CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Oct 1902, p. 5

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Quality and Price WeV-take hiîto fiil oîisideration. Wlieîa-tliey exist tiiere als() is licalti>. Thîis is miade mnifest by thie liealthyv. robist clamsa of peoplde we claint ;a.- î4oîî- Our meats and groceries are of the highest standard. If yîît iii îot alreaily a ;i uneîof ours, eail ,troîiîd and place a trial ord-r w itlî ils anîd W.w'evili guaraîtt- -o1p. al :ls t \'. TRIGGS & TAYLOR, Lîbert y ville CMAINS Best value for money. Knives and Forks, Spoons, GoId and Silver bowl; Berry Spoons, Pie Knives, Tea Sets, Etc. - - - Illinois. lIigh grade gold filled Cliains ...... Vest, Lorgnette, Neck, Bracelet, Fobs, Etc. SILVEI1WARE Right Prices, Scritchfield Fountain Pens. The YEAR LONG Clock Runs 400 days with one wnding. An ornament to any home. DARBY BROS., Libertyville - Illinois.1 ? WINTER 600DSO Our shelves contain a complete and varied line of llens, Womens and Childrens: : ::::: Winier (Inderwe'ar. A nice line of Ail WooI Waist Ooods and Flannels. FLANNI3LETTES ln 40 patterns. Cotton, Shaker and Tennis lm.,FL A N N EL S SMITH & DAVIS, DEALERS IN General Mercliandise. Libertyvllle, Illinois. PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. *Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la Effeci Suudsy, September a8, i9o2, ati2î:m a. m. TO CHICAGO. vaEIDAIm. Depart From New 0.001. beave Ubertviile. Ârrle Chicago M .....$:il a. m. ........... 10:0 IL M. 14ie...9:v3 a.1m2 ........... 10:5 a, m -144 ...122p. M:.......... ... dv... -144... 7 p.12............:60tp. M. No. 1&5..6:17 &M ............ 10w a. M. 14 ... . ..5î1 ... 58,...... TO CHICAGO. visa BATS. Depart Prom OId Depot.» Leave Lb'-rtyvillis. Arrive Clcu.o.l M. 12.. .25 . ....... :UýM .-l ..... l 85. ............ 845ia.m.' FROM CHICAGO. vE xDAIM Arrive nt New Daaot. Le.a Chloiago Arn . i.ll,,rtYiIa. NO, 131 ...7.Ua a. M. ...... ....... 38 .1m. 1.3..930 a.1M2 ... O-10:3. M. 1l3 a. 2:10 P. ............ 34 P. M. -137....4005p. m12 .... 4:152 til. 143 ..O806P. M12.... 7:Ogp12 RUNDAIs. NO 47....905si5. 2 .10:17 a. m. -136... 2 îop.m .3:4 P. 1M. 143 .. ôfeP. m. .........7:02. FROM CHICAUCO. vasE p Ara. Arrive et Old Depot. LaeovoCi<lgo Arri, i.lh.,rtyilila. 141 ... 20 P. . ..... 4.306J,'. 2 -t ..... 6:40 P. m. ...........685 P.n Wk#No Trains Arrive or Laave (.ld Htatlon iilldays. Marabal Preasman la glviog 1the streals thair osual fai ciaanlng up. Win. Caser purchasad a prise bock si the &taie fair, vioner of tvo blua rIbbona. Witb Ibis Issue the INDPEroNDENr enters upon the levantb year of st existence. B. L. DuBoiss ami eet caslgned bis pouition sasbook.teeper aItlihe Macaroni fictory. Mr. Clenanteassumes charge of th1e books. E. W. Duaenberry, Henry Harvey Wm. Fuller are ln Washington IbIs veet attending the naional ancamp. motof the 0. A. kt. liegular meeting af Liteasde Come- tory A.sociaition <Ibis> riday &fier- noon vitb lire, E. Wels. Bpeciai business. Let ail attend. At thalr meeting Monday nlght the village board ordarad extensive sida- vait repaire on Mcenant etreet, Nev- berry Avnue and Orchird stres. Otisar repaires yul be rdared a& nazi meeting sastheal'Iiavalt.e ln nîny sections of bava sadly uead attention. Articles for the biziar go ha given by ladies of the coetery associatiou Ct. 17 May be loft et hoine of Urs. Farulaju. The association hopes for lîheral contributions and raquas thit every lady fusiis sonmearticle and th un baip svailt&ho procaada. Frank Dusenberry bas acqulrad necasary tools go bnlld camsent vaîts, sud yull devote isi attention ta th&& vork. Mir. Dusenberry haislied ex. partance &long that ilue, ia a tisorangbà varkmmn luavisiaver iha undarlakas sud an bis estimates ara lover Ibm oubaide parties l. sura ta risoalve min y orders. Cornelius Oieru, son of lMr. and tirs. John 011cm a&fter being treatad by borne pbysiclans for sonatine vibont relief, vas ccmpelled lant Thiuraday go leave echci ldation ah Si. Vatours Colage, Kanitee, ta undergo u operation for nicer of the nase, ai SC. Elizaboth'a Hospital Chicago. Ha viii hovever bc anie la attend ichool again nexî vaek. A suficient number of naines bas beauneecured and a tribe o! Ban Hur vîli ba orgaclzed la Ihaertyvîlie Mon- day olgbt next. Wmcsortb and Norths Chicago Tribes viii coufer 1the dagrees and organthtie ordar. 19 la one 0f tihe very boul fraternelai nsurince orders going and yon slsouid join. Haud Ia youc name :before Mouday a.nd becoma a charter nember. At their annuil meeting moctbolders of t1e Amrican Macaroni Company lected Chan. Mmnli <aDrai manager toasuccaed W. 0. Brown. Mr. Brovn rraited&bat ha lulght give more atten- tion to other datios. Ha la vice preaident undar the Day organisation. Mir. Mant[ bas baid 27 years experiessoie lu th1e manufacture a! Macaroni snd la fnlly carapatent go assuma charge 0f the Lîhertyvîlle plant, vbich le tise largeandmnt complete in the United State. Warren Heath liso nagotlated a deal for Chicago parties by whlcb ha se- qulred af Mne. B. C. Paltan lber Lite streat proparty, this veet iota 1the place tu Chas. Doyes, as the city fits gettIug noldar and is atio bta h nad.1 Keep Iu mInd thse New England oupper sud bizaar ah the T own Hall Friday avaning, Oct. 17. Wadneaday Miss Grace lBradley vas married aI ber home lu Rondaut teo a Mr. ltedmond. fromt Nabraska, vhich state viii a be ir future homne. O. 1. Luce. ylsali at aucîlan bis farm Implenenls, stock, @e, ilua coupla o! eeke. Tltemaievîlîbeau lm- portiot oDe. Notice of dite neit yack. A large addition te the fauudry of1 the Estoc, fsctory is tu sechut, lu1 fat grouud bas slready bean broten. [ha building vili ha anlarged tla Ibrea Uimes lilspratesntcapacty, 'lhoaRck River (Jonfacence o! the bietiodlet chutait la lu session at Austin. No change of posters I. de- sis-ad or espected for tIha Lîlertyvllie charge. lire. J. B. Allanson laq inat- tendance opon the confereuce thim No vortisier causa deserves support thîn thug malntaed by the cemetery association. Help a littie Oct. 17, Be ai the Town Hall for ossîpr, stayj dorlug the avcning Mid relieve yonr- self of your raspouisibilly luinhe matter. Its yjour opportunlty-grasp Mir. George Caler and lis, Neliie Burdeli vere united (n marriaga HS-pt. 14 ai the resideDceaof Mr.<icorge licCullougbi, 518 Chus-ah St , Evanâtou. visare the bride bis made bier home. Uir. and lire. Citer laft at once for Denver. vboeeir. Citer viii pursue studios lu the Denver Madical Collage. Wthln a mentital untsown man attempted &0a aault a lady riear ber home sontb ut the business center of tavu. Tisoug b"bdy friglîtaned @hae succaeded lu breaklug avay freom hie ambrâce and gainiDg ber home. Tuse mttair vas buahed ni) lu defareuce ta thse dasîra of tIhe lady sud bar family. Saturday avening su estimable yaang lady was the vliIm of an attempteid assault almost ln the limita of the bumîneas ceuter. Hec exporience was aven more ts-ylng Ibon the victim of the tiret aimailt. By a plucky raât suce., bltiug andsecratclug tIhe brute, aihe frustrstad hie efforts until ber mecatims brought ialinne and the man lied. On bath occasions fh vazses iuteniely dark the ladies would ha unabla ta Identify tise maniIf &Ihay ehould »a tisem. It is onnecamary ta comment au Ihesaunfos-IOnL»e occur. rances-but wbt a pity no opportunity vas a forded te, kilt the brutes-thit pralectars dia uat arrive on th1e scene lu timeanmd proparly armed. AI that, shootiug la toc good for sob vs-retchea. A. W. Wtaldo appeired bafore the village board iionday ulght sud explasmed that the ordlnancoeuails- toig street and sidevalk grades for the village, preseutad for passge to the provieus board, vast not, cotrary ta tise supposition 0a! blsan d atber membeca o! the aid hoard, s-eoorded as psssed. Hae snggested tha ordînane ha paed. but the board falaea ta tata action on tise molter, by a close vote. Mr. Waldo ls cartaluly rlght inulits contention the ardinaucea hould ha peaitdand Inémodiatelv. Private im- parties for soma reaon !ailed ta tata- provenents are progresaing on an Il off his banda. Mr. Boyes viii nove extensive @cale lu Lîbertyvilla, sud tise bouse ta ceai o! the lot sud laclng unies@ proper and aniform grade on Branerd Court and huild a nev lavaIs are lnilntainad complications of bouse on the corner, faclug Late a grave nature viii follov. A non- etreet. It la bis Intention tao ocnpy th1e sîderable snunt vas expendad ta olO ioua notîl hoaneau complate the estahliah prapar grade lavais, sud now ana. unleas the plat preased le adaptad of Alsec Lin Monday puxchased of 0. 1. visat avait le that cîpendîture. Il Luce a 50 foot lot fronting on Liaea0MNta tha INDIEENDENT Ibis la a street and idjoluing Entait Davis' Motter of tIret Importance. Cernant prapes-ty (th1e 001 Dynond place) on and mphaît vilta laid ince t11e grade tisa et. This la a portion of 1the site levaI vis up for consîderition as-ein ree.ntly pucchssad by Mcr. Luce of accordance vitb the plat aocoonpauy- Mr@. ibsin, and on the ramading neig tise ordinancean d t ile eiantial, lota Mr. Luce viii erecl; a Modemn for Ihegood of proparty Oviars and residauce for biaseaun(tillerl. Tise the village, future lmpravemants con- boume vhlcb nov occupias Mr. Lues f arn ta1the ordinanca. Personaily. lois vas &la puroisaaad by Mr. Lau the editor, a nenhar of the previons sud vîli ha ramoved ta tisa lattefr% hoard, la under the impression the@ property, In fact excavation foc tise ordînance vas properly passect, bat if coller la nov about oamploted. ao Ilce.rinly falled of record. Natural Anxlaty. HI. Lufe In Perl. Mothars regard appcoaobing vinter -.1 just semad ta hava gone ail ta vitis uneaainems, cildren tata cold no pleaes, vsiten Alfred Boas,0f Weira, euilîy. No Idiasee cont more littla Tex., -"biliomms suad a lamna huit hâd lves than croup. It's attuet insus made liesa burden. I contdalt est or sjudden thst thesa uffoerai oféan ha- sleop and tfaI almost ton ovou ot ta youd human aid bafcue tisa doctor voet vbau I began 10 use Eleatria Bit- arrives. Sucis cases yld resdiiy tu tars, butt 111.7 ocked voulais. Nov 1 Oua Minute Oough Cure. Lîquifles sloopIlita a top, eaat auything, hava the mucus, alays Inflammation, ce. gsiued In mIsengn and eujoy bard unoves danger. Abiolutely mie. Acteavoit." Tlsay giva vIgorous hoeath and immadlataly. Cu ura cgia, colla, nav lits go Wesk, aiekIy, rua-dovu gsip, bronchitia, ail IbroatandIlung p 1oie Try tisen. Ouly MOe ah trouble. P. 8. Moliaion, Hampton, G. . ÇB. LovEr., Libertyvîlle, GEtAreLAE. "A bad oo11 renlaiul me voies u ltPxAmMAI. hafora an ootailcontent. 1Inl. bandaI tu ilbulrw but teck One I bava My eider Mil luarunaing crder. Minuta Cougb Cure, I8 ceeoral my Dring tu jour applas and, 1lvili <aira. voiet.lan te ta Win thae Mdu." lVS tua goal vrort. m. I. GisuAso Ban mie byP. . .Lolm1u. LbiuiwIU. - par. Mi, -1-464P B. S. Wheelar purcbased of Alden & Bidinger, of Waukegan, laut veet, a Sebaîz piano. W. E.ilavis mad vile stteo.iad a Meeting Of the (Tend Ciiapter of 11111101H. () E 8. lu Chicago Tndny, Ras delogaten tram LibertyvIlll idge. Fred Haessaa taly, Mrs. E.liHeu and Miss Emma Hess, of Chicago, 8peut Saturday sud BSunday at the (irattan Farci, as guests of Mir. ad Mr&. F. E. Marsh. C. A. Appley l8 bsving hi& harnono soutb sida of Fair streat near Milwaa. Îlee Avenue remadeJed lot a nlaît savon room honge. Chas. Bayesls i dolug the yack. A ýmontli's ulind"wuasusag at the Cattialiechcurch Tuesiday, Ocet. 7, for tha repose af the soui of lira. Mary OHeru, vho died Sept. 7th as ber home euto! tbe river. The <eremony le s solemn blgh unis abserved lu smre cases, a montb itter deatis. Dr. M. M. Parkburmt, of Lake Bluff viii bold meetings under a &eu% iocate on Orchard treet hatvaen ire. Hlurîbtta store and the Protina praperty, Thurmday, Frlday.aud lSatur- day eaningm. Dr. Parkhiurmt lasthse prohibition candidate for Conpaes from this district and wyl disnas hie poiltical situation as viewed tram a prohibition standpolnt. Chas. Boyas is tbeecotract tu buld a temporary cm shed for the electrie road company, 241200, ta bouse their cars uni sncb time as $bey eau @core uecoasary material t0 aonstruct a permanent shed. Tbey vare unable ta boy steel truses for tihe oiginail building with a promise of dalivery lumîde of six mnthebanad declded on the tbe tamporiry strocture. H. J. Cater, ana of theadlractore,ssays the State Fair at iipringileld proved f ar tram a lilancial fallura, soins 5540 heiog cleared, tinough $20,0(0 vould bave been the profils badfit uat raloed. Ail races vera daclared off Tbinrsday and Friday, vhlch ahonld bave beau tise tva bail daym. The exhibîte vere neyer better sud the fair a soccees ln cvery wày, despite lu- cessat ratas. Electiou notices are up for the electloO of stite 8sud eounty afliscre, teoaccur Noi. 4 It yl be noticed that Libartyville wiii vote lu tva precincti. Ail West Of Miwaukee Avenue are lu preciuet No. 1, and sent ire lu precinet No. iJ.[be center of Milwaukea Avenue i. the dividing line. Poilisfor precluct No. 2 vili ha located lu eaut room of ttcbanck's store, on 8prague street. Voter. of the firet preclnct vili as uouai vota aithIe Town Hall. Auuthaer DâktIs uyer, George 13aennn, returned from that sectIon luat woek, aud like former vîsitorst brim- lui; ovar lu bis eoiltusiasm. Ho la n4tûlled tbat la the country ut the future on the creamery .sud stock propositions, sud bis purobasa of land %hosrasubstanhiateas btsargument. D. 0. Lorinar of vbom ha bougbt bas again gona forth vitb land meakars. Mir. Boehm um is l cousin tisera vbo sssurad hlm ha vas satisad viti the nortb-vest and cauid mate mare mouey ibere tIbm lu Illinois. That'i vbat tilks. t.ld Lakeside Cemetecy AgsoeIation viii bold Iheir sonnai bizaar and New Eugland sappar, Friday evealug, Oct. 17 at Libertyvîlle 'ovn Hal.Aa usnal booti, Ilah ponds and costomiry bazair attractions viii be arranged lu the taonball. 'The sapper Weil Our readers tuow vîtisaut aur sa3ing It, tba ladies viii turnish a spraad snob as oniy tiay en. Tiis lathe anunal prîviiege afiordad LibertyvIlie people ta coutrîbute thair mite ta suint the ladies lu their noble work. Be there- anjoy s splendid eveaoing and belp &log. 1Cms your doty. If you oin't attend send sameone wlth yonr mt. Sopper 25 cents. Do Good-it Pavs. A Chicago mInasobserved that -Uood deeds are botter than real esta16 deeds-soifle of tire latter are worthlese. Act kindly and geutly. show eympathy and Iend a belping baud. Ye ontinat possibly lose by 1..' Most men appreciate a klnd word and encouragement mors Ibau aubstantiai belp. Thera are persons ln Ibis cour. munity who migbt truthfuily eay: -MY good friand, cheer np. A fev doses of Chamberlala's Cougb itemedy wiii rid yeofo!yur cold, and tuera la no danger whatever tram pneumonia When yon Use L1h51 meicîne. It alWaya cores. I know l for l »ba lped me ont mauy as time.'* Soid by P.B. Lovwc.x i ibertyvîlle; GBAYSLAKI PHABEACT. CLOA-KS FOR (BRI-S AND LADIES HAVE ARRIVED 1 purcbased for cash the very niceut line of vlnter elaa s1 bave ever beau able te abtaîn. They are ail strictly Up-to -date-laiesi 1902 pattamns. I bongbt tiremrright and viii mail ac- cordlngly. I1can plaise yen lin at hascertain. MY linoaoffatroae, dry goods for vinter vaou cme along In Mmarnhipment. yon eau flot affoma %o bay vithout saelng then. Thay ara moderns, right ID price, correct ID style, superlor in quality. Mh. F. Protine, Libertyville -* - - fIlîolà. CLEARANCE SALE@ In order to make room for fait goods, we are offering special induce- ments for the next two weeks. ~ Lava,, Batimteanad Dimition, formneniy luc ad 15c, nov ...Sc Ladies' Mugin I odarvear, lnciuîling Niglitgouns, Corset l'avers, ihirte aud i)rawors%, 35v 10 .......... Menis Necktiies, Ille t . . Meus I'ndarvear, 25e t .... 51l.901 AOC1 .51.50 LadIes' Hmey plain and faney, 10e ta Mensa Janeaville Overalia, the standard ln price and quallty, par pair, toc te ....8C Cilîdren's Sebool Stactîngs. 15e and............ ........ 23c Mens (iloves, drasa aud yack tlud, Ilc ta. .$1.50 ideu's Fancy shirts, 5)e t1...... ....... ......51.00 Wool Dreia Ooods, a large, oomplate lino of Casis. mares, IsBlnins, Cheviot@anad navalhy dresa <cadi at rîght Prie«.. n I 9v big lot of Boy piece sitits in latew sampl of1 îîg - ~u Li manuj Boys' The ::::way below THE ibertyville ys' two and1 three and odld Coatàs st styles- les f rom a facturer fille CIoth- prices will be 7aettual value:::::::- FAIR, - - Illinois1 .... PURE DRUGS.... At Loveli's Drug Store PAIN T- TOILET ARTICLES ANO WPERFUMESr QILS PATENT MEDICINES F. B. LOVI2LL, Libertyville - - - Illinois. De i£pà$t 1$ floital For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You get the incroased and growing service of the. 1akm County Telephone Company and connection wfth tUm Chicago Telephone Company. For Information. rates, etc., writ- CONTRJ LoveilleDruxg store, 'CT DEPARTMENT, 1 Wb e«,N col

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