CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Oct 1902, p. 5

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There's N'o Use trying to make a tenîder piece of meat ouit. of a touigh one, but yoil catli have tender We Seil Meat That Can't be Beat for tidrîs and wliole. our re.gîlar customers say thîey get realIy niie meats liere, anîd the, eîit. too, lit ighît. TRJGGS & TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. Wt'ê'(Io rep~airiîig on alf kiwids of sinîall iisrlf.îL. Ttiîiîg anid jîoilislliiîg 1poanfttîd orgalis. We îvan furifi î iiytliiiîg ili Lut. hue of Victor Talking Machines Columbia Graphophones. DARBY BROIMS., Lbertyville -- Illinois. WINTER 600-DSO' Our shelves contain a complete and varied line of tiens, Womens and Childrens.... A nice line of Ail WooI Waist Goods andFIlannels. 'FLANNELETTES l 40 patterns. Cotton, shaker and Tennis -LA N NELS, -SNIIIH& DAVIS,_ OGeneral Merchandise. 4.4b~ryIIIIos PIKDUP HERE AND THERE. & Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Eflect Suadiy, September 28, i9o, et moi0 a. m. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO VIIE DAim. vICIi 10-,v D)ePart Prom Nesw Oopot. Arrive ut New Dev Loive liifertrIlle Arrive Chicago. . Clinogo. Ardu.. I laI ...5:17 I . ........ 10:06 a. lu. NO. 131i. . 74a. !CI...... 140 ..5:18 a. lu ........... 10:14 a. m. - ii.....aie30a. lu -144 .. 2:up P......:0. M. ......210 Pi. M. 1 .1:4 . lu............Bis00P. m. 137.4..:00tP. m @ Davin Bs*-143 ...:06 P. Inu. .. .... ..... .8:1716a."»u...........l1:08 a.ln. soNnDAi *140 . i:......91 Lm. ..... o0:îCIa. M. No. 147... 9:01i. M, 148 ...... 7: ,.l u . ............0 . t l M3. 2.1011,lM. P S . . .u .. ... TO CHIICAGO. vaiX V4im. DOPart From OId Depot. LeOaveLiifortrvilie Arrive iio. l ..... 6:ua. m. ............f:84 a,. lu ....ia. E.............8:45 u. 10,48 a. a 3:48 P. m 4:021 3:48lp. n 7:02 p. M. M. M. FROM CHICAGO. Arriva 8t Oic flepot. LyClîlvago A o,..Lib.'rlyvillo,. -141.1 1........ ..20pBM :34 p. M. i8'No Traîns Arrive or Leave Oid tatIou Stîn'ay,. Mat Pealor moved tutuhie Day Ben Miller Witt ipelak ai a republil ruldense on Cook Avenue Ibis veek. cau raliy at Wîuconda Satnrday nlght JUSil arived, à ca.lîad of York 81818 i gobc atiended and particlpaled lu by apples. Forsaile ai Waltonda. 4 -d. the county candidateu ()f coure Beu <iro. Lusk, uho for several mouthe la0flot a candidate, butilm, may bc BOne bai cared for Dr. Galoviy'a hors« la ' ndwe takle t il ij, "Kt gettlng hie Dow worklug for 0. 1H. Schnock. band lu. '[ha experi"rce wlii prove befleicil, whea hoaKavprea te the A. K. Bleuira, Indopmudeut candi- eouaty judgesbip, foritnotance. dte for sagae reproienlutîve addreaaed_____ a meeting at tbe TovnlitWedneb- dey uight. Bchool Notes. Mine Bertha IKnox vbo reeutiy aoid Ti igh cbooi vou 'vcond premlum ber faritnteher brother Louia, la at Oni wOOd exhîhît, 00n$.,ting of trana. praient alaulug vitb ber alaler, lira, verse, longitudinal - ::î Bgentiai W. J. MoBrIde, lu OChicago. sctinascf a bielo ho prain ExcelilOr Camp No. 387, R. N. 0f A Jun vas 55 o(). Wbat bi:aii we do wtb mineels iet ai radîy aflornoon and ? tbîrd Tbunay eveniug of eaeb montb Severai change@ hav Ci)en made ln CLARA B. MILLIER, Recorder. aesta la the achool. ' i ree have been The adie Atd01 he Mthodstadded te the higb icbool, two raya of The adis Ad 0f18eMetodia Dao ael&Out@inthe third room n d the cburcb viin give a 10 cent Sea at the $esta la thesoond romr have ipen honms Of Croker (1h18) Fridey made to face eant lflatad of aouth. iflernoo0n. Ail cordiaiiy invited. lu tihe morIUing01 avù day the tbird E.'1B' Cark, Of Oorado SPri][ga, Jear lu bigh 508001 mRyd the eigbtb formeriY of Barringlon and Lake grade excbaoge ameth(l. elghth gradei Zurich, a veil, knovu Laie Cony coming lu thea 81gb m(:1,00 room te0 refidoul, la vllnig bie brother ai takre algebra. Aflterthe algebra clami Lbertyville. the Engllah iliteratureclams lm langhti n The street ligbti vire out of ser vice %fie 81gb sebool by lil.i Pearsaîliand Tuendîy lgbl, oviu«gtethe tfi e lie e7tb gratte arithmetic hy Mr- cipanity of one dynamo eaithb ilgisi IOIIPP. plant vu overtiedand il viwuscea. mry 10 abat il dovu. Unclaaied Letters. 'lh.. ltota ulciamed iett..,-.. ilLi lautyville lialiuel Trigge hua broken ground îîi' î 1, for the u.., 'dgNv. i fora neovostory dvelling belveen Wlan 'vlllaafor thes ettot. ..ay'av. hie proeut home andlir@. li.aou'a tiaed> Mmý ,lllggl-., Ne.Niko Talrfi' proporty ou Mlvaukee Avenue, vbîcb WARaEN M. BRATE,s.'tmasî,,r. bo propose@ tn rout. The Lasdies of Laeide Cemetery Feed For Sale.à Asocation Wii mfet vitt Mra. E. W.* 1 wilî bave a car of viol graina onu Parkhurst Fridayaflernoon Nov.? Itjruck et Lltwrîyvilie, katiir.ay Nov. 1.a Winioi beahusss eeting and thora 3-2-p 1). HERCKuc. viii b. vork, bancs a full atieudanem la deIrod. D t oditPa. Wban slimitera uS end raccîve 50 cents a yard for draviug gravel from the plI 10 business center of town, it1h au Indication of proaperuly tbay enjny, bout t te expeuse of recelveraofetlIe gravai. E. J. liidoia bu reuled Tho,. Corlett'm farn uortb-vest a! lova andt viii taiePossession naît aprIng. lin. Mudolo purchasoi ta ain aIleny Kine'a mie aI Dianîond Laks ibIs veS. Dr. lBobinson's aubjeci buuday MOrD. lugtuttlise M. E. ebnrch viii b. "-wbal toit Love@." Iantise eveniug --Christ lu Unr Pouieso. The latter lia alime- ly unit practicul aubjeci lu viav o!rlise eoing lbectlon. Charme bitaer and son Frank vba rani lise Protine frm vest o! lova viii inOve labo lise vElage naît spring. Mir. PralIne bas reuted the furm le a lir. Anderson, Of Lake Foret, vbo lakes posiesson coui tarcb. Chau. Kalar bu leItishe contruet for i cemeni vailS lu front or bis siores, te Fred Masters. Fapudublon for amore Ia nov b6iug put lu, und tbe vilk viii b. balIt naît veS. Every businusai bouse ouMllivînko., Ave. norlb o! Cook Ave, ezceptiug the Schauck block vilii beu bave cament valkSa OPPOSIle. FridaY ulgist îla-algbl> la Halloween. Cilîzenf a hait i se 10 il natbiug 10 1e1b about tIbuel eiaseaucarry oif and the lada botter bave a cars leat lbey raf uli bthe elulobes o! the ]&v. A li111e innocent funu la ail veil and good, but iteauiron of ptoperly la uel go b. toioated. Jîmes Cirpentor, suginsot ut the eleotric llght Pan$, basresigneit bia Position,.lir. Orpentor declares thal' vils the large &Mountiof von reqairad Of au luidequate equlpmneuî, il la beyond bis aility 1n give ailiafaetion 10 Patrons. He furîbor Islseh Position aisouid pay a mueb botter ialry. Banco bia reaignution. Dr. B. H. bonîtis, baîrman 0f lise republican lova commioo nla la recelpt o! nas large volume, Adjutini Generalao Reporta, sent hlm by G. B. Lyon for the village, ta b. Sept by blm uill suel itIe as tbe vllage ha A propor Place la keep tbora. Thse report& certain an anthentie aud lntereRting de-aripllan of ail ont vars op ta and icclug the lpanimb var. Joe llitîirgalberadit@bisappie trop l'ilg wverad temporarîly place theb appies lu birrela fleur hie hoase. i neadav nigifI sema one maile avay villi aui arrala o!f1theboiceat.Joea vanta Ibase uppla sund -wants tbemn bat. but If tbe robber vomi roturu %hem wvould ai iaa$ like ta bave tise barrets, sud iflbèXaIeiov or folova von't bring éliez bueS, vby Jus viii ties lé ont lu b.llug gao und plenly A <Cfl"agog(flan Liaiobaervod -Good dedm are botter Ibmn rani t-»tlo deed8-%vonîncof the ratier are uortbiesa. Ad t ,ldiy and gentiy. show avmpaîby amli leno a lheiping baud. ion ahtpuilyls yi. 11o8t men aPPreclate a kind word and encouragement more Ihan auijtanîlal balp. There arc porsons lu Ihis cern. munlty Who mlght irnthfully Bay: "Miy good friend, cheer up. A few doaes of Chamberlalas Cougb lRemsedy wiii rld yen of your rold, and tiire la n danger wuhataver f rom pnuomonla whcs en On athlat imodicine. It Biaa cure. Ikno itfor it boasbeiped me ont manUY atlime. Soit by FB. LOVELL f.ibertyvillis; GOAYSLAKE PHAIRMAcy. PEOPLES' COLUMN. Ad* aad.,rthis hc.. a, alvays ha p.ld ia .dyaaoe. Rat, Sa c.op-erliae, r.ok, warda s tstltnZ a lia, WiANTED--to -nt,î amaul tarm 'ita VV acres. JOB.lEiiIi 4-i1ty ii. FOR SALE 10 yo,îîj ,6g g A. J. .iîi wA ANTE-To rent à frmo!from g0o oI2) VVar... at b, g I iad LApple iL thia 0fi06.o 14 WiANTEI)-A brluai , :y. vlililu t. abrk. VVo i.vrn Prlntors traOl,,This offi. FONlAark brow. v:oa ou CookA, May havý amaa- bv i'.1oîflyiugnd paylou for tiijad.E.. uio.Leryi-.3 BEN8J. M. MILLER, Atteraay. Adjudication Notice. Pbl'Notice la lgvan hat ii' Sub'.orib&r Exec,trlî :of .s mt Wilfanrf 1,eo.tomovî oOf Fred 'r-l 'bei deopasecl ail. atWnd:1the 'County (Conrt (, Lits Coust, at aterrn tb,,r,oftoteb, ii..I:eflaI the Coirt iousm' ln WaUifegraD. ivonid Ceunt. on th. firaI lionIat Ot Joutaiot f1. I2006 vbuand vif , ail Parsons l:a,ina cdaim. agraluet saIý'estatO, are nOtfetll,,andt reriuealed to presonth-b salue t a Bail court for adjudîca- HEaulsca TnEîcaL. Ezecutrir. Waukazan. Ocicibe i,. 1»2 4 IsENJ. Il. MILLER, Attorney. Adjudicationî Notice. Puile Notice lamif,r:'I:y givan Ihî tif., Hufscriber ExeutrIa :of the lui Wii and Tosaoment orC brlstoplier liagaire decelsed ai attend thse County ('ourt cf Lite Couuti at aterau tiarof ta b. fofdeu uttheIouort Houas la Wauteimn. In vaid Oounly, on tifs liraIlMondlai, ofJanuare f011. 1506 vison ....l abers îîiliVersons Ifaviof Gaî a"SinaI Raid stata are uotllAl and trequnoafaitle presint tif,, 6011e ii ailt Court for adjudica. tien. Lîrîxa MA,Mric. Execotri Wautcgon, Outaiser 20. lmo. - 3-4 M Amr Dysp Opsi-a Cure Digests what you est. Ittaftidtliydîes tho foodand aida ltzatueoin trengtb zlgme mdvon- Structlag the exbausted digStive or gens. 11 a hte latest dlacveiedigeste mt and ioule. No other prepaaition !ta y i.ljvand rmnailesa TUE NEW BANK WILL BUILD. Brick Ordered for Firt National. jIl G, Gardner, of Tîtonki, lowa, Who wllh ivo gentleman of ihat saie are 10 tarI a Fitot Nationail Bauk lu Llbertyviiie, va boes Ila yack Perfectlng arrangements for lise etîb- iiahlng cf tise auterpriae ibisa fui. ln conversation vils the edilot lMr Gardner iald. "-We bave ordered brick for a nav building, 10 be incaled on the i'roctor alto on Mlwiauke Avenue. We bad bopedtl e haibis 10 rani a ptoper bufidu, sas to buld viii delay aur ioeatiug here saume. Nov- over, If ibis fine veuther conlintnea a l1111e louger vo viii be able 10 finish ai leuail a iumieat portion of $the structure 1h1s fi 1e alow of opening the bank befote îov lys and ise remainder cia ha compioted lu the apriug. The vsry fiel 1 can naither reul a business or reaideuce building lu your tovua, la to mseucouraiîg. Il goesa 10show lise prooperily a! your comrauntty. --As@ teour banà(, l vîli ha capitallzoed ut 125,(1Mw)ad 3e the ouly national bink lu the oounty oulside of Wiu- kaga, vbere I nndersiand there la oee --l viii move boes utb My famuly ln a fsv veeke,,and lu tise mokn lime vank of construction ou aur builing ba ruabed." Official Publication. teportoaithe aondItion of tleMerlieants & Farmera lBant ai Orayaluke, State 0f Iliiols. beforo the cooimenosment 0f huai- nasa ou the itb day of Otober. 1101saa ds to tihe A,,dlter or Public Awcounts. for ti HNai or 1 lfnois. pursuant in iav. aRaouu<za. Loanoanauleaouuta ........... ..3m,513os tJvrdrafts ..................... ....&C 7i Duo, rrom tState Bauts and Baukerm.. 9a6" à- Expeusa Awout........ .... 1326 Chooksansd otbr aash Item..... ils ne C'ash on band Goid Cola........................2esoù 8u ver Cola ........ ................ 24e i0 LeigaI Tender and Treaoary Notes. 4.321 ou Fractînnai Currency. Nteaud 0(enta ........... ..............a6 06 Total .................sô.iu10) LIABfUaiICIF. Capitai Siock pald ln. ............25.s4e oo d t.ndili,l.d l'rofIts ....................57 99 Demaud DeposIts. lndivllual.. .. 2.9840 C.'riiva,'o 6.4 7i Total ... ........ si.a a Stat',o iiui.- niî fLia i 1. P. A. Robinaou. i'nsilent of Merohant. &Farmza Bank, do soiomniy esurr Iat tifs above 5!tement 18 tri, te theaboait of lut knf.dg 'yd0,elle! P. A. Itersîva. i'refflet. Snbscrlhed and avorn u teberame Ibisigti dat of Octeber. lm0. 44-3 JCRsJ. LaoasaucH. Notary Plbic(. Say@S ie DI)d Not Leave Wltb Bruce. lira. Tiseodore Fencultter returned Monday froini month'a tnIp, during vbich Bihe viatod friands lu Iluinote sud Micbigau. lira. Fencutter eaiied upon the editor and desires us 1a publiab a etitemeul for ber ta the affect aise did ni$ desert ber hasbaud and bus not seen J. H. Brue, vhom the INDEîPENDENT saud abe vont tu Chicago vllb, alace bier departure from Chicago Ou the @ame day abs lefi Llberty vIlle. Sbbc fanr'dociarsd Bise loftwt Mllr. Foncuttera saaviwedge, and ubatever mouey ashe loek vus vîtb bis consent. As Others Sec Us. LihartyvIlle, vbicb viaul isuif the sîze cf Ilurrlugton, 'Palatine or Arliug- ton Hieighte, ton yara ago bau stiad- ily paabed go the front la 1he anale of progrea i liinov asela envied by Iii aiqter lovas, Baya the Palatiua Enter. priase. 8e hbaselactnieligbls, presi. dential postoffice, fattIruin service on the Milvaukee & Si. Paul Ruliway and a asu double lrack electi r ati- rad cannectlng vllb the laie shsore clles. Ali Ibis bas benu brougbt about by i reasouabis degrea of entier- prise. As regards ilarrIngton va are nos envions of 1he pretty and progres. &ive village flarîbosat of!n,bat va uiîh aur business mca vonld abov tbe aime dagrencof enlerprîse Ehulifeeted by tise merebanla o! that place. The businessuono! Libartyville have ad- vuuced the Interesa sof Ibeir lowu by lnviling Industries la iocate thora undt makiug il an objcî for thoeaIo da so. Barrînglon, on the cantrary, la ad.- versa te pauading lseadvuntages be- fore the ecîside vond. TisatIolathe dil!sreuce. Advsrlising paya.-Bar. FOR GIRLS AND LADIES HAVE ARRIVED 1 parebaiod for eiah the t very niceal lino of vintor 1 cloakairs1have ~rbeen abie tao btain. ti'ey are aIl atriclly up-bo-data lIe«1 1902 patterns. 1 bongisi thoem rigist and wvii oeilse- cordlngly. 1 eau pieaie you la cloaks- hat'a certain. MiY lino cf aboas, dry gooda for vinler voir came îlotig luinae aipment. Von eau nol afford 10 bu! vitbont î aoeing Ibani. Tbey ara moilern, rlghtlnl prices, correct lu styla, auperior lu i îaiity. " ubrtyvIIIe- a - a Uu. 1 jLovoiI's Drux $tom. SALE@ In order to make room for fail goade, we are offering special induce- mnsfor the next two weeks. rne nt4, batiteand ifimitiea, former1 y loa lc, a n0Dow ... 8c Ladi,-y 2UimjintUnderwear, ilt:Ijiîg Nigbtgous, Cr foyers, Nbirtm and Drivera, 35e t< .. ...... Mena Nerities, 100, 10 Menua Uuderwear, 25c, b.. . 11 5-Sc1 51.50 Labilea lloiery, plain am(i fancey, lop 10 Mtena Jaueivii]e Overalaf, the standard lu prîce and qaiiy, Par pair, 50o gle.. .8C Chi(itrenas Scisool Stockiogs. fLc and ............ ..........23 Mlens O loves, dreasanad verk Slnd, lie la. .Si.30 lieus Faecy bblrta, Wool Droesa Gooda, a large, caniplete linso!ofCash. mores, Brtllilintous, Obevio a ui uaveity dreaagoodes arigb plea. .$1,001 'Led hosand si~ More variety and better assortment than evoe L.adies' Feit Lined Slîoes ...............$1 3J5 Ladlies' Fine 1)oîgola Shoert, Cloth Tops, with Wool Fleece Lining ............ i 30 Very fine Kid, Cloth Topîs, Wool Fleeced, ini Lace and Buttoti, $2-25 quality. ... 1 73 Children'H Feit Lined Sltoes, size 9 to 12. . 73 Misses' Shoeit, size 13 to '2....... ....... 8 Clîilds fine Feit Slhpîw)rH................. 60 Misses Fur Trimmed Felt .JîiljetH ......... 8 Ladies' Feit Stipplers .................... à oo Ladies' Fuir Trimmed Jitiiets, finest goods of that sort made, $1.75 value for. 35 THE FAIR, Libertyvihle - - - - Illînols. QILS ...PUR AietyvLei' DRUGs.... Drug Store ILET ARTICLES :RFU MES LTENT MEDICINES ýO VELL, - - Illinoi. For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You get the ixîcreased and growing service of thse Lake County Telephone Company ansd conlition wlit th Chicago Telephone Company. P4or Information, rates, etc., writ ...... CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, der, fsi bis voiS barime, ebOiel e SIt rope, le, truck gblthe Id buggy, Sback.ata, 5ki. Wood chiekens, ne bouge- i,, Prap. aIpublie nl tarin as g.birp, lb. 40 bead of culve la calvo tu la Murch, ýauuixy, 1 webr. 3 e, bulance rms. Jn, Prop. i 18e V&A nortb-ea.i i orth of Ion ou 18e 3i. fOI, sbîrp the ;: 9 hesi Lors som@ fine mare k humusw, rack, lump . ulkiag rrov, nmre o! corn lu al 0f omls, pallesund ev parler &bios, bed îglag iamp. ME, Prop. Wr. EV. Illinois. qy for any baiod. A le. W. 0. g diaster -ont totl. luing terri- 1 favorably ary end ;ïl, by Check. Mane, %4-P in ail lai q 1 t c h p si p d p 'w 81b b ICI] B ri 1 : 7 ý û&, ý 1 ibertyville Illinois. ,

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