~f~0INBPNDI3NT pUBUSlIED WEEKLY. AyflîING RATES ON APPUCATION. MARK DESIRES FUEL. HUMORIST OFFERS TO BUY OLD GOVEAMMENT BOND. IYitak5 They Ought lu Be WeilhCea- aussi eud Would Make an Excellent »«'-uîg eId.. SSuuaiShave le utaNec«eily. Tite folown ltimter n-auriecis iii t tbe Treaaury i>miu)armtnti lahin diîgttun Cmther dots '.New Yonkt3ut>Tite Uec'bie te Secetsry of lhegnauiay, W#aslalglan, I). Ct: Sr-Ptlee for ttc gotinary kints utfn inter fuel lising suse thîe altitude a-hirL potst tin cut 4« oesch of itensey persoan straiwinui cirutamalancst1 hdeire ta place wn-htyou Ibo. follan-ug rde: Foray-iv loue brt ci dry7 gavermnaut bonda, uitabie for lernaSe.gaI> 7 per cents.,186-i prof rre> TiroIrs ions uriy grrenhccks, rouge ize, "stable for cai-kiug Eigiti barretas-e- moet 25 ond 50 cent postah citreIcuti vistageorcf18W6. eligihia for kiudliOss. Pluma. delisur n-It ail conveun tuei- pateh ai my lianeselu RixersalataIIanet . 1e for pot cash ou> ceud bill ta yaur ebllgeti servant. Mark Twain. Wito nii is e y ygraiteul onn-ivote igit." LMAp PROM11 FLAKIES TO DEATH. ForMen MIllet lu Tring ta, Escape trous GlucoeaeRefinry Pire. Four amnbaot Ihelr lis-es in juant heont lofty Wnbdon-s ilu rr-ceushing Vlant of the Glucose Sugan Rellnery Cuat- pany, Beacht sud Toylor sîrelas. Chicago, lu àalheu which dit a damage of $400,0WJI le the establisahment. Tee ater m are said tai Love Laun Larleai bruealt tise tsllugn-alils outhîe sructure.,tnt feur comnadem othîe men Whou a-rekilt- e6 lu laping to escape thec lames toutct lhle ire nets 50 badly bLame> soih Lris- ci taIt teirlises n-une tîeîaured çrî Hall a dozen opectatara of te bilaur ient damun-it o pocrisntf th itewairitlli of thse Taylor sîruet viaduri, n ht uucollaiîuO uit. ant onu o theen-ss ao -arehut un jured thatit lantuught lie, tacutînti de. OXINDAT SHAVE BOT NBCESSARY. VWlsssin jutue ficciden Arataslaa Barber Who Worised on abLaIs. lu a doclion aI La Crasee Wis, Jud.e Vxuit ai the Circuit Court deidet Lat aisavloîg on Sunduy wt--oual à eceaili ifIl mras doue lu a public stop. lu tht u ai The Sîte va 11h00 tue defeuidon wm chagedti -liviolatiug tLe Stote luva. n-int peavide îLt noue but limes- enry work b. doue. itice shave>a n aa ta aisp ep t Tomait on Snnday ant ntesresteti for l. Thte ttorney far tisa tetense aniso t îLt il va necessar: âwuà onu ta Le shavuti anSuttdlty ln eoder ta makrebhlm preuentable ta go I. Marins Chargeai nit Musder. Privale John F. Deucha of îhe Uioted Uiua marine corps, tationeti aitt Luague Ilanduti nsy yard, ha* Lean ou- saubet. chargeti n-it Lbeiag accemaryntfer *efart ta the mrdereut Citria Silincty Uiaky n-s aaoiasd tilleul at tLe t'ai reothAÂug. 9. Ttc coroner'm jury decided tisat he a omiiletisuicide, but tfriindsaos uth est mu ar elisedt la ccept the ver- Justice in TiiefNl Chaussa of vitolesle nohbey oftmanu touei .11k y au organizeti gang itave bues luvoallgateti by tLe grand jury o Pasmir (louuly at Paterson, N. J, asu ma a ecsuit ludettnentz Love houa touad egainal Jacob Lý Simon, a justice ufthlb a lieged tabLethue financier an aifte gang; John J. Kelly and Froederie Wilson.____ Routa Burglar et Cohliee A hurgiar wn-La ta>entercu te girls iswiuilory et Hardin College, Meicoi Mo., by wsy ot a line escape and itala msel anti jewrlry tram the routmo i vamrons studenta nas finaly put o fligh tey Mies Berthea Pattongili ai Atlita 11kL, a Latin tracter.le rocapeul htfar malsrm roud bu gixcu. Ireur Guaitoate Osdreet Up Rhves-. Pour Britishu gîuibot sîsstionriln fuksagbal, Love bLad, orti-ri.->toa st-tm tie ang tseeKiauîg au tue a. Hank., bocause ai tLe tauhure outhîe Chinent au ttmiiese ta deul atrqtiley a-it il munieesnfutBruce iadi anis, ta-o Er lsa i issionacies t-La nere Lkliedin Lah Plan prince. Coal Sîite k.Dehare>Off. s ma usnaus i; a vcer vute t eto veulion ut Calte>dlMinle Workerc Wlkesbarrr. Ps., steeple> i'reeidt. Roosni-ita oarhitrtiîîn pan. Ttherac tien as adapte> carrnes c !th lb a drtl.ur tieon îLst thte trilu s intfutndpeut ut lm an imedile riaaîuin etftcrL. Banides inPa-vs-of Gos-ma. King Osear of Sîttuen sa>d N.it h» dtuidlti i aitithlie IUnited St land Great Brilsianutn> in ftai-arfute many tn ite Saoan canteuverai, n-tich but sate rbtratîe. The lau &mg otmnuhsetin t Apia la itel> loa l buco unn arrateti. Frelgisi Train laDersiheiL Thte englue tf san est liautu> fuie sait Ahban freigitt train n-s derniet ig mlles eacit(if Kaunsas City, injoti thune tralumen, truý ai'taiiy. faunt Ruhbas-y ta Sauth aktais. The Baoutranit, M. D.. n-su liii up Ly ntilbers au> the vsuut iuuuîld. bonsla estimutai'> cIran 10,000 ta $2 Adopta PI..s.f- N.e. Ceai-m- Tise navcl hord Ls atititeel plans rsviy autitonet risera, ses-bS eved ltu ieavy armanuent, hjght.samiileaaWoua. Tise ruidenca ot Mm. Nancy Suei THE GREAY ANTHRAýCITE COAL . MM STRIKI DECLAREO OFF. Minera' Convention nt Wiikenbarre Adopta Pre.ident Roosevelt,» Arbi- traileu Plan by tllusmuns Vote- Commislsaon u Mell t lOnce. . lit ~By a unienirous viva voceuvote tirenrt venduiof United Mine Workere ut ié Wilkesbarre, l'a., ecceî,ted 1'neîdî thé Itooseveta arliltration jplanîlortly i1- fore nouai Tue-adRy. Great ctitera gr"ttéd .I.~t~i»the aomnuceutent ofirhe resait. The, ies- oitation ne adopéer -tercrinswlth Il adot GIVEN JL'DOMENT FOR 60 CENTS- Chamberlain, the cashler and .lleged DCAL PROFITS I 010,0OO,OM0 laration tient the. trike tu off and proîdes - weecker. Chamberlin saya hlaleantious for auon nmediate rcmnemptlon of work lu Federat Supreuie Cour t aY Pa on ta raturai te Teeumaah if given a gulrftlty lm. & N. Coup Sa.16 te Bava Mde Bis the coal minea thzotghout the anithravite Raiiro.d Case. that hie wilI flt b. prosecuted, aud tbat . oue fr euote Party. . reglon. A auit lu ,hich oniy 50 centa la iniv- with hi& knawledge of the affaire orfithe Ooe*smstlouaoflte $tory that te Preaîienî Mitchell told the cvnvetitn ed la practiceily certain to ftnd ita waY batik ho con mv the depoaltorn msny ttIiida sud cantonners of HarrisGl«tu iti lresidenî IRoosevelt fend luforuied te the United States Suprenne Court, and thousande of dollars & Co., who teck. part ln the LouSiil hi, thaet hc would rail a meeting of tire il ia aaîd that ftrat a moetary tafld and Naahvîlie coup. leaned Up apierit- rbltrtaîlncommissaion lmmediateiy afrier point it wil lie the Mtost luslgnificafit BOTY]La 1H WAYMAN'S DECOX. mately $106.000,000 was given 1lu w te convention'$ ttrteptatice oft e lru- case ever sulimitted ta that tribunal. Mca.. York. Charles G. Gales. son of J. W. parmi. ad Mr. Mitchell gave Il hi el P. H. Ludlum of Kansas City, Kali., MartnMurray Tri.s th, Aid HltdUp Oates, nid tat iehaad igured it OUt opinilon to the dtjlegatea taitîte finditigs came tram, Caldwell, Kan., ta Kansas Victime sud la Mud illej. that the. blende and cntannera had mie at the arir alors would le anttuouiii.d Cityycatec the Rock Isand sied did fit A crylng child waaOueed as a lure by abot $106000.000. Ho $&id: '" cour"e. witlîlu a tuauiîî. rail for lher baggogeutil tierce days Chicago highwaymeu, who held up Mur- &III thiavasnflt made lu the tale ni Our Then fî onntaatiute Inter. She fournd it lu the possession of tin Murray, an A4uraefrmer, and rab- Oigil Istock ut the Atlantic CoastYt - o The e n-lifnth iasoneattinre n oflîthe te Union Depot Comaniroy, ;vltL 50 cents lied hlmn of $60 aud o gaid walch. The dirai.. At une lime wu led au much os uduYaree coeibn.Pré- toroge chargea againat il. Shu pald the, rohhery was coomiitte anonalley resté 150000 shares af Louleville stock-mn-sden itchpaelllif r t honvnd.onrhuit 50 >cents andle prtest. sud ltherie ued te Monroe sud Haieteti treeta. Murray waa nanity shores. élie mighticatil îhem--whicti etMtlci ur L ovuluht Rock Island Comupany ta recaive. Sie welking lunflaloteti streetoneor Monroes. Wft caUled lu addition ta the 800000 give nditaif tl, ruiae ad debiorr1;n1 ailieged thal the checks given to ber by lie when ho eawv a seaou boy weeplug.*"My shureSwhlch weru tttrned axer ta J. P. ied IIe itihmetleapaett rsîlromd campany 'veru legal receilits for faîher feul downiluthot place there." Mra a hs 5.0 hregts e.afleglci lattie mealappadou t ita the praperty, and îtienîLe Rock lâisatirte child zobhed. poining ta thte alleY. vert bouglit ilmmediateiy afler we dis- eé Ia u 'ciiu' riaa uîî led no lawful riglit ta lterposée a tird "and t can't gel IrlanOp. Hes@ hurt hlmn- caverai tlirti ur syndicale aud Mr. I vrtinHaew-eiiutapoosiwot îîarty-the Union Depot Comapany. A slf awful" Murray hasteued toward leys were la contrai of the Loalsyillett e udoîteid. Therté itîîd been a rIenewaolof Jury lu Jutige Lewi' court gave br d-tealyse ui htwl paetyNaahville mse Patclyeey:as the serionse oppoîsitiotn outreetoeraillra nient, but t e HOC k Isand Company bas te Ldy ofa man o u the ground. A e afIl groasomidont aI prIces rangiug fot u le ti w r s h d p idbtram n s lot e m 1h.a bin là o c sr t y , 1 a instrocted is attorneys ta appesi litelbe stoalpedtarer the man a revolver waa 150 te 159. 1 kuow that mn stocks deletaeeb.ttons_ et__ _________ rase, and ta apure ia paina or expene lu pressard agaluat i hai by a second rab- werasosli as hilh au 159. 1 veant dînesvteut. s nuino. - ightlng fil, ven if il Io ueceaoary te go ta lier, wlntahLid sîepped tfram behind as gari- Crustse pricesaietwlirh te stck tas Expliiaioîait f ti, lt 'rtitlerite Pioc- SOFT COAL NEEDS CARE. MISS CLARA BARTON, WHOM the Supreme Court. Mec. I.udiimait- cge box. The cujîposeti injareti mau then atcomo.atedl. nue eau 1 tell >ou who mai* posaitenîd atiitd mle jt leufîîr fîcigii lin nounre tiit asitotcala reody ta go taec1rang ta is fel sied rifled tLe packeta the blgtest gatin., guagt*m. 'ri lériîoetd te. Le lo, pl,_1Tiose Who use Biuserimmnue l 3n t PRESIDENT RQOSEVELT tLe btpreîae Court wîîlî lite rose. of the lcaniaritan, while is compaulot IRXC allaTSMGLIG e i1tlitait tvrv, otlîîtt.alitvlt end. 1 L.e.,n ta Hlille h. iliceatened i hm w-th dant if le amade a RoCnRCUUTSUIILIO u, tu>irerIl tiai. t hrea--il, iitei-loigda ihîow maiypîeupîle. îîiîiîretniediIuItI I a WOMAN MOUTS BOLD ROnflER. outcry. Tire hld-up men then lied. wli I i tiiliil potiiilit .1iitle.î.i'e lbltri itetiale0f couîrse. ture 1îaitleut Cuntoma Ollkera Flua i Dtiable AiI' ton i t ovatii-t.it îrv-oîiîi. ing t h-,r.l -ait ittil lil-tt ltnitcr*> dles un. 1ev.L" Sterrnberg. l Ni tt i .cît -tir î. irittii-antut itptIýlly ritittiiie- jSce-ausaDmpite Threutte10Expliteu UNEARTH INSURANCE 1H AIDS. TeRxi îcneg fClos d.leItiti lit Iliii 1).tt ii, t iîtiot-ti Dynamuite and Thief l. Caught. frI i o h ups.ti 1 Haviaz gamudedîtdmission nemc a ller Compunies aid ta Have Beeu Swin- on ilo arriveti iiiri, ;es ilipr Irite alLer day ait> itisttttitly thfrairîtileott r-c i til-,. 10 the aoîirmeîttsoa isr. Amy G. %N'it ieli e-. Orles.DisIct rt emiytiitttîotithl ieon- llieneulintatî a îîtIl. Iei il ol kine lu New Yack, tnnIîtgtel Litfeinoirance frauda by n-hin fr il tItt-dh>itecaatat-lingi Iii dîret tivitilfi-iti ti t îîîtî-îiîn iltt;luott iittttgItt-Iîiiat naine auis titry 4Pawanliiîîtîet.ilier n lier of ig tuet oîîaiaesl a caie and relit-iiiotf ai îstcit antti-bhainl, lu 5Itetirt- tit-itlié Il-tid .i-~tr lti iilt îi I i fsteteicut whitih Lean n-itthese n ardu lbavsse em nîndled oiu iese ouatepoait îîei ,lI t7nket.w-îtL ilîaîlre-îo tf tutti. t r li%, t-tire. i tit',hI.- lhtei i l t y. atndtit l1 Oes i itii. *Mkeat t 1c .ihave a brits t loli 101 su lîé tiare re1irted tala, ncurn.ul-laittliiicci.Tegales tiltéd i lit id i1. i ttii (-rt3 mite l ich1Nvi li drap if yole dont gîte trnu utîrlted luNetw Orleoia ttdctud. ia Vtnss i>eîit. icteai-tliilr lt a 1eIogtaa'Ida. IthtarislOtt ngtee, ltriloc, ittr(-tî 'N.,î î:ti lnitaitîld teewhrouer( MuniBrui. I -lcf make on aalcry sied Daw-son u rsed front tLe Amerîcoît Adjîitlmetit Comîpany and pitosanger, ond tramnt-hem n-cru taiten the net-s lttttkly pîruadii tttt i-i lire t11,fi--il ltite iiofî-tîrv fttrîiaîîI- titir.. the hanse, takîîîg li ticksncsd drawing a hait a dozen dehectire have arrive> frottOlteanlcssu ae oouxih sd îLe fît-cc o trimen mi tt îîho--it o. 1a it lamperîto lit tîtittir oieit-ri lîté revolver os lie xciii. lie waa met a i te New York thi useoetigrte îLe utaater icuznau ftîr a hostie. Tite uinisiar hardlitiix oitie ]ai st lai utotcer bet.it e lit. Vt lî-iitihtlrte î l tuti l bits dolexir y a policeatan, n-ho arreete> biem la aliegi-tielit a con tdiër n tîîld ,iietî claimetiLe n-as unan-are telit e n-te s 10 Lighier. îîîetîît ifil t tla îIî-aîruîi ta îiîîîlî-thét. and lourd tiet the stick as iaîta. tliteel.t tor l itélitenccollertor IrId ed Afierilliteabaritieliaileiîee î tht-ciar tre ffiktriitutuel, t-ee Irellei] Iiît tiretilmtritutefatiti- D a w sd nt u a n t t d 1 .-tit a h a r kl .e a l t ea a g e u c fo r s u a p i n o t r o fne r r î î î y t u iI t hî e g o o d u T h e He v . M r . iS t e rn b e r g t e r e n a s s a i n e ro u t in e lb u s i e s , it i tt, d . l îiît a î. it t s tf t c o l ilt m o t n l l t- f Lion-sunn-os Lui fi tri!. tîrroge far lte tîçittihetclinitiftafi îeît p-îhyiintta pas. reort spplicatiliosfor wp aleleilt iottihne ng the moraiI l tei of t hui an. iit t-ti~tl iei - -IlcllîThn caaiîtiasiiti-isorlybeîn 1.'fliché q Te reat .îîîîîîe of gîees ettilii i-- Al a Tit, - sared-tihat ln, a ma niho iliimaccu die. CIEMATED IN I'ACTORY PIRE. adjiturtied Iittt-îiî- 1)-îîîi t l i tit5Iîri-a in1. i Ntt utthréîî i-tail îe ForttneeTTallieIltrainesthelS-a" ofteNewlite agentrtr-ndtii-etdrnt iirtay theiltre-ilitbtvosltéividettiltIliii -hi, ierllgat.iiti--tt-,ttif 1;4e.ginuli, Ator.k Gaabntrt.n ltuma, liave the poiîtetmade 1tsynthta i ri auter Fsiailtenstindand Fojl tt>-Illei, oui iiutlie rmont hrl(tt.i-i elr f it Ioti itau-os baltt letrl.ét1;et-0 t îtheIiili e go t hrid A mozeiti big$2rilsof n-eencuti, île- > ortirai caie ittereateti trieuti, lrte otlyaiad u 'n.sieïadtetlr rirto ols bsi t1l ulcgteitl teaiuiigt eefunl i-rn- heu lite plice>hoîlder dues tilitut Cari Meggert n-as buruiedta tuaIt. Ar- coIn ait î iti iii uliilie rée i f ittitri iteri titlIt-tir.. -tlegitlta i ii-.f lii . v ii i 'ruo-e d làcrigt ititAtre eoe nthiîe Mffert ftaaiy injure>, aoîi Nigitl te fzture g-lt-etl itt -a îil ilt litiret.iiclin h ..t t idi irihlt na.ha , odulllorltAtruyJrme ate insurance. i.sctoithru1egrtu atr ia tt-pecl îtluî îîs i cîîid cîtîtît ti. 1, 't l.teriei11ii, rsI i e'ti-uai®r itelmates ut tn-oiai lb, lice ahegeul list bliug bouses niticit ncee te ravieeof SLEEPERS ON TROLLEY LISE. oand imotitur ton stere udîîly titrneil dur-______ y raids lu New- York ou o recent nigitl hy i nq a lire ulîlit detoeid île Tueker Inorter utfteditstrict attorney. '~i mat'r- Cleveland uni Detroit tl avse Betet V'o0<Hlm wotrks an t UrbnatObio. Thte MEN INs#RI4FfNrAL IN 511 T[ING TUE GREAT COAI SIRIKE. tu stand ît ien bere le o great deci utfîuoîîey inuNight Cars.boym were ien the building vnitiîlauttheir depooted echnightt ly bookmakers lu Tire Lake Shore elecîric lhue betiv-eti fater and n-ere cattpeledtla matît tram these piaesa.' ai Mr. Jeroine. 'but i1 Clevelandi sud Detroit asouinul esiabiait a seeood-slory wnaosv. Cari t-ttc oer- dît,îlot karcettsillia ownste rails. IlNIt li a titroîtgh sleeping cor service'. Tite cars cm coeu n buraed teas criait. Tire lire le liaI Leenufliciet Ideteaiiication tue a mour tîli li e built un îLe unes tf te Pl'miianu arted inmunkaownnorigluand wattoc- r, lu may îLt $10000 rail la maine.' sitepers, nitit upper sud loner bert-he, yand contrai xli n diýotiered. Titeeres con suau ordiuary car wilI accammti plant va. teotroyet. etailiig a lace ai Y. RAGE ENfle IN IIURDERS. fifleen persoa. As cocuo athe in@ le- $W0.000. wtih $35.000 insurauce. r- întern lDetroit anti Toledo ln compit i Archie Wooden Waze iomitiaIWheu Iherre n-ilic titrotîgit leepeca regulttrly ALL FAVOIR ANNEXATION. f Sued for Dia.rce. belveen Ceveand andi Detroit. The Atriple murder was 1h tragie sealiel speet id-iIaverage lhrti lLlty-lv iesRsue ami" lies Mal lros- eftihe divorce suit buought Ly Mia. Ar'- su haut'. sevileo au Kaoiî Sle. cthie Wootin rharging hec huahand vrill e tcyOUii usi alMre. Ltradentm ofthîe Denale WestIndue cruel ant irithao roalment. Wooa<ll Atrukte astsAmi tilMre.re rejoîcing at tLe prospect at au n cali ' i, -taeranti kitimM1r. At s aîhree tinye' session lu Lonie, eîema tîL aseqtalo. re -eeîllk d e anti Mes. Josepht B. lie the Kenucuky Shate rairoat con- le ntothsaeqsin.T y lOf-ie prns:ellae -uioonera have coatpletecl antd torn-rtar re hailh, te e-oir tofuteoîn.al, lIart- i ant tatîghtert-bite te ciilti isy ieis i > ~ ~mi Lcb ieeîlor ttcsucl at tarmeacuindvos erpaneret jual o led tu thueDîîîîîîrk.sali> auomemercelatcomefos- as liertienintLeashiogton onfumaiseitpan>ilu iloueaIiWai.ltiiglonoa tirm, Fcouaheltîtft I teIicrd toenreoîîlveraon imlot pouetaial gaîitiîLe aliege> consolidtioîln of te New-York. lile iliai, tla te ilands ti flitedlaa ol untirerdNan liteOui heL tarit. os a tItdure.le ln ri-tcrted ta juiave 1-lue. Soutiten Haiissy, Motion mai>Cin-ua>teeidli-uausrirelliu ad four miles tramn tint PleauntMît. cîtînati. New tOrleans and Temae Pacitaietiftiteeaitrtîation la the 51111 onle porty in l Né ]BiansRete uuiiietne.aI u. Luis uir Tire Attîtricîtu huard tît misetotiarieti BitrhrsaphrCmîe ilietin«cormlSct.îî I aitFIa -l la etac vciet-i a cletuier detaiiitg te titreit. tugtlhigntocn-.. îAin'am-ilet hicvlcomssoittianl il é of utmelatioitisent lii Buigorion b'ig oule, îLe lwyarawtr ut Cin tIttai m priblhy incrense tet'hilippine' apîtro-ra lFtTn aiEL..rtcoritni.a.iti'UItEL en simlté) Iiîes tGeorge i). Marael, a lrîtîia- e> oérer $S.001) by popular cuhacripilan for îriatiiaîîfor tLe lit. .onic expitaionlîle- J I-PN Ofayi h rvnt hr ieElna binil b III .00.mokiltir le louailh.î. ut rt t lteJea itce hicu issEltitM.- altleship talie cîlie**The, Amenél- in -i attoiiirBrel a i u oi-teîîlimlteuueOîitlii ltiiiii letrci itittttit.i ii r. u. utclel re. 7ht 2tn ac kidai.M. Mcruh retiveti Boy.',00.FEx oiiimitir iret aea-du bfottieaulietewhdestutin 'Psiettui frg,,,lilu1tiictlsoutà. la aresceiiradng$.4 men ttntnin eting ut lilititios t; ic-h t-saIn trtîil ait iieii lt th ittere aint Ititl-uj. tItittttIl uter lit,- ic.buit icii uît la-î sit iert ieooe a ile i'tcîhig$.i0oîilrceigW. Ilerroa. foîher -in- utof ioveruar esidlraet ,, hi.oerte cire lion r'tticm i ta rrîo -t-tireypGos-. TatI.raiteîlealuTaftjofetirersîcni.piiiio»f is titi> tiiitrTaft. on nhey.ulikel> *rttous.titieaîfaiutnliteoolide wisi ttl.î3.tliérlie tît lluite ifrtire iîuiliillitehe owt.,. i f l'hii iîîiîulic.s, tiere lie li-i-,a, nt ittndlieientmetli hr1uingilg ulite atantyl tr. la ,,r i lutcit ",iibocrîlucofraaeae., lut Lii licaife - futurtsf îe lne'î'aîm13'.,lIte t.tttiltleiiitthe muney tal the sîiîllc.îu-ieftifi tutultheit ii lic ii,- Itve.tutire onmas aid ntarm k - oeleena .tte t a o ti- t anti t ii i. uît ielire lelo in i rafic opeliuîil iée atitetî it lt ttiné 1 Hoefr is.gC wAted.. l aant Petrifleti Radios Are Unearthed. uIltitaiutLie îuuîî ttt iia ti utin red oefrMisn en Asdtei A bilniticith balirait drawn ta iari Nie , péé huau boies'haveocti-ut,.îuîd Th,,,,t,,,e Il tacliotodîîthlittdealltielîîîun-t it tu Il.. 1hua.It i.1 l ui .1,IC. Giîrist.uliier ofitliteet- .>jolin ).Whliteformier tCuîir-oeln aSiint-tete aîîeîîopenIii.' en SturocfA it--li't'.lititttEX-BANDITt liti f cENDStrt ti-EXBADI EUSHI LFE olitaii C. l iîki tt.receitet o tre frettature TeinteLDilstrictcficnîk;ofktfii aYnaii iitît t riui. u iuitl ii ieiliu -mcioulett.c il. 'itll it utituttt.tiItu atltuut: tntîtte uttu I Il ta i-Obi.tYorkttittirî alui 'nt i. litî l. i .l1Jut es. ttirrhluis Himresotlf lo le iltet ttt 'uithui.lht. s-mea teismwed by t.grand u jry.- McrTeaýoIwmImdr-e.ltté tn i i- 'Iti iigii h Il wnwil ptilftWhte- , harged wîih shittutg ute-n hti> u -sae tt-lrd i,> 'L'Aitlien, s i t it.re 1urri-ittOl tii-itt.Ite u - ot lurit l, v1,1i ivi iiigI ei lii- ut c tîuu-tssmacy tiC ii, ti( ii. ,n g of-uu Ii îîcli iitra t itltitiettc boit (u it ut itît tiul ciii tir c l"ii , -ét . itn h. tc .ht'fîuî,î xbr ouI. lu-iliîéî tt u itl lt e. IL-re home Tneie po e t I lletii l'tokun -utiittl -ti-sleeîîîI,td . îlo nui' -tt I.c . thiie iuli'ttu 3.-ilseiia al ir ots i lr fiaIl x-r IItI.-. ii ri t tif ite t irileti lia .T eelé n try W h etie v k titi- iIli 1 l 11;1,-ltri,. tic-tItIftutiifltir Intitiut Mîtte lnte..tutu-h niotititeraîilirîu-itetienti.-tu. lui î,- f i i -:"'or lu- uî;itThe Vire utf(Counaugitt tunorly es- tutu) , a sui> ea rua). . l'r"rach ittt an ttu el, îtui Oc titl- , ntsitaedau e-identt-hum rduug n a tialoie Lrg lathélu.iî. ta: I iiirt' -rtpt1,tofiteoN CThetitLargerupluriel, 1t. liii titi t T hé týi. beauieiuf iru i seer.l, ttir iKietvirue to itian iw Cr Thé-'lat thett itrt-Gt liea.'i-n uir itti I-tlt Il. i.t .t- ier Au-ur tiiiitic t-. at -îliiu it a lal.e 'ÇTir -es of tlge r tiCit Il. Ci. tltu 1"t,. - - I. t tia Vnt >it ille It e t is.r. mlit Otlit niaibuate -sdsableal, but te dtoto pantutaraSpringdale. Slu-uen n uîima îla e iC'atkti-. îb-îI J t .. tIhtliuuii lt li-ii i tit 'I ir utI fur (iri le tiattt. auttheurt. l îaos vie s du-t ri nilîy fire. eut uîing toit ). iti ti al a î ctit~ . Tiline u uif - lIil 'a it i lt tiin iittit tmilt11 uilii3 lrinttt )ý ott . at.. iltra-l Ti iremas ttetri rh in a essoraI> toit an i te tettrsnie.l luîuîlu,- Ir lut rN iii.. i.îtt ît uc i-ili-c- Simpsoin IBrothers. maiiuttuîturerd otf uîtî ilauulil in ttligltt tau e t-cii t emit -er fiiial uutu e'na u i uieîeu i "Y t01e.t t Linig luais orbt--let l'ca i ruas gitob is e Manyuuk, rndutean nau t; ucof. cfenttilàr.-u seauialrlu ltater , lt itir gitlesliaIta titih ils f~h r tîgutut-tt fte tc Ls'eit ofthleur creila sre ee oI-t î-Il lus IT t ut i i ttitItus a trutti td e lu iIVWM. Lctgslrelî thS thilTaylour Ist mDsu inisCentral Bafe. shealti ier cuenonmu titunit a uutuuetis auille.tme.I. u urrs ieerai- dly' as tthctîîîl-ie ~ TCOR er T.ll,tt tf i. J.Hillhgr.tlyrtmrhnsi Ttt ie in t e Il liano t i lCui t in""";"Y - iu id îu attiu i ~iitiiti i it i t ai ititiandi everythe ut J I ii utii nut ii tti ciirusuî lttgtitt >tt sritu u li n.î ~ r nt e lKy.e iii le. t et n r.itenditl 'i e titi o- ldu idnedta c--- i c,]p.1capitalir-pon h utrd tuturgee hituirtit iiit Ptul, tielitris t tere ritlui-tiiThe htîrgitu rm trci-ettiretelsm-liton. a at tti ct hi' ,peri.ttrs ai- lit, litionuuuîi-,hu ite 'hulltmid e t laeetrîrtirio inelc.iîi î- un tuisinlutamuseiniuy*r0i1rOWOfflite But..otite-tutti'ohecitaicre latel itutrsilftitioatut i-uitIl ietilite. t-é fltIattinof ié, n'eeeOu S <.ru td étintr' or redretai-nt te ell Ctuttidri Whîîuireîuli-mu-un ilpaelt ofje tu ft.ruu lastu ut Iuii-izrterîuSc'afzl-t Il la rertrted ou the New York Stock r-i diaIthe pintti a opitsl uite] hnu ts iai-e utrýd. hi alp.e ewv on n tu-h lu Ha~~~Fchenge tai tee ta utof'lue t-i, bcid tinu tsndlot-ed bitinsa bnInuraenare of t5ien li-etluasccti el uîîî i ilut i sti ah ai fuhie rés o i, rýtTressury luat hongit ingverteitl bondat e,.r ,oi caterk otaTieitnottt oîeIisaon.vll o-tii, n-ni-t h.. 1-etti traille filtite Orient.lilthebm îutiut f$15,000. Ti, 'lite ve lt"aI th-ç~îe tposillon ar ei tti>rkl luttaerai.-1 ,leliuote-Tr,,onm. l-po itng KtlorSa-. a nia le elievedtu lahavu Leen about î37î/j. Illeo ItuniLul proueneectet lit beituliniemuidite'have reetgi ltriKieh.ýIma irr o [eds o de eophusesurtu-i fo lots Esiosiu t-WO litt-euiîrieJuta î11hlli Preti 055.Ix ottrli i. ffii. loeil ltn-sa reIo. 1,ir( Kichne bu sartd orInda xplsin wnwku a iect. lila étéhici Risenlis .Joint.l,' or illicît dentil ie,.tunIiluil 3>hiuurkteurs ah Asucri - p.a =T Ilulore ttetnuéttI timy n-erlate ema* tucuauu onuti uattoutthe r lisit i orna Ta-o persona mieekiluti, une fatrilly rcal-'iti, - 55 ntduceuntaiLctigfard, Kan. es. ttesoril noîtuistts as le oaa, selon-I la ier relativee rii.'>d objections, nuit- tesrinit set -uttie tan u tutsuIail ae.itugz lauure te Coin-ttir tîlce -sîefotihti ist bi.licegars îy naY (utPirus Rdiandti tillrer siglitly ijureti lu on explosaion They c trinahîsiuas oftjoceeloantitncime, ofîLAE cuittàcxUIIuTSuîulî obsltuttaln porahe at ioner. Thr wii; suit Khsrttr. Aimoteue serer>t uLirlupartially srarbeil fl t aliotat uofuwuis -lky anat trred> a eatminre u'- joHN ,MITC11h-LY.ointirgoilttit -îent a aldpno caîîutttrtr cgîrdllug ail thum arrange. 7red Nellis out Stanois. nuote Mluri> olailletîtu ltte.l» Cnetio W.0 il. M FUNCEI)ATS aileaéonrctamarrimige. 20. sfrhsdprue.n i o wy(iyAk .i.NISN coptr teterluiord luteiaregard lte- Llittiofihi uutue ubugIana'lly r. ____iligFour Phyer-lI.Wrecked. lerettyiiutcovenionu. keupl aûltoi--utltitil estier, coaut jeteiis of reltives ont an felrt- - t K.e Ar.ncorpolaRa"ao.e e. ith 01,000000 capital. ITuheIig Four-twnetieth ceulrr iyrtOatialliemoatthse Strike.,lic apeuti-il îuuciu it sny nitî t oituan, or ututtule ta axercoue thecalitero 9for Eee r hî aRr oaiI lietmagelalea have perfectedt ilsele n rèk tFtntubhon 'îfle le Stilke bLaonMay 12, 102a, dura- tue blr inl lii lîlî smakre. Ihîir narrioge hy secrilg tramlie bo trhrmm 'o tlleaun sied tigLi uelruius nî.ger. Iu Trenton, N. J.. on Friday lnd division. liy rurningb au n peu Msr sl Lr ion........em-wu éast ai fluys Te tLest nay i leavse it rioset ol- hourd of tinruluina sfull pordi liir iil iir iirc cu n .t1iîliiin tii.inctrporitedt îeUnitedl Slutes l'o.- a îtel. Ttc ontire train lefI te trac): -rt--------------------------.181.5w tlagulber. WltI îLe attelntioan lutheeeile- torutîlon lt)ciîi2,uuahlp. Thiaafcet Alli. Th itegurîes tire midiialuiv ti neu Cuaîompasny -lit a capital stock nut $1,- n-lthl ast Ina ceactes. Ton pescula i ualber arre-orneted...... 15,00tihu s, wiuiereterse tirue untotnan rü lî nduuttuile.it ia thougitî, hlltmutir. posessii ionte tanalifter tLe fighI titnord (,W tffl _______of laseste lac ins 11 t anhlmnn oic a aktuu 1r ,11 af te bvaven Il. iloltinin anctlr ezpuitiincai, ituuit uiapltte sarlous tut-Iiuuectouclu lb. aiceiners anthracite, a-'. 6.900.lorrTollite navIre peritape lite atost difil Lons ta sertrn laenoga1... lO.404(Ot 1 un iiolilt uinnsli e a epi îe CruHaSSECND RIA h A.WAi ditlaetC MocustuP ~ber pt lendanrem 49bar o tui. p toee irhetelt oiglits fui eal iplaurtu er hen -i siteti D"ePle as, th- lmoven tinte> th@ mi btc au tfelite liai gi thuit t te'nse the 1) vi1altlu asit bers - seied iuave Naue va ad lu juan: thet yt ac and tset s olt