CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Nov 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COIJNTY'INDEPENDENT__ 1Vol. XI-No. 7. Lbertyville, Lake County, Illino riday, November 21, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. - ~EXPIRES IN A VILLAIE JIL NO. CUICASO a. NCISE. WOMEN BEti LIQUOR DEALERS ___________ q <~s~: -.W INTER,-«sz;ý Stiangr An in Atich Dilesi of fil Certain beryl e To £Close llitrbwao<i Saloonson i 1 ~ I 1I j I L MS ~IO ~ I~~ k.Ale 0hollaln u. tSunday l~1 f h ____ iii'nu . fiîêrhu Y0 b<dl~ ~nia vo lad ie AntIs ~ vlt tIe in t ~kekeeer nThe ioilghodIdpeiofig t le the lýIh"ty' Il gthalter PhaidenthisesGibbsno fit I. Caliland examinie then, i ailila illage. luffceoriorh Ch dispelied V. omenni ohaveilgae bae begun 1 The detb nitIhe man Ilar drink in Wo btermudyAgt-oe forvllbv ou befori-' 1laing yollr order ad emre veWhu i n a hi ne ra lIicarpaigu (f prayc'r sud w. epIng te wth garnte sthfatioî cae he or ptiblethe ~village board oa I &ttrtert villg Iee sio in odl lderseandeiviltana NO TROUBLE TO SHOW TIIEM. wil gia a te - sit saci n il i o e pes ta s i lie u foniut grnsed 'ta A. O f .v rtlg b n o rîre,. iA c h a t a W e have, extra globes , shade holders, fitan qMl rie ilatreaignlnp' teîacyf o ou(l t An 1.sthe 1111nc11ise, by abollisod revelry Atuise village hbe- rîgh naa nme.unairnun Ota cose roitdlisoiie Bonesai eb5cb~bîrners, etc. We eau refit any lanp. Ho wau acousin stn Jams orTe rigtage srotaress ery Bnnday dravth Aironmtswle UOur liandsorne Porcelaine F R D C K R, Thurada thatslhe iesched AutiaOls p lOY Menueahi is-nuyc topel, the osa.U id bIavridDinner Ware contains al .the new comlng dove fron i relatives bhorn e uepo p.hM.ip. m. foet- ceutervlywse t egtsae i pt aedcrtos LlBERTYVIL.LES TAILOR. Heaet once ontered WUtna 80100111P ~ P s ru "bniereer a i i egsisae îd pt ae eo in aud bogbi a lana 0 vhlîky. BeTventy.second nul Elghteeutb sunday evening, twa vousen, lir@.a. ~We iake iii)assortments, just as yoti threv dovu a quarter sud Wald bc e »suztad on uhi On Ofisage B. Iversien and ber ister, Mr». athe. ~ - vnted15 cnts vrtisAn abottetreent ta ElgiteenA Os*518aiauj Steoticn, vite ofthtAe village treSsurer wn h.i waued15 oua ort i abotihabut ot the dey. "5 ver Cous- approacbed thse varioes saloon keepei Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, LAKE COINTY sdLIDERIIVILLE Thse man drank thse vblnkey, picked mnweath avenue,uy it cb elther and Imploraithbient ta close thet Offo. verTriga TalorAi p thse ttiesud vent ont. osasse or electrie rnay bic rn places on Milay They first vlaiteil 0515~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~g- a- eisa nioas .bD f J imn ieah ram tbe santis H W tbe village Ilike Gib's saloon, but bce refuaed tu Reidon e on Broe lw ily. pom t I RE) b gaged aa re u lfor t hse nig t. T is w u vas -of-aî'1 ron d Z in W r s, -icl e. the aboltio nu ofthe afm y eau 11etvle - Ilni. ilaving a unrnler Of D&bgou ngt lie avoke tis tucling Stage atraéi gd cotsuungten saloans bave mntpied and praos- Telephone Na. 109. Vmbum. DL D r. . H S M T H ,isiuirie i for Test i by jte It l oai fi ti the v s olu h ee t a d pered. Te soldions ud civiltaus I S E I L S L .......~ itmre l ot roine Iiuplored t h"aitIse tellavs Wv isa rgbt-f-vay. He guis a franc his e I t he abbi . Snday ha s ong be au(Ue oz. Wh ite H rp W hite Rose Per ff1> DENTIST. ~~~ ierta bliainTOP voe ita n l es ay.te mpitosrn a double tract Ou Main streest a day af disîtrauce, but test SuIndaY frII o * s.frZ Ofic ovrLk ou ak etyo se[. H gDereageoavetbRome ltruitremthe îubvay nn4s, the North- thse caraussals vere go excessive fr$baotvaa. o Zc ovor Laàe o u1n l l1t,, p.m. dhave clore etftise bote], hocvau tnrned ovat western rsilraad, sud S franchise ta tbey taied thie patience ai tIse peaple. Libe.muryvl.e - Isllini. <i "s tabeplcsdplcdAthlo-oerebyeterlelutortan Wousen sud ciidren leavtng cisurcb ai np. Duriug th iseugisith iseugis- a double track rond Om Lany ong uetloo encountered dranuken mon on thse ____ atchiren vlalted hir n sd cailed bius. tepesi a en rA on vIlbts rsetCrbr aside-walk Aun front aif(libbs Place*f Orca toe.Thse atlonger respaudeci "Belleta@pbrt"tie bîard proanoon seudolventngvoenublataltr- R BES jOr. C. R. GALLOVVAY De C LORIMER. sud instaied tiat hocvan confortable derrueyote.lutea1r OOPfl Lîertyr e lJjll'a Dml Sod& igisk In thelb n g te lfor lise vdel 91 fState "Ir'"$ frot teir homes lone ilcompoiled _F U ROA SA K Libervyville - lilSP611-IYlu- jonA ittie early, but as they're jmet in LI NCO LN LUSK, 4o deatis b o arn7 tise jig novlan tisle stil saite or- porly attended becanse churoh lgnera the afflortmtent to select from is Dr A yaroi.rov Bloos; corner. f5. board ala fouirea iaued tram ibeir homes. D.A J.NICHOLS, I A U CrilNE ER. paaet an Ordinare s ili the E. The editor concliationthsus:"But let large. Now's the time to buy. DZNT~ oFICERecount of Ballots. tbe central plier af tasa viaduci 3 test redeem our village by ei,,cted prpenr1 là Bter i led. ?TMufti. & lIai t,rel on~bs . .Seravl o av e uto otfficers. Unsil thon you are lnckyI =hs M. m. &0. ilr o M.,d'caunu of balata iu tise rocentsegle- lu return o ur to rlbabave mou- you are not saud-issggeci uibfrtia. n Is i s.n is. Wheu contempisttag mekiug a mi5e tAon ln order go determine tMe pausA- iaued Frost agrees 8Se mn et louai Rvidnly tise crunade îtaried by o tS Libetyvile - Illioîs.Cali asround ar addmes ssud 1 vili ginar- buî ii hlmbnehavng deteated W. ane ireiglit train s d@7 avor bis ine ladies af Righvohd ha is U ffet,( atS i antee satisfaction. Sept. 26-3moP Desrond of MeieuryCoauuty. ta tise sanibet asud *couneot that an lut Bmiday nîgisvood saloonsa veli ato Bufl ~~D. R. GROVER, M. D. - Bi~~~~sops for ite recunt vers t(ocelino. 'uh tIse W e Central rail- claesurîng ltse day at toast, for tise__________________________ sl al ter cti n but là lAthiu- rond vitiin il He ofurtin"iesit ue in years. TIsalaonkeeperl Phyicln ad Srgen. I~~,Af A U Ub qulry aiowed sasite rpsacsmailty ai agrees ta dovi 7 do of gravai vho veto visited tise precdlus Sun- Rockefeller - Illinois #lIpV jI ,tIse mmov u isib baseu drapposi. for tise une of Moitis -«go on lise day volontarily lochai tiseir douosand -- I WRIGHT DYMOND &.CO.. Tise delulson te drap tise m*ster tisea hef tise biîlieOsobus ont isundreda ai tirety saldiers vasroehed ouly ~U tie dlaovey ASaise place on ride tickets tram Fart Sheridan. (bat Skln Dr .0 . O NGl Libertyvilllo, IllInois. vus Mime ti"sai ut.aume in moa et I, &tusu ivtl Oicaga à The tip vont aaund tovard evoniilg Phystalan and Surgeon. trendenuougis.lis providu. ma oleoiss four consairae09 nhes ig a- «»M«ese 80 se itIs"bar- on a Iue@Inerest Bearini (el rti iciamududa toi b a.ea s ts mI lie BI& k:, r eI - lîlinois. '&tes Payable on Demafld. Ib- usb'kisA' sa br. O. . GROVERa responslblllty, îhus.ts rdigi~~l lgisvood, boisov0fe preffntod an Corne in and see themn. 0. M. GRihoPyaO VE5flSR,5f $10,0.TIse controliiig cdi tetlUing An Of ncossa"-yColverts, tIse day sud thse customary scenes01 bravI- tatarla______soi_____________aid________ iof nsd drunkounes ainight wveoC .K I E @pai Attention uc1 -IV, offor________________ l eenîeya asdrvsc s aiatindet$700. I adtis te angC.H KA S R OMSonesd c so. AAcv.the minority reprteiative "Knig fretsso i350 nadto avuîg 'Pl, tusc ai rf. ,1."fjunk'r (t,"rri,k ifrlIVUl rin nIl r ut vosld bc an, and providlug tidenla tise unkuavu quautlty of thse Wisen ased the reason fer tise Libertyville ----IInI MsiaOle. CMING Jf h IftII~lie vanniual "vus thora, thon hiie- touil cent tare. voluntary ciosing on tise part a1 tbe Rockfeler lliois _________ quet onl li denieci. By tiso provisions Of gtise tscbcIl, saîoon-keepers, E. A. Welch, a leadiug _______________________Tise Stearu.crovd did ual go ter n vil bc uoticendMr. Fr-oat #grees to proprietor &aid: "Al 1 knov lasthat I I tse matter ou accanut ai tiAs deleci conneot vIlthtie Wisconail Central '-Ile Gibs gave tIse hiut and %, e ail BENJ. H. MILLER, tu thse lav vhih e oved thlr cbauces vîthin a syenr- AnotbetImportant uhayeci. Naevoisavemreceivec no mare __ ATONYAT LAW. 1 tor LlnCeens ould ho vèry aligisi Provision As ho vilii sun a et os Is trous the Bighvood lades. *Gao tTO RNE éottN.a for thse tesson tisaitIshe legialture tesa One ireight train a day oves-tise ILin Asuppased ithsUlGibs ieared tise sosasca a.aca EcCPONC sa asmajuit for Mrt. iopklu» snd Stearn Liietyville extension. intervention ofthtie Lahe Couniy < WIIA ttendta Bsinea An hionla inecaognincsd maaMuaon man. INOULO SUCREDS WYNN. Csîlroe' League, vici bas ticmeaten . a LlbrtYiii Ilinos.Samunel IngulI, tise principal linon- t0 inaugurale a causpaigu againsi thse Malk Goca Up. cial hacher ai thie Waukegan-Fox Lake Baloons of thie tovri. Prealdentcu « 1M PAU L MacGU FFIN, 'carrnages furniahed on order. Chicago mik dish ave taied the Cht wlit a liA1a Aticnt ur.bigu presidency ai tise road su aucoocc R. Hlighland Park decisteci iiunday tisor Af *I , Attornsey and CouiaitLw ay usatifcle. prc fml 1cn qat ninD. Wynn, viso bas beenai&l iseod thse organiration vwoniciprobabîy under- wsor ~ ~ uv 1tL thayenlUe damd. bcgeneral prioup soi 7 cents as usahepoetwisltahd tk opour h tit nocmn NOTrARY»ln but 13 quarts fortIl. Thvor nomte roses:tvas actionche ofthe tawpocre u srdict eudy n arsuttt «o offilceoverLeaut Bank. i EDV/. F. STUENKEL îayreeln The ctin ladaindei bY&cthse publilcmight kaov tlis e on IleeclosiDg An lilgbvoo L,,bertyville - Illinois. Funoral Diractor. argument tisai rlih comes uino h«icg ibcis project, sudtisai they may be Anli qsltiIstiasafêv mouihs WHSSEEY KILLS 8OLLIEsi. Everett Illinois. ' ib amate couapicianisly prousient An lisi4 ago, sud tisai hicis An îhlpped bringa iurîissisnce. Cospotal Humphrey ai iraop L cf 4M MISS FLO RA COL BY ~To Jan 1IP. a higisor urice tissudioens caci afortiMna iis ieWuegcucltise second cavaIs-y died lantise pont PHOTOGRAPI4ER. toa pyandoaoonuneta oil Oi psun rated a franchise tom tAie Fox Lahe bospitalIoaly 'I eaday morning 0f AN ULILiY~ hrdw re nd m uar ityg l.osa iktam Cs-rond. Unlea Prsosdent Inauli violaies Rente aloisolism. 1bv o s -Libertyvitie - llinois. hardwaNorebvntd taiisy muthie pledgea tue electric rod trous Hupmmiai~ctuui ibl Ibl oda A U om lete nd U p tise p&storts a ril a m i tâtn Wankegsn te a ryse e ib Iis t uee n Higivood saloons Biuce paY so fltut- iI la l __________A___________and______train wv a uped AuOthelise eers ai action nolv»garu. lu tact ho agreesdayountil Monday iiiisnIscvas the inglrta t Clbour jun ta (bave tise rond from voat ci,, limitaovercauso by I isacit~ey sud dropped Mallesi, aieau selle Dr. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD to-date line ai - Taestay Au thie proneuce aif00 persona to West treet omuploeid by Februaty uncousclolo. VETERINAAV SURGEON. ways on hand. traollishe igibSbosodIsa urgeci theis edl opersie saine as aoau as com. A polimios-tenu disolaîed tis tact lIqa as 11$Icoo. .-ity officiais tc. give tise luAd ta ies lti ntutiooras-ky0l sm-that Humphrey bsal not been drngged A sntat SateVetrinrln. indDotte -WIIl l.monos iususeditely eccordlug ta Mr. an reparted, siinplytisai tise vhinkey Liberyvill - IlinoiS .~(CiseI luspector rady umade tmî.ho draut vae ofl a vos-y cheap sud bl tbe ton cn oc an&ed oe te M i ILWAUKEE AVEN i 9 5LEOTR5C.tAeqaiy Tise Jndiclary coumttteesfte ai A edesI Dsu Ytisee gallon@ ai vater, and thatth~ie CookW. A. Leaders ta l)iscusss F. BAIRSTO Wvwsale alsîpueni, trim N. A. Ballard, a rMended tisai permission ho grauted aeQusin MANUFACTURER 0F Oyl Lake (111.) tas-mer, vs sia e, th Ae Cisîcaga, MilwaukeAvenue A metfi ba ftebren altait ci as Marbie ' Annuel FAte Ananrance A~~~~~~~suknlauci Lasea TractionCoampany ta (Consul otsoia Aehsiofca.11 ïos Annul Fie luurane Aaem-coutruci and apetate a troliley ineofai te Modern Woodmeu to neciseld n Mabement, on Milvauhee avenue rnttise clty Rock Iland, Decambor 9 ta 13, u- m s-nd PI-ITOGRAPIIER...... The dîroctars ai tIse Mliburu MutuellimA-IsB tatise Cook Couuly lino. TIse clitsive tor tise pus-polo as tise circular Granite Work ueatly and prousptly Insus-suce Company have leviest Ou franchise la tor a îvenij-year tusm. genb ont to lise partiel vhose atien- ' IT'S EA-Y PICKIN' MONUSEN îsdone, and I ly vrranted eacis mer an aRMnusltar 190 Theonauy compensation requlred la ta dance lasdosired, staton, 0f -discusaing ' I ~~~~~o tva dollars aud ton cents (12.10) Ou pavselegit8eDestee of tise raadvay sdcnîengvtiqsionsr- O EETTil I j osaisone lisoitlnd dollars lnsured, tu sud innish elece l-has ai reeî affecThtie pMoem wo ad s aiAer- cIl W.îu . .HUGHES, psy lossea asonuting ta $,89.25lItersectionss aOug t0ho route. TAie ia Ts rgaswsc a enthat suite sur cer- Wtilt< M.d .s1,arnni l o esd caled caspsuy langiven permission bac arry prepas-ed call8 for rnornlog, &sier- E~ ~ expesspachgesas vîl n pasen noo en oveAngsessonsou ecis' *-pleiok n, or tisti,4

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