LAKE COIJNTY IND)EPENDENT, Vol. XI-No. 5. Libertyville, Lake County, IllInolsé Friday, November 7, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. C-oId Wu fe ad or 4t O L Prepre or jst hatcondition of afrairs by ôrehriîîg now pour Winter Suit, Overcoat or Trousers. Seec my samples of Fail and Winter Wear anîd Isarttn y pricem. They're righit. FRED CROKER, LIBERTYVILLE'S TAILOR. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, Office ovor Trlgge & Tayior's. eue *05-tolla&m. itoiade.toftv.n osid n r oadltir'wayi, <tîporeit, 'eu. Librrtyville -Illinois. D.E. H. SMITH, D. DENTIST. Office over Lake County Biank Bonn,: Ato 12 a. m. uandl 1 t,ai,î ms. PAILI Libertyville - Illinois. Office over Lovel'a Drus Store. BUOV5&-from 1 l 6 Cnt o m J, M u. Libervyville -Illinois. Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, of Chcano, ha»* opened a DENTAL OFFICE ButioeBioek.over Hmtth&.1IaVI8 , o Iertyville - Illinois. bý1. R. GROVER, M. D. 1Physician and Surgeon. ýockefeIIer - Illinois. r.H .B. YOUNG, Physlclan and Surgeon. Dr. 0. M. GROVER, Homeogathie Physicien andi Su rgeon apeelal ateniton alvon t teM --tve r r Women n sd ChrruteDsr par thrffl ?r*reProf. e t jrrirr î.r trîrri, r and JNedirtai J rr0) lr~yInelrrlrr M.edai rfr.. Iirît. Rockefeller Illinois. BENJ. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. *GNaNca 51.0CK TELEPI4OME NO.2 Wol WIAttend to Busines..In Chicagfo. Libertyville - Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attornesy and Counsetor et Laiw. NOTARY PUBLIC. Office over Lake County Ba nk. 1 Llbertyville - Illinois. MISS FLORA COLBY LAKE COUNTY -a LIBEITYVILLE REAL ESTATE Hiav in g a fmeru înuresfor Tea, entate bereibou te i does10t liât prop. orly of tbo" antublg in ael. fhave s"me xpleud d bargaina for tuen' rr D. C. LORIMER, -i LINCOLN LUSK., AUCTIONE£R. P. 0. Addreis, Rockefeler. Illidims. Rosidence near Swan Schoohou.e. Whou contemplatiag making a male cati &round or addrean and 1 VUiii Lar. antee satisfaction. sept. 963mo.p Lake LO. Du WVRIGHT DYMOND à Co., Llbertyvtlle, Illinos. [auneï Interat Bearinu Certil- lndividual responsibiiity, $100,000. Carriages furnlshedi on order. Lady assistant if desiod. EDW. F. STUENKEL, Funeral Drector. Everett - -Illinois. To iJain 1 p. PHOl TOGuRui tEe. 1 STUIO N ULKEYBL ll ardware and Fumiturel Llbertyvlile - 1lUnois. A Complete and Up- SDr. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VKTERINARY SURGEON. Assoletant State Veterina rîin. Libertyville -Illinois. F. BAIRSTOW MAN U ACTU RE R OF Marbie Granite Ni I)N tU M EN 1 S ('EMETEIIY WORtl EYERLY 12o(rree'.r, 81 W.H. APPLEY, ALICTIONEER. ýertyviile to-date line ai- ways on hand. PIIOTOGRAPlIER .. Work ueatly asud promptly done, andi fu187 vsrrsnted M. W. HUGHES, Wauconda - - lilinois. MANAGER WANTED. Wo desireto empioy a trustvorthy lady or gentleman tu manage onr busi. ness ln thia County andi sdioinlng terri- tory. Our bouse le velanud favorably kuown. $2o.00 Straight Cash Saiary amd ail Expensea paid SacS Week by Check direct trom Meadqurters. Expense mormy a dvanced; proions experience untueoeaaary; position permanent. Ad- drecsa Thomas J. Cooper,, Mamger, 1040 Caxton Bidg, Ciag) 2.1-p - Illinois. - Hay Baleti. I amn propare t t bale itay for any ___- destring te have their itay baieti. AiU andine pramptly atteided te. W. 0. wfNT AU$S. Owaavu, eurele Lng diatono a. 'Phsru*eghS ' aaa WILL CIE RIUt4f«FWÀY.1 LYON, SHU(JRTF DESMOND.1 SU ICI DES AT CIIILDREN'S GRAVE From Uibertyville te North Chicago Resguier Nomina El Iected. lasteai of Lake.Blu.tRiepublcana Wilm in Blute. ilecenUy btb nsrmsoEut» publiaited an article viticit created mueh com- ment, relative *0 bthe propceed change of nght-of-vay of *the electrie rosi building from Lie Bluff to Liberty- ville, from te prenent survey vbieh ntem Jae Bluff and cromea over *the NortitveuterntuikaOser lte do8aI bo a Dew survoy viticit connecte vitit the main une 0f the eleetre mili as or Dnt Northt Chicago. lu suhatantiation of th1e probablitj of snob sia hage heing matie wu ro- praduce a clipplung frou i te Nurta Chticago correspondance la a Won- kegan tially paper: l'h.b Village bcoard mest a igbt la apecial seous 0tu oaidor the francise for tIcsnew @tootc$aMrlune from Llheflpviiie. lter long aigu- mente 511 Cam vuia lid user for f urther Investgation." 'The Tory fa"ithe1. leebrie fond People are aeklngas f rancis. for te tlibortyvilie oxtension labo North Chih- cago la evidencotbey cert&Wny do contemplaee loch s change ot rigât-ot- vol an vo before muggented. 1*6lateoir Intention sud domine *0 non a portion of Commonwealth Avenue in Nortit Citicago anti by stbaiing sme prîvate rigict-of-way, roacit he main lime a i enty-econdatOuest. lThe petîtian for à franchise vos Mondal nigbs reoerrot $0 lte village hoard an a committe. of lte viole cait . .K. Orvla ttiétMornay. Anobter uleetng vu beid Tburstiay Digité 1,o furtber couaider thte mattor anti Yrlday nigt <to.nigitt) titiboard mes"tu tae dolte action. Prom telopboq* ativioes from Nortit Citicago wvit :ýe d tu bellme e 1 boardi vli grant Us.petition, and*the eloctrie people viii thma h. able *0 onec*tlt ISsu m-ain lias vithaut baving *0oceovor tme Northvem.rn trcac",vWih ate 1probsable reesoa for te propoeod change. 0f ocurse tihetac$ht machuntx-s pensive rigbl-vsy hitauonpur- chaud BoerLakte Blu fvhal" Us ohm" geocc0M vii Sbcuaoisu, sd *50 tracS la aluni, loti te Me argOn "09 uueS a09eLAg" sin aldilional land n»o»~yrpfor Cary. and luecline eet cf ttaï;compmas right-of.vay. Il vonid bc about an citap for lte electrie oompeuy *0 connect ai North vitit thoir main bine. andi 117 no toiug obviate*the posuiblity 0f any f urtiter oontroverny vlbh bte )iorthveatera, whlcb In itaef in coatly sud annoyiug. Auction Sale 81ll. The INDEPEN2ISUT printa &.notion bibis -n tejsitoulti bc sud env pricus are right. We publiait vititout charge a Ilat of propeniy *0 bc aold. viere bbillaiae furnishoti by runansd the notife lu our paper roacites more readera thon lte buis. Sol sotiter paper * inte eonnty circulation as videly smong formera ai the l1sr>pzN.- oa24T, hanco notices 0f1sales lun*1116 piper bviug fer botter resulte titan elebere. If Very foc coulti believe ln looing at A. T. Boâdl.y, ao Sesty. rohuat hueS- mbit of Tîlden, loci, Mt*for tan lourshite ufroti muaito*rtures from rbeumabism se fr coutti endure sud tive. But s vauder nI chane followeti bis taklug lectrie Bitters.. *Tca bottîiovitolly curei me," ho vritoa, "anti 1 have net fei% a tviuge ID over a ynar.' They reguite te kitineys, purlfy te blond sud cure rb.umablam, neuralgis, nervananes, Improvo diges- tion anti give perfect itni*b. Try bbemn. Only 60 eo t* F. B., Lovuza, Lîhartyvîie; GRATLtE. PRAEMACY. InternatllaLi.eOcMA$tY rentereti lu te lagialativeeandidOlafter lection aà s w«va a fonegfose 00clui.lon the etrighi repUbiiesa èàOnty ticket vaulti ha eleetai, SM sp tb Wednes- dey uigbt 1*wuvas puBly rumoreti tai A. K. Stuorma. dipeldeut candi- date for reprenons"#» wva electesi ant Wm. i>emm& »W idemoeratic namlnee doeousiL en correct returus vers reoe1 w~oever, titis proveti ottô*0 i sitovet teregular nomiDese S eeebt The euh,. îrepubN e aite ticket vis electeti. LAOur t~a are more partiuior!y Intrehe& léthe vote lu 1.5eCoaty for iog1Sbo anti county caudidat, es, v ae# Wie a table chowiug tite vote b.#nbips sud totale, vbich op i!'ob titis page. TSe figure1 bo20100.itov eacb candidat.fsrei. sBuib~tab)le. ITsABNO' 09.0*-PM.HT. Prom lateat avle4* dabu ast tins 0f gaing go Proon, #eema te doubt Orai; exsting os bêê$een stearus and Desmoutn v d iou& aome fountiatian. 1* pài ~.Deemonti bas von over Mr. by &bout 371 aud ltla aaid 4-à,Itut of te votes ln titis diairlot domanded bY Stcerus aditr.aW lêun frau te district, eomposOl e 0:e, Booue sud MoHenry countw 4* te vote ta stiSd. .e..... 1667 Shute........ .... b 1273J Stare....... ...... . 6308 Newman ..............335 Whie te cannai veriiy *1e.. Y.y. et tiey are approasse t People lu etitSer. Selurday wu 11014 buLakte Forettle doeuaie.e or nat adjOlfing Ilo eu rbordera, binod vith laite Pceta UtatoSeay in favor of onnoxation, vitil buainosa mon andi the --people" vwo agual*the proposition, favaring te nov rassi anti the impettis certain to ha given tite village folboving ita establishment. ansi te"peuple- won by s lnsjority 0f forty-niue votes. it vas i bot bottie anti neyer bas as mach bterat been evideucetila n au lection lun te village. Dolevau Smith ansi Albert N. Day loti lte crocti favoring anuezibion, vitleo 1Mayor Mark Ndorton sud ox-Mayor Etivard Gorton beadoti the opposition. In oyant te sunexation propoiion crriedI 1*wvas nteudedte *0farce te rariroat f urtiter veet by titreata cf aritrs.ry iogislatiou regnlatiug speeti, etc. The defeateti contingent declare tboy wvi ishi fight the rosti and thai evory effort viii 1e matie ta prevent ita building &long th1e proaent srvey. Grand Boll. DontL forget the grand bail il Union Hall, Long Orove, Bstnrday eteung. Nov. 8. Prof. Herteb, ut Chicogo, yl fnrnlab mumie andi refretmenta andi oyster upper yl ho eserveti lun1the basemeut. Dince. ticketa 50 cents. A Clra1 clama lime la aserred. Plan t0 attend. INDEPENDENT AND INTER OCEAN, Bath tee year for $1.85. room vithout anavwering. "iâbt vas te l aeen tof BSmit alie. Wblat tîme hoe endet iei life la flot knovn. SBrangely bhongh 1the hobel vas fitlet vlth boardors, nobody iteard a shot. TuesdsJ viten s chambermaiti knockod at tite door of the room Smith occupieti %be receivati no reapona.. Sh0 openedth 1e door viit sa pasa ey andi vas orrifeti bo beltolti Smith lylng ou thte beti, hie bod covereti vith blooti sud au ugly vountilnu is temple. A revolver vas cluobed lu bi& baud. iThe date of 1the note lef i by Smitht shovs that he bld evideubly plauneli suicide severab days before as Il vas vuibten ounte 301h. fil ranapiredti tat a son, Lester Smithlilveti st Benton, as db Suitha wife. For th1e prasb& tiiei years 1the man t2id not reslded wîbh bts vite thongi tbbey venr nul divoroed. At proBant tirs. Smith in oaring for Clark Coarer of lBouton, vliroe daugbber oarried Lester Srr.iit, the victim's mon. The son conld attrIbute no reason for bis fstber'asoct. lie said thatutil a short lime agu Smit11 liveti vithI li. Rluse on 1iCI Adamus tarm nortit of Wankegan. j 18cbà* mU NOW COMES OVERCOAT Titllh, AND THIS 1s THE OVERCOAT STORE. - 'i Overoote for aliM ilaesand acilom of mon--overecats made for both Ofle. comiari. lu au Imse.nsevaliy of m- tera nai d qnaliim l- Bvel l a ppur. sue anti loy la prie&, vithS ocoil opoity foar vor. Overooata for........ $ 5.00 Overcoate for .........7.50 Overc.oata for ........ 10.00 Overcoate for ........ 12. 50 Overcoats for ........ 15.00 Suita from $5.50 to. . 1500 Kuh, Nathan & Fisciher Co.. Mîanufauctwum. 2oth Cenitury Cash. Sto re, E. W. PARMtI RTPo. .5 -q r. 2 adi blé vs- "*ue@i hm e? b ». m4wmai rv.5 Oaa.m saicIou_ Dr. C. R. GALLOWAYI Bluff J1"7. the linesi Our grade round 4U be Page Election Returns From Lake County. 11ereri'rth te puliiehed a tabri ircrrrrr ig thtor e i.' iy trrwns i ande] t4tite isr ien ai Tur'edmyselotirîn fur egisativr' afnd rouaty erîedidat&e. Finet iregir ,ri thIlir' Irgirrîtr eat)didrit4csr-5hurtleff aund Lyone n'prirlrrans; i)r'reirr erir] irnoerrît; Stern, r. r ruMiarr' rerer l indeendeîrta.Then folow Uthe rrpuilirandlo iriire.ratic î'aïdirlair.r feleoir rrjltY rtr' jîîdge, cierk r rreriff, treniurer anri lreprintennt ci l rt elirbols. in re rrr i e ire iý.Inrrthe' erc for elerk only that cîut for Viîtrrr Narrr'r je gir rie inre itarne nrw r ttii recelir'.andrei ie ,'lr i i'rror '9irtrr'seinnturad rrf Alrte lerarne' irp-ari e rcu thre balilrro irtiiCi C rtead' yinr Aerte naute, whi'h verte'. focr rot rirrw, ttirr i te'fior the dîe e rr iiierrirrr'forr eIrrie r',e inrrrh largier thaîr apîsýare. ti * tiewn ...........miI 12w4 33 12 12 dm10 PI 498 Il 491 e tri il 474 il NOeprt ..... 16141 '311 42 9 97 14 et99 la e99 .13 cee- 13r 97 t4 Aretieh......r189 1W 48%9 n2t 4e 11M2 84 247 29 243 il M24 2e 2Mg. 22 Grant.......... ai iii4 2 se9 414 3ciel 49 a) 51t 2-o 44 :il 4f, See AVS . 188c6 179 2124 54 6 174 22 171 2 lire l5 OS 2". 171 2'2 Warn .2 19 2719 9 10 71 107 i2 107 132109 12 11iciltIoicre 12 Waukegan, m 24148 1011X 2460 490à* 211 ti213 77 2M -o.5 Cri e Cee ra 2.d.:11C 250û 75 »469142SM92 .7 29o 95 827 re'l.c 92 26ir 1ee gril....175 2" t*73 Su%4141 261t le 25X s1 26er C:, Cci 2Ci2mi 4cr 4t ...I601214271% il 429 60 1 U 32 14 c in7 3(C)a 27 271 clee 211 i4 hleU... 443601 U42321 185 117 4r8 117 47 185 c. 115 4. 114 51 OUi ..42 899 la 72 33 W 1CC a il1 4e. Ccc 43r C3 41 .3 stie tte....15434 201 g)à99 w)et y r131767r. ire s 70 172 94 1c2 74 t1rec lie 2Ss.....21 224 o 14n 11riMI11J88 99 Ci21'. 3 e C Cc 4 i7 31rd ..... 54 219928 46 121r1î 5r4 Mi 80 i 66 44 9 r5e' :12 Mre 3 Lbertyeilli t. e 9% 3*12'. 46 1 3 29 32 127 26 1110 ta 11 e! 2 l4 l" 1îr9r 1t lid t 68 51348lit ») 226 97 fir 83 17 91 51e 8a 551 mg 52 Fraot 7 ma9 4 00. Cr69 C1. éli 22 a62 i ';e 'e' 71 lm «' «ou le1u04 10 9 2114 33 121 36 129 7 ' 'r l. 'C 1 28 2 Cuira........ .94 9534 7') 9 19 59 2ic 60 25 et8 r 56 ri c5'. 29 mIa...........9go 93 194 1 329 la M âIII 74 67 i;4 t4i e'. 6-1 45 Vernon........78 78 201 4 6 9 7 9 4 99 rr C 75 50 1le W. leerOetd... 75 41si 49 48 l911444I 2M el SI i .15' e P2 96 42 '. Deerfeld lu .... go 9486 sa 44"1in 1n@ 34 112 Id 71 a!il15S 5 '.cil, 64 lind..1% 719 OS 44 M29 1140 5 O669 10 65 0 59 'osCet l lus O8 Ird. 71 88% 1006 1242Ms3lui mi4104 92 67 15g99 u 951le es Totas.959 424159 5 MI%201MI16 157 MU I140 qMblieu0 47 1121 3519 11%4 Arliugrton Heightu Mother Endo Grief lu Ceîuetery. standing betveen the graves of lier son andi dangitter Mus. Hlenry Boite, vite 0f the poatmasiter ai Arlinglon Helghta, mai over thee une ln Cook Oonnty, Mouday afteruoon enderi the aorrow vhicb bad veJgitetiupon ber mince the deatb of ber ohiltiren and vhidb bati been the Indirect canse of undermining ber iteaitit. Chbldren rittnrnlng from achool, found the body lun te cemetery, vhich la tvomiles. from the village, and à revolver at ber aide and a hulot vount jut over thte ieart soovithe11 manner lu vhlch thte grievlng voman lad eetiber fbie. Ton jean m&go thte son died andti ive years later deaih clameti the daugit- ter. Thte Iuterveaing year e rt not suffiOltut for thte mother to recover from ber bereavement and lu lime alle became Mi. 8h. lnsllp bomme te victlm of nervona prostration, but bai fam.lly vas not vorriati over ber condi. tion ' A ]ctter vas founutiln the room nually oocupieti by lira. Boite which itinteti at suicide sud saisi tbtcou. tinueti 111 hoait and feau tl'.sl mb voolti never recover hsd causeti ber decislon. lirs. Boîte vau 45 yeariq old sud bai lived ln Arllngton Heiigitta for a number of jears. Box home Hife via reporteti happy except for the lons of ber two chilâren. 8h. hati many friendsinluthe village ansi the famiiy te higbly reepectedthorie. In addition 10 ber bushani, tirs. Boite leit Ivo sons. one of tbom, iienry Bote Jr., la the proprietor of o sboe store la Arlington Beigbte, sud the 0*1e, 14 yearm olti, livedet athe family home. Found Dood Wth Bullet Wound le Temple. A strangor wviaitdedeo lu s room lu LiSe Vlev Blatel, Wsukegau, Tues. day morning, by o chambermaisi. On s dresser te tolloving note balbenu placed: "ýWankeganli., Oct. 30, '02. My Dame la E. G. Smnti. Ny sou in Lester F. Smith1. ho vorka for Ed Ferry neur Zian City." CSooer Taylor iteltiau laquet Tuouday ofteuocn a$ viiciàthme tallov- th1e boel and equeted a room psying 35 cents for thte accommodation. Be vent to the rooma-aued i hm remarking bho vantaiti * vuite s letter. A.n bour ater ho came dovn halva sud 9eu ont for about au hour.' At 5 o'ciock bce returned, vas asked if hoe wauted supper but passaed on 10 bis Womans Wearing Apparel: 1)on't fait to visit our new uutuy weariîîg apparel department in the woîns room on the second floor. READY-TO-WEAR garments of ail klnds. SUITS e sudSkrtgomatch ila bisck sud colora,maeith SK r Ss. or Waikiug tkirta ln black or colore- ln mn ye -For Women or Children In black and colora-Me JACKETS-reguhar fltting back or the imew Monte <tub l yle.- rom ............ ....... ............. ................. . . . Z$.98 luAISTS. eik' or th ancy wool fiannel garnente fulne ef WE ALSO SHOW A COMPLICTt LIME OF Millinery, Wrappers, Furs, Shoes. Telephone No. 109. Vaiea.ILI FU RCOZTIAT KAISER'S A littie early, but as they're just in the a8sortment to select from is large. Now's the time to buy. Robes--..,Ž Goat Skin Imitation Buffalo Goat Skin wombat Dog SkIn Lib ertyvîlle H. KAI-ER, Illinois 1I bMa, a ou »a somtu-il Teabl aies, ai a.du . i§ 4as lmwas 'I colé I.b. neEotr,