CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Oct 1902, p. 4

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a*wm a um. zovn osIJii- Wl1iay, Octobe 24, 1902. The »M lcmainbouam of Obluago eslua iia eu cforlrade #r lm. 9Ma"" saomucerushow@ a-six estimais« g ods shIpped la one day Wb" a embuer house bods 10£àIrOUt! ulUlas dots vcroe f merchanldise Sxeli eu Shrough ls Mail otier bubsIln. This busineseeatur. Ws j. miumsedlà Chicago tiri! yefls 0<0 »d hm allbai mont vcmierhùt pOUAt h our ma. This jeuxreaches th cm im bc recelpe.. vu . seêils .1t th-bmpifieil uMMusle col Btik han producmi - ielaating figures. Thilleib blIstai over 156 deysud coolail *Ml over 1197,000,000, aflecing over ANMéO =«maandmi vioshebismiy Ç-@M dami hulen. The. ioul 15P al ob oeecea ,000,000. Them I"cto ralivajuil 54,000,000 10 uwolhabuove, 13,000,000.Ilc000 *%M0 10maintain ithe non-union flua itaisua for union vouker dib'Iagibm ileneas.Il vus the greai- «Il elikuthe laibm hSo f the. vrld. à,A muu-paoinglm*i buas a180a4 ft» Iernaiut tiibeaiquarte is teest àhftobeugo. is la etted th"athletovint huIeU Oee taen In ai a buis of Sm Pmr axe 01 stock, vIlle the. .aemntholdigsare believed 10 b. IlAche titabs figure., lasprombled t. 0 a mefetive Deoembet lot 0f titis lUS providi the money market s i»6» d prsentconditions fDot tbm crut yaoking houm a..tuhe oO1m. In laplaces ubereseveral - ~ gbouse are represleuis nDow. tu flP Rusviiib.c moit~iMla tuTMti. maesa iowi 4bSw >cdry h eu. 8oonnoctbon MOMM uhe tm inslsb by Chicago uq 11h atm. manuuiu à Poea suhuIi »boume oul". Groat fW CWWM Md l t e Uki5, sg~u i *IB tl. &A .Machmb b1001 t"Bi t le Vrudb* 0Mhsiyau cen I~êsMouL l kMou »Iler s lm te am s, fufy si un go ýî i. aOb lm ifi.a olervtcias ld hai <NO O. Il u juta tii. me badmil o iela as vo tet Do NREAL IMTATE TRAN8FHRS. n Imrtabhuiby I*ke OeunmirTiti.a Trusti o. AbEUsets of TiU&e.Ti"le uarntes NcaeTeupie DIM. waukegani LOUis J. GauuuB. scy. Catherine Patterson & bus te Jullua VraeMOIlioit$ 1tg12bloot 10eJ~aIL abuse ubqîe ................... l1o0 IF ISM August VohInt ,'17)à a Ana NcA"vsna 1teAànusM LyndaeP luitblOekil Ietar'o Ind asd Wnkena wd ...................m ou Ç PlFisher Jr tW Viinla 9 Pratt lmo-B',Dase&àyliher' suit ln Eluileai Pm*k ud...............MOI OO 8 D DM & u t atale WIli B L7ford lut1 (blaampt la imoe -es-i ud. e 0 lffabedBlâmetmrb vorks by 001111..0toA JE Lait ni uted ltes Btaeh Worka t Wukegao amas............ ............ Mu0 'à mmatus &vf W o 0m W«.sa #4 lîsém tWorks at wsns." n le ovIek àwftoJausssBrogmu PMltVWMse2-46-lud .... Mise greenl&ufltoylr irteots 1& thIkNMlghIsnd Park q .......... 1 m ivi leva.. à vi 10 Garnit & lOa «@M k lt de Mlk45Tiffanys& erd 00 tO'WW Wu ............... 700 ýVu W xK Ilon W (ienavlave & Daie. I~Lloe à«S& 4blk 1 lUona OUale Oaknd Bob Wwukauau vd lt ce a mmfuebotu a r& wl WJBaaeri. N5,hliuok e eremiai Oaiey Md kthUine O.erwy n ta 5 m Nipoqlla Club W MM ma ulu 11 U Mitn~Uk Club sub tu sec~ ...................... ce ia A. Mamon, ot Praire Vidv, I Deacribe. His Trip te, f Natiolial Capitol. OoAtialdng ils descriion 0cfis IrA» 10 Wisitnutanof thm National Eempueul0f9 te 0. A. B.s il apou lalutai esk's IIDmfDuDm, Oomraij. A. miaon, of Prairie Viev, vrAies: "As I1 @tal e marrived ln Wmosiiug- bon #à 7M a. se. Tuedand oui ut oe boated up oui boatding houae.and aiteturis thebIlinois beaiquarters, wbere I1ascurmi thm badge I1via entillel 1eas a ingate frose lbe loti Congressionai District. The badge la àu elsaotMta aiA, tii tie center belug a reptoduction oethébm0. A. H. badge, on Aié loft thehuahingtan smonument sud on the rlgbt a graup oi figures. On lt.e pendant a- fineview oftheb capitoi uni ooun.cting lthe tue a sili ribbon l W l aubih . oVsnthte iag. Thte 1badgela <aid plaed and tey verm furnilmiby eolse i 0f hi- lafgion. lanlie utou o vsvent cver la Mie hisiingsix onmnt, viiclla55 feitigh ami 7010M elsquare ai tie base and as fie à pie me »Msatp as oneue isu inko aa AMelme. Thte marner aion.evis laid lu imliasoblo hu&MM- ity Jly 4 184.8 amilte cap jtoue limeember , 185. Viitotu uceni lie siafl bj mosesa of am evoor ou ib iroc tairvsj. At Propet laterials Ibm valu are£Mdaci th taitb. forbeonu- f lly Maris sia.,mb mbulsi bj maBioma. jabs amàvaries u ganlu. licou througbouit ecountry. The viev froua lie top WUAirepays lie vIste or lite asmanseV tbougit ho valis, as 1 dl&. p Ab60M tPP& Thaisateare --otite, summnta lu diffsimal parts ofthelis tj, among Ibeux Ibm eqaulssisatue ot01 .. Wasuington ai Penwau iavenue ani 2Md stteetfi l asmai.ofcoumnon donlsi b>' lie gaierammai sud cost $50,000; Mansuequetrisu satue 0f Cen. James 'B. licPbmr.oa a&lth juwcAon of 11h sud 1 temets, esctei by thm wociely ofthe sarmy ofthtii Taneuse la lie year 1876, et a ccd otf $50,000. Ct al h listues lu lie cily ils cly la of one uho gave bila t. bot bis couulry,"tue nobleat Roman of lion ai." Tiers ltuons ofGasn. hinflli Sottl, ergesmila 1872 au& cf cannon Abs CGoa" captured ln the. var vili leic os coul4,000. Axclisu on. of proseluenoe te called té -Eseancipaton Croup," imptesaul- log Lincola freelug the slave, ooting [117,OM the fluai$18of vilcinAssali 10 haie beau, cctributed by oms Chariott. IL Boott, a treei vous of Vrgi mis, belng berot ramiimgaflet @ssvu Hiegatel. Tiare ais msnj oaieu.of [m. treourla..none tuvarions parts ci iji.- mity. Tie gpeut panade ocuedà4ut10 oo" ~ Wednesda,0Ot. 8 sud vus imiu.i ogranua ufair, la vibcinMarly aonAh m ~e ao Omij ecuudospreos fflselfi IBdi).mrciei viit Titomas Po«t No. 50fd Chicago. AI as not »ematy 10 desoiebsit masUailvai doubitAon rend of 1» la Çbioeo isilles. The Washington papers salditil 10k cimu lve sud on-hait heurg 10 Puesa lien point. Eiery state isla il 10 haie been repremenlel. 1I iiocuclude rMy description lu youu nexi iLue. J. A. IÂsnOts. Auction saiseBUS. The INuZIswaunuvpiIS aunoto buis os hey aboui bc sud aur prie.. aue rigit. W. publiait vititm churge a Ult oipioperly 10 bc uoid, ubers biseatm retuinisited by un, sud tb. notice la ont paper reaciies more reaes th ian lie bile. Nai another papai ln Abs counnljcirculaton as vldsy amnons faraiera s mAbseiiNwtpu- Di. is bue@ notices etfsale@ in Ibis paper bing Sfait bellmt resulta Ibm eléeuhes. I Teile cf Anotiter Error. BuMORvon SIH»sNTsv-TVkeue IS snotbeç errarinl lte Bepieseber Super- iluors prooeeln. 1 amn ciargel op ln one Of lthe cSemitee reporteAsea ltiiing in a bill asuitmeos ln au insane case. A vusnot a vilese lua my iocl case sd bai no auci bill before any commillme. J. A. liÂsoN. supeivisot fretinVsrn on. S-. ..' à Shylock was the man wbo wanted a pound of human flcsh. There are mnan>' Shylocks now, the convales- cen t, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, ail want human flesh an-d thé>' can get it-take Scotts Emulsion. Scottts Emuision Is flesb and blood, bone and muscl e. 1It f eeds the nerves, strengtheqs the digestive organs and they f ccd the whole body. For neari>' thirty years SotsEmulsion bas been the gyruat giver of human flesh. We vii sctid you a couple of Omlces tflee. SCOTT & SOWIIB. ChemisAs. 409-415 Peari Str-eet. Nsw VOSI. t4UM ND6Nr WANT Aon *MIR*e ES RENiTs wrà. John loci la on ls b M--ILs carpenisus are busj enliingbg Mr. iiiedlsr's rellidence. litsud lits. Appejasri ilhlftdil~t Elmer liicteMsauday. lits. 0. ;. Ormsby spet tbs latte port cf liat vmek Ai lilburn. Mr., sudtRrs. Heniry FaM, of Wanke- Sun, vistel relatives haie Sonnay. Wili Barnatable iohm oisi te the Bobauber ftal recenly puircitasmibj lits. Monte mandingher, o1 hauki- San, visied Mrs. Wssbburu llui Priday. F. C. prenait ia bavllrg bis bhem repoirei sud po4nted. B. J. Tborn bus recenlly paited blis bouse. EAST FOX LAKE Patrick Sullivan dîidSutiday rnrn- lits. Brown laia Chilcago visiter, Ibis M. L. GaulWansd vle vere Antiocit visitera Tknrsday. Charles Wilson, ot Zenia, Wls., vas a visiter t BasA Fox Lake Sumia>'. Baverai frein iae utended the. Bun- day sohool convention ai&<ira yalake lust Frlday and Baturda&'. lilsa Beulait Johnson, 0f Oroyelake, vietted ber sautt sud cousins, lira. Wm. lieriick sud dlaqgiters severai days la" vesk. Mis, aIe SBitllis eturued frocniber visit 1t evework juat lasiime te attend lie uedding 01 lir. B. B. Whitney sud Aunie tialiger wviicit ould have been lucomplete uilbout ber as slle vas a gras; friend cf She bride. One cf lte prettliest veddlmgs of te Ootober seison occurryni(Jct. 15 aI noon £1 lthe restiience nf tMr. M. L. Clilger, Foi Lake 111. Thte bride vas miss Anale Louise tIaliger, lte groom Bei. B. B. Whitney, cf Seymour, la. Tie bride cones fron one ofthlie odest sud butl fanlles and isle osl spleudidly siopimi for t.e vork inle vitiit sit goe«.lir. Whitney As a gradua, o1 Park Cliege ouidlcCotuilci Bemimary, Chicago, and hma been hlgbly succesain In bIsevork In lova. The bride te- olved an extra large nuber ot piesmuls., usefal sud beautifnl. Thte bride vas iressed In drab aud bell s large baquet of beauliful carnations la ber ban. VThe bosutsean vwu li. Frank (lligrandouitle bridesmiî ie Bila Hall, et Grayalake. Thte oereluonj viapetoumed by te Oongregational uîinioler. 1ev. T. E. Bisio,ocfGrayilake. Vie couple left on lie Wisconisin Central for Chicago. ^mrl&'s Pamous Bsautles. Look wlth barrot on asun su ptions, blotoimo, sou.., pimples. Tbey dont bais thon, mou vii ajcm, vWhou"s BuehlssArtlca sugie. AIs bciis iduesait..AS cures scie ipm, oboppaci bias, eohblWle.Infailible for Pile.. 25o nt P. B., LIbeilyville; CÂoSUP13ÂBMAOÎ. WARRENTON flROVE. Listes forte uecdmg bell llte neurftre. liean Tins Lambrechtl eulertined ooinp.y over Buiiiay. ir. fStagem isosld fls tai-m sud lalonda ta moi. 1o hankegan llte neat future. lits. Wilson lhas eturned tu lier bornee ufber spendlng a veei vith Mri. aud lira. hilmingion. lit, and lis. Wilselngton and fasuil> acompanied by tirs. Wilson @peut Bunday lu Fort Shteridan. Ont 11111e cotemunuly oas sitockred te iteat of t,. drwung nofte three yesi nid ion ofMli nud lits. Wm. Kelly, of Austin. WA DSW ORT H Miss Biandonier, of South Dakota, is vlilltng st A.liouds@. F. A. Cnsbllo bus Ien clllng rupon old trienda lu Ibis vicinil>'. lits. Liebet of Waekegan, spent a fev day. vîitàher slster,Ulis. N. Lox, lait eegi. lilas Ale Luxito vas aiekn t8. Slizabelhs liospîlol fortesumunt la very utucit bter. Kiss Mamie Brove nuetuent a stiocesaful apetion lulte (erutsu- Amrecn boupital lai vemi. Thete vas a lange atteniauce aI lie basiel social sudidonce Frila> nîgiti sud lie Royal Neiglibors teailami o <ool a antmhaalsie cf1lte bakets. lins. W. B. Barriqou, of Basting. Neb.. viles: "iend me a 50 otah o icMthets Bsalte, ai anc.. as uMy'litAI. boy As @abject ta croup, sud IbisAsulte bul tiing Isver taed. Vie veatber la favorable ftr croup and 1 neveu vMo10b. vîiculit." Basy' le us. Quickt 10 s.FomaebV.BLvz,, Luberyjilile; (osr.ÂE5 itPHAMaGTc. Prime 25 cent@.. HAINESVILL.E A. Di. icli vua a hkegan visiter Tuîsisj. lits. 1. À. Penlon speul Tuesday lu Wankegan. iss Jodle Cevelatii vas a Chicago vialtrseveral dayi. Miss liay CevelandlaIs tayiug viii lits. A. W. Wilmore. lias Adis leveLand la neoovming frin ou juies :ecslvei b>' talllng dounD maie. lin. C. J. Wlglatman returned San. day trolla Obîcgo uheve aiscià" Viat6ilifleisfor the. pa"Sl io wvms. lits, I.. iltiascsn e varal daia "as vesi a&#Ahehome cf barparmi. la "» eCo. aha ug hm uiuiSMM bu M A i mo..usa i .h O&M to th United t.- Tii e v, originally sarmian "Pm Qfo «di0511ouas Ur. »ady for iomisgeOu i Pspoumia t ha hobriea Ai cOmrsot. 4u 5*"ma vos ltai Dady Sa"éd em oel-, Oadit istaila Mdi itai hot faulmi 10autimi 10 hua bargain. on ibis .poInmi% uitvuetauimi lotu13,000 duaff Md mivarices juigments Vote <ien, resuiiiaun moves on b4hh sues for msw twise.1 The cs &la riedthe 10lamI lime in Lake OoMaIj hM# ear by lMt. Dady aglail uhos BU 7circuit court gave a verdict tci 1,00. mlnce tien ithe appellate cut tbus consituaithe osie aund ov amones that.$M000 siuli O&asy lir. Gondit. Mri. CaniSbas reachei lte litit cf Idiuna. la tom il la Mai logbat fortune il . ilulgatlon. Dia lauyera vill cary tBiecSe îhrough for itim Iin liopea o01 etmi a finai selesment. lir. Dedy bas siample means to conitinue the fight and Vitiiperast golbtheory utou i» bisateimpt go defeate Coudit atterly. Chancery Notice. ltote of [lînois. Lake ocuaty. &a- Cilrcuit Court of LaI- Conflt. Deoeniier teri A. D. 102 . Hertus e l tas ngva. Maaret ML Brantd iiande T. d tnd Amoaia. Brand. lowieAlM .byte andOGeorge 0,hbyte. ber hujand.,ieeW. Bouterand James H r, er h &abadjotn Rode .Em Rloder, bshite. Louis IRoder andMailida Roder. bis itu lian oil. WiatUei51id Maria Wbattlt.s. bsh vil.redenltdrMomuerr. 9rdlniga. d ora Kulge. b ite Mary letdeman sdwGorge F.àoidemann.i he bus ind.1H0ury Kiugue aud Louise,. Knlgita. bsvf,.Loltpeebt awiilou. Jobh nlgg sd ar,a Kulige bis vile, Minute lruo 1 ud haries 1te.olpt. ber hbusttstt ituna R-.i--r.wivdtv. Louis tîntg&leosad Rallie halgga. ie vifs, aud linkuovu Ouneffl Of antd ta-nons interriete 1u the reosi os0te düao,-itaadllu Inte Bilol vjoepalut blulied. InCitancery NO,1241 Ballsfmltry Mmdavii lItat lh.a dejeudaut liarga M. rad Alaxander . Brand attd Amelia F. Brand. bis wtt,,. Ailesa,. .Wbyte aud George 0. Vityt.-. 1er buabaud, aud Hoitn W. Itirper and James liarpe,be htîshtd are) dot resiontsofrlte lite ofi lina.go tat: moto Wserved1 t!fpoui=emoreoitbr of lte, sund Ibal the nukylowners cf atti persons ltte-esed1 la te real astate d,-arlbed lu tbe Bill oft Complelul filld edbrain upon due lnatryt cttitot ta, round so thât troaeasir tuot bu s,,rvd upou lte. or oiîb,-r nofitt h vln tha-ne iliinedluhbe.omuie ofrte Clek of Z1l Court. Notloe latherefore bereby aiven tu lte said above Damed snd unknwun defeud- tint, taI liteabovenauîed eomvloiant ber. toforeOlied hbis- Big of CoaputpIn usald Court. (en tbe ryi Otelatbrof. aud lta- a iumusteepnla ouut c ttsid COur àusll. bv nsedeed suIs. rezonb9 M ii,.liraIit a et the teri of lieo Oircuit Cout çLake a lt WhW bitad aithl, enyBuffl 1. là ili -skid Lakte CountV. on thte finIetondaà of Dý-trA I as pnla . av rsnUlrd !àdwihsi aut nd. oxs.Ca 1aktgn.1llol, OibaritA.D 10. -9-4-dr C. M. Itenss. AtttrssY. t2 a Hatisc Baniez. Chka».. Illt I!lîlneis Cuul yof Lai,,. s. Coat, Court of Laie etitiy ., b., Ocittr Vera A. D. init . 0. Il*t-tgbt. Admînlstrator oth litati,. - Ma y J.ick d.eedva Artt.rL. yrj.Elital e n. Dl Myrick and Frnk Harrluglon. petItuon 10 oeil test-e.tate te po>. d-bla. Affidavit of lhe ,a-ri-ldonoe cf Arhur L. airlit. EtilTlMynic Md Dlia.Mytici intaofieet~eCli-tflec<fmDIeCourt cf Lk,.ceunt ntic 1 . Uà t lven 1i0 lte satid Arthuir 1,. Rai-lo tBtaItic ud Myk ta aid pelîlour. C. Ik Jrlt ldensodaro ec itt-ftI, o Mr petition lna ald Count Court of Lake ennIy rainatfot-s dece fer ltse sala cf lt a l-e.ste te aiong 10 li te Aefsc f "al d ,.eafflil. or no MuettOf It U as y almt n,,-ddtot sothil.- leitîs of ald deceasedi and ,l-.s -i-thtil . -hloue tnt uit: An un- dilhtei îa.l 1- t ,ttei-ts 1inte affut N acres or to--",t hffof th!le c,itb-sLq 'tuai-t-r of -,a.tI., t] ait t heIta irt It llt taies of lta tnori, -attIquarta- o!fgmenton 2n. Ac oIo.î-taIaea on tae-laut line, of a-t-îoh i. ,toon taud4 fortnerly owpoad iy ,rIJy , tbaud W. S. Hutlcblnsou aud ruanitng nort -e rodeitto astait ieue w.ttot A tutit-l- I tine lit the Ruti lUne, of itait famn. :IFÀ,r'--îs 10 te hallscto lot,; lten.,,,-iti, t10a staleou tli ne of bnidowued1l'y 1ii--IliHeatht sud Huteblu- sons; te nst-att oslîtUne. iot reds lo tie p-its of tîrginnlng,. contanusln tsears. Mors or legs ln ---'-Ion 2f). ait lnitlownship o4 ut-t. rasg.i. t ao f t-,3rd P. c-t thu i- r-rot a pla,. of lau.! low-rbhýdas o. oIt-vos. Coîunenclu ai lbhe Inlt-sa-cîlrooftt !Il.Mtoattsoarov,î sud isiond Lakoka i on fault e-sI tlns 0f the cor!t ot.,-Ol't, , J. r -.1tilon 20. at a pint 19,il -ialu., and-t oits s outh the nortit- va-ti tornai- 1of-ttotitcatter 5seclon: tience 1 ttnilog att-d t g Lite quarter section ina ý-bai-s u 7o luinks; tfl eesî s c-tisn--ad soihk tito inte nortit paàralla olth tht c llatt-r----loi. lina il t-balesand M ink mtthl,, -rof sald i-cadthtence s-lUt 5s -i--cr-8 --a0Igtalona tita conta-r ct mdl tots , ialas an-I5linktu ltie ptece if hegu 4. îsolgO8-10 acr% more on ca. tiot-t--.UitaI Part oftlite souti- veet qnartit- rof Il-- ccutb-eant luartlr cf octhou 17. -a-riînd as folowsa coin- mnAibugalt RPi t-l20 MChan@ and 21 lnks ocet of ifnt- outh.eaAt corner of said t,ct.uutm,-, 10no"nte2cia8li nks[5 t6 in; ttn, 0.-o! 0 ciaous aiean tIe-,' out, l outh-flaesa St 8 ctnan d ?I ilt, a i eu 1e !lt gout-0ast cttilai tsld e$out lneofliee ees 2 chaitto aid it liks btutetee o! heginnbne. - 7îîinu Iaacros. gSlliîatod Inth lt on oft it,rtyvllle.Loits"ounty. tîhînole. atn Ita g umimuons bas beau bacedt tui of soi-i Courj aaiDot ytu e- I îîinoa it-h - 'h r r, . D. 100of oaid court 10 lt-ul to-In ont e tiret Monday ln (O--ttItr A. 1) lauaw l utt U OU in lh it CIOf Wo'îk.-col a l d Laie Onnty. Noo unlt-ss ooitlt adAtittr.,.sMyrisit. EIbeb Ni-ritk-tal Date MYrktabatl per- nonsIIy :A octd- -es-.beoaIn Id Cuirt Couttof Lait--,- ýt, oyon-lite irnIcdair of the lairn Iberauf t.i t.. tîaden . s att-g lu aal Cunt a t!.rasl. n beftI onday In ()tohOt A. 11 lieui. and plast.aswer or -hi- 10 Otht - idi ,dmntt r'orspetilon Ouled titeroilith'ut. am -, sud lte matters and Itngsattortoi htarg,,îiasd etated tlulîllie tifae as 00.on ,iand a doue@ enlened agaît oit a. hc-Ig Wteliurat f aid C.N. DUB Ncoî attortne fer Adilnigtor. i-s AJ.ttn L. ilt1snî. Clert. 0. Z. Beuormmî, Colices, N. Y. It's impossible for you flot b O 0 old, wIîh the Color of sevcnty years ln your har! Perbaps y ou lire SeVenty, and yo.u like your gray hairt If flot, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. Ini less t1'. an a month your gray hair w,!! havé alïthe dgrkirich color of youth. S8.06 s bouleta.Au i sgiL ,z4 r4ttz a cnm ~pyya The Prohibition ocunti Central Oeute bas cntraeted for soace La tplfu. FUINDENT under above %tend. W. sam flot responsible for pottic opinions extressed lu tii. olurnu. 21t170x. PROtiIBTICf TICKET. lisate Treurer, CHABLES H. Tumasuitu. of Pontiac. Cierk of lte Bupreine Court. BesaUBt B. nisajou. of Fast Et. Loui». Sueerateudeut of Public Instruction. CH A19LIC A. BLANt,5ARD, of Wia.slnn. Trustees of Ualvesl"f Ilîlinoits. of Chicago. JOSEPHe 0. CUNNIUos3ts. of Urbana. NÂsnctss& D. Azis. ofCOurran. Clark of lte Appellâte court. JoUDONsD. Ms-urne.. of Nonne. ILeapresentatlve tu Cosumres. M14 M. PARRxsUBSs, orflEvausîcit. iRprMeatIlve te Leielslere, JOHN CctLETT -. cf Harvard. Oconty Judge. of lghéand Park. hberiff. JoOORAoÂ&sn. of Ivaubo,. Coutny Tretéaurar. 090. B. SBàNüs. cf Ursltslake. Counly Clark. cf Long Groe. A. Dassup .5 Our Cusu. ileuslor FrotBitse., 0cfCblcago. li teHo- pubieau candidate for statu trensarer. Be lmi unsl-OrttY Of lto support of lte iauper. suceipeuplea Of Illinois. MotluInsytpaty wlit sut refermt or larnperauoe movemeut. ho 1 &iso tttaoie lu ail gond legflsiatlon. 'T'ii Là an Instance of bi record ln Ciciago. A futontitemagn a saloon keeer on thte nPorti aide Inalienalq.r Busses district vis srreeted for selitug Ilquor 10 a boy. Tito sa- bOn keeor went 10 lisse and ,atd ltaI te muât Proet IîM. Basse 10,1lte îueî'co ltat theielunnce of te saloon keeper in ltaI district wvasnoubt tugbehotd10 protm-t i. The Polio,.justiceaked lte cm-ar of lhe ClUzens Langue tubho ufluflud td c lte man Off. Ho sld ltaIb,.a ould not itud1 lb,. man gullly or enter flue &inât sl bi. If b,. dlsoiteîed lt the utor b,. ingit bsn lt, piosItion as P'olice Justice betlause thesMn",a *confirmed bis apintien t ansd lugse ,(,idl Prevent cofirmation.1 lu Ibis waY tcorruptI poltcians ln Chicago for leur 0f te Saloon power tes Inlarfere ulitlte groecaon of saloon keepers Whoto violailte eLaw. Senator Busse muet desand ut-onlte saloc k-emers for bis support snd fbr is leolin. llte"legllature as lite sust session. Whubelitei-clgsrer.te billusinbho-1 foreste Msae. hsbetraye th ie frieuda nf ltaI'caus,. sud ielped in ki lite anll-oàgar- cite bill la themosnse. Titis main sitold utù reSiete support of ont, friand of t1W tehiperance cause bun1Whetate. Goes LIk. hot Cake*. -Tiie listes& meiling arflole 1i bave In my @tore" vritesdîuggist, T. Snith, 01 Davis, KY., "la Dr. R110<5 New Dia ceîerY ici conOmptiont, couglisansd colis, imeanseIl oluaja curest. lu My MXi yeauo cfMI« il bas neyerfallefi. 1 bave incun il te sai s amifemufront tbroat - 19dlogismesoWuccornai 804 nuo1116P hasem octets OP auj other reMedY.' icOhera rely on it, bi phyalolaus prescribe il. sud y. B. Lovaza., LIbrtyvilie; GnSyoLàKU PHARMASOt guamtee satistaction or refUni price. Trial bottles troe. 11e#1tlar mixes SOc and $1. PEOPLES' COLUMN. Ai. oder titis ho" uet sl says bs pot e I advîntes. Rate, s ces per ioe par vouk. 7 Woerd, Csstlutlng a lIne. ATDTo ratIastar, 0f frio,)ie120 W.A store. Must bW gotliand. Appir aI lAIANTED-A briit h .lliu 10 vont. tu W ies n -ter iraifo. Titis offce. F OuND-A dat-kbt-own boa on Cook A ve. JusI "ast cf M.l1a[ er bouta,. Owner fortblaad. E.D. Hussàan. LfiterI.. s OiraysI4ke i 'lave C. 'M. &U. .TinteTable. a9 7 07aj 100 s .F èBa SiN e & 12 laPm inev %Mi leu aim a 0 . 85u 4, 501, 7 OR . ta lamH 5sos a m i0JRam 7 10 P la 0 P m eopm 710vj WIBCOmain Central Tiare Table.1 1 s'a"", 1 a , letis 13 6 la I00 00Ii 26 l 610, S " te~ *Kunday oltly. Mim .Wbitiîor,. oje-tt MIoudav ty tHyd. PaIrk. MIr. aitti NIra Fsiîrw.,etnt 'olitntor,- Saturday. Matirk,,. Melat'illll- t t lldny wtht frianldsha-t-. I ,Mi" jeAda ('aine, ut Fto I.tîke, oas hae Wadiiesdy. Mis LU-Y wlti-ls Illegittot ,t MIs MiNs D-l talîiti, (tIf Eîgi..w.tttt si- Siiinlvwjtiî liýa-r t.4 ts ur.-.r D on t t.trj<e.t tha- lally tti,. (aPitliK. i loti. 0-),. Ediîotd l'uom w'iliipeat-. Mrs.. Hil qi, undIi ltr-ut sîtet Siiday nt t)rlamitt -Itek'm ut Itollins. M r. anid M rs lin rtliant i sit,4d M i- .Jkthxîimg l,'rs 'tjinîa-d fltml i. vt Sttt- loy. b ltgita t %4N lit,. i t!Fox(la- vi. 'bttîs.- isItl ti- its .,git a iet,sN-î Atos Ianstdl-t-i Mn. tsttl(AMth-, îttrritr ttt, ltii i Sittut-îlîy aitîl suiaday,- im.ijg til,,.guahil tic lu-r -ii. Mies Chient. Mir. adi M.tdAis iils ait.tntdMary toi- np c ez r î b i tos a - i l .î i- :r 1 - 1 1 wta - r , i t t îc Mir.tsatd Mma l'apiîàtrl tft- i to, îî1(ttt lsar- v.i it reIttto-it- I ri- it-t tii.-d ts tha-tr It, i-ia-ttthl-lNtî, wsvt-t-ts ut iitsfinitiMNr, tot- !t-nit- r rl Qt lt oiil.-- fimttî litt bai.41thelt ituskýt RSx-itul gîtt-n bie Ale tim ,a- Ht thea Volwa- stiioti ittito-rida7 niglit Mia,.,-.. Aiîl 'ltirii.r AndtlMary Htsoik rt-tiit-iu-,ifroi-oth.bir risiltew, itoa-nr (iri,.tuti Wheaaln Satiird"n ugit. Mfiss lRkses Ulison, oh Vo,(ls pent an Mefls Winter Ulothin' - 'Tennîis FiIannel at.. l)ress Goods; petr y< *Calico, RtIbbons, Bed Spr- Corne in anti inquire otîr e! sewlîî Our Grocries,-u -. -Area we Carriages furnlahed on order. Lady asaistant if deirei. EDW. F. STUENKEL, Funerai Dîrector. Everett - llinois. -..i*O.Lcss To Jan i1v F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite MONUMENTS CEMETEBY WORM S OF DESCRIPTION. C. W..PETTris, â ucTIoNmkt guesiofr tCOUsinsth iteNI.. Mes. T. J. -enebau, of 9Roý aud Mms. Jooeph Qarvooi, of1 vere guesto§aof irs. Ben Lattas1 Jus Bale" of thse fild id prts clat aot!eptod tise position of Mliotoglst , Wm. Bnandoeteuer'a duntg lir. CArI", absence. Dr. Paltuer lfit Tuenday tor a ian dqaoî;, vIw.atiau and will vl,.tt ils f ietidu e '- Da-v-ll Lake and York, N. 1).sud l. ttealtslifi, Mini.. Mies Mary lBook spent twa eelia at, Wlîeatou tandtiMiss Mand Tutnsr madp a tuw ffk» stcay atDown.,r's. Croie.j Tltey arriva<i borpe Saturda>'. Tiie. (ruysinke Cétuîery Assocititon, will give a New Ettglaud dinnen nI lthe t-butci Thuradayieveunig, Nov. 7, frtu5 to M. Tickts. 15 ca-utm. Evenyhsasy in. viteti. MinesMary Tweed, tof Hugkmsie, vos the. guest of frientis at tbis plaocelI*bday. Mnm. l<nta-bwa-, Who recently ivtomned hom,. fnsnîtihe Lakealde la lmi. proviog slowiy. Wuî. Iitlitta-. v.'îtcmorne titriee epis #4go pu reiased a irge ttorm lunIMinnesota îlimptsed of it a fane days ago at a gain îtf ")40, sIest tata- le tastIgainlug it vel l ib tat part oftifle country. Mns. Lh. EBIuetnati atd Mine, Caroline R.,atîtotît ll ta. lmin atte.tdanaaent tie ra-ipro-ity day meeting oh the Womau's Clubi of Hlighilantd Park na-st Ronday. Pyu,, ihers. lley will go b (itivago ta speind l4uîday. 1 Wnt. tanlipoitsoîl Ic one, tr lii,. Iltsm in Esvitiemvs-,, md., abtout the f irst et Nýetviitlme.ntiti oiit Ithe pîarvu tti ol an b, ,r s t-tlotl-tf v-k,. andtifrout tiena l»ill Mxgt to.flott SItrinigs Ai-k.- for the' GAGES LAKE UmssMaude S. (bales @Pont fSuuay ai The Fines. li&. W. F. liaLacitian vua uChi- cago visitor %bis uesk. Fottesl Jerome,01oh icsgo, viitel Almu F. macimclanovar Sundi>'. W. F. Uemaicitonreturubi 10 Chi- esgo Manday afier spendlmg a feu iiys aI bis faim on (Cages Laie. lira. John ffle ls vsty buay ' le. dSay.o s RAabclabcrdlmg mont cf th. wotimen trmlita Sear. place. Vie beautif ni vestier eodUne uudry rosis mnaie lhe country very enloyable Ibm.. anîtun iays and lt.he oligil Digla sarever>' .nticing. Allan F. liaLachlan enicysd i islf at itestrosFriiay svening 10 la»- la>' evening. Vie lima ito spout la itnntlng vas repaid b>' qlite oasttia of ducka viici b.bc obobck t1 Chicago. WAICIED 1 o urpenters &0 vouik on lu bans.. Appiyt10 MiLal fou Co., Have you seen our line sf Trunksand Telescopes? j We are giving good bargains in 12s p s s... - . d- A n . . 8 . n .a hg, BSoots & Shoes. reads, lloods, Mittens prices before bîyiîîg ell selected stock d f resh dwards, Cold WTeatlier is Uollillg. Great Bargains ln_&t Luderwar and 00999n *à.-3 per cent Discount. Special Sale on X r Boots and Shots, Rubber Boots, Glover, Mlats and CQps, of ciualfty that we guarantee. Matches (flot in the trusit.> Get Prices. .GEORGE B., BAITERSfIALI, TI ýid , 1: - - - - - - - - - - -

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