Morgai, L bcredlnseetnemere m iîw le n6 l s2'.o--12 e.............irje t W. .logarnad r! to C.Brta nos0fiI htIit 17îhlt *Id - Htittoad J B. li-e-'I to, A. i. Bý.,-klot , Il) i 13 S.,wtsucti, Wtuh,go Wmil....-........-- >_- .......... 00u C.B1.Lttl.- Sud r! ta t. A. l'atdoeI, part i.>o;ttoandi36-46-9 itc ..........i oe L A. Piodoei, sudws oAlile,, I l.,tttîc Prt 'e,5t-i- d-------------t.. ce iolatra i,tdli'cum anti buc taL,us C. 1leution îParti lt. 3ianti 7e Conne aa W wI, il ir m-4 00 e GiO. Vunt.,i and wetoLuMarte A. Bit-tct Ü n--' ic'. ot 1 is  sle 2-63-i1o.0 . H Si> il-d and wtt0 Joseph sud liait-IeBloO, loit.-,(exs 33fi. it s3 original Ltanno aWubegan r d ....ceu5, te JaneluAlster lu Jno J. Dorsoi sud nf se fie ront on Jackson st t13 rt 8 or Grand Av.. Waul,gcaitwd ... 2o Jamselurma nd r! tu J Il Hart Jr. lot a mesnt,"tloto i ai, i2 011 6j Highland l'ail Wmd-------------... t350, 0 ai IdMBristol aud u, t a lrto, Ferles lot i 1 tLynu&luHo u tis JKu1)Waulogaw d...... ... .......<do t' LE B. Shermnu sote10 att,-t.F. Rook wnie'0 f1101lotl it!7 Omoîsîsk, SCOTTls -ÉMULSION Settis EmulSion i s tlle nCicas of life and of the en. ]oyllient of I fe of thcoîîsatîd- tif To the fmeCniSiytt's l'itîl- Siont igvcs thie flus.h an7d streîlgth so IICCstary for the CUre Of Co ",utn jîtt on .Jnnd thei rep*Iairiing f lbxly Ii'uSfromn any wast;ng (isea.t'C For womun Si tits Ein ti. Sion docs tis and mre. 1t is a în'o',t stîsî a"ing footd anîd tonic for the special trials that Wonnufl have 'to bear. T'o chîldreùn Scott's Eniul- toîgives f ood at-d strength for growth of flesh and bone tnd blood. For paie girls, 'for thin and sickly boys Scott's , mrulsi.on is a great help. Bond for free udmot.. SCOTT-r& SOWNE. QCheîtu. uPeanI sr«ote HemYoe »9.. matl0 1.001 auilr The Kuuwnn»Mar hJ rek Pub. llues 11h.officiai proomauwigsof the I*ke Oounty Board o! Bupervion for leB.eptembr meeting. Our nesuler nil Sud them on inalde pages o! lie papet. Obltuary. Marcela J. Hardon nos bore ai Bethel- Vt.. May 7, 18«. Tua ai robehr parents nioved ta Illinois s,,tlîug ai Locîpant.WIt caunli, Wbere tisi llved for MIx rears and tien sanie o Labo couny le Marsi lest. wher.,e o mwta omanhood. Doc. 27. tuant au aid raslaned don!àtion she ras unlted lu marnlage ia o oeag, E. Harden, surprning ir on et lutimote rîends TOto union ras one or love andl ootuu,,d the su tirouabout U,th s er.of 1,crmarrted Ilire. Their tot meeting tota l pace miel tiey *ere both ulidran and thoîr admira- tian rai muluai. lu achool Ile thoi were eoastini oompanlene. irudiluatoansdfrmm achoal baud bu bond. isîpmao te aciiotiier aven bai places and gond anes on the road and tei sehool and ail tieughI lite. Durnngtle terrible oite hoînetwen 10,' nartii and lhe souti ohie Wstced and wsled and praroul for lie boi lu bloc ai the ront. nover for a moment doubitng liaitt,' Protemtaiof ail wouîd reternu toer ho rieraai douer to er on s ail sise. Si,. ras arardeul tie renerd oh lie fothlful Un i returu and thia happy marnais. B t tus unlou'tro cilidren mre bain. mho rili lie lovini buabaed ad bcr agsd houher and motion sud siter survive ber- Alter thir l niriag eysimoved te lors rse bholveul for Ian fears.Relurnnn ta Illnois liai lcatad ou the parental bomesteaoLID. uAPrLI I luitb ber bushand siesan 0=0 Bookefeilan noc lie 1ud ni ta tie ime 0f bar deti Septemnber 3. 1903 lu tsar Mms. aren at lie aus o! .).oen YearsUnied miti lhe Oonllnegatlonal uuch af ruh ie la ven mifter mnaaa efaithiul manier, a true cirliians. A daugitan. a aliter, a iovins rite, a bled Indulgent motion bam tapped rinou. mlde. amfinir ofh le golden o"an hm snapped asunder and lakan tote Great Maksr ho ho reldad lotolie osibulu lie greUan sd beautihul beyond. Fer romon are on- dared nu itte rare business qualîtealono ai ras lir. Bardon. A a monument teber reat ber ourais. ber ludustri. ber ambi- tion te tao ave n lutle front rank 0! tic march ofth leprogreis. stands tb-da Rotai Harden. To ben ber mau ta lave ber. Au a friand sic ras afriend lu praspentît sud odversliî. As a nîfe abe ras pure ai gond. vqr as blzit as lie ninI. sodîng the radienc ut have sud affetion about ber bonis. As a malien ion love ras iiouudles. As a memben or sac it oe rai aven bei un le utoom rn ythose mia buer ber, for baving de,,p ai hboutt hit nilci mas for the bter- ment ohftee ooeti oi the oimnity lu whtel b 0e lved. Thie uerai ras iieId troniber haome on Tinradai 01. ,bclng lrgti ettsnded hi 0cr nelgibors sud frîsude as mii as thase tram Chicago. Wsukogon sud varlous olieor platais. Thc floral trlhuteo rce mont sud bitautirul. te caket btag smoal camu- Pltobiidden. Tic paît ioire-owemesvtians or theoilval rar and membors arlMr. Hardonsa otl comPaur. ntermient ras at the ieautl- roi demteni et ivaflio. A.slm*g ÉupcasSlCle. If' you counarsta, you sili Inenease their numben. or to haiîdte n toteulWin cause Warts. If IWO îwnaons wnsh lu the uanie water or dry thei banda on the urme toweb. tlîey Win ahortly qoan- rel. To bore a baie lu tha door trame sud put Iu It the tain of a cnbored per- son la anppnseidLa cure wiioaping cougi. The ratlIe o!fsanittlesuake, If oErnied bu the pocket. Wn prevout rhoumattainion, If placer] In lie bureau dramer, mi"lekep away utotia. Th 'lb. 5 .w The sirew was ortinally tte sinon mouse, wnicO, rien ber Young mena hepfeas, would figit desperael'y le their defense, and ns eiloukuownu as the cannage of Ibis ltie anial, wiich would aven go ont a!fls way taoecek au enemy aet itoes mien the net need- ed protection, that the word beceine spplled t.. s maman mha mWas cvii ready ta otol. a uuarrel. ne obi.ît.d. *'No. euh, Misah Doetsiirnn" Oh- Jected tire gentleman of ,'olor u"n, 9uh; donn' y.ibgo aeeneîttcoute dat oie 'oomau or min.. la.î' yob do bit Dles plîul udat aim stîi! flit loy bote arma, but dosa' Ix linti so site gmlue bbhor s',e rn reu cti' Ici' te'r de whille folke' waslili', tuse et yoliî do I'ze 'pintedly c.,!t.'r go. temrt!"- Baltimore .Ameri,îîri. Stuc,, me mate oui own iit:îtpiues me fihould think:ti sole,,iif,,ie' w.e Sy titis la na orny marîd.-Natî',uul Maga- sine. The eapliest mention ot eboas hlu an Egyptian papyrus about 2_2W0 yoars betare Christ Elgin Btbfr Market. Butter ou lie ElgIn Board o! "rndee Idouday mas fin as 2% cents. Sales ofhe lierek 573,0010 pounde. Butter sainie Wesklaut year 22 at. For lient. 120 acre tri. (ood buildings- pleuty of rater. Nean Dtamond Labe. Apply W. E. DAVIS, Liberlyville. si. U uclaimed Letterié. TOh. litahfunoiaimed letters t Lertyville 111, postofBlee orthe wneelendîng ot.rit. When uaiiln for the"ae ltterosai "advor- Uaefd.' Clark. M. A. E Thomias. MIse Fraudal Wlnaler. M. Paul WaaLameM. liais, PoRlmaster. Hay Bied. t am prepared ta baie iay for any dosniing ta bave Iheir bay baled. AIl arders pranipîiy attended &0. w. C. Cîov osTII, Eveest. Long distance 'phone Everest. Jan. 1. P 11118 nos possible for lie proprietots su publisi mare tian a very i ferh te nuierons lattera tecielvd lu pralueof Chamberlain@ Colln, Choiera sud Diarrboos Remedyand telilng 0ofiau ramanktabie cures. Tiey ome frai peuple lu avery raik In Ille sud froni evOry state lu lhe Union. The 10110w- ing from lir. T. W. Greatboue, o! i'rsltabtUrg, Ga.. speake for Ituelf: -,I mold bave been deaul nom but for the use O! Uhamietlainai Colin, Choiera andi Diainboms Meîedy. It cured nie Of cironie diarrioea afler neveu yeea of sntterng. I cm»naverstyo mci lu proieseioh Ibt remedy." For Sale by P. B. LovantY, Libertyvmle; UimATa- L.AKE PKABMAOT. W. H. APPLEY, AUCTIONEER. Libertyville - Illinois. WAUKECA4O boIsgsett lb.Cemnoidmi f sm sa Mr Randes A ooufêrence of the German Cou- gregational oburohtea 0f Ililuolu nIl lhol ln tuhle ohurci On Couaky atreet ast li city ober 16-19. A large attendance la expeoteul u anuuanail@y iutareating onierence te promniuq. MLev. o. B. Bauman oh tie local obunci la aecrelary of he iembconference. A b.d bneak llnite sba!ting mttie noiug nul aI the Wlne Worba cauae<i a @but dort aof11151 depaniient MouL- day. The place Oh machluery will bave te hoe sent a"lfor repaireansd the rolliug mil] nI liehCo aud for Iran rive go sevan daya. Au Oe nougi nalanlal la ou banul for progresu la otier mark, the several othon dopant- meula iii net ho altecteul. TheieermaciuerY for lie tarci merxl hbasail beon coutracle or an d a provision la Ibat fi lihodeivereduls snon ai possible. Thora are unom, one hundred mon at rork l inte fscory tearlng out the aid nmaciineny andl getlung ready te etart emodeling lie plant. The nork ta belug rusheul miti lie greatest possible baste andusiathle very autalde il la hopeul thatt ho Plant wIl hoi opened fan business by Jannary laI. WARRENTON GROVE. George Carroll apeul Sundoy ai home. lit. Oarroll and faîîly are the possessors ah a nom piano. Miss Rose Lambrechl le eiamwlY recovarîn g trom ber anerons l11luess. ,,Il w s aliItatIttilit. jjii e'gi'îd ltaI mien (lad ittt,ci i c' stridlie ept lteiuilverse ho t 11". m't'tand, east ut Into the liea, ,î,,.lNI 1,,,,the,'Motite me"' cante frou.tihe ri-,19Itt ti,,' (ifthil'e su" they callede l ' b;tpNI., inud nlanti chose Iltfon a dwsvctliî.gli.'-'loYs Noa'nian Diutan hn Ai list,-'-, 'Il liuiy heous. l Inls ititt,'- ,î i S-wf. aije land migit eaeily hb-' t,ît,'î for the leasings and r.'Ject"eti,t,-il- ittt h ie monk ot ÇleatIon, t ,.m, t,..tîlt IaY. Ili lnas sfertile ns aun8h i Iaît sbîit moreover, il resemables in l,;,t ILfe'on- taineseeraîts orh e"rstlinx o, iih-b i tere nelt. te making (eft t],.'worti- irou, copper, cou), gold autel tli tber fresuresa nuer te grîitii. 'lTte ilu tenlon he a eoggY, roek streNN' a crre'), an Iuteimhnbidy casht55051.,. osere tîtît se math as a ebitut b la uîc' ci-en and no otan ctioflset lise. Sttied fon- ests trînge tîtoit, a skiunY g-i-av. (I,îf plue and sttrltt's anti hiriii , tttroutghti mbicb youtt uty os iltitit,'.lu in tatn seat-eh for il schou,,r'e .sit;tm Tihe ahane hueet14 roc'k, tln mou, le îs' amoept hi' looitalndtir, tare' ,f'al soli grIot. nl-e'd ro-k. 'l'o înuity a Nemtoundlandior a sarîly bN-aivould ho ao gira aionder' ns ta bise'." Meaea . (0. eMakîs. A fire Iu a plppeiîaken's slîop the 1 othier day spoied lthe pioprietors astock et nîeorecbaum sund tîîctdhntîlly edie- poseel of theîelba. , cuitton litimt i amokers' îtîiud.i.Ilthaibis e..IîtmaditY la very expensîoî-. Mee-iIttin lteo'l taq ual expeuttivo'. 'lthaItîsu.-elty tii(, manufacturers lu this couîîtry le lm ported ns rninîtt,'rlîul fm,,utAustria, but noot of ilIto îiht iilu Asith Minor. Uoualiy thI-ri nai- 'tItm,'c ur four' dIfferent gradeso.. tinuultg fmoîtil.,'le rougît nd otitX14iuI.titi- lire ti,! iittIy graîneel article.' Titir,' t c oI tttIy u.î.îî Il. Ttc cilîtu ntstîtuîlltt' ialUîiet cool l lis,.a'.tren.' itt'ttin obtlonigc boxes,abount Lwo te-et und a 1huIf long,j a foof wtde itnd a tiooltt1191. 'T' 1h5' sostîsi lu waterbItelme it ii ,i,'l fur1 ooel'ing.1 Mieie'hltitut uitts ire e.t"tose h <'nsu it uelh É i l(th, l' Iti'til;î fil,-.,,, os , te bovse Cri' ith, luis t.,ix- tIhrtsn as'ay befoti- a îi'i,'- tif,,îîutl t l;t litas no flasslui.t li' hsiulrs, hlis'ser, 1 ar( eav,'m wnstst-,'Fti1'tin- r,' sedt l rnakue aca peit';îî'g radtteofu 1,1, s s-t'IlîI ai-e tuosso uts cirîtiii'.msciiluttt-.-New. Yorkl'ait Thene tir.i ti '. - 'tsiio 'soytvone ougbt t,, c,îîtro i1',i ii'o itpir. Ut!the first 1lot si-l nsi."i eil ton.' Ittsesi e'omutiutd o,. iiitsîft-ratît lro.',,the' refaimatc it'theii-k of!passtotnutttinay bha'e for te' ,'mom'îentacornenil. -ijy ment lunt i Iiî"te, Iut lucre nittst1 sur1yelyiicaitte înation o! ceg-mt. Wbeuî lie laot'ahtu gain audte tlli as .passed awny.cvery ser-itns persaiî nuet hoe elianieci uft OttlbeostildaorI mhnt lte dtd, of!telit, îî,uîîr lu 'enbcb hie gave hbtmc,'lt tisity Utdte texhibl- lion tie macle of Iiî.ts,-if. Ile ie tl -t eal he i azemî'ltiau thîe faces O! ils a trlendiandel tcsilîee sohict they1 adopted as a protectîce nieusmure aud the afotblng language mîIîichthey stan, as If lbo-y mono epeîtîg wîtb s baby, and tLie gîsitceovhi-b liasseel hetwmen tion. i.e1.'ili not soon toelegulu tliaoutturel, non mîli lte tave lie saine cdaimetipon thelr confidence asea sounul sud leur headeel man. le ba@ acted 111e a fr'tful, peeclalu ehilel and bas focrlthîine forfelted ItlIth-ol "«My boit vas fallîng out VOIT fast and Irva greatly aiarmed. 1 thon tried Aer's Hair Vigor, and iy hait stopped faling atoflcC."- Mr&. G. A. McVay, AIOIilldlia, 0. The trouble is yourhalr does flot have lie cnough. Act prompt ly. Save your hair. Feed il with Ayces Haïr Vigor. If the gray halri arc bcglnning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. si.". wilS. Ail ds,.WL @ed us one WvoWl1 xpfeit !OU a botla. Be sure or e iethe naMa 1 yjour nOaitsesures .Oce. Addi55 J. V.AyEIltco..Lowll, Mi WADSWO RTH. Peter Lux bu had the ahimneys on his bonne repaired. Mr. and lira. A. Star are rejalclng ovor the arrivai of a baby girl. A clever aindier representing hlm- self as agoeni for a portrait Company -'taak In" Marly people &ronnd here l week. After filtîng bis pookets well ho departeil for roalme unknown leaving the unfortunatea ta consider their mistake. Did you bilie? Iuedmy Sept. 30, occnrrrd the mat- riage of lHerbent Strang ta Misa Ives at Joliet. Wednesday Oct. 1, Norman Sponeibnrg and Misa Birdie Lux wre marriod ln Waukegan. Both are wol known and populo? ynung men and their many friondaexetend congratula- tionis. Tbursday night liante] Hagerty su oid sud reepected citizen, pauuod away, at bis home bore alter an linosasof over lbroe weeks. Deoaaed was seventy yoars oad iia vile ad hIe childreu survive hia. lHo was Interred ini Miii Oreek cemetory, Rev. Father Burton afflciatiug. Largo peat bed8 neor Whitevator. Wia are boing utliizod for the pro- duction of fuel. Laie County's oi- tensive swainps woold afford plonty of crudo niateniai and If the oxperiment ai Wiowater proves enacosaf ni@Oanie ent.rprlng individuoalte B ure ta atarti a -fuol factory" heroaboute. C. N. uand. Ateeey, s13»Hstiord Store or Illinos County of Lake, s8. Cointr Court 0o! LaoO ouetty ( t oc 0,,obr Turnu A. Ji. Igo2.C. Frankt Wr l, .Atmlnistrator orft ctL , Mary J. Mî rick. d0eeota Arhur L. Mîrlck. Ethel Myrick. Dale MyritI sud Frallk Herringlan. Petition ta s ie'tatte"îd,'bta. Afidioth ie non-re.,olencs or Athur L. Mrît!. Ethel Myrl,'k snd Dale Minc ,l,.en.lante abiemnmd. havIng been iie lu t" ofil1t tio!he ClerI aiflia. Caunti court or Lake ' oountynoticila herebi given tu th. stàlArthur L. Nîrluk. Ethel M ilî 1n Dale M>ýrlck tualthiesold Petitianer. <J. ak Wnlit. odminiotrator of the ostat. or Xay4 J , M R»t docoî.aed.hall heretufore flet! is petinton ln said (ounty Court of Lake ,31tat. îraîlug for a deonee for the sale ai tLii, real-sstate blongns ta the estOte et oalit dccsffl. or 00 mach of It as May be, ue,d,,, t 0or Lb,,hdoutesof outil deaeaed andi .1,', 'rlaed as roll.,ws tu wlt: An nu-1 dlvll,,tou,' rourtilteret iuthe south 2s ,urco r rfti,, wecî laai ftiie.South-esat lutirter1,f ot..ion suad the north l!l acrv, fthe,, irth-,st qumrir 0f sectilon luw AI.,, somioucînt atu enta. the saut tui, e ts,',ttou 20'. tW,ýenlundi foncicrhr own-',,tlit; Cyruss-,'atiisnd WtS. Hutchînson we,, s .o 'al - tue with the m50db lin,,1 of ..aid fri taroda ta the batf section lueo; tIte,,,o uttý,t a s hît., on the lue ,Ofr tond owlued l alt 1 ,ul ârt! sui Butelaite sou; thueo ., .,,îil', lu Utc las, orf','gîutincn. ot.llus neares.i mare ort0,.., lsection 21. ail lu tawnshli, 44 norti,. rneil ûatt oae f tt,,'rdP. M. î'xoSi'tl ug tt,";r'tr"î a i,1,"' of tond ,les,,rltcota, , !oos: Conimeuulng ai the intorccotlou O! thie Mchaulua G0rave Sud Di.o "il Lo,,rouet on th".,w.,st lin., or th nari-l.aot 'lu, wfn'eofscion , 20St a palnt ti olîins and lilnkîs saut! af tiie north- w-,t .,ornéir o! eetd luorter setIon: tlîoic ruuuttg usoitialong te quartel- secton îles M ,,ai a ndl 70 lnse; thon,,., osa à ,ha i n iaud28 lnks; thlso,,,north parallel9 ,vit n tu",,'ourl-'",r .'eUOnlin" il sl ois sud o.ttlet t-, couler of saldt ronsd;theo.. ,..,,th 58 l.gewest aoauzthi e oter or cltl rod 5 ami 8,,,, u îka ta th"plac 9! t,aluî,ing. 'Ontailnni 4 3.10 ass.more or? l'o. A1u. x'.ptlug thst ,art or ths sati- wot quarter or t,.,south-noî quarter or seetion 17. Bs'l e o uroloas: Coin- nou'ti t s potut 20 choinesand 2il inks o'ost ,of tti,,, o,,ti-v8t carner ar saldt '-tion 17: thoe,',,nurl-t chotinessudit2 ll1,k,'; tlo,,, west 10 clhius and te hluks: theflasouth4ii e '.'rooselasot oIels sud 91; tînt': thoni,'. o,,tii 22 degnesest 8i ,ttln sd toto ta UtOtse sOuLh linsoütii., soutl'uast 'quarter ofr sald sectIon 17: tiienue coO2 li luc suit se6links ta the aIwes of beiOlg OlltaJning 7h. acres. situated 11, the tocl,,I~tllltc'ityillls. Lake Coaty. LllinoiO. un uttt a sommons bas beaun coutî ,uof sat. Court agaîn8tt rou r.- turu ýIA-mti"1. t!.' utoior Terni A. D . 195 0f1 sald ,,ort ta ttc, bl,ln athe tiret Mondai lu 0,100, xr A. D. %9stiut the court-hou&., ln thc Cty or WiLuk,'g,i lun ald LaIe <J.sutv. Noto uni',, Ca,,tu".,salid Artiier L.Mrfek. Ethet MillktnuitL ale XMincI ablliper- souaiti lie and aî'î',.ar beotoe sald Ceunti Court of Lak,' Couutr on the iret dar or tiie terni thesoPto [c, hoiden at Wauk faauinu saldt Colint Yra ,t'rRaldon t l,tt nday lu Oetaoer A. 1). lusan sd plead. Bruswer or ,l.,mur ta thi, naît adminitratore poptîtion lied theiiereluts. ai sud the mattere andi thînge theretl, earged sud elated îwil ble talon os cot,!cseed sud a d-ee entered agîranst Yra cý,rdIng totahLe r of audit poititln. U. N. DuBsvi, attorney far Adinintlttr. 1-4 ALERT L. B sasiz,. lerk. BANKING 81 MAIL booklet en utuvnng aient frse to 0207 a.. 'roeaon request. Acounca c is oopemed by mmlisas *asily -S by Calita persecali. * Itemsof 41 SInteresta.. Mr. McCann, of Fox Lake, was bore Sunday. The Misses Fichier were ,ît Solon Mille Suuday. Misa Hattie Bain is visitilig fricîjî li t Wukcgaîî. Mr. Fouger, of Ocleli, is tlie g,îcst o! blis aunt, Mrs. IHall. Mme. Boehmt is ente-taitiiîg lier sistel-, Me'. William.s. o! Chicago. Tire uitoiotiary oociety wîll Ittetl oîtl Mmc. Wlilmie ncxt Tueslday. Mr. sud Mrs. Jelin iook, Jl- icili soo11 leave fol- Arkanscas fol- a visit. Mr-. and"Ml-. Thonipsoi., of Evanstoit, spetîl Suîilsey vith Mis. Whitmore. Ml- andiMl-s, Tlîew, of Chicago, ire tie gur'st.. of Mr. atnd Mrs. W,îotîln Ilarry Leck, who lias heen i te sick with toiî'ilitis is able t.. li' artoni agahit. Mis. Golfrey ad d .atigliter Nellie vîsitel Crace Chîîîttî aiitAaukegaiîThurmo Miss Maude Turner t'. '.ioîtini t llownemc troc, andi.lMis.'.Mar l-> H it a Whenaton. Misa Nellie à,tmviii, of Fax Lake, is stoppiiîg for s few weeks v. tiiMl-o. Hugene itende,,. Airs. Winkle snd soirFranîk weîit 10 Kolvy for a visit of a few iiay o tire latter port of lasi wee k. Mr. andl Mis. Bourge were Sit Roeraits Tliur'.day iii atten<iaîce iiîpoîtitre W. C T. Il. conîvention. Mii FPratt ad ami igltee..Maîîîie aie sPeli ng .a few v.eeks in thie F.a.t, lat Mouînt Clai-, N. J. Miss IriiteKeiîiedjo, l i xn.î'r-illle, Ill. . petit Wediie"..l,îy i'itiiig Mi Wit K<.ppa, tho ([Wlator a.t the t,,wer. lIes Tholîon.,il'ioeellii, fin-rcel sermoiîn hem Siîîî,aî o li . .aireloiie i.t spîeaiker andlî&. Il te greaily niiosedl Miss Aîîaîîala Aait, of Roundî< Lakîe, . tcîppiig' wîtlîIM. COrlandlo R icharid- 'on andl atte.î,lîîg hilgb Selî,ol brie. lert Coulson, oui lay operato.r ut tIi,,.tov. &r bas î,ceil liîiiîoteot and. ire eptt'. t a ititon i,'.agent iii t MI'.. k ttîlm ite. îf i'aikake'i, ,and, l'.rs. Tirîence, of lIleriî, and.!Mm'.. Kappîr. o! Cliicago, ire tilt.giie'.ts .,f Mrs. Xil Smith. FOR MENT-MrA. Bendubo lias @anme n1co upper roua vacant. tDr- 1 .F, Sl,.ffi- s takiitg a ilii,Il net'e'îvsac-atiton andii,; slx s-(i..t.g i sti,,rt tutWashinigto,.IlC 1Nir'. Sîtîffri us o i'itiig fii--ills .t N. ssoîî.îket. i Mr. Wagner lias ouI...iîel t aî.iîî its lent eo ,f abs'encee, duriiîg v. hi-hl ime lie-, wîte andlcîtlil statkIe i trip t.,Ilit,. ,i Iroînie ai StocIto,. i îalils,,-rat other friaces. Mr. andlMis. EilB. Shermn i îos r' into thei-îles- îhomte on Lake' '.1 -t Tlîurv.lay-. Mr.Sbermiani ,t'ociie! bis store tl, tire l,,v. ci lw o,, f su.,..ibuil ing on u Toîiay la> froin 2 io 5 in. lî.,îor (if lier litile dl.uglitcl-Agatha v.h,, wa'. a o ar ',ti ,,Al ttat date. A I] tîe neigliieri îîg sinai.î ctiitleîî as wella'. Ilicir mnias'. .-re titere and, ceteiratel the utIle t.,t' . irtli- flaY, ccciitli,,Olgli slie, iii i..1t iiov. v. ut it al limentit. Sut'recels îvla i ti,î ,r ef gift'. as'.)ute-iitr'. of lite ca,,'t Accident at the Tîle Factory. Monday afternoan Emmeîtttoiliy an emptayoe at the tlie faclory met wt s sovOre and paintul accident. While walklng under a pile ofitler; wbhite support had ni beon put uneler, soule Of the iies fell on hlm, stnihing hlm on te back and bock- hlm down. Dr. Rickey ras callod sud attendad ta tho injuries miiciare ual nf au serions a nature maiWas lraI supposed. Arc Llgrhto For Lake Street. At the regular sesalon of tbe village board Mouday nbght. tue toaird valed ta replace the Incandescent lîgilte aioug (irayaiakea bnauy street nu are iigbts, niticb i i iadd graatly la lhe improvameut 0f ie business section. Thisi. l fill1a long feitl rn an d nul hol manhappreciatod by boti lhe business mon and the general public. WSIOT RC SHOOL. Oniy six tardy marks soe far Ib is Jeat. Sciool began on Sept. 8 nltb au on- robiment of trenty-four. Thia year 1h. tire. languago classes are doiug al l hi language wrfk frani lhe ahanas purchased by lhe board las& spring. The remuher chart for the manli of Octabot la receiving more bine dinh.s rhicb ludicate cloudy remiher liait yellow onea nhiai indicate fair reathor. Only thtee jellor onea 1h11 -J c.) o o c m >1 1~ BUCKNAM & CO., Grayslake. Illlnois. 2 BUTTUNDOUI L15.AS -K.N.eFp. ACIK ?ulir Ever stop) to tlîiîk what a lot oif service onie getti out of a good saek àuit? It pays to get the right kind to begin with. That is the' solution of the clothes problem. Wetter piay even a dollar or two more and get the added style and quality. But we doîî't a.Mk any more for K. N. & F. Clothing thaîi othttr (* cei.ns a8k for oruinary kinds. Vastly more satisfaction to yoît, thotuglu, from he.giîning to ensd.(Our Siiits andu Overcoats are made ait only beat clothiîîg is made. 'That mealti a lot to the man that wears the clothes. Just received_.,0îi FUR OVERCOATS You will need one. In Fali and Winter Garments we are loaded. Grayslake. Illinois. ONE 0000 TURN DESERVES ANOTHER. You buy your fall and wlnter suits, overcoats, pants, boys' suitp, chldren's sulta of us -and we'il give ypu the best value for your money you ever recelved. HOW 15 THIIA? We know how to buy and how to seil. 1 hiavé-i'î*eejved thîit wee-k 25; cîats, moine! with vests b) itatelt. ail flîte ejrality, from $10 t.o $120 siiits, al gocoi styles. Fite goods. (Ilîoics Of titis lot, $4.00. Worthî more. Suits flot ln stock ordereél. A fit and satisfaction guaranteed. A full stock of underwear. Large line of shoes of ail kinds--best makes. A comletestock--ail sold at the very Buy of us and be convinced that we are right Wm. W. I3dwards Grayslake, Ill. 1 moved October ist to the building just west of Strang's Furniture Store. E. B SH-ERMAN, Grayslakçe - - 'minois. c f0] Kn Sp Su Te Runs z Libei An