CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Nov 1902, p. 2

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PtnimSI#Eu WHBKLY. ISW iInO B"TS ON, APPLICAINU. ]MR. SECIIRIST GONE. 840TE LIFT WOUI.O INICATE SUICIDE. Importent Wilms.s la MrderlCase "4 *0 14ve Iinomo" edEraat and________ CkM lfua mmCty-Steamer G(là. Dawa ta LoaeSupea o. INNOCENT AND SENT TO PRISON. se - Io A Kansa City'newapapenraceix'et a OhIe Mun Rturas Hosas Atier Serv S8 jatter signetl by Mmr. Albet L Sachrist log Sentanca laeEu»lant. th iselatinna ber Intention of tllling'hersaif jobti P. Davis. age 50 year arrivads!u Md ber baby. Mmr. Seebrit ln the prit- ai (l#À"on, Ohio. the other day otta lir cipel vitnesa againt Dr. Louis Zonu. t.arelmg tirea yeara ans! aiule montba int an K wi an hangeil aith tae morter ut han Eiiais prison on tIle of NWigbl, a' Ilishsnt on Juna 22 ius. Bbc mas 10 Ihékgit entlt'eltu. uiltlesof arongitounu. bave laten te rltuesa stand on te Davis ltt bis lionne lnChardonu four day fohiovlng taI on viicb site la sup- ielrs ag for a iit te the lant of bis apees! (o bave drorutet itrselt A wom-birth. BD route scroaa Ibe Allantir hea 1 41la trav bat vafans!ton(thanooesotlellID h lhsoute confidence mn. ntd the Misépuri river mt Leavnror(h h ih iUPOn bis arrivai lain aglant te mas ar-li <lue tolloving nota:u"Tis laitunmanktheitarestas, awithtent, aud conita oun tahe gSMeeahera 1, Mim. AI. Sachriat. cnt charge ef forgery ans! setanceta10four v* baby bave gone 10 test l intae deap Mie- yer' liprisontaut. lHils triants bat ri aueL." Mra Secit in l knovu ta hve flot bears! buta Dccix aler lha left, anus!u gene ta Leavenworth. Thte policenf atlinea lïm nip fur deosad, iten t te>'S *bt cty diecredit the suicida theori-. raceives! a letter troun imt Iat auame !Iayddas efcotprntns have b«>11 Cleveland mena interestet thentaltesuith touai alang tae river bat, ans! (be place acruring tha man's releame. Moaeyvaet viiera the suicida la sapposetu bat,.ton-vantes! 10 pay ie vay home andulhibm Janped into the river la near masîitrit attention oft he Englisit authonitiiessîalet obant3 ritere naîîwmy employas are tu Oie case, but flot natil Oct. 31 diii te tiutugonlt e neth. prisont douo open for Davis. Ha let nu o lime lu returuing 10 Antanira. Davis l THIEVESCRACK A BAFE BANK. abowaste affeeta of long confinemnt. ans! hie bauds heastmarks outhIe bordet fil leva inaltutiong Robiet cf su,ao, tint of vont. "I amrnieglas!u e hemarcnd Ofsere Umal lieait. ruit mY guet friands agiin." sais! Da- ThesameInlutha Arthur, Iova, braudli via. 'Ilwas a abitter asprrieure. hot I hautofuthOe Fermera' Loriu and! '1ru,, amt Cheeas iy knoiug Ihat 1 mas uilt- Company of Sioux City mas bloan .pa legs out anY- ixnng doing." b7 hurgiare, mito mata Item escape aiOiLhDATR JESNEC cash tulite amtouitl et 82.30. Soon aflar LN aATI IF M-TNUe taeaiang othlia olihani-the trustiont- Rra ute aVelso Ii In 111eni- (oct unnntil tape lu secure teHribmtk .l Vci f.Ml t I <apînre etflita Ibiavea. The officrs tf Eliaubeibioru, Ky'. Se istittio offred$40Wforthe ir- Harlan Ilurtias, vuo vassateur- tin Mfthe nttton ofers! 1d000for iiithe-lite utpiionument for thIb re r lo o- t « tUal 0f lt rith saropii tth Ct L. Rnis!. mas banges!hy amomi)lit l tan the Capturs the $2.300 ainentfronta h lita f fty 10 Ky. Thetatit couiiset «af»sIuthtii.ouayinisrecoeret. o i osev'ntly Ins men, soule of I rhum are sUPPOsas! tu have rote front b Rea-LAIiEN STEAMEIR le LOST. Larue Conuti-. On accoanal uf their P aumber tai- hllat lille difciity Ina eigehle boses om I.la300 Fut of Watsr ()a Bucithea from thte joli. He anas liknin Tw. Rarborss MNiam.. 0Oie court houa,.yard ans! iangea IL M The s temer Robait Wallace, loadet Itre, atter vilin te mail dispersas!. iid h "IthOr osafenaSueenor, Wls., for Chia-ta ras dapnty maraaBthîe lima he y, l»i: land, aunt ln (ha lake (bi-lean mile, cil________ Tro Barbon, Minu., tbe resaIt et bnest- TESTS TAX liN INRIIRITANCE. bg her temu pipe. Caplaha Nicholson a '130 ce e eapas! tu (he citocer Aab- Illiasîs Wo-aia-n Tatas N- w Tort Casa 1 11ei.aWh"c the steamer vms lcrlng. Thte 1 Fadera Supresina Court. 1 Osier«MI:ink i 30 tctet aaer ond A motion lu advantce te CaeetIsam- Wiii h.àatotal blees. balla F. Blaciatonagainatthlb.SaIe lomm, t L kComptruiller ut Newr York basbeau filetdd Te dsleLock otthkhladWoriiaMes- h IhaUnite Stas Supreuma Court. w lin diecea' o lie hiis!etiuiiMs- lbecasaeinvolv-asthie xspptcatiunt of the 1IWDulhera Exchange dtacites u.dolt luberilance tas xvwo ut aor nk in cmses t «Beflt Bmesaures ooking tu (ha pro- bin vîlelu non-rniatenta libheit peraunsi tI lé«el of cotractora rhoeea emploi-ca Prperty trons reidanta uft litiState. Iluci :ausal 0 trikes (o gainthem damandts Oicase Mica lo readet 01 AUit ot ha Iwenty-Itmee nembers Ofthes In Illinois. inrts $4.8-&4.127 fruntuhan ti boeut et tiraclune rare preseanth lia tîer. Sbe objecta 10 paylng 877.1130a .Vote ta locit ouI arikieg vorkaen mas as a las tu (ha Siahe ut New Yon. i Exploite t eut AI An 'e ut n te feigt dpi)1ofJohne T. Rlhc.easaiîr outhlitaThirs!Xa , s fie them an elr A ll Ciii-, A.,tiens! Bank ot Jersaey City manaealthyil Imi vwu tolores! hi-a terrifie exphosion, ciuitman. ritila b. ras attend'g te lia c, Ise Persma wrre illes! atidtan dallae la Inth at. Ha eUlluneousclons t tlîe 01*01lusstali. l'et t C.fer.cuciigl bsrgt as- Iali~thé, Pol!City 11n lts MI] et moaci- ha bat beau rounllug il = ' ï ~-imga bervj lisa. rien (ha attact seizeulbile. Overavur Il caa. of dynamte tores!'nt the la suspectas! 10 baveonttermninet bis con- n c-eauses! (htheexplosion. stitution. I MAmenLake »iatappesa. Laeopoit la @htlAt. A labte cf sevaral acres uss!naItlb. An attempt ram modce lta aaeinshe CM mina rus swavaloe ap lhia ae-intKiag Leopoit as lie was procendiufiront d . 1M he Oréashi land near Joplin. Mo. The thte calhedatr lu Brusseta, ta-tra lie has! »bas. til] asan&, but il bas beau shan- attentuea equilem alluea isîtin ntemory i dames!. M&ni-Of tha minea- retednto et Quea Maria Henrite. Theuattmuiptt ÏR le 'ver n Il. asit l bas settiet a fot, ras mate ia the aIret, ttrea aboIs bing U Md islisiable 10 slnk antani- momentIlires! aI bit hY n Italian anarchist anloi 'OCkfft oeckain tihe eaelb eau ha saaan in gave te naine oaIthuliino. Al taules!ofet tha ,vidnh7t. Ibir mark. Trebve VîctIios 0VMi lsa IR - te.s Ps>'Te. Par Cent. Cor'porel Edmond Perin ans! Privale Notices signet by J. M. Wlis, acut- Ilavl M. Mla nanar myloeigy as- oral auperintandeut outhti Waest Peîîîîytý "»U«taiaitihePreaidlo, &an Francisco. rouleaRalîroat. bave beasapostes! lu the 13* aeicns aers the injuies racael lii Offices oethîe romtpany ah Allaghîny ta10 Ibomen ibsi Perrin die aut Milsn la the affec( Ibat an adrance ut 10 per centf uet5..Pectedt lu lve. The authorilias have roulul le mata lu (ha mages ofaitaIl an 1basas anabie tu fias! ny Irace of the ployas Parmaenntilu Ithe service ni ils saaisnts. iPennsylvmae stemauaI t ofPiltahinu anho anre eetvni lacs taon $200 s utoti. Applea ]Rot os the Graunt.GilSaîetoEapPli. Thonsants ut bushala oet spuîs ana il - aluFcp oie aottng on the gratuns! lu Connietieitt.If Tao girls, 15 i-cars uftie. plunge-1 barrais coutl ba procunet. lie farunIera hile tle Cuyabogc rivar ch Clarelatuil 10 MY (heY might ship large qa itutuic à taeýiape saveral railioat dtecetivas at-o ~IlgIand ans! evan tu tle I'Iiliphinee. bol ta- apursulag tIlion. Thea gils swsut they Cannut lprocure tîent. P.arui labon- lier«£sthe river, a distunceof 2» fet. ara also are saena.amutescautes aili îe leii ta aunîtter ut dock îBborerS. Titi detertives aougit tho lavaid lEdq Ils-Xreaafftas arrent a rroirt ut trOmenanmut eldreiu Despondent lhn6tut ilî ietîsi. Egberunt ptrklog roal lante yards. Clark committes! suicide t a aanituriîu Rua Pire Near Scranton, P. la Phoenix. Ari., by aboing biluîuael A tisasti-ous ina bnoie uu u tite gen- thrOngb th aert. Rea aias lte onti- son eral aluna of AlînnIon & Co. at ol-pb titI, Ot Ganerai Traile Manager F. B. Clark, ra., ands e pt ioflg te nut saite ut Otfte Hill ytet f ralîrsys,udtbes Lactsaiannu sîreat. dastroytng telnhui- 1 home was in Sipaul. Mitn. nassa hucka. Tha fine deîarnuealt Scrantontseantt caverai romîalea tu as- Faal Collision on Pennsylvunie. it lu rherkiag lia faines. The sti. Ad a rasit of a rear-ans! Collision ut matas! bas la $170.000. '.an extra fnigbl train ans!as ilgit runtning englue on the Pennsylvmnie Rliroad mI Cariniaaa BC M atisdeanciati- 1>1o1II'a. ,P., tIomn ens tiliet, aie Iu a diapaltcb trot tivadia. Ruspa, BIouLy 187injures, ans! ao uengueste tlerorespondentlouthe Londont Dmily MoBsed.Mail gays the Czunina has beroula it- fictet avit melauchohia. vlicb tatas ibm 'rtxt*sWorkers aks horter Heure. ftoi of Canning bar io linaserve ilâ'ne 11 Tbkty'ive (hosantlextile operativas for bhterstogaîther. ai-en in tle presone 1% M illejn Ii hi tlutelpisaili malte a ut gumals. ____ dWaI»Uni ponthini emploi-are for a re- isg GnOl Roads Meetings Plansutd. . ê ee of(hit boure ofutarron t r ihty Ila ennoune at tlie oeil alauai 40gitY-flve a yack, meeting of te National Gond RoRu As- Temante visita Taxasl. cochailent wilu ha hatli nSu.LuuuiAtri A tOraatO Passas! souihi of T'rnruhi,26 ta 30 1181. t la axpectdt liaIt e- Iexrt oloeas! h i- eani- ain. 5ev- Ireen 7.000andt10000 talegaras mil ha MO boueaestom tfrontc hein foîtud.Imn- u ttlnanle. tneudiag ncauiy fronc for- tlons'and poult'y vas tiueft. tn surfan igo rountila. ts u orn no one ras Injures!. Prison fuor Matrimonaial Agent. lli teUnitd 4totes DstrtCourt at T e rla batandtutaliat Eyrs St. LouIs Judga Adams sentacet IW. W. Thebuagta shl sd tlla! B Eln.Ciinn, proprietur oft(hae 'erona ématI Chie, hi- Suptentîendeal HUIlenOth.,iemna bra.1 litenmuisl asout. Site in one oi a toseu vomen isars rito have employas! Benjamin (Stinhardt. a Nev Yort tawri-artu0gel saeir ioney back. lira. Charlotte Wey- sai. a wealthy rîdor. bs brougial six ails tu raconer $1.500 let by bar sen, King Weyant. on te tiRaient tracks lant summer. CHARGES BOUNDART PEAU». Briltih Columibia Paper Assailse the UnitedS!ltas Barrer-. AI Victoria. B. C., tha Province pub- abas a char-g. 1ha1 Unites! States Pur- ai-ors bave encroaches! on Canaujian ter- tory nuntbaast of Cape Fox ans! hava urveyes! mb Ibhe tommin ut the Uniît Stalas thousanda ut square miles of land ulng within the dominion boundaries lu lue avemîrard of Portlans! canal. Il la bhanged tIbat lte point avhere the buin- any ine from Portland canal maCla the huikne river thara le an oIt pontnui,. posédt t have bren eracted hy lte Huit- an Bay- Company-. The Province Fitys la ii eliee-,t(hui t(ha Anerican gonanu- menl. bi-ruunlng tbe lin, lu (luis lhot. iieeia tu claim bat il was placed lu po- ilion by tha Rusalans. SAVES PÂME 0F MAIIMILIAN. liexhea Proves Archlka Dis! Net ttetr.y, Hies GavaFollorers Gan. Rteyes, Mexican minister of anar, sontlime ccu set on footut nexautintioi in1o the autueticihy of a latter. ali'geil ou bave br--n sent lii-Ancituke %Magluuuut an lu ('oh. L"opf ubiis own any. torn-la lue singe of Qocreau nl 1867. lu titis letter Nlaxiniiiiau eanneally citarget h...> uez tu keep aseret lie fart ltat L.opez bai aurrauterat the couvent of La Cnuz 'y orslar of Maximilian. irbo Ibua mas put t inthe igît utflilrsytng bis fulloar- era hosuave bis own lite. Thte invashigat- ing committae compielely clears Maxi- tillaeu frouaibheggrve imputation agmiîiat la& ebanacter. Thte latter lnau untoubuud uorgery. FEARS HER HUSHAND IB LOT. tas.Rinihart ta Seat Bisa la lthe Wildtecf Thibet. lira. Suaie Carson RinJitaM ,aio mas marnied to Dr. Rinjbant, a ntiasionary. lu tlirana, Ohio, lu 18»4, avili stant lu a fer ai-a tor Titibet tl ookfor bbnniualant. wuo bas bean mlaaing for gaverai nuontîs. Sbe traveldaiitb bina uvar that ruts! atd tingerois cunîtry for four yeana titi hein baby siceaurs ans! diet. Thuen Oile rame honte 10 regain lier itatlianu opirils anud tounige Ibhentisiouany socle- lecs of thie country tu sent nmore umission-' aries to Thiel, tahidi. @aien aclares. la a umoat profitable fiaid fer exploitation by ha Cbristian religion. patteason Rasidence Buns. Pire causes! honsents of s!ollars of damage lu tha magallicat realtancei ,onraa cf construction la Washington for Robert W. Pattease, lhe aditor of tisa Chleago Tribun. lh. exact ament ot damange anot bh a etlated. lThe bails!- Ing la lu cool 835,000 ans! la the largast 'asidenceilte city. Tht ira is attril- utnd te apoatancona combustion. Trottai- Car Sets Recoard» Thte fasteat tintacaven mats by a lonj- dialance eieetrtc trolley cor waa record- eth over the Lake Shore Elacînie Railxxay belwaen Cleveland mut Toledo. Tite dis- tance la 120 nules, ans! vms rovaret 10 3 houri ans! 10 minutea. AI oue place in thes noms!ltera la a stralghttrack tor atiasance ut aigbt mitas. Tbis was cor- et in savan minutes. Millionaîrs Given Tintas Yerr Tlurna years In tbe penitantlar el the paniahuntent utates! out aI Colutola, Mo_. tu Col. Edward Buttervibont a jury founnd guilti- of tnying lu itribe Dr. Clap- nm.ameicber of thte board of bealîl ini St. Lotuis, ta favon s riti- ganhage eclii- tract on aiuh lte mitiionuire polillciuu sought lu ennicbhînamsaif. Uasatilsfaclory Culas Reltion-. Relations belmeen UtnitedStutes sitf Cuba are nmore unsatkafactor- thou he publie is sixare; (innand utEnglai ane causing it truat 0v-n pniituued roa, meîanl treuty simd Cubons are tiîiilaly ho ratiti- h; Col. Tasiar H. ilis.asanbeeîu sent fruum lWasitgon t10 laiia uî lne- gotiohe a ueîv agreenment. L... tîy Fraigitt Blocitate. Due ho lb,. freigbtloekau,-, tuýr.. ine idia iin tie t'îttsburg district Sll.11uX) nien. taho ana lositig in taily wtagu's $lt210. Mutla an s loîuaare closes! un ailtiîuids, atiile tiee,. liai>'ofhusinesas ohterng tatuicit runnot hue Iten, bacna,.nr ia- hi-riais connut bi acores! B. & 0. Train. in Coltion. Tii,. Royal Blua Baltimoreandsuit luo Soult-aesieru, S. Louis lu Nevi York, atas ainecetwlvnt>'miles st oft Wiiiî. ingloni. Seeral injures!, ans probli> falall'. Tbe fi-ar ras rnuing slxîy ulles an tour ends turt a tn-igbl train bead ou, Fire Patrotinea InJureul. Seven lire tusurace paîroîmnsoavre hurt Int a ira on thaeIlirteatit fleur ut te Ruyal lasunanehbiluinig in Chicago: flu.e tjurat vbils nsaculng Ire tera whot explosion knacked domn. Moiey louse$1.500. ____ Gomupers Warna Lebor. Presidaul Samnel Gomupers of tbe .'uterran Feteraion of Lnbor, lu his uiuuniins!ngades sai the New r Oleans con- vention. wsast ddelegaleslimI t e tIn-at- ast peril of laber la internai quannela over jurigdirliont. Train Strîkes a Street Car. One mnan wama illes! iataatly and to-cira otiien pesons setiouali- Injures! I R collision ia'Iween a brotan frelgitl train ,,n tteChiculagot, Burlinglon ans! Quliuy tainlmami udtru Western avenue eîac- triecamrs lu Chiesgo. Cotombla lIa>'Aboorb C7.000,oOO P~aama feura Colomnagaverament arîli alîsorli ail ut the 7,000.1510 to hc pisitfur roncessiontaans! pivilegea for te nshaîb nlScanal, Prench Preaitenul oPo"ibis Gueot. Itla is uii-officiaitY aunouscaul thetitn la flot tiprobable thai Prasitent Lubet ot France atilu mate an oiSelaI vislilt t the St. Louis exposition in 1904 Men May' Bar His Wtt. Aive. Judge blids!en et Emporia, Kan.. hi lte casa egainal Prof. Vannes, a hyW nollat. tacites!tai a nman bas the right le bury ia mifa alive. Georue Aurai HatsBoaM& Gees Afrai Raulbe vel.kama ate fbois esb e "# tsaffluw w oeuruwouegt Ld la te 81le CITIX*UI4BD Br VOLCANO. ApaaiiimaW,10. efLitaenadiProierty The daa= dn ytiearpiocf (ha vlao msMa inlaGuatemala bas bea apallg.accordlnxto10theoaofcars of the seiëi«WNewpot vhlcb arrives! et San Franchwfoni mPanama,.lTh. pursar receéîe! -ttr t l 1Chauperlco1 ahara tha .tasmr:ctas!. ,froni (heataent of th Paeoi alComipany. hI hicbil; ras Bte duthtie bs ot life nil prob- abiy reaeh abte thonsanda. lTh. let- ter -otiWt - The coues districts ot Cta -OtCu,. (lius. Palma. Reforma. Costa Gra"d ans! Kolbults bave ail beeta bas beau Impossible te obtain accurata informnation fepua tIare. Kock. Hagar- tan & Co, wramthi- coffea taais cf Guatemala have offei'at $2000 10 aay ana rite Wvi] go te (hit plantationi Costa Cucha ans! ascertain the amotat of tannage dune. lThe cities of]Pelinie, San YetipeColomula ans! Coatapee are ruines!. Cattls ans! boisesare deat iy tae titOusauda as!dfamine mut pestilence ara afflrfthng. The adeotare block- àdet ans!thse telagraph lînes ans dortu. ans! Illinipossible te gel neats froîn lb. triciten dintricts." BUT 2,000,000 ACIERS OF LAND. Chicagr o Mn'Back of a Tremnun canadian s8ctîîeaent Plon. An extenaive laînd settîntent adhin,. mas completes! riteleOntario muent agrees! teani to a syndicate of American capitaliste lestes! by .Iudga W. H. Utt Chicago and J. F. Eagan uf Rock Island,!.,I. 2,000.000 acres of taaiua nds!exîaniag saroas tsenorih- WenaIerntscion of thes province at 50 cents an acre. Thea roînoanîr hid h ese mnanProposas to sttîs 12,500 familles troina(ha Nw Englans! Statesadthlit Northwestarn States vent t the Miais- ippi river on these lands, payiug their Iratnapotation Ibere, sdvanr'iug toai- for tanna Implements end! seling hiema te lants et 83 an acre. The Ontario gox-rmant stipulates te(he basetlers eball be Elnglispeating and iwbite, but uata an exception ln favor of tk'snii- .av iane ans! Germana. BANDIT 18 KILLED IN OHI0. Reizuo f Terror Craetdilb3 Fionr Rab- bers Band.ia Dash oatOne. Afle r eating a nîglit of tereur linte rity of Elyrla, Ohio. uns of four nulibeaa 'vas killed ly a citizen anbose bouse lie lias! enteras!. Before bahng put to îigiî or ceaizing the fate of tem ceompanion the bandits hail aoundet the bm n ar- suiai, penhaps fsîslly. The man who kI et te unidentified roitharin W. J. Hil- lier, a nailrod auparntnendent. The gang sîtile boreas and ig, enlerat gaverai bouse sudns abot racklesiy i a vils! charge dowm (ha main streat of (ha brun. T'hedeams man's linen la martes! "DavIs." na bai las bis pruetet a mlmeaga book sels! et 011 City, P16, lte 'M. Davis,"1 Cane',&a Seat.Imiagration. CanaBda la ueLing enigration of Amter. icans on charge tuaI 'Unitedl States ln composes! uf tenant tanmera" ans! 'Itlel impossible fr tiese luo ou landthtby rutivate'; «25.,X000(0 acres for sale in Ontario, ail .muiaican suiiuicatn ailI salI 2,000,0W0 accu-s 10 75,(M0 Amerlean f mnna- ers.,avit freaIransportstion, t $3 ou acre. Prhsonens Escape ha Indtiana. While uter. fron th.leJeffaemonilule, lut., retoniouîry mare transerning tim- tl, couivirts m h e peniterisry cI MiL--i- gan Ci'y hriu,'amen Jutnpet front a Ma- sou pasiger coach wiutom juat befnre tbm traitsiocuîde Motioni. The convicts eccsîî't ii in i, aoosa, ans! illa beliivcc aune u ciudes! by ciiolfines! lu tua oticars. l'il,. .itinsAfian- Di-area. Mrsnc lîuuIîul B. Moltuuetiui, of Newv Yoont City, miihoea arivaIlunSiuoux Fls, S. D., ci îuutaigenine seusaion. ai- thorizes luh, ulOeluaitthuaIsu e la lu Southi l>ikit uht o acure o divorce front ter tuisluuuî..utho aas ecenl>-atiitted ,it lis i.- igie utfnmorter ufhen laio s- uuinrs tria]i. Ailt1t- ,R-iitors utCreed. Infrtuio u n lias lueeum ru-ciut--utiniPilla liii n' ut t 1l0 uit lii'reshi teric ut(ifte Ici-at tuichîuî hchihaetvouit inifuîtor oft thle rýi siouft haenres!. Il s a iîliitv, I e si fur oue iay>, asaut a ulaiut une-htluttfuthîe total tunber ut pruaby-- Ian-es. Selanule Shok lRttîe Winidaws. %V uiix iu-vievedto10 haami asnhluîîiîuuke sliock ta ii fil:t Mrl'liubno, Kan. Wain- ul,,tts auuiloorsuina oot sud nomneift hua taller buiings trembles!, but no daînsige tuas toinc. Aa fat au anîtcha nrued thie sori m as nl fetin lau>' ulien portion R111gb.,%'«agea or EuuraatMai. A getierrit adi-oncei mages oft rohi- men un att unses betaveen Chticago aud Buffalo, Saliauma, Pittabnrg ans! lue OouRIiver is litay i- aitlaIle uex fi-m weais. Il la saIdthIba a 10 per cantt!n- crease li almisot inevitabàe. Jopanase Pel for OneCoasse. TheInli;iiiîeseeempire aili tabltais a permanient fleet luatae Atsenst at vera ut thc l'ucic. lailu ha staîlonet on the Parcifir ruaIt off America. ls bent- quand-rs tailha antEsquimal, tin itishn lCalumia. S.ha,,nhia Aiockin iSialtILaite. Twoodititîtet abocits of eartbqn-ite mens feuitin Sait Lakte Cil-. Clocta avre aloppail lu curions perla ufthIbmcity, lut no snioui uaiaage in reportes!, lhe abociwa s teit t aa unhar of points tn i Uth. Amaeteaiu nt elContracta. Au Amieirn fin ms nbren ait ets a $1.000.000 cotnact to cunstruet a y;s- tisuofutéhem'îuone conduits .,x St, Patins- hurg. 'rhe cinract provides for tima layiag it twcnly mitas ut undergroundl tubes ian1113. Saved fronsi Deatn ln Niagara. W'aitIî ti- dctenmina(ion 10 tilI hersait. 1.dra. leleainComiello o ufoRanjuupe hsilo Niagara nir, bul vms nacuas! on lte brick utfte cataract. Debîs.C6200,790s Annota, Nettinir. Rlobert Seiruailaro thtis Duane-1'rmuit. hi Company- of UtIca.s N. Y., lias hIles!a petitionluIntntruislei. vitË dtbl amoentilg toi8200790 ans! au ameet Throteuai #W fibtliets 3.P MrelDasm ls an»àsther vmota-tNew Ta* etpftalsl1. ais, RULED DY OUTLAWS. KetaIucky- Gang of Cet Thronis Sut>. scribe tu an Awfai Ostin. Iu the heurt outheii-Cîumn-rlndud Stlee nuntaina lu Knott ans! Letchen cimntias, I<u'ntuct', ose ofthlimntacel ta lot' oath-bounus! ocielies inowaauAiuar- icon uuîaory las ils esistence. No rail- roed@ lancirnaI,. Iis reguon antin our suend tuas! iuxieuasgo hans! lu hans! Neyer in thîeai-lIts of Si-nIa. on theaplu-s tenue ofRilspîn. lte valla>'s of Anualnia lte buis of tlyIthIle lowne of Franue wns marciti-moreint exitanucetitan ta the tvo conullas, The leader of tse outlawv baud, on oI te Kut-Kltnx noI l la tuotru. in Morgau Iteynolds. mu former- soldier etfte Spat tulali vcandl mn ex-arînool leadher. 'rhu band at-asortrani,.ad louas ad ortýiQut ycns a go. Ae orlglnn*iW plannet. the pinspose ofthue urganisationi ailua Peiue, ao rouitone, thuaIntentionu heinz lu drive omtoethlie coutryur-aîch people aau dnsurvet but dit nul rereive Ibm toanal- tet ufthIbm at for evii-uloiug. Tiaurû le aImyai- n appreciahieaumount ofiurls nselunltse Kentitet>' moutéleins that tht antlîuitlns are aithan poaveriesaonrun- willilng te reo'h. tins!Iut vas 10 ermthealu Ibis (hal tle Ku-Kîiîx leaders origizially daclares! (heail hde taeas!Ienaselvea. But thir pnmpoae, it t mes anar n sin- cers eue, navet boesfruit ltai aides! In ltae seli-being of the commniti. To day lb. tro countien i uareàLOjilîta lIaI. of anarehi- ans!Ma»enlIesrompant on eyery bans!. Tteue rsla$y la*@ 'are dia * aseardeil aneýthe plb. - xrl hSn NHEARINGO0F £VIDENCE SEOUN AT 8CRANTON. Tremble of Cosi Minera end Operatosa Gela au Airinu-Prsidegt'Mitcell ealoe anullxhamtive bltanemnulof Condition& lu lin. Anthracite pRaiOsa *The Commilssion appointés! by Preai- dent Roosevet le arbitral, the tier- suces axltiog betweeu the anthracite mine workera ans! thelr employar rltiluiy began lhe bnring et tbm minera' alteofo thse casa at Scranton, Ps. Whuan the commiasio openes! ilsses- Mon the oniy evideurs bafore il irsa tbe praliminaty alatentent cf Mr. Mitchell ad the eplies theratc, of the oparators. Mr. Mitchell ian exhaustive state- niant before lits arrbiters niade il .lear that ha rouîtlu nst on full recognition et th. UniltedMina Workets' organise- lion. Ha gava a powarful description et the lIte of a minar. picturlng the hasard- ons riaka le wo'sa sbject lu ans! Oie fatal Inroada on bie healîb freinidanip sud foui gases. The injustice outhlb.mina ornera neyer bas beau more troxigil palitas!. Downu'lgbl disitouasîr la charg- es! in ltaeit methosont o u'aaing tonnage. viOla psylng for tae atandaers!ton. The respouisibiiiy of organfisas labor la point' as! out snd mot of tha trouble la traes! te th.e refsai ot (ha raliroade and vmin- lait corporations ho recognize (haeïro rgan- hzalions, while dealiug unfafrly with the individuml. Hypocrisy la lbe charge ley- es! againatthe lt aim Ithat th. bitumi- ou& ornais ans! tbe anthracite men ore I competition. Clîlîs! vorn tuirebreak- nrs ans! (ha ailbura of aducallon te reacis (ha minera' chiltren la deploret. Tbe atandlard of living late test of cIviliza' tion, aecsording te the union lester. Thaet «tandari. muatItic talant anttha aines. Mn. Miitell prafacet his stataîneint ith thebe opre Itint tire couinilon "wotuld auruŽexi i establisitinig a re'lation- slip itetaen te oliraorwund trlm tin- ars tuiet Il Insure pence snd satililty lai tae iii uire foruin iidiltn I)rioe.' Ha i c., te i ifihi sîsa v li lite) .ture strike. andt heu look uîni)te question of Wllgea. Tella.afÇondthi . "0f te 147,000 utnu sud beys aniplon- cd.' lesalît, '-64.072, or about 43 12er cent. araeauiptoyed ou cotnact or pièce- work. the reîîîaiîîing 88,000 heue employ- as! by te hotte, day, week or mnir. 0f thât 64.07'2 commtr mca. 37,W0 ratmin- ers snd 26268 are ai.e laborara." Beming on the wage question, lie aPoke of (ha minera Ilite. "Hlleengages! ta a mare dengeroîna vork titan amployaient I uy otiar importîantî ltîduatry ithe avonît. More nient are killet, eaeb day ci an average tIr pensonsi giviîtg up tueur livas 10 prodîterp osi. If tbe ainer ei- capas deaihu or iiclury hae Cannet ascape lte daadty miiners a'tais. Scsrcely a mniaworker exiata avito liaseflt contrat- adil. mi.(mpetlad ho mark li powder amoe. foui air. many of tient in wster, tbe recuit ia sîtel thaI reputiille lneur- suce co-xanilis ai lItroat iéesue poicies ou (hein lites. 'icItti-an mein recienl5's4 ages n nutally tium are eceivesl by tan perforai- li:g pracisaty sinilar ta rk in ollier nîltn., untar more favorable ant lesbazarduti conduitions." T'h.eavukers lu (haehItuntinona i'oai fieldsanmotiun tie aner. goit. coçiper sud lion e-'e minera rare instances!. The lncreesae of 20 par cent atati. Mr. Mitchelldtaheas, rount ol hafaiS- dient te Camy an inaurance policy of $1,000 fMr (ha ridera ansi chiltran. The speaker showes! tiaet lbe igbt- bott e dy demandas! vas lia. standlard hi lte mnelus ofGreat lita in ans! lu al 1the mnles of ArkaanssKiansasa. Missouuri, Iowa,. llinola. Indhiania, Ohilo, Michigan, Keantucky. Teniuneee awetertnu l'nyl- vsnnm nîd te Iudian Tarrntory. A pe- entier fart la thuit îmore couila msines! tatiter thiua yalcîl i tuiui fiunttriy produ- edt tliten iîiuirs' winkra day. Comnt o tie îiîatluid ofpayinz tae xrorkiiien uucoruliii..tei, ttunnage. 3I r. Mitchell teclîru-d îtirtunlil ciiriton".ttsy.- tram ias adîuîuhîîl ilienaeuul b, nio von- tentaient. lPai it for coui by ithe'cair, or l'y a toit o ,-gliag ftîî 2.740 ho, 3.1ix0 pounts, wailîle a ton re.illy Consiosaoui 240 puiiita." lie Rali. 'la a lsirnii wiroitg. 'Te cana have heen niada lar.-cr. more toluhine lii reîuirrul. suityat tiare lias been rîouo rrespondiîg lireasa pais! per car on pen hot. Th1e planî f the mnle ovuin l orkinie 9À) .1to 1,00 potîins u carlinithue pnehenîae tuiettue ainera baoil, t imuritnii'%%ana bittarly coîuuîent id on. It la tuiihiiiîg tbheoinler taille for theesmunie offeniaý,-" sait te rpeuikur. t oîîîîg tluit lu,-necititon of themin- ara' unionlithe>- treilenlt great-cloquent. 'Wneuuumanulrd -u lio:, e salul, "le- rons a ie kîuoxîitpermanent panae tint frienityreliiio,iati eauliest imain- taitnîl tiriuiilieotruits agreemient ail, te organit t luîiî ai ietiouin îuîoiu'liste elecrtuo Joi. Flu'îy 90 to-r cc-ut uf the enuPtuiYea o et l an uthracite coul moies oeaînii,éers of il fi-ont choira, tliey de- sire lu rehuis i t-r irntibenhip la it. It waBsthee Uitcuiein ie IVukers ut Amer- Ira ltaI c,fýrrnî-eiatirteaPrealduit uf thte United tt-ihuInlurulition to te suh- mission outhib'leesinvulviletin the cool atrike ter thîs botimisalon; itvu-satle United Mine, Worlens of Aunrirs liai aras re-qiiu-uld hy tira Presiîlenh ho eut te sîrike; i i aras nit'alas!MinisW'ork- ais of Amirira Ilînt driitrat the %trile et an ens!; t tins tie Unted Mine Wurk- ers litIment tirenmen biack teluort, ent Il la tie'ailes! Mine Workers of .%uier- ica tbst plailgedte10aeceepî (hea aant i this commissilon." j -. lybecause fandsaupl '*'1reelsely. Tou bave la 70loW gnose. If 1 reniember Il corre*," Iverts xhieh saya. 'Money maitu bloiç.' "-Washington BtarL "he Test of lime. "Loa ai primea for rail. Mm ra. ra J. Sherbourne, waystoke alo etan ai Nurse of 257 Cunaberlaod ine Ince lent Match do Portland, Mainle. ays: neot seesarlly Indicate leus of trefie flotr -I biartil! Wish thonsew»e a setback lu business. On the contrary, from sone dicturbed action of coincident witb the coletpse of lte stock IDeys would try Doan'e K - market, Ihere were many evîdencea tai IThey vwould. lika e. eb., manufacturins sud transportlng loterenta aurjaroed. MIy back ano4 hava net saoicent facilîties toenasal de- Iyemr. Pbysiclans wbo d mande, nithougb plante and equlpinent case said Il ar 1 oia are now of grenter effriency than ut uny WVbea the grlp wau prevnons time." The foriîgolng la fron worn out with conetmnt a the Waekly Trude ltevlaw of R. G. Dnn when I Contractedil l: If là & Co. It continues:t ln a TrM serions condiin, istaribution of merchandia. Ie. NIly nlot straigbten nor do tiie maintained, preparRtlons helng mode for act wltbout being ln tortunm., a heavy holiday trade, aqil traquent rom- neys were ton active orte plaints of turdy deilveries testlfy tu the ware, ton copiolia, and 1 De. heny coiilttmptloui. Proapecta for con- waa wrong. but tiow t.aigt, st tinned activity are brlght becauaa of nui- nivtery. Il seea dd for a precadented barvests, jrosiperity ln theagô" nl nrse. who han bad a auricultural sections tisauritg a gond de- ce exparlence with medicias., go mand for other products. Threataneil la- advertlaementa about Dahe bor controversiez have been anerted. hi Pilla ln the newsepopers, and ltMu soeesses wagea hbeing adnanei. wbile appear more alugniar for mtao r tb a nanaber of inereases wera ncluntariiY H. H. Bay &S on'& druS store, 4. glt'en. box. But I dld. however: ma db. O~ Railway earnlngs continue to advence, body told me before tliat Il Iaa S the tirât week of November abowinc a bisl to get relief a qickly aauI1404 1 rie of 4.8 lier cent over 1001 and 15.2 would have been lth tel belleve l.t It ieor cent oner 19(x). 111gh temperatura clin tend any on. vrile wiahes N retards retail trade i w aaonable goutte. minte partîculars about Mny Mca*e Aside frotefil experted declîne la pinces me, and I willi le only toc giad to taS of pipes and tubes tere has been 'Ioltent peraonaliy. As long aa 1 live 1 enidence of weakuezaansdaili the recentI will be a ira advocate of Docil e 14 concessiîons were canant hy couipetît ion ney Pilla." of new plants rather thit ditfliisbed cure Conflrusaîl Vive Teres ater, Lusinessi. Many purchasers ie îelayinc "Lapte.of timt ea s trengtbefflie orderm, howemer. inthie hople tint lthe goo<l opinion of Doan's Kldney I7 anarlkal will gto hwer ln othar dîjiart- §Mrt expresed ln the apring of MM nientse,1lent there ls aloormal support in 1 lil tien îta d anybody toi ne~ fie ulhtmov,ent of coke. Rail millâ that I apnoil eglrle lirefuly bok.1iip e, éatqnlckly ies 1 dld 1 would bave beca ud ail'u rondit ixiî llaîci a litr ioer luth tu ellee I. iYer bve as" in (,erîîîîîîî3 . %o hilt. ai rouI ui Ii ta it ont y continued fretdoni front kUk la graIhqlia. aîicialIy foîr il'a ney corufailnt lians trengtbenes!1»Y Easlertî iîaniîfîî,-iîr'rs of fouit ,car oino flaaKdeyPlaa aire- îîttî'rlîig lit,itîluceiiett te, lità% ena. iln fI.'sK e Plaad ait. niiile no aîtîiîîl nil. aireas iti .1%giaen tue a muth i îgber appreclatias bave îîccîrrci. te mîîîîî n .' adeiit, i'iv ofiiIr mTli. o'Ii retkda st eunit. %lVîslerîî aiî.î;îaire alsn on>i o- AFETILifti rn l» Il areslu ,,itser ii.i.oîîii' a, ,îxx meuline whil. cured tirs. Sberbourons Bu te cause mucotiirlîîliiîl. Solo-îîîîî 111 le malloed on application lie au? la active ad ireu. hu ildinuiiisaloitixý part of the United Siatas. Addr» por saes iîi tnte i.,oiiaîiii.îrîiiiosinr,Nilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. rei~ tonneîra ai,iîî,-eîl lîrices. o- lei'kc,î sle liy aIl druggiata. Price 50e@ binless. Foreign dry iileao are ible- Per bo][. deiand aiit iiktîr, . Liiiedasuppliein u The moraliiy front accidents lewJt tIrai handa andtt îîJuîlotrra bave *ls- way employas was rednnead 5 per 0" taluedrd otion igouda. ipte te oharp lhast year. declitii,.lu thi'rav i- iteni. Expont irada ____________________ la duoi, t'tinîi-a isiîieolaa aitîîg ithe effeet îof file break lu sîlver. lnt fîr-"i.rn ordî,rmart-n'ith le umarketi and couldliehi acliîrcd'îi oli iiit oclîsiinis. ti. 'ilie- tx-ii s"moulinlsie ftliecîîîarko't for wool,u gouda, tiiîolili thé-er ix munie inellilry for lieavy weiglîîuifuor iuick eli iîlî m 1lotit- mulla lii tii-m tirai ual ,eof thliiiiark'î titi sxriig irariîiî'iii. llniidotrcos'etuiroiirt 513 \V i'i.liiiîludio;ltuîi. ip na fut li.. wi'k .iîîuliiig Nu. 13 iregili-4tc jii iiiel . igeeitiîxq 5,715.'el5sJoin to-. . 9.,.04 tiila xtîek raat n i'artand 4i.0412tJ lu 1tXXl. Wlii' ii-apo. in-iiîejuily t ont- greati lt.7~44t.i2lîaiîî'... iîiîiîîai117.. ILW2.318 Jinat seiîioitend 71.4411,001 it ('orntexporta oiicragaie 2Sl.1101 luth-ât 11t,9147 lain week. '21r2 Lent yeur sud 3,9761.914 ln 1900. 'or file > d>f~'cub woaauMW& floral year exilorta are 2.208,7W12 buiaholie against 18.84î ô,4018 lantsI aaon and 6.1Z m k fEg tn % 903 in 1900. hweaw u d0 i90 p- - tieS Md uterlne troble, t Triere la out î'nli an m bcueb yf Cb mQ. ioutiry in itie IVuiîîd tatem an adbca Fbjagl t(,doflo- mrk cury ou P1nlkbaiiis Vegetable Counsiold lte busIneus. anuviraheenormuliîros, -- ,laomyhat »I astk sîueolîutiofa lilt ouîîc arge onfailiherause cofelmais trouble&. Tb& stckili'. u Su-u miitortstare 1ndortior did not belp me. I remens Iliat tay mother h C cOiseriiivehhruuliîuit ou iy eiIig PIiklsnm'a Vegctable Com tui î.eiiuirugi - '-il.îli(îînhave reaHl h-I1 un mauay occaions for lrregu#i eol along ig le declîlu'. Whoers- ' allies anduterine troubles, and 1 foit i. are lighly iiuîilhedil l il te lotrt flîitr- that it coud not harm me ai any jutei deniea tu,toitukfr ultimate reo-exalcîn. Tht o wciis tia l. 1 I"Clilii tu.o.aglias boîrne ontiit l, ' re I1, 1 as eertaily glid 1 Sud liaI t dictiounis maole'%%11i.u nioiey final be ie rîthin a wveli 1 fait mouee baller, the tighlteue. t if rui.lolto atîil.iiit lde- terrible pains ln rMy back auns"al i lr'aîîilt i ii ia good thiiii ie îr Illîe wero bc.inniug t10 ecame.and! ai th* 1 ulntry. lime of mestruation 1 dit not hbv» ilje t eni- of lciîîîifiît iîrîs.uueli'Y nconly a.s serionsa tinno as hazeto- ali,"ontiihle. 'f. ror .ut u.îuîîleiug le-c fitur fOr'. Do 1 continues! its use for lwe aide tu corte. veu1,ilîîle b ahtluiii - moath-j.and t the end of thn± lime I 4 il(.' parthof iiiter.-sla hlnienly rlîuîîiiud , wa iko a neir roman. 1 really ha». hi t ie lîî:i î,fflhe. îban,-î lu, -îr:y ucter frît Vtter lu ay lite, hava Dot 7 thiiriî,iluîi'rîhuuîiiî jî.îud t îgît h..bail ck 1'eadaahe ainca. and weilib uîoney îîîîd iîîîlî îteeatriodoIs h 20 pounde more than I ever dds!o 1 loýIle le o 1, uitlîstocks uuuItirj,îît unhcaihatlngly reconumenul Veceabu art'. u ilîcîuýr îfluîîiy tuoJvitaug,î-in th - compound.,-MLSn. M4T IliÀLa. VEd. iîuura îf nuulu. it iiiliuulet~ arton Wis., Prealdent Bouaeho1 seokig iiit-eliiollitconn'oi mcs Club. - gaoofssf.MafsaýetIn, ti, ave-atIa uluniu llzxn lu fu'.cîitulîietit th," pî-llatah, ,otill ,13fuor aîIcnte . l ~lWomen ehodreemrth - fao s one trled and truueremedyfo14W Il, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i itiîui' -îîlîî siii arlii, feixiale lia, Lydia F_. inlk.' Ilventrilly veil work (,etiI liam'a"e"egetablcmo d.Bn 4i ini ,,rdlîr you nueilthe bt. t HeriliieW ter'V ilicinunu xr.îrii -of uloney tfor ai i etiiuute porte u-i fThare Jlt xood l hîilî-iii ilu' o-iltiliî TIIA U hf -his, lu inuiirî, tsnd i, hal r Uea- W IlILAI ILKI.IJ 1tiiîugh rutlet-r eatter il; du-iratoute-i te a latteýr. Tihe troubîlae ilig u the !;t- t There lanu- .aielafowctIon teer t artilraitronihin lîs ,îiaid,d. t.uix b' ý &YOM lcoffdrtabl. 1 Tuer,. la the oit aiury of Jack ct fuît w' ý@k ,4.dtéoM in lacl îaleoiudcar ilîurtîige li trn !linunnipolheinesîîîî 0feel te rue aîîurt. YOD A1UII 0or1Tm * age lefos tlon uother wiae'rn eeni.2ro, sud U6 YOU M<AR 1tmula file local railla rce'tly bn-sie -rery P reècord by the production of «43,710 bar- 1 *rets of fouttr lu a week and the volume et onlgoing freiglît avery day ln anormoîta, there inflot muri ronplalul heard if lu- A E abiity te secrer promptlilservice. IL L Chicsgo-Cattle. exumuon tueririîiie, $440 te $650; bugs, silîiing g'radea, TZ r $4.25 te $660: abaaep. fair ho choir,..92.00 CIM48N a0 $37rl;wilîat. No. 2 ret. .72e 10 73e; &N EMO ciin. No. 2, 54e te -55e; nain. No. 2, 27ce umio (o28c; rep, Nu. 2, 49e ta 50c; iîsy, tini- tity. £8.5() te $13l.u00!prairie. $6-M tia The i ) d l6a 1h vecelpt o e t(hemn au and r4frasli. ovartra tera4il lelcez. eonut oi glati! ha ao tins! tu, be y Dow les that vu Ury ans! 0 hi'p prlety e lit dont taI ni, been hi eleint 17 tirai et pies tila appean tonasth Ybalea them. rasceu suifer as! an etrinini rouît Net su wllhu tItra n 1am.t sit soma tactlt Ita b aides. te lk t'<lent1 Eut 1 m. imiti More et liv et the etate lte I tor s labot rive Bart Isees able :troi spinu 3oui wisl ishe *hai ou land ar fera, Bot zon vil] lie Ali et eas dev Lui Toi Sta ,the es. Cair 'fi me oue Wl l o i

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