CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Nov 1902, p. 5

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You want good groceries and that's the kind we seil and at prices no 'higher than you pay for the poorer kind. Let us try you on groceries if you are not aiready a patron. WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE. TRJGGS & TAYLOR, lieadquarters for Orocerles. - - lliînois.1 Have You a Friend L.Born in November? Then You Should be lnterested In What Follows: .. Who irst came to this world below, Wif h duli November's fog and snow, *Should prize the Topa' amber hue- Emblem of friends and lovers truc. The Topaz is îîot a common je~we-so mliili the nmore desirabit, *for tiiosti privilhge'ilto) wear it. We have it in htautiful settings, ini rings of excellent metal, in stick pinis and PÀome few broiwhes. WiIl yon look at tlîemi DéibyBrothers, j Lier arbJEWELERS. Lietyville - - - Illinois. 'e WI-1NTER EIOODSO Our shelves contain a complete and varied Une of liens, Womens t. and Childrens.... tr (nmntwar. A nice line of Ail Wool Waist Ooods and Flannels. FLANNELFETTF3S ln 40 patterns. Cotton, Shaker and Tennis !.F L A NNE L SI-MI SMITHI & DAVIS, - DEALERS IN .Oeneral Merchandise. PICIED UP HERB AND THIRBPE. I LLocal Ri~me of lnterest to Libertyville Readers.' C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la Effect Saaday, Sepftmer.r 28, *ién, at 02soi a. m. TO CHICAGO. vau DATS. ,)éPart Prom New DepoL Léavé lbetîvlflé Arrivé Chlcage. m.... 8:7IL M. ...........10:09Ma.t ide ...$a . ............ 10:1 .ut 144 ..l2:U p. M ............ 1:40pm- 144... 7:02 p. m. ........ 8:00 P. a. 30. lM .s7...... 81 **..... Mu.. M.....9: 5I5M. ....... ...l.a:l5. 148 ...7:18 P. m ............ 8 p.Mn. TO CHICAGO. vasm aD. Départ Prom OId Depot. Leavé Uhirtrvilli. Arrie Chiucgo. .oe3 ... 42 n. t...........ULrut. 3.:5. ............ 8:45a . FR055 CiICAG4O. vasa DAiS Arrive aM NéW DpOot. Leavé chicego Arn i. Lih,rtyvili.,. No. lmi.. .44 a a ............ 8:38ea. M. 13 ....9:30 . M. ... ... 1:2 . m. M .... 2:téP.M ........... 3:46 P. M. 137 L-00P. In. . . 4:2 i. M 147.e:a6sa. --.... ý...... :36, -M ; .M l..... 2:1 p. . ..........e. 3 . M 14 ... .t06P.rn:............7ep.M FROM CHICAGO. v DAIN. Arrive et 010 Dapot. Leave Chicago Arn- Llh.rfyviJi.. la ...6:u0p.u........- IpU. 16....6:lo p. M... ........ .7:66 P. t &WNe Trains Arrive or Leve >1 Station Bundays. Libertyvilie Urn..Barry W. Peterson ln snffarlng lieut a llght atteci of pleuîlsy ibis yack. Mr. sndUMis. B. F. ilnbbard, of Aurora, ara visiting their chlldren hère. H. B. Eger vilI éet a vare bouma on thé lot réoéntly puréhaseul iy hlm s ti of thé M. E. cburebzen:Scbrul atreet. 19 la umoeéit&bout the sIreeta thst JamnaTrigge bua éd bis rés;idencn on Broadvay, but te whoiu va canuot beuin. Thé Ladies Aid of the i'iesbyterian church vili i mentvithIgrlin. C. E. Knapp oei;Thureday sfternoon, Novémbén 13. UmssBéasée9. Brlghaui, et Lake Géeva, Win., a former résidente!f thlis village, spént laiaI eek vlsîting oIt fniencis sud scheelrntea. Dra. Smith and Taylor attendedaia meeting et thée[sLMeCounty Médical aoCléy ty au anffanmouday avenlng. Dr. Taylor raid a piper on Ilunza. Thé récéplon lu hioor ef Dr. Robinuson and vile aunouncadIn te h hétit et thé M. M. éburch Friday even- ing (to-ntght) Vinin ataitoccur ai thé parsouagé. Evésybody Invitait. A brahenianConasSt. PauI trélghi train lu attémptbe In jump ou su angine et ilendont Weduesday, mlsaéd his tooting mmd tonI.under théevuets. Hée vuntenibly éguaeit aud Ilvas mecumy te amputetebotb legsataithé knea. Dr. Taylor attendait thé man, whou lpamé la fR~ogiTatg. Hé vu rémovéit go the cemeys hboopital at Chicago. Lynne Celby in hoten s atrip 1 Oklahoma and ludi 'rerritoiiés, whéré hé veut ln quaiofsni uitiabla buainasa location. Mfr. Colby belléves that country hms a gréat future sud beakéit bis lndgément by bnying a butinéea site lu Wéuoka, i. T., vhich la tiàicapitol et thé BémicoeéNation. Hé viii moi louagt bèehoevvr as hé considéra 19 jet athea. crude, aud hardly a dmirable place go )ivc, as but, fév advautages are offrcd. Thé IIèDstaurraT' 1806t1006 peot la with un &gain thîs wveé. Wa trust oui restons appraclate ibesé efforts. Thay are splendid ln aur opinion, hava thé propar ginglé, and aie a ciedît tn thé contnibuter. igs easy éneugb te gumse ho -J. B. B." lisani v a a msny expressions ef prameé for hlm. Yon viii Sund bis effort al tep oet thi columu, sund vévaut te van thé Macaroni Cempany ve petit a fabulons sua fer tête production andtvent stand fer suy piratlng. Mima Monroe of thé Nev Englanil Ceuservaiory of Music, Boston, yl talé vielin puipilsq. modératé ténu. Wltb lMra. A. B. Cook, Lihéntyville. ni. 5-4t-p Macaroulc Verne. Hail mrstertoun macaroi! Rource of sec» sud gra et mener: Wbaat trausmutetd veraliformlm. 1rbns te famcinaté sud eha un u. Wltb ls 5,540 moaus sa e daletion. lu saiébnity. nutiricieus, That va mt sud est sud est il, lu vbat fora thé cook mai mtrst . Juat cefreut a lbertyvliis. When bie ac.vtte la fi non; Macaroni tubés hisamurse. Gilde adovnbu lwvtb vent plesure. And ne nativeaint or sinnar. Boust a sfa Il sud luselous dlnner. Wtbout imacaroni flxturam. Houp or haie or othan mixtures. wbri Bécaume e sbov ur gnmption. Patrouiztna hbea onsmption; For oui tatory tabricatea It And or teste witb Saad thIngs rates It, Ail thet aida te huîid oui aty. la oui meat sud drink sud dtry. J. B. Rl. Did your candidates gét eléctéit? lira. John (cablé, or Milwaukee, ls thé gansé eofY. t0. Cleveland snd lamiy. Doutais Umbéniyla acting u halliff lu Wafiegafl sbis véél. vheré circuit court la lu Bouton. stearus bas alwrays m h a goodly felwing lunIdhantyvlean sd Tas- days voté damousatatat&hietote hée of hiestioughelds. Thé nov eMage bani building at AU1nktieS h ing péshaitutecontemple. tien vitb grésA aargy. 19 la te hé a auhstantial briai structuré vith atene front. UmssMandé Prooton, et Rockefeller, bus accptét a positions booiieéper vitb Triggs & Taylor. UmaYanlé Taylor vas obilgeit to e rasgithé position on accouai etftlUnéyedght Spécial meeting et thé local W. C. T. U. Tueed a aitrneon. Nov, Il et homéetfMiis. Rebinson. Mus. Jusi, et Wauk«»a. dlégaté te thé resent National Convention Vii givé a report ai; ébat meeting. ..Ar e lafléit. Banday nighs t W&& s aéeasaryte ahut devu the léctrie ]Aga$ machin. sy te %11ev01eteinsiveé»aire go thé bolier. vhich vil %a éa veai, aller vhiclt thé plant vill hé lu botter ahapé snd s more satactoey service rnuieréd. Dr. Smith, W. B. meér, John Austin, W. B. Davis. Dr. Taylor aud Peul UmOuMn attéudéd a meeting ef Wankegan Ohapier No. Il Piday nighi, ietcùh Urne thé loyal Arch dégrée vu coutéréit on nine candi. datas. Thé boys of thé Lake Conaty Club vére favoréit by a largo atténidanca at thé Halloween dauce, eighty couple1 haing proemut.Thor slways givé gend daucés sud are invaniabiy greétéit by a langé crevit. Anothér dancé vill ha gîvén ou Thanhegving night. A ligbt vole vu mal; lu Ltbétyvlile Tuéaday. lu precinet No. 1 thére vére 170 votés sud lu Ne. 2 but 158. Pie- conet No. 2 la thé largéat precluci by about tonly votés, tbough 12 vots More ver. MM a uNo. i Tuesday thon la No. 2. gaturday ai 2:30 'clock thé Quartérly Conférence vill atut etthé M. E.1 aornh. On Bandar ai 9:30 viii hé Quarteriy Lové lfsa. At 10:30 Dr. Mandévillé VIII pîésch lu cemuéctien1 wth thé Lords& Suppar. la thé évén-i lng the pester vîli givé thé taird lu thé maie, .Christ tu Our Home@." 1 C. iB. Sherman sud vita are et préssuet tag wiih E. J. Hliy, of Grayalaké, pouding Meéir rémoval te Palmyre, Virginia. lbuGetrudé ai Boy Jeuka vil! motgo te Virginla. Théy are living viih asusanut, ira. Ohu. Mubiltu DéerfWéd, aud go te sud heom Chicago écca dey. Louieéshérman, Who la agent for thé WiacoslnCentral ai Stociten, Win., vieliédLibertyvillé fnienda thia véék. Biociton la a large peisto sbipping point Mmd Lente mys thé large pett dtealers préilt high priées hloe spring. elthoUgh W lscousi harvetéit it. bsual big crop. Thé Amanican Macaroni facieny là woîkiusgo te lisull1capteurt.somaé fitéén girls are employed tlu addition t alurge rceet1mmn m»d thon lé la Impossible be iéep 5éé vith thé eriders receivad. Thé »Maci;toetthair seésala la thé very superkor geai. ihéy are taulng ou. Théex«ttnsebousinmssdoue by 0. 1. Laos, local agent, demonataté thé grovlug'Ppo larlty et thé pagé vorén viré feue. luaI"is mécon. The Page Company lh unablé te ieép aUp vitb Ils erdera mot aloe in lu ae Oonntylbut ailvl eéthé annlryandt Canada, auMitfey havé a momrnth tactcqy. Néasmé. thçré vü ib UMaY Milesof ibisfecéét put-ap it 14. outM AiNES EN SF1 OE lterk itrthers Bréwlug Cou,. psuy Purchaners. WIli Reinodel and Addi Another Story. Au Important reai asiate transfer Look place IMonday, wheroby James I'riggs sold bis property, corner M il- vaukea Avenue end Chuîch street, kuown me the Libaîtyvillé lotal, tu Bork Bron. ilrewing Company, of Chicago. The conaldeYagion, vo underatand, vas about $10.000.. The large building in go be îemodeled illa vIoler snd suother story added. A large tank ls te héa tctid goatford a vater supply. wbhh il ie ha lîlcO )y mnans of a vîndmil i. Bethe, closais and iavat.oîies willlieb put lu snd lu tact ail the modern impruve- moute llécessaary to an up-to-datq hotet. Bl. H. Audérly the proeaut proprioer vii lasemmetIbobuilding cf lien Brcs. aud Couduct sucb a hotel las thé grewing demanda o! Our village war- rant. Helié vii umi hebne, monde te ba added élaborately and returniah the préent routa te conformtegothe gênerali mprovemerit. Thé kitebeu 18 te ha s modal or convanie u nPery dotai], aud no Lanoy will ha spared lu lis tumiahinge and equlpmaut. Llbertyvillla ulîl bave a botel second ge noua lu Laie Ccunty, and luilia lluproved sud entarged condition vl attises a large contingent of Clalcago guans in thé stiuler who viii nome here for thé bénalita te bé dérived fremtoui nuu-icelled minéral valait, sud lu tact théenmanagement anticipate a considerable busiueas of thîs nature aven during vînter Moutha. Henry Williantm. De-ad. Honiday just aller mildnight Hernry Williams paaaed te bis fiual ravard, aud his death marks thé passing of anothér Lake Couniy vétéeran. Décéaaéd wu bora lu Dueoes Oouuty, NewvYork, Jniy 20, 1843. Iu 18517ha came vltbh is parents te Autioch. lu thé var et the rebéilion hoe lirai aulistéit en a three monilia masé, but titan remainéd six monthe. lau 1862 hé ra-énlisted lu Co. D. 969h 111. Infantry aud réntalnad lu the service durlng thé var. lié vu lu the Army ot the Wu$i In Shérman'a division sud aiated lu thé gland marcto t thé sas; but lu 1864 héavws taen prisonér ai Alanta aud conflnéd lu Andrsonvîllé for neveu menthe. Whou thé army vu diachargéd et thé end ef thé var hé réturned te Antiocb. flére hé réaidad Caut 1868vhén lhé came te Wauonda. lu 1869 lha vu marriéd leclMark"aizs. lu 1876 ihéy came te Libétyvilia. Mr. Williams bhomea tInnover et the Lord lu early youtb aud linaitthé Disciple or Chrisianmu brcli at A.tioeb vbéré is mémbersblp remained te the prenént mis. He wus Impatîcd lu heaath tq thé var just as votra no mauy of thé soldiers, sud thirtéén yesns ago hae vas prostratéeil se much as to hae ail ihasé yéars confluait te bis bomeé. Lent May ha bécamne complétely heli- Iau sud bu se ramainait oontIned te bis coucit. lu ail thèse years of sufferlng ho bu been au exemple ot Christian patience. ToIMr. sud lisa. Williams theravoie given six oidren, of whom foui sur- vive ume urnérs vitit their rnotbar, uamaly: Chartes Ji. et North Chicago; Mirs. AUneaReid, et Washilngton, tD.(C.; sud Walliesud Elmer vbo are yet ai houma. musans old solier sud a gond man hbu puséd front amorig us te bis étains! borne. Fumerai services voies held Tueedsy tromt tha home. luteiment wvu In Lakéalde camatary. Adjudication Notice. Public Notice iv h..r.,l.y lo that the. Subeoiriber ilxteutrlx oft he,. but Wili and Testament of Chrlstopior HMauire dooet, viii attend thé County Court of Lakte Counni at a ternu theroot to , hb oiden at the Court I-buselu Waukegen. il aeld (ounty. ou the irst Mondai of Januaqy nut. 150 vhon aud viiere aiH cérsonu éRnvng aIms egaiut said estais are notled sud requepted te présent thé saine U, sii Court for edjudica- Lion. Lîzzxs mÂî,uÎ5e, Exeu.utoix Waukagau. Otobor ia20, 2. -4 WANTED Boy I-o drive expras wagonans oithp about depot. Apply ai St. Paul trelgbt depot. CLOAKS' 1 FOR OIRLS AND LADRES HAVE ARRIVED r I purebuéed for cash thé r veiy niceiUne et vintér clossI1bave aven beau able t te obtain. Tbey are a&U strictly np - te - daté-Iss 1902 patterus. I bought t thea tlgbt sud yuli néli se- coîdingly. i eau piese» yen 10 cl1ais-thats certain. MyUlimet fshows, dry gooda for vimiér wvn cam aong luMma hlpmént. Yeu eau ne$ afford te buy avîthout seaing thein. Thay ara modemu, rigbt lu price, corréct lu styla, auperior tu quality. UNDERWEAR& Now is the time to buy' your winter under- wear. We carry a full complete Une o! haif and ai wooi un- underwear in chiid- ren's womnen's and men's. Wall Paper. We have just received' our fail Uine of waiI paper. Nice clean patterns at right price. Rubber Uoods. We carry a fulli une of chiidren's. women's. men's rubber goods for shoes, boots and feits. I4k ool Drèss Uoods.. A nice Une of cash-' meres, serges,* ladies'. cloth, cheviots and; fianneis at lowest prices, consistent with good goods. SAMPLELUNE OF. SHETLAND SHAWLS Wh 0 te thé trouble ef aaking thèse styiisb m.d popalar ahavis vhéu vo mn seli yoMense et almoat lésa ihanthé price oethie Jau. Wé bouphi 4 domon Ma"piés e1 thé fumai suit lagest OCicnler Shavis. goode verth $15.00 te 827-00 a dosen vbolesai; a great varilofe pattérce mmd éoor erne bidatioe: plain white, white Mmd pmuie whitle saitbIné, white sud Mac5, vwhite suit gmén, miii everstitehed, faucy colorait yokai sud bordéer, Mt. The geua stvnh 315.00 te 318.00 a dos. weviil salI ai .0 The $21,00 te $27.00 gradec .............28LUmmd $1.80 As a malter ef cempenlson vo vant te mention thés thé grade vo bave heétoforé soit et *1.00-«Ud l vuas tged a valde as suYatm eosaIl aithal priés-la 1cm than hall thé aisée ofthé abavi ve .111 lu thé future un f or ONE DOLLAR. Donfu t taimte l étthoe" goode; thoy vilI maieeélacat Christumas prenante for yenr friands la cose yen dent nàeany symore tor yourséll.A -Libertyville - - - Illinois. .... PURE DRUGSU... At LoveI's Drug $tore F. B. LOVBLL, Libertyville - - - Illinois. CDe £o091,fl$mau" For a telephone lni your place of business or your residence. You get the Increased and growig servce of the, County Tolephone Oompmny and connection 'vU 1 ......nvestIgate Chicago Telephone Company. Mrs. F. Protine, Uibertyvile- *-U-aIa.eb For Information, rates, etc., wite-~ CONTRACT DEPARTW looveits Drug Stcoe, ',4 Wri on ihe brick bani building tu bé orcupiait by thé Piae% National Bauk ef Libéniyvllle la undér vay. HobéntPirector Is necilng thé block, vhicb fer thq praseut vîlI bé oea tery sud ceoîni let plans dravu fer a building te eccupy tibé amureaialt ousd by Prector lrothés is mtre future Unme. The front viii ha vold et lien vonk as h lm desiréd te put thet lu vhén the balancéetnithé block ta éréctéit sud so have Il unifernâ, ai vhich lime another atory vili &ac ebe aditei te thé portion nov under con- airuotien. Mi. Picor la deairons or fflihing thé building eautabla tolb aécupsucy ibis faîl and tot do me muai nécessrily do avay with amy but thé planantstructural vonk. Vernon tovnahip vaut démocratie Tuasday for thé trot Limé lu néaîly a quarter et a cénuruy, by a majoriiy or &bout 20 votés. This la accountait for by rapubleaus veting for Abert Saner for Ceunty lrk sud ihén lu rasént- MeUt e1 thé tact bis usané vunet propénly ou thé ballot théy votél thé rail et thé démocratie tickét. Mauy héld tfthatthé ampla ballots vers sent ont ou late il vas Impossible te taie propar siépa to rectifY thée e, suad It vas on ibis account Vérnon républi. cana véré @ore. IianY Vernon vetera opaaiy change Oonnty Clark Héude withb purposely dalaylug seuding out of thé sample ballot@. Vicier, s bruthar, vas on thé ballot lu placé et Abert Bauée. BéNI. .MILLER, fitoope. Adjudication Nottee. Publie Hottée la herebyivntbth. Oubscrîher lixectrîx oft lm bas t Wi su Tsut ot Fred Toaiéh1lm 41and ii SE téa 0.01toltohi L a héCurt o»aW aéu l a litd Uo@tatrosanthé 110 y r arenoillét aud t manerfsal l C m t as ému. .U. I- A m .. iebib OIE!E!Eifm

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