la4~as~?~-uiaaamsttar. 1' p~nUl % JIJSTs dte PrWlay, October 31. 1902. UIcte Tueuay. Neveuiber 4, 1902. For iek or the SupremeCocur. CHRISTOPHIR MAXER lIED LA-BU8SSE For etath SUi,«uteâdeut Pblcns11tfl ALFRIRD . BAYLIBB For Imo*a ett.e Ufiveriti. WILLIAM B. ErrEINLEY X"S. LAUBA B. EVAN 8 1.. E RIOK For Clrk o A*PelaeCocurt, Second District. ScaMTOPBER. DUFEfY Par liemrer ofCocres. GEORGE EDMOND F088 Fo Representast iLu(jenoeà lAsseurbiy. GEORGE R. LYON EDWARD 1). BIItTLIFF For Conty Judas. DEWIT L. JONEB Fo ouaty ttlerk. ALBERL L. RENDEE FS Treasurer. LO.FBiCB FtSkertf. GEORGE N. POWELL For uperlntendent of Sahools. FRANKR N. GAGOIN. RuIs>n Butter Marlot. Butte, vu 24à conta ounlise Elgin Boud cf Trada M[ondai. Sales of 1the seek 4U,000 poundi. Builer sauta veai>let year 22 cents. EVER Ed Yora diove ot flieu Chicago Saturday uorning. Ulm MaEymaelZesuatsbas piocured a ponitoun nChicago. " *. Van Abeai, of Mlwaukee, ia visting Mis. Ang. Zelusu. Era. Bermaun, of Chicago, le visil-. lng$er daugite. Mn@. John heul. » UsliaCaicl euitatned ber friand Mob4Sà Ocrio!Chicago, ove, Sunda. Oo~I uiNov'S ois. on. gelup areal old taaiioued isnsk- lng bOa? 7ameà O'Connor ls baviug his nov bain pslnted. C. Wendiig, of Rugi. land Park, la doing lire sork. Etber Bligard aud anoîhen youug lady s.ootmsles of EMua Davson speul atlurdaî sud Sundai vils ber. Dînaits Gibbonscuais lalely rece tved - lv. arset feriliser trou lire stock 'YArds, vicir irela, rsing on iis faim. Fro&ak Tofly bld su s¬ion sas TiLtrodaetcIs1ai vesi. A large nu- ber of erale oe sold sud aIse macsy £au Inmpiements. 'Il su a Vary piottable mie. Frank Intanda le quit farising. 'Il soeauseas liugir lie yonng uen herabeuls don'i like le "M0a on tire faim." Evereli vas tire scneuof a mad deg scare on Tueda ucrming. Theo ud dog isilarge black sud wviie foi irouad, cama tresu Lake Forest, biling mauy doge ounlire rond. Il ffially teck retuge lu Mi. OConor'& bain vireaWUllla Carolan put su sud le Ils career bi s vel simed s&hot. A tox boni vent et Evraîl ou Satur- day wva a eature et greatI nternet. Tire huai ob place tirough tira taime of Michael Boger, Miles onwsi, Tirca. SBedansd others, ending lu bodmonda voodes here a large liven vasbidde-l euaulof tire nutal fox. About fi! ly foBlosa lire bounda In- cluding Miles Cousay, Fsuk Gibbene and John Doyle trou Evreli. Tira" bonis ara beromiug popular auong lira sealtirneiduotâ of Lae Forest, ansa fore o! spor, and thep hope leo contine tbem lirougi lire tati aud stuter. DIAMOND LAKE. The oeil meeting oft he Diamond Lake Cemetery Associaion wHillb. beld ai Ers. R. A. Smth@, Rockefeller, Thnrday afternoon, Nov. 6&h ai 1,0 o'loek. Every member Invited le attend. Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human lcsli. Thc're are many Sh5lrxiks flow, the convales- cent, the cunsuimptive, the si ?.Y (hild, the pale young w alal want human flesh 1 they can get it-take Emt lrulsion. -tttNEmulsion is flesh -Id bhro(d, bone and muscle. It 'ecds the nerves, strengthens thîc dî eý.csiive organs and they fc"-d the whrrle body. For inearly thirty years S--Ott", Emulbiun has been the great givcr of human flesh. i. We will send you a couple oi ounces f ree. $00?? & SOWNER. Ciemia. 409-415 poarl Streot. Nae York I, &M -ia -W Obus. et ?& at. evu bueon Louis Pick.. of Gluoer, Wu a vwtir hore lut Sunday. geicti0fl day nexi Tuasday. Vote for thre rtghi men. Lonis Garey vau aigbi-aeing la Ciicago lut Fnilsi. Jack Raymond, et V oi0, vas a vistir ln tovu lui Sundai. Suokelthe 18725 CetuiY cigars. Eu» Frank selle tham. . Guaisv Fledler made a buetuen trip 10 Chicago 1lut Thulrsdai. Frak Rouai .iipped s car lesd Of hropafront haie Taearai. Emil llcke sud W m. Bicînsse veni la Waigkegau ou business Mondai. Ecitor Y . L. Carr, cf Wanoeuda, vwu iu t0oU on business eue day Ilut vOek. Hm" ii Se.p dtd lire iaiklug ai Chris Schum&keu5. ancilon. Everythiug seid good. F rank Gesry, et Wsuoondi, sou cf 1. Geay ta aaiaing Mr. H. Ratp il ;ac. A. Mavuan candidate for lire LegisIative vu bore lui Fnlday ehaking banviii> futendi. Mr. and Min. Tom Dallai, trou Fox Rlve4r. are vWhlUng vitir M. and Mia. JohnaForbe. a prenant vritlug. Mr. sud *ru. George Klepper, lirs. B. Bele, 6âd Mm. M. Wilika look as ride to PraMre Viov lui Sandai. Frank Meoyer vu best uau sud Miss AIaMeer brides matthe i iseEmuer- Wige vedding at Lomg Groealui vook Tuesday. Mr. sud lMs. Wm. Bnschtug sud Mr. sud Mis. J. Baijricir slieuded lihe funeral ef Aug. Boue a> BarrInglen lut riiy. Kr. sud Mra. Eseihe, of Prairie Vies, sud Mr. sud ira. Smiirh, of Graisiake. voie visuing sur MMr. and Ens. Fred Hooft lui Bandai. Tire bal game Isu Suaday bel-veau lise Long Grove Orcker JWan ad cUr homue boy@ wu a oue id sUBfir. Tire cracker Jacks von an eas" vimtry. Lspatsky Bics. & Goldberg are seling ont iboti stock belo co1r., sas1 iiray Iteind le Isave lovu befcre Febrnagy. Thora vill be suother chrance for gomabodi 1 sMatl a store st tiré old tand. Umss EIlliBetp vaul leo hîcago lui Tnday le laie cre of ber brolirer Laouis, vire bu beau alsîcitii lypiroid foyer for siu seekabuMtlei.Dov clovly recoveriig. Mn.. LoaliseB.p ta se vovry slok vitir lie same Meki- nom isehéGermais hoapiailunOhf- osgo. Mr. sud M». Seip are havirag bard look sud tlir a ve lira ympaibi of our people. QUENTrINS CORNERS. Lilie Milite Klainamilir i. con- Mies Sophia Bals bas naiunued 10 iribomne asFremoni. M. and, Ms. Aog. Grevai vare ciy visilora one day bast vaek. Oui creamry pald a divideud of 98 cenu aper cvi for Sept. miii>. Aug. Meyer sud fsiily, of l>'emont, speul Sondai aiWin. QLenilos. George Waguar, e! Soutir Chicago. @peut Sundai at BaoryBais'.. Mi. sud Mi@. H. L. Beclalman viiled J. Surm. Jr. sud faml! Sundai. Mr. sud ie. Will Asmus, of Pullman, &peut s les dais sur relatives isene. Ni. sud Erg. AI Bans, et Palatine visitd Geo. Bans sud fautip Suoday. lira. B. Wsauansd kEns. Wm. Stockai visiled relatives at Bailgtoo Friday. Mine Mary Baker in siitiug lu lire cip tira goosi ef han friand Miss Ia Selp. Miss Mary Quentin, of Chicago, Vluited ir parents a fusw days lui ia. Clark Keiea, of Palailue, la Nil tiug irer parente, Mr. sud Mis Cira. Meyer. lerman Poirimman d lady friand Mdisa Bak euanspieant ouling ai Grayalake Sondai. Quits a nubari etOui people atten- dal lire bazaar sud dance at Palallue Thrsiday aveaing. oetaah aloi> lb. puai veok. bus bom Ver lira. Bates, of Wanconda, spent Wadueeday ai Eaasght'u. Sidney Gaffiuior. cf 1Round Lake, ylsied irismotier Tisnrady. soverai cf tire Young people trou harespen& Buday ai Liberiivtlle. Meur. Car snd Elîvan, of Wau- couda, voie Volo cllers Mcuday aller- nocu. M»s. Ntck Front sud son Arhur, cf Kenosira, visiaitdua Jack> Frosis this veki. Paul Avery, 0t Oak Park, viaiied relatives lu tiIs vIcii lirae lsent thea veek. Laureuce Mler, of Wsconsin, &peut lire latter pari cf lise week vilir iris mottier. eUMr. sud *Ui%. Chrie Dillon sPent Bauday sud Sundai vils relatives lu Wankegsu. Mss. John Raiug, William, Cella sud Bannie spaul Soudai ui Framoul vihs urs. Mika Heatal. Mr. aud âErg. Wallon, ot Chicago, bave beau lise guasia cf Barry iNolsolle sud tauili lira pas1 veek. Friday evenlug Ibere sas a surprise pati on Edgar Parker given by thre .'Jojiy labels." Ciames vere plaied, ietreairmaulesaerved aud al report s a very ejoysbie lima. Thse presant vare: Misées Myrtle and Avis aiane. Mari Raugiri. Editi Baner, Jaunie Wallon, Rose BuBon, Meurs. George Cleveland, Edgar Parker, William Dillon, Rolland Tcvuseud, Cbauncey Japson, Franrk Rural, Mr. sud Mrs. Lews Luak sud Mr. sud Mie. Chrarles Parker. HAIN ESVILLE Frank Gould, of Obîcage, sas s visiter ai bis laxu saturdai. Mmn. Jeunule Tucker, ot Chictago, &peut several daya viti reatives hea. Mir. and MEn. Frank Lawsou viited lu Oicage s couple cf days lest veek. Mrs. SairhSherman, cf Englewood. speol tiss eat sitti bei moirer, lirs. Mary DeVoe. Mr. aud Mis. A. W. Wtminre are rejoliig ovar lise arrivai et anolirer liltle daugirler. ROLLINS. Mri. lerrlck sud tamliy have moved tu lirir nas home la Nonibsinn Bts- cousin. Miss Cois Lavis sud Cynthia Harri@, of Gunnea, mards a shiort oeil here Eu'sday. Tire Warkesha Pipe Linaotiu %gan chsugad ands sud lire Pipe isa 'readi being dug up and csirpped le Iudiesa. Mis. W. F. MacLacirisu and deughler Froloricksansd Mir. Auna Bickoson aud mon Dewey, of Grayalake, vaiiad mis. B. 0. Edssrde Mondai. A ftal accident occurssd Thursday, Cacher 23, virile lisresiing on the C. G. Edvard's faim virici renulted lu ihe deati of euee ou moeelpîemietn yeung men. Donr Cremin, tha sideat sou cf Wu. Cramin, virile tbrosiug bondies of graiu en tira plalfrm, ready for hbo baud cutter, tire tonk sluob u ir e bol iraI in rn.rm mtire angine tuter machina, lire eisd of tise fork haudie atnaklng hlm a terriole hIes lunlire glousch. Be vslaken home aud evanytlrug lirai loviug bande and ekilleldectona coul do sas doune, but ire passed âaaitire folIos- lui; dai. Tire bereaved famtly have lire syupalhi of the entire communili. oCh sari ers tire trieuls te part Wtub their Isor oue se coble as ur,,,t 1 Mil prayresud teara ho ses laid B> tire sileocf rutier toue hefore, AVON 058TEZ BCHOOL aNWS. The feiiowtng la lise osui 01 fire examtuatiou irld st Aven Centre, Oct. 14, 1901 ORAPE I Louis Gaîsood....... ........... 0 Gertrude Breyer................. 90 Eva DoolIttîla .................... 89 RIraI Bowling ................... 8 Cens EdvaiIie.............. ...... 8 Maul Besk..ý.....................l5 <CADE 7. Russell Edvsîde ..................- Blanob Deolitle ................. 8 Sadie Rosîlis...................... 8 John Witand f amiiy atleuded 10Llothee----------- funeial oethissubîotirî.u-las, Mn. dlshea 6. Beee ai Baruluglon Frlday. Rosa Wai ....................... 88 Paul Bay, ef Diamoud Lake and Miss Natie Wall ....... ............... Emma Baker, o! Rockefeller, caled on Chailay Olasen .................... 8 friands aitirhe Cornai. ecenîii. Coral Hueker ..................... M Mr. sud Mis. Lei Rayas%, o!hoiesi, Mina Sireldon ............ ........ 8 speul lira latter part of lui seek Coua Geler.......................7( vsiting relatives irs. Mir. Koyes b" Gerlie Gler ......................7f tira misote o l cutie rihiand 05.ADIR . quite adly ith a azor.Albert Deolttie ..................8 qntebail itr iZO.Lyle Converse ................... 8 Afred 8mitti..................... 8 SAUGATUCK. Bannie 8(sn.......... Tira ebreddens biae bean very busy GRADE 4. lu ibis neighboirood lis w5e.0EstReriEnust ................... 8 M. E. Ladies Aid vilî mee itbr@i. Bois Srhdou ....................I Ingrisir uext Tiruraday ai il a. ut FooasaSteldon ..................8, Mir. sud Mrs. Ju. Taylor wîîj Frank Lîlsiler ....................I eniertiluBey. Gilitllsud ve sanudsy. Leo Bisser--------------------... 7 Quatrlny Ocouferanee Selrday itJAÂDa 2. ntgit, Lord'& Supper et Uages M. E. Edwin Sireldon-----------------..iý Chrnci. Tracy Geler....................... Floyd Wali ............. .........8 Dr. Draper, volernary surgacu, et Ervin ock..........84 tâarlinenRoai t. eevr uLeslie fluor-e................ .... 8 En5 eilsf1hv uaulo asEra Williamse......................9 P'OT. 3. Mr. Blrongli to sepneparing I .eeeîe Watt......................9 fon a saea thlie neai future. Mn. R' b Lilviler ............. 81roug gosa le Evanslen vith ie sLuls Geler.............*****'" .... !anssiy. Rubie Lî John EcCann, o! Warreulou, venit go, Russell oUte........ tire 011 lest saab virea ie vas Gearge iliuce.....................8 mariied le lits QuWin, Out. 22. £va Sheidon.....................7 Aller tire vodding lt ip v.l maie Abert Wandall......... tirishomo er*.sboi. lUOIa4 iooef. Born, Moquly go Mr. sud 11.' HmumaitWter, a son. WIU prtoo vas hosrf rontlira City flurday and budai. Mr. aMd Mi». H. B. Flood serae lu lthe City matLiidAion business. F. N. Osggin. et AutOCti. vas here tbe latter part 0f the veek. J. W. Siir reluruad Item his weddiug ltIp Sudi evefing. W. W. Âppleysrd vas i CicagoOBo buainesa saut rîdai afteriiooli. Mr. aiid Mis. J. H. Braciser eponi Sundey viih frienda ai Evausion. Clark Chandler fiilsed ihubshbiug forth lireoscuMondai atternoon. Mise Dora Dixen spuni the tirât 0f tise veek vîth ber ister autussell. Mis.Ormsby apeul lire tirai of 1he week vih en. layler ai Mlltun. Ney J.amb sud vite spent Sundsy sud MondayinluChicago vîi relatves. Mra.P. J. Muore aud Mrs. Puce vialed reltiveu ai Wanoonda Tuaday. Joe Vincent îeturued trou lihe nos Mouday eveing wbere bcbu a spent sevurai veeka. John Austin Io building a fine nov borse barn. iver lires., ot Russell, sili do lire carponler vork. White woîklug fer Mr. Biodier Iset veek, Will MC('iore fell tîom a saffold and rscelved a seriotes injiun 10o bis foot sud subie. lic ta nuabie 10 vork ai preseul. A pleasani pari.y sas giveu aI lira hll UTburgday evsnlug. 'lie bal gîvenl by Kenosisa parules Frtday even. iug wae nol largeli sllsuded but a tlu lime sas eujoyed by lire lew prissent. Hie Lite ln Perit. -- jonet seemed te bave grile aIl to pieces," wrttea Alfredlise, of Weifare, Tex., "bilieususn aslame back bad made lite a burdeui. t cocldsn'l uat or sleop sud feu almoal 100 soru ont te work viu I began te use Elacirie Bit- tors, but ibeî soîked soudure. Nos I sleop litre a top, cars cal sniiirlg, bave galued lu slreuglb and eujoy bard werk." Tirey give vîgorous irealtir sud nes 1M1e le eal, aickly, unu-dosu people. Tri Ibeut. Ouly 50t, ai P'. B. Levux.u, Libeîîyvilio, GBAYSLAIE PMIIMRACY. R BAL ESTATE THANSFERb, Furnilsed by Laie Oouuty Titis A 'Trust Co. Abstracteo! Titis. Tilles Guarantoed Mawnut Temple lildg. Waukegau, 111 LorTis J. GessEs. Soy. ErunrA. Dows arri fins ta Win. F. Ilty i c e rSe a. s .. 1....... ... t46er Peter fluba auris! t. , . &M. file -'7ii it . B.(jestrIp ôsetil.vid. tirro W i7 61 LhIre W54 sert it-ce-il W ....JIesun Edwsin Osboruneu-an fteC. &irM. El,,ctrIc R. B.(Jo inl i 6 eXL i sI., ibro seU21i-2t-44-1 Wd.............trie W Edwin Oshborne ntri si ta C. & M iKisirtrie iH. B. Gi,.striso, ft side tirro part seou 2t-4A-11lwsi............ . xS Edsin Osboerueeti S f vC. & M. Elr'trie B. H. Cri.14 r-r- 1iefi r-rji-« t4 -il vd. .......... ...............ti&M us Alexander Suitherla uittoHH BMutirîw'i lit tirce luswB tir--4-C-Il w il... itel t(m Ciras. St'auldinz and s!f t in WH. Spreuld UMet ai it jr fi MW % sec1-46- onun elle Grant Av., ut Sputiudiug' Coruer-eqo ..........................'i a Ch"s. SrrtrldtiL ansd sf te W. H. Mpauidlts et tai lot in sw% o-r- le-CC- ili unua ideratiid Ave at litrnuliîucc Cernerrq 0............... ...........r ini Anu M. Bpfir -t ai to Jne. 8111cr Innl tires lu n t4 .- f2-45-9 W il ....... 1 r-C Mary Sir-ffel anti tris et ailto Nirbirirî Alexandrl'rSt-rctand sf tae Kilo Hertmrgeî i 8ofi sfront on Wtsurrri- ton St tels,-, o Jerîseu nduti Njrtory Ste WaukrgtU.nW il ........... ut)( Elize 11.-rt-t- nd. suritbru P. W. M Mittoher sig .1,ibit te MEiritr ad l toe iti r--gin uc tris3Sifi e 132ILtsand-61-1,Leo 3U fisW 1.85il r j32 fil)wdi ......................iturria, C H MeCoru I .k and w! tir Il B Ortegory riart lot 3 r. oUi f 1,1 8 o3.tMi and 5 Huasnd 1i unw d.v.I...............C411> 7t Muids S B.Bru awtd r-t ai tir 5111W, A. ir-str-r lot, ni u(ni lbk e Liii,,Bluff jr-3 ý...... .......... ri... 6j oriri Fr->' antii taM H. rBrin nerri ... 4-, i43-C9 i0&ropO tlise ,%, ti nt 1115à -ý B--o- i-c-120i ne s i. tri 0 oCires Bigrîrori i tribunro Gnîrîluos trlliprirtrt y i.,Ill trtoilPark oi vtui v o... . . . .. . . . .. . . . Wirr-icâurr.& W -sm-rn itrîIiw,ty Co. Wn W. K. No ni te Peter A Hînisnoîr rt-r lt-i i bnu M1,1k On uh iti, Wauin-ignwr..................... 120C L. J.M M îi, it fio B.J.lirr-tik- We.ie0 15 ft .Il2-i fi s îr4 ft lot 47 Higiriv.ol-i............ ...... .. 1 0 t.Danri P-.- mund wtto S.. Irr-kwr,ii r-t e liti or <tILlot 47 Ililgiriori, cý..... ................ nitreo ChreJo- i-i tel to eMurECutiirt-- )o i6ean-a-prt eserti- e-osd . .. cet Wtu Bock-arl nd sf tri o Hrrtnioi, lieuRman bt i 1 i3. Sounth WannktIgatt 49 sd ........-......................-uer no MrLtir-vustîld sf te Win. J.. 19 Mettinrslir!loi i Muti rf let 5 L&oeFor,.t q-cn..................... 175 Wm J Matit,w-e snd sfioa J DM i.ririo î5 part tIL orroflloi s0 Lake Ferest qndii J. M kirr-rîtet F. suri L. M. Smitir "ert loir sul,)e! lot 50 Leir-1 Foes't n .. .............................ti G8 . A. 'rnrreiir.iîtandsfIcta-Suil'Pag lots 4i. 4'1. 4i. randct5nlkns Chîcauo 87 Spriua BluffTno..................... ào1 45Hrimar-,Wini,r a-rnul s!trivillage cf Fi Sheridarn nw Bsbd s54@Wb Mou tu-48-1lt ................. se r t- JnOe.P. Woohriy astI wf te Cire. A. Douglas lot lu Scbool Trueirtes eut) 87 Ofoe16-46-12iw eI........... .......t1 86Hanks Kint nd fica Aifri-ri Asur sEo 9 fIL lot i arnd ws25B fit 5 t0roics 82 eu unWenkrgen s d ..............e) 81 Auleroin & Fileie>Companct -iîl- 79 oine Of ittuoriroratIon ...-... ....... Il 84 2 2 80 89 87 7 71 9 .7 81 .1 .86 ,84 ,83 veeks aMy l là aUbUem. Kra. D. V. Watt vu a Oblag viailor rom Prtdaî until SuuuhY. A. B. Combe apat u nuday idOhicago viii> rinnda trou White ioTgeon, M lirh. Ira Sumihba s sld iis feramlu Waueooua lownsbip le partie@alu Ciricago. Mr@. J. cornverse@ sale vas Veli alleuded aud everytitg broogiri a good price. M. B. fluson, of Grayalaka, vua pleaul calier lu ibis vlulullY en Tiauraday luit. Mies Sarahi FOX aud mialat Converse vere ai homne trou FPrtday nutil moudaî morning. J. B. converge tiaexihanged kile preperty ounlire bank cf Woesler Lako tor C. Maîbles farm near Long Lake. Mr@. AunisatleIensudsous sud Hàrry Janas, ail cf Lake Forest, vere guenis cf lire fermer%. brciber, 8. A. Davis lire peut week. Amorcls. amous Beautis.. Look sur herrci ou skia ruplions, bloicties, aores, pltuples. Tisey donl havetiemn ur vit &anyounsvire uae Buckteu's Arnica Salve. Il glorilles lireface. Eciensaor saliBrheiutvanter irefore Il. Ilcures soie lips, chapped baude, chilblalos. Iufallible for Pileg. 25oeta F. B. Lovuu.'s;, Lbertyvilie; GliAvaLAsu PRARMÀCY. WA DSW O RTH. MiesAlice Lux lasilî Improvtng. lira. ieegan, of Chicago, le villitg etP. H. DeLauey's. Tirea as a <ance given lu Joiru Gallagirers s es barn lant Frldsày evouong. Allan Star ban reînted iris fataurte Di. M. Young, of Wankegan. Mr. Star wll inove te Waukegsn te lire. Fred Rai snd Wm. Weteburn veni 1e Wseconstt l]st veek le exsaine the kaud surh a vies le locating tirere some lIme. A pîcuasuerpris5e sas givn C. A. Haydocker lasi Weduesdsy evenlug by iris mauy frieude. Card piayiug sas Iuduîged lu snd ail report s very enjoyabie lime. Erg. W. S. Harrison, eft Ruting. Neb, srllea- 'Gland me a 5ite jar of "ýMoihe&s' Salve" ai once, as My 11111e boy le subjeet te croup, sud tIeI la tire boat tbtng I ever uned. Tire seatirer la favorable fer croup sud I uever sant te bevibhoniti' ."Easy 1u u. Qnlck 10 st. FOr saoby F.Bi. LOVZLL,l LIberîrvilla; tiusisLAKE PusrIth[ACY., l'rice '25 oents. RUSSELL. Mr. Tarusi Susudayed irereý MislMay Corna ejpent 'irsesday lu Chiicage. Bonace Itryl l4 viifina lefrians lu tht-s vicirity. R. G. MOnrris andifarui sprintlieu- day lu Koueshba. Mir. sud lire. Crawford, rof libioaba, spent suuday ho itusli. Mdrs. Tiromas, of Wankegsn, ires bentire geset of ber motrer, bIns. Wortir. mien Amy Amers ias rpeued ber 0dreeeamaklug ebnt;s lu MimasFormnau s building. Mr. Mason sud famiy, ef I'Leaé1ut1 ro Prairie. viilterl at Mr. Gundersons Ilet Sonday. Dudloy Neseli returnent home frcm irrrieseCiy, Iowa, wsireulireiras beeu aileudlng echobi. Tire Sanday acirool sil have charge of lire servies aI lire 1lishehuîch neit suurlay morning. A meeting wili beireld In tire ctinri'h nuIt Menday ntgirt for ptsrprîse of enganizhng a liicrary society. lire. Stetiauder relurued 1e ber hrime uin Cbicego lutI Fridsy afier a veels4 viesi irh ber aunn, Mrs Nicirois. i9 >ru want bandbiie, If you want envelopes, If you vauit colored work, If you vaut business cards, If you waut lasly letter bads, il iountauns icesitiig carde, If you vaut weddiug Invitations, If yon vant sny kind of job work, Leave your orders ailthe INIDEPRNIENT office and have ibem execnled in the fluntmauner adsudhbe ahortesl lime possible Chancery Notice. state Of Illinois, .8. Lake (Jouut>'& Circuit Court of Lake Count,. Derromber tr'rm. A. D. sell Hermon teilinq vs. lirougret M. Brand. Alexander1T. lirand aud Amelia 1YlBrand. bis wife Ales G0. Wiste and GeasoWbhte. ber irueband. fieton W. Harpes5andriJam2es Harper. ber bueband. John Roder andi Emme Roeribis wsue. Louis Roder and Matilia lodr, iis site. John P. Wbattleesud Mari& Wsttk'r. ibis te. Frederi'tk Kommeyor. Fred fKnugean d Dura RKuag. bls ,lfe. Mary Heliresualtnaud George F1H1, ,sur ber hubsud. Heur>' Kul ge snd Lquise laie. hies ite. Louise peeit e sidos. John lifias uad Barbera ROIS bia Whioe Minute Rudolphi and Charies 11r.oipb ber isugband. Emmas Hairbercer. sidrrw. iSeele Ruinaesud Jennie Rat". biesite. Wiiite Kohleand Hattis Kua"g. bise wt., sud Cukuowu Owuers et sudpersoneiuter"eted lu tire resi estate desurlbed Ilu tire Billoi Ujompliut irrelu 1usd. lu Chanoery. No. 1243. Satiefaetaryaffidavit tiret tire defeudant'. Mar- rtM.Brend. Alexander T. lirand and AmlintF* Brand, bis wite. Ailes 0. WhYte aud George G. WlryIe. ber hubard. sud neottW. Berper sud Jamon Harper.lir busba-ad are ot reidenta of the 13tate of Illirs. no that iroceas caunot bc areri Uccu tireu or eilirer of tirem aud tisai the il nuownuUweerg of sud persroue iutorrtîri lu the rolsaiie drecrîbedlu tire Bill of Compinlt flled herelnupurou due luqulry rauuoi 1 b u ori eo tiraiprrrcese caunot h. served upou iirsm or "ither cof thon. bsvIn~ besufieluIntire office of thre (lork of! aak Court Notion le Iberofore hmrebi- glven 10 tire saId above uemed suri ukuowu defeul- auto tbat tire bove usuier compiaiuait bers- tofora fied bis Bill of CoxplattIl sait Court. on tire Cirsucer>' aide tirereof. and the, a Sommnuus tirereupou lssed out of sald Court ageluet tbe aboe s umed defeul- ante. rotor tab0 ou the fret da- ef tiretarru ot tbe Circuit Court oft Lake t)ouuiy te ire ireld aitirhe Court soupe lu WakzsuIn sald Lake Counui. ou tiratiret Mousa'f December A b. I«sas le b>' 15vreriuires and viricbi in tI all Pen Ins. I-avre you seen our line of Trunks andTelescopes? We are giving good bargains in Men's Winter Clothing, Boots ý& Shots. Tennis Flannel a......... soc * Lrems G(oods, per ydt. .......8c *Calico, Ribbons, Bed Spreads, Iloods, Mittens Corne iii anîl inquire 011F pricem hefore biuyiug elmewliere. Our Groceries--ommob Are a weil selected'stock new and fresh. W. W. IEdwards, Graysiake. polatoe dtggar, fead en rtier, fauuiug mlii. coron hllr 14) boisa poser moutaied, 4 borespose, jack>, Wooedsiug osciieg. cr008 Oui sa., buckl sas, 3 seadoble soi> Sil seil ntIIaipublic aisction at Mymi mii>vat.itM Pr. ie longs. Ica ebill.te laee roeideuce ou tire pisul roaItIooks, iray carrier wsur 150 I nope, mile Weri$etfWarrentou (ircrvp stalît i 'doublebarîtonun tortin snsur)ipaleO4 on Mouday November 3,. îlot. , om- I regon vîti 2 ar-ts rdfvirean. trunck mnenciug etIil a. m. sharp lie folIow-i wagon siih trou sheea, ligiri lbree lcg property to-vil. 0; tresil milI sprlug sigou, vari, sulky, obd buggy, 0rr 2 t itir caîves by sirt, brifer13 Cainren baIlles, î50 sap buokats, l18 mosncnid, testaitsouk boises 6Casdrr) i Ba Idsti anidie. 2 hsy imoba. Wood years nid. St sbrrnlt 280r.;double sork r 11 a, grvebIox, 12 turkey.. cirickeng, ibr'sres rrarly nus, single haaites1 'Àiarrel chorus, chians. noe bouse. doubîle wagonu,eingle wagon,. t olld fltir and arilysu rtirer tigs buggy, movai, iborse rak, absoult, lto nttmcrorrr trimentinu. Hegisî loue o! limothiibeys, etsel ut millet Iterme i.F. I .,Pîop. 6 tous, stsck otbirav, l16 acres et coin W. H. Ar'r'Lay, Anctieneer. lun shool, quautiy eofironsebold goods, P8PNI AE torks, sirovels, sud many otier articles T i'Otdri0ned All ot.e ubi ton numarous le uesge tlsi Ipbi Bogular terme, auction, o'nlire A. E. tissu fi&m ai CONRDsu sU Hsrs, Irrip 155abio5, uts Wurnemitiy Nov. 6, 1901, W. R. Ait-bRo, Auctioneer, ctmntztmr'ttc12,0a.lm. s hirp, lire foi losica properti, le-vit: l40 bead et 'ire unrlersIgssed trehng abourt le cibtti-, 7 lss hnbrifera 10 salve lu neturove tr i "rglnia, vii seli at public NI are h. 7 Durhsam ieifena le calle lu auc-tou atitirs residence itu Liberty- Marcir, 2 lieifers coming ln lu Maichr vtille, Saturday, Noveuil aer1i. jq2 heffere coming tinlin January, 1 commeuclug at 12,3() p . .earp, hlr bifer crrmhog in lu December. S fnliositng propeîty tr-wit: ( ifltera vils ralvee b! sirle, balance uienatîs, crockery, frust cane, 2 sasi 2-yr.old ire'hfeis. Regriar terme. bowssasd pittcbers, sasir tube, sasis- J. N. t)5rtAARI>, Prop. board, flet itous, setncr'okei. breal W. H. L.n'PLsr-, Aucioneer. psu, 3 jirngiog lampe, col, mouidiug Hsvlug eold my faim ou tire vea board sud pln, plus11 camp chair, gIda of Wooster Lake 1 mile nerlir-ess Parleir moquette oarpet, lugiails caipel. of Blg Hollos sud 3 mlles nortir of art square carpet, gond nsg carpet. '2 Vole viliisai I Pulic *uotion ounlire sets porîlares. 10 lace cuntins, 2 bed promises, Fridai Outober 31. 1202. toema curtains, marteait poies sund cemmeucîulg ai 1 p. m. Sharp lire titurai, 3 oak bedrcom sale 3 place foIllvg propeili to-vît: 9 hesd eascir-vitir ilgi, hedtead, dark bod it-Oolesca ceasoame mllers sous roieom set t place wsur epringe, epriagers. 2 voîl boises, fiue mare dting roomn extensien table, kitohan coel, 50 cirlokene, sel sork haine'., extension table, sinebail, coleta, inglaetiarnese, wagon. bap rack, lump boolcaae, 6l nockIng chaire. 12 cane eas& buggy, single buggy. salktng boltom chirera, sble top center plos, vallngcullivator, irros, nome table, oeil conter table, natmunie c&crpeuler Wois. 2w A0 sirof cern lu Standi, 3 slnt stands, kitchen steve titelt, MIme clovai bay, Oi0 bu 0f cale, for Wood, ireatlog steve for Wood, 8 uilk stripping cane, mili> pale and clothea bars, oarpel svesper, meintitepans., cook steve nearly nes parler dlock, several amsUl clocea iesiug ergan. tce box, chairs, tables, bd machsina, 2 Roman testesud eiher lounge. sovingacissue. haufngg aup, Humaens articles. diabi, etc. Regulai terme. Regutar Terme. JH. A. HITCHCOCK, Prop. C. R. SHERMtAN, Prip. WALTER WHITEr, AsoIintte0t. Adsnhniotratou'e Sale. Theeriodeisignar I 11l i eat Pnhttc anction go e reiigirruat aud irept btddeî for osir, the folloslng ou Hattiiday Nov. 15, 1902, comuenciog si i P. M. 36J aoies cf gocci fanas land aud 4 acres W. H. APPLEVI AUCTIONFERI. Libertyville -Illinois. of esmoar lan. urepansi sea nosu as lcty BalecI. BHeny Mllmauu faim, loricen t a FaitSeld. Termes cf sale cash. i arn propa>'et te baiseibay fer any AcOaVcsrOLLN0s, Admittato>' deslclng te have tram hsy balel. AUj' HERYraTSErt, Auctieueaî. orneis promplly allenried 1e. W. Q. Tho auudersigued su! ssIi a% pulic utmPoirw, Everelt. Long dîstaflce auctien, ounlire preurtees, iocated two 'phone Fvoy-, tJeu. 1. p miles Soethrof Balf Day andtI Iirsud ens'-ialt mules uorîb ef Wheelicg. MA GE W NT D lneeiiaî, Nov, il, 1902, cvrmelleing et MA GE NT D 9 s. m. sharp lire foiloving preati, TOitin . mpliD a trusortilî to-vil: 26 ireari 0f osîle ocruistllig of lady r r gautle.msîn te mens u f Ybusl. 16 ehcAce cowsapart nes mllets, tîslui e rlyosaj g terri- balance giving rlîl, 1 Iturcolt b>' L hf ,olis uajligtri sida, 7 rugi grade Durham iriteis, tn OuirInorrs- 1I-i sasd tavenabît 2-yrs-old beavi sprngsrs, 2-yi-olnl knowcr. Durhram bull, ireifer 18S mentiracoi, $20,00 Strslgrht Cash Salarnsd ;ii,- heifen 5 menthie ointgayi or"n 8 3'd5 Expenses pal Each Week bi Check aid wtt, 5,giaymare 12 ypsnidcr wv 1400, bsy maie 9 ire nid tot 151),1 irs direct from lleadquarters. Expeuse testa S pis nid ws230i0, 7 i'tlasin hina muronci sdvannrcen; preshoîns expelleuice sowse sir pigs. 2 Folaul chiasbosa isrrc ap énition petuiuitt. AI-. 7 menthes aId, 20 sircale 7 monthe olI, nremseThromas J1. Cooper. Mamsg.r, 50adr a, la arn -0@4Yl slb inder, 1040 Caxton Bidg, Chicago. .p 2 acres aseal cern toi fodar, soe cern alib, 200 bu estn, about 50 bu Notice. potaoas MoCruhti> meva nenli Hereafter 1IWviili gnd at Myimilsî la B doBcoa>,c vuu s.eySlta.T Oq Uold Weather is Uofig Great Bargains (Inderwear and c1otbino *&,331 per cent Discount. Special -Sale on ic: Boots and Shoes, Rubber Boots, (iloves, Mats and Caps, of quallty that wve guarantee. Matches (not ili the' trust.) Cet Prices. GEORGE B. BA1TERSMALL, Hainesville, Illinois. Ar Bad Coughs Il1 had a mad cougir for six vecîs sud could Sund no relief un- it 1 îried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. One-fourtir of a borle cured me."' L. Hawn, Newingeon, Ont. Neglccted colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronlc bronchitis, pneumonla, asthma, or consumption. Don't watt, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses wll cure you then. ' i rais Coe-fýUi ardr-ctr. If iemeys 1515 it Ao yeres Pilla cure any tendeucy to icmusneas or consipation, and thus haste n reccvery. Purely vege- table. Genîly laxatIve. J. C. Av= Co., Ma. in