CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Nov 1902, p. 4

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P IBSUUIL USEn t. »V AbVW*Y1511 E& 513 IMWN On PPLI' Priday, Noveber 21, 1902. Whol1 Be Speaker. Who aliail be speak* of tbe next flouse ! 0 p1 &Btie. A W ho ehal organisa the ooming StaSe Sonate ta botberlug lMe poUtioians of bath parties at Ibis limemtalays mach If Dlot more. than Woubo s ha United Staitu Seaator frontIlois. 8S»00 the leetion tbis matter bam occupled every vakeful moment of tbe members eiect of the coming Legisia. suie and ith theai politcal satelitez -comprsing their foliowing. To thon the rmit l8 mach for opon At depeuds a soit berth duriug the vinter sud #prIng monthea t a flandsome stipend. If lIMAi man wins their maintenance kla asaured. Othervis. th other 1.1mw gets tbe job. The prenent dis- bartiance le coufined tebthe republicas a$mont soly. The democrats viil ot have a look tu uniese IheY form à - omblnuton vlth tbe veaker faction and produce suocstul recuits. For this reason are many of the opposiion being cour"d quite assduonsly bi the rangiig republican factions, Tentative promises have beau made for proper support at the proper time. k.The truggie la vigorons andi at limes qulie acrimoulons. Two fractions "a deveboped. The administration and the organisation. The former compaSses lb.folowing of Governor YMWe and ougressman Lorîmer. The '.orgénlmaion elenea reste upon a boumiateut buiided by Ex-Speaker Lawrence Y., Siernan and hie foUlov- jug. They cdaim 0Sbu fo t agai"it1he 'aeb*e"bas Se organise purely for beaeol mties te &ho&eioa- gi ,tufy. CharmesT. Oherry As tho anadiate for Speakerof th rganisa- Um avile fotmer Speaker Edvard 0. OmrUs veara th. shoulder âchape andi eeepu hé lfiColoners lent and quittera for th Administration. »joad h... Ivo fraohions viii rally Mhe husbevhen lthe fiual round-up la «Uo&Chaise betveeli hen Wil» b. "4gMd.d. Whthei l b. Crtis or àah.t S haOhoerythe oholce muai beraie bot belve een mon à" mBteveen le. Io tractions- ~~att a e.Ogatonp , . ~M.Lornur sSd Ur. MopkUm have t0 e p bom a cI n Sh NerSh.g oua veldo Mef, and »me& ala h labout saspofsible foi -8 1'LutAmer tu, keep ont of a 4oIUd l rmniae m lt voulsi bc toi ho ByeteIl" ithout bruathing. Be ell "otdo il--ans i viiidol. ne le ,lofwiS&Oalclgibe bai lhbi "$*&gombe oxy style aund visesho "~ha.about WhIou nd n visai Mwe o eneter th. avona bo viii do w,ý tai tiste results viii sp.edily ho s*u.S.$d. Afor lioplinaif ho se«i or balies imot abeoiloijy Pue, atlng lelectesi UnitedSt Batu sa tr IMeh. vili take a iband and to a gisate. aoag wilb lise Lorimez r-'elo. Be ehsScsasiate te tek.staune tisa,-"loud Boas" but wiii vork btsM. If bath leaders abeou maine te enter tihe Admilstrtiloi coup the Organisation wAt tale iii oeo*tof eu sudtbedowuand ont.AI ku% lu tact. Ultbey tale a misidie-ol Uba-reaitposiiipu«tAey viii raliyj flUient fsuiowlng to demoralise bost tmachons ubicis vii resai tlu ait seti? 50w macine' vitb Loimer, Hopkini G o. s soie owuers and leaders. Thal'. ail lbare*ia toit, Tbaîs w a Ai thIe trouble la about. Blection of Fair Officera. 'Fb. annuel meettng of tise bale tiun$j Agricltural Society vii li e tIOS thebcTownuat]al, biberlyville, Vednasday, December 3, 1902, et 2 Omeek p. us. OE E CHouLtSec 7-I d. t.uok ino Thirteen. sh sesding i3 mites Wm. Spirey, of raSon purusaceV, gai a bar o! ai"*no Arnica Salve, tisaIvioily ge4ss lba, lcrs epiloblle, bqies, coina ansi piag. Only 25 cents. )gaiutaed by P. B. Lovan.Lberty- PtS GSATILAkz mASA PALATINE. Apayfair laion bise tapie for the la vei uDecember. 1410 Pfflah- entartainesi friends îrm iroovisunSay. !1. @M so hae srtisatairMe. Mrjý Niller, of Deam Crove, vas sili- m s itede taub'SIalte Suusiay. sIgeAd.hia smASh vasesguesi or »ISqeSla JefflasaPark Wadneday. -b Z» iMa Eîigalkbnt and Nehitng - 1h%. Viseca venM40&oIS tHaven, - *"M athiiW lb.s fn"eriefnter N0 e. v . esuewn«be. t. bise lm or uu»Uhv si, 850 Mlà &thé oentu G. A.,ia. eucamp- qUéft1. , e Owrite.: The capital, tise grand and Ar- posiug11 building of Wshington, la nuary SM test iong aud 300fel sth tu tis a pex cf the doute. At the eou or principal entrance are tise elb.d brons. douo 18 feef higis sud 9 teut vide. Tisey are historie ansi 0,11u1110t60Columbus andi bis discoveiy Of Aserica. Tbe rotunds la th. targuit la tie counntry ansi msny P&Iutlingeadoru IL. The hal o! thse gouge 01 Eepiesentatives A.Ioithelargeet Leglsiatir on Au Ibe country, the Iloor o! vbich comfoitably accota- moda.. »00 meusien ansi lie galuerles afford ample room for 140o1 persans. Tha Sonate obamber la 11680Iffl eeand 35feel bigb. Ics ceci- ing lasbandsoneiy rescoed, lie ilght conIDg lisîcugis panels, or icisly coloresi glpes. The Cougrmteouakl Library lsaa magnificent building Alabesi iirougb- Out vib h11s11y7polases mabie andi sUMPtUbohsly furulahesi. Tise books, pamphlets, apemusic andi en- gnavinga number neairly a million. it ta peouliarly iehin lueverytbiug periainlug In auj .way tb Amerlos. Tise domte ia reaobed by &bout 3w0 tops andi the viev vel repays ube lime ans labor apeut la maklug lise usent. Tise Whitle Bouse imcv unsiergolng extensive repaire> le lite rosidence of tise Prosîdant and vs bulit mauy yroersagM ans in ofthlie olsicolonial style of architectuare. The esat cocci la respiendent ithismro, chian- deliers, furuilore ansi draperies o! grea& valne. Tise adling roomi are kuown as lise greén, bine and rai roome. lu tbas'rooma ailPresdential receptiois are beis. be couservatory las tlled i vh rige and beautiful plants. The south froof th ie groundis extensi lo tie Potomac river. West of thse executive mansion la tisai graund and lmpoalug structure known aslise tuer, tate anaý Davy building ansi bas litslekeepiuna the Original Delaratlon o! Independence. The iUitedi StaSes Treaanry I&. afi structure, voit la proportilonsansi a Intereating atudy. The cash rouas, thse roomi o! lb. secretsry, lise vanli visere are steresi vast snmoe t £olgt greenbsoka, silver ansi golsi boudas are luterea&ing ans itIl oulu -do - youl .good tu bear tise darky guide Wth ie amonnissacroîd an eaoh vau& aven down hoetise cente. 'ise deparimelit o! the lntea'or contelis te patent cilce vitb lie Ihousands of modela, rtise land offic, lise bureau of edauca liUon, lis. Indian eloieageobogicai esurvoea, e. Tise pensiou-offie vus rs 01more Inlersi andi alhiaclesi tie t atention o! more olsi soldien. ibm àposaubi7 auj othoer building ansi tor -gond ansi suffciait rsubsas île doona open for ties regulariy tour 0lUmsaan. is e main tom &bthe ïvau a raaplion <ven &0 ail viaiwhe bbisthePassion Ocmmi.ioner ad fis rdeputies. Tiue goverumnn prlntlng csffice la a hua. Institutioýn andi rmillions of public documenta are aprintesi, bouad ands eutsoui 70"7 0Tise.are vr one Mioussai persoa em4siojesiboie asidisunainedi ef tous o! prinisi malter la cent ont esois Jear. Tie bureau o! pulnting asiud ngraving la perisape 15e moat iateresting o!faIL tise public buildings, 1t ta about 3W)5 felé long iy 150 vide ansi four stores bigis. lu bisie building ail tisa notes, bonds, revenue ansi postage eamps aie engravesi ansi prînles beides rancb oIsr on vklorsierusiby Congres. 'unr guide 1 tink gave us e big ellEf sbuce.sisc sailItis &oea er. 16,000,000 positage atampa mont out every duj Lu~ tb. 77,000hO hat.,s-i tue thle UiAted Lta. Tise Navy 3 arile are s great atnsi, 28i00 persans ar e uphoyedthuere. Tii. pîlucipâl building la nieziy 1<000 ful long by 136lfoutsaIsie sud itl a bore the cbuto are usade, lise langea& boing 4L teet hong ans In boisbae asidviii seusi a siaus!t1000 pountas wslgbt 13 miles. A natinal soldliu buse ha iosJalOliaafeu milea nortu o! &lie olly ansi la tbe boue fon about 1000 aid soldiers. Isid iw eil Ikepu lie ail elusilar bous.aud lie aid veto ane vuli caresi foi. Mdount Vernon lanltO."s about 15 silesdsoun ansi on lise hant a! tise Potomac. Thit, guoebâis vers cileeed for alao s few jeans &go but Cougnesa ilaclinesi te malIe an appropriations lar thisar pancisae asidthis blhe A le ou tbfilsi by au organisation of ladies, ansi lise buliAngs are beAng reatorosi te tise original or colonial poniosi. Il la a algislly place. soae30 fel&a"ove lhe rAyer ansi wu a littiug hoe. for s gentleman o! lie revolutlaaery ceu. Tisa tomis o! Washington adsidata lie siacrosineas of amocitioua ttiat cluses arouas tisshouse af]luberty, ansi vill bu reveresi by lise peuple o!ftels Nation until the endi o! tîme. Ailinglon, fonuserly lise homne af lie Coafederate Genenai, iRobert E. Leu,, is nov lise lasit retiug place o! tison- saudsofa!Union aodier's toui guiS. saisi 21,000.) Boe.aiaare luidlb. soldiers 0oflise tpanisisusau d tisose ubat boat hoir lires luntise up et thés. Ns..Their tet rntiug place iseinarlesiby saisuge anchî)r. TIer. anea s ev oefdentes tIbiSslsi lu noîtisoîn iospîteae iAresi ons tii. trast. Tise plantation sntonme 48 acresaend vas oufiaetea.i. Ite enclosesi by a watt o! facesi atone laid lu ceusant the cap Of! viic la bollesi ou and le tiser. 10 eay. The greunaS are in perfect accord vitis lie object for visicis bey ver. dedictai, tise lbwvus belng ficeiy moved, sud gravelei roend beaansd couciete walka everyvisere. Ou lbe 801h of! May <Dcoration Day> mshy@m wtisa youmIg and olsi, vilS sieun @lep@ aMdi lite éTai lia Slila grataful - raisennuo by baiera csf liberty. bircu<soub bisa 1 left Waàhingtou ab I o1elock P. M. Saturday ansi axpeotasi te reSobChi- cago the nexl utgbi but the train laid ovar in Clueinusti about 19 bonus, io did not reacis home until Wouday p. Ms. Altogetiser Il vas a dehigilf u tnp ansiuel vorli tise Mine andi manuer. One thing I birgot ho0umention vas c reception te tbe deiegatea iy meusien cf tbeMPeaident'a Cabinet visicislu- cindei among otlier things a cakre valk by six couples o! darkies lu con- vention bail, a room lOOxl5O feeS. Tier, vas muae oby a bramabaud, speechses, ansi a ine lunch and cigare sud t vas a ver, enjoyable affaîr. A Stnrtlins Surprise. Very fev coulil believe In iooklng at A. T. Hoadiey, a bealhiy, robuai black- onllh of Tîldan, mnd.. that for %en yearse q uferesi snob tortures frcsm rbeumatiom s eu coulsi endure ansi live. Buta vonderfulochange foilovesi bis. takiug ElactioBittera. *Two boties violly cureS me," be vrila, ,and 1i bave not lftila inge n over s yea.' Tiey reguanSthelis.kdueva, panify tise blood sud cure rhenmatlam, neuraila, nervousness, Improve diges- lion andi give perfect health. Try tisai. Ouly 50 cis aS F. B. LovUrsL, Libetyville; GisAYRLARE PHAJiMACT. Nick Prost, a! Kenos, apent Tl'hu- day vithb its.pareikts Deirnar Townsensi, o! Fort 111il, spent Snnday wvtfi Lee lienson. Misa&Kimma Taylor, of Mctienry, la the gncîl o! Lisle Potier Ibis. veel. Mrs.nal oifo Elgin, speusi lie latter part o!ftihews-ek t lier olsihoboi n V'oio. Mra Tiieis. ,!rindiena, vas lhe guest o!flira. JAhn lboang ttlIraIa! tse veel. Mesars. Sidnîey liislal, i-rank andi William Bironimna <pen lesat Tiusan- day lu Chicago. Mr. sud Mus. Lon Foi, o! Fort ll, Sundayesi viitlise isiteua rstser, Mua. Sidney Bussell. Lisle andi Jennle Patter Ppent Salai- day lu MofHeury vîh tiielu olsier, Mus. Wmn. Baon. Hurry Nicholi,, dangiter tiarrlet and sou Frank speut part nI thse vs-b vith relatives is e city. 1Wr. Richardl Compton relnrnesi hotme 1Wedneedsy frons n several veeka vieiA v ith hi@ iiangbters lu Elgin. îThe nemnoscf Mies. Elizabeth l)ave, of Waukegau, vene leai 10 ruilu tise Cathollc cerneteny Saturdey ofien- DOaU. Among lise Sunday visitons vwenu Muae. Josephs Vogt entA daugistenEtisel, o! Long Lae, ad Mrs. LevAs Lual, oI Premout. Mr@. Haunab Kîve., Mia. Ciarle. laughtansud angiter Nulile rumineS &0 hbem homes lauWaukegau Suudaj alter s briel vsiaI BangiéshBrno. ie. Henry Wagenei dieu et ber home near 1Iiy Lake hlonciay eveniug after s ciort l hina. Tise nevi o! ber deati came as a groel surpriae 10 bur frAundsansd negbona. A busbausi, ivo sous ansi thies itaugiteTs survAve isen. Tise funenai vas bel FnAday usounlug, aey. TIiaJee officiatiug. Tier. yul b. a carpel rag social et tise home ofrUr. John Wallon, Wednea- iiey evening Nov. 26', given Isytlise tcacher andi pupils oI tise Vola acisoal Proceeda tabe asesifor thse bs-ulItesf the scisool iibnany. Ladiles. ar.s,- questesite briux cakes andi a iali a! carpet nags uti naus.- la coter A cordial invitation la uxtendesi ta al. ,When the butter won't cone put a penny in the eliurn)," is an old time dairy proverb. It ofte c sCIifSto îork though no one has evc'r tolsi why. When mothers are worried hucause the children do flot g~iiii strength and flesh WC ~[give thrn Scott's Emul- bi l It is like thc penny in the in;ik because it works and bccause there is sornething ,,tonishing about ItL Scots Ernulsion is sirnply 1. rilk of purc cod liver oil with some hypophosphites cs-l)cially prepared for delicate ,(llnachs. Chljdren take to it naturally iD,(catse they like the taste and the rcrnedy takes juet as niturally to the childrcn be- cause it is so pcrfcctly adapted to tlicir wants. For all weak and pale and tlîin eidren Scott's Ernulsion is the most satisfactory treat- W. wilI aend you the penny, I. e., a mmaiple free. th. 5.f i- (à labd inso . is SCOTr & DOW N n d» PNul St, N. Y. 0-401-8 au, sDdn, A. Tweed w»a a Waucnide viaiteir Tinrsday. Pied Oribb and flmity visîtesi ure trieus Sndy. A. Tweed and i vfe vere Biolie viaters Sunday. litr. Fred Orfab »ad sou viiei ber motiser, lisa. Twed Tisrdal. E. F. Gsilgerffl L. J. Tweed vere MoilenrY calleis aurday eveung. Mrs. tC. iarbaugisandi Mi. Baye, 0f Lake Villa. vereonour eîreela Monday, Tisea iii b. services at tise Cbristian ohurci as Fort Bill on Sun- day Nov. 23, bath mrorniug andi eveu- log. Eveulug service commenclng ai 7:30, ý3uuday sohool ai 10:30 a. m. aud pieachlng as Il a. m. WARRENTON GROVE. Clara Loman baon tbe alck liai. Mi. siegel, ansi faily iovesi to Waufla Iaturday. Quite a fev albendesi the dauce et Mr. Wilinlgtou'a Priday aight. Mie. Francea Suyds apeuflslatter part Of thse veelai tbe Willngton home. Tise iitle non of Mn. ansiMr@. Wnsienfeld dIed lest veek. Fiioerai vus iseid ibursday ai tbe borni0fbis parents ut ibis place. Interment vas lu the - Waulegan comahery. 'lise parents bave thse synpstby of Our commuuity. ROLLINS- Orlansdo Iool sisippesi a fine car lonsi o! caIlle Satuuday. Win. Cremin la on tise .1,1 lisi. lin. palmer la in ailendane. MuRses Ceunie Riel ans iliazel Esivenda vre pleanaa.t oalei sa ser- day - Mr. Bixier la arousii tîsie part bey- Aug tsunteyss fer tise ibsîslagivligi market. Misa Mansde Esivsrsls ansi Mus. Orlando lio vers Chiscago visitorg gattirday. Tisc.lassknt aocial tiît wvas fi it a Avon Centre seboal, Nov. I1.,19<52 vas a succesa ansitise pras-cesa sountesi ta $ 16,301. FORT HILL. Lenzen Br<ss vere at Spriog Gnove Mouday. A. B. Combe wus a Wankegin vissior tbe irai efthlie veck. Mus.. E. Beuveli neininesi 10 ber home la MorIon Park Snnday. Mis. Mary itanen andi daugiler Edilis, ver. lu Lb.niy ville on Fuldoy iaai. Tise baby daugbten et Mr. ansi Mis. Henry Houlon hs quite sick. Dr. Sisaffen vas caliesi linday. BuonetAseprogressing tiieiy nter the management o! mis Avis Md. Payne. lSciobars- tisaI vere neiher absent non hardy limt mots voe: Esii Paddock, leslie Paddock, Forresi Thomsou, Oweîî Paddiock, Klpi Davis ülid s Pyne, ansi Piyllil Paddocks. t tg . h. Cs...ty Sourofl ai ntaa Sasudey vont isegan on tIse oast doeck tano bu it ut tie nntIi side o! lise 'J. mlhp by thse Western Coul sud Dock carnpasy. 1 Lie newrosi dock buildsings will tanid jilat -pptsaîite lie presfent docksa stssl yul caver grouns 87513410 f ent. IL saîlI Ns consldeuabiy langer tintanthese su--ut quarteus a!flise Comspany and he tisisal capscily of tic tva docks., ILim la ius, wliA se 500h,000i tons. h. Hi. Lindsay .1 t Co ibn stylsstsf sa nev cluhii irs.,tu ta oat buliness utexI week~ in tise atone funinssny oc- 'uspiesi by Wiecier'àa musia alois. T. B. Li ssjaa3, Ira Fergucon aud Wm. Lindsay arethe tis iulis4soators ansi $20,04i<i ltse capitali stock. Mn. Linsasy is a voetrsni,, tise lothiîg tussie In base h only, irîsu vilcti bu bus psnllo c in'i. Iseoilns vli aloo en muAsaeiclsass tllofissg. lisc. gstueut o! tuse losoc- casionesi -,y tAh-ils-eutconflagraiAon et lie Alarbiiîer Wappen factssry, vat comupleissi i-iîrsay nigit, sad e loue- fs-Ik -i as sagagesi Sunnay Au rem-, .g tise durnagedst sock ta Ci. Cage. Monduy pneparatlons lau nesurng tise <peation a! tIse factouy begau n einrsant. A barge force o! canpenters usa put tu vork repaitnug tise damagus ta tise building, and otisna ve renovlng tise sebrIa cf the tins. Messrus. Alsoisuler nov an. nnnetissu n tInuday. tise fatory viii be tun'niaug vAls a gteaIly n- cneeai-d capscily. kioudeyubga ataInchsise va. gras tiutheWaaean.We4teru rail. rossi. Thue road itis urliseresi by Wan- kegan min c sels-vely andilie rhoute tisr0m Watiîs-gan la Wmrenlon ualng tise section 1Ilsss. A feahure 18 liati h croasea btuosnosî tueisiof tbe City lu a grade crosiiig, ut Butrok @%trest. Tise otisa r Cott5intgaare m&i onder the eliaets. The isîlroua entera tIse ravina near Digerid greens-bouse. Tise plan la,t50 ieli iakiug tiieout for grade te get Ato tise ravine, et Glen Rock avOUenue, in is manuer grade cross. luge being aroidesi. Tihe censpany bus no etreet rigbis Inutise city oni! for crossinga. I hey askesi ne rente uhere tisey bave te runalaoug the 111g11100. Aitovito ls tisat thse lino thrcsugi tise eity muet ha but]$ vîtiain six meonthe alter tise passage o! tise franchise. Elgin Butter Market. Butter on the Elgin Sourit ocf Tuada tos a ruMon9dmy ai toi ests. Salas e1 et. van 503000 posais. Buftta 4um Voait lu 1901 vas mij ouste- 1Irs. flhra*n *baIe*4 Utsxr. à. a WbeeIer siopW a thlie oity Vriday. Mise Wayne Bysau. ofWarreuson, viaited viii Margaret Carolau Saturday enUd Snnday. Our operator, Mari Corcoran, su- joyesi a 10w sieya oft volA neilvaca- tion ia t veel. Mn. aud tIre. Scott Love ansi dangiter1 spent last veel vils lira. Lovusi niotber, Mis. Carroll. UmIesOromnuandi lie Misse@. s!oy oi Chicago, visitesi over Sunsay vilS Ibeir1 aus, is& aBacater. lilaeStella .Carrol entenlainesi a lange crowsl o! young toika Sunday . evening. Carde vere lIse.amaneeist. MaDy beantital prizes ver. <Aveu aud a sielicale lunch senvesiandicaci amise elijoyes hinaciflu ho ie utmoi.1 Mr. aund Mis,. .Unnuiford amd'Iamiy came ont g0 ibeir aunnair home Sunday for ane more day befoucelhslug il per- uasnently ion lise ululer, bui beiug ndsay l basi 50ral as cainslrnsking jl very louplesaut. Misa Smih, o! Chicagoauompaeii dtbern. The many friensis o! Milon Maîgaret QLJjonnor vîli b. grievesi 10 kbow tisaI she late le otimotauallaok otypbais lever; but aider the Ireslment of Dr. Parmunter, of bale Fors-t, ansi s inaînssi noige aieAgelug along nicely andsi lil »c0 on earong us agaîn. Hello5 Anytblng doingle Wiy yeB, a Box Social andi enteitaiumntutaIthse Evereil acisool on Tbsulsgiviug eveu- lug Nov. - 26ti. (Gis kindlv mmmu $Oshi met la regdlar uâseon, ail preaet @meapb Gifbe. Minutes of méeetng q cet. ô rassi salI ou MOllosot Kaaer-vre approved. A Pétition for appîochces tuoroaaug At interseoiiou of liainerd court ansi Cook Ave. vas rasd andi an motion of iauby andi Bultenftlsithe natter vas lai t ta etreu) commtte.. The finança commitee reporiiug, favorabiy on tise foilowiiig IBis, ilS uj inovesi by ConitunitKaiser th&$ the report 0f coumîittee bc acceptesi aili votîluA 57: E. BHoran ................. ....3-P4 20 Preeman Psower Hupply Co ..... 41 36 J. Kelse.... ý................... 14 (;() J. (iieasaîa.............. ...il137 C. Blosern...... ........ ......ila 103 J1. Brison.... . -.. ... 7 50 0i. E lester ... ..... 21 #W) Go.)s. Peiten........ .......... 1 3 M. Fresbmun ... 5<5 iii F. liader .. . .. .... . 6 ghO D. MoCorusick ..............III 60 D. Limbeiry ................... 8 01 B. Il. Miller ... . . .... 25 (Siý 0. Davison ... .... 34 42 W. Division ...... ............. fal87 L. J. Webb ... ................i8l()j) G.iBoehm ... ........ 3 N4 W. CJ. Sanborn ........... .....-a2()on T. Fencatter......... ..........I li5) Lakse Co Ind*peudent. ....... ..I1 68 On motiou of Kaiser ansi Coloitth1e huis v ere ailovesiandi warrants ordereit drau, aIl votiag ayss. Il vus movesi by iianby andi Kaiser ibel lthe streetemitten benul- powures tsi bulsI ai once ail vaikg thai have been ordenesi by orsinances. Carniesi. An ondinancefor valks onH lpragne Rtreet vas Pressînt0d ansirendi andion motion of Kaiser sud Wrightl ordînance 154 vas pussed. &Il voting aye. ""Pénhil ansiadpes.S .I~ enfollova: <uhasli SM88457. Paisi out dm*«la%% P347.08. Balance ou baud 1337,0. Tise foliowlng ralbo u presentei by nuance commiSSe. s on motion of CorleSI snd Balierva.. passesi: Resolwed, Tiset 0600 hacislam roU,! thseunapihrcprlaied fansiandi appliai S0 lise road andi bridge fond. An cndinanoe for eniabllsbing graie: An lie village vasresnd andi on mnoSh a! <Joriett snd Kaiser vas paaneeiOUa vottng aye. It vas uovesi by Kaiser ansi ocrisS t lia the boiard prceeed tbdrav us man ordinauce ehetie ffect bisa a ald*W*ik bc bulil siong, tise sortis »Me ea Orciard atneet trous liee otaS ala i Macaroni tactory Ssii te Vill4eP lej% Nays, Buttertielsi, Corolets, nby', Wright. Ayes, Kniger. Ngtolesles. On motion 01f Wright andi flaby tbe meeting adjourned. W. O. SAunoRN, Clark. No-tIce. OnneaflenIII iigrndsetMiry Milliit Ivaubo. oneveny saturiiay, . P.l50,i If you vaut bandiubi, -, If you vaut envolopea, If yau vaut colore i vorl, If yon vaut business carda, If 7on vaut taiy biter boudas, If Yon vaut Din i Ailg carda, If You vaut vedding invitations, If Yon vaut many lind o! job voîl, L«evayonî orders ai the ixl»spauasmv office snd bave lieus exoeutesi lu tis. fluent nmanner and inluthe eborteat tisa possible Carri M Bead anus La (,J W àL l &1- lnP L Chînu Dla-i sO27-4-I<5 li.....................Iou1 L IL ibI'-s ta c W iloasi vW4n.'ganu Ila le D4 u1 1-é .' 2-1-46-l0 le ssruae s i n ,0 W Y i nirau nind 10taNry Murrls, IlrbIL t T4'fatD ligb)wood iw J.. ne se J L lSmith sandiw! ta-,C Il it,'ilIL Clnrk & I.utirnsr'.ai, of its 6i andi 5s Lai-Forentî w a................ (l, uhaqs Philiîsa uni w! to, SeuI*li'au"a IL. 31 un n bl Ill k 4"Cbin oSîrinic Bluff.al1! ...................... as chuIh1I, i'biliiçsý a ,sv 0Smil'ais. 1-t. rZ7aind i> 1,k 4', ciinssgo prina Bluff. q '..............a AIE 8nhs-PIsr und vi ta CeIrsa andi <',rss-iiu Snls.-vesr r'.imt i 46tae F, r'st w sd.............* A Vi i";pand iwf tal'ranees ri.i i[)art L 38Lake u F w d ..... tmen W A Vannoiandi vi ta 1'f4NMnic iotë Il. 9aund l0 Cannons. aeuh on «Hlanurondi ssrtii o! Zion w d.... &Xan il W Arn"- bl s.rj W Amus le 1-4 ne, 1- s 5 . 5, w la4 451-U-0 , ucres. v d... i ai WA DSWO RTH. A. titar andi fsmlIy bave movesi ta W ankegais. 'Ibeomodoien dance on the 7ghInetui wa, Iargliy attendess. A Privai.. Party vas heli et i. iitanwcisisi lait Weolnesday evening. TheeIL N. A. gave au oyster supper tu memniiensut Ibeir lfst regulas Session. Mia Mamie Brave bas returnesi fros lbe borapital andi ia rapily cAinas strengtb. Miss Agfnes WcNainarra, of! tmua, @Pont a feu Usys vAlu bersanal Mua. Hsehby. 11i04Mead Hibea bas returuei from Dirsan, viere asle attended sebool fig à feu monts,à. Hlerbert bses andi MissaBtter, f Dixon,fIlI., apetit a feu day. tu Ibis ne.igliborbood, rotnrnins unsiay. Tbassksgiviaig nigbl the Tribe of1lieu Hur viii gAve a grand bail, luûerbaIL. Iiunuailna orsbistra viii play. Coma ovtirjane aud bave a goosi lime. -PEOPL-ES' COLUMNI- Alla ca., ti.hanimuet .Iw.ys b. paeigO ados. .R.,.as ..Iller. lin" Pr, *«. h7 vilrdo aastitatiag sas. FOR.1HLEo TILAt) tel. roll r i iust.r ,-11stroM l lows.r 115£00 ',siiUlon *iM. J. YoVao LlbsrtYviLs,. -tp F 01 ilET-7r.sim blise 'And fara. <sn F r oadi. mil.' w-,f 'iLIs'rir- 7-9-p. IiHNJ. Il. SMILLER, Attorney. Adjudication Notice. flIin Nsstios -sN hsrehY <iran tisIt the Suh-s Ih",r loxeesstrIx ni4Lihe la" tWii andi Tsu.ssn,,tl siMiresTrsdslh.-i 'laacsi iii au-sl lii.theCotnti cosîrt of Lake.. (ouRru. a% at Vran thusçsf ta s ., isido u t thse (Jourt Hall- lu Wukogrrs.In saisi onnti. ou thq lirai Mousiayr s ssisuty srt. loe uben and vIser, ail iWrAOILSs i.Vlnsi elslIMs JaeinSi -111' -Aalire 11,41ssssli Iandsirs'quesiid al0 Pr'-snt ths, asai.ta @aIsi Court for asusiia- tinol. ihEliillA 'rssizL. ExecutrIx. WasiksgsU. UnOeIs o aO 4 boxes. Evenybody corne or Iagos REAL TAS-ANFR. tinte la ftasnred andi a goosi auctioneen LIs C n ib ' Ca. LakeCouityTitA Trust n L bas kindly oferesi bis services. - Absîraet4ofa!Tille. Tities Cuarantessi MaisoulcTesmple 1lidg. Wankegan, 111iv One Minute couah Cure LOtIra J. (i05ttÇUa cJI li e only barrmioe nsagi Ouro tisat!i lssrs s(Jtiannal lIalit, oed t1u Wm G1 J gives qaicî reliet. Counes ougbs, W dJ'1 d d swfa- col,,croup, braociltis, vioespiug 1 h;nes < JPEsb 4si lot ri <i coubi, pnieurnana, asthbrns.lagnîppe 'sv'i'all- I, l, ins,-- lvJ.... 176 -s. asid ail thbroat, ehebl and1 iug troubles. M'ary J Yis-lsut,, Jamom alli-u fnl1 I gaI aoaked by tana ys Gesrtnude E. 0w if i nd udf n9ýs-I s-s-n 15 10.les Fennen, Sînucis. lad., sud colstnacts,,i irn W Il....... ......1 a gevere oolsi andi taugli. 1 îaiiesi L IH14Esb-,and wft. Mari lBrowni1 , rapidly; hast 48 bs. My tdmngglst Elissle menu s(0), 1-s(. Uso ruommendesi One MAnute fJougisOnre. lu Village. o! bh'-uyviiss W 41b... b-s 1>0(X The tiraI bottie bugil relief; neyerai <G T Lune ansi w! tu AliaL.ow ls? Ili curesi me. 1 am bock tu myold veigit ilLâff@nof Lbertuvillo v-i......... Is 5.o5 148 ibs. one minute Cougis Cure cutr. tIC Part uni w? ta Jsanl, sil Ilsi. lie pisiegur, neiheves lie 0011g, ai mss-e, il anif5 ,11ik2 lhast*s, b-al) Iiisri - drawnont nflamatio, cues coup Ian wvid...... >... ................- 2Us a ,lrav Ont nflsaiuasicnaunes ft5 L I.B Mssrsss ,,IIssuitiuA Iisstls-tt issst An tailai rseîly fosr siilîlren. F. 1fi mi îs w if s-st i-5l l-o *1-4if. LOIxELL, Libeutyvhlie. '1.-lie RX ei .W 55 oI. l Wil Mors., ans i vi,- 10 faftha A SAUGATUCK. iisrti,tl jart vS i wseu 1 aud-i .1 W. M. Strng viii bave anuhsbctioi, î"% fabins-if si soM i -43-1t) as,,. a <f.4 ui, -d , i 4-iA-ia c-. ... us.5 e0 sale Fridcy, Nov. 28. J 1»Bsllsraani f to e ertha Krssgnr ex is ta n. ', a "' , (Ift 75 W. are holsi Mr. Itook As ta blave tises(sndOniu's ellh IllsDIX %f@anc as-us-la Rose fart asimors la hiisfaîbers lWsl ....... .......... ............12., (s fars. ia n-i 44 bill tu Waaisturn Park!.s............ s N. Jcabsn an monBarny, s sstsrnnChanns.rv to Johs. Maial Cînyoials. viaitelà itaI 51brnau'o aveu It INs. 21 and asi11k ilLaite hufif sl-si 121 <a Sunsla. 851traisJ Bris era10A E 3 KtIlimeu Bras <(GOaans iFred) 1, Ku.rsIav ors«ss fsI vfsssi4-s nenles i tcDay tern bave lefI fosr parts E m ma J Pr,uir y os"sA% m'-o i. ilanact,. unkuovu. lt ec ale. do-W"il-------------1,I Attend thb. Epuarth Leagîse Let Cors. E Waiissnk ansibu. nt al tu C Jaret Essilsîs-lu49%û IL i front ou Sunday eveuiug. Mn. Sidney Vànt Wasington ëlvW i1Wesat St Wssîke Woud, of Onayalake. canuacletic a. I l.. .....................ià:, ai tePMS Jeli, to Amise tB J.-h5lutha iansi 5« meeting vtat s io ii bu ea pecii l Kirk.. len Floreé asisiWaiîs-aan vW'Il 690(In Tisanksgiving service. A number of NeiBie L amsi hum etal ai.10 C I partions vîi talre specîni parla. Av.. Waulesanu ic l...............1. Tise isad ioles. >n the Esietuitbave IN. 4 Vilft; U lîsi&iavlirnaUnioin 001 yulbeeislooketA aller. Morne day sui, Wssirn til...i............. s srs hunre viii b. a senisuanaelsent tiser., l'lit.M r-Iantiera n ostonal 5.- an4i tissuwubowil bave te sufier? A 4A v J........_...... .... ss buggy ubeel viii nesnhy sirop ont If , sailie rig iile,- ls îs-fos--n uilisIlunmorne places on Ibis.rensd. 22-4-9i Wdi...... ........ .. . .... 7,s H-.-ses b il5. iso st--r 1 -- t-iali Vs Misa Mmensas, ni Lake., lilîli i1ratsI.J, lit-sr Issîs.1Iali-I 5, 1 Orpbanage, ansi Mis. J. P'. Sherma flsllsidadPssr I l5w' 11 mpent Tisursday andsI ndamolaoitinq FANMI IIIIal i 1.0 'lin-o I )ilsr,t for tb h ss . Thoe reesusnssv 11<5 IsU 5eni .1"lk lut14 s'Woit sll - sesss uttle utiles tiser.,e and agreait ieai of I' l -sill t lpissi t t- il K.slr--o- foodsundallclties are us qoiresi 1te kpenîs 5--fi and i, <lb Il Sss,II'sosl.-ca tirmragoArsg. Mosanrs tas- Psrry ssi- w-.... ............ Jas. Ialsiian Look rtic adlous iaî hslF M 5 ar.'s-te sI olssvr, .4attiriay. -'Ii , -iiw i 5-n W 5A Csutinnd sit.i i.esN1hoinaîish If yoli aru bllloîîs asA aeskiîsg astisens, lts If;<n-I17 issOROs.s -'Sslos.oit sssl- TaIs, DeWittà Little Eanl i. s nr lss a nd huessttu o! Zionv si - 45,, .)ast befans goAnig la bosi Il i1,n&I1hissnlsty . 22 t Wvofru .,sss ion aili insi on lb. mora w, sof lotI2255k 44 originual tov Waukt-- ion are rida!f yonr sornaw- Sun q ..t...-- ..- .........-- in5 Thita 4ail; jus& enough ai siA. , irisusI id tes1,,Ada .1 Hleesati Tiiese ramossîîspils ia n0eDt guipes sist s.'lit t isci1k 2 ameIs-onIl5i i -s fi vi4 i-sic slsssi1172 t 0'247 files Iti1 mass tise tiaw.s i ~gen 5 Ylîsls-es- laY- -'C hWgs 155- - - -- s eciinasIsg thei Hiivesr. T11.1rroulsei sf-tT J Iloinssi tc AIs, J Hsssesain-Oi Irt1 give. strerigits tic hgliisii. [suns-t, I. Mhil 15 l'lit? siI**lilih lng e returî eof tihe disrler . Il soesJi Is,17Sa Iltits2issr-lssll. LoVELL. lllmoi)ii. ,.s lahwIs v msio .st i ot-. Ilsndi h1k di HlisihansItPunrk w 25 Il Irnia1,1k 3ai silui! -se. . ..- ......sot u GURNEE. C E Sanhr ans vf tio CIîrslan HBs-u m t 21 bk lDr.ycr'ss sot)Wuuks-Luu Jssn Vincebnt wus homs, tl ii. btst Cf dom ..J............ ................ lit 0 01 tise veek. Frank sP,,-cior an-s v5 tfit E Wusis- H. P. HIilhb inc ,ssiith(s, sî k ltW H 4Saillisan-I w trtoC E Wa-sibrn t lise pent veelt. i-oi and:.5lns-tr o u, at (ira)is.- Isi. wIor ...... ............ ............ 722 kMt Cisarie lMcClure spent Asat sansk uthsfriensalu Chicagoý Mis. Laoia We<cb, o! CbiC-sgo, lps-IIt la-st veel wi-h f ier parents liene. Ml-ss Isabelle Potier vlattei a' Cittendeuna Fuhdiby ansi Satnrday. Miss May McClie opeul lie irai et the unek viltiug relatives ta Ciicago. Tisomas Bîsiveli viso bas been Il nome lime le gaiulug dineugi slovly. Mr@. Daixiel enlerteinesi bsn gransd. siaagilen, 111-s Book tise ist o! lie veel. George Dlziel epen at ardai u d Bundity vili frieuds lu Clieago RUSSELL. f-f_______ M iss Aupie Kelly vited ieIasu Issus AF _ _ o eer Sundsay. M»r. Ltdusoid reurnsed l b isga Tueas'v nig MAss Lucy Pesiduras Nvs-ny Ill at bs-n borne veal 0f iovis. Edigar Amep, o! Wsisorti, vas s business calier Monday. Miss Bitella Dixon, Corans, Vîsitissi lZuby NouAis last Monday. miss May Rutiesigu visites i Moudns Lake ast Suuday eveuiug. Mis Lila Pormsa epeut Suuday viti ber parente ah Wiutbrop Hiarbor. MissesEtta Pari andi Beaie Gander- on spen$ Wedneeay aI Pleasait Prairie. Tise lecture on tise Hopi Indiens, <Aven by Minis Boynion andi Carter vas uebl attendeS. UTv. BanSial'g. brother, o! St. Anu, DIL, fihi %ao charge. of the servieu a4 tse Sejdia*vua itolSu u q. 'Are Some Trade Winners. 110A iandsuîns, pcci . ....... ..... .... lOC Ir I5olarge Nulmeg iritrs, encs ý.... .... 04C Foleyje Honey asd'ian, 6o s-ie--------------------------.35e Foley'a Boney sud Tan, 25o siza.. .- .- .....»,......... 18C Foley'a Kiuney cure, $1 001 sire---------------------------..3c Foleya's aparila, SI1<00 sire -- .... .- - - -...5c Codi Lîvrn 01, $1 00 airs................. .... ..... soc loieAtts (One MinaIs (ongi Css ne Fie .ire ...... 2la 25o .. ....... . . Isc CROCKERY SALE. 200< liatoa, aillsires, encis------------------------------..04C 40< Bauid Devis, saci........ ................ ........... 07e t 15<0 Crrui PteintA, eacis..... ......... ............ ... 04C 100 BaIera, visite, eaci 4c, 6c, 8c, 10c snd................îlac 2m 51Anaarted Pistes, naci. .. ............................ 04C Geo rge B. Battershall, TI Libert THE ~INDLEPENDENT and WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. Both Papers, One Vear for $1.85. Independent - - $1.50 Separtely Inter- Ocean - - $1.00 $2.60 1 1

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