CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Oct 1902, p. 8

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,,,ýThe Greatest' PPM'T States of the WorId-....e:- Th eDakotas. Rich Grasses! Good water! Cool N ights! See Lorimer! I'LOC K EF EL LERf. prevmaiod hieenmii an thueclie- J. L. Hillmb suit J. Il. Cenekbite liaitînsinem at théLeuiîiiiîiy -s-t tnu. veek.E Mr@. John Whitiî-y base Ieen qiite sick: for tlhe .psst test wee-ki nt lier home ne-ar Dilamond Lake. Mrs F. Hulbuîrd iî'tirued in lier home lu Chicago on Monday after a tva weksC vieIL eii frieuds bers. Mis. AnusaLthîep atteudcd the oiebistion ai the 9;bIfIh urtbday <f an muut ln Chcago au Satnldhy Ilut. Mr. and Mis. James Wilson retnrned go theli homne ituAustin au Wednesdsy &fier spending a veek vitb Mis. Witson'a father, Mi. tien Harden. P. E Tichenor, general milk agent foi the Wsconsin Central Rallraad, vas clling on @OoeofiOui heavesat mtlk shippera on Tuesday oatiis veek Bain, tii Mi. sud Mr@. Harry Fineberg. Oct. 1, 1902, a baby boy. Ou the eightb day be vas duly cbrlsteued alter the faim oi the Jevisb chnrch by a Rabbi, vbo came ont tram the city f or tbat puipase. <Ou accaunt of tbeLiîadt veather ai the put month retardlng vork on the uev etectrite rirosdit ltadoubtînl vbotber the rosd it ii lis compteit.tibis place tbistall, but vs are iuiormed by thome uho are lu a positionuta knov that vok iS yl ha îsiimed sarly nexi Spîing sud ibat the ruat vill be bulit ta Roackefeller sud beyond as apeedlly as possible. Sait cent Look a jomp oi one dollar per tan lu thus market lu sympsthy vith the sr'arclty of bard coal caused by the refusai ah the mine aperatore ta suhmit to arbitîstion. Thun the packet-books ai the people are beiug depleted ta psy trIbuts ta ans ai tbe voret Of msny trusts thai have spîunu up lu ibis country lu the past fev years. 'Aronst-mit-em." lIAS THILLINGIi XPRIN(E. Oui genial sud altogether filndly citizen, Chaq. Luqit, met vith an experienoe i)ChicagoiaIsat veek that -Chartey saye la euough ta Leach any man of braies a lesson. He vent ta the city ou Tunemday sud &fier spending s day ar tva there vas set upan by iantpade ou the Tvelvetb shooet viaduol sud robhod ai bis vatch and chalu and vhat luase change bo happeneil ta bave about bis ciothes. Findlng himslf luinbis plighI sud kuoviug that suy raa had botter he dead than Iu Chicago nul oh mausy Le tbaS hînaeli ta e botel sud eugag- lug sainani pruî,eede-d ah once ta luin an the gaa3 anîl go taulied, bul the hotel people hece-teel the gas sud cnt lu oIf an that lie cauld Dctl maSobjis -exit front this lite liy thaL route. Findlug iumiuîslt nuce-noire upon the street as 5101in the fIîosb bo lu sorte vay beat kSoavuta bîiseli procureil a ev do8s-eof cunie deudly ding and vent tu tue Tvelvetb stîset depat whene hi it onc-5esaliowe-d tvo dores ai the aforesald kuoc-k-out cancoction and laid dosu uipau the pistiortn for a quiet esueotnfti tia Ilîh, but the lyux sysil policesspied bu ont sud ho i vgt liustiod lutu au ambulance sudc Lkeu ta ConS conLy hospitlt here hie sctic uppsratiîa vas cpetedilyt puîped ont anil cleausad secording ta I tu Lisueiost apliroviied dscieutilie9 motlaods. Suudsay moinin)g Cbalcy ound hlm- soi once mi re tit nt tapon a cola ansu3 npatboiec orlil sud think- ing btter ut the sboîe Ituation Le starteil fon bis home et Leithton shere lie arrived lui the eveing ai the saine day seemlngly lîsttî verse toi hli vaied experiencea. Ciiailry says 5la1 no easy natter toi a msuî Ludiaelisions bia lime sud If be- dont live- cas as long as nie secs suy- boly elfe live t vaut blitis uit. 5i¶HOOL NOTES. Goad attaudance! FooLl 18isthe pnevailiiugspart. Miss Dsisy vauPiev, ai Ivanhos, vilI attend the- Rockefeller schoal Ibis yeux. Piait monthiiy reviev questions have been recolveil sud tbe examînstions vnitten. Philip Amos'Laireived appoint- ment hîam Dn. John W. CaS kta attend the Noiber Ililinois State Normaml BoboA i. 1 ho nexî meeting of the Nrneru Illinois i sachers' Assoiation sii hae held et Rocklord, Oc&. 23, 24 sud 25. Ciferisefor round trip. PupfilseluMMs Wisue's nooni îe- celved Ibeir report cade Wedeesdsy. Tue cuber puilf if Il receive reports every tvu onttha tIii; year. A caîîise iliiL,ok-ktepiug snit busi- ness ainasm,rallug. sîltlug, spelIing, grammer andi ceua)oiititn, etc., ban been pisnned for Lbose aho cao attendi acbool aniy lu tue- vinter. Why uot rgarnîze a local teachers' ra"lng clîcle? The liooksa htch are usaed tii yesî are very iutersttlg. seyeraI ai aur maie adlvancedl pupila hec&xme itereateil last year sud tbaS part at the meetings. Oui oh Usathe Jaws. "Whe-n deatli seemed very usom froua a nevere âlomseb sund liver trouble, 1h5t1 Ibad suffcred vitb for years," vaite.s P. Iguée, Duiham, N. C., -,Dr. liaaNew Liu. Pillmaaed My BIle ea4 aveperect ealS."Boat pilla ou rbad 17 lc aiV.3. Lovuxiii, - ~ Oa w.~U OaRAGY. Wauted NMore- 1îtograpIemior ur album. Tests voie gise-n lu lîîstoîy sud spelling lu the tupper gralea Tuosdlay. Every plipîl iii the filih andl esienuli grades iecolved esîtitluatemiîoftawsrd thia mautb. Tva liveiy pailiamuantâiy drille vers iarked festures af hetus at tva Succeuseclub meetinga. Lest vu horget. Vielis a re aiways velcome, vs are especially glldta bave former pupits calsud ksep aoquainted vitix the seboal. The tirei achool mauhb endeil Tues- day. The pupls vha vers usither absent nar tardy: RutL Wells, liaiiy Fashet, Roy Chamberain, Lltay Amen, Opal Smith, LoIs Smih, Marille Posket. Bertha Kuebker, *Brie Chasmberlain, Lizzte Enebker, Emma Knebker, Emma Chabmierlain, Doa Dorfler, Lily Snyder. This la the largest nuambervwe have had any moutb dnriug the pu$l three years. Wauted-Women and gilse La vai iu pscking department. Light. dlean, steady voiS. $6.00iper veek, Anerîcali Macaroni Co., Lhbertyvilei. Farty Vears Torture. Ta be relisved froi atoitvrlng disemie aller 40 years torture rigiît vall cause the gratlude ofai svau Thai la vbai DeWitt'àWitch Hazel Salve did foirL. Haney, (eneva. O. He aya: *"DeWitL itôlis aielSalve cured me af piles alfirI1had suffeîsd 40 years." Cures euts, bhume.,vannds, sllia diseuses. Bevsre oi coanterfeite. Said by P. B. LoyaLe, Liberyviile. A PTA K ISIC. Miss Emima Scbîey spout Bundsy ai home. J. (assai nioveil ou the aId home- stead 1mat veek. GeargeBHun, froua Chicago. IN help. lug bis brother leury ont coin. kieos Thenesia Wagner froni trsYs laite vistsd friands boesSnuday. Misr. Sexausi sud sans Dan sud Gearge maved ta Chicagoaltsi eOk. -Miss Eilie Staicelebrated bei tveuty-soaond blrthday lasi Bunday. Edvsid Blabl aurntvell kuavu carpenter la husy tbiidng J. Gassars nev barn. John Boinhofen toaS possession ai hlie nev fatim Oct.1, whic bcbebought laut yoar. Fred Schley and Frank Weiaud vere business calers at Quentiis Caornere laut WednesFday. The farmera are ai) bsppy tliat va bave tins veaiber aSain on Lbey dont have la posîpone tliesliîîg sud cuttiug Coin. Mies Lutcy StabI vliheid lie-i cousin ise Rune Bîsbm autIBuffalo tiiove isat ilunday, vbo le euh lsuferiîg (romn ber brokon log. Wanted-Women sud girls to voiS lu packing deparimeut. Lit, e-Issu, sleady voiS. $6 00 par veek. Aneices Macaîoul Oa., Libertyville. Look Out For Fuvei. Billiousneasssud liver disoideis ai Ihie season may be preveuteil by ciesulung the systeni vith DeWtus Little Esrly Iisers. These ismans litule pilla da not gripe. They move the bavels gentiy, but copioaly. sud by reason oh the taule properitles, irive tans sud streugtb ta uhe glands. SoId by F. B. LOvisLe, Libertyviîle. VOLO. Wifliam Rosing transanteil businesse lu Chicago Weilnesday. Claude Richardison isturueil ta ber haine lu EigIu rîday. Mr. sud Mr@. Kettie, of Cieaga, vois Vain caliers Monday. Mm. IleuvelI, ai Mrlon 1Park, ls viiing aI George Benwellîs. William billon attondeil the 8ate ialr at Springfield the past veek. The Ladies Aid Society wiii meet vila Mis. Jobn Waltou Weduesday Ct. 15. Miss Lizie Giosson spent the tiret oi tLe veek sith ber sister, Mis. James M urray. John Hable sud gentleman iiend, ni Chicago, spent Fiiday vitth Ie ionmer's parents. Mis. Elijala Iiclaar-lsnu. of Round Lake, e-peut Mouday viîb Mie. William bunnill. Mrs. Haîry 3icbolie sud sou William speut the lasL ai tLe veet .ltb reis- rives lu Chicago. Mis. John Brasnd, MImses Editb Brasndsud Chalotte Dovohi, ni wan- couda. vere the gueseour Miss Agues Dunnill Tiauraday. bmesrt% A. J. Rasymond, John Wallon, Franîk Sextani, WiliUam Husan andt JaSe Wiilz vers tn Waukegan Mouday. Tlae msuy iienda ai George Suipson vere palueil ta beur Ibat Le dIed ai bie hume nemi Wsuconda Suuday evening, Mis;. Haîry Paynes, Presideut ai the W. C. T. U. Las prepareil a veîy iuteiresuing piagram tanlie given at the M. E. cburcb Buuday aternoan at 2:30. A fuli sîlendance la deaiied. Wanted--Women sud girls tu vork ln peoktug deparirnent. Llght, clopn eleady vork. 16.00 a veeS. AciSuca [aaomi Co., Llbertyffll. PA iEVIEW. tI. Hek..etaerIosiion the ick Miss suis muson speut s fow isys in Chbicago recently. Chias. Sturm 8shipped s carload ni boge Suuday nigbî. Clarence Wells lofti Tesday for a business trip to South Dakota. Mr. snd Mie. Whitmare, of (tîsys- lake, apent Suudsy ai Mrs. Paîdysm. Mr@. A. G>. Maetber epeut a isw days recentiy vlsilting bar 'iîtr at OraYs- la le. Mi. lolve, or ttiarview. epeut Wioîlnemdsy vitih Mr. snd Mrs. El vaàrda. flia lioyce s tîînud tiiChicago Swîîduy 10 rr'ue, bis vork at the Ejllunan chape Mr. aud Mis Marionn,,udier atten- del the play oni Iti\-Xu %Wîkle Issi Mouday eveulîîg.. We bal bope-d arn thiln tose lnhîî Peece thines bis ritehoawFty, ba t the uis bas cnt corne yet. Mie. J t-t. llîdley and brother, Clare-îîue WVlltîvialteil their ucle-.M r Thonîsa flldwlli, at Ginse i SatidsY Mr. aii Mre. Murray sud isugliter Lelia luit Fîîcvuly fier a trip tii Canadatbiecialo ta,,or thuca veets Mi sand tire Vguî r ri i iauglilr. viLla their relative M r. ail MrsA,<G Maetber. Mi. Uadkoi , lno as iiijire',lthirolig being ibrowu frein a magona ad ta nudergo an opeation lat 5eeli lie la Impioving under Dr. Ine-kye r aie- Mro . M.E. Kuedler, lis lPanliii5 Bock, Wm. Wells, Mieý A. C. Richards, J. Richards, J. S. Gridley sud C. Bersecbeiger were amoug the Chicago visItais. Mr, Sprsguesa relatives ad friende gaihoed at bis home onu Thorsday Ot. 9tb ln banni af bis 9fth blrtb lav Mi Spiagne la oui oldeet settier, haviug lived lu tie viîiulby about cIl yesao. The charivari at the Meyeie vsddiug vas so iorcî hIe that Mis. Mayors vbose bealtb le delicata vas coniplstely prontrated liy the reprated sbooting. She la îecovsring vsry aiowly fron itis efet s. John Schroeder vho bas lîsen atï home for snim evesaon accunut oh tlImns bhasreiuned tolaChicago ho re@ume bis pasitian lu te ib Iatila deparkment ai the western lranunbof! the Landaunf Euglaud) Guarantee Co. He Learnad a Great TinO-r. IL 11a aaid oi Jobhn Wesley thut lie once sald ta Mistrees Wê-aie-y i'Wliy do yotu tell that chilîthte ans hlîîg aven sud ovei agaii "Juihu %Wesiey, becaiass onc e leliug lacot ennulgti." Il 1s for tbis sanie ressiaclut yoîiiair, tldaisgsin sud agalui thst (imî- tains 'anogla ltînedy ecurie rolandui grp; ibat h conuhercts 5v eny u-u ai these dîseasee ta re-enLt ln poe- mania, aud that fiLINle pieCan mi afe- tetafiaa: For cale i)v F. B. îovrei. Libertyville: GitAYfi.css tI>Anmâcy. LONG GROVE. Ric-hard L'airenîz 1U liasîirutian-iMi.- Dade-Sea bltackt-esua Eu Iailirase fongit a te-sm ut lle-ury Bi-,rese sale, payiug $:1,12 Abert iauee trsusaeuîibiriîtee 8iti the big< Cty %edne-clay. 3 hevii lie a grandl dancealnu fuon Hall Satnîday cight, Oct il. 'l i, Long Greve sluni lieglus ()et. 13, alth Mtaa lire am teache-i. Miss Clarai Baker, ohf4 mafii Corners, vlsited several (laya UlisSt-e-k viIh ber sister, Mia. Ueo iiueuittu. Harry Ls ne-h han leitt hae enploy uft Mn. Relier aud lias gone tii the -ty ta vok oittr the Aîiereauicsclxrî'ee Un Wauted Womuee sud girtnlalii,rk lu pae-iug depantuacut. Lîglit, cie-au. steady voiS. $6 (10 a veet. Aitnicau Macaroni Ctu., Libertyvilie. Goes LISe Hot Cakes. 1 lie faaheet seiiing artîil I havi-lun niy store," wviLes dnîggst c. T. sinitli, oh Davis, Ky., 'tn Dr. ings New Dis- cavery for cansumptian, canglas sud caids. liecanse Il always cuis. Iumy six years ai sales IL bas cever hsiied. 1 hs vee lu itae ave sufferers iran thioasiandt Inng diisasem. vbo couili egeL n beîp irai duitors or auy albon remedy." Mthers raly on Lt, lieut physiciane prescribe fi, sud P. B. 1Lavaxe, Llbertyvîile; GASevAKEî PUtssUAov gnaranteo satisfacLion or reiund pries. Trial bottles fiee. Regulaî Sîzes hi0c sud $1. PALATIN E. Mis. 1irtett sud Rimer rî-urned ironi tbieiîtour lu Iowa Suedi3 , aster liaviug a ve-y iy et J ilime. Misses Caasud Le-us (eimke- Mre plesaut culle-sne fîi,iîde lu PalaLine- Su uday. Mrs. T. ('slîov anil dangitei Beurletta, ot Evaneton, uere guesta ai Mi. aud Mie. J. Il. Scblerdtug Ihe puat week, îetîîruiug houas Sutîday. Mr. aud Mis i%%nm. Bouse and family are expeeteultta bave loi their utv home lu Tusoon, Arizona, acoan. The change ls made ou accouai ai' bis IU bealuli. Botru, ta Mr. sud Mr@. Glado, ai Pluna Grave, twju boys. October 4. May they lîve long sud proaper. Died, ln Barîiagton, Sunday Oct. 5. Mme. Henry Meyers ses Mlitie Puoe. Our deepe#al ympathy eztended $0 WA UCON 1) A. M W. flugwe attas ucîty vîsitin l'uesday. Mkrs. Ruggleiroturiced tram North DakoasMonday. Henry Poils, oi Falîiield, Ili.. visited vith bis mather Tnesday. itov. sud M1ru. Laphani have gone ta Chicago te) attend canference ut Wm Tekanuilie and family have niaved hum %Wakegan Into pari ai Mis. Poles boise. Messrs. Hienry Dlaviesud L. C. Price are attendlcg trio National encsmp- ment af the 6. A. IL. at Washington thia veek. The Pescb Social given under the ausipires or filîe inga Dauglter a t will attenliid. An excellent programn w&s renîlered totlowed by a dslîîtye supper of peuiem, cleain, cake sud cotries. Tihe A. le.sant . NI. Laidge liilated a î'audidsta last i lursday evenlng. A itrimt>er of tLie .oîronuuding loudge- aer u, lINre1 i ve td Ai tr the initiatin ' iiî ,uleet Flipper was verve-I ut Clark,,m à1r. autlIre. t-. M.,iymotir gave s (faielib eir ruew iouse testiChais- laX î-vî,uilîg. Mr and lirs -Seymour viii givoa siitij-r dancea vbaîîthe ptqe W iîi.i. ior k neut ex peet t,, Intel iniithe,, 7-ar Iiiîr,ail Mr. iý-T--vOar wîll huv, iaslienat andl iîetty a b'e,,se am i ler,' i. Ili tilta lait ,f the uoiiiitry. OIn Monday mnruîng occurred the ,leatb iofUeo. Sinmpsan, of Fremont. Mr. Sîipson uns ili[viLla typhaletlfever for %bout thrue e eo asud vas thjouglit to De' ou the rosail ta îecoveiy vbeu fricads receive i news of bis deatb. Funeral servie vais boldluInbtheM. E churcb A eeîlneassy morng. Mr. simp9an was a M. W. A. This lat the tiret death vhic-b baie ,ccurred lu this cap ienes 1i5915 orî4snizeed ifteeii yî-srr ago. The Woat Form. M lit tlîdea area suglng the piaisosni IoIithe ces dlecavery vlcb 18 uîstieg no maxy siet people 'ccli anîi veak people stronug iy digestlng vhat tbsy est. by cleaulcg sud svseteuiug the atomach sud btLauaoimiug Choir food luge the klud ai pure, rida, red blaod that mates you feol gond ail aiver. Mrs Ciallil, ai Troy, 1. T., vriLes. -For a namber ni yoass1I as, ironbied vith Indigestion aud dys. pepela vbich grev luho the varst teni FiualIy I vas lnduced te use Rodoa sd altei using four bottles 1 saentlîely cnred. I heariily ree-am- mnd Endol ga ail sutierers hiana lu- îiigestiîîîîasd dyspepsia," Tiikesiose site-r me-ais IL digests eshat youî ent Salît iy F. Ilt LL., liertyville, IEERVI .LU) M r aîlsnd ifaîîîîty saceiii Obio. b. et Ea-itoiîlmaut te-ut ilig granîd jury ah Wsiiin-gso. H Saimuel Putsch iv atte-ndilîg ailiîîul lu ('lilcago> Vote for John Sloalien leunirratic caudilîto for eounty aberiti, Mi. aîîî Mia. iGeorge- ilaerman, of Chicago, vi8lted borie fuesday. Mes. -hfiera, <if (agea Lake-, visited witli ber danglitor, Mia. 1'. L Jorgeuisan P'. U Jnîginsau lias piehssed tLe olil FriLacli miti sud is havicg IL econ- verteiltrige a dveiliug place. The I hristian Endeavor tapie for Snnîisy evî'uing le "Fruitiai sud Frit- 1PRa,-- tue 15- 1-84 If, Mark Il 12 14 %ila ttoeslack, leader. Wlill- î.Pening a box, J. C. Mount, af Thrce Mile Basy, N. Y., raui a 'u penny nail thinugli tueleseiy part ni bis baud. -Il thonglit ai once oh ail tLe pain av-i sorenemm s is ould cause me," lie cave, "sud iîamediateiy ap- plled <iîi<beilaiu's Piniu aIm aud occasi-îtîally aitervaîds. To xny sur- prise- î, remnoved ail pain sud soîsnmss aud theii, jureti parts vers soan he-stlel ' For sale iîy F. B. LoyauLe, Libertre Ile; OBAvaxLAxî PHARMACY GU R NEE. Cii Lq hvs orne- Sanîlsy slIb Mie. l-iiyo bac be-n viitiug ai Wstelii,:d'm. Mis. C E. Deuman vas on tbe su-k lit iiiet We5. Mr. Itidtwe-lI so recexitly broIe bis arn le gettiîîg along ntcely. Ilaî,î pnig balilai sehooîl Monîlay Warîcc iloodl bruits lits arn. Mra (i0-t. (imsby 1in speudlug thie vetck if tids ilaIving Park. Miesl.xiieWuasheîfe-Id, ai Wanke. ga,sf i er siutei bee Sueday. laiîrs Iiîiîpaporliîaîîge-ee have hi,: ---o-îîiig t..M. lrîîwliîa V.1111- i1 .(11 trou a mci' Mînday iriovtii, luse arn iid io-iiiniug bis E 1I1l-a ,lhie reutîd tirs. ituixabouse. Mr. s%'i %irs. KRua i iiimove ta WaLiît,-gsu li the tceai futuie. A gai,5 et vorkmon voie bers the latter l'art oh oinIt'ceeS triuging uev vire foîr tue postal telegiaph company. "Fur i eibeu manthe afler fire1 .8,1n9 Yoîir Maîhei'g Salve. I have flot had a cîîid that amonuned to auythiug aud nmv bosil sud thînal niever boISer me. For nie. y.ara 1 had suffoe.d constantly fram cstsiih of thhebiad an1d trnt.'-M...ja. P. ALLEN, VOIà Tex«a. Easy go q..Quiot $0iut. Priette. 1cauJbyl. B. LQvUg.h Auction Sales. l'iheunudrsigned vill seit at public MuelltieLa hohigbest risapouaille bI ddsr an the C. W. oSbaddie tarin 2j miles santhi.îîat ai Diamond baksoi 2j mites nati Seat nif Haif Day, kSatlir. i.y tictaber il, 19tu4, enmmctueing at 12 oclack sharp) the follavlug lesrilbed i perlOty ho wLIî 22 hl-ad iiif choies mlle-b ines . 9 ithb Calve" hy thulr milds, balance sprilgers aud netloris; bise-k mare, Il yî-ara aid, we-lgbt 12041; bay mare, 4M jears weighi 1050): îlack colt, 'J yosîs ahi; brovu colt, i yssa old, dam Javel, aire tiaiîslsaîi noiOaltwîîad ttc"k faim. Ibis ilîe of iltue bestotsuila it n i lie uotsd vire, 2 aickiug colts, G brood osoy, Plotud Cbina icoar, env Witt) (; pîga, 17 littîs pigs, 35, scies ai coin Ilu Ilanetk eut with bluder, 240 hualie-is eliatlvee-bouteaI. bîimuisulky pIov, ilîIllky cultivtîr, lumber vagon, vslklug plovi, set; hariows, uItk wagon, top buggy, ce-v set baie. giîiiiiîg aitone, depiing hay raite, li ~fi,. usly uev, deîriuig coin biiler, uîsarlt cc; and nîti rarticles Li ameoaneto ment ion ie-g ilar teris E. Il MAsON, PrOp. W. Jil A -iî'x, Auctif,îîei-r. I bi-underblgued i sli ise-i lai publie' micution viLtout reserce nu tibe beliaon faim.onu,- Mils sait 'iof <lagona Cocis sud twoii tiles se-c t lSnîgatuîî.s, i btda uiel.î i <îiui 16, 1902, i--i inieniiig Mrt 10Mani duet, I he fnllîw- iiig iiropmrty Levil . 15uowo, 3 s iti ,Raiveeil'yaldi-, balaume epTnngeis se mtikî-rm; Duîrham lhuit, 2 yrsaCil, 5 2 Sear beifers, e-iîig lu; 7 boiera, I yer old. 3 gond virk liarees, mare comniug 4 yris ci, 2 colt*. caming 3 yrsi ahI: colt 1 year aid; 5 ilozen houa, 2 brunid sove and 7 @bous, 3001 bu cut&, 4 dazen @pîIug chinikena, 5 &CaCtin lu sbock. 13 shippiug cana nearly usa; ha, rack, bob sieigla. cuIter, 2 sets double barnese, one neaily new, truck vagon, 3 Inch tirs; niilk vagon, road wagon, coli grinder, 2 14-lu plows, i)ssrlug titder, sulky cultiiatoî, ualkI tank, diamaud tooth cuiiivataî, daise tîarrov, 2 sets drageq, one uev; vaod rack, set dnmp bouds. Clipper maver, sonder, hay raek. hag rack, set 3-borse shîfils ties, saovel piow, grindstaue sud other article@ ouil mentiausil. Regular Terme. JOSIElit BsCîîLR, Pf tIip. LINC-OLN' Lî's, Auctione-er. t'OSTi'0NK1) ALI. The underaigacd i iiseil at puliic &notion an thea(Jeo. Wisnsr farci aiiuated li mile narîb hof1Lolins mllk plathorm and 1 milesosuth ai LaSe Villa on Baturday Ct. 1m, 19012. Commenclng ai 10 a. m. sharp tue property ta-vit: 261 Cliice cavs, sane ievli bc lu et ime of sale ai Mun;nDurham bull, 'À yrs î(Ad; 4 tlier, vitS cui, colt camiug 4 yîe old, bisck mare colt comiug 2 yre aId; voîk baise 12 yre aid, voight 1450;: iay mare, 11 yrs aId, veight 12540; 4 brood sove. 14 shiouts, li esrly fait Pîga. tank beater,unrov tiritd vagon, vtde tiraid vagon, ied cookei. pulverir, neaîiy uew, Deering borise îake, ueaîly Lew. Deiiug nailers, cesîlyces; seader, choncultivator, stiàbleansd soif pins, fiîy rack, McCormlck grain tîtuder, Inutile-sanS barisese, 30f acasof corn Ix ahnck. about Ir, tans afh hngairiau, 15 tons of clover sud tlnaothy, 6 tous horîse lîay. 1300f lumhels vwhîIe oats, tOli buiibls o! rys. 28 mlSk cana, beatIng slave sud cisnLy ,Aber aitieles o cuiimeranis te, mention. Free matchi at ncila Regelai ternis. W. E. MEitBle-K, rop WVALTER WVITE., AactIoueeî. FORT HILL. MIss Anianda hait isatateniig sehool ai Gîsysîske. Mr. sud Mii. . L . rbeuîsn wse Wsnkegsu visîtors rt othebwe-,-. Mi. sud tirs Le-si Wait, of Wan. tegan, vieltcd relativea lu tia e lrluîity re0entiy. D. V.iVait, ni Chicago, epeut a te-v das ataIbomne sith bis iuntly isu seek. Mis. E. Boe-ue-, o! MarLon P'ark, la speuding s tes soi-ta s iebr sou (leange, sud tanlîy. Mis. llarîy isyiii' soitMisa Agne-s Pasyne, oai% leanie-, venu Chicaga visitais Fnilsy aid SaturuIay ni lant Alteraiscessiilly urdeegojIîg a critical aperation lu Chicago, John Bunudage, bas reuonned te, lis home ieu Miller, South Dakota. The Grasnt C. 8. met wiLb )IrB. Ficd Bruen tbe tiret Friday ilu0e-lober, and su oujayable afteruoonsas spent. Visitoîs vers Mis. Esmond, tirs. Rirk- pailofa lionuil Labe, Miss Vers Gesîy .u- issa Itcnyder. An-erioa's Famnous Beauties. LooS wth horion on skia enuptioas. blotchiea, soies, pimpesa. fbey du-nt bave tbeni, uor silI ui W-.'ho use.. Bi<n-rlen'a Aruica Salve. Il gIrf<lu" I)es'uii'it. IL cureesnoie Ilpe.uluti bansed, chiblainm. IntallIlfor IiIe-e 25c- et F. B. LaVm.e'S, lui-issi: SAUGATUCK. Ste- are Fniiy ta Ivrin of tlie dent!, ni Mr. Stîsoge i stsî r la Evanston nscontiy. Mi. .fliaîtial ot a fins Jersey Tiles lay ulgut. A Ftase-SatlIover on lien and smoîuxerediaer. Mrs. J. P. Sherman look ln the cou- veutiîuu ln Chicago sud the raîiy ail Lake Villa tant veut. Mi. Edwin Woolley conducteil tbe services ln the church laut BundaY mozuiog snd Mr. Day ln the evening. There, yul bh oeervices next Sunday. Wsnted-Women and ilsa 10 ork la paceking deparlmea. LiESI, oleazl etudy wori.' 18.00 a veek. ÀAr:icea l.!stoqll*w o"#AnI1Ie ROLLI NS. Minss I1urSteveros. oi ('lîug. vas tibe guent ofiC. Vuolittlo ia.t m et k. WV. E. Merick bas iougiît a fartu lu nortbiern Aisn uw itiisooun move ta lbis Dow homeý Miss Mande Fdwariie ai Lfiaiiplace begau ber sî'iînoluiiithe (.ld ,di4tr ici on Moîilay Ort. Ohi 0. iiln-k wlîî,bfo isse a li)ufor a few weekm with a apralned ankip là now able to he aîînind vith the nid of a ruuh Mr sud Mie tC Doolittis attsîîdsd thi, furicral of thiel brother-hi law. Jobu Oulugbscî. of Ntilll,nri, W ho dietd laid vsek. The new fratorîIslînrsnce sîîeiety Iuoniîan the îKîightansd 1Ladies ai the ited t roms bug beenauîgrauzed. T'fe folloving lasa litai1 tus lucai pois. tore (lias. Whitney, Oea. R. Lyon, M. 1). Tairott, Claire C. Edvardf-, A. L. Hendee, John M. l'aimer, M. D , boa Foulon. Chas. J. Wigltman, Oliver Hook, lienry C. Edwsîius. 'ibey field a meeting lu Waukegsiîonu Batniday aud eleetitîl Chlap. J. Wlghimsu, i'regIdent: i liro C. Elvardm, Serre- tary. lleuci cariinip i li e lui aukc. gan. Waiit.-d Wîîmen sud girls n oîko ln lîaeklîîg îîîsrmî Liglit, cl,'ac. teady vark. $6.00, s vsek Anîiilcau Macariii lUn, Liertyville. Libertyville HAINESVILLE. ArthurItIclh, ai Wank egau, Pea.i liunday viLa bis parents boe. C. J. Wigbtma u a àChiud ivioltor a couple ai deys laet veek.1 Henry Dombeki la aboun t rac line 130W bain on hie farm eout of town. Mri A. L. Henlee, of Waukegan, aperit sevcrai deys vitb relatives b...j Artbur tiarrill met vila a teiêU iaccident renently wblcb îeanleed lui:a rbraken anlle. Mli" mMIV Cleveland le Viltlns har 1bî,,tlîs sud other relatives lu Chicago. fler Uileaniera iflazel, vWho vuaboe aevorai veeke returned vltb ber. Mri. and isr. 0. C. Moîrlil have rmovsd liRtilteir uew home at Grays- 9 aie ]dis@ Ariette sud the boys ulill remain at the faim a couple 01 wovee longer. Tho tiraI month of pcbool ed Wedneiay The ioiioving pupils bave Dot been absent dnriug the rmoulla: Berttha Dorilr, Frauk Wlikin* aom, Myrtie Wilklugou. Nors Titus. Janette Titus, lRuth i)avin, Bernile Davin, Nin&s Daviis, Elma White sud Emima W likinsnn. 23 seholoirm are eu- roll. f. INDePENI>ENT AND> INTER OCEAN. Boih ont year for $1.83. The Page Woven Wire Fonce Company 0F NEW JERSEY. 'lle iw tlectri ii- iw building froîi Lake Bluff to Libiertyville. will havei' ifsvars in îî,eration îin July. Evserything piertaiiiiig tÀe this road is ofCtlhe very befit kiîîd, roaf hted, rails, cars. et(-.. anîd b<esides the manlage- Ment liaelfeticiîîg the giviiordlsetîtire lino to oiir Coin- w i t wih o u r 1)alîiy f olrîigliest grade of railroad feîîcing. P>ostes set extra deep in the ground and stroîîgly hrace<l. T1he fenîce when complet*td, wIll be a cred<it ho)th to the' Railroad Companîy anîd Vo the Page Woveni Wire Ft'uct Company. WVrite- for ('atalbgîît':- PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P, 200 Monroe St. . Chkagu. 0. 1. LUJCE, LOCAL AGENT Uiberys'ille, iIliuois. wVRIGHI BROTHERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materiaf s and ail Kinds: Hardware: We have a complete line of STOVES AND RANGES that we bought Iast spring before the raise in price. - - - - Illinoli F ~-Dr., Of fice a eLlbert, Dr. Libert., Dr. C, Office nouas- Llberv Dr. j rom' -be rt D. R. Phyt Rocke Dr. t- Phyi Dr. Homoii For thiee and iM Rockt BEr AI 00NANCI Wisi Att Liberl PAI Attorf Off J Liber MIS- Liber Dr. C Assi Liber L Issues cal Vo We have the right prices on Acorns, Stewarts, GoId Coins, Garlands. C0118 AND SER US. SC1IANCK BROS.,

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