Tom," sald lu f Lo..pm4v*>** 4*qs UUIU U~ W son ta b. erapcag s04 pariA9,..double«, Young bh, lk ye. ' LE % '" ~ ~ ' ~ 1.luthe drawng vent ti caket wu5 opeaed, ta exclamation& of dellght. and thte damoud carriaça. croga. etWaera, PEBROY F TZ GIBRYEL.D vere d.lsslayed. It iras agrséd th*t Toms ba aetetblnq handsen"'?ý, aMWas UllioFOF THE D1N1, became hic, position aud pospeta. The IJTIOR OF -THE SECOND MRS. TlêrsoN NEVER FR bMN le set eor, thiengi thetite t ata. on hm At4D oTit INTER!SIN S'roRIEs mision to Mma Forager. Thot lady es.. ceived hlm vitit a renifl affection. whtnh moade part qS ber vallet cf pea.i "Yeu know, my dear Tom Iturto5," ~ O.'"~~lite said, "I amn an old lady tisat bas isea te world. and amn privllego4 teapeisaitn'y Abticyland1. badlfarcd weill A vouger oni ith a nlnd. 1 know Ilaiebot vbat ou &, d Abelnd adescrlbed iu the varioss indredasud fOrty poundga ayear. lcLdLuyhvLatldbevetuu ,Id books et pedigree as "the sat of Jiohn lace« gven a ,onmiloion. itad 'run ether of you care about the consent et 1111vard Burton, Esquire," and the eauf- titrongis" loin menus. and ta cure lits de- old people 11e me and ber fatiter? But try vule books diveil lu res'erciitiiii an- cayed fortunes, had married a girl with- 1 am obllged to jeu. ail the came, for *afe on its handsome buildings, stateir out a silliing. Titis step, thougb il ,Pee(l- paylng me the compliment." Woodes. dnd rcliprairle-like demesne. ily added six bidren to hia respoîisibili- *ludeed, Mms.Forager--" * Wh esan by railway or rosai, ise taens.bils net beecs a injurions ta lii5 "Wel, now that tornallty lo gene igavalaroticed the compact looking, fortunes as bis friends lugubrlousiY Pro- trougt. 1 don't mi mi telling >tou tlat1 mwy bouse piaying at iditd-s eek ,piiesie* 4 isl brother "came fer ar,'amn delgbted. alncerely and genuluely de- wlkhlm beiind camps of trees, and Paid bis det. and nmade a frilasettie- lighted. Haen't 1 accu by tibs timea. ia thoulit a littie a-ittuily, witat ce.mfort nient on hlm. T'orougl tiis lie bad again a dear. aveet pair are your jgond, kind àadtatiquii iappinesu vere tiiere, siue "mn" ln a feu, Years, viten somethiti fatiter and moter? witose attentiona te haolbit eary ulgt's orney before tresa iehd te boe doue. us 1 neyer eau torget. My, dear'boy, lias. As eening closes in, sncb retreats Juin attVil criais in "poor !ed's of- lent yoit kuow, If yen badn't a sillng look secilIy invlting. and we lobe sight fairm" camaete uewa ihat Mr. Burton in thie world, 1 vould lie prend te have et theas vith a senne or adness. vas about te, marry a lady vito:clurt yon for a son-in-lav." TIhe proprietor ot Abbeylands was a gaad vas a governens. sud utfvitose char- '*My dear motiter-ln-isv ta be," aaid 'Iwealthy BagUia quire, euJoyiaig evou acter Ida brother, Ned Burton, muet bave the yonng man gaiiy, "you wIlli maks er siglt thenstail a year; inarried ,tut beard sousetblng dsasdvantageos For, nie bini." thlldlema He and l lady lvel onc t tiougli easy-ging by nature, hie proteot- Titere waxs ometblng In bais tone ibat *htro*il, iavlng taken a sort et disile taecd loudly aud veheusently againat iis seemed as if lie made llgbI ef these em- "ia Place. They traveled a goed deai, step, and bie sustaned titis objection se pliruenta. Wlth a cnrlouiy fo-ile l a" ace., nov, a s uenl in f oregn parts, intempercately tisat as mlgbt lte expecled. i eree, the vent on: Me "a about riv and ltfty, and iras tise brother vas ouly confirmed in be*tsr mete uyssae e maried te a lady sone fiteen years resoiutiin. aud tise marriage tok place know. If It oras nome pour curate. Poid yeu>gai vite obtalned lu the district te witis the leat possible deiay. abe bad really nel ber affections ou hitm. I cedt et "dragglug bia abroad" te grati- A bitter family estrungernit tolowed. weuld't stand lunlise way; ne, ludeed, ,ty lia more juveulle ttes. He vas tevtified et course by thse mosntnient eft riougit peuple do net me devu as a venld- 44*iof witet oed-uatured pty as bie- thse lady, oes vici lstd foromre tIve llug. I knev boy tisey tal. But ait hsg rallier tee muccli oder thse central et or six years. Dort" t Is tîme. Ned dem tthiere qietly. You heard trein yonr bis lady, and officiai apimgtera aooepted Burton struggied, laai new hov. mucl oncle: tell me vhat lie nid. vitat bell the. thsery titat feregis travel. In sane belped by bis friends, and costrlving te do. Yeu kuow I muat ask titese thinga. urut55lo55a ay, conid encore a direct lins keep bis place tlutthe acmy-aooee nev hike a famlly docter." et à" ta iowsise. At 1ast M. Burton ftel ick Af er explainlng everytblng ln the Most Abbeylauda ratier gained by t.bls at- of à daugerons ilînesa, vien the major satisfactorY was-.te Young man went te geateelasa. Tiisa bause, lands, exste flew te bis bedalde, and noaed hlmn seel Lucy. wbo bad been vaitlng l vers handed over te Ne Burton, the tirougb Il se teuderly aaneuccstil lteigrtrmn tl eepe lia eqoii'e' brother, and bis large and pleas- titat a sow recovM y olowed, and the naries bal bren zone thrnngh. &Itaaslly etf pretty d#ugitersandul spir- brotisera vemr rcOnclied. (To boe cotluued.1 lted UOmm. Tliey mauxiagil everyttiiig- Il vas ftroithiu date tsaItishe major aielel thse rents--tuntes--et-ln tac, and hais tarnsly vere tormaiiy vecognlsed She Pitiet ia1 Distresa. Il vWU lIers vrtuaiiY, as te tbem It muaets hen at the âine Âbeylsls estate, Am artiat vite vas maklug a sketch- Ebeing strlctiy entailed. Tisere was and vers dn]y lutalile t »bonea, le lng tour titreugit a pcturesqtse reglola M collmenatiug or tanding on cre- bovins rellnqunsied te army, Ris son ot Connecticut citancel oe day ou a Wang la the mater; itad hy titislimc Tom bec4me a favorite vIls Aio onucle, barnsse altnrlug te bis eye titat lisRni bier accees!e that N&@s taliy vonld though nelt mils bis onles vue, vtoise doun on a atone wall and vent te verk *veatuaUy lahe-it. Influence it vas resalel va" gcewlng lit vas adn'tted tiat tisey bal donc a weak; vas petted, placelnluthe guarda, at once. isat jipl during tise fearteen or fitteen and suppied villi a bandwae. llovance. Heennoun beceme collattat hc jeamf' absence et tise weues. izey lid Mr. Buton', iealtis, iowvl, romain- laed Ive lterested spectatera In titi hufit Ïltiena. and laid eout aem gardent, cd teeble. sud tra vel lu Algia andi even persons efthtie fermer and bis vite, sWMIs Wee ensîlece thse levellest lu tise lu Indlisa vns been Preacrbad. leienest v iedalcorne te thte door etfte houas 450a11. Tbiey vers, liaver. osly a a graiot deal efthtie jean ln journeying te vetch hlm. I*e#ponul fer thea autbWae pets, vise tisougis thugse connries. Tise artst by a»d by dlsceverfid that rgàM ter. ad ciattereld the"Iosd" - lied let or mlalad bis rubiter cie- Md weseded; blmiait it tuseas CHÂPTER il er and as he vIsitaI te correct a muigis the backgroundl of sonIe Gains- Ned Burton v a sa streag, vell-seterr ntssethh.v tnpeIl 60 ~ghPLtari la vifs tise tamilly gcelp Man, vitla ght isaîr. geel-s*.Wcsd «sys rirIthskc, ewn ptte la C Uqt. Titey vers wessdeelm*libisn-.thattwible wis t.h urklug jeae »emem- beor and askssi titifariner'. vite If b P[tlê u gax eeally hd aî tId le ale cdte ha aala etering, bhgwul andsirngitt have a amali plece et dry bread. * bo l oenpany, visen tisa doertul heated vitis the non, vIithena e r tvo ocfThis, es every artlat Inows. makesa gOat etendoo*,irt andnot ton bolmter- is vild girls hangins on te bis ani. gond eraser. ýffl qmeat prevailel train moraing tili Tâta grouplng, il.lise avec ont foc bis vie- Tise farmer's vIte loed et hlte vîIt telOt .' Tt@ne iteors ail agree tisat tbg, Weald brlng lti mont familiarly te au expression et pty net unrnlxed vîth *ff .*asI<ud bc 1a0moes esicable tenanta bbs "en"' recolicctlon. Tba n'ornlng surprise. Ile eqaion, 6spediatir es cempae vlie on *Weiisour atery commen«i.,islieai «t&, ces.a semedwulel «iW ui- thwa etered tise drawli ceeom ta he "r7 bcead"* te repeated. "Weil. cls'yma, h te. I gu eu yn vn't hava te put up vîth "Pbd th elrsyme a lo, Wa cak "I am solug te tise station te ment any dry bread tromuse. young -n 0&1*buvritlois bIs Ie 1d i tere about Tou," ie nid, "and Delly gays 1 muet Yen cone rlit Inte te kîlciten vitt ï'wmt *5Waya, cave tiie tn Woovrd; tale bier. No @cautelbocks, yen lnov. toc me and 1111gîve Yen a tblck asce 0 *Iietb » mtadbou*M lex tm a 'iage la alvaya bread vitis butter on It. Weim ý = 11, '0fIaa-UsW hs.*îtine mr Nov dont say a vrT(L" lohe cout1n trod&.oix.uJI, ilomg. " l DMsia, met-t ned, ralslug ber baud te yard off bh ~t SU'tO 5 5JtiOiitalatert t ~ e as:"Toum la only gsalug exostufltLn $61don't cars hby g tu àrda* sue < tbig te elu a hnw . a me te thia tate. uet anytiln*aise >Ii. ormetWS iflte ~ ula,làe ear. a on u îtoekIt; i-&H I knov la. yeU're bnugry, a51 elaoaisdelaa, sd ve< ilisemes, cor t ns. isn't VS? consultel Parents titeasennugitfer nme. Yen @alal hay mater oie Utle Injustice vas badly, on tise wvle, baa't it? We're 4«6 ta ber. le 1au wfui iliotratlea et 'rnarry lu baste Batila lOd Times. T» tauti vas. the Young peopsle sud.repent aet ir."'Tite Romans tloktieir meules vi 4afsated tise battnesslonu betere; an Doly, a brglit, reflue cbld et ten lylug upen very iow couches, and nt Xw& shrol orurto in lie um estvaaton eaca old, bantiez t ber tatiser's arm until the Urne et Charlemsagnie vas udooc. ortrcr titeoulvr asî. ior I l vers a chitp's coe, qote ussder- stand usesi around vbItci guesîs wvs Iner . w, Bk ien b.e btainel leave et absence tond tiis lrony. and acreame mit de- seatesi on cua3ilofls, s-ila tise tai -, SageWellnatu Brrslsbal iseot t lght. "Yes, iltnrned et sliockingly" louéas thrse-<uarters ef bis lIme vith the 'vlc yn"s l eI bolatlng ouly made lils ppeezance In thte mIdl mp45gng ans i ament matie beauolyofithds ec nrp snddeniy te kiiaslber. "We moisI agea. brlnglng vîit Il bencites an mdlasetbood. vite bore tisa naine ut taka Wldgey and alte ret ta meet bocks. The (ireeka and Romans a 14t Yeuse. er ethr.a vsea ~Tai. Ove manmals compliments te front a kînd et porringer. Durlng wovend, inigisî bave preterreat the ex-Miea Perles, and tellier teaschat ail portion efthtie Miidle ages. itowve diaet et stalklag an eldec son, sfter sho ok. lcso ra u on axtepa bar seva tudolon; bt the gains tlfî cto Ise tbelctrudbltt l Maiseontut cu cver, snd surrendere te a Mss. Burton cold @*y othitng: aise vas et plates. Thte apoon la et gi-eati iengaglug hontresa. No formsai or-vsry isappy tbat moruing, and vIssa Doiiy tlqulty, andi maîîy sPecîmeni are la e *Wqpemt l been made,.btt Ilas un-.liai runbed off eagerl.y on lier erransh ie latence lIat vers uaed by thae Egyp demitool that Lucy mas ta e ete futures nid sotli: ighntre u ass al stesvnenhcnu udàotess efAblicyhandL. "indeed, everytbil is ure n uy u50eryaliesvtentdeI * Thse tvo famies veceeu cnrloosly con- teenisappfliy. I thinl it la only a reward. B. C. trastedsud ainitia±i ssu te bave litlo lu dear, for your faitis, love and patience Thee hutte, titougîs very oid, dis i, «Wone. 'nie Foragers vWr' peupleort nuder rnany trilsi. I f sel 1wra account- corne inte commun use as a table nut aalmant. andl oblged t ougat dus athe foen o t e ' asUuntil atter te lentia century. T atriiituensa breatis eiurprofitable air "Tour said ite, warrniy; "visy, vitt f ork was absolutely unknownta1lia ,of leldi and trees: btt ecrelly dhe lady vould have berome ot me wthout yen Greeksandu Romans. appeaied only preterred te balalutise gultry gînre et and thistt1e unes? I1sitonld bave euded lpilgt and thoegit atificlal floirers as 1 begua. s oncle»%, Iie, good-for-notb- a eurloolty luate Mddle Ages, andw mure elegant than natnral. Site bal a ligt eleir. i deciare I sas neir-bore firt used upon tite table by Htenry I sagisi easy bostand, a petect etleman agaiu lyheii 1 met Yen. We itad le rougit Drlnklug cuasp-In te Mddle Ag inlu buit and beitavior. bt item loîng t for a feu year's; but now. dearest, see made troin metal, âmore or Icas prèl-ci assocIation witht Iis voridiy utce, sud a where ire are, Titere Yen are, te Lady aecordiug teate ouners mean--nai uatiaral veakuess et dspositon, bad rl- .et Abbeyiauda, and il neyer adaforr alydt omheeoe8ags r D ty acommo>datsd tg ailiter "vayju." or iser lady ta rots orer ail.__________ * onl bave preferrel, er cous. I l sbg-h ulaisdear," ssid bisicîfe. Ded t a Christian. ptchiag ber lent la smre aquecasd hîthîe anxlouly, "tbat Yenutreul makre np that Th eetdsubance of a fuin d-lrs boum la May Fir.,visere abcin old fend; dasTe viii bie S go(51opportunity Tcrcn iau ber fansliy vell have enjoyed por iOwon Toms msrriige. wheu lbey corne procession on te EastlBtde isy yoi beath, UItie iglt and accommodation; bors. it vonl te ouly cenerous, jnst roi-îles soggestsa naery toli lîYM bt a seort veil ta Atiseylanda slîcov- in jour bandgome. cordial way, tea ay Lilion Ward, bond worler and foui eresda amaili tv-storyed bone..a fewtht yen veul teo eracnd lbst Yenulefoite Nurses' lettiemlW ,t minutes' val trous tiose "deur xgoo learned ta kuev bier reai meil; for te Wbilienlling dsihy on asle air peuple." tise Bnrlieas. se adantggenti s ias tee dn a geeotIte 1 hma." -gai Inone oethtie teneiiitnts lo NV je tactical point cf vîev that ohite ist n eo lntlnvtse--ma, islI male thte acquaînfamcIa et t-vo Chii lne laucttlng op ber sali batteries "and as te laiiez a goo wte, 1 dont lie-lîiirynuvtvota uhei t hes Tlise tvre ftailles train d'stereliera l." ltnrmnwi okdI hb acere ef situation heame predigionsyin.In.,But- me boy thebba beiared. We are meuntetflite lenemeut-beus. Palu timate; erery day detacismeuta passe te lun pecullar position; un man la cordial te laundry one day. Mies Ward ansi rotro lscugi 1he lit-de wicket gale tea'Is next beir. Ste migit bars poison- tieed tisat oly eue Chinamnisuak uliei separatel both; sud Young Tomn ed Burton's miel." woyrk. and, enterlug. ac site s: ttguarilman vas "lu und out," nov "Posene 'hlm, 1 reaiiy titogttyen Wats(Irl?' tecblng LncY, nov seetglier items vere seing letaY. Ttere are reaqona for eJgnosrpy ws egain. lm'ing te trequent visitealie cerne that; abc bsal neouetiement, ne power te Tht ntuesrpy vs levn a tepsy tis tamîîy. mals oe, aisebal vit enonglata lesesCharnte. te net bei-e. Hlm In lies Ned Burton. "tise majer." as lie wax tisat if auyting iappenel tota erbisa- Cliailen gentleman lit blm on1 caîel, baing serrel long in a Marring band. Tons and I vousl deai libraiiy vitih c.-erYork Times. stemen at.wvte pregresa oethIis sc- wlb ber. Heaven knevs 1 viali and _________ gsugeusent vîlli great lnterest, Ble vas Pray titat tie may lire long, long ns 1ltPursuss Hies. s éerth, eany, oodutred feiloa, wii mysit. Tain'viii bave ai ene dey, 'Centound Il!" greviel te unha visomn every eue esteemen el dloved, liiianul tiat'. ufcet o e r s man. 'Bard lmck deau t slnply c figt m i reuds. but lia.g tost o :re boing vcry wieli on the premsut font- on My trait, îî comas after mulii A -tis conpa h. W..hil 'ik?'fenred Ilt usane use 0aitkYen, expert sutomoblhlal. Nothitng but1 mdcl byuovtertig lte tcocoolderes.'sit sad;"utta it pny -în '.nk il aurnuulrMlly ch1opi W Joab.24:14 Momoi'y ** ****pp *,iOS,**,*,**Sp,,S*5l000000- 1 Goue: lden Text--Cbcse jets stem je vIin rve.-JoI. 24; ___________________________________________Thésa tter pat etr.Iceta'a I ad ever bs'ieet.aAller the STATU Ira FlotB FlLste .Nowa la 8,f. 4PEHU EXCITEIIIBy 8CAIDAL the laid tate cteSud the, a Gev atemha3Eyplelsitevofetthe cîties et refuge thse OWsY I Asssaseut~ Jsns l EeSdd Oovs.Wlla C os a farin eeraer o elan~~ 5la nlcted, but fellbe Cuoci, Ihat.are recorled ure»diah. aâ BelO» t nX TUe eguatj le a asltiae Colte, a erse o eu n rtll sud Ctilseus Are SgilciL. chargse oftise verriers Who"i Beinas usa boalt usuesserwonThrt ranahr@ad ld euIsin a tsem# los t*iton. Ovinst on 1h.eatcf Jordians, and tisa lu s modeveral theunt cal tcae ess rainhe levalor otfte Mount Pula 1c lte Indi hment of bMayor ghajesssack tt a aos erer the erectlosu 09 J tise Boardet U1nnllzation shtom tIsaIvery GrainCorpny aunt Molet Pulsai)basc on a charge oft i arlusrecelvd àa liUe, ty lthe trans-Jordanle triC a, vl1 ilIto ul -etat v scap Il bo d Tise loue ls $10,<00lte Citty otnili b ois lered hlm té Iay tîcuent. These ara nnrrats'j 6(,00 quiamles o aloalet34414 wmaon n dem nul I l 'iby a test train sutil the Case lina Leesuied. Be despartlng oliviera ote peoplei ;14 ee..tle f bsaon teo thea Frie Itailiay rnarlilamnionI, lad.tise Conucil, and as a restait ail depsr- havre ecSonits in citaplera sud loa sso gubvenad euraupn ler J.Monroe Mankley cf PitISSielIunienta efthI 5eCtly gomemaiment arecrii- leason - properiy inclndes he slAv ghl a total oftIAIJiseores. This la con- ta& ecepted aeoeiau te lifistorala ofipiied.The isoa sra, oigyritise citapler 24. sderul a " aeaarnent, - eovaIing th, Firsi Consregatlousl Cbnrch et Don-llslîsrbanse, snd -mil lusîtiut@mnea- 1. Pap etievrae. practicuial Use1 *9propertY net exempt ver, mnnaproceedlngs uniess li etsatla art- Thte Arat part e ofihoWas 4 for varieostssons. 0f dia 1,0411.12 (OpeofthetaIce lieus» es B raics. & al et onge. Thotroublie beganu ro'ulbe (vrcsa2-1*3)musouoted lbe supSUuVI' Sortn neto sse tl slotelia b t Leen Lke vus ealojs!bY fuse.BenJamuIn Iiecîs, City mas-faa, r'- atePs hy viss .ebevab hsdllad tlia - mater cousuges,tlaIes and ther bolitis Are. Thte Ions la estimalel aI about 50o,- signed rrutier than ejjet Alermen TIss, i, ru Ie un ho biia et vater mide a total inter surt'ait f0(). 5niMorley traminbe Condi citunber nt iettbis eucly home et Uc, dovae 010 square 5q1159,i4eiviig a land surtaeu T'he Rock lalaul Raliroad lm lkllyte te resineat et Mayor Slsadensask. Bs' paînisicisal agles, tiese ajaii i et over 1,900aqasure utilesa t Iot las reter St.I. lotsby 190-1: liné btem ftare titis Marsialraîs ad ejes-tesl tise esouuansd te marson eau mimacit. Titis axaspted jsopertyi, neiides Morris sud East St. LouIs nom bei.tsar- H-enry Hoemjnlut te %Lyor'o ceatuiet. land. "And 1 gave jeu a iladwlierd0s lown sud eciy loIs, iiticitare siseedvejel. aun aarenluleue eot- of1 deieud- ton haaltnet lsloredland cilles Wh0 seprtoly; abureisand seitoci pOrret Athroie.all 0,nul-cneselBts lita anuit for $i,tlt) daniagen 1sdi- jyuil net, and je lareli tberela:et îtuahd und oSdialilnotaCeni'al Ril- Â~u P'îyec agl 1en-f taled ty Mr. bieimlg, Titres mendiAaugo vrlejardoand s e ls-ards ahicit je plaut- icesl aI C ou, theinuit etaTIc mordecer oet ýugîasaCroitbas beeci0 ntet smeeting oif tise C(eilci )lrks iwax cd net dloje cal." Titis tact, the Wttest - fiaf stock gommttes lias passed l pitecltahkslaiaittyis re inated aos Cty esuariai. Ttc Mayo ir mInt îey Ihave rscsivsd trainJeiseAis 2300 Cool Couuîy corporations,.anul oft imprisoumeont. opposcil the action, and louop tiaitt inse Iîroigh mnany centuries vitisout mai11 f tibla nusbec r 108M bave tbson asmmiel Tte Green-rille Mlk C.ndensng Com- bas refuse'! te sigu Ithe ntarobe' ualacyli teir emn. tiecanse etflitsdivine bVez. --'f upon teir capItal stock ty tise Commît- pany's plaut lu Greenrille wnbirabssiJ. citeeks; eouaeqteutiy Iserla Ion reaeiv- lante relisan given for the "aow tb0W1 ý tee, in addition tate l that vers no, Thte lasuaa$10,00. Thete ire la bellives! cil no comspensation sfer Ille services, lu fore" o evee14. miicit bogîne Ibeloti- acusd y tisa local saeo., Tititotal h, have been iuetidisnj. ,ceteliiution te lits.lormn mrefuses!leaaudit passage. capitul ltock ssiesamenl extended by te lIerFater &inspty, pater et St. tise Mayor'* sainry cebecks, Wlîcfrtii.2. The Great Chaire., commttet'aredy readlies $6,.W00000, Mary'a Roman Cattolie Cisurcit lu Ci- grand jury nit reccmatliy Mayor tlsaiiia- Jesisus on Ibis biais et elilgation, oé* end Iis igaouM ^11viii te leiall lu- Cagen, ua s-ajlahd sud rei'eved et >3 bY calsu-as indiced fer acceptioln a brile 0f betoiralise people the great chale. Ib«S- creitacilbofthe ttswork et the Comnaît- Ivo bll licissaysvomen. W$f0tB ehasn('lieu for "psrocctions." tey muet uak.-tlis chore betviels Je.- - tee la coucloded. H. B. Eddy et Chicago,. lcsrellngsiles- buva_ ievt sabs hegoe sof tIse naîlu& man for lthe-Jon V. l"armell Cosuia0W gI IR C S O F-"es they lnev. or bal torrI et-tise COBTor VW UATIt CHAUtITIH8. oft Chicago, vas tnuck and inslautly 1111- gd fteBblointeg" i cd et Dantoclls by tise Illinuois Central fots Tv esn Kl a ia at 4ypt. tIhe goalsofuthte vrdons fleme Stalle Bous!dPu-set, Accoent et Hz' mail traits, nordtenboill. . Tl ooe le n ieHr u trlbes lu Palestinme and tsesoulbeeliMd sendtourssifor chu'es Hontits. 'Koms yoks ugo l"red ller, a formser Explosion nt Cicago Heîgluts, esserni descri, Tîereaveuld bc.-sae 3"»a 'fTeStqe Board of Chitiiesbas le- living near Elgin, diusppered. fil vas Dyinite wsu-amesi le srecl si cattnge kucu, a âlrisug tetîîleucy le ldy bteain- »- anous ha bIletin for thte quarter ending titeuglaie oal csunititl sulcide. Thc home l inticagoa lcigitti. Tsio ieruas tain sevlerai religon* systema ý Sept. 30. Cash on itasdulny i was 8744.- iter day s leter s-as recetresl trontsfil- were iasgatily lil'd samd allîiettitera were ide-a vortihip ot Jebovsta manis vIfs -176.52; expoese.i,37.8:debl.9, o..1r front, Milwvaukee, aalissg bis fsmlly tli njnrs-d. JosephbI'irsleck. te fater oftIa voraip otfte Bas, teîoleoa"s 13-1.917. TIse Instnttion@ishall $t0S.l3-14 joiîim hiers, thie liueitnid. suas bl.iqoi hblits by te tribal and racial Iclien et Ibo CO="tt on tend, Tisire siere 10,040) lnaes TcSiaeeCotits spioted exposion. Ruid s0une file tefell is -lis lismlcb titey livesI, limai iis vandidneM a presteut and M28on parole t te bcuitt- iTheiît ilkin ot rioi napity. taut dauugbisr. 111es ife, sleepting i -i% lidoIa. hrsel trie It long afterwacd. s40d nitoethlie quarter. There vers 100 nephscof ut lstice Wiikiu. le te litaIs aIdt. escaleivp e r lts' su, tenitlieirpstslreydnuic i-sl nev admlsaloia,4261 former ltomates rend- - brrn orsxyer.-Thsetalewn.erbl ii--late ogO -- ebecmpoie.Jat- and h w t hargea.,3M ou arole utee'f elieartereoffng.Olltt s jeanlreipeliteeteesetlette la snncli une ait lie offel$1.000baiee trtrainpthee sgai.sst:IiaI t lites-liso, aIeliseevTr Chrnt.3,0 t parolet enotlqpr pternexI Suirsese Court Ciels, lishe pts .of tise ames titt imoisl abshebegtnulng cf lis. ushlsuifille.. S ons110et rnant Th tolucreaias$4,1 ud Cicago City, schaulas und publielbrury explosion. Six otir cililre'u, sleeping In a. The. PsoplessCe.suant, ceno aiettene as $4.11gros-ucendtd axsanoîber iportion otflte bosea-.ere hti-eol Confident oet tsir loyslty tise peuple,- rp. the In toreco vas «Careils ta.reportougiHall- nder lise roof uni salis of thie cottite, pramised lu oserve Jeisorai und ilmumr. by thieJacksonville insitution. viterett5u.00ja.0cerlg er Cot uyl.'-buI managedIto exîrlenteiemacl* b@t- sés.te testtleml,led-aces!"Y* ca- s t-ual sas $31,40. Ttc toloivle , a lins & selue. aecoimtants: $15.0 fi orselte Z le reacied ibeus..1A ueugittr- uot serve Jeoas: fuo te Isa beli 0Ge; tntemen t fthe'netost nt ah si .1u- lched lu oeemoulit durlng investigastion in* boume wa tîIostîyed îîY t I flame hlsa ajealee Gel; lo ie lîlDt fOte lions: .$:ainsit $110000 totali n precedlng tep end ul@ue < itse xcosîants luJured by a l'il >umtransgrssionulier joîs inas." iDu --Mu$........ ........ .0Ji ean h so du ath e t is e bomd.. Chiarles Ilmilis. farmerly ialte. peuple ansvereal. "ýNay. but va vilii Ksgu --- --- --- --- --- --- ---...Grie.u. tie.sock tit l lger lu tIse 'ordeel Ionsebotl la lu lte serve Jebovas." He u le tieir Xllacsnvie----------------------.. 3-10 et ber Insbsnd Ceiullimhe dt'ali t lI M m slly etthe police ssonetiof eteiuix tee s saîter Ofeit nd"r, te t e ioedel' le nas---------........----------T.-.---------ballat--elllo-'r. N.b fo di tcgenttt rHer itustatro ifst nl feu mieaou le Byota 35.4eth rosnahuisinPanaand on kI ite reaIlentte tf te ton ist esalac-ms ialute titeir covenaul I)etaý*iýù*:*.:'*ý:ý*"**«::,5, 0-3 Ms.O "' suas tatdwhu hewo reaîiigx. Ile denies lis iilit. litt lov oeflytefleawrsa ta Blul------------------l---.. . .0o70i 15 l~ orse fer tou.........-..................-Î0--- s mas brougitl lu bem ansi sie eer ts' police sec a 1onsisble double moativie this covenantlmuet have neprusdefl the Feebie-mindel------------- .... 7-3 rallied, for bis luteresl la, li-- ainsi iltatIlIe 11-141lheart, oethlie mu're- cona-leull oas aet SelIder' andl asion onmai-ms---------.. 311 Lut-y rage Gaston lancarrying on ber quarrels'icil t l 'r.lI,-îk aer the la tif the usnaiIIter tinses irten lttej wevi th Sellier' orulssasa s-t .:. ....4413 ntl-cigaret ceanpatgrn nt Iteeforsl aincis souiîonisait-y inmm h*lutasîteuntion#sn te ii ios rsmini'ed tsaI lise very Idoilâries send t Slliers' t s'hm--------54I a ' e b a le s ' d M eb oo ,U 5 b , l i a l l s l r p r i l y slut . t. s e l se l ni> a m em o rieal 81011Wh -)el w5I Eye endiearrinfrme ri--------------...2aierlte faasiou ut Carnie Nation cl 'I-tsaslie fhî îisi.î lad dsIsis lek-tien diagrâces tise nation lieds liSol bart rsaigarls ............. .12 lungsmme yeugmen 'ebo mers sronx iua gusîresl lissuit amsIir asx 'boit te mnaa cîean foreseecasud meprecate ileladue elgarets oun a treet corner, slle cotisi1- ueolter marn. tefere, th CUPI) la8ROUTUI)114 DEKAIlE. cd lisons 10 dealal snd gi-tiand untrI- er 4. The Destin t of as.q - heel tise meedss îly tial lisen uni'se. CHAIts VIHREIIUO Hs> EFCÂ.PKL The great leader resi,rdesl the eure- tend ThaleeAre et War. I.sty & LjYman'estsore, the finetstuîis Ilg,.e usee eseseI mmois tthse coera- Persona vet oc a coileralton marry - tin thoIat part efthlie Ilîte. The loies tîve te dge .1Town. ses, .Titemithse peeple rettreteisi people i DeKaitbhave takeu domutheirî hemscniei els hmlu' ila(etr treiti xlimmuIb ome& tlroiuuitte lansa. AMoluae*. a igus elndiquti t uases. vmal tendnfl on but amo he dmteird aa-d me one. res amti exît-rIlîrst- ybsving daine, bis wîrk. tthealm et N" l as p a r t o u t Ê tlo u e g i r e n n i > t i se I t a lp e o f t r a c - e d g r e a l l a i n a g e . T h e t o m w iy u l i e a e r Y r e n g t hi îe a d e * r y l i o n u h o e I a w w y a u i d i ' a d O su, lng Up tIssu salaries vîit ocvssina ocere- large. Full inaursuime won carrlid emrmint t eructon u e aimui's fr* passres! sa ayenI s ~elae ll lut maonali es. Ttc trouble lias besu eau@- Thes Office et RIased &IRollns, bnkers Onîreicnl t azessingaysoullr ett tr-ili cshe owsinitaiS e a tnecdbisliee id o yto omlooftocuson'b angri èelitetCheneYviiie. %vs aon lise part aof a nmai te estroaisboiîî- raina * hrce aqut 0ttr thse vemen. vite resolvel tisaI they irioiiî etered by bngiars, tae sale suieeel, ig, Tite iuceuiîiarY wmas uriaiîoltl'nI9,iiiaii as has of Naract la ut s. uta tsv r lse ttntiu c ne usn sha id ad about S$300 lu c -11s d uang v'-- thailcy' sud ars h o'tnt es-ped """tu foc-c mom rkCd pjeclinnlies te listin"p I net ceailuct lîlmsehtaccOrdtasat te cules inoble paiueaions. Tise rolibeosueesi l iseubmer5ntsIle caîti- tîîe villaglim-IL Hasi@nmiller%*t-oaius sud bis unoan- îieseribed liste club. Since Ith ,'ourtai-mitrogîjeermn. sud tise gare dIor tas %Iarsaul JiaasIlticliamitz mai»as nîturîîl; t bouse igitt iner te mnuhave beeIm biemn nlate fragments and the office' adly itegis atmie flr u taîtr wsu-tie ~Ijmmratls failli in (GuI are the misaIe@ let lu pIck abotuasrsudeldy vecoidwo 10 - lutIse siley lunte ml-ýof u ct.mmtte it nIl e'-gw dsue i tit op-arus isel. a cdisel e clIsi e îtb. The boucs et severai saletouml iems un-,%s-.yetoshurm, a mtlooping Miroisineatire itîat amý n lislciletgvt diapuot tenr. SLra Tlon bae fîîrmelo r Msuailos'telubs-carlîsi t- worîrn whmme mesdigiiaîB pile (if0 eaves ad u whnI d " îs lilgmîî'î ive. For te secret ot if log fite sud - boue e ase ons etauIorga.isudio ba i-e > aseertrench in Joliet. l'lite liui'a, te bonli. le a.'ae te Muret auIlleilic ropatdni cme uub hie 'i a h BteofRs.înd ave icli vere lis-iseof Louaen bellia, sure village"rs rvx) nt-Ce i.- Tîîý* latiotmi aPdeelOfathe boo attnd rsed d t-amIe quatlf canio esi et sasnma -buries!aI4t t-m e fet beiow the snrta.oetise strel nonms wsu-l-haIe futivetl "Mxiliii.citarge i-bit-t tereceived frain Je. pemolîgte qiitons o au y mIiron itis ile nîany years ago i-ate LUnc ruiaînlng joelmca in lisetlise@ sud sono!îs-'It uata h i aer O Ia etlite Soselieut. lu litgoy e ati- ut Ilaul Imdions hl a areservoioaiand dur- tem Bcrd t llrn, Itb u tî heark:Ii-m rhtnaîlautdtI e,hu bIB car e"au ate of he Sou of Ret. In he [nater ofing th CivilWnou i ss'rve, thdiiR4aet-r armwuiuiplolu adtIl i tîs tam.non bhcb IL resîrlctiolleinairess sud tebavior on or lstceriWr ll ad iir ~taî Ass-spsî.as bl tuiI- lcr u i) asuod vsn c Ithaeeous.b c <iflie trctlierelaaiscutlynehoue au prisone"Ctamp lu tiaat s-iiity. Il la ut tbelr aiaota laiuileffccL usalny serrast conananed tIses: to te or anjosie mii na isarriageable inclinea- ttub-ta I oe r rtli ioe st-e aosît 'a &hop Ot persasosituie tiers aI i taatne. iafre ttilt iglIaei or e tinasd even ('upil bas »uRu ARES ALLEGED SECRET UNION-.1' tm ttat tutaasyeg t his out us Tan-Ite ensh four atsnofetEdmard E. aslitleinsoverthon tse'stTs ho cx- FAN CEOO ARE000V. ltsrtert et Chicago, for ssttrn mercititas wmnCuuss 1e aielueilth'! loiv hall net detairl e0altssf ty i uli, rpt' - een made ftor sererai ls, s-cWrs tunal RaBciseler W.ovieil. but tomathuedieoseretdy U4 slj @Pe«1ai Bulletin5 Reports Condition.s livilit iîtve amnailitenta ounteoulasirt. Nri i iulaieE. Mamilen etof sgeIi. nigimi. Ihat thonîumsyet ieeteo Osu.s.i5 As StiSacoi. e ofeblaio(slo. Tîe discoiiery ressls Iai. -cti'la esiliiiu intis (iuut iuritiigte ahilot s1.uriltlmitierelu; te net Tis aiecai -cp bilsluferthenm.îîlîfreint te arresl t te oldeat son III, nCut a>aIn itiutita tisaessis a danstilt-tl ton alait liave go u utceas.* e t ofOctoter gay.: "Coarn mattiiiclraiiliYt-barge utftfatridinai. 'llie tsally b e fth laIlhSih CirIlr en hem ut titi-mith laie.. rgteSmnitls.Mtbiefomîthe riealler te Are1 t-en dlayaettise mentit uan- Inosu n'uIlisaoe u nit Ms tiiint 1oiliiOan andil a su- mîno iiirli) J- NexI Le;tsso2:7,16m. t Is er l nlune tlteerni, dry veett- 1hartent ays eeistt Chicago bocauise nn _____inrigieda e dY :ott der '. Insudient-ri> as encraiiseina evers- tf unuloppy lomtestir relations.oI uland o ub iuli ilîrsIlllda fee lot-Jutts.-its271 oritctr odtin ieme ett aa l Puhe thasu-ntrlartofla-rgot. Aithîtth a lttitlti hll d liuil r s- DRIvEN HOME 8V FEAR. a"-satsaor etdtin Il et Ot>w asIli'it for h seit -iI 5. 1-ar. miiih cventi l alofSepmtei' u nd te fore part o co bsn aviug securel cumployaienlt. cîuîitfriî-msîshîaati l itimathiaon tltlic Plp o r Ler ,sves Alaska teu OSP III. bsr deisyed faui pioi'in an sd seoiLlt.ttInd Thte bady Of Aria, ttec ldesIt-itIld (i-f suas n mtonried imo. Mrs. %Iqlleu carriaI Arcti Luaacir. Les as anrecuIttherreagte et hent simd rye Charles %V. Jouies, a meaitlîy famier re- sitlibe t e tctitlusulltanltiaet f Impeilel ytheIoleur of iunnlly. d oua silh t cs ideably ceduel. Tbis avark, slding tbs-eilues îortilîsest utf 't'yioIl-- îar caim ahal Suniltit sud lier msla'c su Wn itauclny bileevan, lasujer,mIner. atu- toues-or, progrsssraily during Illes ville., saround vitîîlitem tîîres t-ut. Titi-- scuniledin simarriage ii (.rand Rtaiditl, tradier andî explorer, lian rerently' relis lter bàif Of te montb. Barn molagirl aias leat ,n ie ine lua tms-mu-oi. Ta t y i.v11m it-cras oi. Sttiic tea oticiil teIlis borene aincaster- 011e, frons mietandal ve irs maling s gonid, itesItiar Site mass17 yia»shil sud attracaive. I1h ler aiier ls iirimîg sih btommairn.' IaeKlonduikel. lie liel. a dispatcl auys, grvtt. Thli eulin AIfjhas sppeared inin islheaed sit. commilttî'd uni 1',lîîls c. f-onta-tIle t tnus "cte Io te central distiandtn sosesuaing îîme ai efforts Iti escectalu the reseilI avsa'eia straane offilen, ubiela lunlu hg terni damage teusaheal. Postures (are geacoi'ill!V ftele. A tteery IbsI urcsmted han' END CRASE FOR KIISNAPER. Jlmasplaues, Ired tY lad et of C paulop, atmg lu excellent condition- Thte second (criiwir. tsereason ls don"e. nthultI -ipis atilde1 l'Y chîage e iiaeai i las of cloer sud tlmotbY iras exctelent i'itaprobable tuaI lier mmnd guavc suy il ,ud'm iskesusa officiais Arrent 1ms. iorri- the excellsetfliglitanîl darînos .îth uotir qoiity sud yield. Potati,, ssu ae,t und te trainuofet stmy. lMle suas a slu.lcitt son und Finusild sîai ahStsrllngt. irtîer egioasan d bas itegtu l sIa Irisit, toie teenlis, sud lIse droip' la et Waysneaville Academj. lire. c. il. lIorriseus et Waîi'ibih, liti l.s rp numnerona et ltsssge oifl mîîly large and et geoo tqeliliy"Atrbooifrfft e yenarovet W ai-asu#srr"e-ainluSterling on a charge aller iesitt ae1iiffreIlt of ilnainaEla i leY I jenra tIll. Thte aYmPtems aedfern etIsol. Nard NEIW COAL BOA-O FEOJUCTEU. n theet. a etrasr ouig ofil fBboom blie-,sud the sdopitetl daoigittcet ofMn.and o met usceil etiser ternum etmental Incite LieCincii ii sle Central slIp. nur letut (lienirool.lillei limu- ,Ira.Nil. Henry Stileis of Wniiteiso. Final, lime oee ffecled il lConlract tI iase- sio u-naei &H.ltvieD. Dalil. se it tt te saine siiolemmuthal bail sud- Suites-tok'u btntluWaikeutu witiihaitlortalking te laimseif. He mli l~ ssng-- C Lta- mule tt terdl bth riesmala lite, The suicide 'vas lte cill. The kiduspinît toul hai." OeOct imunnnociooouiy. Mrien lie IrmIl te iioi Anotincet h@ ben.. madea(.if-tuetsrnmaledil u omsouta»filon hbislaoli-9.o. Oint-rs eliosed thte kilusîm o lAlii- îth u-tiin s feir Isys, pprbape i as at tuldinat f o newilr oi'sIcoumier~tite er'% tri.Tise cliergeetfsisotente-roi]Mlon, ilmatWilste, ('ticogo.lcol î Iotor, lite uil become lmmetsey 4il b anttil.rl Ilinis oo fildswih te OioSmoee'a leftIile. cnaing instant ,Ieat. inauiy ho Sterling. Mca. MorrÎgse aimss No argument. ne srcay et facto, le*0 riserlud ttciEeth Te nusYanew >eIeir--Tise occient fer ct-beIasferamercsp- thse- eblal Il beeufilitreateaIty lier fos- dia.on, looever aii-t-uragit, ng, u iil cd l te intEt s ed wnseo L u i tbs prentiy desirel te stne occurceil aailc ter parenas. This,. laiwaever, la deaiel bY Étunds lmself. viii altcr Ibis cen sael oil tueesecondtapplus4tise section esis Meet and li& ill-tuted frlend su-rs i-usnte Sitielda tumily.» Ste deus ha 'litte Ille pbysical consdition al y enali besal la -;ul er s te tJohuectinisaubnutnc Nkoescrs-ae- iduapuirasWB@duefor mouey. Ils aille impiiesl, tut hiei. mmd mlii cnt1»Ise tedi nw steJbs iy ars urg t-bel te lSueet, liurptase being to gîta te ciilsi a bolIer barn siîb teverliht tpes, sllan snd 0h10 River ftsilroad, Il connecte Ites. ity yull incrense untîl hte mander.l vîit tIthIe Chiscago and Easterno1111- At ttc novsity alorset C. D. Cool lu ta frozen te dealli or in sent teckkît- noieuanul theIllinois Central railirosde It thePhoenix blckut Mount rnenMn, opPPOfES GRAIN INOPE.CTION. asylum li 'tbe stntes.'", appy Johnison lity, t s il lu Pt$% îhcengttcieCook anIB. H. Sulser mers ri bg len- tamp recently opel o eIlelsethlemn rms ak in ee oetuem tOD&* eanCounty aud thence ta the Oioive rc. ilgitel a mat-bh10nse Itfiencsr lt eie'Ascalu eaaPo. WATI0 IIAO kg an wu@ rail of ~~~o li, and ueeldentaliy dropp-Il ent Grasdins UnJutlj Hîis. 'l o aIe b.Soo aGl:l h ard PCIGPAT 0 IEE. the matcit, wviit iitel the o11Ud tarI- At a meeting ut tbe llinols liraiatal ovTa 5OOsO t t Nl PAilla $3.000Td119aBaite-.6ers ut Streator a prouinble wnmaa Isoignoer Social Cltclea. Vith a - sila lire ublcb, dI it bute ot h ee nustieaO te- iaoI gtigt h *j e.uad Fire Vetrupasi 11ev015,000 elotf r . Cool lors net ptolelt tiî,hetrllt iegliiale u ie (bcg ,gblgl .av' i gle ulisaeet eenaprlglied. otitleeo ti mony onderbisted ntipreseul nîieo of gain inspectiei, espe- City,gasy*sa Chicago mai. B<~ musr Tîa -aakln paptot eore MtZt-io'.In oxe coneiss abut lit aors Is ciiiycer..ia-iu-tb-1-iituel hi cu etI-I1lcal i ivIl teen cn Ibo pet a ew sis IllWi b t' lub.'t ont'.b a- Iobavewt q