CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Nov 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COJJNTY' INDEPENDENT, Vol. Xi -No. 8. Libertyvîlle, Lake County, IIlinois0-1 Friday, November 28, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. M!y fait anid wîîîter tamplIes are in and a flner Une yoîî will ntt lfrîd.- (al and ex iitii tti ht'forêe pdatiiig yoîîr oruler. 1 iili gtîaraîtei-o satisfactionint i style', fit anîd î1rt;ity. lrii--s are riglit, too. FRED CROKER, LIBERTYVILLE'S TAILOR. Dr. j. L. TAYLOR, 'LAKECOUNTY.."LIBERIYVILLE 0f rice over rgge & Tayior's. RIL Ib E RasîdenS e.'i..lreatway. (>rpo.lte MwmPa R ALES. Libertyville - Illinois. Dlr. E.H. SMITH.ett ir,,h, . DENT IST. Office over Lake County Bank Bours: A tuol'à a.nM. ai i1te ô p. m. VIALY LIbertyville - Illinois. Dr. C. R. GALLOWAY Office over Lovell's rua Store. u01155-rcrn it. 6 v, t mtJ,: M. Libervyville -Illinois. Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, of Chloalgo. fias apened aa DENTAL OFFICE la Buter Block. ov-r BHait & DavWt& 1r, whaeb myttuadr Vguta.-IonWtc. d==sarM.sLÜ. n&-omap. M. Libertyville - Illinois. D. R. GROVER, M. D. Phyuiclan and Surgeon. Rockefeller - Illinois. -Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG,ý Physlian ar?d Surgeon. Bcideae. ovPOaite Lhmn otl BiK. üurnee - - IIfos Dr. 0. M. GROVER, Homoosthlc Physician end Surdeon lipeclai aIfatiýn 11 1rt ) lii. ,f W.oansd CrolI>C..,.s Ile tht.'.y M"5Pr,f. f J,, t Uttrft an d i "t I iî.'.îln Duh,. Rockefeller Illinois. BENJ. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. *CMANGK DstOCIht TELÉPIONC no. 26 WIIi Attend 10 B.sine$PsIn ChIcago. Libertyville -Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney and Ceunsolor at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC. OffIlosover Lake Counti' Bank. LIbertyville - Illinois. MISS FLORA COLBY PHOTOGRAPHER. STUDIO IN BULKLEY BLIt Libertyville -Illinois. DOr. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VIETERINARY SURGEON. A eIstant State Vterinartan. Liertyville - Illinois. MANUFACTURER 0F * Marbie andi Granite hlt <UMEN 18 WOIIK OP EYEIIY DJESICRIPTION. W. H. APPLEY, AuCTIONEER. 4!bertyville - Illinois. NT WANT ADS orty <of thomeuatdtiîg t., sil. Hâve su. crsr 1D. C. LORIMER, Libertyille - - Illinois, LINCOLN LUSK, A UCT ION EER. P. 0. Addrest. Rockefeller, lilgnola. Roaldence near Swan Schoolhouse. cati around or addrcs., and 1 wili guar- aflîce atiktaction. sept. 26 3mo-p cake ool Bank, WRIGHT DYMOND &. CO., Libertyville, Illinois. Issues Interel l>&ring Certig. eses P"YIVe on Dernand. Individual responslbility, $ 100,000. Carniages furnlshed on order. Lady as Iaîm if deslred. EDW. F. STUENKEL, Funeral Diroctor. Everett - -Illinois. To Jan 1lp. Hardware and Furniture A Complete and Up- to-date line al- ways on hand. PH-OTOGRAPlIER .. Work nestly and promptly doue, and f uily varrauted M. W. HUGHES, Wauconda - Ililinois. MANAGER WANTED. We desîre tu ernploy a trustwortby lady or gentleman tu manage ont huai. uns Iu this Couiy snd adjolnug terri. tory. Our bouse fi% well and favorably knows * S2.oStraight Cash Salsry and ail Expenses psld Each Week by Check direct f rom ileadquarters. Expense money ad viiiOOd; preelous expeieuce uni3ce8.esy: position pemanent. Ad- dreas Thomas J. Cooper. Manager, io4o Caxton Bdg. Chicago. 2-7-p loy Baied. 1 amn p.epared t0 baie bay for any detîlng tohkavo their bey baled. Ail oiders pbamnptly attendeclte. W. B. ÇUDWORM a iie l,.Jmn. 1. p WILL RE-OPEN POOL ROOM. 'fWO MORE Bit,". PROVEMENTS. ClîieogibGanbera» andi Lake Connty <uillie l Clamb. Ative prepaatîous are lu progresa looking tu 111e opanlug 0f11he pool room at Lorillard lthe.,nDow Bt. Paul station Deux Evdretî sudItheftiret boul baîveeu gamblersansd citîzens of Lakte t'ouuty reanl i' a svictory fur tbe latter, sud Ibete lat more tu corne. C(tpI. l.P. IuumYs, of Lake Forent, vice proident ofIthe Lake Counny Citzi us asatlou bas beeu vatoit- lug devolopmenta witb a determluatlon tu, abtiflc 1he Lonllard gambllug joit.l. ie called 10 bis &id many ptornnut and titiuenllal busliness mueo Chibcago, vhol eside aI Lake Forest, men dbjoue Patronage mosans tbotîsanda Of dollars yeariy la lte St. Pauni roldsud vitb thoen Viites ilre. tais 0uth11e oompsnY. Hlità aPlain Proposition. Eliter t1e oompsny uat refuse t10 mn apecisitrains 10 Lorillard for th1e gamblars or th1e merchaul »kluga vwonis i dtrlmluate agsnal1the Mt. Pauni roasi vberever Possible, autl]ucentt sla 1the sy 1the INoEt'ENDaNT la luformei 1the dongbty (,'Plain put IL. Wbat t11e ralîroa oticlals bati 10 say ve sud ual loaru, but boire Ia buv Capaiu itnmsey t-ipre-ascd bimsaîf alter the interview, wblcb saaisla obave been a .torrny -Tue Lakes Gounty ulllzeu'gasasocia- lion has assurances from t11e ot7tcrs of tu1e (bIcago, Miulwaukee & lit. PaunI rulîrossi ltaug hey vilii uSlrelusate Ibelr train service for te Lorillard gamblers. If te ross stands 10 Ibis assurance %biere la Do fear of the Lorillard Pool selllug sud gambllng latsllttus vrryitlg Laite counly as lbey dîi lant jear lu Iboir f uitlng Ciclaga @porta sud suciters à frea course sud compratlvely free ride 10 lesd so mauy of oui joung meu as vili as many profesaional sud business men, go a place of demorallzation sud lu many caiu inuclal tain. " TALCOTr 18 BRADY. btateS Attorney Talcoît bas ptouelsed lu prosecule energetlcally Ifltits pool roota opeus and evîdeuce la furulabesi hlm by ltse Otîzens League, viticit Ila olliloris m vILLbe. Funds viii 1e fotitoougta emtyon ileubgt las wiq lilial;vIMii Jidmea .lis!atoÏ results. Eligln Butter Market. Butter vas 27 cents oun11e Elgin Ltîatd of Trade lionday. 19 soeeri probable 1the marktlwilreucb 34) cents iiitle&, a cousiderable lucrease lun1the output occlus. Aucîlan Sole alle. Th1e INDEI'ENCîEiT prînlSalcîlon bills sas bey aboulsibc ansd ont pricos are rlgbt. We publisb vwithaul cbarge a list of property tu ha aoid, vitere buils are fnrulihed by us, sud 1the notice lu our paper renchon mare routiers than th1e buils. Nol anotber paper lu tbe coonuy circulalea as ul dely amaug farmers as»1te INEuui'x DEflT, heure noliCai 0f salasinlu&bis paper brlug fat botter reaints titan elsewbere. If Good Cigars. limoke, if Yon vlli usiot on smoking. a cigar %lit la mîlsi and pleassul la y on ansi agreeable 10 albers dito may ,uuoll Jour smoke. fIea crime agaluat yonrself sud 11105e you mirigle vi111 t., hmOke a Pour cigar. itemember tIaI The Spacial, thte Lake County 1 4vorite sud La l'amencia, th1e tbroe empedisliJ popular brandei put up by 'l be Riockefeller Cîgar Go , andi luban Pelle.,11e hast cbesp cigar oun1the niarsel are brande yen con amuke sud ouJoy smoking vîthoul belrtg offeusive t'î tbuee arouud yen. Try a Laite Cotinly Favorite :r a Spoclul. Fot sale by Lake Counny dealers. 6 4 di The Rtockefeller Cigur l'o. Wet Fassi. We vili bave a car of brevery grains un sl1ding at Wrreulon every veoi. M 2p WrItNîOTOrîABeKÀ< Wanted. We vouisi likete 1 .k, lbrougb lte columua ci jour paper, If Ibere la any peason vho hua usosi Otoane nga lacet for te cure of Indigesion, dyspepas ansd Ilver Iroubles ltaI bas mlot been curasi ansi ce &a oluean Iheir reaulîs, sncb as saur Blomsch, fermeutation of foodi, habituel costive- uDO", nervons dyspepai'4laieadaabss, despoudeul feelings, leeplesuee- lu ftat, uy trouble counecles I vit ltestomsch oriver? TitIa medicino bas beau saisi for msuy Jeara lusail clvilised ionrtries, sud vea ihte1 correspond wvllbYeuon d @endi jon une otont boots frac o! cost. if yen novertrisd Auguet Ployer, try a 25 reul bottle tireI. We haenavet kuovn Of Its falling. If 0sosmelhiug more serions la1the malter v1111 jon. The 25 cent Msecauliast lbeen luiro- sincedtbis jean. Regulsr ase 75 ceuts. lor sale by a oLAxursxupHABNAOy, (itayslake, M.I. 0. 0. OBN, wood- bury, N. J. Election of Fair Ofincars. Thte aunual meeting ofr1the Laite County Agrîcultural socloljy wl ho iteld et t1he Town Hall, Llbertyvllle, Wedneadaj. December 3, 1962, aI 2 c'cluait p. m. O. a. CnUIOHiLL, Bsec. . AiHieath Ut4 Erct ',)i Iliock. M. .ýCoiIîv Pur- clisses fleat la Pres.e,, Store bite. 'Fburaiday s deail :as emmuumatrd whereiîy . B. Cby ac'juired thet site nov occupled 11E Heatfiî n furnlure hlore aud 1the Libeagiiie ,post office,t and limmeditlely lAr.; ieath made1 kuovu bis plans vbtih have been pur- fectesi for snme lima, for t1tie erecuion of a tbree &tory aUd bameentî store 501100 t fet on the «5lý nov oecupled by Attrldgù'o roBtaLuranti andi lstely con- gructesi for by Wmn.,Warouns i, o in-1 ttcudcd teelauIes lc<erco>nb lu fite upring. Mt. Wtorio bas iiowt purcitssed a lot fu4lier north on tie tirIdley atibnlvlslaaqad %Ili ibiiL, ahE orIginally lutended. t M. Jil. olby. by aegiriug th1e licath store wbile s srmtted tram bisà prenent large qusri4rsouly by a brickx cmli, tbtougb v1o10If wo arches are te0 be cnt, Je affordedý,'.ýmple space for s mammotb stock hn'si ave by fart lte largeat store la Lake County out-1 aide of Wankegau.j Plans for li. t.HeWOproposed build- ing show a b)eautiul structure 50111m) m foe&, ef brick, titreS orie withbhase-1 ment and ornamnenWsbrica front sudsa siugle 35 foct plate gifla show wiudow,c ou elther aide of wlllh la au entrauceS la th1e store. Mr. 111111itnformé unet cilii tse 1the bsea sudtirat Ivo bloots for bis f uraitbre bu8iniee andi proposes 1e carry *U2sgufilcîeoî sudt variesi stock of &il kt dof furulture.t In th1e basement 1 bu11easwrk .hop an u 1e iliiemplor a proficieut np-j btouturer tota a"teWe 0fi1te require-1 mente of bis cUstolé long tâflu. A nobiooable fes5uf o et e plans lis th1e large show vindO*', vl ch exteudsc te entîre front, e~Linug ouly th1er enhrancea aI ellhe'aide, aud frorn vljin a ev Incitai 0!1 the esidwalk line lc the caila«. Te third fleur vijibe fi tted op us a bal], probabît for IW Maêunle urder, aithough 01Ibin la 051$ eariecture,msud viiiho1eprovlded vM >evory onuven- lance ueoessary for aqsdgefaihal. I. s. Giesen ban th1e oo%#Wwbfur1the eroc.- tion of 1the bu1d«. aterial lia. already beau oreço as s rucb VOUÉ.uaspoasbflb behodoue bis faul M. 8. <oiWs uxslrz neas mner. chant bhm alwaya been commeudable and tis latent move shows@11is appre- clation of Lîbertyvlles futuru. Ha ni,, carrieu s stock vblcb liovoices shoot $l(i,MeO. la bis new quartersa a $25,000 stock eau bu accommrodatext aud properiy enscoucod lu uew show cases sud snrzouuded vlth the latast de vices sud fuxtures which ho proposes te in- eta11 i il give lu Libertyville a store second te noue tun orthern Illinois. Oeath of a P>ioneer. Frlday th1e roaine of Washington Myricit vere brouglit 10 Lihertyvitie for Interment, front Chicago. lir. Myrick wu@ one ufth11e pioneer sellioe of Lake Connty, ltaviug outil wîitin s few jeara llved continuouiyt Iu Llberty ville township for &bout 35 yearo. 0f laIe ears lir. lyrick made bis home aI IRockefeller, aud latterly lu Chicoago. Many Jeata âgoelir. Mytick vas ltuperlntaudeut outhîe Connty Parm at Liberlyville that beîngt11e extent oft bis rameer as a public ofliciaI. lit. Myrlcka vwouderful vigor at the age of 84 years was remarkable. Hc aturdy, retained &Rai 11mental facuf tics aud sulIeresi no phyaical Ille. He vas of ton boastesi Ibat lie bad nover been sick aud attrîbules is gooG bittb lu th1e tact lie neverunuesi liquor ut tobacco lu any tormu Weduesday of iset week lir. liyrick vas walcblug a gang ut mca puvlng s streel rieur bis dsnghtor's, lira. Nelson <Jrdo's borne, dicee ollved. Allerj a limelbe veut luouo1the bouse aud tludiug lits. Gordon ld gono 10 a uelgbbors, laid dovu ou a couat, as vau bis vont, tulairae a uap. He feil asleep sud sppareutly dled viitout a slruggle. W1eu lra. Gordon rogurnesi iii. found i hm lyiug la a nathral position aud nt lirsI thoughl 11e vas sleeping. In one baud vas a cracitet parlly«taln,w vbl evidently laken frorn the table au lie pasean d wuvat aing vban 1be vent te sleep. Dacessesi vas a fine olsimant, nprighl and boneat, who by long association bld won mauy statriob frieusis lu Lakte Counuy, citera 1he as bail kuown sud bis alalwart virînes th1e more appre- clated. Survlvlng are byve childrsn: lits. John (Ileason, of Libertyville; lirs. Nelson Gordon, of Chicago; Bts. Lyman Pargo, of West Duuthi, liln.; Gitarles, o! DeéMiles, Iowa; Herbert, of Colorado andi Arth ut, 0f Port Town- sensi, Wahngton. SeIl 130 Creomerles. At lMadison. Wls.., onday, one HIE WAS DEI'ERMINED TO DI1E. Si,, u1p.sed tu iîc C. tewarîz ilelllerateiy J urupI i(t Track ln Front of Trainl. 1ueduy a Chicago A Notliberu train ttnck sud lnsluutly kîllesi a man ut the eontY lUne crosmiug, a short dis- tle sout u01 illghlund Park. Prom papera tannd lu pueketm o!r1the maris Colet il lae bellevued bis nane vas C'. uiertîz, but bis placeu01roisdec ccalsi meil ho determiesi. Coroner Taylor boetd an toquent lrueeduay uflernoon, t11e evidence sitov- lug Ibat Swartz deliberatefy commilîrdi ,,ulvil te y jumping lu frunt af 1the englue. ILwaa sbortly lafter noon viten ougin'eer W. J. Kelly notcesi a amanou the ttuek somDe distance aboteansd vas surpribesi lu sec bine iay dowu andi carefnlly place bis Dock OnUlte rail lu aà po8iliuso bis beasi vonîsi 1e severesi by lte fastlapproeocinlg englue, wlth bis face tuward, 1the engîneer. Kelly 1ev 1the vbiatle lonidly tandsil lte man dia nol mive. [hieu of a sesiden, Jusl auKelly va« abouit 10 reverse lte englue livartz tod op, Iis nerve sppareutty failng lc, and i rîartedtu lawik toward 1the fence alunig right-Of-vsy. Agaîn 11e ebangesi bis allitd andi rusbirig bacit Suta e 11eacit jnrpcd squarely lu ftoîîl of tue englue. In t nîbr instant lie was tiurled wtb terrtbu farce frum 111e trackt, a maugied sud bleedlug truins 0f ite.b, htsviUg beaî u sLihly killoli by tu1e awfunI siocit. TitIrain vas sloppad aud lrualnmen pickoetiUp lte baiy, takiig It toi Uîètilaud Park. A verdict ltat Scartz came tb bis deatb ",by suicide by Jumnping lu front 0f euglue Nu. 917 on C. & N. W. rail. I!umored Lake Connty Gela Naval School. A Kenota papor liouday publiabites t1W flloving, lu relaiîon tu lite Im- mense Naval Traiig Station 10 10 locales by lte goverumneul au one 0f 111e greal bases. -'A vel kuovu ranildeul of Keuosba, who lu targoly inlerailes inluthe Norlt Sihore propersy staled losl uight &bas th1e commibsIon recently appoiled ta eseemie ae fur Sot 1e Naval Pzeia bubools au lte laite batideclded tu localte 1te scitOol as 1the aile offeted hy lite people a% North Chicago. Wbile th1e gentleumau vasuwllllug t10 how 111e ube Of bis sne luconuectloui 5.1h 1the reportlibetletd a reproeneuative uf the News that 111s Information ssab fru Washingtorn ansi fromn a source lhiatatlorded 11111e chance for an error. '-0f course ther rport utf1t1e com- mission vîli nol settie 111e question of lte Purchase uf lte ite, ansiti s possible Ibut tIbIs report vîli ual De ucceptei sud Ibal 111e commission msy bu orderedti 10maire anoîber ei- arnilofusutaies ulleresi, before auy chute le made. "If Il fii truc thal Çorttb Chicago bas been selectei as a elle for t11e achool, th1e people of Lake Counly are 10 ha conigraîniateti on lte rare gousi fortune accordesi lu temraty Iblr 1 ncle Circuit Court Cou ve-nes Monda y. Nit Monday Circuit Court convenes for 111e Decemîser terni. No very important canes are, on 1the ,ocket. Tberetare 113 CCbaucery, n9m Common Lav ansi 23 l'eopleî, cases. Amung th1e nuîmber are l'à agaînat John Alei Itowie brought l wtb a vîew lu collect- lng buis. r te, -lUioar Rade,. Couriîy Treasurer L. C. Price bas muvas i bs tamily from Wauconda 10 th1e Dov hume 1ho lateiy boughl of Everet iC<arhart aI 210 Second eshoot, Wankegau. A nunmer of members of11tJh hcago Automobile (Club made s min la Wankegau Bturday, AldermnuHonore Palmer belug one of the parly. Mayor Fluer acceptesi an Invitatiou 10 dîne vllb 1the automobiliaseaI 1the Waaitbunu Holel. The couincil adoplesi the girder rail for 1the Wauiegau Fox Lakte & Weteru rallroad Baturdry niglil. F. J. Baker 0f the rondi stalai Iliallite contrant la praclicslly loI foirlte grsdirig aud lie iaying; 1the flompaul vilI do ls ovu averbead vont. A number of cargoea of hard octal art)l o cruehes hors by laits aI once. liestdes the Waller Vaîl nov comlug bere, tvo more busevers Bouday cbarteresi aI Buffalo te briug cool, th1e Farweil sud Bliîauuîc. Th1e raIe la 1 baveaà ood a& sorntut-il reilable makes, and a.u5<11. lui as 10, as 1 cou. sIstetity cu..' ibertvilie it le Difuols <nn ace I.Io LiJ K.W.LP.ovaacowf 2oth Century Cash StorFe, E. W. PARMCUJRSTI Pro>~ . e a-*%el *. l e e D)ow for Ebr1sÎunas,* Our display -of -Xmas naveltie s l now redy 1Wt youw inspection. 11Its the largest exhibitlever attem$W ed bt about -and we bopelas many -as possible wilI cal and sme ft eome Early Dlis !±ear*%* Times ar good4 money as plenty andi the crowds will be large at the last marnent so for a chance to choose, cma and conviace, corne tarty. Coqs and Xmas folgeU*s*'* Our big baseinent alesroom la turneti inta a veritable Christmas' lairyAand. 'Aimait e'erything aid Santa Cimi ever thought ofi the', une oaf lunny andi uselul toyus. Bring the children l ta set the show, Cbings Ustful and Prafical%*% Our regular stock of Notions, Crockery, Glasswart, Groceis and General Marchanisehabu en cheed up vith mi and catchytthings to give you more range fot cha"e Md atideti haliylsuggtsions. G~,RLYON&,?C% 29r LiWPR Telephone No. 109, nike .E FU ICOATS A ASR A littie early, but as they're just in the assortment to select from Io large. Now's the time to buy. Robes,..ý Ooat Skin Imitation Buffalo Coats. Goat Skie WoMbat Dog Skie Çome in and sesthom. Lieryile C. H. KAISER,- Ilni Lîbertyvllecul- viiiiiol ~, or $Oft emlo« Lod 1

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